• Published 26th Feb 2022
  • 889 Views, 98 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony: Repairing Burnt Bridges - Captain_Cosmos

Sparkler heads back to her remote hometown of KiliHima Village. Much to her utter dismay.

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Episode 1: Call from the Past

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope you two are doing well. Can’t wait for your next visit. My family and I are doing great. Maybe even better since the last time you visited because the family has grown.

Now, I told you about Flappy’s chicks. But since my last letter, Twilight and I have adopted three more kids.

I’m including this information because I finally have a chance to warn you. My three new kids, Sprinkle Medley, Pedal Medley, and Mystic Medley (yes, they all chose to take on my last name), are actually clones of me that a psycho ex-noble created for his own evil purposes. Now, don’t worry, the clones aren’t under any sort of brainwashing or anything. But I just wanted to let you know so that you aren’t surprised when you have three extra kids calling you grandma and grandpa. I’ve included a picture of them so you can see what they look like. They chose to don new appearances so that’s why they don’t look like my clones.

Now, there’s some more to them but that’s better left for the next time I see you. For now, know that we’re all doing alright and you don’t have to worry.

I miss you and look forward to the next time we see each other. The sextuplets can’t wait to show you their magic and flying skills. And I’ll also see if my new band is available to maybe play a song or two for you.

Your Daughter,


“Wait wait wait.” Said a middle-aged mare. “Did I hear that right? Little Sparky is a mother?” She asked.

Aurora nodded as she set the letter down on the kitchen table. “Yep! You heard that right Brooke. Sparkler has kids of her own.” She explained to her friend of nearly two decades, who had come over to visit on another beautiful day in Kilihima Village.

Thundercracker chuckled as he poured himself a glass of champagne. “Sure as heck surprised us. But we certainly ain’t complaining.” He commented.

“That’s amazing!” Brooke said. “Oh Faust the mere thought of Sparkler doing so well for herself is reassuring. I was worried her years of torment would’ve permanently squashed her chances of ever finding true happiness.” She said. “I can still remember seeing her in the Library, away from the other foals.”

“You should see her now. You’d never think she suffered for so long.” Thundercracker commented. “Just her luck that she’d meet another Alicorn who’d help her see that she shouldn’t be ashamed of who she is.”

“Alicorn?” Brooke asked.

“Yeah. That’s what she is.” Aurora said. “Apparently the horn and wing combo is actually a species. Not a special condition, at least in the way that we know special conditions.” She explained.

“Well then. It’s great that she found others like her.” Brooke commented.

“Sure is.” Aurora responded.

For the moment, it was silence, until Brooke thought of something. “Hey, did that letter say Sparkler formed a band?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Thundercracker responded. “Why?”

“Her school Reunion is coming up. And the school’s talked about bringing in any musical entertainment from the class’s ranks.” Brooke explained.

Aurora and Thundercracker immediately got what Brooke was getting at. They bit their lips. “Uhm, I don’t know Brooke. We’re not sure if Sparkler’ll want to come home for that. Given her…history with her classmates.” Thundercracker explained.

“She of course has every right to say no and not come at all.” Brooke said. “But it has been a while and I know at least some of the faculty who would love to see Sparkler again and see how she’s doing.”

Aurora and Thundercracker glanced at each other. Thinking it over. After a second, Aurora turned to Brooke. “She’ll probably throw away any mail with the school’s return address after making sure it isn’t important so maybe we should send it from here.”

…Two weeks later…

2,800 miles from KiliHima Village in Saddle Arabia, in the town of Ponyville, Derpy smiled as she walked up to the door of the castle, knocking a few times. A moment later, the door opened to reveal Sparkler. “Hiya Sparkler! Got some mail for ya!” Derpy said happily as she took out some envelopes and hoofed them to Sparkler. “I also got a package.” Derpy trotted over to her cart and returned with a box.

Sparkler beamed when she saw that box. “Perfect. That must be all the receivers.” She said happily as she took the box from Derpy.

“Receivers?” Derpy asked.

“Yeah. Twilight and I are DIYing an intercom system into the castle, as well as some other tech upgrades. These should be the receivers we need to actually interface with the intercom system.” Sparkler explained.

“Huh. That’s neat.” Derpy responded. “Hope it works out.”

“Thanks Derpy. And thanks for bringing the mail.” Sparkler responded.

“No problem Sparkler. Have a good day!” Derpy cheerfully replied as she hooked herself back up to her cart and trotted off to deliver more mail.

Sparkler smiled as she closed the door and, with the mail in her magic, trotted up into the castle and proceeded to the kitchen, where she found Twilight making her coffee. “Guess what Twi, the intercom hardware is here.” Sparkler announced as she set the package on the kitchen island.

Twilight beamed when she saw the package. “Awesome! Now all we need are the cables and we’ll have everything we need to install the intercom system.” She said.

“I know you don’t like using your title, but you’d think that some ponies would get deliveries to a princess’s castle as fast as possible.” Sparkler joked as she started glancing through the envelopes.

“It’s not a problem that the cables aren’t here yet right?” Twilight asked.

“Of course Twi. It’s no problem. Just a comment I made regarding your status.” Sparkler responded as she took one look at an envelope that had KiliHima School’s address on it, opened it up, saw the word reunion on the paper, and tossed both the envelope and the paper right into the garbage without even batting an eye.

“Uh, what was that you threw into the garbage?” Twilight asked.

“An invite to my old school’s reunion. Which is just about the LAST place I ever want to be.” Sparkler responded casually while looking through the rest of the mail.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you think you shoulda at least read the whole letter first? I doubt you coulda read the whole thing that quickly.” She said.

“Twilight, the word reunion was enough for me. The mere thought of being in the same room with my old bullies is enough to make me ignore the invite entirely.” Sparkler said.

Twilight bit her lip. “Right. But surely there were SOME ponies in that school that didn’t hate you. Teachers for example. Didn’t you say that the teachers were all great?” She asked.

“Yeah. Ms. Nook the Librarian in particular. But there’s no guarantee that any of them will be there. And even if they were, my old bullies are just as likely to be there, and if nothing could stop them before, now they’re ADULTS who the teachers can’t try to control anymore. So suffice to say, it’s gonna be impossible to convince me to ever go back to—“

At that moment, both Twilight and Sparkler saw each other’s cutie marks starting to glow. Meaning one thing. “Friendship Problem alert!” Twilight exclaimed.

Sparkler put down the envelopes and she and Twilight ran out of the kitchen and proceeded to the throne room.

There, they found their nine kids playing with action figures on the table, which lit up into the Cutie Map when Sparkler and Twilight burst into the room.

All nine kids immediately withdrew their toys from the table the moment the map came up. And all marveled at it.

“Whoa!” Melody exclaimed.

“So that’s what it looks like for the map to activate.” Pedal said. All of them knew what the map was.

Sparkler and Twilight stopped just before the map. “Mom and I are being called on a friendship mission.” She announced as Sparkler started looking for where the problem was.

Sparkler very quickly found the location of the problem…and her smile vanished when she saw where their cutie marks were hovering over. “You have GOT to be kidding me.” She said.

Twilight saw the Cutie Marks and blinked, wondering if she was seeing right. The Cutie Marks were hovering over what Sparkler had once pointed out was KiliHima Village. In Saddle Arabia. “Huh. How about that.”

Sparkler let out a groan. “Please tell me this is just some sick joke by the table.” She almost pleaded.

“The MAP never lies Sparkler.” Twilight said.

Sparkler shook her head. “Nope. Nope I am not going back to that town where the odds of me encountering a bully are great.”

“Sparkler, the Map called us to solve the problem.” Twilight said.

The kids, seeing that they should leave, all proceeded out the door. Leaving Sparkler and Twilight alone.

“I know the map called us Twilight.” Sparkler said. “But THINK. I get an invite to my school reunion, and on the same day I get it, the map sends us there. I’m sorry but whatever the problem is, the map can call on somepony else if the problem needs two ponies. There is absolutely NO way in Tartarus I’m going back there to get pelted with eggs again. It’s simply not going to happen.” Sparkler persisted.

“Sparkler.” Twilight responded a little sternly. “Listen, I KNOW you went through Tartarus growing up there. And believe me when I say that under normal circumstances I wouldn’t make you go there. But the Map always has a reason to send ponies somewhere, if it calls for you, you alone are suited to solve the problem.” She explained.

“Twilight, I have a good feeling that the problem is gonna be one, or more, of my old bullies. And they would always belittle me and torment me. What in the hay makes you think they’ll EVER listen to anything I have to say?” Sparkler asked.

“Maybe they changed?” Twilight suggested.

“Changed? Twilight, they had THIRTEEN years to knock it off and they didn’t. As far as I’m concerned, they’ll never change. We’ll go down there, see somepony from my old school, and I’ll end up covered in egg yolk AGAIN. I’m sorry but the answer is NO. The map can find somepony else, somepony those idiots will actually listen to and treat how they themselves want to be treated.” Sparkler said sternly, turning and walking away. Leaving Twilight in the throne room.

Twilight let out a sigh. She saw it coming from a mile away. She rightly predicted that Sparkler would reject the map’s calling if it was gonna send her to KiliHima Village. I would REALLY like to know what made them want to bully Sparkler. She thought. Nopony should be afraid of going back to their place of birth, but because the vast majority of Sparkler’s old classmates put her down constantly, Sparkler had resolved to never go back there again, not even to visit her parents when her parents could come visit her. “Yeah we’re not gonna leave as promptly this time.” She commented.

“Hey Sparkler, did you get an invite to our old school reunion?” Asked Hanzal.

It was a day after Sparkler was called to KiliHima village to solve a friendship problem. She, Candy, and Hanzal were out for lunch at the Hayburger while Twilight and the kids were working on school.

“I did.” Sparkler responded.

“You gonna go? Hanzal and I are.” Candy asked.

“No. I’m not.” Sparkler said on the spot. “Nor am I going to answer the Cutie Map’s call this time.” She added.

Hanzal and Candy’s eyes widened. “You’re REFUSING the Cutie Map?!” Candy exclaimed. She knew how important it was.

“Yeah. I am. I am not going back to a town that has a chance of me getting pelted with eggs, and you will most certainly NOT convince me to go to a reunion that has a higher chance of both getting pelted with eggs, AND running into HIM.” Sparkler added.

“You mean Bradford?” Hanzal asked.

“No, I mean steinburg.” Sparkler said sarcastically. “Yes I mean Bradford.” She added.

Hanzal and Candy glanced at each other. It looked like Sparkler was still hurting from the First Date Disaster. “Hey, Sparkler? Have you ever stopped to think about it?” Candy asked. “The first date disaster I mean?”

“What’s there to think about?” Sparkler asked. “Bradford asked me out, lured me to a fake restaurant, and I almost DIED from the humiliation. Like, literally I nearly died.” Sparkler explained.

“Yeah. We know.” Hanzal said. “We all got the stern talking to.”

“So yeah. What’s there to think about?” Sparkler asked.

“Well. It’s just…have you ever considered that maybe Bradford himself didn’t want to prank you like that?” Candy asked.

“Seriously? Candy, he’s the one who lured me in. That’s a STRONG indication that he was in on it.” Sparkler responded.

“Yeah. He’s the one that took you there.” Hanzal said. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean that he was in on it.”

“How could he NOT have been in on it?” Sparkler asked, getting a little annoyed. “He lured me in, he knew where the restaurant was, of COURSE he was in on it.”

At that moment, Sparkler received a Horn Pulse from Twilight, Sparkler sighed. “I gotta go. Twilight wants to talk. But Bradford was in on it. There is no way he couldn’t have been.” Sparkler said. With that, she got up and left the restaurant, leaving her share of the bill on the table.

Candy and Hanzal watched her go, and Candy sighed. “Those idiots.” She commented.

“Yeah. Little does Sparkler realize that Brad was just as much a victim of that prank as she was.” Hanzal said.

Sparkler walked into the library, where she found Twilight. “Hey Twilight.“ She greeted her marefriend.

“Hey Sparkler. How was lunch?” Twilight asked.

“Fine. What is it you wanted to talk about?” Sparkler asked.

“Yesterday’s Cutie Map calling.” Twilight said.

Sparkler groaned. “Twilight, I already told you that my answer is NO. Sorry but there’s just too much baggage for me to set aside.” She said.

“Please. Just, hear me out?” Twilight asked.

Sparkler stared at her for a moment, before relenting. “Fine.” She said.

“Sparky, I understand where you’re coming from. You don’t want to go through again what you went through for 13 years.” Twilight said. “But before you flat out say no. Might I offer some incentives to go?” Twilight asked.

“Bribery with incentives? Is that your ultimate plan to get me to go?” Sparkler asked.

“Just things I want you to think about. One, this is an incredible learning opportunity for the kids. Who can learn about another culture while visiting their grandparents.” Twilight Said. “And the other thing. So you can rub it in their faces how well you’re doing.”

When that left Twilight’s mouth, Sparkler stared at her in shock. “I never took you for the gloating type.” She commented.

“Ordinarily I wouldn’t suggest gloating or bragging. But…well.” Twilight lit her horn and summoned a letter. “This came in yesterday’s mail from your parents. I think you should read it.” She said.

Sparkler took the letter from Twilight and read it.

Dear Sparkler,

First of all, thank you for warning us this time about Sprinkle, Pedal, and Mystic. They look adorable and of course we can’t wait to meet them in Pony! We’re glad to hear everything’s going well.

Now, please do not throw this letter out without reading the rest of it.

Remember Ms. Nook? The Librarian from your school? She mentioned that the reunion wanted to have live musical acts and when she heard you had a band, she thought to make you the offer. Now, we’re telling you here because we knew you’d throw out anything from the school if it wasn’t important.

You of course have the right to say no. But it would be a golden opportunity to rub it in those bullies’ faces how you’re now in a town that accepts you for you.

Just something to think about. We look forward to your reply.


Mom and Dad.

Sparkler glanced at the letter again..and after her mind raced for a moment, she sighed. “Fine. If The Harmonic Medleys are available. I’ll go.”

“Really?” Twilight asked. Not entirely believing she actually got through to Sparkler.

“Those idiots tormented me for 13 years and left me friendless until I came to Ponyville. Could be satisfying to rub it in their faces that I CAN make friends.” Sparkler reasoned. “And yes. It is a learning opportunity for the kids. But I won’t promise that I won’t skip town the moment I get egged by any of those bullies.”

Twilight beamed and wrapped her forelegs around Sparkler. “Fair enough. I’m so glad you agreed!” She said.

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out the way I’m confident it will turn out.” Sparkler responded. She was likely going to regret it, but the good outweighed the bad. Seriously though, if those idiots egg me again, that will be the last time I ever set hoof in KiliHima Village.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Woo boy, this is gonna be a rough one for Sparkler.

For the clone picture, from left to right, It's Mystic, Sprinkle, and Pedal Medley.