• Published 5th Mar 2022
  • 2,663 Views, 33 Comments

The Summit At McWings - Lets Do This

Sunny is invited to a Royal Summit in Zephyr Heights. She's a little nervous about it. So what do her friends do? Take her to McWings, of course...

  • ...

The Summit At McWings

The pegasus messenger, dressed in the finest sky-blue livery, stared up at the lighthouse, standing on its own on the point overlooking Maretime Bay.

Then he gently shrugged. He was used to royal eccentricity. Ours not to reason why, he told himself.

Nodding to the pegasus guards posted to either side of the door, he stepped up to it, adopted a formal mien, and knocked briskly.

The door swung open, and he found himself facing a purple-coated, blue-maned unicorn. She smiled brightly, in a what-did-you-bring-me kind of way.


"Ahem. A message for Her Majesty, Princess Starscout, from --"

"Oh, you want Sunny? Hang on, I'll get her. Sunny!"

The unicorn darted away inside. In her place, another pony appeared at the door, one the messenger knew very well.

"Princess Petals?"

"Hey! What is up, Blot?" The pink pegasus grinned. "What brings you all the way out here? Why didn't you just text us?"

"Her Highness did direct me to deliver this message personally, so... "

"Oops!" Pipp put up a hoof. "Hold that thought. Sunny! Let me help with that!" She disappeared inside as well.

Next a taller, ivory-white pegasus appeared at the door. "It's Ink Blot, right?" She eyed the messenger doubtfully. "Did Mom send you out here to drag Pipp and me back home?"

"Ah... not exactly, Your Highness. You see, it's..."

"Zipp!" called a voice from inside. "Bring me that bucket, quick!"

"I'm not getting anywhere near you, Sunny!" Zipp called over her shoulder. "I've already showered and preened once this morning."

"Fine! Izzy, hold that with your magic. Right there, good!"

Hoofsteps approached the door, and a damp, bespattered orange pony with a plunger in one forehoof looked out.

"You know anything about unblocking a sink?"

"Erm... Princess Starscout?"

"Oh! Yes, that's me, I guess." Sunny smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about the mess. It's been one of those mornings."

"I quite understand. Ehem. An invitation," Ink Blot intoned. "From Her Royal Highness, Queen Haven of Zephyr Heights, to Her Most Royal Majesty, Princess Starscout of Equestria." Ink Blot presented a platter bearing a gilt-edged envelope. "To attend a royal summit, to discourse on matters of national and international accord. At your Majesty's convenience, of course."

Sunny looked at the pristine envelope on the silver platter. Then she looked from one grimy forehoof to the other.

And then she rolled her eyes. "Ugh! I keep forgetting I can do this."

She concentrated, and a shimmering ethereal horn appeared on her forehead, accompanied by a pair of translucent golden wings on her back. With her magic she picked up the envelope. Then, grimacing as if working a patience puzzle, she managed to get it open and the letter unfolded.

"Wow..." She stared at the finely-shaped copperplate hoofwriting. Then she looked up. "Would you mind waiting, just a few minutes? I need to talk this over with my friends. And there might be a message back."

"Not at all." Ink Blot bowed. "Take your time, Your Majesty."

"Thanks." Sunny smiled again, a little uneasily. Then she glanced over her shoulder. And looked horrified.

"No! Izzy, don't do that!"

The door slammed. There was a loud, wet, explosive sound inside.

Ink Blot blinked, nonplussed. He exchanged glances with the guards, who seemed unfazed by this turn of events. Then he turned and sat down on the lawn beside the flagstone path, making himself comfortable.

One of those mornings, indeed, he thought.

Well, the view from here is rather nice...


"You sure I don't need a crown for this?" Sunny jammed her journal in her blue carrying bag, then slung it round her neck. "I've never done a royal summit before. Like, ever."

"It sounds more formal than it is," Pipp replied. "Like I told you, the invitation is just Mom's way of showing respect."

"Yeah," Zipp added. "Sounds like she's finally come to terms with you being the higher-ranking Princess, sort of. So now she wants to hash out what that means on a practical level."

"More likely," Pipp corrected, "she just wants to get together and chat, royal-to-royal. Either way, Mom likes to do things properly. But I'm pretty sure it's come-as-you-are, Sunny."

"If you say so. Ready, Izzy?"

"Yep!" Izzy grinned. "Can we get thrown in the dungeon again? That was so relaxing, last time."

"Maybe. We can ask if they do a day-pass or something." Sunny grinned back. "All right, everypony -- let's go!"

They all trotted outside, and Sunny locked up. Then she turned, and found Hitch approaching up the front path, accompanied by the two pegasus guards, Zoom and Thunder.

"Hey, Sunny! You okay with that limo blocking the road down there?"

Sunny blinked. There was a long, low-slung gilt carriage parked on the dirt road, at the base of the path from the lighthouse. The morning sunlight glinted off the carriage itself, as well as the gold-accented armor of the team of pegasi harnessed in front of it.

"Where'd that come from?"

"I requested it," Pipp said. "To save us the hike there and back."

"Thanks!" Sunny nodded. "I should have thought of that. You ready, Prince Trailblazer?"

"Who? Oh yeah, right." Hitch stood just a little taller. "Ready as ever, Princess Starscout!"

"Where's the critter brigade?"

Hitch smirked. "Came up with the perfect solution for that. I've got Sprout keeping an eye on the town. And Beans and company, they're keeping an eye on Sprout."

Sunny pictured the red colt sitting nervously at his desk, with two seagulls and a shore-crab keeping a beady-eyed watch on him. And wanted to laugh. "Sounds like a plan to me," she said.

The party followed the path down the hill towards the carriage. And as they went, Hitch looked at Sunny uncertainly.

"It is okay for me to address you by name, isn't it?"

"Why wouldn't it be? This is still me you're talking to."

"I know, I know. Just making sure. And is there anything that I'll need to do? As Sheriff of the Royal Guard?"

"I don't think so." Sunny shrugged. "Just look confident and in charge, like you always do."

"Hey, no problem there." Hitch struck a pose. Then he glanced back at Zoom and Thunder. Who saluted, alertly and professionally.

"Uh... lookin' good there, troops." Then Hitch looked at Pipp. "Just so I know, how do these titles work, anyways? Is it properly Prince Sheriff Trailblazer? Or Sheriff Prince Trailblazer?"

Sunny rolled her eyes in amusement. While Hitch and the pegasus sisters debated that, she turned her attention to Izzy, who was looking a little glum.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Izzy shrugged. "It's just... all of you are Princesses and Princes and stuff. And I'm just Izzy Moonbow, same as ever. Not that it should matter. Forest unicorns don't really go in for hiararchical power structures. We just do what Alphabittle tells us to, because he's usually right. Very flat org-chart, ya know?"

"Izzy." Sunny put a hoof around her. "You're just as important as anypony here. After all, you're our official Ambassador from Bridlewood."

"Oooh!" Izzy's face lit up. "Do I need a briefcase? I can go get one!"

"Nah. Like Pipp says, it's come-as-you-are."

"Okay! Well then, this how an ambassadorial unicorn walks." Izzy sauntered ahead proudly. Sunny quickly joined in with her, and the two of them laughed together.

Waiting by the carriage was a black-capped pegasus stallion wearing a leather jacket. He gave a casual salute as the party approached. "'Lo, your Highnesses!"

"Trip!" Pipp beamed. "How's it goin', dude?"

"Eh, you know. Livin' the dream. Can't complain."

"Road Trip here," Pipp said, "he's my go-to driver for all my concerts. Nothing but the best for my friends."

"Is this everypony?" Trip smoothly opened the passenger door for them, and touched a hoof to his cap politely. "Nice to meet you, Your Majesty."

"Likewise," Sunny replied.

They all piled into the carriage, settling themselves on the plush seating inside, with Sunny in place of honor in the back.

"Wow..." Hitch said, gazing around and bouncing experimentally on his seat. "This is... comfy."

Pipp smirked. "It's even better when you get out of it. Onto a red carpet."

"Huh," Zipp grunted, "flaunt much?"

"Zipp!" Pipp frowned at her. "I haven't forgotten, this is Sunny's show. I'm just making sure she gets there in style."

"Oh, this has got style to spare," Izzy agreed. She pointed at the roof. "Look, it's even got spare windows!"

"How about a little fresh air?" Pipp pressed a button, and the skyroof slid smoothly open.

Izzy goggled. "Woahhh..."

"We settled in, gang?" Trip called down from the driver's seat. "Ready to rock 'n roll? Hey, any of you know if there's a good turnaround up ahead? Ah, never mind, I got it."

The carriage began moving -- in reverse. BEEP BEEP BEEP...

"I appreciate the lift, Pipp," said Sunny. "It would have been a long walk, by road."

"Huh. Roads?" Zipp slipped on a pair of cool shades. "With the return of magic, I don't think we'll need... roads..."

Finally having enough running room, the carriage set off forwards at a sharp clip. The team of flyers snapped out their wings. And they lifted off, arcing into the sky and taking the carriage along with them.

"Woahhh..." said Hitch, gripping the windowsill with his hooves and staring down at the open air below.

"Wowwww!" Izzy cheered. She hopped up and put her head through the open sunroof. "Yessss! This is so cool, Sunny! Uh... seriously, I think my horn's getting wind-chilled up here."

Sunny grinned, even though inside she was still feeling nervous. I hope I get this right, she thought. A lot is riding on it. And I don't know the first thing about diplomacy and royal customs.

Then Pipp nudged her, giving her a wink and an encouraging smile.

Sunny smiled back. It was definitely easier dealing with the unknown with friends along to help.


The carriage made short work of the flight up the coast, and soon they were circling slowly, at Pipp's request, above the multiple cloud-piercing peaks of Zephyr Heights itself.

Sunny stared down, fascinated by the sight of the dozens of mountain-top city districts, each crammed to overflowing with domed towers and white marble spires. There were promenades and open squares and swatches of green park space. And arched hoof-bridges running everywhere. Sunny had to keep reminding herself the tiny specks moving along them were ponies. The scale of the place was overwhelming.

At the very top of the tallest peak stood the golden-winged spire of the Royal Palace itself.

Looking at it, Sunny sighed. What am I going to say? she fretted. How do you even talk with a reigning monarch as her equal? Or even... as her superior?

To distract herself, Sunny glanced around the city again. "I hope while we're here we'll have some time to explore the city. Our last visit was... kinda rushed and fugitive."

"Well, hey," suggested Zipp, "why not do a little of that on the way?"


"Sure!" Pipp nodded. "You're a visiting royal, Sunny. It'd be only polite to accommodate you. And it's not like we're on a strict timetable here."

Before Sunny could respond, Pipp called up a request to Trip, who directed the flying team to bring the carriage around. It swept downwards, aiming toward one of the larger, higher-altitude peaks. Descending amongst the towers, it finally came to a gliding halt on a landing strip near the district's rim.

The ponies all piled out, and stood looking around, at the gold-encrusted marble towers, the massive screens displaying animated advertisements and 24/7 news breaks, and everywhere pegasi darting through the air like birds, or strolling casually along the promenades and arched hoof-bridges.

As before, just looking at the place felt expensive.

"This is Diamond Ring," Pipp said. "It's a well-known commercial and entertainment area. But like most of the districts, it's got a little bit of everything, so it's a good place to start."

The party set out, with the armored pegasus guards falling in around them to hold back curious onlookers and fans. For lack of a more definite plan, they headed around the curve of the Ring, along the spotlessly polished walkway dotted with green-awninged patio areas. Every few yards topiary hedges stood tall and bristly in planters, like sculptured sentries. To their right, an unrailinged curb edged onto a sheer drop into swirling cloudbank. To their left, there was a seemingly unending parade of glass-windowed shopfronts, a linear cornucopia of upscale goods and luxury items: watches, perfumes, gilded shoes, faux-leather carryalls...

"Wow," Sunny said. "This must be the ritzy part of town, huh?"

"Hmm?" Pipp looked surprised. "Oh, no. This is just upscale commercial. It's nowhere near as fancy as the palace."

"But... who can afford all this?" Hitch gestured to the shops.

Zipp shrugged. "Pretty much anypony, if it's what flaps your wings. Myself, I think it's kind of tacky. And some neighborhoods have more practical stores, like groceries or hardware. But it's like this pretty much everywhere."

"Really?" Sunny looked around, astonished. "That's hard to believe."

"Oh yeah!" Pipp gestured with a hoof, and they walked over to a rare railing, over which they could safely look down on some of the lower peaks of the city. "Down there," Pipp said, pointing a forehoof. "See those two districts? One of them is what we might call low-rent. Can you tell which it is?"

Sunny stared from one to the other. "Not from here. They look the same to me."

"Exactly. Same public transportation, same shopping, same options for entertainment and finding some open space to chill out. The difference is really subtle. Which is kinda the point. Underneath all the glitz, ZH is pretty egalitarian. Mom insists on it. She says it's city tradition, that leaving anypony out is just missing an opportunity. It would be like deliberately not taking proper care of one of your own hooves."

Hitch glanced around. "But... if the city is like this everywhere..."

"It can get a little monotonous," Zipp agreed. "Some ponies even say our society is too homogenous, that there's no real culture anymore. You can go to the same restaurant, the same clothing store, the same art gallery pretty much anywhere. Which is strictly true, I guess. But it also means nopony feels like they have to live anyplace particular, just to be where the action is. Nopony has to go all the way across town to find what they need. So everywhere you go, you run into ponies from all walks of life. And the city's better off for that, I think."

"But how can you afford to build everything like this?" Sunny asked, as they turned back to the row of shopfronts. "All this gold and marble, and giant screens..."

Pipp nodded. "It's because we don't spend our bits outside the city. And excessive hoarding of wealth, well, that's just viewed as really uncool. So pretty much every spare bit goes right back into the city, where it helps everypony. It may look expensive, but it's more like the end result of years of reinvestment."

"Wow," Sunny said. "That's... astonishingly reasonable."

"Tell me about it," Hitch agreed. "Sunny, you remember when there was that dust-up at the Town Meeting back home? About the cost of repaving Main Street when the uni... uh... you-know-who traps were installed?"

"How could I forget? It's the one time there was a scuffle like that, which I wasn't involved in somehow. And it's a good thing Izzy was too eager to make friends to take offense. She thought the traps were just automated hide-and-seek devices."

"Speaking of the purple tornado," Zipp said, glancing around. "Are we missing a pony, gang?"

They looked back, and finally spotted Izzy nearby, her hooves and snout pressed against a shop window. It was an art-supply store, displaying a dazzling array of crafting tools and supplies.

"Wowww..." Izzy breathed, as the others trotted over. She pointed at a set of felt-tip markers, dozens of them, in a rainbow of shades. "I don't believe it, Sunny! There are entire colors here that I've never used!"

Sunny giggled. "Now I know what to get you for Hearth's Warming."

Pipp smiled, sympathetically. "I don't think she can wait that long."

"I don't think I can wait that long," Izzy echoed, shaking her head.

Finally managing to peel Izzy loose from the window, they strolled onwards, sight-seeing as they went. Pipp pointed out a glass-domed cake-box-style building in the distance.

"See that? That's the Colosseum, where I do most of my concerts."

"And up there?" Zipp said. "That really long hoof-bridge, with the supports that just seem to drop away into the clouds? That's Rainbow Arch, one of the oldest hoof-bridges in town. It was built back before we lost the ability to fly. Which always bothered me. I mean, what do ponies who can fly need with hoof-bridges? It made me wonder whether there might be another reason for them."

"Like..." Sunny said, thinking aloud, "if ponies who couldn't fly came to visit... they'd need some way to get around!"

"Huh." Zipp looked miffed. "You got there a lot faster than I did."

"What's that building over there?" Hitch asked, pointing. "With the huge doors and the griffon statues? Is that a fortress?"

"Nope. That's the City Library's main branch," said Pipp. "It's reputed to have over a million books, and... Sunny?"

Izzy smiled. "Nice to know I'm not the only pony with a fixation."

Sunny had trotted up the steps to peer in through the huge gilded doors. She took a deep sniff. "Yep," she said, as the others joined her. "It smells like a library in there."

"You want us to come back later," Zipp asked teasingly, "and find you?"

"No. Because you never would." Regretfully, Sunny turned back to the street, shaking her head. "Know a community by its library," she observed. "At least, that's what Dad used to say."

They continued on, climbing steps in one of the towers, then turning left onto the main span of Rainbow Arch itself. As they trotted along it, Sunny happened to look left, over the curb-like edge.

"Hey, look down there. Is that McWings?"

She pointed at a building tucked in among the towers, with a red billboard displaying an animated logo, a set of twirling golden wings.

"It's their main store, yeah," Zipp said. "Kind of the flagship of the whole chain." She smirked. "Why, Sunny? You hungry?"

"Well, it is getting close to lunchtime. And I've heard you guys talking about the place, so..."

Zipp and Pipp exchanged a glance. "You know we're not supposed to be eating at McWings," Pipp warned, though her tone wasn't exactly reproving.

"Eeeyeah. You're probably right..." Zipp replied, as if establishing plausible deniability.

Sunny looked from the one of them to the other. "Hey, you could always say I was curious. Trying to learn more about pegasus culture and commerce. Or something like that..."

Pipp's eyes suddenly lit up. "You know, that's a great idea!"

"Really?" Hitch asked, puzzled.

"Absolutely! It's perfect."

"Well, okay then," said Zipp. "Let's take Her Majesty to Mickey W's..."


Sunny was surprised when they walked in through the restaurant's main entrance, though not too surprised. She was getting used to Zephyr Height's tendency to wrap everything in an extra layer of gold-plated luxury and comfort.

It started with the oak-panelled front vestibule and its gilt-edged podium, from which the harlequin-suited maître de managed bookings and welcomed guests. Sighting Sunny's group, the burgundy-maned pegasus gestured grandly with forehooves and wings, as if welcoming long-lost family.

"Ah, Princess Zephyrina! So wonderful to have you with us again! Will it be the usual to-go order?"

Sunny glanced at Zipp, saw her wincing and minutely shaking her head NO.

The maître de was no slouch, and smoothly shifted gears.

"And Princess Pipsissewa! A delight to have such a talented performer with us today. And you seem to have quite the entourage! Will you be requiring a private dining room?"

"Ahem. Étalon Pierrot," Pipp replied in an arch tone, "may I present Her Majesty, Princess Starscout of Equestria." Then she shifted back to her normal, ebulliently cheerful voice. "Sunny's visiting with us today, seeing the sights. And she wanted to check this place out, so..."

The maître de was already bowing low to Sunny. "Your Majesty!" He came up all smiles. "We've heard so much about you! The pony who brought back magic! And who single-hoofedly returned to us the unbridled joy of wingèd flight. An honor and a privilege, if I may make so bold!"

"Is he for real?" Hitch whispered to Zipp.

"Oh yeah." She nodded. "He gets paid to do this."

Sunny noticed that Izzy was curtseying to her as well. The unicorn looked up, then grinned and shrugged sheepishly. "What? Even though I know you, he makes you sound like somepony real important."

Rolling her eyes, Sunny smiled back at the maitre de. "Uh, thanks. I don't know if we can stay too long, but..."

"Might I suggest then, something from our Grab-and-Go?" Pierrot gestured to a roomful of shelving and glass-fronted cases. "All our favorite items in fully-recyclable, ready-to-travel packaging. Or perhaps you'd care to place an order and have it brought to you? Whilst you wait in the comfort of our conversation lounge?" He indicated a room filled with plush seating and fine artwork.


Pipp suddenly threw a hoof around her shoulders. "Sunny here wants the whole experience. But nothing fancy! That's not how she rolls. She wants to know what it's like for the pony in the street. So we'll just do an eat-in in the dining room, I think."

"Of course, Your Highness!" Pierrot replied. "And we here at McWings shall do our utmost to serve such distinguished guests."

Pipp looked at Sunny. "If that suits you... Your Majesty?"

"Umm..." Sunny shrugged willingly. "I'm in your hooves, Pipp!"

"Okay then," said Zipp. "Pipp, you take them through and show them the ropes. And I'll go score us a table." With a couple of the pegasus guard as escort, Zipp headed off through the archway into the front dining area.

Meanwhile Pipp led Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch onward, through a vaulted tile hall that was colorfully lit and lined with finely-rendered paintings, like a gallery.

"Now," Pipp said, "there's lots of ways to place an order. Most ponies just order ahead on their phones." She held up hers, which had already switched to the McWings app, the golden wings spinning enticingly on the bright red background. "But, if you happen to walk in off the street and you don't know what you'd like, you can always order off the menus here."

Turning to what looked like a tall painting of a bucolic landscape, Pipp swiped a hoof, bringing up a scrolling display of dishes.

"What strikes your fancy?" Pipp asked. "You've got plenty of the usual options, like grain-and-grass sampler plates and oat-fusion dishes. And floral salads, if you're feeling like eating healthy. Even some seafood options, like fish and shellfish." She wrinkled her snout. "But I wouldn't recommend those to start with. Sushi is an acquired taste. And," she added proudly, "you have not had the full experience until you've tried the specialty of the house."

"Which is...?" Hitch asked cautiously.

"The Ohmigosh-It's-Deep-Fried Bucket-o'-Hay!" Pipp purred seductively. "Trust me, Sunny. It is the champion of fast-food delights."

Sunny smiled. "How can I pass up a sales pitch like that?"

"Oooh!" Izzy pointed further down the screen. "I want a Smile Meal!"

"Izzy," Pipp scolded. "You know that's for little foals, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I still want one," the unicorn insisted. "A meal that makes you want to smile? What's not to like, huh?"

Pipp exchanged a look with Sunny. "Better not let her out of your sight while she's shopping on E-Zon, huh?"

Sunny smiled back. Then she peered at the drinks section of the menu.

"Do they do smoothies here?"


With their order numbers and drinks in hoof, the group headed out into the front dining area. And Sunny stared around in awe at the airy, sun-dappled space, with its linen-clothed tables, trickling central fountain, and gilt chandeliers. Through the tall front windows, there was a panoramic view of the city outside. And all around her, at dining tables and the sit-down counters by the windows, pegasus ponies were eating their lunch, checking their phones, and chatting pleasantly, as if it was all perfectly normal.

Sunny felt distinctly out of place. She'd never eaten anywhere this fancy before.

She noticed the pegasus diners were starting to look up in astonishment, staring and pointing and whispering to each other. At first Sunny assumed they were looking at Pipp, trotting alongside her. Then she realized Pipp was merely an added attraction.

Me, Sunny thought. They're all staring at me.

To cover her nervousness, Sunny pointed at the upper level. "What's that up there?"

Along the front wall of the restaurant, microphone-wearing servers were leaning out through windows holding bundles on long sticks, to be snatched up by pegasi on the wing.

"That? That's the Fly-Thru," Pipp said.

"Yeah, I heard they put that in," Zipp added, as she came over to join them. "But that's only if you're really in a rush. And they're still working out the kinks. You gotta be pretty good to snag your order on the first pass." She smirked, as if it would be no big deal to her. "I found us a nice spot, by the way. On the mezzanine, where there's a quiet corner." She indicated a table on the upper level, which one of the guards was holding for them.

Sunny looked uncertain. Reading her expression, Pipp shook her head.

"No... I think Sunny would like to hang out down here, where everypony else is, am I right?"

"Yeah," Sunny reluctantly agreed. "I probably should. If I'm gonna be a Princess, I need to learn to mingle more."

Shrugging indifferently, Zipp turned and led them over to her backup choice. It was a family-sized table set near the front windows, which had a plush booth seat on one side, backed by a floral display planter. Sunny ended up seated there, bracketed by Pipp and Izzy, with the others seated on chairs around the table, and Zoom and Thunder patrolling the perimeter alertly.

Sunny glanced around the dining room, at the eagerly staring pegasi. She nervously attempted a friendly smile, hoping it didn't look too forced. Then her attention was drawn to the table's centerpiece, which she'd thought was a small mirror sitting on a gilt rotatable platform. It had chimed, and lit up with the McWings red background and spinning logo.

"What's this?"

"Oh, that's for if you forgot something," Pipp said. "And you don't feel like dragging out your phone to order it." Pipp demonstrated, waving a hoof at the screen to bring up a smaller-scale version of the menu.

"Yeah, Mickey W's doesn't miss a trick," Zipp sneered. "Giving you every opportunity to spend your bits with them."

"Zipp!" Pipp scolded. "It's just good business strategy. Remember what Mom said: you don't make your fortune by keeping ponies out, or making things hard. You invite them in, make them feel welcome, and make bank on them being there. It earns you good will, and solid word-of-mouth."

Zipp looked sour, shaking her head.

"If you're not paying for a product, you are the product," she grumbled. "Ever wonder why there are so many ads all over the place? The ads pay for things, Pipp. And something's gotta be done about them."

"Oh, really? Like what?"

"Well, I don't know. I just don't want to inherit the Golden Throne someday, and find out there's a binding contract for it to play the McWings theme tune every time I sit down." She thumped the table with her hoof. "If we don't set some hard boundaries, Pipp, the ads will just take over!"

"Uhh... excuse me, Your Highnesses? Who gets the special?"

Zipp subsided disgruntledly, as a tuxedoed server nervously approached, carrying a large tray. He gracefully dealt out their individual orders. Hitch got his hay-burger, Izzy got a colorful winged box containing her Smile Meal, Zipp had the oat stir-fry, and Pipp had a buckwheat-and-daisy salad.

And Sunny found herself staring at a cauldron-sized striped paper bucket stuffed with what looked like an entire bale of hay. It was thoroughly deep-fried, and drizzled with butter and powdered brown sugar.

"Great galloping grasshoppers," she whispered. "This is a ton of food! How many ponies do they think I am?"

"It's supersized, because it's meant to be shared." Pipp gave her a wink. "Hint, hint!"

Sunny grinned, and willingly gestured to her friends. "Help yourselves, everypony!" She reached for a bundle of stalks herself, and took a cautious bite. It was a little hot yet, having just come out of whatever vat of grease they cooked it in. But it was also indescribably delicious.

This might just be empty calories, Sunny thought, but they're buttery empty calories...

Then she noticed Pipp tapping her phone with a hoof, and holding it up. "Hey, PippSqueaks!" she said. "Check it out! I'm here live, at McWings, with the Princess of Equestria herself, Sunny Starscout!"

She aimed the phone at Sunny. And Sunny gamely waved at it, trying not to think about how many ponies might be watching her right now.

"Sunny and her friends," Pipp went on, "are trying the Bucket-o'-Hay here for the very first time! I know, right? So, what do you think, Sunny?"

Sunny shrugged. "I dunno."

"Sunny!" Pipp frowned. "You're no help!"

"No, seriously," Sunny said. "I have never had this before, so I have no standard of comparison." She smiled. "But I think it's great! I wish we had a McWings back in Maretime Bay. I could get used to this."

"You heard it here, everypony!" Pipp beamed at her phone. "The Bucket-o'-Hay is officially a hit."

"Wow! My Smile Meal has a prize in it." Izzy held up a small plastic toy. "Look, I got a Sunny!"

They all stared. The toy was a miniature rendering of Sunny herself, complete with a tiny golden horn and wings.

"Woah." Zipp raised an eyebrow. "That was fast, even for McWings. They've been doing toys of Mom and Pipp and me for a while now. But it's only been what, barely a couple weeks since the return of magic?"

"I love it!" Izzy went on, admiring the toy. "Now I have my very own Sunny Starscout, to take with me wherever I go!" She grinned, and nudged Sunny. "When I'm not hangin' out with the real thing, of course!"

Sunny smiled uneasily, staring at the toy.

I used to play with toys like that, she thought. Of Princess Twilight and all her friends. And now I am a Princess, sort of. And there are toys of me for foals to play with...

"Wow..." she said quietly.

Hitch eyed her, concerned. "Are you okay with this, Sunny?"

Sunny considered it for a bit. Then she shrugged. "I guess so. It's actually a really good likeness. They even got the weird rainbow stripe in my mane right."

"'Cause if you're not okay with it, Sunny," Pipp said, "you just say the word, and we'll make it right. Mom will insist on it."

"Well! Nice to see you actually remember me, my dears."

Startled, the group all turned to look. It was Queen Haven herself. The pale-pink royal had just trotted in from the entryway, escorted by a small contingent of guards of her own.

"Of course," she went on airily, "I had to find out where my invited guest and my children had gotten to by seeing you all on the midday news."

She gestured with a hoof at a nearby screen. It was showing a news-flash aerial shot of the dining room, centered on Sunny's table, with the scrolling chyron:


Haven looked hurt. "Am I not worth even one of those, um, text things on your phone? Just so I'm in the picture? On where you two have run off to this time?"

Pipp and Zipp exchanged guilty looks. And Sunny felt even worse, on their behalf. Gently nudging Pipp out of the way, she got up from the table, then turned to face the Queen.

"It's my fault, Your Highness, totally. I said I'd like to see a bit more of your city, and the Princesses were kind enough to oblige me. I guess we just got caught up in it all. It wasn't meant as an insult, believe me."

Queen Haven looked surprised, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, my dear, you've nothing to apologize for. You are our guest, after all. And perhaps it's a wise move, conducting this summit in a more open and public venue." She glanced at Pipp and Zipp, her gaze suggesting they were not totally off the hook. "Since we seem to have traded the Royal Court for a food court..."

Then Queen Haven drew herself up formally. And bowed, deeply, in Sunny's direction.

"Your Majesty, permit me to welcome you properly to our fair city, and allow me to express my hope that our discussions will be both agreeable and beneficial to pegasi and earth-ponies alike."

Caught by surprise, Sunny quickly summoned her glowing horn and wings, causing the watching crowd to oooh and ahh. Then she returned the bow. Which prompted Haven to shake her head minutely.

"Ah, no no, my dear," she whispered. "You don't bow to me. You are the Princess of Equestria, after all."

Sunny considered it, and then smiled. "Actually, I think I do. I'm that kind of Princess."

Haven looked first astonished, then pleased, as they straightened up together, and Sunny put her horn and wings away again. Then the Queen glanced around the dining area. "Well! This place has certainly changed. When I was last here, it was all plastic tables, plastic silverware, and plastic food. But this is... mmm, quite civilized, really."

"Mom?" Pipp was looking surprised. And Zipp was staring at her too, with a do-I-know-you? look.

Queen Haven smirked. "You two don't think you're the only ponies with a yen for the fried hay bucket, now do you?"

"Then... would you care to join us, Your Highness?" Sunny asked. "There's more than enough to go round."

"I would be honored to, Your Majesty."

They quickly reshuffled seats, with Queen Haven and Sunny sharing the booth seat, and Pipp sitting on Sunny's other side, to act as royal go-between. "In fact," Queen Haven went on, "the only real reason I object to eating at this place is... well, it's a little selfish, really." At Sunny's enquiring look, she sighed. "When I was a little filly, my parents took me to McWings for my birthday. I'd heard about it, and begged them to take me. And I ordered one of those Smile Meals, in particular because they included toy versions of the royals. I was hoping for one of my mother, the then-Queen." She looked sad. "But they were all out. We asked, but they didn't have any left." She shook her head. "It's so silly, even now I think about it. But you know how that sort of thing can be so disappointing, to a filly that young."

"Your Highness?" Izzy glanced around at the others. And then she quietly pushed her Sunny toy across to the Queen. "You can have mine, if you want."

Queen Haven stared at it, clearly touched.

"Now what would I do with a thing like that? At my age?"

Izzy shrugged. "Smile about it, I guess. That's what it's for, right?"

"I already am, my dear." Queen Haven nodded, gently pushing it back. "And I thank you kindly."


With the entire restaurant looking on -- plus pretty much the entire city, by way of their phones -- Queen Haven and Princess Sunny conducted an abbreviated summit, discussing their respective roles. And it didn't escape Sunny's notice that the Queen looked a little uncertain and anxious, particularly given that the focus of attention in the restaurant seemed to be on Sunny and not her. Almost as if she feared being eclipsed by Sunny in the eyes of her subjects.

So Sunny made a point of insisting that Queen Haven was still the rightful ruler of Zephyr Heights.

"My role, if I have one," Sunny said, "is to bring Equestria back. To bring the pony tribes together again, help them get along and work together. And figure out how the return of magic affects all this." Sunny shrugged. "I have a lot of power, sure. But somehow, if I need to use that, I'd feel I was doing it all wrong. This is your city, Your Highness. And while I might need to call on you for help, it would still be your choice. What kind of help that might be, I don't really know yet. I'm still working it out myself. But we can figure it out as we go."

Queen Haven nodded in relief. "I quite understand. And you can count on my support, Your Majesty. As you say, we'll work it out together." She glanced around then, at the staring ponies in the restaurant. And then up at the screens, at the images of herself and Sunny. And she smiled.

"This really was a master-stroke on your part. It's such a common venue, for such an important discussion. But perhaps that's the point, mmm? It demonstrates a connectedness to the everyday, shows you're a pony of the people, so to speak. You go to them, rather than expecting them to come to you." She smiled. "That kind of humility speaks volumes, my dear, and it's a good sign for your reign as Princess. You have an unusual and effective approach to diplomacy. Excellently done."

"Wow. Thanks!" Sunny grinned, amazed.

Zipp eyed Pipp scornfully. "This was your idea all along, wasn't it?"

"Oh! Zipp, how can you say such a thing?" Pipp looked shocked. "All I did was help Sunny feel comfortable and welcome, and able to follow her instincts to meet ponies here."

"Righhht. And now, if we want to stop off at McWings for a snack, Mom can't say no because it might be an official diplomatic function?"

"Well..." Pipp smirked sheepishly. "I might have had that in the back of my mind."

"That and all your other devious little influencer schemes," Zipp sneered. Yet even as she said it, there was a reluctant pride in her expression.

"It makes sense to me, actually," said Sunny.

"Really?" Pipp said.

"Yeah! I'm glad we wound up coming here. I wasn't sure at first, but the more I think about it, the more I like this place. It's kind of like the food-carts we have back home, on Shore Street? Quick, convenient food, and a place where ponies can gather and run into unexpected strangers. Maybe even make some new friends." She smiled at Queen Haven. "What's not to like about that?"

"Hmm..." Haven still looked a little skeptical, but also looked like she was willing to be convinced. "Along with everything else connected with the return of magic, it will take some getting used to. Indeed," she said austerely, "if there is to be a brave new world, our generation will have the hardest time... deciding which number to order..."

She peered in bafflement at table's menu screen, shaking her head.

"Oh, they don't do numbers anymore, Mom," Pipp said quickly. "Except at the Fly-Thru. You just order what you'd like."

"Here," Sunny offered. "Let me get that for you, Your Highness." She waved a hoof, helpfully scrolling the menu to the salads.

"Oh, there's absolutely no need, Your Majesty," Haven said.

"Allow me," Sunny replied. "It's the least I can do, in return for such a kind invitation. And such a warm welcome..." she added, smiling around at the onlooking crowd, "... from everypony."

As if they'd merely been waiting for an excuse, the onlooking pegasi applauded willingly. They clapped and stamped their hooves thunderously, and also slapped the air with their wings, producing a chorus of high-pitched whistling noises.

Then, while Queen Haven stared intently at the screen trying to make up her mind, Sunny leaned towards Pipp and lowered her voice.

"You'll have to teach me how I can settle up with you later."

Pipp shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Sunny. It all goes on the royal expense account anyways. Besides, have you seen the prices here?"

"Yeah," Zipp added uncomfortably. "We might have failed to mention this is the most expensive fast-food place in town."

"Just the cost of this meal alone?" Pipp said. "It would buy that lighthouse of yours back home."

"Oh." Sunny took that in, looking steamrolled. Then she shook her head. "Clearly, I have a lot to learn about international diplomacy."

"Here." Pipp smiled, and pushed the Bucket-o'-Hay towards her. "Have some comfort food. It helps."

Sunny snagged another bundle of deep-fried goodness, then smiled as she munched it. It did help, surprisingly.

Being a Princess is gonna take some getting used to, she thought grimly.

But if it tastes this good... I don't think I mind...

The End

My Little Pony: A New Generation, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.
No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.

Comments ( 33 )

"Huh. Roads?" Zipp slipped on a pair of cool shades. "With the return of magic, I don't think we'll need... roads..."

Lol back to the future reference I love it

Dan #2 · Mar 5th, 2022 · · ·

Yet another reason to adore Zipp.
Peace with the advertising-industrial complex was never an option. I fully realized that no quarter could ever be given after the Verizon zombie cookie scandal and they flat out said that they didn't consider a Do Not Track browser flag to indicate or represent the user's wishes. Of course, a voluntary system like Do Not Track was doomed from the start to fail, and only serves as another browser fingerprinting vector today.


Pipp, you conniving little minx! :pinkiegasp: :rainbowlaugh:

"Hey, look down there. Is that McWings?"

I always get the 10 piece chicken nugget meal 😋

"It's supersized, because it's meant to be shared." Pipp gave her a wink. "Hint, hint!"

Which they never do that for a long time

"Your Highness?" Izzy glanced around at the others. And then she quietly pushed her Sunny toy across to the Queen. "You can have mine, if you want."

aww izzy you are so sweet 🥰

Well this was a very interesting story I kind of like it so Queen Haven invited Sunny Starscout to Zephyr Heights to discuss politics and diplomatic stuff so her friends are on our way but before they get to the castle Sunny wanted to check out the city which pipp offered to show her the city hopefully in the series we will get to see more of the city as well as Equestria they even got the chance to have lunch at a fast food joint a really fancy place but it's really nice to see that I'm hanging out and apparently Queen Haven also showed up as well and it looks like they talked and everything turns out pretty well and hopefully looking forward to the future I would say this was a pretty good one keep up the good work

This might just be empty calories, Sunny thought, but they're buttery empty calories...

The best kind! :raritystarry:

"Of course," she went on airily, "I had to find out where my invited guest and my children had gotten to by seeing you all on the midday news."

She gestured with a hoof at a nearby screen. It was showing a news-flash aerial shot of the dining room, centered on Sunny's table, with the scrolling chyron:


I mean, they all really should've seen that coming. :rainbowlaugh:

Liking the slight little nod to Star Trek VI: “If there is going to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.” - Chancellor Gorkon

I expect McWings would jump at a chance to do Smile Meals with replicas of Sunny's Main six figures if offered the chance.
Zephyer Heights looking more opulent that is really is kind of fits with it haveing once been Canterlot, though I can imagine it might get less homogenous as time goes on, Pony Culture will take a turn now that all 3 Tribes are sharing it again, ponies will feel empowered to make bolder statements with home decor and architecture.

Izzy smiled. "Nice to know I'm not the only pony with a fixation."

is this accidental burn from izzy a reference to her calling hitch's badge an ''unhealthy power dynamic"?

Actually, her discussion of forest unicorn power structures earlier was that. This is just Izzy being self-aware. "Yeah, I know I was just totally sucked in by a display of magic markers, but hey, it's how I roll..."



"I fought the war for your sort!"
"I bet you're sorry you won."

I like that this is a continuation of Princessy things, and Sunny is somewhat used to her new learn or at least learned to embrace the new changes.

I would want for this story to continue as well.

Izzy is such a sweetheart. And Sunny is showing her Twilight side with her fixation for books.

Sunny can still rule Equestria and do the things she was doing in the past story, but Haven can still rule Zypher heights and assist Sunny in things.

Sunny doesn't have to micromanage cities when they have their own mayors/rulers, and Sunny can be in charge of macromanaging things.

Thanks so much for reading, and for sharing your kind thoughts. I'm hoping that interest in G5 and in stories based on it continues, since it's been a blast exploring this new version of Equestria. The specials/show may shoot a hole in some or all of what I'm assuming here, but it's nice having an open canvas, so to speak, to explore potential ideas while we wait to see where the New Generation series may go. And seriously, it is a shot in the arm to hear from readers who like these stories and find them engaging enough to want to see more of them.
Thanks again!

You can go to the same restaurant, the same clothing store, the same art gallery pretty much anywhere.

I do have to wonder where ponies grow their food, or manufactuer their goods, if they all live in the same upscale housing so close together.

It started with the oak-panelled front vestibule and its gilt-edged podium, from which the harlequin-suited maître de managed bookings and welcomed guests.

I'll be honest, you have got me wondering what this outfit looks like. :trixieshiftright:


I'll be honest, you have got me wondering what this outfit looks like.

Think a Ronald McDonald costume, as sold by Neiman Marcus, for a period revels at the local Renaissance Faire. Or something like that...

(See this Wikipedia article for some examples of the kind of costume I'm referring to here.)

I can't WAIT for the embarassment of ponies when Sunny puts a 12ft. tall statue of her Dad smack in the middle of town...

"Argyle Starshine"
"He was RIGHT all this time!!"

Well, everyone else will. Gorkon won't. [/Ominous Foreshadowing]

"Well, okay then," said Zipp. "Let's take Her Majesty to Mickey W's..."

This is the best type of worldbuilding

I'm lovin' it! :raritywink:

This as a funny story and I wouldn't be surprised if McWings also started making figures of Hitch and Izzy. If they expand to Maretime they do have talk to sherrif of course about the permits. I like how Hitch decided to use the animals to keep an eye on Sprout.

Well that was a fun little story. I enjoyed it.

Is that a real screenshot? I never noticed that before neat

Wow, this is so good it makes me hungry! Great work! :twilightsmile:

The pegasi messenger...

Nodding to the pegasi guards...

The pegasus messenger. The pegasus guards. Pegasi is a plural noun, but since you're using it as an adjective and English doesn't have plural adjectives, you use the singular. When in doubt, substitute unicorns. You wouldn't say "the unicorns guards," would you? Anyway, there are several more instances of this.

What's with the Prince Hitch thing? It sounds like a joke but Izzy doesn't treat it as such, and it seems like a rare moment of seriousness from her.

Good stuff, all in all.

Sunny had trotted up the steps to peer in through the huge gilded doors. She took a deep sniff. "Yep," she said, as the others joined her. "It smells like a library in there."

is this a reference to twilight saying she smells books in point of no return

Izzy was soooo cuuuute! :raritystarry:


I wonder if Pipp has ever done a random CrAIyon prompts stream.

Then he gently shrugged. He was used to royal eccentricity. Ours not to reason why, he told himself.

This sentence caught me off guard. Is it supposed to be "ours is not to reason why?"

Waiting by the carriage was a black-capped pegasus stallion wearing a leather jacket.

In my first reading (not that I have completed a second. Yet.) I was like, "They aren't inside the carriage already?!
I was imagining somewhere the group was hanging out near the hill to the factory, and the carriage had just shown up on a street a little back. It's weird how when you miss a a description your mind can just fill in the blank like that. It's also weird how I feel like I have sense of where things are in Maretime Bay.

This was a really cool story! I love all flesh on the world. Up until Haven shows up, this feels a lot like a Rick Riordan story. It has those same little touches, character and detail. Flourishes in the imagery that add so much flavor in so little text.

I guess I don't read things with nuanced politics often, but Haven complementing Sunny on McWings, then Sunny realizing Pipp had planned it felt flawlessly executed. That made me feel slow, which is a feeling I don't get enough.

I will say that this story seems suspiciously cheery. Maybe I'm just high on pony though. Don't do drugs, kids.

Oh, also, Glit. I feel like it's used in this fic kind of like "gilded" or short-and-like for glitter? I like it.

I looked up like seven words for this fic!
Ebullient - Positive, exuding, like, joy?
Maitre d'hotel - "Master of the house." manages the "front" or "public" part of restaurants? The person who greets, takes your reservation/gives a table at fancy (*ahem*, formal) restaurants. can also be in charge of waiting staff. I like to associated it with Michel from Gilmore Girls.
Bucolic - Relating to the countryside, small town, pleasant stuff.
Chyron - "Generated text or captions superimposed onto a video or screen." Named after the software (company) that enabled it.
Mezzanine - A middle floor. Like a loft. Usually it shares the same ceiling as the the main floor.
Mien - Kind of like an attitude or demeanor. Like you might take an academic mien if you were going to meet with you professor, or a professional one before a job interview.
Org-chart - A chart showing the hierarchy in an organization.

"And Princess Pipsissewa! A delight to have such a talented performer with us today. And you seem to have quite the entourage! Will you be requiring a private dining room?"

At first I.thought you might have come up with a dumb series of barely pronouncable characters that would plausibly shorten to "Pipp". Then I looked it up to check. Kudos!

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