• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 525 Views, 7 Comments

The oldest mare isn't professional - Talon and Thorn

It's several years after her retirement and ex Princess Celestia has fallen into a lazy life of sun bathing and cake eating. Will the chance of acting in a Hearth's Warming Pageant be enough to force her out the rut her life has become?

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The oldest mare isn't professional

The oldest mare in the Silver Shoals Retirement village put aside her half read novel and stretched her wings. Her horn glowed as her aura picked up a nearby slice of cake, and she bit a healthy chunk from it.

She sighed contentedly. This is the life, she thought.

After untold centuries of ruling Equestria, it was nice to have some time to just kick back and do nothing. When Celestia first retired, she’d had so many plans, to travel, to seek out new experiences, to do so much and for a few months she had. But then the novelty had worn off and she’d settled down. Afterall she had, if not necessarily eternity, plenty of spare time to get things done, so she’d gotten into a pleasant, peaceful routine. Glancing out of the window, she watched what she had once considered her sun touch down on the horizon, reds and yellows flowed as it dipped into the sea. She gave out another contented sigh and reached for the remainder of the cake.

A loud knock at the door disrupted her peace and quiet. For a moment, she considered ignoring it. Maybe whoever it was would get bored and leave, but her sense of etiquette overcame her sloth. “Come in, it’s not locked!”

“Honestly!” came a Royal Canterlot voice as the door slammed open and the second-oldest mare in Silver Shoals Retirement village entered. Celestia turned in her recliner to see her sister toss aside a tennis racket. “I tell you, sister, Dusty needs to have her glasses changed. There was no possible way that was in!”

“Busy day, Luna?” Celestia asked, getting to her hooves on the second try and greeting her sister with a brief nuzzle.

“Not especially, I did some archery practice after my morning gallop, then a brief dip in the pool before the poker tournament started, then my pottery class followed by tennis against Shuttlecock, which I should have won!” She levitated a jug of water from the table and took a deep pull from it. “And yourself, sister?” she glanced around the room, “Did you even leave the house?”

“I took a short trot into town,” said Celestia defensively.

“Were your cake supplies getting low?” asked Luna, grabbing the remainder of her sister's slice and popping it into her mouth. “Your flanks are getting chubby sister,” she prodded the aforementioned posterior with a hoof. “You need more exercise!”

“Tomorrow, I promise you.”

“You said that yesterday, and the day before, instead you spend your days lazing about. There is so much you could be doing, sister. For the first time in a millennium, you are free to do what you want to, and what do you do? Nothing!”

Celestia sighed. “I know, but this is what I truly want to do, just rest.”

“Remember our first holiday? You wanted to fit so much into that, what happened to all that drive?”

Celestia’s brow furrowed, surprised her sister had brought that up, given how closely it had come to breaking them apart. “Well, we only had a few days then, now we have, well, as long as we want.” She slumped back into her seat. “Besides, I’ve already accomplished most of what I wanted to do.”

“Really? Are you aware of this year's Hearth's Warming play?” Celestia’s ears pricked up and Luna grinned, she knew her sister's interest in the theatrical arts.

“Is it that time of year again?” Celestia asked, she had quite lost track.

“Snow isn’t common in Mareami, but yes, the year will soon be coming to a close. I hear that after last year's debacle Softwhinny volunteered one of her foals to help organize, Harshwhinny I think her name is. Maybe you could take part this year?”

“I don’t think we need to go that far,” said Celestia, remembering how her previous attempt at acting had gone down. “But it might be nice to pitch in and help...”

Luna grinned. “Just try not to use the sun as a prop this time. I don’t know, how is it that when I raised the moon early I got banished, but you raise the sun at night, and you get a standing ovation. Anyway, auditions are due to start in about an hour, if you are interested.”

“Are you not coming, sister?” asked Celestia as Luna turned to leave.

“Maybe,” she wiggled her eyebrows, “but not to the auditions. I have a date tonight. Barleycorn, he’s the one who moved into number 32 last week. He used to be a farmer, so I’m sure he has lots of experience at plowing.”

Celestia rolled her eyes at her sister's innuendo before biting her tongue. Her sister had always been quick to pick up new partners, only to discard them once she got bored. Celestia preferred quality over quantity, but it had been a very long time since she had last taken a lover. Still, perhaps her sister was partially right, she was in a rut, both socially and romantically. Getting out for an evening might do her some good, and she would like to at least see the auditions for this year's production. Last year had been something of a disappointment. The production had started far too late, most of the cast hadn’t even learnt their lines and Dolly, who had played the windigo, had tripped and almost broken a hip. After a moment's hesitation, she trotted towards the door.

Celestia tried to enter the hall where the auditions were taking place as stealthily as possible, not wanting to distract anypony. Her surreptitious entrance was somewhat hampered by the fact that she was twice the height of a normal pony and her coat so white it almost shone in its radiance, but at least only a few of the ponies present goggled at her. It helped that most of the residents of Silver Shoals saw her fairly regularly, at least in passing. She assumed the new director was the youngest pony present, an earth pony mare in her early middle age who she vaguely recalled seeing around court at some point. Celestia thought she looked rather striking with her carefully styled blond mane and piercing blue eyes. A purple jacket covered her forequarters leaving her hindquarters bare apart from her orange coat which revealed a golden cup cutie mark covering flanks which looked tight enough to bounce a bit off of...

“You are a little late,” announced the pony, presumably the Ms Harshwhinny she had been told about. “Take your place with the others,” she paused, seeming to really look at Celestia for the first time, “um princess?” She showed less surprise than most others.

“I don’t really use that title now that I have retired. Princess Sparkle does all the princessing now.” She said with a wistful smile. “I’m not really here to audition. I’m just curious how the production is going.”

“Really?” exclaimed Harshwhinny, “We would be honored if you joined us. I’m sure your skills would be a great addition to our troop.”

“I’m sorry, but acting really isn’t my thing. I love to watch, but I don’t really have any talent.”

“If that is the case, surely you have something more important to do than just observe us.”

“No, not really,” said Celestia, realizing how stupid that sounded.

“I’m afraid Celestia is something of a shut in,” explained Crab Apple, one of the other residents. “It’s quite rare to see her out and about.

“She doesn’t even join us for cribbage!” A crotchety mare said. Celestia flinched when she got stabbed in the ribs by the mare’s walking stick. “Thinks she’s better than the rest of us!”

“Now, I’m sure that’s not true, Dolly.” Crab Apple said. “She’s been a princess for a long while. She just needs some R&R before she is ready to become a bit more sociable!” Dolly only gave a harrumph, but didn’t argue.

Ms Harshwhinny looked back and forth between Crab Apple and Celestia for a moment. She glanced back at Softwhinny, her mother, and frowned. “Well, if you aren't going to take part, I will have to ask you to leave. The actors don’t need any undue distractions.”

Celestia blinked, certain she wouldn’t be that distracting. “I don’t see why I...”

Harshwhinny interrupted her. “Either take part in the auditions or leave! I won’t have any dilly-dallying in my production!”

Celestia’s frown deepened. It looked like this mare was going to be as harsh a task mistress as her name suggested. For a moment, she considered just leaving and almost surprised herself when a burst of pride caused her to reply, “If you insist, I will take part then.”

“Good,” replied the director with a genuine smile. “Join the rest of the troop. What part would you like to try out for?”

Celestia considered. Princess Platinum first came to mind, but maybe Clover or Smart Cookie would be a better choice, or...

“We do not have all day,” exclaimed Harshwhinny, tapping a hoof on the stage.

“Right, sorry, um, how about Pansy?” she suggested. It sounded like a safe bet. The play normally portrayed the character as a shrinking violet. Celestia had actually met the historical figure when she was young and knew that hadn’t been quite the case.

“Very well,” Harshwhinny flipped through a number of papers and pulled out a script. “Try this, and you,” she pointed at one of the stallions present, Nightwatch, “you wanted to try out for the Commander?”

“Yes, well he helped found the guard and after forty years service I think I ought to be able to play him well,” boasted the stallion.

Nodding, Ms Harshwhinny passed off another sheet of paper to him, and he produced a pair of glasses and scanned through it.

Nervously, Celestia began to look through her lines as well. The part seemed easy enough, but she knew her talents didn’t lie in acting. Twilight herself had made that clear to her... eventually.

“Are you ready?” asked Harshwhinny, interrupting Celestia’s train of thought.

She nodded, giving a somewhat nervous grin. Nightwatch nodded.

“Act 1, Scene 6, begin!”

The stallion puffed out his chest and affixed a stern expression to his face. “Come on Private Pansy,” he bellowed, “One, two, three, four!” He marched across the stage before glancing back at Celestia, who realized she’d missed her cue to follow.

“Right, sorry, um,” she glanced back at the script as she shuffled forwards, “Yelp,” she said. Behind her, Harshwhinney blinked in astonishment.

Nightwatch frowned but carried on with his performance. “Get a hold of yourself, Private! We have an important mission. We cannot let anything distract us from finding, and if necessary, conquering this new land!” he snarled.

“Conquer sir?” asked Celestia as calmly as she could, “Will that really be necessary?”

“If the pegasus are to survive, we need to be prepared for all eventualities! There could be enemies all around us,” he glanced into the distance suspiciously.

“I don’t see anypony,” Celestia followed the stallion’s eye line but only saw the back of the room. She checked the script again. “Only snow,” she added after several long moments.

“And there could be any number of enemies lurking in it!”

“Yelp,” replied Celestia, reading the script again.

“That’s enough, that's enough!” exclaimed Harshwhinney, facehoofing. She took a deep breath and turned to the stallion. “That was excellent, Mr Nightwatch. But as for you Prin.. Celestia, are you even taking this the least bit seriously?! You do not read Yelp, you yelp! You only had four lines, can you at least try to remember them.”

“Look,” began Celestia, restraining her temper, “I never said I was good at acting, and I did not expect to do this. You only gave me a few moments to read the script,” she complained.

“Your poor performance is my fault then?,” Harshwhinney drew herself to her full height, which still only brought her to Celestia’s chest. “I am doing all I can to make this performance the best it can possibly be!”

“I do understand that, however, none of us are full time actors,” she looked around at the other ponies present for support, and scowled to see most of them seeming to find the floor rather more interesting than her.

“If you volunteer to take part in something, you have a responsibility to put your all into it! 110 percent! To act like a professional! You of anypony should know that!” There might have been a touch of pleading in the other mare's voice, but Celestia ignored it.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Apparently, since standing down as sovereign, you haven't been particularly active. Surely there are better ways to spend your time and abilities?”

“If I’m not ‘professional’ enough for you, I should just leave then!” exclaimed Celestia, her patience exhausted. She stomped away from the assembled group and used her aura to slam the door behind her. To her annoyance, the door simply sprung open again to reveal Harshwhinny still glaring at her. She tried to shut the door again, but the same thing happened, causing an embarrassed blush to start to spread over her face.

“There’s a trick to getting it to shut,” mumbled one of the auditioning ponies before scampering up and carefully shutting the door in Celestia’s face.

How dare that, that, nag, say she wasn’t professional! Celestia fumed as she strode back towards her home That she wasn’t doing all she could! Didn’t she deserve a rest, now and again? Curse that Harshwhinny, with her stupid accent, a perfect hair, her passion and toned her flanks, and... she felt her thoughts might be getting a bit off track. Giving a snort, she tried to calm down. Maybe talking to her sister would help. She was sure Luna would agree that Hashwhinny was just the worst.

She quickly found herself outside her sister's door and gave it a loud tap, she waited a few seconds and when there was no response she tried again. Frowning, she found a horseshoe hanging from its handle. Her eyes widened, it looks like Luna’s date went well, she thought as the door swung open.

Luna’s quizzical face gazed back towards her, her stary mane hanging limp and her coat damp with sweat. “Sister? I did not expect to see you tonight.”

“Oh, you’re busy, I really should be going,” said Celestia, starting to step backwards.

“Neigh,” said Luna, gesturing for her sister to enter. “I am not busy, well not for at least half an hour or so.”

Gingerly Celestia stepped into her sister's apartment, the door to the bedroom opened for a second, long enough for her to see a elderly stallion’s face peering through before it quickly snapped shut again. The furniture was in disarray, with the couch overturned and several books which had once covered a small table thrown across the floor. “Sorry for the state of the place, things got rather heated.” Luna grinned at her sister's discomfort. “For such an old stallion, Barleycorn is very flexible. It must be all those years tilling the soil.” Luna righted the chair with her aura, and Celestia gingerly sat down.

“So, what brings you to me? Did the audition go well? What part are you playing, I have always thought you would make an excellent Platinum.”

“I didn’t go perfectly, I well, I got into a fight with the Director,” now that she had cooled down a little the words sounded almost ridiculous. Why had she reacted so strongly to Ms Harshwhinny?

“A fight?” asked Luna with an amused smile. “And just how did Harshwhinny manage to ruffle your feathers?”

“She asked me to act in the play, I tried to tell her I wasn’t any good but she refused to listen. I tried out, I think I did rather well, well better than before. Then she didn’t do anything but criticize me, called me unprofessional! The nerve!” exclaimed Celestia.

“Interesting,” mused Luna, “it sounds like she struck a nerve there, you don’t normally take criticism so harshly.”

“I know,” Celestia heaved herself from the chair and started to pace around the room. “There’s just something about that mare, she’s just so annoying her mane, those piercing eyes, she’s very... well she’s just annoying!” Celestia turned to Luna, wings spread wide.

“She certainly seems to have aroused your passions, sister,” noted Luna, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe you should try out for the play again, just to prove her wrong?”

“Possibly,” Celestia considered the idea, “but no. I’d only make a fool of myself, again.”

“If you wish, but when was the last time that anything got you so roiled up? Doesn’t it feel good to actually feel something for a change, rather than just lazing around the house?”

“Well, yes, I guess, no,” muttered Celestia to herself. “Oh, I don’t know, I certainly don’t want to spend any more time around that, that, nag!”

“Of course you don’t, sister. It is clear that you want nothing further to do with her.” Celestia wondered what Luna meant by that. “Well the ball, as they say, is in your court. You are certainly old enough to deal with this yourself, Mare on Mare as it were. Now if you will excuse me, I’m sure Barley has had enough time to recover for round four of Mare on Stallion, unless you want to stay to watch?” she grinned.

“Don’t even joke about that Luna,” said Celestia heading towards the door as quickly as her hooves could carry her.

Luna gazed at the door for a moment after her sister had closed it. “I know you too well. sister,” she muttered, “maybe I won’t be the only one getting lucky over the holiday season.”

Celestia awoke much earlier than normal the next morning after a night of fitful sleep. Really, there was no reason she shouldn’t just lie in for a few more hours, maybe read another chapter or two of her book. But for some reason, she felt compelled to do something. Ms Hashwhinny had struck a nerve. Should she be doing more with her life? She did deserve a rest. She’d run the country for over a millennia for Harmony's sake! Still, perhaps she’d taken it too easy for the last few years. Certainly Luna kept herself busy, perhaps even too busy, but she and her sister were very different ponies.

Giving a huff, Celestia rolled out of bed and watched as the sun started to rise over the horizon. Maybe she should offer to take back the responsibility from Twilight, just for a week or two and allow her ex-pupil some rest? Certainly, she would have liked somepony else to have done that for her when she was in charge of it.

She filed away the idea for future reference and considered what to do for the rest of the day. Her usual schedule didn’t interest her. Maybe a walk down to the shore sounded like a better diversion, Luna had been right, she had put on a bit of weight recently, perhaps a gentle trot would be better?

Nodding to herself, Celestia left the house.

It had been too long since she’d last trotted, thought Celestia, using her aura to wipe the sweat from her flank. Had the road to the beach grown longer and steeper over the last few months? Blinking she noticed a crossroads not too much further down the path with a bench standing next to it. If she could just make it there, she could sit down for a few minutes just to get her breath back. Forcing a last burst of speed from her shaking hooves, she covered the last hundred meters before starting to slump into the seat. She let out a whiny of surprise as another pony shot out from the other path and collided with her, sending them both sprawling.

Celestia desperately rolled to one side, hoping to prevent herself from crushing the other pony under her greater bulk. She bounced and skidded to a halt and lay there for a moment before desperately hauling herself back to her hooves and staggering over to whoever had hit her. “Are you alright?” she asked desperately.

“I, I think I am good,” came a familiar voice.

Celestia groaned to herself. It was Harshwhinny. The smaller mare had her hair tied back in a ponytail and surprisingly wore shocking pink hoof warmers. Celestia held out a hoof and sweat dripped from Harshwinney as she stood, she wobbled for a moment and Celestia wrapped a leg around her to stop her falling again. The earth pony’s muscular physique surprised her. “Sit down,” she instructed, steering the younger mare to the bench. “You took quite a tumble,” Celestia said as she took up the seat next to her.

“You, you came on out of nowhere,” complained the earth pony, still seeming a little dazed. “Are you alright?”

Now she had a moment Celestia took a quick inventory of herself, all four limbs and her horn still seemed to be intact, although she was certainly going to feel a few new bruises later. “Of course all of this is my fault, at least I’m padded to reduce the impact.” She replied, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, it’s very nice padding,” agreed Harshwhinny, sounding a little spacey and glancing down at Celestia’s flanks before suddenly looking away, her cheeks coloring. Celestia hoped she didn’t have a concussion.

“So...” began Celestia, gathering her thoughts. “I suppose I should...” they both said as one.

“After you,” said Harshwhinny awkwardly.

“No, you,” countered Celestia.

“I insist.”

“Very well,” Celestia took a deep breath. “I am sorry about how I acted last night. It was as you said, unprofessional of me. However, I never claimed to be good at acting, quite the opposite. I wish I was, but from past experience I know I have no talent at it.”

“Yes, I... I apologize too,” Harshwhinny managed to force out. She seemed much less sure than she had been last night. “This production, well when my mother asked me to organize it I saw it as a way to improve our relationship. We, well, we have not been as close as we could have been. My job takes me away from home for much of the year and there have been far too many missed Hearthwarmings in the past. She says that she does not mind but...” she trailed off, her ears lowered. “Anyway, I think I may have taken things rather too personally and taken my frustrations out on you.”

“Maybe things are better between you and your mother than you think. Softwhinny talks about you and your brother quite often. I think she’s very proud of you, and what you did during the Equestria Games.” Harshwhinney’s ears pricked up. “She has the autographed pictures of the teams you sent her all over her house.”

“We spent a long time apart. I’ve been so busy, there hasn’t been time to visit.”

“What’s important is that you’re here now, and you get to spend some time with her now, while you still can.” Celestia’s parents had died countless moons ago, but the pain of their passing had never completely left her.

“That’s why I’m working so hard on the play. Mother adores acting. Most of the cast are strictly amateur, but I still want everypony to give their best. I can be a bit obsessive that way.”

“You don’t say,” said Celestia, raising an eyebrow.

Despite herself, Harshwhiny smiled. “I thought that might have been something we shared. When I was young, I saw you as an icon of how hard everypony could work. I really wanted to be just like you.”

Celestia raised a leg. “And now you’ve met me, you can see just how clay like my hooves are, right? I’m no different from any other pony, only a bit larger.”

“You certainly aren't how I thought you would be, well you’re just as beautiful. I used to have such a crush on you as a filly,” she quickly covered her mouth with a hoof and blushed.

“I’m flattered,” said Celestia, looking away to hide her own glow.

“Anyway,” said Harshwhinny clearing her throat, “If you don’t mind me asking, why have you retired so much from public life, surely you could be working as an ambassador, or doing charity work?”

“I, well, I had intended to step aside from public life so as to not overshadow Twi... Princess Sparkle, but really she’s doing an excellent job. I tried to stay contactable in case there was trouble, but I don’t think she needs me...Equestria either,” her ears drooped. “Plus, don’t you think I’m due some rest?”

“Yes, but is that really what you want? To fade away here?” her voice was harsh again, and she caught Celestia’s eyes with a penetrating gaze.

The ex-princess tried not to look away. “You sound like my sister. I guess I am in something of a rut.”

“Then do something about it!” exclaimed Harshwhinny, getting to her hooves with a slight wince. “You used to run the entire country! Now it seems like the hardest thing you do each day is to get out of bed!”


“Butts are for kicking, and if you need encouragement, I am quite willing to kick yours!” Harshwhinny grabbed Celestia’s foreleg and pulled her into a standing position.

“Wait, I...”

“Run!” commanded Harshwhinny, starting to jog on the spot. “The sea is only about a mile or so away.” She took off at a middling pace, leaving Celestia staring at her flanks. “Run!” she repeated.

Shaking herself out of her daze, Celestia started to gallop. She caught up with the smaller pony after a few minutes but found herself drenched in sweat and panting hard. “I... I’m out of practice,” she gasped.

“Then practice more! I trot every morning. You can join in, even if I have to drag you out of bed.” With a burst of speed, Harshwhinny pulled ahead, leaving Celestia to wheeze as she struggled to keep up.

“You’re getting better, you know.”

Gasping for breath, Celestia looked up from where she lay sprawled on a chair outside of a small cafe on the beach. It had been a week since she had, literally, bumped into Ms Harshwhinny and each day she had dragged herself out of bed before dawn to join the younger mare on a trot to the beach and each day she only just made it before she collapsed. She certainly didn’t feel any better.

“Here,” said Harshwhinny, pushing a glass towards her.

Celestia reached for it with a blinking aura and after a moment poured it into her mouth before gagging. “These hay smoothies don’t get any nicer.”

“They’re good for you,” Harshwhinny took a sip from her own drink.

“Not everything has to be good for you, you enjoyed my pancakes, didn’t you?” Yesterday after their run Celestia had invited Harshinny back to her place for a more substantial breakfast.

Ms Harshwhinny paused for a moment, then smiled. “Yes, I will admit they were wonderful, you are a great cook, almost professional.”

Celestia grinned and felt a warm contentment flow through her. “From you that is a high praise, Ms Harshwhinny.”

“Call me Grace.”

Celestia looked up sharply. “That’s your first name?”

“No,” she looked away, “like mother, I only have one name, but it’s the name I’d like to have.”

Celestia felt truly honored. “Thank you, Grace. So how is the play going?” Her new friend seemed rather weary this morning, there were bags under her eyes.

“Not that well I’m afraid, there is a bad cold going around Silver Sholes at the moment.” She sighed and rested her head on the table for a moment. “A few of the actors have had to pull out. I don’t like to beg,” she reached over the table and took Celestia’s hoof in her own, “but I could really do with your help, it would break mother’s heart if I had to cancel. I’ve not been sleeping well worrying about it.”

Celestia’s breath caught in her throat for a moment at Glace’s willingness to show her vulnerability. “Maybe I can help out behind the scenes?” she suggested. Over the last week she had at Grace’s insistence started to join in with a few events around Silver Sholes, but she still had plenty of free time.

Ms Harshwhinny considered. “That might be better, but really I need another actor or two. I don’t know how you used to make such good speeches, while not being able to act out a simple scene.”

“That might be down to my speech writer's skill rather than my own.” She sighed, “I can read the script fine, most of the time. It’s having to move and interact with the other players which throw me. If you could find a part which meant I just had to stand there and talk to the audience, I’d be amazing,” she grinned.

“Actually,” said Grace thoughtfully, “I might have just the part. How about being the narrator?”

Celestia blinked, that hadn’t occurred to her. A smile started to spread across her face. “I think I might be able to make that work. I’ll at least give it a try.”

“Good! The next rehearsal is tonight, and as you made me breakfast, maybe after I could treat you to a meal out?”

“That sounds nice...” she paused, cogs starting to grind in her brain. “Wait, are you...?”

“Maybe,” replied Grace quickly. “You will have to find out after rehearsal, won’t you?”

“The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land...” exclaimed the narrator, spreading her wings wide as she looked out at the packed hall in front of her.

“Equestria!” exclaimed the cast as one. The audience exploded into thunderous applause.

Celestia beamed as the rest of the cast and crew joined her on the stage to make their bows.

“Good Job, that was almost professional, Tia,” whispered Harshwhinny into Celestia’s ear.

“And that almost sounded like a compliment, Grace,” replied Celestia with a smile.

Over the last few weeks, the two mare’s had become ever closer. Sharing some meals had grown into sharing almost all meals. That first date had become the first of many. Ms Harshwhinney had forced Celestia out of her comfort zone, and Celestia has grown to appreciate the other pony’s drive and determination to better herself and others around her.

The curtain dropped, blocking the view of the audience, and the cast broke into small groups congratulating each other. Celestia waited patiently as Grace talked to her mother, who had been playing Princess Platinum. After a few minutes, the older mare gently pushed her daughter towards the alicorn before stepping away.

“So,” began Grace, “are you doing anything for Hearth's Warming tomorrow?”

“Well Luna’s still busy with her latest colt toy, but I’ve had a few invites from some groups around here.” It was surprising just how many of the residents considered her their friend now she wasn’t so much of a shut in.

“Well, mother, and me,” she added quickly, “wondered if you'd like to spend Hearth's Warming day with us and, well, maybe the night as well?” She paused for a moment, her eyes bulging. “I mean the night with me! Not me and mother!”

Despite the sudden dryness in her mouth, at the partially unexpected offer, Celestia couldn’t help but grin at that. “Yes, I’m sure both of you together would be... unprofessional,” she teased. Grace shuddered at the thought. “But if you’re willing to spend time with such an old mare, I couldn’t argue,” she leaned forward to muzzle at her marefriend.

“I, um, well, I’ll have to be on the road again in a week or two. The next Equestria games are next year. I don’t know how things will go then. It’s been good with you, but there’s the distance, and...”

Celestia cut her off. “Yes, well, I thought it might be time to do some traveling of my own. I've been looking into a speaking tour, trying to raise money for charity, helping deal with problems between cities, that sort of thing. If we check our itineraries, we might find that we spend a great deal of time in the same cities. I guess we’re just lucky that way.”

Harshwhinny blinked in surprise. “How did you...”

“I did run a whole country for a while, you know. Maybe a lot of my organization was dealt with by other ponies, but I like to think I can organize the odd trip. Plus, you left your schedule out in the open at the last rehearsal.”

“Do you really think that somepony like you and me can make something together?” asked Grace, looking up into Celestia’s eyes.

“I hope so. You’ve motivated me to do something with my life again Grace, I want to see where it goes from now on,” she leaned down and gently kissed the smaller mare on the lips.

“As do I,” whispered Grace, returning her affection.

Author's Note:

Written for Rune Soldier Dan for Jinglemas 2021 based on the prompt Harshwhinny/Celestia shipfic! Either comedic or sweet, not looking for sadness or drama.

I have to admit that I wasn't greatly enfused by the prompt I was given, Hashwhinny isn't a character I've given to much thought to and although I have a few more idea's for Celestia again she's not exactly a primary character for me. Stall after a bit of thought I came up with this, I like the idea of Celestia sort of withering away in retirement and Hashwhinny being the harsh taskmistress to drag her back into general society again and a romantic relationship growing from that.

Based on the prompt I don't think I've managed all that much comedy or sweetness but hopefully enough for Rune Soldier Dan to enjoy his story.

Comments ( 7 )

This was quite long and deep as far as Jinglemas stories go, as well as a fun plotline I didn't see coming. Thank you very much for your effort on it, this came out nicely - a cute and fluffy little romance with hidden depths. <3

I've been WAITING for someone to pull this ship for the LONGEST time. :fluttershysad::heart:

I really feel like their connection would be really nice, retirement or not, and their friendship really strong. Opposites attract, as they say.

“Right, sorry, um, how about Posey?”


Great to see a new fic from you. :) A 'ship I've never thought of, but you handled it well.


Thanks for pointing that out, I've fixed it now.

I blame my longest story having a major character called Posey.

You could also blame the fact that that particular episode is a decade old.

A nice and Fluffy romance, thanks

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