• Published 3rd Oct 2012
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The Album - Peregrine Caged

A collection of 'snapshots', short stories that represent Moments in the lives of various ponies

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Gilda -- Pissed

Written By: Venatus75
Rated Teen for language

The open air is a beautiful thing, even to someone like Gilda. Yes, even she, a hardcore punk of a griffon, found the sky beautiful. However, that was starting to dissipate with her new job. After the events in Ponyville with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Gilda decided to return to the semi-civilized Griffon Empire. The Griffon Empire was beginning to bring itself up to par with Equestria in terms of technology, creating several niches for various griffons to fill. Thus, some griffons no longer had time to hunt their own food. Gilda, seeing the opportunity early on, took it upon herself to hunt for prey to sell to the general populace. The money was good, and she was definitely good at her job, but all the time spent hunting was starting to diminish the joy she used to experience with it.

Then there was also the problem with all the time idly spent looking for prey from the air. The job obviously required Gilda to be on her lonesome, so she was left to her thoughts for a good chunk of the day each time she went out to hunt.

Ugh, this is starting to become such a drag. I can’t believe I’m getting bored hunting! I used to live for this back before Flight Camp… Ugh…
Gilda was currently above a forest known as the Wooded Expanse, looking for prey to catch. Strapped to her back tightly was a bag that she put her catches in. Some days she returned with a full bag, other times she returned with only a few mice.

I wonder how Dash’s doing? It’s been like, a year since I saw her in-- Oh… Yeah… Fuck. Why’d that little shit, what’s her name, Pinkie Pie? Yeah, why’d she have to go and screw things over with me and Dash? I was just pissed, is all.
Gilda shook off the bad memories and resumed looking for anything below. Not seeing anything, she took her wings in for a moment to get closer to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a trace of movement. Turning towards it, Gilda squinted her eyes to get a better look.

Here we go… Looks like a squirrel. Heh, the first time the pegasi at Flight Camp saw me catch a mouse, they just about puked. I didn’t even know ponies didn’t eat meat at the time, so I was freaking out too, though.

Gilda chuckled at the fond memory and then refocused on the squirrel. She leaned forward and tucked her wings in, diving for it. It was a couple hundred meters away, so it took a few seconds to close in. She could now see the squirrel was looking around on the ground for nuts. Gilda leaned her head in, speeding up even further, and reached out with her talons. Feeling the contact of flesh with her feet, Gilda smiled and pulled up.

“Gotcha, ya little bastard,” she said, looking down at the squirrel caught in her feet. It simply squeaked in reply. Gilda was not without mercy, though, and twisted her talons around the critter’s neck, killing it. She then reached around her back and plopped the squirrel into her bag.

What was the name of that pony Dash was friends with? The one that liked the animals. I think it was Fluttershy. Man, she’d flip if I showed her this bag.
Gilda let out a low chuckle, amused by her own thoughts.

Oh yeah… I kinda bitched at her, didn’t I?
Gilda shook her head, I was just so freaking... “PISSED!” she yelled, not even realizing she had spoken out loud until after she said it. The shaking of leaves and bushes was audible, even from a couple hundred feet in the air.

Nice going, Gilda. Just scattered all the food for a freaking mile. Really, just… great job.
Gilda sighed, her anger coming out with it.

I do feel kinda bad about yelling at her, though. Like I said, that whole situation was just… I was pissed. No changin’ anything now, though.
Gilda began flapping her wings harder and more downwards, elevating herself. She kept on like this until she was almost half of a mile in the air.

I could always… Nah… I’m perfectly fine living here. I have a job, food, hell, I even have a decent amount of money! But… I’m just doing this, over and over… It’s so freaking boring. At least back in Equestria I had friends. I actually had fun. Here, it’s just the same thing, over and over. Maybe I will go back to Equestria… one day.
Gilda shook her head and growled in frustration before continuing her thoughts.

No, you won’t, you’ve talked about going back every other fucking day for the past year. You haven’t done anything yet, and you’re never going to because you’re such a whiny bitch! Toughen up, Gilda! It’s all behind you, and they probably hate you anyway! You were a total dick to each and every one of them, they deserve to hate you! Nobody in their right mind would EVER like you, you fucking asshole!
Her emotions starting to get the better of her, Gilda decided to touch down before she did something reckless. Unfortunately, she did anyway. Thinking she had enough speed to fly through a tree’s leaves, she didn’t bother avoiding them. However, a large branch tipped her wing, sending her falling about twenty feet. Landing on her back, Gilda began to sob, hardly moving.

Just because I deserve it, doesn’t make it any easier on me. I have nobody… Just me. Why am I always so freaking pissed? I don’t even know why, I just… am. And it hasn’t done anything but fuck me in the ass since I was a kid. I’m just… I’m tired of it. I need to just stop.
Gilda picked herself up, testing her legs for any injuries. Thankfully, she was fine. She wiped the tears from her eyes, checked that her bag was still there, and took off.

Alright, Gilda, calm down. It’s over. Just another fit of sadness. You’ll be over it by tomorrow. You always are, every time this happens.

And with that, she set off for home.

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