• Published 9th Feb 2022
  • 2,719 Views, 106 Comments

The New Girl - Nineveh Orion

  • ...

Chapter 2

Starlight sighed, as she watched as Luster tried once more to walk on her back legs, before falling forward once more onto her belly. "This is not going as smoothly as I had hoped it would."

Luster shot her an annoyed look. "With all due respect, Headmare Starlight. How do ponies walk like this?!"

"People," Starlight corrected.

Luster shook her head. "Whatever. If this is how creatures walk in that other world, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I'm never going to get this right. So what's the point?"

Starlight's ears fell. This had been going on all day, and the young unicorn seemed nowhere near ready to go through the mirror. While she wouldn't doubt Twilight's wisdom, she was beginning to wonder if this had been a good idea herself.

She pushed the thought as she placed a hoof on Luster's shoulder. "Luster. I know how frustrating this is. Believe me. I've been there. So has Twilight. But you have something that neither of us did the first time we visited that world."

Luster wasn't convinced, but she was curious nonetheless. "And what would that be?"

Starlight's smile grew. "You have someone to help you. Not just here in Equestria. But also in the Human World. You just have to trust us on this."

Luster found this hard to believe. But the look in the Headmare's eyes helped to put her at ease. Starlight always seemed to have that effect on her. It was strange, yet comforting at the same time. She smiled as she stood once more and tried again. "I will, Headmare Starlight."

Starlight nodded and stood back and watched. There was little she could do. It depended to a large extent on Luster herself. So for now, she did nothing and offered advice when she could.

It took longer than either mare wanted, but finally, Luster could walk to a credible degree on her back legs.

Luster grinned as she was finally able to walk from one end of the room to the other, and not fall flat on her face. "I'm doing it! And I thought this was hard. This is easy."

At that moment, her knees wobbled, and Luster almost fell flat once more. But this time, she was able to catch herself on a nearby table with a sheepish smile.

Starlight giggled as she walked over to the youngster. "Well, I would not call you an expert on this. But nopony is truly is. I believe you have it down to where you shouldn't make too much of a fool of yourself. Now we just need to wait for Twilight to send us the Journal."

Luster scratched her chin as she stood back down on four legs. "Why wouldn't Princess Twilight keep it here, however? Is she afraid somepony might steal it?"

Starlight shook her head. "Not... exactly. Our friends have all tried to nab the Journal and use it to journey to the other world. Sometimes all at once. And a certain group of students from the School of Friendship has tried as well. None of them succeeded, and Twilight did take all of us to the other side not long after her coronation. But after first Gallus and then Smolder tried the same thing, she decided it was too dangerous to leave it here."

Luster frowned. Having known Gallus since her first day as Princess Twilight's Personal Student, and having met all of his friends since moving to Ponyville, she could well believe they would do something like this.

Starlight looked at the nearby clock. "In fact. Twilight should be sending it right about..." A journal with a sun in a ying-yang configuration appeared next to her in a flash of teleportation, and Starlight smirked as she grabbed it in her magic. "Now." Her smile grew as she floated a note over to her fellow unicorn. "And there is a note for you, Luster. It looks important."

Luster blinked as she took the note in her own magic and began to read.

'My dearest Luster Dawn.

I am sorry that I cannot be there myself. But someponies in Canterlot don't know when no means no. I trust Starlight to make sure you are okay and to handle any emergencies that may arise. Before you embark on this journey, however, I must impose one rule on you and what you will see.

Nothing of what you see and experience must be let out. Knowledge of the Human World is restricted to a select few, and it must stay that way. One day, that may change, and I pray that it will. But that day is not today, nor in the immediate future.

I know how much you love to take notes and document all you see and experience. I will not stop you from doing so, for it would not be fair to you. You must not share it, however. Not yet at least.

I wish you a safe and wonderful journey. I know you will be fine. Take it from someone who has done this more than anypony in Equestria. You will be fine. And don't be freaked out by who you may meet. It's not as weird as it may seem. Trust me.

Yours truly,
Princess Twilight Sparkle'

Luster blinked in surprise, even as the World Mirror hummed to life behind her. A part of her was not surprised by this, but another part of her was saddened by not being able to share this with her friends. They shared everything with each other it seemed. How was she going to keep this secret?

Starlight read the note as well and frowned. She was not a fan of this, and she and Twilight had butted heads more than once over it. But there was little she could do as she directed Luster to the mirror. "You heard the princess. As much as I hate this restriction myself."

Luster nodded. She was glad her parents were away in the Crystal Empire on vacation at the moment, and wouldn't be back for several weeks. There was no way she could explain all of this to them. She eyed the swirling mirror with a critical eye. "So what do I do? Just walk through?"

Starlight nodded. "Yes. Try to brace for the other end. It's a doozy of a first step."

Luster gulped. She did not like the sound of that. She watched in awe as her hoof sunk into the mirror as she touched it. It was just like water, she thought. Strange. Looking back, she saw that Headmare Starlight was giving her an encouraging smile. It helped to calm her nerves as she too smiled.

Steeling herself, Luster Dawn walked forward into the unknown.

Author's Note:

So as Uz Naimat, Scyphi, Scribblestick, Autumn Colors Fall, The Fan Without a Face, The Blue EM2, and Cirrus Sky, have a point in that I could have done some parts of the last chapter better. And they're right.

But these are things that get my blood boiling when they're brought up as much as they have in stories. So that came out in those lines, and I'm not one to care how my feelings come out in a story. They won't come up again, however, so I hope that helps.

PhycoKrusk did have a point though. No reason Twilight wouldn't let Luster visit the Equestria Girls world. At least that's how I see it. She has friends in that world, and she knows she can trust them to look out for her.