• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 508 Views, 7 Comments

Parallel Universe Love - IzukuBakugou

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Chapter 2 Welcome To Equestria

Midorya POV-

All I feel is pain in my head. "What happen?" I wonder. I have a huge headache. I slowly start to wake up and when I do I am face first in the ground. I lift head to look around and notice I am in a forest. "where am I?" I wonder. Then I remember the villain attacking me and Kacchan. Wait Kacchan is he ok. I look over and see something lying down close to me face first in the ground.

It looks like a horse. Weird I don't remember a horse close to us during the fight. I reach out to see if its ok but notice something off. I don't have a hand its a hoof. What happen to me? All of a sudden the world goes black and a pass out again.

Twilight POV-

As we see the two colts lying on the ground we notice the injuries on them.

"O-oh my we should get them some help" Fluttershy say's scared as usual.

So we manage to get them up and take them back to my castle in Canterlot. (This takes place after Twilight is crowned the new ruler of Equestria and the two sister's retire.) When we get to the castle we take them straight to the hospital wing and they get the help they need. After we wait for them to wake back up.

"Twilight darling what do you suppose happen to them?" Rarity asked.

"I have no idea Rarity! We will ask when they are awake for now lets let them rest." So we leave and let them rest.

Bakugou POV-

I wake up and all I see is bright lights. I look around and realize I am in a hospital but it looks a different. I stretch my arms and that's when I notice it. "WHERE ARE MY FUCKING HANDS?" I am so confused. I lift the blanket up see that I am a fucking horse. What the hell. Wait a minute where is Deku.

"K-Kaccan is that you."

I whip my head around and see a light green horse with a dark green main.

"Nerd what the hell happen to you? You look like a shitty horse."

"I do not know what happen Kacchan. But I do know we are not home anymore last time i woke up we were in a forest. you were still passed out but I fainted again and now we are here."

"This weird nerd we need ans-"

Just then the doors open and I see a violet colored horse with a dark blue main with pink and purple stripes and is wearing a big gold crown with matching chest plate and hoof sandles with all the same star on them and she also has a horn and wings. And behind her is a purple and green dragon.

"Deku look another horse." I point with my hoof.

"Actually I am a pony not a horse. May I know your names please?"

"Name's Kasuki Bakugou."

"And I am Izuku Midorya. Nice to meet you."

"pleasure is all mine. The dragon is spike and I am Twilight Sparkle but you probably already knows that since I rule here."

"I am sorry Ms.Sparkle but we do not know you. We are not from here. Where are we."

"Oh you are in Equestria."

"Oi wings you said your rule here what do you mean by that." I question.

"Please do not call me wings that is very rude especially to someone like me. And to answer your question I am the princess or queen as u could say. I rule this place. Now let me ask a question. What happen to you two?"

"Oh me and Kacchan were fighting a villain and the he blast us with his quirk and then we woke up here. Were are not from here we are humans nor pony's as you call us."

"What is a quirk?"

"Wait don't." But it was to late I saw the light in the nerds eyes.

"A Quirk is a special, superhuman ability an individual can possess. Quirks are generally unique to their user, and are classified in multiple categories. The first person to manifest a Quirk was a newborn baby in the city of Quig Quig, China, who had the ability to emanate light from their body. After that incident, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of special abilities, though the cause of the phenomenon was unknown. Currently, 80% of the world population possesses a Quirk.

At the dawn of this extraordinary era, the Police Force moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo, and as such, decided not to use Quirks as weapons. To fill that void, the profession of crime fighting Quirk users, Heroes, began to exist. Authorizing the use of powers that could so easily kill, however, was a greatly criticized decision at first. Over time, it came to garner public support due to the fact that the first people to work professionally as heroes acted morally and upheld the law."

"You must tell me more later so I can write notes on this. Looks like something interesting. Do you both posses these quirk's."

"Mine is Explosions. How it works is that bye sweating a nitroglycerin-like substance from my skin I am able to detonate at will. I can initially used these explosions for the offensive purposes, but overtime, I have gotten more creative with my Quirk and is able to use them for defensive purposes, as well as boosting my speed. I am able to continue hold in and fire my explosions at continuous pace, allowing me to break through structures and barriers. I cannot spam my Quirk recklessly, however, as doing so will cause my arms to ache and my explosions to weaken.

"And mine is a strength type it is called One For All: my Quirk, which was passed down to me by All Might. A combination of a Quirk that can be passed down to others and a Quirk that stockpiles power, One For All grants me the ability to access the stockpiled energy, momentarily increasing me strength and speed to superhuman levels. " (This is after Everyone knows about his quirk.)

"Interesting. if you do not mind I would like to study these quirk's of yours."

"I do not mind. What about you Kacchan."

"TCH. Whatever nerd."

"Great now how about we get you out of those beds i would like to get a better look you then I can show you around if ya like."