• Published 22nd Jan 2022
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Dashie and the Juniorbolts - Foal Star

Rainbow Dash and some of the other recruits from the Wonderbolt Academy were regressed into toddlers. Now they have to relearn how to fly to escape the Daycare and find Twilight.

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Chapter Three: Escaping Juniorbolts Academy

After Rainbow Dash woke up from her nap (and not long after her soggy diaper was changed), the little filly looked around the room. She saw that all her fellow "Wonderbolts": Flitter with her sister (the other white-coated colt and a yellow coated filly she couldn't recognize), Thunderlane, and Bulk Biceps, were all sitting and having a snack together. Rainbow Dash grumbled rather irritably as she took a plate of animal crackers and a juice box, then plopped down next to the other foals and grumbled, "Hey guys."

"Hey, Dashie." The other foals all chimed in.

Rainbow Dash looked over at her fellow Wonderbolts, and she needed to explain their situation. "Wook, I realize tat we can't fwy well due to us bein' babies. But I found out that we can use owa diapers to bounce high on the clouds and use that to get over the gate."

Bulk Biceps started to get rather excited as he began to bounce up and down on his own pampers as he giggled. "Oh, wow! Tat is such a cool idea!"

Cloudchaser and Flitter gave each other odd looks as if they were unsure. But Rainbow Dash got up on her back legs and said to them. "Wook, ta way things awe if we just stay hewe and do nothin', we gonna be hewe for a wong time and maybe stay as babies forever! Do ya want tat?!"

The other foals all shook their heads as Rainbow continued. "Weww ten, we gots ta escape tonight! So today, during playtime, we gonna be practicing bouncing on owa diapees!"

The other foals, somewhat embarrassed, looked as the white-coated colt raised a hoof. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Ya dun need ta waise ya hoof, but what is it?"

"Weww, does tat mean ya gonna be owa captain?" The white-coated colt asked.

Rainbow puffed out her chest and placed a hoof right above her heart. "Yes, I already toed Buwk Biceps tat I ta captain!"

"Captain of ta juniorbowts!" Bulk Biceps snickered, which got a round of laughter from the other foals.

Rainbow got pouty because of that and snapped. "Otay, whateva, wets get pwacticin' after we finish owa snacks." The filly then plopped down onto her rump. She ate her animal crackers (and drank her juice), feeling rather proud that she was taking charge. But then the filly looked down at her diaper and pudgy body. No matter how content she might be, she'd never be used to being a foal, and she couldn't wait to get to Twilight so she could turn back into an adult.

After the snack, the foals were released for playtime and placed into a giant playpen full of toys. All the other toddlers were busy playing games like stacking blocks or tea parties, and some took another nap while others chased each other.

Rainbow Dash, however, took the opportunity to have her fellow "Juniorbolts" practice their escape attempt. She turned to face her fellow foals. "Otay, we gonna start owa pwacticin' now. You want to try to get as high as you can; ten swam onto ta clouds below!"

The pegasus flapped her wings and flew up as high as she could. It took a lot of effort to get a few feet into the air. As she gained momentum, Rainbow hovered over the cloudy floor below. She took a deep breath and then plummeted down with her pampered rump facing outward. The Rainbow maned foal and then slammed her pampered rump right into the ground with a loud "Fwomp!" followed by a cloud of foal powder billowing out. The clouds absorbed the impact as the floor bent around her. When the pressure was released, Rainbow Dash was thrust outward across the room and into a wall of clouds! And then the pegasus fell to the ground below rather softly.

Everypony gasped, fearing that Rainow had been hurt! The filly then got up on top of her back hooves and threw her hooves up, and giggled. "See? Wike tat! Now come on, wets, get to practice."

The other foals all clapped and applauded as their "captain" rose up on all fours.

Rainbow then watched as the other foals all did the same thing. They went about copying her as they bounced on their padded bottoms and started launching themselves into the air. At first, it wasn't too hectic. Still, the foals soon began bouncing around the entire nursery, ricocheting off the walls at relatively high speeds.

The chaos eventually got Stormy's attention as the caretaker ran up while shouting! "Stop that right now! You're going to get hurt!" All the foals turned to see Stormy flying over and checking the foals for injuries. "I don't know what kind of game you're all playing, but this needs to stop."

The other foals didn't know how to reply, but Rainbow boldly rose up and explained. "We were just playing tag, Stormy. We not doing anything too dangerous."

"Alright, Rainbow Splash. But I think you should all be more careful; we don't want you getting any booboos." Stormy then checked the little filly's diaper, making her fussy as she muttered and cursed under her breath.

The caretaker then took Rainbow Dash to a nearby changing table as she laid her charge down and went about wiping the foal's rump as she cooed. "I can't believe you're already soaked! No wonder you're named Rainbow Splash."

This got a round of laughter from other foals. They all laughed out loud while Rainbow Dash was changed in front of them.

The little filly whined and kicked, getting somewhat flustered that she was being humiliated in front of the other Wonderbolt recruits.

Stormy then went about and changed each of the regressed adults and then placed all the foals back in the playpen.

Rainbow looked back down, still feeling embarrassed at having her diaper changed in front of the others. "We gots ta be more careful," She told them, desperate to change the subject. "How about we split up?" She turned her attention to Bulk Biceps and asked him. "Hey, can ya take half of the foals and go about practicing, so the grown-ups don't think us up to something?"

Bulk Biceps nodded as a goofy grin broke out across his face. "Yes, Rainbow Splash!"

"Is Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow shouted back in protest! Despite her rebuttal, The other foals burst into more laughter and taunted their captain by calling her "Rainbow Splash" repeatedly. The rainbow-maned pegasus thus kicked about, getting fussy again as she snapped. "Otay, I get it! I a foaw. Is not wike you aww didn't use your diapees too!"

Regardless of her retorts, the other foals teased her, so Rainbow Dash eventually gave up and just led her group through another round of bouncing on their diapers. They continued the practice for quite some time until the little foals looked worn out. Rainbow then gathered the "Juniorbolts" once more and gave them a lecture. "I tink we weady for owa escape, but I know ya aww tiwed. So wet eat and get some sleep because tonight we gotta make sure we weady to get out of hewe and find Twily so she can turn us back to big ponies!"

"Otay, Captain Wainbow Splash!" The foals all cheered at once; they then waddled off, leaving Rainbow to roll her eyes and grumble. "It's Rainbow Dash." But the little filly was also rather hungry, so she continued on her way to the cafeteria. The faster she turned back into an adult, the better.

After the foals had steamed carrot sticks and broccoli for dinner and a bedtime story by Stormy, Rainbow Dash was now back on her sleeping mat. She was waiting as patiently as she could and doing her best to not fall asleep, waiting until the rest of the actual toddlers were fast asleep.

The rainbow-maned pegasus knew she needed to stay awake to wake up her fellow foals. She didn't want to risk sleeping through the night. Luckily for her, it wasn't long until the room was full of snoring foals. So that was when the little filly got up and went to each of her fellow "Juniorbolts," gently nudging them awake. The foals were rather grouchy, and some tried to go back to sleep, but Rainbow persisted in nudging them until they were up.

Rainbow then took her tired foals and led them through the nursery, making sure to watch where she would not wake up the other foals (or the caretakers). They all scurried across the cloud-covered floor and eventually made it to the giant gate that barred them from escaping to Cloudsdale.

Each foal bounced over the gate as Rainbow waited from behind, making sure all of her fellow Juniorbolts had made it over. She then looked around, somewhat worried that one of the other actual toddlers would wake up or that the caretakers would come back. But it seemed the coast was clear for now.

Bulk Biceps was the last one to launch himself over the gate. Rainbow Dash gave a sigh, seeing it was her turn. The little daredevil filly planted her hooves and launched herself in the air once more as she slammed her padded rump into the clouds below! She sent herself over the gate and onto the other side.

But as Rainbow Dash was clearing the gate, she suddenly heard somepony shout! "Wait! Stop! Foals are escaping!" She turned to see Stormy flying towards them!

Rainbow Dash realized that they had no choice, they had to book it, or they were going to be caught! As the little filly made it to the other side, she shouted! "Wun!"

Rainbow Dash and her "juniorbolts" ran down the streets of Cloudsdale! However, there was a problem the "juniorbolts" were tired, and they weren't going to outrun Stormy and her husband in their current condition.

Luckily it was night, and most of the pegasi were fast asleep, so no other pony was trying to capture the foals. But they would need a place to hide!

Thinking fast, Rainbow quickly led her troop of foals down an alleyway and watched as Stormy and Nimbus flew past them. The daredevil filly took a moment to catch her breath and look over her fellow foals. She saw that they were all doing "ok," more or less, but they were all out of breath and tired. They weren't going to be able to make a trip down to Ponyville in this state.

"Wha do we do now?" Bulk Biceps asked as he turned to Rainbow. The rest of the foals all gave her worried looks as they looked at her for an answer.

Rainbow gave a deep sigh. Since her fellow foals couldn't make it to Ponyville and they couldn't stay outside or be caught by Stormy, she realized that there was only one place they could go where they would be safe. "I didn't want ta do tis but we gots no choice…we need to cwash at my parent's house. Come on, follow me!" Rainbow grumbled as she took the lead.

The foals flew off down the road and headed towards a quaint little house with two white columns, a rainbow painted over the front door (with said door having a cloud painted on it). The Rainbow-maned foal groaned; she was so embarrassed that her parents saw her like this. They were most definitely going to embarrass her in front of her friends. But Rainbow looked back at her tired "juniorbolts" and seeing how exhausted and worn out they were she knew that this was a sacrifice she'd have to make it.

So Rainbow sucked up her pride as she knocked on the door and waited. It wasn't long until the door slowly opened. A rather tired-looking dark blue coated mare came with an orange striped mane and bags under her magenta-colored eyes. The mare looked confused as she looked around and mumbled. "Did somepony knock, or am I hearing things?"

"Down hewe, Mom!" Rainbow shouted.

Windy Whistles peered down at the group of foals at her hooves. She was somewhat surprised at seeing all of the foals. But then she turned to her daughter, and she rubbed her eyes with her hooves before she exclaimed, "Rainbow Dash! Is that you!?"

"Hi, Mom. I need ya help." Rainbow squeaked, knowing that it was going to be a long night.