• Member Since 15th Sep, 2016
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"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer


Blueblood will learn the hard way that making Cadence angry would be a terrible idea. There's nothing more stronger than a mother's love. Never mess with a mother's child... never.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

everything in the world is solved with a bit of violence


What... 4 dislikes?
Oh, come on, who could honestly dislike Blueblood getting his ass whipped? Really? This is seriously a genuine question.

Arago #4 · Jan 4th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Well, Blueblood asked for it, you have to be crazy to harm the daughter of an alicorn, and suicide if it is the daughter of the goddess of love. It's like trying to steal a cub in front of mama bear.

What the hell did I just read? I'm not complaining, but..... the fuck:rainbowlaugh:

I did like this but I am also a believer in spankings when it is needed

I get you. It was just a funny idea I had, then I said to myself that I had to make this.

This was pretty funny. Poor Blueblood.


who could honestly dislike Blueblood getting his ass whipped? Really? This is seriously a genuine question.

Serious question? Ok, serious answer. Blueblood as designated acceptable target / butt monkey was already beating a dead horse seven years ago. You may as well have an author avatar show up in the Everfree Forest as a red and black alicorn then encounter a manticore and run into poison joke. You can't get any less original than this.

Worse, your specific delivery here is lazy and lacks self-awareness. You have four scene transitions in a < 2000 word story because you're in such a rush to pick on the guy who's been picked on since season 2 that you can hardly even be bothered to tell the story you're telling. "Ha ha, let's hurt Blueblood!" stopped being funny years ago, and this story offers absolutely nothing new except the same, tired old joke.

You have him antagonizing Cadence even though she's royalty and they probably grew up together. You have him antagonizing Flurry Heart even though she's an alicorn daughter of royalty. You have him trying to bribe Cadence with money. In what world does any of this make sense? Stop for just a moment and try to think of Blueblood as an actual character rather than just a punching bag that you're allowed to beat on and laugh at. Does anything you have him doing make sense?

If you want to have him as an unsympathetic character, ok fine. What's his motivation? He's rich and thinks the peasants are beneath him? Ok. Neither Cadence nor Flurry Heart are peasants. Why is he antagonizing fellow royalty? What's even going on in this story? It's presented like he has a permament daily private reservation at a public spa...and Cadence just happen to show up at the same spa that he reserved? Did the staff forget to put up the closed sign? You have Cadence asking if the spa is open, so clearly there's some sort of indication that it isn't. But she apparently goes right in and Blueblood sees her before any spa staff see her. So...is she pulling the princess card and walking in back even though the place looks closed?

This is apparently a daily private appointment that Blueblood has. So, wouldn't this place be closed every day at this time? If Cadence is a regular, shouldn't she know that it's closed at this time of day? if it's her first time here...why is she barging in back like she owns the place? Why are either of them going to a public spa in the first place, when they're both royalty and presumbly have private facilities at the palace? Or is this facility at the palace? You mention castle attedants, and I assumed Blueblood brought his personal retinue with him to a public facility, but I suppose they could be staff for the palace royal spa...but if that's the case, then why is Cadence asking if it's open and who exactly would be showing up at the royal baths that Blueblood would seriously expect to be able to tell to go away? No, it has to be a public facility. Why are they even there?

The whole setup doesn't make much sense, and it's rushed. You have Flurry Heart antagonizing Blueblood without any mentino of her or Cadence getting into the water. You have Cadence say that Shining is there, but neither Blueblood nor the story acknowledge his presence until Cadence asking him to take Flurry "with him" as he leaves. Why is he leaving? Cadence says he's there, and then Shining's first spoken line of dialogue is him leaving. What was he doing all that time? Did he ever get into the water? Is he invisible? Did he somehow not notice his daughter causing problems for Blueblood twice or him spanking her? What about Cadence? Was she in the water? You apparently have her leaving to get ice cream, but you never say that she left or that she came back. She's just suddenly there with ice cream with no explanation even though five sentences prior she was snuggling with Flurry Heart who was in the spa. Everybody in this story seems to sort of appear when you want them to appear without much thought or explanation. And the story jumps around just as much. Again, 4 scene cuts in less than 2000 words.

Look at Celestia and Luna's bit in this story. Blueblood's "body" is sent flying through a wall, and Luna comments that he ruined her dinner, as Cadence continued to beat up on him, and apparently you're playing this for laughs. Is it funny? Imagine this happening to any other character. Imagine Twilight Sparkle being thrown through a wall, and oher ponies blaming her and laughing at her and saying it's her fault and she deserved it, ha! ha! let's all laugh at Twilight Sparkle being beaten up!

Oh wait...that's not funny, is it? Well, it's not funny when you have it happening to Blueblood either. All this story is, is "let's beat up and laugh at the guy we're allowed to beat up and laugh at." It's mean spirited. It's been done a bazillion times, and for all of that the delivery is rushed and not even very good.

true,blueblood is always being a "punching bag" in fimfiction especially in fanfiction with human. i want the Blueblood in the comic story,it's better

Well, yeah, this was pretty much a rush job. If I had more time spent on it, it would have been much better.


blueblood is always being a "punching bag" in fimfiction especially in fanfiction with human. i want the Blueblood in the comic story,it's better

There are good Blueblood fics out there. Try Best Night Ever for example. Or Glory. Or Of Suns and Squid.

But good Bluebood stories seem to have mostly only been written during the early years of the fandom, before his current Flanzderization as butt-monkey was cemented. Unfortunately, most people today seem to have either forgotten the significacne of his character or never understood it in the first place. Blueblood was introduced in the Gala episode. That episode was entirely about subverting expectations and shattering illusions. Remember, the Gala was presented as a Disney-esque wish-fulfullment fantasy, every one of the mane six went to it with grand expectations...and every one them had those hopes thrown to the floor and stomped on.

Blueblood's bit with Rarity was a general subversion of female expectations of men. Blueblood was a deiberate gender reversal to hold up the mirror of self-reflection and to teach little girls not to have unreasonable expectations of men. There was a message here. Go and watch the Gala episode. He acts like the girl. That was the point. Everything that he does is a gender role reversal. Expecting his date to pay for things? Yeah, pretty obvious what that's demonstrating. Expecting Rarity to put her coat down over the puddle? That's a classic old-timey show of chivalry. Hiding behind her to avoid being splattered with cake? Nobody would bat an eyelash if Rarity had been the one doing that.

The whole point of Blueblood was to show girls how stupid and unreasonable their expectations and treatment of men are, by showing a guy acting the same way and expecting the same things from them. The message here, for the at-the-time-time intended audience of little girls...was, if you think Blueblood is ridiculous for acting the way he does and expecting the things he does...then maybe you as a girl shouldn't act that way or expect those things from men either.

Again, the entire Gala episode was about shattering illusions and breaking the hold that the Disney-fantasy has on people's minds, to temper ourselves with reasonable expectations that reality might possibly be able to live up to.

And yet somehow, what's stayed with the fandom is hate for Blueblood failing to live up to the very expectations he was intended to ridicule.

The comics tried to fix it to be fair. Unfortunately, the comics aren't canon to the show. Except in a few small cases.

I agree, but there’s very, very, very few times it’s ok to spank SOMEONE ELSE’S child, IMO.

I mean, everything you said there is true, so I'm not terribly shocked at the usual violence towards Blueblood (for the record, I don't condone corporeal punishment for kids either).

I'm honestly more perplexed by how both of Flurry's parents apparently lost track of her three times in the span of quote unquote "several minutes".
Next to a pool.
A pool for adults.
Sure, she can fly. But can she swim? Are Cadance and Shining Armor actually ready to be parents? Or, to be out in public at all, considering Cadance herself can't look after a toddler but she can beat a man bloody who isn't defending himself and begging for mercy?

One of life's greatest mysteries.

Well, it wasn't specific in its requirements of it being for adults only. It was a spa in the Canterlot Castle.

Someone seriously doesn't like me all that much. I'm flattered that they at least think about me while they dislike me.

This is the best blueblood spanking fetish! and it should be enjoyed every day when I come home to relax!

Daww... thanks. I'm glad you enjoy it.

Honestly considering that Blueblood is family, literally family, to Cadance he is actually well within his rights to issue a punishment to Flurry Heart his niece. A spanking was a little much I'll admit but he should have at least punished her some way like put her in the corner or something. That's not even putting it in context that he'd asked multiple times, at least four times in my acount from the story, for her to stop l pulling on his hair so.... Yeah once or twice I can understand from a toddler they like the pull on and play with any dangly things hair included, three times is a bit much, at the fourth instance of his hair being pulled I'm sure pretty much anyone would snap considering pulling the hair is painful! Cadance heavily overreacted considering that she is technically his cousin or sister ( their relation was never specified considering they're both technically adopted) so this was well within his rights as a family member. Even if it's a distant family member. What he did was overboard but practically beating him to death is something that I wouldn't condone in this case! A smack upside the head and maybe a broken arm or something, after the transformation to show just how far Cadance will go (that was still pretty cool by the way) but not that kind of thing. That was too much.

"Oh, for the love of all that is holy in Equestria. Come here, you little brat." Blueblood grabbed Flurry by her arm, lifted her over his knee, and then spanked her on her butt, making her squeal and cry.

You can just tell a WANTED DEAD sign popped over blueblood

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