• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 3,073 Views, 166 Comments

The Rebel and The Bookworm (CANCELLED) - qiley

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Chapter 9: A New Friend

Author's Note:

I realized this story is very Slice-of-Life rather than actual plot. I mean I don't mind writing their random shenanigans, but I'm not sure about you guys! So let me if you want me to continue just writing like this or maybe include an actual plot.

Enjoy the chapter! :twilightsmile:

Four ponies were seated at a round table. Surrounding them were other tables, filled with students chatting about whatever students chat about during lunch time.

Sunburst stared at his foalhood friend in surprise. “So you’re telling me you’ve been studying magic, by yourself, for two years?”

“Heh, yeah,” Starlight smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “It’s not anything impressive.”

Sunburst shook his head. “That’s impressive, Starlight. Studying magic is hard here, even with all the teachers and resources we have.”

“Speak for yourself,” Sunset wore a cocky grin. “Studying magic is easy. Applying it? Not so much.”

Twilight nodded in agreement, sipping on her chocolate milk.

“I’m still surprised that you’re here so soon!” Sunburst said. “I thought that it’d be maybe a couple months till you got in.”

“I just couldn’t wait after I got your letter, so I asked the admission officers if I could start a semester earlier.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “And they just let you?”

Starlight shrugged. “Apparently I did really well on the entrance exam so they made an expectation.”

“You’re just setting my expectations for you higher and higher,” Sunset smirked. “I hope you’re as good as you say.”

“Oh? Is that a challenge?” Starlight smirked back.

“Maybe it is, maybe it isn't it.”

The two playfully glared at each other before breaking into laughter.

Twilight looked at Sunburst. “They seem to like each other.”

“That’s great!” Sunburst smiled while looking at the two. “Between you and me, Starlight didn’t really have many friends back in Sires Hollow so it’s good to see her getting along with another pony.”

“Huh…” Twilight simply replied.

“What’re you two whispering about?” Starlight asked, getting in between the two of them.

“Woah!” Sunburst jumped a bit in his seat. “How did you even get there?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Magic, duh.”

“You want to join us after school?” Twilight offered. “We have lots of fun!”

Starlight turned to the filly, cocking an eyebrow. “What do you three do after school?”

“We practice magic, have mock duels,” Twilight explained. “Things like that.”

“So you three are able to do that by yourselves? My dad always told me it’s dangerous to practice magic on your own, especially if you’re young.”

“Twilight’s brother supervises us,” Sunset said. “We’re not allowed to practice magic without some sort of adult supervision.”

Starlight shrugged. “Well it sounds fun, so I guess I’ll come along.”

“Great!” Sunset deviously smirked. “Then I can really test your skills.”

“Oh you’re on,” Starlight shot back.

Sunburst sighed. “How are you two rivals already?”

“Because having rivals gives you a reason to become stronger,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “I thought that was obvious.”

“Even a foal knows that, Sunburst,” Starlight shook her head.

Sunburst crossed his forehooves. “I don’t think a foal even knows what a rival is!”

“Fair point,” Starlight chuckled.

They continued chatting through lunch, the bell eventually ringing, signifying the end of their break. Returning to their class, they went about their school day.

“This is the first time I’ve ever been in a castle,” Starlight said, looking around the hallway. “To think I’d get to come here on my first day in Canterlot!”

Sunset grinned. “Well you better get used to being here, because you’re going to be here a lot.”

“Roger that,” Starlight playfully saluted, giggling.

After giving a small tour to Starlight, they headed towards the garden where they held their magic practice. As they approached their usual training spot, voices caught their attention, causing them to stop in their tracks.

“What are you doing today Shiny?” a mare, who they assumed was Cadance, asked.

“Nothing much. Just supervising Twilight, Sunset, and Sunburst’s training,” Shining Armor replied. “I guess I’m also teaching them some defensive spells.”

“It’s very kind of you to always watch them.”

The four students quietly crept into a nearby bush, peeking their heads out slightly to watch the two.

The two of them were sitting in the grass, Cadance leaning on Shining Armor. Her eyes were closed and she had a big smile.. She looked both peaceful and happy.

Shining Armor chuckled. “If it’s for Twily? I’d do anything.”

Twilight sheepishly smiled at that.

“You love her alot, huh?” Cadance hummed.

Shining Armor rolled his eyes.“You of all ponies know that.”

“I know.”

Shining Armor closed his eyes as well, leaning his head on Cadance’s. The birds were chirping, the branches of the trees slightly swaying, their leaves rustling. All was peaceful and all was calm.

“What are you four looking at?”

Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, and Sunburst quickly turned to their right. Crouched beside them was the one and only monarch of Equestria, Celestia!

“Y-Your majesty!” Starlight and Sunburst quiet-shouted, bowing to her.

“There’s no need for that. Please rise you two,” Celestia smiled at the two as they rose up.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset asked.

“Just checking on what my two wonderful students are up to,” Celestia turned her attention back to the opening. Making a little “o” with her mouth, she nodded. “When did those two become a thing?”

Sunset was taken back. “Wait, Cadance still hasn’t told you?”

“I tried to talk to her about relationships the other day, but you know how teenageers are,” Celestia giggled.

“I actually don’t,” Sunset said. “Don’t really know any.”

“She said something along the lines of ‘that’s gross’ and ‘stop bothering me’,” Celestia grinned. “I knew she was hiding something from me.”

“Are you going to punish her?” Twilight pouted. “Please don’t. Cadance is a good pony!”

“I’m not going to punish her my dear Twilight,” Celestia assured the filly. “It’s not in my right to say who and when she dates. I just want what’s best for my niece.”

Sunset groaned. “You sound like a mom right now.”

“I will, however, interrupt their moment right now!” Celestia snickered.

“As evil as ever,” Sunset chuckled.

Celestia quietly exited the bush, creeping up on the unaware couple. Making her way behind them, she smirked.

“Boo!” She shouted, causing the two ponies to jolt up.

The couple turned around, coming face to face with a giggling Celestia.

“Auntie!” Cadance pouted. “It’s still not funny.”

“Y-Your Majesty,” Shining Armor quickly bowed.

“You may rise, lieutenant Shining Armor,” Celestia said.

“What are you doing here?” Cadance asked. “Shouldn’t you be doing paperwork or something?”

“My, trying to get rid of me so soon?” Celestia smirked. “Perhaps you want more private time with the lieutenant here.”

Cadence's face flushed almost immediately. Shining Armor, on the other hand, was frozen stiff.

“H-How much did you see and or hear?” Cadance asked.

“I didn’t really hear much, but I did see you two getting comfortable,” Celestia winked.

“I told you we should’ve gone to my room,” Cadance hissed, glaring at Shining Armor. “We could’ve locked the door!”

“Oh my,” Celestia let out an exaggerated gasp. “What were you two planning to do?”

“Auntie!” Cadance whined, her face somehow getting more red.

Celestia let out a satisfied sigh. “Teasing you sure lightens my mood.”

“Y-You’re not going to banish me for dating Cadance, right?” Shining Armor squeaked.

“Of course not,” Celestia smiled, causing the stallion to loosen up a bit. “I’m not going to tell Cadance who she can and can’t date. It’s just not my place.”

“Thank you, Auntie,” Cadance said, hugging Celestia.

“Awww…” four voices cooed from a bush.

Shining Armor sighed. “Don’t tell me…”

“We were here the whole time,” Sunset popped out of the bush, smirking. “We didn’t really see anything besides you two getting all mushy.”

Twilight, Sunburst, and Starlight all popped out as well.

“Hi Shiny!” Twilight galloped over to him, jump-hugging him.

“Hello there Twily,” Shining Armor laughed, hugging her back.

“Who’s that?” Cadance asked, looking at Starlight.

“H-Hello! I’m Starlight, Sunburst’s foalhood friend,” Starlight awkwardly introduced herself.

“It’s nice to meet you, Starlight. I’m Cadance, Twilight’s foalsitter.” Giving her a warm smile, she shook Starlight’s hoof. “It’s always nice to meet a new pony. I hope Sunset hasn’t been bullying you.”

“Why would I do that?” Sunset glared at Cadance. “What kind of pony do you take me for?”

Cadance remained silent, the same smile on her face.

“Sunset has been good to me so far,” Starlight quickly replied. “I’d even say we’re friends.”

“Well, duh,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Of course we’re friends.”

“That’s great!” Cadance clapped her forehooves together.

“Hello there Starlight,” Shining Armor stepped up next to Cadance. “I’m Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Starlight greeted him.

“I assume you’re here for magic practice?” Shining Armor said.

Starlight shrugged. “Twilight invited me, and I didn’t see a reason not to, so here I am!”

“It’s always better with more ponies,” Shining Armor smiled. “We usually start right away, but we kind of got distracted.”

Celestia looked at Sunset. “So this is what you two have been doing.”

“I didn't tell you?” Sunset tapped her chin. “I swear I did.”

“Well at least I know you’re not spending your free time just lazing around,” Celestia chuckled. “I thought you’d just be laying in bed with a spellbook or something like that.”

“Hey!” Sunset shouted, trying to think of some sort of retort. After a short pause, she shrugged. “I guess you’re not wrong.”

“I know,” Celestia winked at her.

“C’mon auntie, let’s go have some tea,” Cadance said. “These five have to start their practice anyways.”

“Wait, you’re inviting me for tea?” Celestia cocked an eyebrow. “Who are you and what have you done with the real Cadance?”

Cadance rolled her eyes. “I invite you for tea all the time.”

“Uh huh…” Celestia nodded her head slowly.

“C’mon, let’s just go,” Cadance sighed, walking towards the pathway.

Celestia shrugged. “You’re the boss.”

Celestia and Cadance disappeared into the garden, leaving the five of them in the open field. The sun was still high above their heads, shining down on them.

“Before we start, I’d like to know a little more about you Starlight,” Shining Armor said, taking a seat in the grass. “Take a seat everypony!”

The students gathered around Shining Armor, taking a seat.

“So, what would you like to know, Mr. Armor?” Starlight asked politely.

“Just Shining Armor is fine,” he said with a smile. “I guess we should start off with your magic level. How would you rate your power?”

“Not to brag or anything, but I think I’m pretty powerful,” Starlight smirked. “Although, it’s not very refined to be honest. I didn’t really practice a lot.”

Shining Armor nodded. “And your knowledge of magic?”

“I’d like to say I know a lot,” Starlight shrugged. “I did study spell books and stuff for like, two years.”

“So I have another powerful unicorn in my hooves, “Shining Armor sighed. “Just don’t go blowing up the garden, okay?”

“I’ll try not to!” Starlight chirped.

“Maybe you should test her first?” Sunburst suggested.

“I second that,” Sunset nodded. “I also kind of want to see what she’s capable of.”

“Of course you do,” Shining Armor rolled his eyes. “Alright Starlight, I’m going to put a barrier around myself. Feel free to launch whatever spells you want.”

“What if I break it?” Starlight asked. “Wouldn’t I hurt you?”

“Don’t worry, this barrier can block basically everything,” Shining Armor assured her. “Unless you have alicorn magic or some sort of ancient magic we don’t know of, I should be fine.”

“Basically he’s saying that if you break it, you’re super powerful!” Twilight grinned.

“If you say so…” Starlight mumbled.

Shining Armor put the barrier around himself. It shimmered a beautiful light purple.

“I’m ready Starlight,” Shining Armor said. “Fire away!”

Starlight took a deep breath, placing a hoof on her chest. Closing her eyes, she stood still for a little while.

“Is she going to do something,” Twilight whispered to Sunset and Sunburst.

“Patience Twilight,” Sunburst said. “I’m sure she’s just nervous.”

“Or maybe she’s conjuring some super powerful spell,” Sunset suggested.

“You know that sounds kind of plausible,” Sunburst chuckled quietly.

Starlight opened her eyes wide, her horn glowing brighter and brighter by the second. A small sphere appeared on the tip of her horn, emitting a faint humming noise. The sphere continued to grow and grow, the humming getting louder and louder.

“That looks a little dangerous, don’t you think?” Sunset shouted over the intense humming.

“A little bit,” Twilight shouted back. “I hope Shiny doesn’t get hurt!”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Sunburst chimed in. “Hopefully,” he added under his breath.

“What was that?” Sunset asked.

Sunburst stayed silent, watching the sphere grow larger and larger, eventually stopping. The ball of magic was roughly the size of a house. The humming was almost deafening, and the bright light almost blinding.

“Okay, this definitely doesn’t look safe,” Sunset frowned, shielding her eyes from the light.

“Maybe we should tell her to cancel it out?” Sunburst said. “I don’t want her blowing up the castle.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Sunset nodded.

“Uh Starlight, I know I said I wanted to test you but I think this might be a little overboard,” Shining Armor chuckled nervously. “Maybe you should use a different spell instead?”

Starlight chuckled nervously as well, the ball still floating on the tip of her horn. “Well then we might have a slight problem.”

“And what would that be?” Shining Armor asked, slightly panicked.

“Well uh, let’s just say I don’t really know how to cancel out the spell,” Starlight smiled sheepishly. “So I can’t use a different spell!”

“Celestia help us all,” Shining Armor muttered.

“We better come up with a solution quickly!” Starlight quickly said, obviously panicking. “Because I can’t hold it for much longer.”

“Uh…” Sunburst stood there, processing the scene in front of him.

“Just shoot it into the sky,” Sunset shouted. “We’ll just explain to the guards and Celestia what happened!”

“Make sure to launch it super high up as well,” Shining Armor added. “Just high enough where it won’t affect the castle.”

“O-Ok!” Starlight nodded, swinging her head towards the sky. The giant sphere flew up high into the sky.

“It kind of looks like another sun,” Sunset observed.

Twilight tilted her head. “Is it going to explode?”

“I’m sure it will,” Shining Armor said, trotting over to them. “Eventually.”

They continued to watch the sphere fly higher and higher into the sky.

“Any second now…” Shining Armor said.

Then the sphere just seemed to disappear.

Sunburst chuckled. “Huh, that sure was anti-clima-”

A deafening explosion filled the garden, a blinding light appearing in the sky. A gust flew past them, almost lifting them into the air. Shining Armor quickly put a barrier to prevent them from flying away. The greenery wasn’t as fortunate as the students. Trees and bushes were uprooted while patches of grass flew away.

The light soon faded and the gust gone, leaving only silence in the garden.

The group all looked towards Starlight, who was just grinning.

“Remind me to never make you mad,” Sunset chuckled, breaking the silence.

“What is the meaning of this?” a voice suddenly called down on them. Looking up, they saw Celestia and a couple of guards hovering above them.

Everypony but Sunset were silent, who awkwardly smiled.

“Magic practice gone wrong?”

“I think I understand what happened,” Celestia sighed, taking a sip of her tea. “To summarize, Shining Armor wanted to gauge Starlight’s power so he could try and help her practice but Starlight conjured a spell that was too powerful for her to simply stop, and launched it into the sky.”

Sunset nodded. “That’s pretty much the gist of it.”

“I’m not against you five practicing magic in the garden at all, in fact, I welcome you to do it. I am, however, against the use of crisis-threat level spells there,” Celestia dryly chuckled.

Starlight hung her head. “Sorry.”

“It's alright, Starlight,” Celestia warmly smiled. “I do applaud you for even being able to do something like that. You have a special talent for magic.”

“T-Thank you,” Starlight stuttered out, weakly smiling.

“Of course,” Celestia said. “Unfortunately, you five may have to either pause or take your practice somewhere else for the time being.”

Twilight pouted. “You’re kicking us out of the garden?!”

“Just for a little bit,” Celestia assured them. “We have to do some renovations due to the damages caused by the spell, so that part of the garden will be closed off.”

Starlight cringed. “Sorry, again.”

“As I said before, it’s alright. Although it didn’t go as planned, Shining Armor was able to gauge your ability, so it wasn’t a complete failure. Plus, the garden needed some changes anyways,” Celestia chuckled, winking at the group.

“She’s right,” Shining Armor nodded. “Now that I know how powerful you are, I can help you control and tap into it fully.”

“Although I don’t doubt your abilities Lieutenant, I don’t think you’ll be able to do that,” Celestia smirked, eyeing Starlight. “She may be almost as powerful, if not more, than myself.”

The group gasped at her bold statement.

“B-But your majesty, aren’t alicorns supposed to be the strongest ponies alive?” Shining Armor spoke up.

“That’s what all the books say,” Twilight added.

“Yes, alicorn magic is powerful, but I’ve seen and met unicorns whose magic was just as powerful as it,” Celestia said. “I’m sure Starlight can grow to be one of the strongest mages in history.”

“I can be more powerful than an alicorn?” Starlight mumbled to herself.

“I knew Starlight was amazing, but I didn’t think she’d be this amazing,” Sunburst said.

Sunset simply chuckled, patting Starlight on her back, causing her to snap back to reality. “You better get to training then.”

Starlight looked over to Sunset, who was grinning at her.

“Y-Yeah,” Starlight nodded.

“I suggest you train with them,” Celestia said. “Especially with Sunset.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “Why me?”

“Because both of you have the capabilities of becoming stronger than myself,” Celestia said.

“How about me?” Twilight grinned, raising a hoof into the air.

“Yes Twilight, I do believe that with enough hard work and discipline you may be able to as well.”

“You’re telling me these three have the potential to be stronger than an alicorn?!” Sunburst stared at the three with wide eyes.

“Yes,” Celestia simply said.

“And you get to watch it all happen,” Shining Armor grinned at the other stallion.

“Oh boy…” Sunburst gulped.

“What are you so nervous about, Sunburst?” Sunset smirked, staring deviously at the poor stallion. “We’ll be sure to go easy on you.”

Sunburst shuddered under her gaze.

Starlight frowned. “Stop being mean to him.”

“I was just teasing him. It’s not like we’re trying to kill anypony when we practice,” Sunset said. “At least I’m not. I don’t really know about Twilight.”

“It was one time!” Twilight protested.

“Wait, why didn’t I hear about this?” Shining Armor asked. “Twily, tell me what happened.”

Celesta smiled. “I too would like to hear about this.”

“Us too!” Starlight chirped while Sunburst simply nodded.

“Uh well…” Twilight smiled awkwardly. “As long as you promise not to punish me?”

“We promise,” Celestia quickly said before Shining Armor could say anything.

Twilight cleared her throat. “O-Okay, so it happened the first day we started practicing magic together…”

“So basically we’re going to duel each other,” Sunset explained. “It works exactly like the school’s system, but we can’t use spells that will cause any harm to each other physically.”

“So I can use mind-altering spells to cause mental damage?” Twilight beamed.

“Uhh… As long as it isn’t permanent I guess?” Sunset compromised.

“Cool!” Twilight grinned widely.

“I’m kind of scared of what you’re going to do now,” Sunset dryly chuckled.

“Wait, so how are we going to decide a winner if we don’t get hurt?”

“Remember that recolor spell that Celestia taught us?” Sunset asked, to which Twilight nodded. “Well I’m sure you’re smart enough to be able to change the lethal part of the spell into the color changing spell, so even if you hit me, it’ll just recolor me!”

“That’s a great idea!” Twilight praised.

Sunset smirked. “Why thank you, I thought of it myself.”

“So does that mean we can use whatever spells we want?”

“Exactly,” Sunset said. “This is going to be fun.”

Twilight grinned, making her way to her side. “I’m so going to win!”

“Oh we’ll see about that,” Sunset snickered, walking to her side of the field.

“Am I counting down or are you?” Twilight shouted.

“I’ll do it!” Sunset shouted back. “You ready?”


Sunset cleared her throat.





The two ponies instantly blinked towards the center, mere inches away from each other. Sunset’s horn brightened, ice appearing under Twilight’s feet. Twilight was quick to respond, melting it into a puddle almost immediately.

“Aww, I really wanted to see you slip,” Sunset teased, blinking a few feet away.

“That’s mean!” Twilight frowned, shooting a small beam towards Sunset, who simply dodged it. It hit a tree that was behind her, leaving a purple splotch on its trunk.

Sunset grinned, shooting one large beam towards her opponent. When it was halfway towards Twilight, it broke into six smaller beams.

“Woah!” Twilight yelped, creating a hole underneath her. She fell in, narrowly dodging all the beams.

Sunset blinked next to the hole, looking down at the trapped filly. “That’s a cool trick.”

“Thanks!” Twilight grinned, throwing some dirt at Sunset.

“Hey! That’s dirty,” Sunset snickered. “Literally and figuratively.”

“Sorry!” Twilight said before blinking out of the hole, directly behind Sunset. “Sorry for this too!”

Sunset felt a very forceful push, presumably some sort of push spell as Twilight was not that strong physically, forcing her into the hole. She landed face first into the dirt.

“Bleh,” Sitting up, she stuck her tongue out. She heard a faint snickering from the filly. Sunset scowled.“Twilight! That’s not funny at all.”

Twilight’s snickering slowly faded and was replaced with an eerie silence. Sunset looked around, noticing that she was no longer in that small hole, but rather a large open field. She couldn’t see very far though, a heavy fog obscuring her vision.

“Twilight? Are you there?” Sunset called out, keeping her guard up. “Is this some sort of illusion spell? I know I said you can use mind-altering spells but this is just unfair!”

Sunset kept yelling, but no pony answered. She tried to cast a spell, but her horn simply sparked out.

Sunset frowned. “Am I just stuck in here now?”

However, a glowing light off in the distance caught her attention. It grew larger and larger, as if it was rapidly approaching her.

“What the-” Sunset mumbled, cut off as the beam whizzed by her, a burning sensation on her cheek. Putting her hoof up to it, she felt something warm trickle down her cheek.

“Is that blood?” Sunset frowned, looking down at her hoof. There was a small line of dark red. A pang of panic ran through her body.

“Twilight, this really isn’t funny!”

Suddenly, more of those lights appeared all around her, all moving at different speeds.

“T-Twilight, I’m really going to die!” Sunset shouted, the lights closing in on her. It was only a matter of time till they struck her.

“TWILIGHT!!!!” Sunset screamed, closing her eyes.

Sunset sat there for a moment, her eyes shut tight still. That moment turned into minutes.

“Am I dead?” Sunset thought, slowly opening her eyes. In front of her were all the beams, frozen in place.

“Sunset? Are you in there?” Twilight’s faint voice echoed throughout the realm. “Sunset, wake up! Oh no… What am I going to tell Celestia?”

Sunset somehow opened her eyes again, coming face to face with a worried filly.

“Sunset!” Twilight cried out, hugging her tightly. She sniffled, burying her head into her chest. “I thought I killed you.”

Sunset dryly chuckled, hugging her back. “You almost did.”

Twilight looked up to Sunset, a small gasp escaping her mouth. “S-Sunset, you’re bleeding!”

“Huh?” Sunset put a hoof up to her cheek. The same cut was there. “Wait, what?”

“So that’s how Twilight almost killed me,” Sunset finished. “To be honest, it was kind of impressive.”

Everypony, except Twilight, looked at Sunset like she was crazy. They sat there in silence for a moment.

Celestia cleared her throat. “So let me get this straight, Twilight put you into some sort of realm using a mind-altering spell, but somehow accidently connected it to the real realm?”

“Yeah something like that,” Sunset shrugged. “We don’t really know the details ourselves.”

“That’s a little scary…” Sunburst said.

“A little?” Starlight cocked an eyebrow. “A filly was almost able to kill somepony. Not only that, but she was able to cancel out Sunset’s magic somehow!”

“I don’t think I can look at Twily the same anymore,” Shining Armor mumbled to himself, letting out an audible sigh.

“But it’s all water under the bridge,” Sunset shrugged. “Right Twilight?”

“Yup!” Twilight nodded with a grin.

“Are you certain you have no idea what spell it was?” Celestia asked Twilight.

“Well I tried to cast a mind-altering spell,” Twilight said, thinking back to the duel. “It was supposed to be a simple illusion, just to buy me some time. I thought for sure she’d be able to break it in just a few seconds!”

“But after a few minutes I started getting worried so I levitated her out of the hole, and she was just staring blankly into space. Then she started screaming at me for some reason, so I got scared and backed away. Eventually she calmed down, but she looked really scared. I didn’t know what to do so I tried to wake her up.”

Celestia sat in silence. She tapped her chin slowly, obviously deep in thought.

“The only thing I could think of is that you put too much magic into the spell, causing it to malfunction,” Celestia sighed. “Although that doesn’t explain why she got hurt from the illusion.”

“Twilight’s been reading some dark arts if that helps,” Sunset nonchalantly said.

“Twily! What did mom and dad say about reading those kinds of books?” Shining Armor frowned, scolding the filly.

“That I shouldn’t until I was older,” Twilight said, her head drooping.

“Wait, so your parents wouldn’t care that you were reading dark arts if you were older?” Starlight asked, a stupefied look on her face.

Shining Armor shrugged. “Our parents don’t really care too much as long as we don’t cause trouble.”

“I think reading those books can cause a lot of trouble,” Starlight frowned.

Celestia sighed, looking at the droopy Twilight. She stayed silent, just watching her student sit there.

“She’s not in trouble, is she?” Sunset asked.

“No,” Celestia said. “Although I may not approve of those books, it doesn’t mean I’m not completely against a pony reading them. Especially somepony like Twilight, who has an insatiable hunger for knowledge.”

Twilight lifted her head to look up at Celestia, a weak smile on her face.

“The being said, I hope you’re more careful with what you read as well as how it affects your spellcasting. As I said before, I’m not against you knowing and even using dark arts, but you must use them carefully, okay?”

“O-Okay!” Twilight nodded frantically. “I’ll be careful.”

“I do have a question though,” Celestia smiled. “How exactly did you get into reading the dark arts?”

Twilight beamed. “Because they’re interesting!”

“Alright, let’s wrap up training for today!” Shining Armor shouted, the four students sprawled out on the grass.

“Why is it still as hard as yesterday!?” Sunset growled.

“I told you it’s not easy,” Shining Armor smirked.

“Everything hurts,” Sunburst groaned.

Starlight sighed.“I regret everything.”

“Already giving up?” Sunset teased.

Scoffing, Starlight sat up. “Not even close.”

“Good,” Sunset simply said.

A small snore caught their attention. Looking towards the source of the sound, they saw Twilight curled up in the grass, sleeping peacefully.

“She did this last time,” Sunset chuckled as she sat up.“You really know how to wear a pony out, Shiny.”

Shining Armor cringed. “Don’t call me that.”

“Whatever you say…” Sunset smirked. “Shiny.”

“Ugh…” Shining Armor groaned, levitating his sister onto his back. “I’m getting out of here before all of you start doing it.”

“I don’t think I would ever call you that,” Sunburst pushed up his glasses. “Like ever.”

“I wouldn’t either,” Starlight added. “That’s just weird.

“Good,” Shining Armor simply said, turning away. “I’m going to head out first. See you three tomorrow!.”

Shining Armor walked away from the three into the garden, slowly fading from view.

“So, what do you two usually do?” Starlight asked, eyeing Sunset.

“Well we’ve only really been friends for like a day so we don’t really know,” Sunset shrugged.

“Well, yesterday I went to Sunset’s room,” Sunburst mindlessly said.

“Y-You went to her room?” Starlight asked, mouth slightly agape.

“Yes?” Sunburst tilted his head.

“Alone?” Starlight scooted closer to Sunburst.

Sunburst nodded his head. “Uh huh…”

Starlight frowned. “Then what did you two do?”

“We did lots of stuff,” Sunset smirked. “Lots and lots of stuff.”

Starlight’s frown deepened. “What kind of stuff?”

“You know exactly what kind of ‘stuff’,” Starlight winked at her.

“Sunburst!” Starlight shook him with her magic. “Is this true?!”

“What are you talking about?” Sunburst said in between shakes.

“Did you do ‘that’ with Sunset?” Starlight shouted, shaking the poor stallion harder. “Did you?!”

Sunburst took a look at Sunset, who was grinning like a foal, then a look at Starlight who was on the verge of tears. Then it clicked.

“We didn’t do anything,” Sunburst shouted. “All we did was write that letter to you!”

Suddenly the shaking stopped and Sunburst dropped back to the ground. Starlight’s horn stopped glowing, and the field was quiet.

Except for Sunset’s snickering.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you,” Sunburst glared at Sunset.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sunset whistled.

“So you two didn’t do anything?” Starlight interrupted them. “You’re not lying to me and you two aren’t secretly dating?”

“Me, date him?” Sunset chuckled. “Pfft, do you even hear yourself right now?”

“I promise that we aren’t dating, Starlight,” Sunburst said, ignoring Sunset’s insult.

“Oh thank Celestia…” Starlight sighed.

“Why are you so relieved?” Sunset smirked. “Maybe you want to-”

Sunset was cut off by a barrier surrounding her. Sunset’s face furrowed, slamming on the walls. It was obvious she was yelling at them, but not a single sound came out from the barrier.

“Let’s start heading back,” Starlight said.

“Sounds good,” Sunburst shrugged, the two walking away.

Sunset, however, was still stuck in the barrier, pounding on the walls with her hoof.

“HEY! LET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN THING!” She shouted to get their attention, but to no avail. She continued pounding on it for a few minutes before tiring out, falling down on her haunches.

She sighed. “Guess I’m stuck here forever.”