• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 7,012 Views, 131 Comments

My Hero Academia Meets Equestria Girls - TheShadowKnight

12 students of Class 1A transfer over to Canterlot High for three weeks; and during that time, they meet and befriend the Rainbooms.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Meeting Your Heroes

*The Next Morning*.

Izuku, Uraraka and Sunset were all sleeping peacefully in the apartment. But soon, Sunset was the first to wake up with a bad case of dry mouth. She groans and climbs down from her bed and heads down to the living room, making her way to the kitchen, still half-asleep. She makes it to the kitchen and grabs a cup and fills it up with water before chugging it down… then re-fills it for a 2nd time… and then a 3rd time before she's satisfied.

"That's better. Now I'd better get ready," Sunset said, heading off into the living room. But this time, her eyes landed on a certain boy's messy green hair and a girl with brown hair sleeping on opposite sides of her couch. Right away, her eyes bursted wide open and gasped. She instantly recognized the two as her hero idols, Uravity and Deku.

Next thing you know, she's screaming like a banshee, which jolted Uraraka awake from her relaxing sleep while Deku screamed himself before falling off the couch with a loud thud.

Midoriya winched in pain as he got himself up, rubbing his shoulder. “What was that scream?” he asked himself.

“Uh, Deku?” He heard Uraraka’s voice speak to him as he turned to look in her direction. The gravitation heroine looked at him with a calm, yet tired expression as she pointed over to Sunset, who still continued to stare at the two. “Our host woke up.” Uraraka said.

"Our… host? You mean the girl who--" Izuku then got up and turned to see Sunset… along with her biggest fangirl smile. Her mouth gaping wide open and her hands on her cheeks. "Oh, uh… hi there. Listen, uh… sorry if we scared you last night when you fainted. We sort of just… put you back in bed and just made ourselves at home. Are you okay now?" he asked.

Sunset stood like a frozen statue after she screamed, but soon after Izuku spoke to her, broke her out of her frozen state.

“Oh… My… GOD!!! YOU’RE DEKU!!!” Sunset proclaimed loudly towards Izuku before turning her attention towards Uraraka. “And you must be Uravity!!! OMG I HAVE DEKU AND URAVITY IN MY APARTMENT!!!!” She kept screaming like a giddy fangirl.

Uraraka giggled a little and turned to Izuku. "I think we have ourselves a hardcore fan, Izuku." she said.

"Yeah… s-s-so it seems. She kinda reminds me of me when I got my first autograph from All Might back when I wanted to become a hero," Izuku replied, his cheeks flushing from that memorable moment.

“I also can relate, I couldn’t contain my excitement when I met Thirteen at the USJ.” Uraraka commented.

After the two hero students shared their moments of fanboying/fangirling, the two drew their focus back on Sunset, who couldn’t shut down her uncontrollable fangirl energy.

“Anyway, we never really introduced ourselves last night, my name’s Izuku Midoriya.” the green-haired boy spoke.

“And my name’s Ochako Uraraka.” The brunette young heroine introduced herself as well.

"S-S-Sunset Shimmer… that's… that's my name," Sunset replied before rushing to hug both of her hero idols. "Yay me!"

Both Midoriya and Uraraka were both feeling flustered from the unexpected hug, but they knew it was a welcoming gesture from their host; so it didn’t bother them one bit.

“Well, it's nice to meet you, Sunset.” Midoriya spoke.

“And it's also nice for you to allow us to stay at your place, we owe you big time.” Uraraka added.

"The pleasure's all mine. I can't wait to introduce you guys to my friends. You'll see, they're all very nice," Sunset said. "Which reminds me, you might wanna change into some clean clothes before we're late for school. Izuku, you can use the bathroom while Uraraka and I change out here, is that okay?"

“O-Oh, uh sure.” Midoriya replied in a stutter.

Hearing Sunset’s last sentence, reminded him that he was bunking with two girls; which made him flustered more and also reminding himself to make sure he doesn’t do anything to make Uraraka and their host uncomfortable. The guy is just too innocent.

So he did what Sunset asked and he walked towards the bathroom, leaving Uraraka and Sunset alone together in the living room.

"Ah, Izuku. I gotta tell ya, he's always been such an innocent little cherry. He probably just realized he's bunking with two other girls." Uraraka giggled. "You know, he's one of the very few guys in our class who respects everyone as equals."

“I bet. I only watched him on the national news, seeing him all heroic and brave. But never thought deep underneath that, he’s such a nice g-” As Sunset was talking, she placed her hand on Uraraka’s shoulder and immediately her magic activated and Sunset was met with Uraraka’s thoughts and emotions; especially her hidden feelings towards Midoriya; which had the bacon-haired girl blush from the overflow of thoughts that Uraraka had of him.

When she pulled away, she looked just as surprised as Uraraka. "What is it?" Ochako asked.

"O-Oh, uh… nothing, really. Just lost in my thoughts is all," Sunset lied.

Irritated with her own magic, she now possessed hidden knowledge from a person she just met, without permission. How did it activate again? She didn’t use her geode. In her mind, she knew that Rainbow must be using her super speed constantly again; now her magic has grown too overpowered like last time. Now she has to worry about overhearing her guests’ thoughts.

"Well, if you say so," Uraraka shrugged before resuming changing into her clothes. But then… "Wait… uh, does your school have a dress code that states all students should wear high school uniforms, or no?"

"Oh, no. The school we're going to has a more reasonable dress code. As long as it's not loose tank tops or jeans that are cut above the thighs. Other than that, you're free to wear whatever you want." Sunset said.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Guess that means I can probably wear some of the outfits I brought with me for the trip." Uraraka said, rummaging through her luggage for some clothes.

Sunset gave a warm smile before she averted her eyes away from Uraraka and towards her living room window; looking out into the city and the bright sun. And soon a wandering thought came to her mind.

“I wonder how the girls are handling their new roommates?” she thought.

Meanwhile, over at Pinkie Pie's house. "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!!! I am so SO glad you got to stay the night with me, Mina!" Pinkie said, hugging her pink friend.

“ARE you kidding?!? I should be the one glad to bunk with an awesome party gal like you!” Mina responded.

"Aww, thank you! By the way, I LOVE your horns, they look so CUTE on you," Pinkie said, booping one of Mina's horns. "I wish I had horns, but oh well, I still got sweets!" She then pulled out a big, tasty cupcake from her hair and offered it to Mina. "Cupcake?"

The young pink heroine looked at the bubbly party girl with bewilderment and stars in her eyes.

“WHOA! You keep cupcakes in your hair!?” She responded with amazement.

“Not just that, but also this!” Pinkie then reached into her hair and pulled out a boombox from it and placed it on her bed.

"Whaaaaa… How do you fit something that massive in your hair?! It's just not possible!" Mina said in amazement.

“Not as impossible as these dance moves~” Pinkie proclaimed as she turned on the boombox and then she started showing off sick dance moves while listening to the beat. Mina clapped to the beat while watching her new upbeat bestie break it down.

And sooner rather than later, Mina joined in, displaying her expert breakdancing skills. Pinkie’s eyes widened and sparkled with wonder and amazement seeing her new bestie breakdancing with grace.

“Woo! Woo! Make way for the breakdancing queen!” Pinkie proclaimed, hyping up from witnessing Mina dance. “Go Mina! Go Mina! Go Mina!”

It was no surprise that they had become great besties for life.

Meanwhile over at Sweet Apple Acres, Eijiro Kirishima was really warming up to the Apple family that welcomed him in from last night. He was also treated with one of the family’s delicious pie recipes; which he stated to be: “So manly and delicious!”

The young red spiky-haired hero sat with the Apple family at the dining table, where he had finished up his 3rd slice of apple pie.

"Y'all must've been hungry after that long flight from Japan, huh?" AJ asked.

“Yeah, I learned the hard way of what happens when you forget to bring snacks on a long flight.” Kirishima replied with a sheepish tone.

“Excuse me, Kirishima. Can ah’ ask ya somethin’.” Applebloom asked the hero student, who turned to look at her.

“Yes, what is it, Applebloom?” Kirishima responded.

“Ah’ wanna know what’s yer hero name?” Applebloom asked.

"Oh, that's easy. It's Red Riot. It was an inspiration I came up with for my idol, Crimson Riot, the Chivalrous Hero." Kirishima explained.

“Sounds like ya have a big legacy to live up to, young hero.” Granny Smith commented.

“Well that just inspires me to work harder.” Kirishima replied with determination. "Especially after… the Shie Hassaikai Raid. Even in my unbreakable form, I was a total wreck."

The entire Apple family’s eyes widened when Kirishima said that as they all stared at him with bewilderment.

“Wait a darn minute, ya were part of the raid!?” Applejack asked.

“Yep. I was surprised that people here in the US heard about it.” Kirishima responded.

“Ah’ bet ya were amazing! An’ manly too!” Applebloom proclaimed.

"Thanks, Applebloom. And yeah… I was part of the raid and I wound up getting busted up real bad, but in the end, we prevailed. Although, I'd say the real MVPs were Izuku and Togata. They kept little Eri safe and beat Overhaul in the most manliest way possible, from what I heard." Kirishima admitted.

"Ah say, y'all are lucky to be alive, but Ah'm mighty proud o' the hard work ya put into keepin' yer country safe," Granny Smith said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac added.

“Oh hey, AJ. I’ve been meaning to ask, last night when I walked into your room by accident,” Kirishima still felt sheepish from that little incident last night. “I saw a picture of you with another girl with purple hair; you two looked happy in the picture. Is she a close friend of yours?” he asked out of curiosity.

Before Applejack could answer, Applebloom was the first to reply. “Oh that gal mah sister is with; her name’s Rarity. An’ she’s mah big sis’s girlfriend!” Applebloom replied.

"APPLEBLOOM!!!" AJ exclaimed, blushing apple red.

"Oh, I didn't know you two were dating. That's actually kinda sweet," Kirishima said. "What's she like, anyways?"

"Oh, y'all just have ta wait till we get to CHS. Ah’ promise that you'll like her generous personality as Ah’ do.” Applejack replied.

”Well I can’t wait!" Kirishima spoke with a hyped tone while pumping his fist.

Meanwhile, at Carousel Boutique, where coincidentally, is where Rarity's house is, the generous fashionista was down in the kitchen, having some tea with her newest guest, Momo Yaoyorozu.

"My dear Momo, it's such an honor to have such a wonderful young hero stay at my humble abode, I do hope you had a comfortable sleep last night," Rarity said before sipping her tea.

“Oh I slept comfortably, thank you for asking Rarity.” Yaoyorozu replied as she took a sip from her tea cup. “I must say your home is exquisite. I never expected that your store would also be the place you live in.” the creation hero commented.

"Why, thank you, darling. It was actually my parents' idea to set up a shop for me in my own living quarters, so I do have them to thank for that. Tell me, what's it like at UA, is it troubling to have to walk to school every day?" Rarity asked.

"At first, but thanks to the funding by our beloved principal, my classmates and I, along with many students at UA all live in dormitories. Our rooms are even designed and set up in ways that fit our lifestyle and personalities. For example, one of my classmates had a whole room full of All Might merchandise; it really showed how much of a fanboy he is.” Momo giggled from the memory of Midoriya’s room when the class had a competition on who had a better room.

"Oh my, that's simply adorable," Rarity giggled. "Do you think he might've brought some of his All Might merchandise with him for the trip?" she asked.

“If I could guess, I know he will.” Momo chuckled.

"So, if I may ask, what exactly does your quirk allow you to do? I kind of forgot and usually, one of my friends keeps track of what goes on in Japan," Rarity said.

"It allows me to create any non-living object from my body by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells. However, the bigger objects I create, the more exposed I become and the more tense my body becomes," Momo replies.

“So… when you mean “exposed”, do you mean…?” Rarity attempts to ask.

“I end up destroying my clothing and my upper body is left bare to observing eyes,” Momo answered, while feeling a bit embarrassed to tell this piece of information.

"Good heavens! It must be quite a hassle to have to fix your hero outfit constantly. Although, I must say, you are one of the most fabulous-looking heroes in your class. I also cannot wait for when I introduce you to my friends at school.” Rarity offered.

“I would be honored to meet your friends, Rarity. Which also reminds me to introduce you to my friends as well.” Momo responded.

"Oh, I absolutely cannot wait to meet them," Rarity replied, heartedly.

After a pleasant conversation, the two proceeded with their morning tea.

Over at Rainbow's house, the speed diva had just finished an awesome breakfast with her newest roommate, Kyoka Jiro. "So, what'd ya think, Kyoka? Mom and dad make the best pancakes in this house." she said, resting against her chair.

"I gotta admit. They were pretty tasty. And your parents seem pretty cool, too. They feel kinda like my own parents back home," Kyoka said with a warm smile.

"Really? Your parents are supportive of you, too? That's pretty awesome! What do your parents do for a living?" Rainbow asked.

"They have a passion for music, like I do. I love them very much because they inspired me to be a hero in my own way," Kyoka said.

"Cool. Was it hard to make up your mind between becoming a musician and a hero?" Rainbow asked, scooching over to Kyoka.

"Sort of… I told them about how I wanted to become a hero and I was worried they'd be mad. But they told me I could do whatever I want. My dad explained how they became musicians because that's what they love and how this stuff can take a while. My mom told me I had lots of options when choosing a career, but that in a way, singers and heroes are pretty much the same in a way. And so, I poured out my heart and soul and performed at the school's festival, along with my entire class." Kyoka explained.’

Rainbow gasped when Jiro mentioned the UA school festival. “Wait! You mean that awesome, jaw-dropping performance I heard and watched on the internet! That was you guys!?” She responded in bewilderment.

"Heh… yeah, that was us. Did you like it?" Kyoka asked sheepishly.

"Like it? I freaking LOVED IT!!! You guys freaking killed it at the festival! I even have the song downloaded for when I go out jogging!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow, thanks. It's nice to know we have so many adoring fans, even out here in America. You know, Rainbow Dash, you're a cool friend to have," Kyoka said.

“Yeah, I am 20% cooler if you ask me.” Rainbow boasted.

Jiro rolled her eyes and smiled. “I guess she has a big ego that can rival Bakugo’s.” she commented in her mind.

After boasting about herself, Rainbow then turned her attention back to the conversation. “Hey I saw how talented you are with a guitar, I wanna see if my guitar skills can match yours.” She said with determination before pointing her finger at Jiro. “Are you up for the challenge?” She asked with a confident tone.

"I don't see why not," Kyoka shrugged. "But are you sure we'll have enough time before school starts, Rainbow?"

“Don’t worry about it, I'll get us there in 10 seconds flat.” Rainbow proclaimed. “Besides, a little guitar practice won’t hurt anyone,” She said.

"Okay, if you say so," Kyoka said, a little uncertain. 'I'm not sure if she's just spouting out nonsense or if she actually means it. Either way, I might as well go with it.' she thought. So, both rockstars went and got out their guitars and gave them a good tune-up before shredding some amazing tunes.

Over at Fluttershy's house, the animal-loving timid girl was having breakfast with her new roommate, that being Tsuys Asui; or Tsu, as the frog-quirked girl asked to be called.

"I had no idea I'd meet someone who has all the same attributes as a frog. Oh, you must be so lucky, Tsu," Fluttershy said warmly. "So, I gotta ask, do you also eat the same things frogs eat, or do you eat the things normal people eat?"

“Hmmmm… Well both, really. But mainly, my favorite food is fruit jelly. Ribbit.” Tsu replied.

"Really? That's nice. Also, it's kinda cute how you make those ribbit sounds. I have a soft spot for animals, you know." Fluttershy replied.

“I can see that. You know, I have a classmate who’s as fond of animals as you are. His name is Koda. His quirk allows him to talk to and command animals. And I must be honest, your personality is almost similar to his. Ribbit.” Tsu responded.

"R-Really? How so?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, you're both shy, you both like animals and you sometimes keep to yourself like Koda. The only difference is he hardly ever talks," Tsu replies. "But I can tell you're a good person. So, how much do you know about me and my friends?"

“Oh, well… We heard about you over on the internet like everyone else, but the one thing that really drew our fascination of you all was news coverage of the Shie Hassaikai Raid.” Fluttershy explained.

Tsu’s wide frog eyes widened even more upon remembering the raid that she, along with three of her classmates, participated in. Just thinking about those events sent a shivering feeling throughout her body; which made her feel tense.

“Uh, Tsu? Are you okay?” She heard Fluttershy speak to her.

Ribbit?” Tsu broke out of her tense state looking back at the shy girl in front of her. "Sorry, I was just thinking about that raid. Of course lots of people know about it. It was… what I would call a hollow victory. We saved little Eri… but we lost Nighteye, All Might's former sidekick." Tsu said, looking down at her plate with a somber expression. "Even now, I still feel like we could've done better… to prevent Nighteye's demise. But, from what I was told… he died with a smile."

Fluttershy looked at her roommate with a sympathetic expression as she placed a comforting hand on Tsu’s shoulder before wrapping her in a hug. Tsu didn’t speak a word and accepted the hug from Fluttershy; bathing in the kind energy that the timid girl had.

The two sit in silence for a while until Fluttershy lets go of the frog heroine and looks at her with a kind expression.

“Feeling better?” She asked.

"Much better," Tsu replied, her voice cracking a little while she shedded a couple of tears. 'I guess I've made another true friend,' she thought to herself.

“It must be a very tense situation for you and your classmates. I’m sorry for mentioning it in front of you.” Fluttershy apologized.

"No, it's okay. I needed to get that off my chest. You're a real friend, Fluttershy." Tsu replied before relaxing a little.

Fluttershy giggled in response. “Thanks, Tsu.” she said.

Ribbit.” Tsu ribbited happily in response, which made Fluttershy giggle even more.

Finally, over at Twilight Sparkle's house, Tenya had finished his breakfast with Twilight and had gotten himself all dressed up and ready to start school. Twilight, however, was still getting her books packed up, as well as her homework.

"You know, Tenya, we usually get up around 6:30 in the morning, but an hour early in your case, aren't you just a little tired, even after that long trip here?" Twilight asked.

"Nonsense Ms. Sparkle. I actually took the liberty of sleeping halfway on the bus, so I technically got just enough hours of sleep. But thank you for your concerns," Tenya assured.

"I see. Also, you know you don't have to wear your uniform. You can just wear casual clothes like me and my friends do," Twilight pointed out.

“While that may sound like a good option however, I prefer to keep myself looking as professional as possible. After all, it's my duty as the class representative to represent Class 1A and also UA; which should also be upheld by my fellow classmates." Iida explained.

"That… certainly explains a lot. Your classmates must really look up to you, don't they?" Twilight brought up. "All I do is worry about which classes I should stay ahead of, even though my grades consist of A+, especially on my report cards," Twilight said.

“Believe me when I say that it can be hard to try and live up to such high expectations.” Iida replied.

“You mean like you are living up to your brother’s legacy?” Twilight asked in reply.

Iida stood in silence at the mention of his brother. Twilight soon realized what she just said and she immediately apologized. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bring that up!” she shouted.

“No, no, Twilight. Though you are not wrong about me wanting to honor my family’s legacy. And that's exactly what brings me back to my statement; it can be difficult living up to such high expectations.” Iida responded.

"You know… the school I go to now… it's nothing like the school I used to go to before; Crystal Prep Academy. Over there, I was still top of all my classes and even wanted to go to Everton, which has an independent study program. But then… after my former peers and the headmistress used me in order to win some stupid contest, I decided to transfer out and now I have new friends who appreciate me for who I am." Twilight said warmly.

"Wait… you studied at another school that used and abused you?!" Tenya asked, shocked. "Why, of all the nerve! How dare they commit such a heinous act against a promising student! They will most certainly be hearing from the board of education!" he ranted like an overprotective older brother.

“Oh no, it's fine. The board of education has already heard about that. They fired the former headmistress of the school and my sister-in-law is now currently the headmistress of Crystal Prep.” Twilight explained.

"Oh, well at least that matter was resolved. Anyways, I can't thank you and your family enough for allowing me to stay here for the next 3 weeks. I promise you as the school representative I shall be on my best behavior!" Tenya said with a bow.

"It's no trouble at all. After the way you introduced yourself last night, my parents and brother could already tell you were a good guy. And that is the first time, cause my big brother would lose it if I had a boy over.” Twilight shuddered, remembering the last time she introduced Timber to Shining.

"I suppose I can understand what you mean. Any older sibling or parent would be skeptical if their sister or daughter brought home some boy with them," Tenya chuckled nervously. "Rest assured, my business here in America is mostly just school related and part of my hero training. Although, if I do find time, I would like to have a look around town."

"That's nice. Maybe on the weekend I can show you around. I know of some great places you might like here," Twilight said.

"I'd be honored. But first things first. We don't wanna be late for school," Tenya said

“Agreed. Let's go.” Twilight replied.

With that, the two grabbed their bags and headed out the door.

*Several Minutes Later*

After leaving the apartment, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sunset are seen walking across, likely about 2 city blocks. As they make their way towards Sunset’s school. Also, Sunset was liking the casual clothes the two were wearing. Izuku had on a short-sleeved blue overshirt like a thin sweater and a white t-shirt underneath. He also had on black jean shorts. And like any fanboy, he had on shoes with All Might features on them.

“Why do you live so far from the school, Sunset?” Uraraka asked. The precious brunette had on a dark blue shirt with the Japanese word: “努力”, written in golden yellow letters. The word itself meant "Effort" in English. And she had on gray pants that suited her nicely.

"The apartment I'm renting out is all I can afford in my budget right now," she replied.

“I just hope we get there soon and fast.” Izuku said. And after he said that, Izuku then gets a brilliant idea in his head; which he recalled from the time his class did the Hero Work Recommendation Projection Nabu Island. Upon having the idea he turned to face both Uraraka and Sunset “Hey I have an idea! Uraraka uses your quirk to make yourself and Sunset float and hang on to my backpack.”

Uraraka, understanding what Midoriya was thinking, smiled and nodded in reply. “On it!” She responded.

Sunset was confused about what the two were planning. “Uh… What are you both talking about?” She asked.

But instead of a reply, All Sunset got was Uraraka using her quirk on her and causing her to float; in which Uraraka did the same to herself. She then had Sunset place both of her hands onto Deku’s backpack before the gravity heroine did the same; which Sunset didn’t mind because she didn’t want to float to space.

Seeing the two hold on tight, Midoriya then proceeds to activate his quirk.

“One For All… Full Cowling… 5%” He thought to himself.

Sunset watches in awe as she witnesses some sort of energy flowinging through Deku’s entire body in a red vine-like pattern before it disappears and small specks of green lightning are sparking from his body. For the first time, she's witnessing her idol's quirk in action… right before her eyes.

“Hang on!” Midoriya spoke to the girls. And before Sunset could say a word, Deku immediately took off, running at extraordinary speeds, with the two girls hanging onto his backpack for dear life; passing by every car, every pedestrian and every traffic light and crosswalk.

Thanks to his help, they reached the school grounds in record time. Soon, Deku deactivated his quirk and looked behind to see if the girls were okay. "You two alright? I hope it wasn't too fast for you, Ms. Shimmer."

“Release” Uraraka had her fingers touch together, deactivating her quirk to allow herself and Sunset to touch back on the ground.

Once her two feet were on the ground, Sunset nearly wobbled a little bit after that wild ride she was on. She then looked towards Deku with disbelief and a bewildered expression on her face.

“Th-That… Was… THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!!” Sunset screamed with excitement; which might almost rival Pinkie’s excitement.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. If you, uh… ever need a quick trip back home or off to school again, you just let us know and I'll get us there, no problem," Izuku offered.

"You bet. Thanks again, Izuku. You too, Ochako," Sunset replied.

“No problem.” Uraraka responded.

“I see you two are the first to arrive.” A voice spoke to the three, well actually Izuku and Ochako.

The three turned around and to their surprise, standing in front of them was Shoto Todoroki.

“Oh, Todoroki. We didn’t know you were here before us.” Izuku said.

“He’s not the only one!” another voice spoke up. They all turned and they saw Kaminari, Bakugo and Tokoyami standing by the CHS statue. “Hey guys!” Kaminari waved at them.

“What took you damn extras so long?!” Bakugo shouted in rage.

“You do know that it's too early for the school to begin and that they arrived earlier than the others did.” Tokoyami commented.

“SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH, BIRD BRAIN!” Bakugo shouted in response.

"Oh, you guys must be friends of Izuku… except you," she gestures to Bakugo. "It's nice to meet you all, my name's Sunset Shimmer."

“Name’s Denki Kaminari. The angry guy over there is Katsuki Bakugo.” He points at Bakugo, who replies with a scoff.

“I’m Shoto Todoroki.” Shoto introduced himself.

“I’m Fumikage Tokoyami." Soon after he introduced himself, Dark Shadow appeared behind Tokoyami, nearly spooking Sunset.

“And I'm Dark Shadow! Nice to meet ya!” the dark being spoke.

“Dark Shadow! I told you not to come out!” Tokoyami scolded his living quirk.

Sunset giggled. "It's okay. I'm actually glad to meet your partner. So this is Dark Shadow, huh? He looks even better up close." She then goes over to shake his hand and he happily accepts it before retracting back inside Tokoyami.

"Yoo-hoo! Sunset!" a familiar voice called out. Sunset and the others looked over and saw Pinkie Pie, along with Mina, showing up while holding hands.

"Hey there, Pinkie," Sunset called back.

"Hello," Mina and Pinkie said simultaneously.

Their response made everyone confused and silent. For the hero students, they recalled that Mina’s hero name is ‘Pinky’, so perhaps maybe this pink-haired girl had a name similar to that.

“Ok then, so Pinkie… Pie! How’s it like with your new roommate?” Sunset asked.

"She's so, so, so FUN!!! She and I have so much in common! We instantly hit it off and now she's become one of my besties for resties!" Pinkie said, hugging her new friend.

“Heck yeah! Pinkie here is the most hyped and funniest person I ever met. Like a sister I never had and always wanted!” Mina added.

“I see that you are having a good time, Ashido.” Uraraka commented.

"It's no surprise she'd make a friend so quick with that cheerful attitude of hers," Kaminari said in a chill tone.

"What's up, people! Ya miss me?" another voice called out.

Everyone turned around to see Rainbow Dash, along with Kyoka Jiro, who looked to be shocked out of her mind.

“When you said that you were getting us here in ‘10 seconds flat’, you weren’t kidding.” Jiro said to the rainbow-haired girl. Her statement had her classmates confused and curious.

“What are you talking about, Jiro?” Uraraka asked.

Jiro pointed towards Rainbow Dash, who had a smirk on her face. “This girl is fast. And I mean really fast!” she replied.

Hearing this, Sunset and Pinkie turned to stare at their friend. With Sunset, having a stern expression while Pinkie kept her usual smile.

“Did you use your super speed in front of her, Rainbow Dash?” Sunset asked with suspicion.

"What? No, of course not," Rainbow denied, trying to play it off all cool. But Sunset just didn't believe her and quirked an eyebrow. "Ok fine! But it was one small trip! And I didn't wanna be late, so this was the fastest way," she confessed.

“Wait, you have powers?” Izuku asked, growing curious much to the three high school girls’ anxious minds.

They were hoping to keep their magic on the down low in front of the hero course students, but thanks to Rainbow, that was out the window.

Upon looking at Sunset’s anxious expression, Pinkie’s wide grin, and Rainbow’s confident expression; the hero students of UA took those as answers.

“You girls also have quirks? That’s so awesome!” Mina commented before turning to Pinkie. “What’s your quirk, Pinkie? Tell me!” She asked.

“Well, my quirk allows me to turn anything sugary into a tasty, but strong explosion! It has a wide range of anything that's related to sweets." Pinkie replied.

“Whoa, really? That’s amazing!” Midoriya commented. His classmates nodded with him in agreement.

Bakugo, on the other hand, didn’t really care about these ‘extras’. But hearing about the pink-haired party girl’s ability nearly caught his attention. 'Psh, so what? Her quirk will never be as good as mine.' he thought.

After Pinkie had told them of her ability, Sunset grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side.

“Pinkie, we’re not supposed to tell them about our magic!” Sunset whispered.

“Don’t worry, Sunset. We’ll just have to let them think that they’re quirks. I mean, they already do so why bother denying it?” Pinkie whispered in response.

Sunset was about to counter this, but she then heard Uraraka speaking behind her.

“So what’s your quirk, Sunset?” the gravity heroine asked.

"Uh… my quirk… allows me to… see into people's memories as well as allowing me to shoot golden beams out of my hands," Sunset said, a little hesitant. "But don't worry, I can only see memories if I put my hand on the person.”

“Oh ok th-” Uraraka paused when she replayed Sunset’s statement in her mind and then remembered that Sunset touched her shoulder back at the apartment and acted weird for a single second.

Upon realizing, the young heroine immediately felt flustered and paralyzed with fear; knowing that Sunset had looked into her mind and most likely saw her deepest, darkest secrets. And in her state, her entire face turned pink.

Midoriya sees the expression on Uraraka, which causes him to grow concerned.

“Uraraka, are you ok?” he asked.

Ochaka waved her arms at him frantically while sweating. "N-N-No, of course not! Don't be silly, wh-wh-why would anything be wrong with me?" she chuckled nervously, unable to stop blushing, while Mina got a sneaky grin on her face, giggling to herself.

"Ooh, could it be that Sunset's found out your deepest secrets perchance?" Mina asked, then squealed in excitement.

Uraraka didn’t reply as her already pink face turned into a shade of red and her anxious-flustered expression worsened. Her reaction was a solid answer to Mina.

“I KNEW IT!” Mina shouted in a cheerful tone before approaching Sunset, grabbing onto her, and started shaking her profusely. “SPILL THE BEANS! WHAT DID YOU SEE?!” She demand.

“NOTHING! I SAW NOTHING!” Sunset responded falsely, not wanting to share information that she didn’t intend on finding out in the first place.

And as Mina was, literally, trying to shake information out of Sunset, and everyone watching it happen, they all are then greeted by the voice of Kirishima calling out to them.

“HEY GUYS! What’s going on!” Kirishima spoke to the group. “Also Mina, why are you shaking that person like a ragdoll?” he asked his fellow horn buddy.

"Because she might have some juicy intel on Ochako's deep secrets! Aren't you curious?" Mina asked, enthusiastically.

"Now, just hold on a second there, missy. Ah may not know what the story is, but pryin' fer others secrets ain't right. Hasn't anyone taught ya 'bout respectin' other people's privacy?" Applejack asked.

"She has a point, Mina. So please, just stop," Ochako begged, her eyes closed while Izuku was oblivious to her feelings, but concerned for her privacy.

“Hey! You must be Eijiro Kirishima! Am I correct!” Pinkie Pie asked the young sturdy hero.

Kirishima smiled and responded with a thumbs up. “Yeah, that's me. How’d you figure that?” he asked.

“Oh Mina told me a LOT about you.” Pinkie responded, which had Ashido instantly look towards her new bestie with an anxious expression while Uraraka turned to look at Pinkie Pie as well, but with a curious and devious expression on her face. Kirishima was taken back by this and a slight blush appeared on his face.

"She did, huh? What'd she say about me?" Kirishima asked.

“Oh she told me about how you guys were ‘horn buddies’, as she said. “And also you guys went to the same middle school together before you went to UA; and how you two first met. She also told me that you were a bit less self-esteemed back then and self-conscious of yourself; but back then she always thought you were amazing and an admirable person. She even told me that she would even look in your direction whenever you’re not looking back in your middle school days and she even held you in high regard. And then she said…” And Pinkie went on and on about it.

"OKAY, I think he gets the picture, bestie," Mina intervened, blushing while covering Pinkie's mouth, despite her still trying to talk.’

"Jee, I… I'm kinda flattered," Kirishima chuckled, scratching his head and blushing a bit. Mina was a total mess, blushing madly knowing that Pinkie confessed part of Mina's feelings for her dear friend.

Soon they all heard uproaring laughter from none other than Bakugo, who was holding his stomach as he was constantly laughing. Ochako nearly left and laughed as well, feeling a sense of karma in this scene, but held it in. Rainbow Dash laughed as well.

“HAHAHA!!! The extra just exposed your deepest darkest secrets, raccoon eyes! HAHAHA!!!” Bakugo laughed loudly.

“Kacchan! It's not funny!” Izuku protested.

“SCREW YOU, DEKU! IT'S HILARIOUS! HAHAHA!!!” Bakugo responded while continuing to laugh.

“HAHAHA!!! Seriously! That's pure gold! You really should have thought twice before sharing stuff with Pinkie! HAHA!!!” Rainbow chuckled.

“Why is that?” Jiro asked the rainbow haired athlete.

“Cause Pinkie Pie is terrible at keeping secrets; next to Twilight of course. Especially the personal ones… unless you make her Pinkie Promise” Sunset answered.

“The what?” Jiro responded in confusion.

“Hey! I can keep a secret!” Twilight’s voice is heard. The group turned around and see the genius girl and Tenya Iida approaching them.

“Hey Iida!” Uraraka waved at the class rep.

“How’s your morning been?” Izuku followed up with a question.

However, Iida couldn’t reply to them as he was busy lecturing Bakugo.

“BAKUGO! Cease your laughter! It is unheroic to mock your fellow classmates when they have just had their secret exposed!” He informed his explosive classmate while doing his robot hand gestures.

“SHUT IT! FOUR EYES!” Bakugo responded.

“THAT IS UNCALLED FOR!” Iida and Twilight replied back, with the latter taking offense to that.

“Oh great, there’s two of them now!” Bakugo grumbled.

"Uh, so Iida, did you settle in nicely last night?" Izuku asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ah, I settled in quite nicely, Midoriya. Twilight's parents were kind enough to arrange a guest room for me for the next couple of weeks. She also happens to be a straight A student in nearly every subject," Iida explained.

"Sounds like you two get along like siblings," Todoroki commented.

“Yeah, Iida, I must say you’re one lucky dude bunking at a girl’s house.” Kaminari commented, which he then received a jab from Jiro’s earphone jack in reply. “OW!”

“It's good to see you two made it, now we have to wait for Asui and Yaoyorozu to arrive.” Izuku stated.

Though he was unaware that Asui, along with Fluttershy, is standing behind him. “I told you to call me Tsu.” she said, which spooked Midoriya greatly.

"AAH!!!" Izuku yelped, before turning around to see his froggy friend. "Oh, hehe… sorry, Tsu, I didn't see you there.”

"Tsu, you made it! How did you sleep last night?" Ochako asked.

"I slept pretty fine. Fluttershy was kind enough to let me sleep in her room. It was nice and warm and she's got a pure heart when it comes to animals. Ribbit. She and I even became very good friends overnight. Ribbit" Asui replied.

Fluttershy timidly chuckled and waved at the hero students looking in her direction. “Hi.” She spoke with a timid and adorable expression.

“So cute!” All of the Class 1-A students (minus Yaoyorozu), except Bakugo, commented.

"Um… Tsu… A-Are these your friends?" Fluttershy asked, looking at the others, her big teal eyes sparkling so purely. Just then, Mina squealed loudly and surprised Fluttershy with a big hug, surprising her.

"OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE JUST SO CUTE!!! How can someone be so precious and adorable? You're just like an innocent little angel!" Mina ranted happily, nuzzling Fluttershy cheek to cheek, still hugging her.

“Mina’s not kidding, your friend is adorable, AJ.” Kirishima commented.

"That's Fluttershy fer ya. She's as sweet as a cinnamon roll with a heart o' gold," AJ agreed.

Then out of nowhere, Applejack soon found her eyes covered by two pairs of hands, and an elegant voice spoke behind her that was too familiar.

“Guess who?” Rarity’s voice asked. Class 1-A and the Rainbooms all turn to find Rarity and Momo have both arrived, looking ever so radiant.

"Momo! How was your night? Did you settle in okay?" Ochako asked.

"Of course, Rarity was just such a friendly host. She even made my bed for me and we had tea this morning. Did you know she runs her own clothing store and even makes her own designs?" Momo asked.

“That sounds interesting. Ribbit.” Tsuyu commented.

"And Momo here has been such a lovely guest at my humble abode. Though, it came as a surprise to learn how she comes from such a wealthy family," Rarity stated.

“Well yeah, her family is really rich. Her bedroom closet back at her home is even bigger than my house.” Ochako mentioned, and just by remembering that little fact caused Uraraka to faint and fall to the ground; she would have hurt herself if Deku hadn’t caught her.

“URARAKA!” Izuku and Iida shouted.

"Poor girl," Asui said. "You know, the reason she became a hero in the first place is because she wants to give her parents an easy life to live since they work so hard every day."

"My word. Such a generous young lady," Rarity said.

"Kinda reminds us of another certain generous friend of ours," Rainbow gestures to Rarity.

“Alright! Now that we have everyone present and accounting for, I insist we head inside the building before school hours begin.” Iida informed everyone.

"Right behind you on that. Shall we, everyone?" Twilight added. With everyone in high spirits, the whole gang soon marched through those doors, class 1-A ready to tackle on their very first day in an American school.

Meanwhile, inside the halls of CHS, within the Principal's Office, a meeting was taking place while all the students were settling into their 1st classrooms.

Principal Celestia sat at her desk as she is currently having a conversation with one of the school board directors; Chancellor Neighsay.

"This nonsense cannot be looked past any longer," Neighsay began, laying down files on her desk one by one. "Damage of school property, bad apples with terrible track records, the staff neglecting to act upon such despicable actions by expelling said "bad apples" and furthermore, there's this transferral program you started! Normally, I wouldn't mind such a thing, but considering what kind of class you're taking in, I'm having my doubts; A hero course class? What do you think this is, some sort of ludicrous COMIC BOOK?!" Neighsay asked, slamming his hand down on Celestia's desk.

Celestia kept her cool throughout most of this meeting; although deep down, she really wants to throw herself out the window just to get out of this conversation.

"Chancellor Neighsay, please accept my humblest apologies, sir. I will admit, I should have paid more attention to what's been going on in my school over the past years. Specifically with some of my students who… weren't exactly what I'd call "teacher's pets," but after recently… "events" last year, their behaviors have greatly improved." Celestia replied, in her best professional manner possible.

“While I don’t hold onto your promises; however, I could care less. My biggest concern as of today is why you agreed to have the 12 students from UA High be transferred here in CHS? Students from the infamous and troublesome Class 1-A that I heard so much about, no less.” Neighsay exclaimed.

"With all due respect, Chancellor. These students from Class 1-A have contributed to society with their remarkable powers and selflessly put their lives on the line to protect their country. And they've also graciously offered their service to even offer to protect our country, while also learning as much from our curriculum as possible." Celestia replied. "Why, even the former symbol of peace can vouch for their past valors and he's also supervising his students while on the trip."

Neighsay is confused and disbelieved by this before hearing the sound of the office door opening and closing. He and Celestai turned their eyes to the door, only to see Vice-principal Luna and All Might having entered the room and standing behind them.

“Sorry, we’re late, Tia. Had to give Toshinori a tour around the school.” Luna said.

“I gotta admit, you have a wonderful school set up, Celestia.” All Might commented.

Overwhelmed with joy seeing an old friend, Celestia got up from her chair and approached the former pro-hero, and the two then shared a hug for old times sake. And the three being oblivious to Neighsay’s presence in the room.

“It's wonderful to see you again, Toshinori! It's been a long time.” Celestia proclaimed.

"It's good to see you again, too, Celestia." He looks over and notices Neighsay, looking unamused and impatient.

"If the three of you are finished with your little private hugfest, I would like to discuss the important matters of the current situation at hand, if you please," Neighsay said, agitated.

Upon their happy reunion being trashed, Celestia and All Might break their hug as the former symbol of peace approached Neighsay with a calm professional look.

“Sorry about that, I’m Toshinori Yagi. Or as you probably know me by my hero name; All Might.” He introduced himself, while bringing his hand forward for a handshake.

“Ah yes, the former ‘Symbol of Peace’ and the former #1 Pro-Hero of Japan.” Neighsay sarcastically replied, which had All Might confused. “So how is your retirement after your battle in Kamino? Must be a bother having your glory days gone by so fast.”

“Well… Sometimes things don’t last very long.” All Might replied, trying not to let Neighsay’s words affect him. “But I trust the next generation of heroes to take my place and uphold justice,” he proclaimed in his buff form before reverting back to his skeleton form, coughing up blood..

“Oh, you mean your troublesome students?” Neighsay replied in sarcasm. “As I heard, your class has been known to attract trouble and danger wherever they go. Even having villains attack them wherever they're at. The USJ, Training Camp Incident, I-Island, and even the Nabu Island incident as I heard.” he listed down. “I say your students are nothing but a nuisance.”

All Might’s eyes twitch a bit while giving a cold stare. Just hearing about those events, and being reminded of how young Midoriya and his classmates nearly came close to getting killed in those events made his blood boil. And the former pro-hero had to struggle to not lash out at this man for insulting his students.

"With all due respect, Neighsay, his students are the reason an innocent little girl is not in the hands of a yakuza drug lord villain who used and experimented on her. His students are also the reason that little girl has rediscovered her smile. If anything, I'd say they're more capable with what they can do with others, including their curricular activities. In fact, the 12 students he brought with him have remarkably high grades, which is why they're gracing us with their presence in the first place." Luna intervened calmly.

“And in case you haven’t been informed beforehand, Neighsay. Both the Hero Public Safety Commission and the Pro-Heroes Association have made this student transfer program mandatory between our two schools. To give the students a chance to experience hero work internationally. So unless you have a problem with this, you take it up with them.” Celestia claimed; and even furthered her point when she reached into the drawers of her desk and pulled out paperwork of the UA student transfer program; signed and approved by the H.P.S.C. and P.H.A..

Neighsay clenched his own fist and huffed as he grabbed the files he brought with him, "This doesn't change my perspective. Should those power-hungry brats make any sort of trouble, or any bad apples resurface here on this campus, I will not hesitate to throw the book! You and everyone else have been warned!" he snarled before storming out of the office and leaving the campus, heading off to his car.

"What's that guy's problem?" All Might asked.

“I know he can be bad, Toshi.” Luna replied while placing her hand on his shoulder. “But once you get to know him more… he can be worse.” she joked. Toshinori chuckled, along with Tia.

"Well, in any case, now that the depressing cloud has been lifted… for now, what should we do for the time being?" Toshinori asked.

“Well since you and your students have arrived at Canterlot High, Toshi. My sister and I planned to hold a school assembly in the gymnasium. So we could welcome your students to our school and introduce them to all the students here at CHS.” Celestia explained. “Besides, who doesn’t like a dramatic entrance?” She spoke.

"I like the way you think, Celestia. Shall we put this plan into action now or later?" All Might asked eagerly.

“Question… Did your students, by any chance, bring their hero costumes with them?” Celestia replied with a grin.

Nearly 25 minutes into the 1st period, the 1st classes were almost about to end. Most of the students in each class were either finishing up reading from their textbooks or writing down notes for their important essays or tests. Suddenly….

"Attention, all students of Class 1-A, please report to the gymnasium immediately." Celestia said over the loudspeaker

All 12 of the transferred hero course students in their individual or respective first period classes all grew curious and confused of the sudden announcement; especially on their first day.

However, they all didn’t hesitate to answer. Immediately, they all, well minus a certain hothead, ask to be excused early from their classes and headed straight for the gymnasium.

Izuku was the first to reach the gymnasium just before Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugo, and the rest of his classmates arrived a second later; one by one they all met up in the gymnasium. With Kaminari being the last one to arrive; as expected of him.

"I wonder what all the fuss is about," Izuku said.

“This better not waste my damn time!” Katsuki stated.

“Is this something important for us to be called?” Uraraka asked.

“Perhaps we’re summoned for our hero training. This gymnasium does seem to be a highly suitable place for it.” Iida claimed.

“I hope it’s not a big writing exam; cause it’s our first day being transferred here.” Kaminari commented.

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that on our first day, so don't lose any sleep over nothing," Tokoyami replied.

“Oh good. Cause I don’t think I can handle another writing exam after last time.” Mina exclaimed.

"Well, whatever the reason for bringing us here, I hope it's good news. ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"I don't care what it is, I'll be ready to face it like a man!" Kirishima said, determined.

"What if they want us to perform in a band like we did in the festival?" Kyoka asked.

"Did any of us even bring any instruments for that?" Shoto asked.

"All Might did instruct us to pack those up for the trip, just in case." Momo brought up.

While class 1-A gathered their thoughts, Principal Celestia, her sister Luna and All Might all came out into the gymnasium and approached the students.

"It's so nice to finally meet some of U.A's most promising young heroes. Allow me to personally welcome you all to Canterlot High. My name is Principal Celestia. I'm sure you've all met my younger sister, Luna," she introduced.

Upon hearing her voice, the young heroes all avert their gaze towards the two principals of the school and All Might. They are awed by how beautiful Principal Celestia is; one of them more so than the others.

"Whoa! You're her big sister? I can definitely see the good looks run in the family," Kaminari complimented with a wink. Only to get stunned by one of Kyoka's earphone jacks.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Principal Celestia," Iida replied with a bow.

“We’re grateful that you welcomed us into your school community,” Yaoyorozu added, while she too bowed in respect.

"And we're honored to have you all here. Now I'm sure you're all probably wondering why I've brought you all here." Celestia said.

“Well, that's what we’ve all been asking, Principal Celestia.” Midoriya was the first to reply.

“It better be important! Cause I don’t want this wasting my damn time!” Bakugo spoke, brashly.

“Kacchan!” Midoriya responded.

“Bakugo! We are in the presence of two school head officials! Behave yourself!” Iida demanded while doing his robot hands.

"Yes and thank you for that, Mr. Iida." Luna nodded in approval.

"As for why I called you here is this: I wanted to have CHS give a warm welcome to not only the students of class 1-A, but also the next generation of heroes. Which is why we’re hosting a school assembly, and we hope that you all would be willing to introduce yourselves to the entire school… while in your proper hero attire, to make things more interesting," Celestia explained.

"R-R-Really?!" Mina gasped, her eyes sparkling with glee.

"AWESOME!!! Now we're talking!" Kirishima exclaimed, pumping his fist.

“Pfft! I don’t intend on introducing myself to a school of extras.” Bakugo scoffed.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun, Bakubro. Besides it’ll be our chance to show the students of CHS how manly we are.” Kirishima responded.

“Grrrr! FINE! But I don’t intend on giving them my name!” Bakugo stated loudly.

"You don't even have an official hero name, so what's the point in not telling them who you really are, Bakugo?" Tsuyu shrugged.

"Especially since all your choices for a hero name are all too violent and cliche," Kyoka added with a chuckle.

“SHUT THE HELL UP OR I’LL MURDER YOU!” Bakugo shouted aggressively in response.

“Wow, when you told me that he was bad, you didn’t say he was this bad.” Celestia whispered to her sister and All Might.

“Trust me, I had to put ear plugs in my ears on the long trip.” Luna whispered in reply.

"Sorry you had to endure that." Celestia said, patting her sister gently on the back. "I'll ride them back to the airport after the transfer program is over. In the meantime, everyone please head out into the locker rooms to get changed while I prepare the school assembly."

“Yes, Principal Celestia,” They all replied in understanding. And immediately they all headed to the locker rooms to get changed.

“Your students are interesting, Toshi.” Celestia commented.

“Indeed they are. They’ll make great heroes one day. Perhaps even surpass me.” All Might responded, with much confidence and faith in them. “Even though young Midoriya and his classmates have a long way to go; especially in his training to control One For All. But I’m confident he’ll get there… Hopefully, sooner.” he thought to himself.

"By the way, Toshinori. Why don't you fill her in with some stories about your students and about any other villains they've handled in the past?" Luna suggested.

"I don't see why not. Though… there's one story that still gives me shivers just thinking about it from time to time." All Might said. “You both might wanna sit down for this. Cause it's kind of a long story.”

So, all of Class 1-A had entered the locker rooms with their suitcases containing their hero outfits and began changing while striking up a chat. "Principal Celestia seems rather nice, don't you think?" Izuku asked.

"You kidding me, she's a real knockout. If I were at least 10 years older, I'd date her myself… maybe even her sister," Kaminari admitted.

"Denki! That is no way to speak about a woman! Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are both highly-respected school authorities and must be treated with the utmost respect!" Iida ranted with his robo-chopping arm.

“Principal Celestia has too much light that surrounds her, and yet her sister Vice-Principal Luna has a unique darkness that surrounds her. As if the two sisters are polar opposites.” Tokoyami claimed.

“Dude, you’re killing my fantasies with your darkness talk.” Kaminari exclaimed.

“Perhaps maybe he should keep talking if it gets you to be silent of your thoughts.” Todoroki responded as he was changing into his hero outfit.

“I think it's cool that Principal Celestia is having us be a part of the school assembly. It would be manly to show ourselves to the students of this school and make our presence known since we’re gonna be here for 3 weeks.” Kirishima commented.

"Whatever, I still think this is all a waste of my time," Bakugo scoffed.

As the rest were talking, Izuku is left with his thoughts about the event.

“Not only will this school assembly have us introduced to the entire school, but it’ll also put us in the spotlight. After this, students will then have to look up to us and have high expectations of us as the new generation of heroes. With that in mind, we’ll have to uphold those expectations and values, and go beyond.” Izuku thought to himself.

While he was thinking, Izuku began muttering to himself out loud without even realizing it and the other guys quickly noticed it.

"Oh boy, there he goes again. Same old Midoriya," Kirishima commented.

"SHUT IT, YOU DAMN NERD!!!" Bakugo yelled, snapping Izuku out of his trance.

“GAH! Sorry!” Izuku responded apologetically.

As the boys were having their conversation; over in the girls’ locker room, the girls were having a chit chat of their own.

"This is gonna be the best day EVER!!! Can you believe Celestia wants us to show off our heroic outfits?" Mina asked, excitedly.

“Calm yourself, Ashido. And also, Celestia wishes for us to introduce ourselves as the new generation of heroes; even looking the part so we have ourselves stand out.” Yaoyorozu replied.

“Can’t blame Mina for being excited. It would be nice to meet more new people, and this assembly would be a big opportunity. Ribbit.” Tsu proclaimed.

"I agree. Everyone at this school seems really nice. You don't get that kind of warm welcome back in Japan, especially in parts of UA High," Kyoka said.

"I hear ya. But still, at least we got to make some friends back at UA High and we're already making some here in America. So I say that's a win-win in my book. Speaking of which, did we tell you how our host, Sunset, wound up fainting when we arrived at her place?" Uraraka asked.

“What? Seriously!?” Mina responded in disbelief before it turned to laughter.

“Was she alright? She wasn’t injured was she?” Momo asked.

“Oh no, she’s fine. Sunset was just overwhelmed with excitement to see us,” Uraraka explained.

“So… Sunset is, what, you and Midoriya’s biggest fan or something?” Jiro asked in a teasing tone of voice.

"Actually, she is a big fan. She's practically followed up on most of the hero work Deku and I have done back home," Uraraka admitted, scratching the back of her head, chuckling sheepishly and blushing.

"Definitely the mark of a hardcore fan girl," Tsuyu commented, all chill and suited up in her Froppy outfit.

“Kinda reminds you of Midoriya. Right, Uraraka?” Mina teased her pink-cheeked classmate.

"Uh… I… get what you mean about him being a fanboy, considering how his room is riddled with so much All Might collection." Uraraka replied, slightly nervous.

“Well, Vice-Principal Luna informed us on our trip here that many of the students in this school were fans of our class. So it wouldn’t be surprising that once we introduce ourselves at the assembly, we’re gonna have so many students praising us.” Yaoyorozu claimed.

“Sounds like we’re soon gonna experience how the pros feel. Ribbit.” Tsu commented.

"I'm so definitely looking forward to this! I can't wait for everyone to see us in costume! They're gonna love how cute I look in it!" Mina added with a cute squeal.

“I bet Kirishima would think so too.” Ochako teased her pink friend.

"W-W-What? D-Don't be silly, I mean… he-he and I are just friends right? …Right?" Ashido asked, blushing deeply.

'Ah, playing the old reverse card on her for teasing you about Deku, aren't we?' Jiro thought to herself quietly. ‘My how the tables have turned.’

“Well, this just got interesting. Ribbit.” Asui commented.

“Indeed.” Momo chuckled as the two of their girl group went back and forth.

“No fair! You can’t tease me because you refuse to accept your feelings for Midoriya!” Mina stated.

“Hey! You've been teasing me ever since. So consider this payback!” Ochako responded.

“Oh, this is war, Uravity!” Mina exclaimed.

"Bring it, Pinky!" Ochako exclaimed, both ladies having fire in their eyes.

"OOH!!! Did someone call me?" Pinkie asked, popping out from above, hanging upside down, immediately spooking the 5 hero students.

"Wha-What the? Pinkie, what are you doing here and… how are you hanging upside down?" Mina asked, confused.

"Oh one of the writers thought it'd be funny if I showed up on a count of your name which is similar to my name, Pinkie." she replied with her cute giggle. "Well, gotta go." She then disappears and leaves the girls flabbergasted.

"Uh… that was… something," Jiro said, still confused.

“Ok, let's put our… ahem… conversation on pause for now. We have to get ready for the assembly.” Momo reminded her classmates. The girls quickly followed her suggestion as the rest of the girls resumed suiting up.

Moments later, every student was called into the gymnasium for a school assembly for the start of their 2nd period classes. And at the moment, students were all taking their seats among the bleachers and on some foldable chairs that were brought out.

The Rainbooms were lucky enough to have front row seats to see what was going on. But just like their fellow classmates, they were unsure of what was going on. Well, all except Pinkie, who has a bright big smile of anticipation on her face.

“I wonder what this assembly is about?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, Ah’m wonderin’ about that too.” Applejack replied.

“Pinkie, darling, do you have any ideas?” Rarity asked the party girl.

“Nope. Not gonna spoil the surprise!” Pinkie responded with her usual cheerful tone. "We've seen how serious you can get when you really don't want any spoilers. Or… was that your pony counterpart that hates spoilers?"

"Uh, anyways, I'm sure all will be made clear in due time. Whatever reason they called us here for, I'm sure it's absolutely worth it," Twilight said.

“Shhh. It's about to start.” Sunset informed her friends.

And she was indeed right, as Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are seen on the stage, along with the entire CHS teaching staff, with the two women walking up to the microphone. As they observe the gym packed with the entire school, Celestia approaches closer to the microphone, testing it to see if it is working, and then she proceeds with the event.

"Fellow students of CHS, you're all probably wondering why I've assembled you all here today. Well, all can be explained very soon. For as some of you might already know, we've got some promising exchange students from Japan's very own illustrious school for the next generation of new heroes. That's right! I would like everyone to give a big, warm Canterlot welcome… to U.A High's Class of 1-A heroes!" Celestia announced

And upon cue, the first student to emerge onto the stage is, the class rep himself, Iida; in his hero costume. He zoomed onto the stage before stopping to greet and wave at the crowd of students; as the whole gymnasium erupted with applause and cheering. Twilight was cheering loudly for her roommate.

“Our first student: Class 1-A’s Clas-Rep, Tenya Iida! Hero name: Ingenium! Quirk: Engine! The engines in the back of his leg calves grant him remarkable speed as well as some lean, mean kicks!" Celestia said.

Following behind Iida, is Momo Yaoyorozu, in her hero costume as well. She too waved at the crowd of students.

"Our 2nd student is the Class 1-A’s Vice-Rep, Momo Yaoyorozu! Hero name: Creati! Quirk: Creation! She can create any inanimate object from inside her body, even melee weaponry. So watch out, you wannabe villains.” Celestia commented.

Creati demonstrates what Celestia meant when she creates a bo-staff and gives it a few twirls and swings to show her impressive skill with her weapon. After that she walked over to Iida, stopping to stand next to him.

Rarity clapped at her roommates's elegant and deadly display. “Good show, darling.” she commented.

After Momo, Bakugo walks out in the open, dressed in his suit, but still not looking happy.

"And 3rd, we have Katsuki Bakugo! Hero name: Undecided! Quirk: Explosion! He can cause explosions from his hands. And the more he sweats, the more potent his attacks become!" Celestia said.

Bakugo displays his quirk by causing small explosions in the palm of his hands, causing the crowd to awe and then applaud at this display. Bakugo turns from the crowd and walks over to stand next to Momo and Iida; while smiling confidently.

After Bakugo, is Kirishima, while also wearing his hero costume, smiling and waving at the crowd of students. The crowd continued to applaud and cheer from within their seats; with Applejack and Applebloom being the loudest.

“GO RED RIOT!” Both Apple sisters cheer.

“Our 4th students of Class 1-A, Eijiro Kirishima! Hero name: Red Riot! Quirk: Hardening! He can harden his skin at will, making him an impenetrable force to be reckoned with.” Celestia announced.

Kirishima then activates his quirk, as a quick demonstration before he walks over to stand with his classmates on the stage.

Following behind him is Todoroki, wearing his hero costume, who was quite aware of the cheering crowd of students, but kept his calm, serious composure.

“Our 5th student, we have the son of Japan’s current #1 Pro-Hero; Shoto Todoroki! Hero name: Shoto? Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot: As the name saids, he can generate ice from the right portion of his body, while generating fire on his left side. Talk about hot-cold, am I right?” Celestia commented.

Todoroki then forms ice on the right side of his body while igniting fire on his right; keeping them at a controlled state so he won’t unintentionally set off any fire alarms.

Some of the female students began to swoon over the prodigy hero before he walked off and soon, Tsu came hopping out in her hero suit.

"Our 6th student is one of the class' favorite! Tsuyu Asui! Hero name: Froppy! Quirk: Frog. Her quirk says it all ladies and gentlemen. She can do anything a frog can. She can jump really high, has a long tongue, has impressive swimming abilities, climbs on walls, and she can even camouflage herself within her surroundings. You might never know she’s there.” Celestia proclaimed.

"Yay!!! Hooray for Froppy!" Fluttershy called out clapping loudly and jumping frantically, all giddy like a cute fangirl. Tsuyu blushed while giving her occasional ribbit and a smile before hopping out of the way to make room for Jiro, who's all decked out in her hero outfit.

"Next, we have our 7th student, Kyoka Jiro! Hero name: Earphone Jack! Quirk: also Earphone Jack! She can pick up distant noises just by plugging her earphone jacks onto any surface or she can emit sonic soundwaves by plugging them into the amplifiers on her forearms!"

“LET’S NOT FORGET! SHE’S ALSO A TOTAL ROCKSTAR!” Rainbow shouted loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. Causing them to cheer even more.

Jiro was feeling embarrassed and blushing, especially when she was receiving so much praise from the crowd of students. After her, Mina jumped out, laughing all giddy and waving to the crowd with her big, adorable smile, dressed in her cute hero outfit.

"Student number 8, U.A High's precious Mina Ashido! Hero Name: Pinky! Quirk: Acid! She can shoot a very potent acid from her hands and feet, so watch out if you think she's just an ordinary precious cinnamon roll," Celestia commented. “And she’s also got some great breakdancing skills.”

And Celestia wasn’t kidding, As Mina shows off her sick breakdancing skills on the stage, all the students in the crowd are hyping her up; especially Pinkie Pie.

“WOO! Go Mina! Go Mina! Go Mina!” Pinkie cheered. And soon, Mina's breakdancing comes to a close and the audience claps for her before making way for Kaminari, all decked out in his hero outfit.

"Coming in at number 9, we have Denki Kaminari! Hero name: Chargebolt! Quirk: Electrification! He can give off millions of volts of electricity from his body, like a life-sized human battery or lightning rod! So watch out for all you villains out there, unless you like getting fried to a crisp!" Celestia commented.

Kaminari gives the audience a thumbs up while they applaud the guy as he makes a few small sparks come off his other hand. Soon, he steps to the side and allows Tokoyami to step out.

"Now, for student number 10. Please welcome… Fumikage Tokoyami! Hero Name: Tsukuyomi! Quirk: Dark Shadow! He has a dark, shadowy partner living inside of him and once in the dark, these two are an unstoppable force! And for that matter, I dub thee, the Prince of Darkness!" Celestia commented.

Tokoyami wanted to reply, but was too embarrassed and hid part of his face with his cape and this caused some of the female students to swoon over him as well. Meanwhile, Dark Shadow popped out of his body and waved to the crowd before Tokoyami moved to the side. Soon, Uraraka stepped out in her amazing hero outfit.

Sunset had to try her best to control her hardcore fangirl side while cheering for Uraraka in the audience.

"For our 11th student, we have… Ochako Uraraka! Hero name: Uravity! Quirk: Zero Gravity! Anything she touches, be they inanimate or living, she can make them weightless and float in the air! WHOA!” Celestia is then spooked as was Luna when they are suddenly lifting off the ground and would have floated up to the ceiling if Uraraka wasn’t behind them and holding onto them.

Then the young heroine lets go of the two for a quick moment, pressing her fingers together. “Release!” She said, and soon Celestia and Luna dropped back on the ground, both landing onto their two feet.

"Whoo! What a ride! Thanks for that, Uraraka," Celestia chuckled.

Uraraka smiled in reply while bowing. “You’re welcome.” She replied before walking over to the rest of her classmates, all standing in a straight line on the stage.

"And now… for the moment you've all been waiting for. We've saved the best for last! Give a big hand to U.A's final exchange student! IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!"

And on cue, Midoriya, surprisingly jumped down onto the stage from the ceiling, and landed in a superhero landing pose that you see in comic books or movies. Sporting on his hero costume. His entrance had the entire gymnasium going wild as all the students, along with the Rainbooms, clapped and cheered louder than they did before.

"His hero name: Deku! Quirk: Unknown. Not much is known about the name of his quirk, but it gives him enhanced superhuman strength and speed, as well as agility! He's proven time and again, he can hold his own against the big baddies out there and has successfully rescued a number of people in the short time he's become a young hero!" Celestia commented.

The cheering and applause grew louder and bolder, which had Midoriya blush and feeling anxious, because he really wasn’t expecting this kind of attention and praise. And many comments he heard from the crowd; such as “Can I get your autograph?” or “Is it cool if I take a picture with you?”. And many of the female students were even screaming: “Marry me, Deku!”; which had the young hero even more embarrassed.

Trying his best to remain calm, Midoriya walked over to join his classmates, standing beside Uraraka at the end of the long line they were all standing in. Ochako took notice of his near anxious expression, despite doing his best to keep a smile on his face.

“Not used to being the center of attention, huh?” Uraraka whispered to him.

Midoriya turned to her while scratching the back of his neck in nervousness. “Yeah.” He replied in honesty. Uraraka chuckled at his honest and selfless personality; that's what she liked about him… as a friend of course!

After all the Class 1-A students have been introduced, Celestia proceeds to another part of the event.

“Now that we have been introduced to next-gen heroes, Vice-Principal Luna and I would like to introduce another important individual to you all. He’s the Foundational Hero Studies Teacher from UA High, and he’s accompanied with our transferred students here in the US. Please welcome an additional addition to our teaching staff, the retired Symbol Of Peace, All Might.” Celestia announced.

On cue, All Might walked onto the stage, wearing a black tailored suit as Celestia and Luna clapped their hands, along with the CHS teaching staff, Class 1-A students, and all of the students of CHS. All Might waved and smiled at the crowd as he approached both Celestia and Luna to shake their hands and thanked them for the warm welcome before the two women gave him the microphone.

"Pleased to meet you all and thanks again for welcoming my students into your school..Let's all have a great 3 weeks here. And remember, we intend to go beyond…" All Might paused before bulking up in his giant form for a short time. "PLUS ULTRA!!!" he proclaimed before reverting back to his skeleton form, coughing up blood into a handkerchief so as not to dirty his suit.

“You really need to control yourself before you do that again, Toshi.” Luna whispered to him.

All Might keeps the mic away from his mouth as he turns to Luna with a sheepish expression. “Yeah I know.” he replied with a sheepish smile while scratching the back of his neck.

After giving his speech, All Might steps away from the microphone and walks over to stand right next to his students. With that, Celestia steps forward to the mic and continues on with the assembly.

“As I shall say again; it is a great honor and privilege for our school community to welcome these next generation of heroes amongst us. And let this day be a great start for the next 3 weeks; for our school, our young heroes, and our future.” She proclaimed.

The school assembly was filled with applause and cheers. Signaling the anticipation and excitement for the next 3 weeks. The young hero course students, well minus Bakugo, can’t help but feel thrilled for what’s to come in their hero training to be the next greatest generations of heroes.

Little do they know, their stay in America would put their skills as heroes to the test just as it's tested them in previous cases.

*Meanwhile in Hosu City, Japan.*

Speaking of which, back in Japan, everything continues on as normal. However, one situation was a different take. Especially when the Pro-heroes were on a hot lead. Another hero was found slaughtered in the same manner as the other victims.

And as of now, a few Pro-Heroes; lead by the #1 pro, Endeavor; are currently pursuing the ones responsible for this action: the vigilante group; The Dark Reapers.

The 3 members of the vigilante group were seen driving in a stolen police armored vehicle. With the 4th member soaring above them. The 4th member looked to be a woman with red hair and wearing tactical armor plating on her chest and shoulder; along with black tactical pants and boots. And on her back were these massive cybernetic wings fitted with miniature engines that gave her great speed. She was codenamed by the public: as the Huntress.

"HALT!!! Don't you dare make me use force, OR ELSE!" Endeavor shouted while pursuing the Dark Reapers as fast as his flames could carry him.

One of the Dark Reapers climbed out of the roof hatch of the armored vehicle. This individual wore a tactical vest and tactical pants; which had many straps and pockets attached. He also wore metal bracers on his forearms and he wore a metal helmet with a red visor on his head. As he stood on the roof of the vehicle, he reached to his side and drawed dual pistols; which looked more advanced than anyone had seen, and aimed them at the #1 pro hero pursuing them before unleashing rounds of plasma based projectiles. This member of the Dark Reapers was also codenamed by the public as Deathslinger.

Endeavor fired back at them with fire balls and longshot to counter the enemy. "I won't let these foul villains out of my sight!" Endeavor said with determination.

Before he saw it coming, the Huntress flew towards him from the side, armed with red-hot metal claws on both forearms ready to strike the pro-hero. However, her plan failed when out of nowhere, the #2 pro hero Hawks intercepts her, clashing and deflecting her metal claws with his feather blades before knocking her back and forcing her to flee.

Hawks then glances back at Endeavor with his usual smug face. “You’re welcome, by the way.” He said.

“What are you doing here? You’re never usually involved in these situations.” Endeavor asked while keeping his focus on the vigilantes.

“I was in the neighborhood and I saw you needed a hand.” Hawks replied with a carefree smile, just before he got his serious face on. “I’ll keep the Huntress at bay. You just focus on getting the others.” he states before he takes off after the airborne vigilante in the sky; leaving Endeavor to continue his pursuit.

Deathslinger tried to clip Hawks' wings with a shot or two, but Hawks was a master at speed for a reason. He weaves from side to side, even doing barrel rolls to avoid the shots.

The Huntress tried to flee the area, but Hawks was catching up to her. And as soon as he caught up, the aerial vigilante then turned her focus on the pro and drew out her wrist claws. Hawks readies his feather blades as he engages in aerial melee combat with the Huntress.

On the ground, the armored vehicle drives along the busy streets of the city, with Deathslinger keeping Endeavor at bay. And as the vehicle makes a turn, out of nowhere, the #5 pro-hero Miruko jumps down on the front of the vehicle while performing her super move: Luna Fall, on front part of the vehicle; sending Deathslinger flying in the air before crashing onto the street, and as for the armored car, it flip into the air from the force of the attack, flying above the rabbit hero before crashing down onto the streets, rolling around a few times and sliding a couple of feet along the road before stopping.

And moving the cars outta the way was one of the younger heroes, Kamui Woods, using his strong branches, saving other people's lives. Ensuring that the civilians in the area are evacuated before the fight gets out of hand.

As Kamui Woods evacuates the people, Endeavor lands down in the crash zone, while approaching the stolen armored vehicle as Mirko approaches beside him.

“Guess these Dark Reapers ain’t so tough after all.” Miruko comments upon seeing the crashed vehicle.

Endeavor doesn’t respond to her comment and keeps his eyes on the vehicle before he calls out to the vigilantes. “Step out of the vehicle and surrender yourselves! There’s nowhere to run!” He spoke.

Silence filled the area just before Endeavor’s statement was responded with a loud metal bang, and another. Before a fist smashes through the armored side of the stolen police vehicle and then pulls back inside the vehicle.

This act had both Endeavor and Miruko on guard as the hole is then torn open even more with excessive force; as if the armor plating was like aluminum foil. And with the hole made, from out of the vehicle, stepped out a tall, bulky individual; possibly another member of the Dark Reapers. The tall individual wore heavy armor; with thick layered chestplate, power-armored gauntlets, heavy armored boots, and a helmet with red visor like Deathslinger. This individual is the strongest member of the Death Reapers; codenamed: Berserker.

"You must be the muscle of the group. You've got two choices here. Either you drop your weapons and you and your little band of killers surrender… or we settle this the hard way. So which one will it be?" Endeavor asked, standing his ground with determination.

“If not, we can kick your asses right here and now!” Mirko proclaimed with anticipation.

Berserker didn't say anything, nor did he do anything except for cracking his knuckles. He stepped forward towards Endeavor, then slowly picked up speed for a charging attack. It seems like the Dark Reapers don't intend on going down without a fight. And Endeavor seemed a little pleased to know he was getting more action.

"So be it," he smirked.

Both towering titans charged at each other full force. Their fists collided and caused a massive shock wave that shook the area within a 50 meter radius. Endeavor felt the sheer force even behind that metal gauntlet Berserker was wearing. Berserker also felt some pain from Endeavor's punch; which were mostly burns.

Berserker went in for another punch, but Endeavor avoided it by grabbing Berserker by the arm with one hand and sending him back a few feet with one of his powerful fire blasts. Berserker's feet dragged against the pavement.

Despite that huge attack, Berserker stood strong and clashed his fists together. He charged in once more and as he began to pull his punch back for the build-up, the red parts of his suit began to glow bright red. Endeavor scoffed, thinking it'll end the same way. As the two bulking behemoths clashed again, there was an even BIGGER shockwave this time.

This time… Endeavor was the one who was blasted back. But he saved himself by backflipping and slammed his feet against the pavement. He growled in frustration as he stared at his foe.

“What the hell was that?!" Endeavor asked. Berserker stood there with his fist raised up like he's already won the battle. But as he was gloating, he soon received a powerful kick to the face by Miruko; sending him crashing into the walls of one of the buildings.

The rabbit pro-hero lands back on her feet after delivering the attack, while staring at the vigilante with an aggressive grin.

“Didn’t see that one, did ya!” She shouted at Berserker.

'Ugh… I didn't ask for her help,' Endeavor thought. "Not that I didn't need it, but thanks," he said under his breath.

Miruko turned back around to look at the #1 Pro. “Well, I didn’t want to miss out on this.”

When she said this, Berserker got back up from the attack, and from his body movement, he looked to be breathing heavily in rage as he looked towards the direction of the 2 heroes. While his helmet visor doesn’t show it; however, underneath it, he was giving a vengeful glare.

"Do any more of your little underlings want to try us?" Endeavor provoked as he stood back up. This fiery fighter was gonna wish he hadn't asked that since this time… another one of the Dark Reapers came out. This one had a long, black overcoat over his black and purple button-up shirt. He had on black pants and combat boots. He had jet-black hair and an oni-mask that covered most of his face, except for his eyes. As for his weapons, he carried two spear chains; sort of like the preferred weapons of Scorpion if you all played Mortal Kombat. This individual was codenamed: Grim.

"Where do all these freaks keep coming from? I'll make sure they're all tossed in a maximum security cell!" Endeavor stomped his foot, causing his flames to ignite like crazy.

Joining Grim and Berserker, Deathslinger had recovered from the crash and joined the fray, drawing out his dual pistols and aiming them at the pro-heroes. Then up from the air, the Huntress lands besides her comrades, staring down at the pro-heroes.

Soon Miruko and Endeavor were soon joined by Hawks as he landed beside them. His shoulder was bleeding; which meant the Huntress landed a one lucky strike; however, that didn’t stop the #2 pro-hero.

"Not a bad shot there, little lady. But just so you know, I was merely warming up and giving you a head start. Now, what do you say we get a little serious?" Hawks asked confidentally.

The Huntress scoffed as she raised her claw blades. “I’m gonna enjoy slicing your wings off.” She responded.

"Ah, so the birdie girl can talk. Good for you," Hawks grinned.

Grim said nothing and then he sent both of his spear-chains towards the pro-heroes at high speeds; almost as faster than the speed of sound. But before they inched closer to the heroes, they were soon intercepted and deflected by two long razor thin strings. Grim recoils his chain weapons as he looks up on one of the buildings.

And jumping down from the roof to join his fellow top 10 pro-heroes was none other than the #4 ninja hero: Edgeshot. And soon Grim sees that the razor thin strings that deflected his attack were the pro-hero’s limbs due to his quirk: Foldabody. An ability that allows him to make his body and limbs extremely thin and long, effectively allowing him to transform himself into a razor-sharp string.

Soon the 4 pro-heroes were joined by Kamui Woods, and soon all 5 out of the 10 top pro-heroes were standing in front of the vigilantes.

“Well, whadda know? It's a full house.” Deathslinger exclaimed.

"Yes, and lucky for you heinous criminals, we have a special place for you in the big house… if you come quietly," Edgeshot tried to reason calmly.

"Tempting, but I'm afraid our goal is… long-term and we can't have anything to slow us down. Not even Japan's newest #1 hero… if he can even be called that," Deathslinger replied.

"What are you insinuating, villain?" Endeavor asked, clenching his fists.

But he didn't get his answer as suddenly… a warp gate suddenly appeared behind the Dark Reapers and out from behind the gate… comes a 5th and possibly final member. He had on black armor from head to toe, with a black scarf around his neck. And for a weapon, he carried two blood-red swords. The pro-heroes recognized this individual, as he was seen on the news a day ago. This one went by the codename given to him by both the public and the Hero Protection Safety Community:Rogue.

“Sorry, Endeavor… But our goal… is none of your concern. But soon you all will see it soon. And society will be reformed.” Rogue commented. Then he turns to his comrades and then he gestures to them to enter the warp gate. They all nod and head through the warp gate.

"NO YOU DON'T!!!" Endeavor shouted. He charged in to try and stop them, but just as he tried to land a shot on Rogue… he was gone. "Wha…" he paused before realizing he was right behind him… sheathing his swords and as he did… slash marks appeared on nearly every part of his body. His arms, shoulders, upper and lower torso, his back, legs, even on his cheek and blood gushed out of each slash wound. He grunted in pain and fell on one knee.

"You're wasting your time. You will never defeat me, nor can you truly call yourself a hero," Rogue stated before leaving through the warp gate. Endeavor was left ashamed and disgraced as the Dark Reapers slipped from his grasp. And worst of all… he was powerless to stop them.


As Rogue inched near the warp gate, the other 4 pro-heroes charged forward, trying to stop him from entering. But soon Rogue turned around and raised his right hand towards the charging heroes, his gauntlets sparking with a strange energy and then it soon unleashed a wave of electricity and force that pushed all the heroes back. They all hit the ground hard and their bodies ache. They all question what the hell was that before they all watched Rogue turn back to the warp gate and disappear with the rest of his comrades.

"What… the hell… was that?" Hawk grunted, trying to get up.

"Just what else are these criminals capable of?" Edgeshot asked.

“That warp gate? Wasn’t that one of the League of Villian’s member’s quirk? Kurogiri?” Miruko asked.

“Nah. Kurogiri is currently being held at Tartarus prison. No way that could be him.” Hawk responded.

“That guy had two quirks… Do we happen to know someone with multiple quirks before?” Kamui Woods asked.

“There is…” Endeavor replied as he was getting up, despite the painful slashes all across his body. “All For One.” he spoke with a hateful glare.

||Meanwhile, in a unidentified warehouse somewhere in the city of Musutafu||

Inside the warehouse, the warp gate opened and soon all 5 of the Dark Reapers exited out of it; with Rogue being the last one to exit it. Once they did, Rogue then reached towards his right gauntlet with his left hand; and his left gauntlet opened up revealed what seems to be a small touch screen computer. He then dabbles with the controls; which seem to have deactivated the warp gate as it closes up behind him.

Once he deactivated the warp gate, Rogue then looked towards his comrades, but the tone he gave sounded like he was displeased.

“You’re lucky the warp gate enhancement was a successful run. Or otherwise this situation would not have gone down smoothly.” Rogue exclaimed. “And what did I say about engaging in combat with any more pro-heroes! Especially after our kill today! We don’t need the heat on us!” He growled.

"Apologies, sir. Some of us were a bit sloppy with our latest victim. But rest assured, this will not happen again," Huntress replied with a bow.

“What choice did we have!? We were being pursued by Endeavor, along with Hawks, Miruko, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods! Thats 5 out of the 10 top pro-heroes that hunted us. 2 more than last time.” Deathslinger exclaimed.

“It seems they are growing bolder in their numbers, Rogue.” Grim commented. “Soon it won’t be long until they decide to send an army of pro-heroes after us.”

“Let them try! We’ll slaughter every single one of them!” Berserker spoke with high confidence.

"No! We barely managed to escape today and that armor of yours barely held together." Rogue pointed out the cracks and dents in Berserker's armor and how deep the fractures were. "Next time it won't be the armor that cracks, but your bones as well. We attack one hero or villain every 3 days and we adapt from that battle and improve our armor and gear. That has always been our advantage and it served us well. But we have not reached higher levels yet, and you were FOOLISH! To think that you can take on a pro like Endeavor!” Rogue reminded his gang.

“But boss! We are growing tired and growing impatient. No matter how many heroes or villains or quirks we kill; we still have not swayed the public to our desires!” Deathslinger commented.

"Eventually, we will move past killing heroes and villains. This is merely a set-up for what I have in store for those would-be heroes and villains. And I've had my goals set on this plan for a while ever since… that incident. All we need is to find our key component and we'll be set," Rogue said, checking the screen on his gauntlet as he displays a photo of a little girl with a horn on her forehead, silver hair and red eyes, looking as cute as a button.

The other Dark Reapers observed the image with one or two of them looking towards Rogue with confusion and disbelief.

“A kid? Are you serious?” Berserker asked in confusion.

“This child, Berserker… is special. Her quirk is Rewind; a remarkable ability. She can reverse a living being's body back to a previous state. And according to my research that I have done; and some other data I have acquired from the research done by the leader of Shie Hassaikai yakuza organization… Overhaul. Her blood alone can even reverse and erase a quirk… permanently.” Rogue explained.

"Wait, are you serious? You're telling us that this… child can reverse time on a person and potentially erase their quirks?" Huntress asked, trying to confirm her suspicions. "How do we know she's the real deal?"

“Because a 3rd year hero student named Mirio Togata has been shot by a special bullet manufactured by Overhaul; containing the child’s blood. And instantly, his quirk was erased… leaving him quirkless.” Rogue claimed.

"Huh… Well, where are we gonna find this kid? You know where she might be?" Grim asked.

“I hacked into police and government files that were involved in the Shie Hassaikai Raid. And in my research, I have located the child. She is given sanctuary and is currently living at UA High.” Rogue explained the child’s location.

"Well, that's a start, but how the hell are we gonna get inside? U.A High's been stepping up security nonstop since it's been infiltrated in the past," Huntress asked.

Rogue turns towards the Huntress, and while his mask hides away his eyes, she could feel the dark gaze that he was giving her. “Our key to victory is found, Huntress. And we will stop at nothing to possess it.” he states to his gang, to which they gave no response and agreed to his wishes.

“And we will kill anyone who dares to stand in our way.”

Author's Note:

I hope you guys like the chapter. Sorry it took so long to publish, me and Israel have a life you know. Also I made the designs of the Dark Reapers with HeroForge. I hope you like their designs.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy the chapter and please be patient for more that'll soon come.