• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 1,057 Views, 7 Comments

Trixie's Final Show - Rated Ponystar

Trixie is asked to become a councilor at full time so she prepares one final show before retiring

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One Last Show

If you were to ask Trixie what her life would be like come to her mid-thirties, she would never tell you in a million years that she would see herself become a part-time school counselor for a bunch of teenagers going through puberty. She had never even gone to college for such a thing. Yet her friend, Starlight Glimmer, thought her perfect for the role. Trixie would never deny that Starlight was a lot smarter than the magician—much as she hated to admit any fault of herself for ego's sake—but the thought process behind such a thing was beyond the unicorn since she had no personal experience in such things.

And yet, she turned out to be really good at it.

"Thanks, Counselor Trixie," One of the newest dragon students said as she left her office with a smile.

"No thanks are needed. Trixie is always there to impart her wisdom to the young," She said before closing the door.

Sighing, she walked back to her desk and started shuffling the papers she had written around. There was no need to be overly concerned with her newest charge. Many students often felt homesick, but for some of them, the idea of showing such a weakness ate inside of them until they learned it was alright to handle such an emotion. Having been on the road most of her life, traveling to perform her craft, The Great and Powerful Trixie might have had her own moving home, but she never forgot her roots in Las Pegasus. Her mother and father had raised her until the latter left them, and the former died shortly after Trixie turned eighteen.

After burying her mother, Trixie never wanted to come back to Las Pegasus at first, but over time she returned to do more and more shows there as her reputation grew. Of course, she would sometimes hear about her father, but she never made an effort to reconnect. The stallion was nothing to her, and it was clear he had no interest in reconnecting with her despite the numerous times he could have.

There was a time when Trixie decided to try the classic "return from the dead" trick that some magicians performed by making it look like an accident had taken her life during a stage show. Then, at her funeral, she would appear, revealing she had returned from the great beyond. It was always a gamble of a trick since most would either applaud it or be angry that they went through such an emotional experience. Of course, Trixie wasn't as popular to get such a large gathering as she hoped, but it worked out all the same. Yet, even at her apparent funeral, her father never showed up, and it was clear that he cared nothing for her.

And that was fine with Trixie. Their lives were better off without each other.

Trixie drank some more of her coffee to get rid of past memories before she started walking over to her file cabinet. A knock on the door alerted her. "You may grace yourself with the Great and Powerful Trixie."

The door opened, and an amused Headmaster Starlight Glimmer walked in with a knowing smirk. "Do you ever just think about saying 'come in' like everypony else?"

"Why would Trixie want to be like everypony else?" Trixie asked with a smirk as she levitated her coffee pot and poured both of them a new cup. "Trixie always believes that standing out causes one to be unforgettable. So one should stand out as much as possible to make sure they are remembered."

"Can't say that there isn't logic in what you're saying," Starlight admitted before shaking her head. "But you do realize it's me? You're best friend?"

"And it's because of that that Trixie must double her efforts," She replied before they both sat down. "Only the best and greatest of Trixie for Trixie's friends."

After sipping some of her coffee, Starlight cleared her throat. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about how you've been doing as a part-time counselor, Trixie."

"Trixie's been doing good, right?" She asked, trying to hide her worries.

"Of course," Starlight said with a smile. "You've been a great counselor. A lot of the students really look up to you and are thankful for your advice and help."

Trixie started beaming from the phase while Starlight seemed to collect her thoughts before continuing, "Which is why, and I'll understand if you say no, I would like you to be a counselor full time from now on."

Upon hearing this, Trixie nearly spat out her coffee but caught herself at the last minute. Swallowing it whole, she coughed a bit before asking, "What?! Full time?!"

"I know we agreed to you only being a part-time counselor so you could continue your shows, but Trixie, I think you're doing so much good here that I feel that it's important for you to put more time into the school," Starlight explained. "Not only have more students been coming into the school, but many of them are different creatures in general. Even ones we've never experienced before, like the Kirins, Diamond Dogs, and Abyssinians. I've had to hire new staff to keep up with the demand."

"So hire somepony more qualified! I'm...I mean, Trixie is just a showmare!" Trixie waved her hooves.

"I can't think of anyone more qualified than you." Starlight pointed to her. "You're not only familiar with most of the students. You've also been doing this for years now. I know you really love this job because of how much effort I've seen you put into it."

"Trixie admits that she...may have underestimated how much she has found the job pleasant," Trixie whispered while turning away.

Getting up, Starlight smiled at her. "Look, I'm not going to force you. I'm just asking you to consider it seriously. If you want to continue just being part-time or want to quit right now, I'll understand. Traveling around and performing for ponies is what you love doing, and you're great at it. But I think maybe it's time for you to settle down somewhere and I'm offering a possibility here at the school. You don't need to answer me right away. Just let me know when you're ready."

Trixie merely nodded and waited for Starlight to leave before sinking into her chair and sighing. "Well, Trixie wasn't expecting this to happen. Then again, Trixie is good at what she does."

She closed her eyes and tried to think about this. The old Trixie would have just thrown the offer away and continued doing as she always did, but Trixie had gotten older and wiser from her more arrogant years. She was coming to the age of thirty-five soon, and she wouldn't be able to travel as easily as she had been doing so as time went on. While she was pretty well off financially, thanks to her shows and her counselor job, it wasn't money that made Trixie go out and perform her shows. It was the crowd and dazzling applause for those who gasped, cried, and cheered with each performance. The rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins as she risked life and limb in the most daring of acts for the crowd.

Yet, she also thought about her time here in the school; how the students looked at her with respect and appreciation for all the hard work, she put into making them feel better. The way they came to her for advice or hardships, no matter how little or big they appeared to be. She had come to care for each of her students as if they were her children in some regards. Sure, the crowds were one big giant row of beaming audiences, but they were never actually interactive physically and emotionally like she had become with the residents of the school. Plus, much as she hated to admit it, Ponyville had become more like a home than her trusty wagon had been.

It was funny. Ponyville had once been the place she avoided at all cost after both her downfalls from grace. Yet the town had also been where she was reborn into a better mare. She was proud to be a redeemed mare with friends and went on incredible adventures to the point that Trixie had achieved her goal of becoming famous. Sure, maybe not to the level of Princess Twilight and her friends, but helping save Equestria a few times was a big deal.

Nopony will forget the name The Great and Powerful Trixie, Trixie thought as she looked up her awards case where the bright and shiny medal that Princess Celestia awarded her. And I've been such an impact on the students here that they'll remember me as well.

All her life, she had just been so focused on being a great performer and magician she never thought about what would come after that—settling down and finding a stallion to marry? Raising a family? Retiring somewhere and spending the rest of her golden years in retirement?

Maybe Starlight's right. Perhaps I should start settling down? Trixie thought as she rubbed her chin. Still, it didn't feel right just ending her magician career like this. That's when a thought came to her. Why not do one last show? One grand finale?

A grin came to Trixie's muzzle as the ideas began flowing through her head.


With the final school hours closing, Starlight was about to head home when she got a knock on the door and told her late visitor to come in. To her surprise, it was Trixie who walked in with a smile on her face. "Oh, Trixie. What can I do for you?"

"Trixie will accept the role of full-time counselor."

Starlight's eyes widened. "Wait, really? I didn't expect you to answer so soon. Are you sure you don't need-"

Raising a hoof, Trixie shook her head. "No need. Trixie has thought long and hard about it. She feels perhaps it is time for her to hang up her cloak and hat. She has come to like this place and its students." A beaming Starlight was about to thank her when Trixie continued, "However, Trixie feels she owes it to her fans, and herself, to do one last great performance before her retirement. A final show, as it were. As such, I'm requesting permission to leave to return to Las Pegasus and have it there. It's where Trixie began her career, so she wished to end her career there as well."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Starlight Glimmer said with a nod. "In fact, do you want me and our friends to help you with it?"

"No, Trixie would prefer to do it herself, and there is hired help that she can ask. But you and the others are more than welcomed to grace yourselves in the Great and Powerful Trixie's final performance when it happens," Trixie stated dramatically before a rumble in her stomach caused her to blush. "Of course, she would also like it if we could grace ourselves for some dinner too."

Chuckling, Starlight shut the lights off her office and followed Trixie out.


Trixie took in a deep breath as she inhaled that familiar air of sin, greed, and wildness that was Las Pegasus. The home that she was born and raised in. One of the few pegasus-owned cities that held a large population of non-pegasi thanks to the cloud-walking spells and potions and the physically bound pavements one could walk on. It was the third most populated city in Equestria, with only Canterlot and Manehatten being more populated. And while Ponyville had become a rural home that Trixie had adapted herself into, she would always be a city mare at heart. Her air balloon taxi had arrived at the city's front gates where, after paying the cab, she walked around with her saddlebags taking in what had changed or hadn't.

Walking down the bright city streets, she saw a few new shows that replaced a few old ones and some still in business after all these years. Las Pegasus was a city where dreams were made, but sadly some of those dreams died in a few short years since everypony was always competing for the best talent, best shows, and best workers. Yet, it was that capital competition that made the city so grand in the first place. Sure, someponies took it too far and there was always the seedy underbelly of the city that had become just as infamous as the casinos. Gangs, mafia, prostitutes, and more were expected to see here than any other city, but it was part of the charm in its twisted way.

Trixie knew where she was going if she was going to make her final show. The one place that would never turn her away because of how close she was to the owner: The Feathered Raj.

The casino had been in business for about forty or so years. While it wasn't the most popular, expensive, or extravagant, it was still popular enough to be in business and respected among the other owners for their work and business ethics. It was here that Trixie had done her first real show, and it would be here that she would do her last one.

The building itself was like looking at a giant ancient palace from the land of Indra, sparkling white with golden tops while having fake pegasus wings spread out from the center structure. Of course, there were dozens of neon lights showcasing the latest acts, newest gambling games, or special offers for customers. Walking to the front gate, Trixie smiled upon seeing a familiar old brown stallion in a security suit, wearing a brown stetson, who nearly did a double-take upon seeing her.

"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit," the stallion said with a grin. "If it isn't Trixie Lulamoon."

"Hello, Stetson Sand," Trixie greeted as the two soon hugged. "How's the place been?"

"Not too bad," Sand said with a grin. "Just the usual drunks, cheaters, and con-artists who try to make off with a few extra thousand bits, but old Stetson kicks their hides out of here, and they don't come back. So whatcha doing here? Need to see the boss?"

"Yup, Trixie needs his help with something," Trixie answered with a nervous smile. "Unless he's too busy..."

"The boss always has time for an old friend, especially you," Stetson replied before talking into his microphone earpiece.

"Hey, Boss? Guess who's back and wishing to speak to you. It’s yer old friend, Trixie....Uh-huh. Got it." He then motioned for her to enter the establishment. "Boss will meet you at the poker tables. You know the way."

"Thanks, see ya," Trixie replied as she hurried inside.

Most casinos were pretty much the same when you get down to it. They had bright lights, shiny games, tons of loud noises, and sexy-looking ponies (or other creatures) dressed for attraction while carrying various amounts of free drinks to get you to loosen up your stress....and your wallet. The difference was always in the decor, and in the case of the Feathered Raj it was designed to be like a palace with golden and ivory style walls with exciting paintings and designs. The carpets were fresh and bright red with a mix of secondary colors like yellow and blue. The attendants were all dressed in bright yellow and white robes with golden sashes to give that eastern field to them. This, of course, was all to highlight the experience that you were in an actual palace of wonder and where you could hopefully be rich enough in a big game to afford one.

Walking over to the poker tables, Trixie waited by the blackjack session until she spotted a familiar figure walking towards her with two buff griffin bodyguards behind him. He was wearing a red and brown tied suit with pearl coating and shiny orange hair that was cropped and gelled to look a bit spiky in the back, but the one thing that was always at attention was the eyes—one red and one blue, a rare condition that he was born with. Smiling with warm affection, the owner of the casino, Double Jack, walked over and hugged Trixie as if he was greeting his own family. "Trixie Lulamoon! I was wondering when you were going to come back."

"It's good to see you again, Jack," Trixie whispered as she ended the hug and smiled at him. He was one of the few ponies in the world she trusted and could be herself with. As well as one of the few ponies she was willing to drop the self-naming speak to. "I was wondering if we could talk in private."

"Of course! I've got a private booth waiting for us at the Golden River's Bar. Drinks are on the house!"


"So, what brings you back here? Other than seeing me, of course?" Double Jack asked with a grin while raising his fruity-colored drink. "I mean, it has been a while since I went out on a date with a pretty mare. And since you and I have been friends since your mother worked for my dad, I figured we could try the new restaurant I've built into the place."

Trixie sipped her wine before rolling her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself, Jack. I've told you before. I'm not interested."

"Ah, well. Can't blame a guy for still trying," Double Jack chuckled with a soft sigh. "And here I thought the foalhood friends always become lovers in the end."

"One, it would never work, and you know it," Trixie replied, pointing at him with a knowing gaze. "I know you too well to know that you're not enough to handle me. And two, I've pretty much settled my life into ruralism. You'd never survive in the country for a week."

"True that," Double Jack seconded with a nod. "Anyway, I haven't seen you here for a long time. Last I heard, you were doing some counseling job at that friendship school while doing a few shows here and there every few months."

Looking at her drink, Trixie gathered her thoughts before replying, "I'm here to do one last show, Jack. I'm getting out of the game."

Double Jack spat out his drink and did a double-take. "What the what?! Trixie?! The Great and Powerful Trixie, who spent all her life working to become the greatest magician and showmare in the world, is giving it up?! No way! Are you a changeling?!"

"You didn't stop wetting the bed until you were eight," Trixie said, calmly which made Double Jack wince. "Proof enough?"

"I hate that you know that," Double Jack muttered before shaking his head. "But seriously, Trix. You're leaving? Why?"

"I'm getting older," Trixie explained with a shrug. "Plus, the counseling job I do? I really like it. I feel like I make a big difference in helping the students I work with. Plus, I guess I've gotten used to having such a normal life living in Ponyville that traveling has lost its appeal to me. I guess I just feel like it's time to move on from one dream and go to the next. I mean, I seriously doubt ponies will forget that The Great and Powerful Trixie helped save Equestria from Queen Chrysalis."

"True," Double Jack said with a big laugh. "Thanks for doing that, by the way. When ponies learned that you used to do your shoes here a lot and practically grew up in this casino, they flocked like a herd of bucks in mating season. Made a killing that year."

He then sighed and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"I've thought long and hard about it. It's time for a final show," Trixie replied before turning to Double Jack with a big smile. "And what better way to finish it than by doing it where it all began?"

"...Well, you got it," Double Jack said with a grin. "You'll get the best theater and the best time possible. I'll set everything up. We'll practically broadcast it through the entire city. By the time the show starts, you'll have every seat covered with butts."

"Good," Trixie said with a smirk. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

Double Jack and Trixie both shook their hooves before the former frowned and sighed. "Um, Trixie?"

"Yes?" Trixie asked as she sipped her wine.

"...I have news about your father," Double Jack said, which made Trixie pause. "I know you said you never wanted to see or hear about him again, but I kept doing so just in case you changed your mind. I was going to tell you this later, but honestly, now that you've said you're doing one final show...I think you should know..." He took a deep breath. "He died two years ago."

There was a long silence as Trixie stood there frozen in place. Her mind turned to a single moment in her childhood where her father, who she loved back then, showed her a card trick with his magic hat while she clapped and laughed at his act. She proclaimed that one day she would be as great of a magician as he was, and he picked her up, twirled her around, and said one day she would.

And then another memory came. A memory where Trixie's mother was crying on the floor as Trixie, confused and heartbroken, asked when Daddy was coming home. He hadn't come home in days, and Trixie wanted to show her the bunny out of a hat trick. A few days later, Trixie learned her father was never coming home, and she would never see him again.

"How?" Trixie asked, voice monotone.

"Heart attack," Double Jack answered. "Came out of nowhere, and he collapsed. They couldn't save him in time."

"...My father died a long time ago, Jack," Trixie whispered as she slowly closed her eyes, doing her best to ignore the single tear going down her cheek. "He died the moment he left my mother and me to ourselves. That stallion was my father. The one afterward was just a stranger. Nothing more."


"I'd like a room if you don't mind. The usual one," Trixie asked to which Double Jack nodded before getting up to make the arrangements. Trixie looked at her wine glass for a moment before drinking it all in one gulp before ordering another one.


Double Jack had gone all out for her final performance. The stage was set, and the crowd was packed to the brim. Trixie had spent the last two weeks preparing her final performance, and she wouldn't lie to herself about the nerves swarming inside of her. Double Jack had given her whatever she needed for the show, including assistants she had worked vigorously with to ensure that everything would be perfect.

Trixie also had invited all of her friends, plus a few students from the school, and gave them the best seats in the house. It also helped promote the show since Princess Twilight would be attending as well. It was funny how, a long time ago, she hated her and blamed her for ruining her life and reputation. Yet, where would she be if she didn't go through those changes in her life because of her failures?

Starting over from scratch was hard, but it was worth it since she felt like she had learned a lot more, found friends she cared about and felt overall a better pony because of her changes. Trixie also got to experience adventures that were great for her show, plus the fame of saving the world a few times did help her reputation. A knock on the dressing room door alerted Trixie that it would be time soon for her to go on stage. With a heavy sigh, she walked over to the mirror and looked at herself.

If there was one item in her possession that she treasured more than anything, it was her iconic hat and cloak. Her mother mended it when she was a little girl, and Trixie had worn it nearly every day with careful care. Putting it on made her feel like she was a magician and that her mother was right there beside her.

A tear dripped down her face as she smiled at her reflection. "I really wish you were here, Mom."

She'd give anything for her mother to be right there in the stands to see her daughter's final show. Maybe she would not have approved of everything Trixie had done since she passed away, but the unicorn believed her mother would be proud of what she became afterward.

Taking a few more minutes to adjust her hat right, Trixie twirled her cape and made for the door where the stagehand was waiting for her. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready. Let's start the show."

The stagehand nodded and guided Trixie down the hall, where a few of the workers nodded to her or gave good luck. A few minutes later, Trixie was inside the trap door case that would lead her to the center of the stage from below. She could hear the mutterings and talks of the crowd already, and she felt her butterflies return but quickly calmed herself down. This was it—the final show.

She had come quite a long way from performing at her class show and tell days to here and now. Closing her eyes, Trixie could feel the familiar emotional rush that a genuine stage dealer gets before the start of every show. The blood pumping with excitement. The jitters in the bones. The brain working overtime while going over every step and planning every event just in case things went wrong.

The stage was set.

The roles were cast.

It was time to begin the show.

The lights went off one by one in the theater as the music began to play. Trixie took a deep breath as she rose from her hidden stage set and appeared in a wave of smoke and bright lights. She unleashed her fireworks spell with her horn glowing, which dazzled the audience into an extensive series of gasps and awws. With a mighty yell, she released her boast louder than she ever had done so in her entire life.



And just like that, it was all over.

The final curtain came down, and the crowd went into applause. Flowers covered the entire stage, and confetti rained from the heavens. All from attendants who had nothing but cheers and thanks for such an excellent and grand performance. Trixie didn't even bother hiding the fact that her eyes were misty with tears. Her entire body was covered in sweat, her limbs were aching, and her voice was near dry as a desert from all her yelling.

And yet, she never felt more alive than tonight.

She could still hear her name shouted as she descended into the stairs that led backstage. Like a choir in a church that was praising the god they worshiped. It was a melody to her ears and one she would never forget. It was almost heartbreaking to know she would never get to hear or feel such an experience again, but she doubted any other show would be as great as this one. After all, if you were going to go out, then you might as well go out with a bang.

The staff and other workers of the theater were also in applause and congratulating Trixie. She barely had the energy to thank them, so she merely nodded and smiled. This continued until she made her way to the dressing room, where she closed her door and collapsed onto the couch with a heavy gasp. It was done. The Great and Powerful Trixie had done her last performance.

Now? She was just Trixie Lulamoon. And it was what she would be forever.

A knock on the door made Trixie groan. She had hoped for a little bit of quiet and silence before being talked to. "Come in."

The door opened, and Double Jack walked inside, smiling and beaming. "Trixie, you were a star! Fantastic! Utterly brilliant! I think you've made a memorable show that ponies are going to remember for years! Long after you're dead! I've got sponsors and other big business ponies asking if they can book you for more shows!"

"You told them I was officially retired now, right?" Trixie asked, looking up with a smirk.

"Yeah, shame too. The money they were offering was top bit," Double Jack chuckled before he sat down and patted her on the leg. "But really, Trixie. You did a great job. You sure you want to give it all up?"

"Jack, I just gave a hundred and ten percent of everything I've ever done, learned, and mastered out there," Trixie answered, sitting up with a shake of the head. "I couldn't top what I've done even if I tried."

Getting up, Trixie lit up her horn and opened a bottle of champagne. She poured herself a glass and sipped it to freshen her lips and throat. "Besides, from what Starlight told me a few hours ago, a few of the students were wondering where I was. It turns out there was an earthquake in the griffin lands a while ago. A lot of families got hurt or killed. Some of them the students knew."

"That's horrible," Double Jack whispered with a frown.

"Yeah, and here I am playing the showmare when there are kids out there who need somepony to talk to," Trixie said with a heavy sigh as she slowly removed her hat and cloak. She looked at them one last time for old time's sake before slowly putting it in her trunk. "I plan on leaving first thing in the morning. I'm needed, and I don't want to be late any longer."

"At least come to the reception dinner," Double Jack said as he got up and smiled at her. "I'm sure you can even convince a few of the richer folks there to donate to help out what happened. Especially if it comes from you after the show, you've done."

"Of course," Trixie said as she nodded her head. "I take it that you have a dress for me already prepared?"

"I'll get it right away, babe," Double Jack said as he walked out towards the door but paused. He turned around and gave a warm look. "Trix? Retried or not? You'll always have a home here. Never forget that."

Trixie smiled at her old friend before turning to the open trunk. She looked at the outfit she wore for most of her life one last time before slowly closing it.

And thus the show was finally over.

Author's Note:

Thanks to SuperSonicHeroes for the commission. Before people ask, commissions are closed now but I have one more left to do for another commissioner that I hope to get done this weekend.

Comments ( 7 )

Great job with this! It turned out even better than I hoped it would. Thanks again.

That was an awesome story

Too many feels! Almost as many ups and downs as that famous Las Pegasus roller coaster that closed.

Very well done.

Enjoyed the story enough, well done. I can see Trixie giving a last performance her all. Not sure she's at the place she is in this story at the end of the show, but she only just started as councillor there.

Noticed one typo: When ponies learned that you used to do your shoes here (shoes should be shows of course).

"Can't say that there isn't logic in what you're saying," Starlight admitted before shaking her head. "But you do realize it's me? You're best friend?"

*Your best friend.

"I'll get it right away, babe," Double Jack said as he walked out towards the door but paused. He turned around and gave a warm look. "Trix? Retried or not? You'll always have a home here. Never forget that."

*Retired or not.

Other than those and a few other errors (which I've regrettably lost track of), this was incredible. Trixie comes to life here, and the scene when she first enters the Raj is a beautiful 'home-away-from-homecoming.' Is it bad that I felt sad when Trixie put away her hat and cape at the end, though? Like she said, her mother repaired that for her, and the emphasis on her family life in this makes me think that she really identified it with her parents, her mother's practical help and her father's inspiration.

Now that I think about it, this story's really all about that outfit and Trixie putting it away; her time in the School of Friendship is a nice look at how much she's improved, her journey to the Raj is a nostalgic look at where she came from, and her final show is a perfect significant event in her life, both opening a new chapter as full-time guidance counselor (symbolized by her thoughts for her students after hearing about the earthquake) and closing her chapter as a traveling performer (symbolized by her putting away her outfit, which also symbolizes her growing up, becoming more than the product of her parents' too-brief love). Trixie outgrew that outfit, however good it might be and however much love may have been put into it; this story is about her recognizing that and coming to terms with it.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing more of this Trixie in future, either memories of her time before this or the memories she makes afterwards; you write her wonderfully, especially her past.

*applauds fiercely as curtain descends*

That just shows how much did Trixie grow as a pony. Splendid!

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