• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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09) Irrational Treasure

It all starts with Stan was driving his car, carrying Dipper, Mabel and Twilight who were eating Cornscorns, but Stan could barely go fast because the traffic on the highway was moving too slow. Suddenly Mabel takes two nachos and places them on her ears.

"Haha! Nacho earrings. I'm hilarious!” Says Mabel happily.

In Equetria Pinkie saw this and wondered why she didn't think of that sooner, while Rarity was upset because she felt it had nothing to do with fashion, it was just a mockery of fashion.

“That's debatable”, responded Stan and then wondered. “Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all… covered wagons?”

Stan realized what was happening and his face changed from confusion to horror.

"Oh no! No! No! Not today! Not today!” Stan shouted as he stepped on the accelerator to get out of here.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, and those watching in Equestria were wondering what was going on.

“Grunkle Stan, what's going on?” Asked Dipper.

“We gotta get outta here… Before it's too late!” Said Stan, suddenly realizing that the car was surrounded by wagons. “They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! NOOOOOOOOO!!”

Mabel looks out a window and sees a cow.

“I've got a good feeling about today,” says Mabel happily.


Then Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Stan got out of the car and saw that the whole city seemed old-looking.

“Man, look at the town,” says Dipper looking at the town.

Holds a postcard up for a second where the city was normally seen. When he lowers it, the town is a sepia shade, but it is just due to a pane of dirty glass.

“We got dirty glass! Dirty glass,” says the worker as he advanced carrying the glass.

Twilight remembered that she had heard about Pioneer Day and just today she was going to the library to find out more about that day, but before Twilight left to find out more about Pioneer Day, Stan explained to Dipper and Mabel about what was happening now in the city.

“Ah, boy. It's Pioneer Day. Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded,” says Stan.

“Welcome to 1863!” Says Toby Determined as he approaches Stan like a newspaper boy.

“I will break you, little man!” Says Stan angrily to Toby as he lifts up his left sleeve.

“Ahh!” Toby shouted as he ran away from Stan after colliding with a barrel.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, and the other inhabitants of Equestria looked at the activities that people were doing.

“Wow! Look! Candle dipping!” says Mabel.

“Whoa, gold panning!” Says Dipper looking at Old Man McGucket panning for gold in front of a bunch of people.

Then they see a priest doing a wedding ceremony.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” says Priest to the man and woodpecker.

The Woodpecker pecked at her husband's hand.

“I do!” says the man.

Twilight, Mabel and the other inhabitants of Equestria looked at that with many doubts.

“What chu talking 'bout?” Asks Mabel.

“What the hell just happened?” Asks Twilight.

“Oh yeah. I remember this. In Gravity Falls it used to be legal to marry woodpeckers”, responds Dipper as he looked at Journal 3.

“Oh, it's still legal. Very legal,” says the man who married the woodpackers while he put his hand on his shoulder where the woodpackers were.

Twilight and the others in Equestria now felt more confused than before.

“Stan, why do you hate Pioneer Day?” Asks Twilight to forget what had just happened.

“There are many things why I hate Pioneer Day, one of them is that everyone does their activities like in the past and I think it would be much easier if they just did the same thing that they usually do and also all the citizens act more stupider than they normally are”, said Stan quite annoyed.


In Equestria Rainbow Dash when he heard Stan's opinion on why he didn't like Pioneer Day, he decided to give a comment.

“It's not that I dislike traditions, but I can't help but think that Stan is right in the first thing he said, because Winter Wart Up would be much easier if we used pegasi like in other climates”, said Rainbow Dash.

Hearing that, everyone began to have doubts about Winter Wrat Up, but before anyone could give their opinion, everyone heard Dipper's opinion.

"The reason they do this is to honor those who founded Gravity Falls and also most importantly people enjoy acting and doing their activities as it was back then", said Dipper seeing that Twilight seemed to not be able to think of an argument with what What Stan said.

Hearing that answer, all of Twilight's friends agreed with Dipper.

“I think Dipper gave the answer to the question you had Rainbow Dash”, said Applejack.


In Gravity Falls, Twilight decides to leave this place, because she wanted to go somewhere.

“They mind if I go to the library for a few minutes, because I want to know more about the history of Pioneer Day”, said Twilight.

“I don't mind Twilight”, says Dipper.

“Of course not”, says Mabel.

Twilight, seeing that Dipper and Mabel didn't mind that and also seeing that Stan didn't care, teleported to the library. Suddenly she heard the voice of an announcer.

“Come one and all for the opening ceremonies!” said the announcer.

“If Twilight had been with us a little more she could see the show,” said Mabel, then she looks at Stan and asks him. “Grunkle Stan, are you coming?”

“No, thank you! Just remember if you come back to the Shack talking like these people, you're dead to me!" Stan said warning Dipper and Mabel.

“Thar's a carpetbagger in the turnip cellar!” says Dipper acting with a Southern twang in his voice.

“Well, hornswabber my haversack!” says Mabel, also acting with a Southern twang in her voice.

Then Dipper and Mabel spit and go to watch the opening ceremony while laughing.

“DEAD TO ME!!!” Shouts Stan angrily repeating the warning he had just given them as he raised his hand.


In Equestria, they saw that the audience was around a stage and on top of the stage was Pacifica Northwest with her parents. Suddenly Pacifica takes the microphone and started to said that she was a descendant of Nathaniel Northwest, the founder of the town and also that she had a lot of money, then Pacifica says if anyone from the audience wants to come on stage, Mabel decided despite Dipper's doubts. Pacifica decided to get revenge on her for challenging her at the party and she humiliates Mabel in front of the entire audience saying that her attitude was very silly and that she had a very bad fashion sense. Mabel felt very humiliated and went to eat some old-timey butterscotch with Dipper.

Many in Equestria were upset by Pacifica's attitude towards Mabel and started talking about it, except Rarity didn't give any opinion on what she had just seen, because she had the same opinion as Pacifica about Mabel's fashion sense, but she would say such cruel words to Mabel, much less in public.


Suddenly the mirror showed Stan trying to go to his house with his car, but he got stuck in the mud. Seeing that his car was stuck in the mud, Stan decided to ask a person who was walking with a donkey near where Stan was for help.

“Hey there, uh, donkey boy! Give me a hand with my car, huh?” Asks Stan.

“Here in 1863, I have never heard-tell of a "car." Pray-tell, what is this magic wheel box?”, Said Steve as he approached the car.

“Ah, c'mon, Steve, you're a mechanic for Pete's sake! “Cut me some slack”, said Stan.

“"Slack"... I am unfamiliar with this bold, new expression”, responded Steve.

“I can't take this anymore! I'm getting dumber every second I'm here! ", Stan begged desperately to leave this place, while he grabbed Steve's shirt.

Suddenly Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland appear at the scene.

“Are we gonna have to intervene here?” asks Sheriff Blubs.

“Oh, look. The "Constable." What are you gonna do? Throw me in "ye stocks?" Stan sarcastically responds to the police.

Immediately afterwards the police put Stan in a stock.

“Aw, c’mon!” says Stan, quite upset by what happened to him.

Then he sees Gideon passing by wearing ancient nobleman attire and also carrying some tomatoes.

“Hey, nice outfit, Gideon. You actually look less girly than usual”, says Stan mockingly.

“Why, Stanford. I'm just a humble tomato farmer, selling his wares”, says Gideon and then Gideon says “Whoops, I dropped one” and immediately afterwards he threw a tomato in Stan's face and then Gideon throws another tomato at him again.

“PIONEER DAY!!!”, Stan shouted very angry.


In Equestria they saw what happened to Stan and Applejack commented.

“Even though I don't like Stan, I think what the police did to him was very over the top”, said Applejack.

"You're right, they left it there Stan for just being sarcastic with them," said Rainbow Dash remembering that Stan had done worse things and they hadn't done anything about it.

Everyone who saw what happened to Stan agreed with that opinion.


In Gravity Falls Twilight returned after finding information about Pioneer Day, although there was information that contradicted itself, for example according to the records the founder was someone very loved by the town and another record says that all of Gravity Falls celebrated the death of Nathaniel Northwest. She suddenly found Dipper and Mabel sitting next to the statue of Nathaniel Northwest. Twilight was going to tell them about the Pioneer Day information he had found, but he noticed that Mabel looked very depressed.

“Dipper, what happened while I was gone?” Asked Twilight.

Dipper explained to Twilight everything that happened while she was gone. Suddenly Mabel decided to talk to them.

“Dipper and Twilight, can I ask you something? Do you think I'm silly?” asks Mabel.

“Uh, nnnoooo?” Replies Dipper.

Twilight was unsure how to answer that sudden question and decided to shake her head, but Mabel immediately realized that they were lying.

“I knew it! The nacho earrings, the sweater. I thought I was being charming, but I guess people saw me as a big joke”, says Mabel while she took off her nacho earrings, then she takes off her sweater and ties it around her waist.

“C'mon, Mabel, you love that sweater!” said Dipper.

“I did before Pacifica ruined it for me. She ruins everything!” Responds Mabel sadly.

"Pacifica! Why does she think that being related to the town founder means she gets to treat everyone like garbage? Someone needs to take her down a peg”, says Dipper as he stands up and looks at the Nathaniel Northwest statue.

“Although I don't understand why people love Nathaniel Northwest so much, because when he died everyone celebrated his death, even his family”, comments Twilight.

Dipper suddenly gasps as he realizes something and starts searching through Journal 3.

“Wait a minute! I feel like I read something about Pacifica's great-great grandfather before. Of course! Oh, this is perfect”, says Dipper and then begins to read Journal 3 in a deep voice. “In my investigations…”

Dipper stops reading to ask Twilight and Mabel something.

“Should I do the voice?” Dipper asks.

“Nuh–uh,” Mabel says.

Twilight just shook her head.

“I'll just read… normal”, says Dipper and starts reading Journal 3. “In my investigations I recently made a discovery. Nathaniel Northwest may not be the founder of Gravity Falls! I believe this secret is embedded somewhere on the enclosed document. If only I could crack the code”

After reading that Dipper took a document that was full of letters, symbols and words.

“Oh man! If this cover-up is true, it means Pacifica's entire family is a fraud. This could be a major conspiracy!” says Dipper.

“Really?” Asks Mabel surprised.

“That information explains many doubts”, comments Twilight, remembering documents that talked about that time and then says. “Now that I think about it, all the times they talked about the founder of Gravity Falls in a good way they never mentioned his name, but when they said that the founder was Nathaniel Northwest there was no positive comment about him”

“We have to investigate this!” says Dipper.

“Wait! I'm coming with you. Conspiracies are serious, right?” Asks Mabel.

“Oh yeah, definitely”, responds Dipper.

“Of course the conspiracies are serious,” adds Twilight.

“Well, if I help you crack this code, then nobody could ever call me silly again!” says Mabel.

Twilight had some doubts, because Mabel hardly acts seriously about anything and she doubted that starting to investigate the truth of a conspiracy would help Mabel start acting seriously.

“Dipper and Mabel, before knowing that I was going to ask Wendy to see if she knows about the founding of Gravity Falls, because she is a descendant of the first inhabitants of Gravity Falls and she may know some details,” Twilight said.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight left the place to go meet Wendy, but behind the statue of Nathaniel Northwest were Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland.

“This is Sheriff Blubs. We've got a code sepia!", says Sheriff Blubs over the wakie-talkie

Upon hearing that, the person who answered the walkie-talkie spit out the coffee he was drinking.

"What?! And what are you doing about it?" said that person very angry when he heard what Sheriff Blubs said.

“I'm following them right now”, answers Sheriff Blubs.

“Find them and stop them. There's no room for error,” that person orders Sheriff Blubs.

“I understand. Blubs out”, says Blubs and hangs up the walkie-talkie, then looks at Durland and says “Deputy Durland, maintaining this cover-up is the mission we've been training for our entire careers. Are you ready?”

“Whoo!” Durland says as he rings the bell.

“Hehe, if being delightful was a crime, you'd be breaking the law,” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Let's go get 'em!” says Durland.

Then they both begin to follow Dipper, Mabel and Twilight.


In Equestria they saw Sheriff Blubs and Durland who were going to follow Dipper, Mabel and Twilight on secret orders.

“I have a bad feeling about what I just saw”, said Applejack.

“Because I think Blubs and Durland would make a good couple”, said Pinkie.

“Pinkie isn't that, it just seems like there are some people who don't want the truth about who the founder of Gravity Falls is to be known”, said Applejack.

Those who saw that wondered why they didn't want it to be known who the founder of Gravity Falls was.


Dipper, Mabel and Twilight managed to find Wendy on Pioneer Day and told her everything about what they had learned about the founder of Gravity Falls.

“Twilight, I'm not one of those who likes to read books and know about history, but I think I read a paper at home about Nathaniel Northwest, the government chose him as the first mayor of Gravity Falls and thanks to that, Nathaniel got a lot of money”, said Wendy trying to remember more details.

“That explains why almost no one knows who founded Gravity Falls, in several towns the first mayor is the one who founded the town,” says Dipper.

Twilight agreed with Dipper's comment.

“Twilight, because Nathaniel is not the true founder of Gravity Falls that is why you read that Nathaniel is hated by the entire town”, said Mabel in her usual cheerful tone.

“I think you're right, Mabel”, said Twilight.

“That's not why people hated Nathaniel”, said Wendy with a laugh.

“What do you mean by that, Wendy?” Asks Twilight.

“I heard a rumor that Nathaniel used his mayoral position to get more money by scamming others,” Wendy said and suddenly she remembered something. “I don't know how much of the story I'm going to tell is true, but I just remembered a story that was spoken in my family about Nathaniel Northwest. He hired a bunch of lumberjacks to build him a gigantic mansion in the middle of the forest."

“Wendy, do you mean the Northwest Manor?” Asks Twilight.

“That same mansion. Nathaniel informed the people that unfortunately the workers died before the mansion was finished because they tried too hard to try to finish it and some time later there was a great flood that devastated the area, but later he managed to finish the mansion and was going to fulfill the wishes of the workers who died working to try to complete the mansion, that wish was for parties to be held every year for the upper class to help the society of Gravity Falls", said Wendy although it was clear that she had doubts about the truth of the story.

Twilight and Dipper also had many doubts about the truth of that story. Twilight remembered the area where Manor Northwest is and at that time it had to be full of trees, Twilight realized a very large flood must have been created and it did not seem logical to her that nothing would happen to the mansion that was not yet finished when the flood occurred. Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by Dipper.

“Twilight, that story about the Manor Northwest has also left me with a lot of doubts, but I think now we should focus on the mystery of the founder of Gravity Falls”, said Dipper.

“You're right, Dipper”, said Twilight.

Everyone looked at the code paper that Dipper had seeing if they could think of how to solve the code, they all decided to go to the library to see if they could solve it.

“Alright, if we can prove that Nathaniel Northwest wasn't the real founder of Gravity Falls, it'll finally put Pacifica in her place”, said Dipper.

“And solving a mystery will prove that I'm not silly. I'm serious,” says Mabel while she was sitting and eating a sweet that was on the table and then she reaffirms what she said before. “Seeeeriousss…”

“Wendy, are you going to join us to see who the founder of Gravity Falls is?” Asks Twilight.

“Of course I'm going to help you, because I'm not going to miss the opportunity to show that books are useless”, responded Wendy.

Twilight didn't like Wendy's comment, Dipper noticed that and decided to change the subject.

“Hey, how about we put our attention back to solving the code?” Asks Dipper.

Twilight and Wendy agreed and immediately the 3 looked at where the piece of paper with the code was to see if they could now solve it, but they realized that while they were talking Mabel used that paper to make a paper hat.

“Mwop! I just made a hat”, says Mabel happily and then realizes that she had acted. “Ugh, I just did something silly again.”

“Wait, Mabel. You folded it into a map!” says Dipper in amazement.

“I wouldn't have thought of doing that, but maybe Pinkie would have thought of doing that”, comments Twilight.

Several in Equestria who heard Twilight's comment agreed with her, including Pinkie.

Suddenly they saw Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland talking to a librarian.

“We're on the lookout for two kids, a pony and a teenager who might be reading”, Sheriff Blubs tells the librarian.

“We're hunting 'em down for secret reasons! WHOO!" said Deputy Blubs happily adds to what Sheriff Blubs said as he rings the bell.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy hide under the table when they realize that they were following them, when Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland arrived at that room where they were hiding and when they did not find them, they left that room upset.

“Maybe we should take this elsewhere…” says Dipper to the others.

“This map should lead us to…” says Mabel.

“The Gravity Falls Museum of History”, says Twilight, realizing where the map indicated.


Then they were near the museum entrance to find the next clue.

“You realize what this means, Mabel. We're going to have to break in”, said Dipper said very seriously.

The woman named Sue who was guarding the museum entrance gives Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy some free Pioneer Day passes and a balloon each.

“We're in”, says Dipper very seriously and with half-closed eyes.

“What are we gonna do next, steal Thomas Jefferson's rib cage?” asks Mabel.

“Ewww, no. According to the map, the next clue about the real town founder should be right… here!”, answers Dipper, pointing to a triangular exhibition piece is mounted on the wall.

“Though Mabel that's not a bad suggestion”, said Wendy.

“We've gotta figure this one out quick, I have a feeling those cops weren't at the library to check out books…” says Dipper.

“I do have the feeling that they were looking for us,” says Twilight.

“I don't think the one with the bell can read…” says Mabel.

“So what is it anyway?” Asks Dipper.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy began to analyze the triangle to see if they could decipher the clue.

“I can't understand what you mean”, comments Twilight.

“I don't understand this weird painting either”, says Wendy.

Mabel gets bored of trying to analyze it and sits on a bench that was in front of the triangle.

“Hey painting, be less stupid!”, says Mabel annoyed as she began to arrange herself in different ways on the bench while she continued looking at the triangle, she suddenly stopped when she looked at the triangle upside down and said. “It worked!”

Dipper, Twilight and Wendy, upon hearing that, ran to the bench so they could see the triangle upside down. When they did so, they saw that it was a figure of an angel pointing to the left.

“Wait! It's not abstract, it's upside down!” says Dipper.

Twilight was going to see where the angel image was pointing, but she was interrupted by Mabel.

“I think I've seen that statue in the cemetery,” says Mabel.

Everyone gets up quickly from the bench to go to the cemetery, but as they do so they get dizzy. When they recover they go to the exit to go to where the statue is, but they see Sherrif Blubs and Deputy Durland at the entrance to the museum.

“I'm sorry, but we're all out of pink balloons,” Sue tells Deputy Durland.

“Why did we even come?” Responds Deputy Durland very sadly.

Sherrif Blubs is speaking via walkie-talkie to the person who gave them the mission in a more secluded area of the museum.

“Blubs here,” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Have the targets been apprehended?” Asks the person who had given them the mission.

“Negative, but we're close. I promise, those kids'll never get past us,” responds Sherrif Blubs.

Suddenly Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy running close to them.

“Hey! Wait!” Says Sheriff Blubs as he chases after them with Deputy Durland.

Dipper, Mabel Twilight and Wendy pass through the door, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland try to follow them, but when trying to pass through the door at the same time they both get stuck.

“Hey! Wait!”, says Sheriff Blubs when he realizes that they can't follow them.


Suddenly the inhabitants of Equestria saw that the mirror showed them that the woodpecker and her husband were arguing. It then showed Stan still trapped in the stocks trying to escape using a pitchfork that he has in his mouth.

“C'mon! C'mon, ugh,” Stan was saying, but the pin fell off.

“Well, if it isn't Mabel's uncle, Mr. Pines. Looking for this?” Asks Pacifica as she held up the pin.

“Yeah, yeah. What d'ya want, money?” Asks Stan.

“I want you to say that the Northwest family is the best family in Gravity Falls”, says Pacifica happily.

“Oh sure, you want that in writing?” Asks Stan.

Pacifica gives Stan a pen and lets him write a piece of paper.

“There you go,” says Stan.

Pacifica takes the note believing she had written what she wanted, but she realized that Stan had written 'YOU STINK!'.

"Ha! I did that with my mouth!” Says Stan happily.

Pacifica, very angry, whistles to draw attention to some people who had tomatoes and immediately after Pacifica points at Stan, those people begin to approach Stan with tomatoes in their hands.

“Aw, come on!” Says Stan when he realized they were going to throw tomatoes at him.

Those who were watching this from Equestria thought that Stan had a bad day.


Then Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy when they arrived at the cemetery to see the angel statue. Wendy begins to talk to Twilight about a question she had.

“Twilight, do you know how those police officers got to the museum? Because I was sure they hadn't seen us in the library when they were looking for us”, asks Wendy to Twilight.

“Good question, maybe they asked someone if we had seen each other”, said Twilight with many doubts.

Twilight and Wendy's thoughts were interrupted by them arriving where the angel statue was.

“Ah… The statue must be pointing to the next clue”, says Dipper as he looked at where the statue was pointing.

Twilight and Wendy also began to see where the angel statue was pointing.

“Oh, gross! She she's picking my nose! She ha ha!”, Says Mabel because she stuck the statue's finger up her nose.

Everyone looked at what Mabel was doing, Wendy seeing what Mabel had done starts laughing, suddenly the angel statue's finger bends a little and opens a secret door near the base of the angel statue.

“Mabel, look!” says Dipper.

“I wouldn't have thought that finger was a lever”, says Twilight.

"Ha! Who's silly now, Pacifica? Bam!” says Mabel.

Then Mabel tries to leave but she forgets that she had the angel statue's finger on her nose.

“Ahh! Ow. Ow. Ow,” Mabel says, her nose hurting, then she removes the angel statue's finger from her nose and says. "Okay"

Dipper, Mabel Twilight and Wendy walk down the secret steps leading to a dark underground tunnel.

“Now we're getting into real conspiracy mode. I feel so serious. Mmm,” says Mabel, then she ate a piece of candy and threw the wrapper on the floor.

Twilight was thinking that maybe Rainbow Dash would like this.

“Okay, look out for booby traps”, says Dipper to the others.

"Ha! Booby traps,” Mabel says, laughing, but she steps on a mechanism that activates a trap.

“Tranquilizer darts!” Dipper shouts.

Suddenly tranquilizer darts start coming out from the walls, Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy start running while dodging the tranquilizer darts, they finally reach a room full of secret government files.

“It's a treasure trove of historic-y, secret-y things”, says Mabel.

“Cool old stack of documents”, says Twilight happily.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy began to review the documents to see if there was anything that talked about the founder of Gravity Falls. Suddenly Mabel finds something that talked about Ben Franklin.

“Oh man! Ben Franklin secretly was a woman!” says Mabel as she showed a document that talked about that and with an image of Ben Franklin wearing earrings.

Dipper continues searching and finds a document called 'Northwest Cover-up'.

“Hey, jackpot! Now we'll find out who the real town founder was”, says Dipper to the others and then begins to read the document. “Let it be here recorded that Nathaniel Northwest, fabled founder of Gravity Falls, was, in fact, a fraud… as well as a waste-shoveling village idiot?”

Dipper laughed at this information, because he hated Pacifica. Twilight felt more doubt as to why anyone would hide the truth.

“Oh, bad news for Pacifica. Wait'll the papers hear about this!”, comments Dipper.

“Eleven people see that I uncovered a historical conspiracy, they can never call me silly!” says Mabel happily.

“The true founder of Gravity Falls was Sir Lord, Quentin Trembley, III, Esquire,” Dipper reads.

“Who's Quentin Trembley?” Wonders Mabel.

“I have no idea”, says Twilight.

Suddenly Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland arrived holding a flashlight, the appearance of the two of them surprised everyone present.

“That's none of your business!” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Whoo! We gotcha! Whoo! Whoo! Hmm… whoo-hoo…”, says Deputy Durland weakly, suddenly he faints and his back is full of tranquilizer darts.

"He got hit with quite a few of those darts", says Sheriff Blubs.

When Deputy Durland woke up, Sheriff Blubs began explaining to everyone present what he was doing.

“I hate to do this, but Quentin Trembley's a matter of national security”, says Sheriff Blubs.

“Yeah! He ye—ah…” says Deputy Durland still dazed by the tranquilizer darts and then says. “Woo. I think I might be colorblind now”

“What do you mean, ‘national security’?” asks Dipper.

“And who is Quentin Trembley, anyway?” Asks Mabel.

“Why doesn't anyone want to know who the real founder is?” Asks Wendy.

“Did that Quentin guy do bad things?” Asks Twilight, although she slightly doubted that was true.

“See for yourself”, says Sheriff Blubs then takes off his hat and reveals that he had a reel of film there.

Then Sheriff Blubs puts it on a movie projector and shows a black and white countdown.

“Aww, it's black and white?!” says Mabel disappointed.

“Shh! Mabel”, responds Dipper.

“I think this movie is going to give us the answers we are looking for”, says Twilight.

The film revealing a government official in an office.

“If you're watching this, then you are one of eight people in these United States with clearance to view this information. In fact, I myself will be shot as soon as the filming is complete”, says government official.

Both Twilight and other inhabitants in Equestria were a little disturbed by what was going to happen next to the government official, then the government official looked at someone outside the camera video.

"-- What? No? Ho! Well, that's a relief!”, says government official, very relieved to know that and continues talking. “Of all of America's secrets, the most embarrassing was that of Quentin Trembley: The eighth-and-a-half president of the United States”

“President?” Asked Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy each other at the same time.

“Eighth-and-a-half?” Mabel asks with many doubts.

“After winning the 1837 election in a landslide,” says government official as the video shows a photo of Quentin Trembley along with the other presidential candidates, then the video shows a photo that a landslide kills the other candidates. “Quentin Trembley quickly gained a reputation as America's silliest president. He waged war on pancakes, appointed six babies to the Supreme Court, and issued the de-pants-ipation proclamation. His state of the union speech was even worse”

Immediately after in the video you hear Quentin Trembley's speech.

“The only thing we have to fear is gigantic, man-eating spiders!” says Quentin Trembley.

“He was kicked out of office and escaped to an uncharted valley he named Gravity Falls, after plummeting into it at high speed,” says government official, while showing a photo of Quentin Trembley riding a horse backwards as they fell off a cliff. “Trembley's shameful term was erased from history and officially replaced by William Henry Harrison as President and local nobody Nathaniel Northwest as founder of Gravity Falls”

Upon hearing that, Twilight and those who were watching that video from Equestria were surprised to know that only wanted to hide the existence of that president because they were embarrassed that they knew that they had that president. Meanwhile Princess Celestia and Princess Luna upon hearing Quentin Trembley's description reminded them of Cancellor Puddinghead the former leader of Earth Pony.

“The whereabouts of President Trembley's body are unknown”, says the government official and immediately after the film ends.

“Until now”, adds Sheriff Blubs and reveals with the flashlight Quentin Trembley, who is encased in an amber-colored rectangle.

“Amazing”, says Wendy.

“How come we haven't realized this?” Wonders Twilight.

“Whoa! Is that, like, amber or something?” Asks Dipper.

“The fool thought he could live forever by encasing himself in a block of solid peanut brittle. Smooth move, Mr. President! Finding Trembley's body was our special mission. And now, thanks to you, it's complete”, says Sheriff Bubs.

“Who knew all we had to do was follow a little girl's trail of candy wrappers?” says Deputy Durland showing some of Mabel's candy wrappers.

“Ugh, silly!” says Mabel as she slaps her face with her palm.

“Now that you know the truth, well, we can't let you go around talkin' about it,” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Does that mean––?” Asks Dipper fearfully.

“Are you going to kill us?!” says Mabel.

“OH NO!” Deputy Durland shouts in fear.

"No no. Calm down now, buddy, calm down,” says Sheriff Blubs to reassure Deputy Durland, then looks at the others and says. “We're just gonna escort you and all this stuff back to Washington. You ain't comin' back, by the way”


Later on a train going to Washington, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland were happy to travel and while planning the activities they were going to have. Meanwhile Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy were inside a wooden box next to Quentin Trembley's body.

“Oh. I can't believe I left a trail of candy wrappers. This is all my fault. Pacifica had me pegged all along. I'm just a silly failure, like that embarrassing president what's-his-name”, says Mabel because she felt very guilty.

Mabel then takes out some peanut brittle where Quentin Trembley's body was and eats it, but as she does this the entire peanut brittle begins to break, releasing Quentin Trembley. Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Wendy are scared to see that the entire peanut brittle breaks.

“It is I, Quentin Trembley”, says Quentin Trembley and rips off his pants.

“You're alive! But how?”, asks Dipper.

“I wonder the same thing, Dipper”, says Twilight.

“Peanut brittle really does have life-sustaining properties! “You're not silly, you're brilliant!” says Mabel.

“And so are you, dear girl, for following my clues and freeing me from my delicious tomb!” says Quentin Trembley.

“He's right! Making maps into hats, hanging upside down; Your silliness solved the code that serious cops couldn't crack in a hundred years!" adds Dipper.

“Oh, stop it,” Mabel says.

“Dipper and Trembley is right, I never would have been able to solve the clues”, says Twilight.

“I think the same as everyone else”, says Wendy.

“By Jefferson! We seem to be trapped in some sort of crate-shaped box”, says Quentin Trembley.

“It's a crate, Mr. President”, says Mabel.

“Good thing I have the President's Key, which can open any lock in America!” says Quentin Trembley as he takes out the key and starts knocking on the side of the box.

“I…don't think that's gonna work”, says Dipper.

“Wood! My age-old enemy. In order to get out of here, this is going to take the silliest plan ever conceived”, says Quentin Trembley.

“I think I know who can help you”, says Dipper as he smiles at Mabel.

Mabel starts looking around the box.

“Hmm. How 'bout… that hole?”, says Mabel as she pointed to a hole near the corner of the box.

“We will leap through it!” says Quentin Trembley.

Immediately afterwards Mabel and Quentin Trembley try to escape from the box using the hole. Mabel could only put one finger in that hole.

“Almost. Almost there Good! Keep pushing”, says Quentin Trembley.

“I'm not sure this is working”, says Dipper.

“Trust… the silliness!”, answers Mabel.

“Fiddlesticks! Keep going!” says Quentin Trembley.

Wendy approaches Twilight to ask her a question.

“Twilight, can you use your magic to get us all out of here?” Asks Wendy.

“Maybe I could take one out with me, but I couldn't come back to rescue the others because this place is moving at high speed”, says Twilight.

A woodpecker was flying outside the box. Seeing Mabel's finger coming out of the box through the hole, it begins to peck at the box.

“Is that my third wife? Sandy?” asks Quentin Trembley.

Woodpecker's pecking causes wooden box to crumble.

“Well, we didn't fit through the hole. Let's rebuild the box and try again!” says Quentin Trembley.

“We gotta get out of here!” Dipper answers as he gets out of the box and they also start running.

“Also good,” says Quentin Trembley.

While they were looking for a way out, they accidentally met Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland, and they immediately began to escape. Quentin Trembley tried to use his key to use an emergency door that led to the roof, but it had no lock.

“Give me that!” says Dipper, taking the key and turning the door handle to open it.

Everyone runs to the roof followed by Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland.

“There is no escape! I gotta take a knee", says Sheriff Blubs, very tired and not stopping panting.

“Are you okay? Can I get you anything?” says Deputy Durland worried.

“Edwin Durland, you are a diamond in the rough”, responds Sheriff Blubs.

“Sheriff Blubs, do you really want to lock us all up in a government facility somewhere?” Asks Dipper.

“I've got no choice! Our orders come from the very top!”, responds Sheriff Blubs.

“Wait! Quentin, did you ever sign an official resignation?” says Dipper.

"No, sir. “I tied a salamander and jumped out the window,” replies Quentin Trembley.

“Then… technically you're still legally the President of the United States, right?” Says Dipper, then looks at Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland. “You've gotta answer to this guy now!”

Twilight and Wendy realized what Dipper was going to try and they were both sure that Quentin Trembley would not be the president after so long, but Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland are not going to tell them.

“As president of these several United States, I hereby order you to pretend none of this ever happened. And- and go on a delightful vacation”, says Quentin Trembley, suddenly a rail hits him and he says. “Ow! Mmm yeeees!”

“Vacation?” Says Sheriff Blubs, then looks at Deputy Durland and asks. “What place have you always wanted to visit? One, two––”

“Silly Water Fun Slides in Grand Lakes, Michigan!” say Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland at the same time.


Afterwards everyone was back in Gravity Falls, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland were on a train to take vacation, while they had Hawaiian shirts and said goodbye. Quentin Trembley approaches Mabel and Wendy to talk to them.

“You two have done a great service to your country, Mabel and Wendy. As thanks, I'd like to make you two an official U.S. congressman”, says Quentin Trembley and gives each one a top hat.

“I'm legalizing everything!” says Mabel happily.

“Roderick and the pony”, says Quentin Trembley to Dipper and Twilight.

“Uh- actually- uh-”, says Dipper.

“You two are on your way to unlocking the mysteries of this great land. So I'd like you to have my President's Key!”, says Quentin Trembley.


Later Quentin Trembley was telling them some stories.

“And then he chased me around and spanked me with a paddle for, like, three hours. Bottom line, George Washington was a jerk”, says Quentin Trembley.

“A–greed!”, Mabel responds.

They finally get to where they were where Pacifica was.

“Hey, Pacifica! I uncovered a government conspiracy about the eighth-and-a-half president of the United States! Who's silly now?” says Mabel with great confidence.

"What? Who is that idiot?" says Pacifica, referring to Quentin Trembley who is fighting a bald eagle.

“The eighth-and-a-half president of America. I know what you're thinking. How is he still alive? Well, turns out you can hibernate in peanut brittle and it––”, Mabel was saying, but I was interrupted by Pacifica.

“Wow! You really are a sad, dumb little girl. Nice top hat, by the way,” says Pacifica as she laughs.

“Good one, daughter”, says Pacifica's father named Preston.

Twilight she thinks several times that Mabel is saying some nonsense and if it weren't for this adventure they just had, he would have a hard time believing Mabel. Twilight, seeing Pacifica's parents also laughed, making a hurtful comment towards Mabel and encouraging Pacifica, although it was the first time she had seen Pacifica's parents, she had the feeling that they would never get along.

“Ooh! I see your car is stuck in the mud. Enjoy walking home!” Says Pacifica as she gets into the car.

“Are n't you gonna tell her about her ate-gray ampa-gray de ella?” Asks Dipper to Mabel.

“You know what, Dipper? I've got nothing to prove. I've learned that being silly is awesome!”, responds Mabel.

“Well, I haven't learned anything!”, says Dipper then whistles to get the attention of the car where Pacifica was riding. “Hey, Pacifica!”

The car stops and Dippper hands him some documents where he said that Nathaniel was not the founder.

“Nathaniel Northwest didn't find Gravity Falls, and your whole family is a sham. Deal with it!” says Dipper.

"Que?! Moooom!!!”, says Pacifica when reviewing the documents, while she was driving away from the scene.

“Man, revenge is underrated. That awesome felt!” says Dipper.

“That was pretty good revenge, Dipper”, said Wendy cheerfully.

“Children, I am needed elsewhere. Just know that I'll always be right here…” said Quentin Trembley, then he opens his hand revealing that he has a bill and says. “On the negative twelve dollar bill”

“Thank you?” Twilight says with many doubts.

“Whoa. This is worthless”, says Dipper.

“It's less than worthless, my boy. Trembley away!”, says Quentin Trembley.

Then Quentin Trembley jumps back and falls onto a horse. The horse, upon feeling the weight of Quentin Trembley, begins to run and leaves the place.

“Where do you think he's going?” Asks Mabel.

“I'm gonna say… off a cliff”, says Dipper.

“I'm leaving too”, says Wendy.

“What are you going to do?” Asks Twilight.

“To get together with my friends, so we can take advantage of this opportunity that the police are not in the city”, answers Wendy and leaves.


Afterwards Dipper, Mabel and Twilight had joined Stan who was still trapped in the stocks.

“And then Soos came by and talked to me for like, an hour”, says Stan, finishing telling everything that had happened to him today.

“You've been through so much”, says Mabel.

Dipper uses President's key to unlock the lock on the stocks and freeing Stan.

“It works!” Says Dipper happily.

“So what's with the top hat?” Asks Stan Mabel.

“I am a congressman”, answers Mabel happily.

“Pardon me?” Says Stan without understanding what Mabel meant.

“You are officially pardoned”, responds Mabel.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight laugh, Stan still didn't understand what was happening.

“Oy! You a never gonna make sense, are you, kid?” comments Stan to Mabel.

“No, I'm not, Grunkle Stan. No, I'm not. Mabel, away!”, responds Mabel.

Then Mabel jumps back trying to do the same thing as Quentin Trembley, but she hears herself crash into a lot of things.

“I'm okay!” says Mabel.

“I'm sure that jump would have worked for Pinkie”, comments Twilight.


On the night more specifically at the Mystery Shack, Twilight began to write that Mabel learned to accept herself as she is and not try to pretend to be something that you are not.

Twilight then went to talk to Dipper privately about something she had discovered.

“Dipper, I discovered something important with the documents those two police officers let me have that we couldn't read when we were looking for information about the founder of Gravity Falls”, says Twilight to Dipper.

“What did you find out?” Asked Dipper.

“That the reason why the government chose Nathaniel because they thought he was at first glance the same as Quentin Trembley, that way no one would notice the change and it would cost them less money to cover up the truth, but the government was wrong, it turned out that Nathaniel was pretending to be stupid to scam people,” Twilight replied.

“So that's why they chose Nathaniel”, says Dipper a little amazed and then comments. “It seems that Nathaniel was the Grunkle Stan of that time”

“It seems like he was much worse than Stan, the information I read was not very specific, but what I read was Nathaniel when he became mayor and got help from the government he made much more horrible scams and the government had to spend many thousands of dollars to cover up those scams, finally the government got tired of helping Nathaniel and left, Nathaniel realized that he had lost the government's help to cover up his scams, he became desperate, that made him go crazy and senile”, said Twilight.

Dipper was surprised at that description of Nathaniel, which was worse than they had imagined. Unfortunately, most of the information where they found Quentin Trembley was about the government and barely talked about Nathaniel Northwest.