• Published 20th Dec 2021
  • 588 Views, 35 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure Reboot - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat at the prom, Sunset Shimmer finds herself to be in a bizarre situation.

  • ...

Prelude: Gravity

"Do you believe in gravity?" A man with black robes and a bowler sit down next to the girl with crimson hair as three shooting stars travel through the night sky.

"Yes, but are you ok, sir? You are sweating, a lot." The girl frowns, observing the strange man as he melts even though the cold winter blaze cuts through his clothing

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. What about you? You look troubled." The man wipes his head with a piece of a napkin before taking his hat off.

"I..." The girl sighed, her eyes fixated on the peculiar hair pattern on his forehead.

"Don't worry, my child, you can trust in me." The man turns his attention to the girl.

"I did terrible things...and they will never forgive me for it." The girl murmured as she wrapped her arms around her own body.

"Oh, pity, forgiveness is core to redemption you see." The man replied, gasping for air while looking down at his hands.

"So I'm beyond redemption now?" The girl smirked.

"No, my dear, their redemption." The man put a hand over the girl's shoulder.

"Sorry, but I don't understand." The girl questioned, the frown on her brow deepened.

"Have you apologized for your past mistake?" The man asks.

"Yes, yes I did." The girl pushed his hand away.

"Have you taken action to correct them?" The man continues.

"I tried, but...I..." The girl choked on her words, her hand smashing against the park bench: "They never truly forgive me, everything just seems so fake! I had no friends, the only 'friends' I have are only nice for me for somebody else's sake! I can sense, they did not forgive me and will never do so..."

"And they still don't forgive you?" The man looks at her hand as the space around the chair starts bending.

"No, I don't think they will ever!" The girl stands up as the fabric of reality distorts even further.

"Then my dear, it is your friend who's beyond redemption. You, on the other hand, have already been forgiven for you have repented." The man observes his surroundings.

"I...never meant to harm them. I wanted to make the world a better place and...eh, what was I thinking?" The girl falls back onto the bench, her head buried in her palms as the space around them goes back to normal.

"Oh, so you hurt them during the process?" The man looks at the girl.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." The girl sighed again.

"Did your plan work?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"No, it failed." The girl mumbles, her voice barely recognizable from the wind blowing through.

"My dear, then you are not at fault at all!" The man again put a hand over the distressed girl's shoulder.

"What?" The girl looks up at the stranger: "But I did hurt them!"

"You see, sacrifices must be made to achieve a goal. They should be honored to be part of your plan. The only thing you did wrong was to fail, my dear." The man whispers into the girl's ear.

"I..." The girl looks down at her hands, not knowing what to think.

"Don't worry, my child, everyone deserves a second chance. Now, take this. It is gravity that drew us together." The man takes a golden arrow alone with a picture attached to it.

"This is...an arrow? A picture?" The girl examines the objects, especially the picture featuring a blonde man with a star-shaped mark on his neck.

"This is my dearest friend," The man explains with a soft voice: "He sought to achieve [Heaven], so the human race may finally reach happiness."

"Heaven?" The girl blinked, her eyes focused on the picture.

"Unfortunately, he give his life for this endeavor," The man sighed, the light in his eyes dimmed: "So now it is up to me to complete the deed."

"What will heaven be like?" The girl looks at the man.

"Everyone will know their destiny, and learn to accept it, " The man's eyes lit up: "By then, they will know happiness."

"The world is so unpredictable," The girl murmured, staring at the blonde man: "But if we know what is come..."

"Then we will be prepared and be happy," The man looks at the girl: "Do you want to join me?"

"But, what can I do?" The girl looks at the man, desperate for an answer.

"Don't worry, dear," The man pulled the girl in for a hug: "You are gifted, just like him."

"Him?" The girl asked.

"He once stood on top of the world," The man says as a strange disc emerged from the girl's head: "But then, it was all lost. Now, I stand where he fell. I too, need a dear friend."

"A friend?" The girl's eyes widen as a drop of tear trickle down her chin: "Be my friend?"

"Of course, dear friend," The man examines the disc: "Your power...is most intriguing."

"What is it?" The girl whispered as her arms wrap around the man's shoulders.

"With this power, you can shape the very fabric of our world, hence bring infinite possibilities," The man pushes the disc back into the girl's head: "Thereby, you stand shall be named as [To Infinity and Beyond]."

"To Infinity and Beyond..." The girl murmured: "I...like that name..."

"I must go now, but be patient. In time, things will be revealed." The man gently pushes the girl aside: "I will need your assistance someday, but before that, consider everything a gift."

"Of course," The girl looks at everything in her hands as the man vanishes into the night.


"Where is that man, sister?"

"Ms. Celestia and Luna?" Sunset hastily puts everything into her pocket before standing up.

"Sunset," Celestia reaches a hand out as her other hand is occupied with a sledgehammer: "What did he give you?"

"Gifts," Sunset murmurs, her hands on her pocket.

"Sunset, give it to us," Celestia explains, putting the hammer down as Luna inspects the surroundings: "That man is dangerous!"

"NO!" Sunset screamed back as red and golden lines, shaped as a human shines in the darkness: "He didn't do anything wrong!"

"Sunset," Celestia sighed, slowly approaching the confused girl: "He is a dangerous man, ok? Whatever he handed to you, is probably dangerous!"

"NO!" Sunset argued, as the line solidified: "NO! I...tried so hard to fix everything, I will not give it up now!"

"Sister, he brainwashed her," Luna gently pushed Celestia aside as a dark humanoid with sprinkles of light all over its' body emerges from behind: "Hand it over, we don't want hurt you!"



"Luna?" Celestia open her eyes. The warmth of blanket surrounding her body indicates that she is still in bed.

"That nightmare again?" Luna, wearing pajamas herself, hands Celestia a piece of napkin.

"I'm afraid so," Celestia wiped sweat off of her forehead: "Did the foundation call?"

"Nope," Luna exhaled, leaning against her sister's closet: "I'm afraid not."

"The events," Celestia gets off of her bed: "Last night, the rainbow blast, things are playing out exactly the same."

"Not quite," Luna added: "From what I can see, this Sunset, the one from "Equestria", is different from the Sunset we know. She might not be a threat."

"I hope," Celestia says: "Is she a stand user?"

"Yes," Luna replied: "Although she doesn't know, the power within her will soon change her life."

Author's Note:

Sunset Shimmer (Human)
Stand Name: To Infinity and Beyond
Special Ability: bend the fabrics of reality to achieve what the user needs.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: C

Stand Name: Magnum Opus
Special Ability: Control density.
Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: D (Complete)

Stand Name: Walking on the Moon
Special Ability: Allows the owner move as she would be on the moon. Will also affect the objects she touched.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: C