• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 184 Views, 0 Comments

The Sacrifice of a Stranger - Charlie Brown Pony

A brief look at Equestria's beginning, and how it all almost came to an end.

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The Beginning of a New Age

The night-time Winter wind cut through Smart Cookie’s jacket like a knife through butter. Bringing with it a cold that seeped down into the mare’s bones, causing her teeth to chatter, and her ears to tuck down against her skull for even the slightest bit of warmth. But no matter how much heat was robbed from Smart Cookie’s body with each passing gust of air, she still found herself giving thanks for each and every one. For no matter how cold the wind might be, it was still just that, mundane, ordinary, wind. And not the product of ancient spirits of ice and snow, who thrived on hate and conflict, and were no doubt just itching to finish what they had begun back in the Old Lands. At least, Smart Cookie hoped with every fiber of her being that was so.

The former secretary of the Republic of Earth Ponies, who had served under Chancellor Pudding Head, and was now a member of the Council of Six that lead the United Tribes, currently found herself atop the wall which served as the boundary mark for the fledgling nation. Smart Cookie would often go for long walks when her mind was troubled and required time to think. It was a habit born from her foalhood, one that had stayed with her well into her adult years. And after its initial construction, the Wall had quickly proven itself to be one of the best routes a mare looking for a peaceful walk could take. Not that it had much competition out here in the middle of nowhere.

The Wall was a wooden construction that rose about 30 feet into the air. Designed by Earth Pony engineers, constructed with the aid of Unicorn mages, and manned by Pegasus soldiers, it was the first line of defense the United Tribes had against any and all outside threats. It also had a platform built near its top that allowed a grown pony to look out into the surrounding wilderness while remaining in relative safety and was wide enough to allow three ponies to comfortably walk side-by-side. The Wall also formed a square that completely surrounded the United Tribes, meaning that it was possible to see the entire pony nation from its platform, and that was exactly what Smart Cookie was doing now, looking out over the nation she had helped build, and it was a very sobering sight.

The city state that was the Republic of Earth Ponies had been well over five times the size of the United Tribes. Made up of buildings that stood three, sometimes even four, stories high, and with the Capital Building as its center piece. Six stories tall and built more like a castle than an office building, the Capital Building had been made with blocks of solid stone as large as a grown stallion and had been the pride and joy of the Earth Pony tribe. For it had represented the pinnacle of what the earth-bound ponies were capable of, even when all they possessed was nothing but their strength, their minds, and their force of will. The Capital Building had been more than just a place where those who worked in government, like Chancellor Pudding Head and Smart Cookie, had worked. It had been a symbol of pride and hope for the Earth Pony tribe as a whole. A reminder that no matter how much they might be pushed around by the Unicorns and Pegasi, Earth Ponies would always have the strength to stand their ground and push back.

And what has become of that oh so great symbol of Earth Pony might I wonder? Smart Cookie thought to herself. My money says that at this point, it’s nothing more than a crumbling ruin buried under tons of ice and snow, and most certainly filled with the mummified bodies of those who were too stubborn to leave when they had the chance. Or were too weak from hunger to make it out the front door.

Smart Cookie sighed to herself. Her thoughts always seemed to turn dark like that whenever she thought of the Old Lands. And her thoughts always seemed to turn to the Old Lands whenever she looked out over the United Tribes. Which of course she couldn’t help but do whenever she went out for a walk across the Wall’s platform. And she always wound up doing that whenever her thoughts turned dark and she needed to clear her mind. It was a vicious cycle, and one Smart Cookie knew she needed to break, but never seemed to be able must the will power to do so.

Letting out another sigh, Smart Cookie stole another glance at the United Tribes. She had never seen the city states of the Pegasus Empire or the Kingdom of the Unicorns. But based off of what she had heard of them from her friends, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie had been able to gather that they had been just as grand as the Republic of Earth Ponies. All be it, in their own individual ways.

Three entire tribes of pony kind, each one completely filling up their own respective countries, and you can see all that’s left from here.

Smart Cookie shook her head in an attempt to physically dislodge the depressing thoughts. But no matter how hard she tried; she couldn’t deny their truth. The United Tribes was little more than small collection of single room huts loosely scattered across a clearing in the middle of a fast and untamed forest. That was all that was left of pony kind as a whole after each of the three tribes were driven out of the Old Lands by the eternal Winter brought on by the Wendigos. And that might not even be the end to their losses. After all, the only line of defense between the ponies of the United Tribes, and the various wild animals of the forest, was a single wooden wall, and the vast mountain who’s shadow the United Tribes stood at the base of. One breach in their defenses, and who knew how high the cost would be.

And those are only good for keeping out the external threats. What about those that are already inside?

That final thought was what brought Smart Cookie back to why she had decided to take one of her much-needed walks in the first place. It had been a report given by Commander Hurricane just that afternoon, during the last meeting of the Council of Six, regarding an internal disturbance that had occurred earlier that same day.

After the formation of the United Tribes, the former High Officer of the Pegasus Empire had taken on the newly created position of Head of Security, making him responsible for keeping the ponies of the United Tribes safe from both outside and inside threats. One of Commander Hurricane’s first actions in this new position had been to form a new police force that was made up of ponies from all three tribes whose job it would be to both enforce the law, as well as to maintain peace within the Wall. Which of course meant that these “Security Ponies” were also the ones who were responsible for breaking up any and all conflicts that rose up between the citizens of the United Tribes, such as the one that Hurricane told the other council members about.

According to Hurricane’s report, the incident began with an argument between an Earth Pony fruit seller and a Pegasus customer. The Pegasus had accused the Earth Pony of overcharging non-Earth Ponies, and the Earth Pony had responded by calling the Pegasus a liar and thief who was just trying to blackmail the salespony into giving them free produce. A passing by Unicorn had then stepped in to try to help settle the argument, at which point both the Earth Pony and Pegasus had told the Unicorn to keep their nose out of business that didn’t concern them. To which the Unicorn had replied with a series of statements that effectively just boiled down to calling the other two ponies “violent simpletons”.

That was when things really started to heat up, with all of the shouting between the three ponies attracting other individuals to step in and support their fellow tribal members. After that, it didn’t take long for the argument to simply dissolve into a huge shouting match to see which side could insult the other two the most. With even a few racial slurries like: “Mud Pony”, “Horn Head”, and “Feather Brain” reportedly being thrown around. Fortunately, several Security Ponies stepped in and broke up the mass argument before things could escalate even further. The majority of the ponies involved were sent on their way, while the three original individuals who had started the whole thing were each charged with disturbing the peace, and thus given their own jail cells to stay in for the night while they cooled off. All in all, the situation ended about as well as it could have been expected too. However, according to Hurricane, the lieutenants he had on the scene had reported that when they initially arrived, it had felt like a mass brawl was on the very edge of starting and had only been stopped just in the nick-of-time before it could begin.

As bad as all that was, however, that wasn’t what was bothering Smart Cookie. No, the reason why the young mare was currently enduring the windy Winter chill for one of her mind-clearing walks across the Wall was because the internal disturbance that occurred earlier that day wasn’t an isolated incident. Instead, it was the third of its kind to have occurred during this last month alone. With several other such incidents having occurred over the past half year. They seemed to always begin the same way. With some minor squabble beginning between ponies of different tribes, and other ponies getting involved to support their fellow tribal members. Before long, the whole thing would spin way out of control, with representatives of each tribe hissing and spitting out every vial thing they could think to say about the other two pony tribes. What’s worse was that these incidents were also getting more frequent. The first two had about a half a year between them, with the third arriving about four months after that, then one month, then three weeks, then a little over one week. The last internal disturbance had been five days before this most recent one.

Clover had hypothesized that the rising frequency of these incidences were due to the onset of Winter. As the cold forced ponies to stay inside their tiny huts for longer periods of time, they were also steadily growing grouchier, and more easily angered, due to being confined in small spaces with very little to occupy their time. The former student of Starswirl the Bearded, and closest advisor to Princess Platinum of the Unicorn Kingdom, had been optimistic that once Spring came and the temperature started to warm, the ponies of the United Tribes would grow less stressed and short tempered, and consequently, the incidents would start to grow less frequent. Smart Cookie wanted to believe Clover’s ideas, she really did, but a small pessimistic part of her being couldn’t help but think that there was a much more serious problem here than a mass case of cabin fever. The Earth Pony felt that on some fundamental level, the glue that had initially helped form the United Tribes, as well as hold it together through the years sense then, was starting to come a part. The unity of the three pony tribes had initially begun with Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie all telling tales about their own individual lives, hopes, and dreams while they were sheltering from the unnatural Winter brought on by the Wendigos. That small spark of friendship had only grown larger once their respective leaders, Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum, and Chancellor Pudding Head, were all freed from their icy prisons, and also took part in the merry making. Eventually, the warmth of their friendship had grown so great between the six ponies, that it actually managed to drive the Wendigos away, and bring an end to their infernal Winter. At least that’s how Clover explained it. And with the Eternal Winter finally over, more and more ponies from the Old Lands had begun to make their way to the New Lands. Fearing that these new arrivals would bring with them the same hatred that had attracted the Wendigos in the first place, the six friends had moved quickly to council their fellows on the danger of the icy spirits, and how the only way to keep their new home from becoming another barren wasteland was to put an end to the ancient feuds between the three pony tribes, and replace it with the ideals of trust and friendship, and for a time that had worked. Enough so in fact that the entirety of the United Tribes was effectively built upon those same ideas, and the six friends were appointed the leaders of this new nation as the Council of Six.

Looking back however, Smart Cookie suspected that there was one factor that she and the others had over-looked at the time. Fear. Specifically, fear of the Wendigos and the destruction they could bring. Perhaps it was that fear that had truly allowed the other ponies to put away their hatred and distrust of those not like themselves, at least enough so to secure their own safety. Which on paper might have been fine. But, in practice, was proving to be a problem. For fear is an unreliable source of security. The simple fact was that the Wendigos were effectively gone, the apocalyptic Winter they brought with them was at this point nothing but a bad memory for the ponies of the United Tribes, and for each passing year, fear of the Wendigos and their Winter was slowly starting to fade. Without that single unifying source of unity, old strives and grudges were starting to reemerge.

In Smart Cookie’s mind, something needed to change, and fast. Some new and more long-term source of unity needed to be found, or else it wouldn’t take long for the United Tribes to dissolve into three divided tribes. And once the hearts of ponies were filled with hated for each other once again, Smart Cookie was sure that the Wendigos wouldn’t be far behind. And this time, she wasn’t certain that she and her friends would be enough to drive them away. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who thought that either. For Princess Platinum herself had recently started discussing the importance of symbols with the other council members, and how they could potentially hold the power to either make or break the United Tribes.

“The reason why I make sure to never appear in public without my royal crown and cape is because without them, my dears, I become just another regular pony in the minds and hearts of my adoring subjects. All be it, an exceptionally wealthy and beautiful one.” Platinum had said during a council meeting that had occurred a week or so ago. “With my crown and cape however, I become so much more than that. To my dear ponies, I become a figure of authority. A source of security and hope. A symbol that reassures my subjects that I am more than just a mere pony, and that so long as I am around, everything will be alright. In short, I become a princess to my subjects, in the ways that truly matter. And that, my friends, is what we need right now. A symbol that the ponies of the United Tribes can look at and know that when they are among ponies of different tribes, they are not among enemies, but friends instead.”

The other council members had agreed and had begun discussing possibilities on what this “symbol of unity” could be. During the last council meeting, Chancellor Pudding Head had offered an idea that seemed to be the most popular yet, the ‘Triangular Table’. A meeting place for the council in the form of a table in the shape of a triangle with three sides of equal length.

“That way the ponies can all see that the representatives of their own tribe, i.e., us, are all being given an equal say on what’s going on.” Pudding Head had said, all while excitedly bouncing in place for the brilliance of her own idea. “After all, we’d have to be given an equal say on what’s going on because we’re being given an equal share of the table. And that way, no pony will feel like their tribe is begin given the smallest piece of the pie.”

Smart Cookie had personally found the idea to be more than a little silly. (Which, admittedly, was a word that could often be used to describe the other Earth Pony’s ideas.) But surprisingly, Clover the Clever had thought it a brilliant idea.

“Starswirl once told me that in ancient times, the equilateral triangle was a symbol of equality between different groups due to it being made up of three congruent sides.” The Unicorn Scholar had stated. “A symbol of power that also doubles as a symbol of friendship could be just what we’re looking for.”

Most of the other council members had agreed that this was as good an idea as any and had begun discussing the construction and unveiling of this Triangular Table. Smart Cookie herself had remained relatively silent during the rest of that meeting, for her mind had become too busy with shifting through what she had heard. It wasn’t necessarily that she thought that the table was a bad idea, she just wasn’t sure it was the right idea. Especially regarding Clover’s association of equality with friendship. After all, back in the Republic of Earth Ponies, Smart Cookie had been equal to all the other secretaries who worked in the Capital Building. That didn’t mean she had been friends with all, or even most, of them. While on the other hoof, she had certainly not been Chancellor Pudding Head’s equal back in the Old Lands, the eccentric politician had been her employer after all. However, regardless of how air-headed and two-faced the other mare could act sometimes, Smart Cookie had still considered Pudding Head to be a dear friend, even back then. So much so that she had initially been the only one willing to entertain Pudding Head’s seemingly outrageous idea of abandoning the Old Lands and seek out a new home to settle. It seemed to Smart Cookie, that the key to solving their problem didn’t lie in a symbol of equality. At least, not in a symbol that was purely about equality. But what else could they be miss…

“Bit for your thoughts?”

Startled, Smart Cookie turned around to find herself face to face with a Pegasus mare dressed in full armor and carrying a spear that always looked awkward in her hooves.

“Hi Pansy.” Cookie replied, giving her winged friend a quick smile. “Was just thinking about that triangle table the others were talking about.”

“Not sure that it’ll work either huh?” Pansy asked while walking over to stand next to Smart Cookie, her spear leaning against her shoulder like it was a walking stick rather than a weapon of war.

“Hit the nail right on the head. You got any thoughts you’d be willing to share?”

“Oh…Well…um…something I have been wondering about is why the others kept talking about making the ponies see themselves as equals.” Pansy fidgeted as she walked, looking uncomfortable in her armor. “I mean…I don’t want to make it sound like I think the others all had bad ideas. It just seems like if we get eveypony to stop thinking of themselves in terms of their tribe, then we won’t need a symbol of equality like the Triangular Table, because it will just be one of those obvious facts of life that nopony ever needs to say out loud. You know. Like the sky is blue, or that the Commander can only speak in yells.”

Both ponies chuckled at Pansy’s little joke, with Smart Cookie covering her mouth with one of her hooves, and Pansy nervously looking around as if Hurricane would pop up out of nowhere to berate her for insubordination. After their quite laughter finally died down Smart Cookie gave Pansy a thoughtful look and spoke. “I think I know what you mean hun. We need something that will get everypony to stop thinking of themselves as a bunch of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns who are all just being forced to live together due to circumstance. They need to see each other as nothing more or less than just a group of ponies just trying to make their way through the world. Just like all of us after we drove away the Wendigos.”

“But that took all of us being trapped in a cave for Harmony knows how long, and with nothing but those awful Wendigos for company.” Pansy countered. “We can’t exactly force all of the United Tribes into a cave and threaten them with evil ice spirits…At least, I don’t think we can.”

“No, we can’t.” Smart Cookie reluctantly agreed. “But we’ve got to find something. Some symbol of unity that everypony can get behind. The only problem is that I can’t think of anything here that’ll do.” Turning so that she could look at the meek Pegasus soldier head on Smart Cookie continued. “What’s say you and I call another council meeting tomorrow. We could talk to the others about maybe heading out into the forest for another expedition, only this time we’ll see if we can find this symbol of unity we’ve been talking about.” Pansy gave her earth-bound friend an uncertain look but allowed Smart Cookie to continue. “I know it sounds like a desperate gamble, but let’s face facts here Pansy, we’re just a mouse whisker or two away from being desperate. If stuff like what happened today keeps happening, then everything we’ve built so far will fall apart before its even had a chance to get started.” Drawing closer so as to place a hoof on Pansy’s shoulder, Smart Cookie spoke in as quiet and calm voice as she could manage. “A journey into the unknow saved all of us once before. Maybe it can do so ag…”

The sound of distant thunder cut Smart Cookie off and caused both mares to turn their attention to the distant horizon where the sound was heard. They then glanced upward at the stary night sky with not a cloud in sight.

“That’s strange.” Smart Cookie commented before another even louder boom of thunder could be heard, as well as a quick flash of electric blue light that Cookie just caught in the corner of her eye. Again, without a cloud of any kind within sight.

Frowning, Smart Cookie took a step forward to crane her neck over the Wall’s edge in hopes of getting a better look at what was going on. Private Pansy however took a step back and began fidgeting with the horn that she was required to carry at all times while on duty. To an Earth Pony, such events were a little strange, but nothing more. To a Pegasus however, such events were potentially terrifying. For their magical connection to the sky meant that they could instinctively tell the difference between an odd weather phenomenon, and something that only looked like an odd weather phenomenon.

Sure enough, a second flash of light revealed the source to be a large dark shape that was flying through the air. And a third flash of light revealed said source to be flying right towards the United Tribes. Feeling a coldness run through her veins that had nothing to do with the Winter-time wind, Private Pansy pulled her horn up to her lips and blew into the instrument. Only for the resulting sound to be pitiful series of croaks that only Smart Cookie could hear. Quickly licking her lips, Pansy tried again, and this time managed to get out three strong bellows from the horn that were quickly repeated by the other Pegasus soldiers currently manning the Wall.

Smart Cookie gave her friend a frightened questioning look. She knew what that signal meant. It was the signal for immediate danger, for all combatants to fully arm and armor themselves and take up their assigned positions, while all non-combatants were to secure themselves in the nearest shelter until further instructions. It was a security protocol that Hurricane had quickly come up with once it became clear that the new land they had all settled on, while plentiful, was also home to a wide variety of highly dangerous creatures. Smart Cookie was about to ask Pansy what was going on, when the sound of powerful wing beats signaled the approach of the Commander himself.

Commander Hurricane landed on the platform between the two mares already fully dressed in his own armor, even though he should have been off duty and asleep at this time of night. Smart Cookie privately wondered if the gruff stallion slept in his armor. Instead of a standard issue spear, the leader of the United Tribes’ military and security was armed with a long-bladed saber that he had strapped to his side where he could easily reach around and grip the sword’s hilt with his teeth.

Ignoring Smart Cookie for now, Hurricane instead gave his full attention to Pansy, asking in a steady but loud voice that those who did not know the Pegasus would be surprised to learn was actually his calm voice. “Private Report!”

Giving her officer as sharp a salute as she could manage, Pansy replied. “Thunderbird! Sir! Approaching head on from the western horizon! I estimate it will be on top of the city within fifteen minutes!” Another boom of thunder, this one the loudest yet. “Possibly less! Sir!”

The term “Thunderbird” meant nothing to Smart Cookie. But it clearly meant something to Hurricane, who let out a soft hiss through his teeth and allowed a rare flash of fear to pass over his features before immediately being replaced with a look of stoic determination. Grabbing his own horn, the Commander gave out four deep blasts of sound with the instrument, signaling all Pegasus soldiers to gather at his location.

Once the troops were fully assembled, Hurricane began issuing out his orders. With the Commander preoccupied, and his back turned to the two mares, Smart Cookie shuffled over to Pansy and whiskered into her ear. “What’s a Thunderbird?”

Turning her own head to whisper back, Pansy replied. “Imagine a bird of prey a little smaller than a grown dragon. But with feathers that give off sparks of electricity so strong, that their like bolts of lightning.” Smart Cookie gave her friend a terrified look. Which Pansy returned before continuing. “Their also carnivores and highly territorial. If this one isn’t hunting, then it’s defending its territory. Either way, it will most likely destroy the entire city if it’s allowed to get to close.” Giving her friend another worried look, Smart Cookie opened her mouth to ask another question, but was cut off by Commander Hurricane’s loud bellow.


“Sir!” Pansy replied. Immediately snapping back to attention. Under normal circumstances Hurricane might have twisted the other Pegasus’ ear for not giving a superior officer her full attention when they were giving out orders. But instead, he seemed to allow her brief deviation from military protocol slide without commit in favor of getting right down to business. Which was all the indication Smart Cookie needed on how serious the situation truly was.

“You are to take command of all ground forces here in the city! I will take the bulk of our aerial forces and attack the Thunder Bird head on! If, however, we are unable to drive the beast away within five minutes, you are to lead all military personal and civilians out of the city and into the mountain’s cave system.” Referring to the series of caves, and their connecting tunnels, which dotted the mountain that the United Tribes stood at the base off, and which included the vary cave that the members of the Council of Six had sheltered in after their initial arrival in the New Lands. “We will regroup with you at the caves and the Council can decide on our next course of action after that. If, however, we do not meet up with you by morning. You are to assume that we won’t be meeting up with you at all. In which case, you are to assume permanent command of the United Tribe’s military and security. I’ll trust you and the others to do what is best for our ponies after that.”

Pansy gave Hurricane a look not unlike a gapping fish before finally managing to say. “Me…in command sir? But…But I’m just…just a…”

Hurricane walked over and placed a reassuring hoof on Pansy’s shoulder before in a loud bellowing voice that was only slightly quitter than his usually loud bellowing voice, and which was probably the closest he could manage to speaking in a quiet calming voice, he said. “You’ve proven yourself to be much more than an ordinary private Pansy! Honestly, I would have promoted you years ago if you didn’t insist on rejecting my offer for a higher rank! But regardless of your title, you’re still my most trusted lieutenant! And more importantly, you are my…my best friend!” Smart Cookie, Private Pansy, and even the other assembled Pegasus soldiers were visibly shocked to hear the normally reserved commander openly make such a personal statement. But he continued before anypony could commit about it. “And more importantly still, you are the pony I trust the most with such an important mission! Now, do you understand your orders soldier?”

Immediately, Private Pansy gave another salute before speaking in as confident a voice as she could manage. “Sir yes sir!”

Hurricane gave a single nod of acknowledgement before turning to the other Pegasus soldiers who all snapped to attention as well. “You all know your orders! Move out!”

Smart Cookie and Private Pansy watched as the large flock of Pegasi flew in a tight military formation towards the western horizon and the flashes of electric blue light that signaled the Thunderbird’s location. The only sound being the beating of their wings, and the clanking of their armor. Both ponies were about to turn around to start carrying out Hurricane’s orders when another flash of light cause Cookie’s attention. This one had been different from those before, for it was not accompanied by the boom of thunder, and it had flashed the color of red, not blue. Turning back to face the western horizon, Smart Cookie ignored Private Pansy’s inquiries on what she was waiting for, and instead focused on trying to spot that strange flash of red light once again.

It didn’t take long, but it left Smart Cookie even more confused. For the flash of red light had come in the form of a red beam of light that shot in straight line across the night sky, as apposed to the jagged bolts of electricity being given off by the Thunderbird.

“There’s something else out there!” The Earth Pony cried out to Pansy, and now both mares were searching the horizon to identify the source of those red beams. A few seconds later there was another flash of light, only this time it was in the form of another bolt of lightening being given off by the Thunderbird. Only now, the large electric avian was close enough that the thunder produced by its electric attacks could be felt by the ponies in their bones, rather than just heard with their ears. What’s more, each flash of electric light was now so intense, that it was like taking a quick glance directly at the sun itself.

During that brief flash of light however, Smart Cookie could now make out the dark outline of the Thunderbird, as well as a much smaller figure that seemed to be flying around it, almost as if the smaller creature was attacking its larger counterpart. At first, Smart Cookie was uncertain what to make of that second figure, but then another flash of lighting gave Cookie just enough time to identify the outline of the smaller figure as that of…a pony?

No. That was impossible. Hurricane and his Pegasi forces were the only flying ponies within the same vicinity of the Thunderbird, and they had only just launched from the Wall and wouldn’t be within striking distance of the enormous bird for another minute or two. Plus, that didn’t explain where those beams of red light had come from.

As if in response to her thoughts, a third beam of red light shot across the sky, just missing the Thunderbird as it dove to one side. Letting out an ear-splitting avian screech, the Thunderbird retaliated with its own electric attack that forked across the sky in a bright flash of energy that hurt Smart Cookie’s eyes, but it also allowed her to gain another glimpse at the smaller flier. And despite Smart Cookie’s earlier certainty that the mystery creature couldn’t be a Pegasus, she also couldn’t help but acknowledge that the outline she saw was, indeed, very pony-like, and was even complete with a pair of what looked suspiciously like Pegasus wings.

But even if this stranger was a Pegasus, that didn’t explain where those beams of red light were coming from. Smart Cookie had been around Unicorns like Clover the Clever long enough to be able to recognize Unicorn combat magic when she saw it, and unless the Stranger was a Pegasus who was somehow a strong enough flier to both carry a powerful Unicorn mage through the air, while also avoiding the talons and lightening strikes of an angry Thunderbird, she didn’t see how the mystery creature could possible be the source of the red lights.

As if in response to her thoughts however, another flash of red light appeared. Only this time it did not take the form of a beam of energy, but instead a sphere of light that surrounded the unknown individual. The purpose of the sphere quickly made itself known when not even a half-second later, a bolt of blue colored lightning struck the ball of crimson energy, shielding the creature inside, but also sending it soaring through the air like a rock shot out from a slingshot.

The magical shield did not disappear, telling Smart Cookie that the stranger inside was still alive, but they were also clearly out of control, and heading straight for the United Tribes. In fact, Commander Hurricane and his forces, who were still between the city and the two aerial combatants, were forced to temporarily break formation to avoid collision with the rouge sphere of red light. Said sphere flew right past the startled Pegasi and wound-up crash landing about 100 yards outside of the Wall, digging a shallow groove into the forest floor as it came to a stop.

Hurricane apparently decided to pay the Stranger no mind, for he and his warriors quickly regrouped and continued their flight forward to intercept the Thunderbird. Smart Cookie, on the other hoof, quickly spun around and began running for the nearest ramp that would allow her to descend back down to the ground.

Behind her, she could hear Private Pansy calling out after her. “What!! Where are you going!?!”

“They need help!!!” Smart Cookie yelled back behind her without slowing down. Nor did she slow down once her hoofs touched the solid ground again and she started sprinting towards the Wall’s single gate, which was currently in the process of being closed by two large Earth Pony guards.

Ignoring Pansy’s warnings about how dangerous it was, Smart Cookie cried out for the two gatekeepers to halt before the gate was fully closed. Which fortunately they did, immediately, and without question. She may not have been an officer of the military, but she was still a member of the Council of Six, and that meant her word was as good as law.

Charging straight past the two confused looking guards, Smart Cookie headed straight for the place where the Stranger had crashed landed. Smart Cookie might have been a pencil pusher by trade, but both the expedition from the Old Lands to the New, as well as the construction of the United Tribes, had allowed the Earth Pony mare to obtain a level of endurance and strength that she had never known back in her homeland. As a result, she was able to close the distance between the Wall and the Stranger’s crash sight in a matter of seconds with only a slight increase in her breathing rate.

Looking down into the shallow crater that created by the shield-like sphere of energy smashing into the earth, Smart Cookie was finally able to make out what the stranger was thanks to the light of the Moon shinning down from above. And sure enough, they were indeed a Pegasus pony, as evidenced by the pair of feathery wings jutting out from their back.

And speaking of wings, the sound of wing beats behind and above Smart Cookie told her that Private Pansy had followed her and was currently hovering in the air. No doubt while awkwardly holding her spear out in front of her in case of an attack.

“Please!! Be careful Smart Cookie!” Pansy loudly whispered, her voice shacking with fear. The Earthy Pony didn’t speak, but she did give what she hopped was a reassuring flick of her ear as she began to descend down towards the Stranger splayed out before her.

As she got closer, it quickly became clear to Smart Cookie that, aside from the wings, there wasn’t much else she could make out about the Stranger. For they wore a large heavy-looking brown cloak that covered most of their body and was complete with a hood that completely hid their facial features. Despite these obstacles, however, one aspect of the Stranger that quickly made itself known to Smart Cookie was that this pony was huge. Lying out on the ground and motionless, Smart Cookie was able to estimate that the Stranger was easily three times her own size, which would have made them, hooves down, the largest pony within the entire area. The most intimidating as well. But despite her nervousness over approaching a creature that was so much bigger than herself, Smart Cookie was able to force herself close enough the Stranger to gently poke them with a hoof and quietly ask. “You, ok?”

Quick as a snake, the longest foreleg Smart Cookie had ever seen shot out from under the cloak, and wrapped itself around her neck, drawing her closer towards the Stranger’s hooded face.

Letting out a cry of outrage, Private Pansy immediately gripped her spear with both hooves and started to rush forward to come to her friend’s aid. Only to stop when she saw Smart Cookie raise her own hoof up in a signal for the Pegasus to wait.

After a few seconds the stranger released their grip on Smart Cookie, only to then use their other foreleg to pull a large saddlebag out from under their cloak and push it into the Earth Pony’s surprised hooves. Before either Private Pansy or Smart Cookie could ask about this however, the Stranger suddenly, and shakily, stood up, towering over the two mares. Then, without warning, a spark of red light shown out from under the Stranger’s hood, and their cloak was wrapped in a matching aura that pulled the heavy piece of cloth away from the pony and tossed it off to the side. Finally allowing Pansy and Cookie to clearly see the Stranger in their entirety.

The Stranger was a snow-white mare with a straight-haired mane and tail that were colored a simple dark red. Her eyes were a pale blue, and while clearly worried, they also held a gentle kindness in them as well. Her cutie mark was in the form of a humble ink pot and an oversized quill pen. But the thing about the Stranger that most captured Smart Cookie’s and Private Pansy’s attention, as well as cause their jaws to hit the ground, was the fact that she was not a Pegasus, nor a Unicorn, or even an Earth Pony. But was instead all three at once. For she not only possessed a pair of wings, but also a single large horn that sprouted from her forehead.

With a grim look on her face, the Stranger gave the two stunned ponies a single nod before her horn started glowing with a now familiar red light, and she rocketed herself through the air with unprecedented speed. Within a matter of seconds, the Stranger was once gain on top of the Thunderbird, who was currently occupied with trying to blast Commander Hurricane and his forces out of the air.

The Stranger unleashed several of her own blasts of energy that managed to make direct contact with the Thunderbird. Screeching out in pain, the giant raptor turned its attention back onto its original target and allowed itself to be drawn away from the Pegasi soldiers, whose numbers were noticeable smaller than they had been before. What followed was the most dangerous light show in the history of the world, as the Thunderbird tried to zap the Stranger out of the sky with its bolts of lightning. While the Stranger, in turn, would retaliate with her own magical beams of energy in between dodging her foe’s attacks. Said beams of energy were connecting much more frequently, and while they clearly hurt the Thunderbird, they unfortunately didn’t seem to be doing much in terms of actual damage. And even worse, the Stranger, marked by the glow of her horn against the night sky, was starting to slow down. Both in terms of her aerial maneuvers, and her energy attacks.

Just as despair started to fill Smart Cookie’s heart for the hopelessness of the situation. The Stranger suddenly shot straight up into the sky, gaining altitude, and prompting the Thunderbird to start following, albeit at a slower pace due to its greater size. Once the stranger seemed to reach her zenith, her horn started glowing brighter than ever, and a second sphere of red energy formed around her. She then dived downwards, straight for the Thunderbird who was still climbing upwards after her. As the Stranger descended, her shield started to glow brighter and brighter. Which Clover the Clever would later explain was her pouring more and more energy into her shield, which would have made it stronger, but also, potentially, more volatile should the shield’s caster lose their concentration. The Thunderbird, in turn, started firing off bolt after bolt of lightning, which the Stranger would only just manage to avoid by veering off slightly to the right or left. Closer and closer, the two combatants approached each other, until the Thunderbird fired one final lightning strike that managed to hit the Stranger’s shield head on, just as the two connected with each other.

The best way Smart Cookie could describe what happened next was as if a second sun, the color of purple, suddenly and violently appeared in the sky, briefly turning night into day, and letting out a BBBOOOMMM that sent Smart Cookie’s ears ringing, and her bones rattling.

But as suddenly as it appeared, the lavender colored explosion vanished, leaving behind no sign of either the Stranger, or the Thunderbird, except for a few stray piles of smoking ash in the surrounding forest that would be found later that following day.

Dead silence dominated the forest. With every creature in the area, both pony and non-pony alike, too stunned by what they had just witnessed to make a sound. Even the wind itself had ceased its earlier hollowing, as if silently waiting to see what came next.

Eventually this spell of silence was broken by the sound of multiple wing beats, signaling the return of Commander Hurricane and the other Pegasi as they touched down next to Smart Cookie and Private Pansy. Both of whom hadn’t moved an inch sense their own encounter with the Stranger.

None of the surviving winged ponies had managed to escape their attack on the Thunderbird without some level of injury, either in the form of slashes from the Thunderbird’s talons, or in the form of burn marks that were the result of being to close to one of the giant bird’s lightning bolts. Even Hurricane himself had an especially nasty burn mark that ran across the right side of his face and would later prove to have cost him his right eye. But for now, he ignored his injuries in favor of trotting over to Private Pansy, who was finally able to snap out of her state of shock to turn and salute her friend and officer. “Pr…Pri…Private!” Hurricane spoke, his voice shaky, both from too much adrenaline in his system, and his own inability to fully wrap his mind around what he had just witnessed. “You…You made contact with that...that…individual…did you not!? What did she say to you!?”

“Not me sir.” Pansy responded. “She spoke to Smart Cookie. Did so too softly for me to hear. Gave her something too.”

Moving past Pansy, Hurricane walked over to stand next too Smart Cookie. “Cookie!? What did she tell you!? And what in the name of all that is harmonious and chaotic, did she give you!?!”

At some point, the Earth Pony mare had opened the saddle bag so as to peer inside, although the look of stunned silence never left her face. Gently shifting her body so that she could face her Pegasi friends head on, Smart Cookie held out the bag for all assembled to see its contents. Inside, were two teeny-tiny foals. Neither one looking like they could be more than a few weeks old. The larger, and presumably older, of the two was actually asleep, despite the tremendous amount of noisy activity that had been occurring in the outside world just a few minutes ago. The little filly’s coat was a solid white that was somehow managed to be radiant, even in the low light. While her mane and tail were both a soft pink. As for her even smaller sister, she actually was awake, though she was remaining silent, most likely thanks to the fact that she was also currently sucking on one of her hooves. The smaller of the two foals had a dark blue coat, and a light blue mane and tale, while her eyes, which were blinking up curiously at the adult ponies, were a startling pretty shade of teal. But easily the most striking feature about the two foals was that they both possessed tiny little wings on their backs, and tiny little horns on their heads.

Looking up to meet Commander Hurricane’s and Private Pansy’s shocked and questioning looks, Smart Cookie spoke in as calm a voice as she could manage. “She told me that their names are Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. And that they are now the last of the Alicorns.”