• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


"Most ponies just call me Trixie..."
An unusual unicorn arrives on Sunny's doorstep, representing an organization sworn to aid the return of magic... and its new Princess...

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 71 )

This is tragic, but Trixie's mistake single handedly just saved Sunny and the rest a lot of trouble in re-learning magic.
Even if she doesn't see herself as, she's a hero for the new generation.

"Patricia Pot," the mare said hurriedly. Then she winced, as if she'd somehow already put her hoof in it. "But... most ponies just call me Trixie."

I'm assuming this Trixie is related to of course Trixie My Little Pony friendship is Magic

Trixie gave her a look. "You could say that. We've crossed paths on occasion."

Oh yeah the first time in season 1 yeah not really a good expression the first time you go to Ponyville and then season 3 yikes she went crazy with the Alicorn Amulet which hopefully nobody doesn't Discover that thing in this new generation and then season 6 I mean they were okay but still not in good terms until Starlight became friends with her then both Twilight and Trixie really want to put aside for Starlight so yeah their history is a little rocky to say at least

"Well as they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Suffice it to say the spell worked. First time, I might add, when I tested it. I stepped into my magic cabinet, triggered the spell annnnd..."

Trixie you're telling me you got yourself stuck in limbo for a thousand years to be honest that's kind of sad

Wow that actually kind of blew my freaking mind a little bit so apparently this is the same Trixie waiting for sunny and wanted to give all the knowledge of magic to her so those things can be still in use but instead Sunny wants Trixie to have them because if she's got nowhere to go she might as well just stay here but before then she explained about this whole situation why is she here and apparently she created a spell that the pillars created that trap anybody in limbo and she got herself caught in when she tweet the spell which that is impressive but it must be very sad that Starlight knew that Trixie was gone and Trixie was pretty sad to see everybody that she knows are also gone as well and now she's in this whole new world wow that is something again kind of reminds me of Captain America when he wakes up to the modern year

Dream Trixie holds her confident side more. The side she's repressing.

Is the evil cloud thing going to be the over-arching villain?

It's nice to see Trixie being open to Sunny. Even if it's in a dream. Really brings into perspective what Trixie always wanted in the show.

Trixie nodded. "If I were Twilight, or one of her friends, I'd say something about believing in yourself. That you're the right pony for the job and so forth. But that's not me. And speaking for myself, a little worry isn't such a bad thing. It helps keep you sharp, keeps you from taking your skills for granted. And you're right: with great power comes great responsibility. I mean, isn't that what they always say?"

I've always remember that phrase from Spider-Man

Trixie glanced around, then lowered her voice. "Don't tell anypony this, but I've been there myself, actually. Once, I experienced what it was like having that level of magical ability." She gritted her teeth. "Trust me, it did not go well. It drove me completely round the bend! I ended up not trusting wheels , for pony's sake! I've given up trying to figure out where my head was on that one..."

Yup the Alicorn Amulet as I said before let's hope nobody never finds it because it would be very bad still who the heck made that anyway

I hope that Trixie gets to appear on future stories, because she's just perfect for the group. Slowly and Surely, you're building the world of G5 up, but still let it be its own thing.

Well it looks like Trixie is starting to get a hang of this whole new world she's in and she is even teaching Izzy how to use her magic probably even though she's not the most professional like Twilight and Starlight and Sunburst and sunset but she gave her a little bit information how and apparently when pipp introduced her to streaming of course Trixie was a natural when it comes to the audience but somehow she really is in a lost Sunny asked her if there's anything wrong Trixie admitted that she wasn't the nicest Pony but she was trying her best to become a better Pony and she did but she was always afraid of her persona and she really doesn't want to show it too much it's so nice to see Trixie open up a little but still something is bugging her and apparently Sunny is having some nightmares about that dark cloud that attack her and her friends and even Trixie was there so apparently they're shared dream

yeah I had to but anyway Sonny is still worried about Trixie and something she's not telling I wonder what could it be

Trixie glanced around at their puzzled expressions. "Big tree? Made out of crystal? Tends to be the source of just about everything weird about magic around here? Trust me, you'd know it if you saw it. I only saw it a couple times myself." She raised an eyebrow. "The students built a treehouse or something around it at one point..."

Aww the young 6 I really miss those kids 😢

Izzy grinned. "Maybe it pulled a Ponocchio? Turned into a live tree somehow?"

Well she's not wrong because the tree of Harmony became sentence when the young six meet her

"Yeah. And too, I'm still figuring out my powers. Maybe visiting ponies' dreams is one of them?"


This whole story, as per usual for you, is just *chef's kiss* perfection. And do I spy a Sunset at the end?

Wow that is something here so it looks like sunny and her friends are talking about how the three tribes have been doing so far it's been good but they're just worried about how ponies and creature will misuse the magic and that's always been a worrisome but Trixie mention about the tree of Harmony they didn't even know what it is until hitch mentioned something about a huge tree when they are on our way to bridlewood so they were going to check it out and of course Trixie brings her wagon but when they got there it's just an ordinary tree but they still want to know something about this but I guess they just need to rest first but Trixie was still awake and both Sunny and Trixie have a conversation with each other it was really nice to see Trixie actually opening up to Sunny but it looks like something is happening and both of them check it out it was a castle but I wonder what's behind that

"Uh huh." Sunny nodded. "The way you're so patient and understanding. Particularly with the critters when they follow you around."

As I said before that's always been a very good theory about hitch can represent kindness he has like the same ability as Fluttershy

Hey, Eroraf86! Thanks so much!
(And regarding the ending, see The Once and Future Princess for a hint.)

"And before," Trixie said smugly. "You could say I knew Twilight when. She might not be half so famous today if it wasn't for me..."

Same old Trixie. Somethings really do never change.

Wow that was a pretty good story and adding Trixie to the Mix so they try to figure out how to bring out the tree of Harmony to life but somehow nothing is working Trixie remembers about the Elements of Harmony as in who they represent so once they named the elements it didn't work because unfortunately there's supposed to be six ponies but it looks like Trixie is the sixth Pony yes she was pretty worried that her Persona will come out but sunny and her friends reassure her that she can do this back to bring back the great and powerful Trixie so they went to the tree of Harmony once again but again it didn't work Trixie got really upset about it but somehow her tough love bring out the tree of Harmony and the spirits talk to them about what lies in the future despite the magic coming back there will always will be dark Forces around but they will never be alone so once with that they went back to Maretime Bay and having a celebration together until a couple of ponies who worked at the archive wanted to help Sunny and teaching all the ponies about the magic and Trixie is the pony they can ask and the outskirts it looks like Twilight was amazed this was happening and she's not alone Sunset is there as well I guess she came back from the human world to stay in Equestria that was pretty surprisingly and I guess that was that pony we saw back in the earlier story from what you said but still pretty awesome to see her again and whatever happened that will be another story this was a pretty awesome one here keep up the good work

Ohh to be honest I thought it was fizzlepop berrytwist I guess I was wrong but still cool

Structure and Interpretation of Incantations

The Mythical Pony-Moon

Starlight's Incompleteness Theorem

Please know that somepony understood and appreciated your reference to Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. :raritywink: And who could forget The Mythical Man-Month or Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem? But those are all the references I got without looking things up. :twilightsheepish: Slightly regretful that I didn't get the reference to the CLRS initially.

Trixie, if this finds you someday,
know that I'll never forget you.

At first I thought this dedication was just because this story shipped Trixie x Starlight, but this hits different after Trixie reveals that she got stuck in limbo/suddenly disappeared and Starlight lived the rest of her life without seeing her best friend again. :raritycry:

I did I just didn't put two to two together when I first read it

Thanks much! I was hoping those references would pay off for readers with a coding frame of mind.
The best part of it was that it wasn't hard to come up with them -- I just checked my bookshelves!

"If I'm Wisdom," she muttered, "you're all in trouble..."

Thats entirely on brand for Trixie

This was adorable, and great i love it.

'the archivist' hmmm....is this a jab at 'the librarian' which itself was a deconstruction of the heroic adventurer genre.

She's not feelin' so great and powerful now... :(

“Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”(Sir Terry Pratchett)

Trixie is perfect for the job, I think. :pinkiehappy:

Quick question I wanna ask before i continue to read chapter 1. "Why would Sunny even NEED to move the Sun and Moon they seemed fine on their own"

A quote from this story, which you'll come across:

"Up to now, my entire life, the Sun and Moon were simply there, up in the sky, eternal and unchanging. They rose, and they set, and it had nothing at all to do with me. And now? Suddenly something that matters so much to so many ponies is my responsibility...

Basically, with great power comes great responsibility. Magic gives ponies control over nature and its elements, including the cycles of day and night, but it also means they need to take greater responsibility for them. This was a nice, subtly ecological message from the canon FiM series, which I liked, and hope they retain in the G5 world.

with no disrespect intended though, I do not understand why the Sun and Moon NEEDED to change, they seemed perfectly fine on their own. I am on chapter 3 by the way :twilightsmile: I just feel Sunny should have just left em be, one of those "If it ain't broken don't fix it" situations. Still all and all a good story.

PS: Personally I think the Sun and Moon and G5 will continue to do their own things. Also from all I have heard Sunny cannonly isnt a full Alicorn yet

Just finished the story. All and all not bad, and a very fun read. Heh Trixie kicking the tree was pretty funny! Like I said before my only real gripe is I see no reason to have to take control of the Sun and Moon. On the other hand Pegasi learning to control the weather, could be useful for emergencies like Droughts needed fixed, or if a VERY bad storm needed dispersed, otherwise I could see em letting things be.

Do you have any plans for a sequel?

Kinda want to see more someday. Soon I hope.

Most un-magical unicorn was logical choice.

Thogh I suspected that Sunburst would be one...

Another two:

The Art of Spell Crafting

This one is The Art of Computer Programming. Hopefully the series was finished in-universe.

Spell Libraries: Principles, Techniques, and Tools.

The dragon book is the dragon book

Great story so far! I do feel Trixie would still slip into third person mode from time to time, catching herself most times to stay humble

That explains why the unicorns were in such a slump the greatest spellcasters and all books written in horn writing oof friends and knowledge double whammy

What, no love for SRO, the pony version of GEB? I was particularly pleased with how ponifying the full title fell neatly into place, including reusing the initial letters from the ponies' names in the subtitle.

Plus the use of Starlight's name here is a callback to an earlier story, Starlight Breaks Magic, in which Starlight gives a thesis defense of her Incompleteness Theorem...

This is a really interesting idea.

Trixie is awesome...lets have more Trixie.

Hmm...well Trixie is the unicorn that leaves an Earth Pony and Pegasus who could possibly be brought to G5. I would say how about Marble Pie and Lightning Dust.

Marble Pie crush on Big Mac aside...and most likely heartbreak is super shy...quiet and would blend well with Izzy. She could use the spotlight.

And Lightning Dust while rash, blunt and impulsive got a bad rap...who could predict a hot air balloon suddenly appearing in the middle of a training drill exercise? And having her lead pony badge not only ripped off her uniform but then promptly given to Rainbow Dash? That was cruel.

Ironically while reckless Lightning Dust has created far less damage then Rainbow Dash yet she's the one whose always punished while Rainbow is always praised. I would like to see her get a true redemption plus you know she would create something stunt awesome in that world...

Right umm...aspects...Determination and Reliability?

Interesting. The Administration shall monitor this world.

Tough love indeed, the Tree said. And just when it was needed. You are true to your Aspect, Trixie Luna Moon. As are each of you. That is well. This will be needed, in times ahead.


Actually, that's intentional. See the story Trixie Luna Moon, in particular the chapter Examination Day, to see how Trixie comes by that name.

Ah, makes sense, I thought you were going off of the show, and misspelled it. My bad. :derpyderp1:

Before I start...

Having to switch back to "Mature" just so you can read "Fallout: Equestria" again is a torture of exposure to dreck...

Then I see you've been busy...:raritystarry:

Exploration of the duality of pony...as of man...

(Luna's lovely flanks; do I love it when an author makes me think...!!!)

And there it is: "Trixie Luna Moon...

When an author inadvertently works the same field as the incomparable Estee, you are on to reading something great...

Luna; claiming Trixie as one of her own...

It's all of you that keep Fimfiction from degenerating into a morass of self-insert crackfic sex fetish violence...

Y'all deserve medals...

It's more than "kind of sad." It's sad for her when she's out of limbo, and she can remember her friends who died long ago, but when she was inside of it, you can't miss anyone if you don't exist. That's even more depressing. Imagine a world where you get erased from existence. Your family and friends would be very confused, and miss you, but after a while, they'd be dead. Still, civilization continues. While non-existent, you can't think, you don't even know that anything ever existed. Hundreds of years of nothing. All of the sudden, you're in existence again. Everything comes flooding back, but nobody remembers you. You're the only one who remembers the past. That's terrifying.

You know what you got a good point there that would be very terrifying coming back from limbo or whatever and coming to the strange world that you're not recognized yeah I would be very scared and still be sad at the same time because everything I know are gone

Yoshifan30 mentioned Captain America as one architypal "future refugee", similar to Trixie, which is cool, because I hadn't even thought of the Cap while writing this, and it is a really good parallel.

But I think for me, the prototypical version would be Buck Rodgers (whether the original comic version, or the Gil Gerard remake), an experienced astronaut from 1987 who winds up in an "on the rebound" future Earth where his unconventional practical experience makes him an unlikely leader/hero for a modern squadron who are a little too reliant on their flight computers and protocols.

Similarly, Trixie might find herself in the unusual position of being the "senior mare" in the group, advising Sunny and her friends, sort of their version of Star Swirl the Bearded. Which has some amusing potential consequences since normally the GaPT can barely manage to stay out of trouble on her own...

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