• Published 28th Mar 2022
  • 576 Views, 23 Comments

Equestrian Rim - Visharo

Two tectonic plates created a breach flooding Equestria with Kaiju. Creatures of all nations got together and created monsters of their own; Jaegers.

  • ...

Secret Deals

Applejack stared mournfully at Dodge City as the last house disappeared over the horizon. "Alright, y'all owe me an explanation. Ah get that yer research is important and all, but ah'm gonna need some details."

In front of the cowpony, sat two scientists, Newt, and Lineage. After announcing where the two could get a Kaiju brain, Applejack was tackled to the ground and bombarded by questions upon questions. She tried to answer as best she could, but soon the duo dragged Applejack to the train station and boarded the soonest as fast as possible.

"You're right, of course. Explanation, yes." Lineage talked erratically, his gray head bobbing occasionally. "Yes, alright, so Newt here has figured out to drift with a Kaiju, and he did so!"

"Yes, yes, that is something that I have done." Newt perked up excitedly; his putrid green mane bounced upwards. "I figured out that the Kaiju are like a hive mind, like the Changelings. Basically they are all drones, controlled by their makers: The Precursors."

"From what Newt has told me, the Precursors is this ultimate race that wipe out worlds!" Lineage's red eyes gleamed with borderline insanity and yet, Applejack believed everything. There were perks to being the Element of Honesty, after all.

"We must stop the Precursors before they destroy more of Equestria!" Newt spread his dirty white hooves in an explosion motion.

"However, the Princesses and the Marshalls both have shut down our research. We were so close to cracking how to beat them!"

"So, what y'all are sayin' is that there is a queen that's controllin' them monsters?" Applejack leaned in, looking both of them in the eyes. "Don't y'all worry none, ah've got a cousin in Las Pegasus that's got everything Kaiju related. Don't mean ah enjoy his line of work, it can be handy at times like these."


The trio arrived in Las Pegasus with no problem. The problem was getting to Applejack's cousin. When Lineage and Newt heard about this, they immediately rambled about haste, and the future of the world lies in the balance. Applejack could only sigh and lead the two scientists through the many streets and alleyways of Las Pegasus.

The orange mare would trot back and forth, checking every corner, and occasionally asking random buff ponies if they 'have any bushels.' The two could only watch with impatience as this went on, utterly baffled at this display. After what seemed to be the 20th time of checking a drainpipe, did Newt ask what she was doing.

"Ah'm looking for an apple, consarnit. Ah didn't expect there to be barely any!" Applejack huffed angrily, kicking over a street sign, much to the owner's annoyance. Lineage and Newt couldn't do anything but watch the shouting match that started between the two.

"Should we do anything?" Newt asked, taking a weary step back from the arguing mares.

"I think we should let the two hash it out." Lineage looked at the sign, "besides, we found what we were looking for."

"Applejack! We found the apple!" Newt called out, pointing at the little apple graffiti on the sign. Underneath was an arrow. Applejack huffed at the shop owner before trotting away. "Wait, hey! How do you know where to go!? You knocked over the sign!"

"Ah've got no need for them signs. That gosh darned mare told me everythin' ah need to know." The two scientists looked at each other and shrugged before following the farmer. The trio weaved through the city, taking the occasional twists and turns. The buildings were crumbling and dirty, creatures of all sorts looked weary as they did their everyday tasks, and the sky was filled with pollution from Jaeger factories.

As they rounded a corner, the trio's jaws dropped. Before them lay a giant Kaiju ribcage, the pointy bits sticking upwards like a cradle. Scaffolding and cement was built around the humongous bones, holding them up high. The spine snaked along the ground, creating natural walls. Far off in the distance, a Kaiju skull was sitting in the town's center. Religious symbols were placed all over the bone, and a temple was even built inside. After regaining her senses, Applejack took off once again, leaving the two stallions scrambling after her. Soon she came upon a tea shop with a sign that depicted an apple.

"Alright, y'all follow me and don't say a thing. Ah know mah cousin and it's best that ah talk to him." She waited for the scientists to nod, then Applejack pushed open the doors. It took a single glare at the griffon running the counter, to open the secret entrance.

"Applejack! What brings you here?" A yellow stallion with an orange mane trotted up. A smile adorned his muzzle, but Applejack knew what a real smile looked like. His flank depicted an orange looking soup.

"Howdy Apple Chowder. Ah need some help." The farmer even lowered her stetson and held it over her chest.

"Of course, whatever you need." Chowder took the trio around the secret lab. Griffons were using their claws to slice up Kaiju meat. Unicorns were carefully levitating critters around. Yaks and Earth Ponies were grinding bones into dust. Pegasi were using clouds to keep several things Applejack was sure she didn't want to know, cool. The more the farmer looked, the more disgusted she became, but this wasn't the time for these sort of things. She had a job to do.

"Ah need a Kaiju brain."

Chowder started laughing, doubled down even. Applejack's gaze just bored into him till he stopped laughing. "Oh, you're serious. May I ask why you need a Kaiju brain. Oi, get away from that!" Applejack whirled around to see Newt gushing over a pod filled with a green liquid and inside floated a weird fleshy thing. He immediately snapped to attention when Chowder outed him. Lineage went over and started to scold him. Applejack just shook her head. "And who are those two?"

"Kaiju scientists. S'pposed to help us win the war 'gainst the Kaiju."

"They aren't very good at it, I'm guessing?"

"Ya guessed right. Those two are quite the hooffull. But ah'm not here for that, ah need that Kaiju brain."

"That's a no go. Their skulls are too thick to harvest the brain in time. By the time we've broken through, the brain is just a useless rotting mush." Chowder chewed his lip, his gray eyes peering at his cousin closely.

"Ah know that! Don't ya think I don't know that?" Applejack snorted. "Ah need the secondary brain."

"That's doable, but I must ask again. Why do you need it?"

"That's none of..." Applejack began.

"We need it to drift!" Newt jumped up from behind. The farmer tried to throw him a withering glare, but the scientist was too wrapped in his excitement. Lineage caught Applejack's look and could only shrug.

"Drift." Chowder paused, his eyes widened with realization. "Are you telling me that you actually drifted with a Kaiju. Are you insane!?"

"Yes, he is quite insane, but have no worries, for I shall be there with him!" Lineage trotted up as well with a self-satisfied smile.

"I'm not exactly sure how an extra scientist is any better. Anyway, doesn't matter, I don't have a secondary brain." Chowder hummed, his face looked almost apologetic. Applejack shook her head in disgust, she didn't recognize her cousin anymore. He used to be a fanatic about cooking, coming up with new recipes and the like. Now he was a black market dealer.

"Come on Newt, Lineage. This pony ain't gonna help us." Applejack turned to leave.

"'This pony?' I'm hurt, truly." Chowder's voice cracked. It might've fooled anypony else, but Applejack was the Element of Honesty. It's funny how often ponies forget, especially her kin.

"Ah'm sorry Chowder, under normal circumstance, ah would've stayed. Helped ya even. But this ain't normal circumstances. Either ya hand over the secondary brain or we leave, and since it seems that y'all ain't got nothin' of the sort, let us take our leave." Applejack tipped her hat, and ushered the baffled scientists out of the lab.

"You're making a mistake!" Chowder called after her, which she blatantly ignored.

Once outside, Newt whirled around on the farmer. "What about the secondary brain!? Where are we going to get one!"

"Don't y'all worry none, sugarcube. Ah know another way."

Author's Note:

Now, I'm assuming you all have seen Pacific Rim, and thus know the details of the Kaiju drift nonsense. If you don't...no idea how to help u.

The Bone Slums was my favourite set of the whole franchise. I am in no way, changing that to make it more original. If y'all have complaints, file em down in the comments, but I shall do nothing about it. You have been warned.

Hoped you enjoyed it! Kudos to del Toro for creating Pacific Rim and to Blu for being awesome.