• Published 12th Mar 2022
  • 390 Views, 1 Comments

EQUESTRIA: Last Light - Unknown Tale

A group of misfits form a militia in order to stop Equestria from collapsing in on itself, while fighting off the Legion of Evil's army.

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Episode 1 - The Last Resort

The year was C.R. (Celestic Ruling) 1002.
War between two opposing forces was reaching full effect. Unfortunately for Celestia and Luna, two villains have teamed up to try and take them out, and they know the exact force which is providing the balance of life in Equestria. The Elements of Harmony are a thing of the past in Equestria. Various weapons have been provided to the guard members using various technological marvels to enhance peace keeping. Of these weapons, the Chi-Blade was forged by the pure elements of the world, connecting ponies to the world around them. Luna knew that if Canterlot were to fall, the Chi-Blade would be lost to whoever was attacking them right now. As quick as she could, she ran down corridor after corridor fighting off various changelings before getting inside her secret lab. She was greeted by a young scientist helping her run the place while she was out and about fighting by Celestia's side.

"Luna," she said, "the battle is getting a lot worse. I can hear everything from down here."

"I know, Twilight," the midnight princess replied. "We must act fast if we are to protect Canterlot, and your mentor. Quick now, Ms. Sparkle! Activate the portal and bring Lieutenant Muffins in. It would seem we need reinforcements from unlikely places."

"Yes ma'am." Twilight started pressing various buttons on a control panel while alerting Derpy Hooves over.

The young lieutenant entered the room. "I literally don't know what went wrong this time!" said Derpy. "Everything was going so well until the changelings started appearing out of nowhere."

"We'll worry about that later, Derpy," said Luna. "We need extra help. Can we trust you in finding more urgent recruits?"

Derpy saluted before turning to the portal. It activated a few seconds later, showing an image of what appeared to be a savannah. Derpy turned her head to Twilight and nodded. The scientist set the destination, and a lioness fell out of the portal. The girl tumbled for a moment before looking around, dazed at her new surroundings. She was peach in fur color, tempered with creamy hues. Her eyes were a reddish-brown.

"Who is this?" Luna asked the Lieutenant.

"I have no idea," she replied.

"Here's a better question," the lioness spoke finally getting consciousness. "Who are all of you, and why did you kidnap me?"

"Kidnap is a rather strong word in this situation," Twilight replied. "We're honestly just borrowing you for a while. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is General Luna and Lieutenant Muffins, but some call her Derpy Hooves."

The lioness realized her situation as she felt she couldn't head back home even if she wanted to at this point. "My name is Kiara, Kiara Tumaini," she said to the scientist.

"I wish we were meeting on less severe terms, but..." The scientist stopped mid-sentence to prepare another portal. The device set up randomly chose another location quickly and out came Pinkie Pie, who proceeded to glomp the scientist.

"Twilight!" she said in excitement, "long time, no see!"

"Pinkie, calm down!" Twilight replied trying to get Pinkie to unhug her. "This is not a good time to be hugging ponies!"

"Can I hug her then?" she asked pointing at Kiara. The lioness froze in fear.



"Listen very closely you two," Luna started to speak, "we don't have much time before the changelings end up wreaking all sorts of havoc. Under these circumstances we need to have thee equipped for battle."

Kiara tried to protest this idea, but Twilight grabbed her paw and brought her into the weapon chamber of the lab. The scientist started going through all the weapons searching for something Kiara could handle. The problem was that most of them were meant for ponies. "Guns, lances, sabers... Damn it! Isn't there something here friendly to all species and not just guardsmen!?"

Having not much of a choice, Kiara started looking as well before looking over at one special weapon in the back. "What about this one?" she asked the scientist.

"That? Oh, Celestia is still testing that one with me and my brother. She calls this project the Gunblade. It's half gun, half sword. We're still working out the kinks, but when we do it'll be-"

Kiara wasn't paying attention as she grabs hold of the gunblade. It reacted to her immediately, bonding to her as it vanished into blue sparkles around the lioness, forming a passive wrist-chain with a vaguely familiar emblem. It reminded her of her little brother, Kion.

Twilight stood in shock at what happened. "THAT, didn't happen to any of the other weapons."

"I don't know what happened, but I can get used to that," Kiara added, smiling a bit.

The two returned to the rest of the group, where another pony had joined the group thanks to the portal device going off a third time. She looked like Daring Do and Rainbow Dash combined from different bits of DNA.

"Oh, hello new friend!" said Pinkie greeting the new friend with a smile. "Who might you be?"

"My name is Daring Dash, the daughter of Daring Do and Rainbow Dash," she replied.

"Uh, don't you mean the fusion of Daring and Rainbow?" Derpy corrected looking at Daring with a strange look.

"Don't make fun of them that way! I'm not them combined! Who the hell do you think you are!?"

"A lieutenant with a love of muffins." Derpy squeed at her answer.

"Right..." Daring Dash settled. "Anyways, I'm from a World Order organization and I was tasked with helping you girls out."

Kiara nudged Twilight. "Look, another misfit in the group." Twilight rolled her eyes as a way to ask Kiara to be serious about this.

"While you all introduce each other, I need to head out and make sure my sister's alright," said Luna before escaping back to the surface. The others watched as the trap door leading out closed. Kiara hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. She climbed up and out of the lab as the others followed.

"Don't worry about me," Twilight said to Pinkie before she left. "I'll stay down here and protect the lab."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie replied before following the others out.

The scientist let out a waning sigh. "I need a raise for this job..."

Pinkie shut the trap door as the group gathers up away from it. As they started to head down the hallway, trouble started brewing in front of their eyes. It turned out one of the changelings Luna told them about wandered away in search of Luna, only to find Derpy, Kiara, Pinkie, and Daring instead.

"What's this?" asked the changeling. "More army recruits from who knows where dare to challenge me?" It laughed as it charged at the group, only to be blocked by a fifth.

A hooded figure emerged from the shadows before taking off her hood, revealing herself to be Trixie. Her eyes glowed red for a brief moment. "Go!" she told the others. "Trixie will handle this one." The four misfits ran down the hallway while Trixie fended off the changeling, drawing her crystal light sword and slashing at it a couple of times. This caused the changeling to convulse in pain.

The group met up with Luna who gave a silence command as they hid behind some crates. She pointed at two changelings. "Those two are guarding the way to the throne room. We need a distraction in order to get them away."

"Say no more," Pinkie said trying to walk into view.

Luna, however, stopped the pink pony from taking another step forward. "No, Pinkie. I'm thinking we should go for a more, magical approach. Kiara?" Kiara looked at Luna. "Do you see the unlit torch next to the right guard?"

Kiara looked over. "I do, actually..."

"Try shooting at it with your Gunblade. You should have a Fire Spell built into the blade already based on what was already tested."

Kiara looked at her bracelet before swiping on it to reveal the Gunblade strapped onto her. She unsheathed it and tried to fire. She missed due to her paws being a bit shaky to the trigger. The guards noticed the small flame but shrugged it off.

"Don't worry about it Kiara, just try again. No one gets it right the first time," said Daring Dash, encouraging Kiara. Kiara nodded and fired again, this time lighting the torch up as intended.

"What was that?" the first guard asked.

"I don't know, man!" the second guard replied. "This place is freaking haunted, I'm telling ya!"

"Let's get out of here!!" The two changelings ran from the scene without a second thought.

"Well done, young lioness," Luna told Kiara as Derpy and Pinkie clapped.

"Thank you," she replied with a feral curtsy.

The five went inside the throne room with Trixie joining the others. "Thanks for the help, by the way, Trixie," Kiara told the light blue pony.

"Trixie doesn't need your thanks, but accepts it kindly," Trixie replied with a smirk.

Inside the throne room, the six find Princess Celestia in a struggle with a larger changeling with a crown. "Sister!" Luna said running to Celestia, only to be cut off by the opponent. "Why are you doing this you damned bug!?"

"Don't worry about me, dear sister," Celestia replied. "I can handle her."

"We need to retreat! You're not safe on the surface right now."

"I wouldn't move if I were you, Celestia is all mine," the changeling replied. "After all this time, I will finally take the throne with my Changeling army!"

"Buzz off, Chrysalis," Derpy said recognizing her. Kiara was rather shocked at what was going on, and a bit spooked by Chrysalis' sudden arrival.

"Silence! Surrender to my army immediately, or die on the field of battle!" Chrysalis demanded as her horn lit up, anger in her words.

"You're never getting your hooves on the throne," Celestia replied, "not now nor ever. Not while we're still alive."

"Very well then, I will just have to kill each of you, starting with the frightened little lioness."

Kiara felt herself backing up against the wall as Chrysalis smirked. The rest of the group tried to step into Chrysalis' way, when Kiara started to hear a voice. It was calm to her, telling her not to give up when the going got rough. Assuming her little brother was with her, she unsheathed the Gunblade once more and growled at Chrysalis. The bug queen paused for a moment, but smirked.

"This one's still got some fight in her. I love it when my dinner wants to fight me."

Through a small start the group fought back against Chrysalis. Her defensive abilities proved to be strong as they fought against her, but they weren't the type to give up, mainly from Kiara's slashing, though one could argue she was just copying whatever she saw Daring Dash and Derpy Hooves were doing, as they unsheathed a sword and a keyblade respectively. Pinkie Pie pulled out a spy knife wanting to backstab Chrysalis a couple times, as Trixie watched on from behind the scenes with her hat tilted down.

"Good grief..." said Trixie. "Their strategy is a mess, unlike Trixie's."

"Why don't you go join the fun?" asked Luna.

"And get Trixie killed accidentally? No way is Trixie going to do something stupid like that."

Kiara slid to a halt along with the others after Chrysalis let out a small burst of energy to push everyone back. "Damn it!" she said. "Nothing's working! We're giving her everything we got and she still won't fall!"

"Not everything," said a voice from above. A dark blue alicorn dropped into the room with a red and blue scarf, coming out of a portal of their own creation from another world. It was a stallion by the name of Candy Worthy who introduced himself to the group later. He looked over at Chrysalis and said, "Forgive me." He pulled out a katana from its sheath and fired a quick Dark spell at the bug queen.

The queen was shocked by the incoming spell hitting her head on, blinding her eyes temporarily. Candy signaled to Trixie to move in and finish things as his portal closes. Assuming he was on their side, Kiara and Derpy continued to fight, performing Fire and Blizzard spells in unison on top of their regular attacks. Candy almost managed to clip Chrysalis' left wing at one point, while Trixie struggled with Chrysalis after trying to throw some lightning at the bug. Eventually, Trixie shouted, "Screw it!" and slapped Chrysalis with her crystal light sword. Chrysalis fell to the ground as the others were surprised Trixie pulled that off. The queen shrugged the pain off as she was only testing the group.

"I'll be back," she swore, "and I'll get my revenge on you, Princess Celestia, if it's the last thing I do!" With that, Chrysalis escaped out of harm's way as the group withdrew their weapons for now.

Candy turned to the group. "You may not know me, but I know all of you from different points in time and space. My name is Candy Worthy."

"Oh, oh!" Pinkie raised her hoof in excitement. "Are you edible? Can I eat you?"

"Settle down, there's plenty of me to go around," Candy replied with an almost seductive expression.

"You're not that kind of candy... I see. Not interested."

Candy then proceeded to conjure up a new portal back to the lab now that the Changelings are starting to flee. "Everyone in. We'll talk more there." Kiara and Daring looked at each other and shrugged.

Once everyone was settled back in, Kiara asked, "How did you know to make a portal back into the lab?"

"I have visited this Equestria once before in my three millennia of travels, but never have I seen it in a state like this," Candy replied.

"THREE MILLENNIA!?" Pinkie, Kiara, Trixie, and Daring repeated in shock.

"Yeah," Derpy replied. "General Luna and I met him before when he was much, MUCH younger. He's an immortal being who could take any form he wants. Whenever he's in Equestria, he takes this form of an alicorn."

"But that's impossible, right?" asked Kiara still in shock.

"Nothing's impossible, Kiara," Candy answered. "In the meantime, you all need to rest up."

"Take a look around the lab and get comfortable," said Luna. "We may need you soon so make sure you all are ready when on call."

The six misfits saluted to Luna. "Yes ma'am."

Author's Note:

Characters - Role Player (Main Characters)
Lieutenant Derpy Hooves/Muffins - Rolling Charge (RCharge)
Princess Kiara Tumaini - Unknown Tale
Pinkie Pie - Brinda The Dashie
Daring Dash - ns20000
Sith Lord Trixie Lulamoon - belmontzar
Candy Worthy - Candy

The Tumaini last name is a common reference in Roleplays with Candy and belmontzar. This is Swahili for hope.