• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 1,156 Views, 16 Comments

Finding Friendship - cerealkiller78

After being turned to stone, when she stopped the volcano, Terra never did come back. Instead, she remained frozen in stone for a thousand years. One day, a fiery haired girl finds her stone prison...(crossover with Teen Titans)

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Chapter 2

Sunset had called the girls, and arranged to have them meet up at Sugarcube Corner the following day to discuss what she and Rainbow had found while hiking.

"Let me get this straight..." Applejack spoke after hearing Sunset's explanation. "Dash and ya think there is a REAL living girl in this stone statue that has been frozen in time fer who knows how long?" She asked incredulously. "Is that even possible?"

"I have to agree with Applejack." Twilight spoke. "Even if this is possible, chances are she'd be dead. Can she even breathe in there? And what about eating and drinking?" She wondered.

"It's worth a shot, isn't it?" Sunset asked. "We have the elements."

"The elements may work to melt the rock, if there is in fact a person inside...but all I'm saying is, don't be shocked if we end up with a dead body...or a skeleton." Twilight said.

Fluttershy gasped, and put a hand to her mouth at the mental image.

"But would I have been able to see the memories of a dead person?" Sunset asked. Twilight had no answer for that.

"Even if she is alive, she might need psychological help after being in there. She likely will need a hospital, and she may not even be sane. Chances are she won't even remember who she is."

"But we have the elements of harmony!" Rainbow argued. "Aren't they supposed to fix stuff like that?"

Sunset sighed. "I honestly don't know. They do in Equestria, but here?" She shrugged. "Only one way to find out. I would assume they work the same over here as in Equestria, but I can't guarantee that. Although, she must remember...otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to see her memories in the first place."

"Well then, let's go get her out!" Rainbow said, ready to leave then and there.

"I agree with Rainbow." Rarity said. "If there is even the slightest chance of there being a living person in there, we need to get her out as soon as possible."

"Oh, umm...I think I will stay behind..." Fluttershy barely spoke above a whisper.

"But we need everyone to make this work!" Rainbow argued. "You need to come Fluttershy!" She pleaded.

"I...I don't know..." She said hesitantly.

"Is it because of what Twilight said about finding a dead body or skeleton?" Rainbow shot a glare at Twilight. "Forget that. There isn't going to be any of that." She assured.

"You promise?..." She asked.

"Cross my heart, Flutters." She stood up from the booth they were occupying. "Now, let's go get her out!" She insisted, heading for the door already, with the others following suit.
"It's just inside this cave!" Rainbow said excitedly when they had finally gotten to their destination.

"Oh, thank heavens...my legs are killing me." Rarity complained.

They entered the cave and found the statue.

"Terra, huh?" Applejack read the plaque, and looked over the statue. "Wonder what the "S" stands for." She wondered, when she spotted the letter on the armor.

"Probably "Super!" Rainbow answered.

"Dash, would you let the hero thing go?" Sunset was starting to get annoyed.

"Nope!" Rainbow answered. Sunset sighed.

"Maybe it's the insignia of a crazy mercenary she used to work for!" Pinkie blurted. Everyone went silent.

"Pinkie...that would make her evil." Rainbow said.

Pinkie shrugged. "Sunset used to be evil." She gave a nervous chuckle immediately after, turning to Sunset. "Uhh, no offense..."

Sunset merely grumbled. "Let's just focus on getting her out."

They gathered around the statue, and took out their geodes.

"Umm, how do we go about doing this?" Rainbow asked.

"Uhh...try touching the geodes to her." Sunset suggested.

They all put their geodes to the statue of the girl, with no results.

"Hmm..." Sunset moved her geode to the armor that she was wearing instead. The others followed, but still, nothing happened.

Sunset removed her geode from the girl, and stepped back, surveying the statue.

"There's gotta be some way to do this..." She thought quietly.

"Why not try it on the "S"? Pinkie suggested.

Sunset look at Pinkie questioningly.

"The elements always destroy the evil and restore the good, right? If that "S" is significant of something evil, the elements should activate and destroy it." Pinkie reasoned. "That's what they've done in the past."

It did make sense...Sunset agreed, and put her geode to the "S" on the girl's chest, and the others followed.

Suddenly, the geodes lit up, and a sizzling sound was heard as the geodes began melting through the rock.

"Sick!!" Rainbow watched in wonder. "That is so cool!"

The geodes began causing the rock to crumble away, and they began to see a real person inside.

"There's actually someone in there!!" Rainbow cried excitedly, and they began picking at the rock, as it was coming off pretty easily now.

She had blonde hair. The armor was still on, but the place where the "S" should have been was burned away.

She was stick thin. Whether that was because she hadn't eaten in so long, or simply because that was her build, they didn't know. But she was definitely alive.

"It worked! It really worked!" Rainbow cheered when she was finally out, and Sunset caught her, setting her on the ground.

They all looked down at her, as her eyes fluttered open, revealing bright blue eyes.