• Published 31st Oct 2021
  • 249 Views, 3 Comments

Operation C.A.N.D.Y - Comrade Bagel Muffin

Taffy aka No. 75, Popsicle No. 69, Squeak No. e go on a mission to liberate candy.

  • ...

Candy Ascertained Nonchalantly Distributed Yearly

"Taffy why's you're attic smell like the old pony home?" Squeak, a dark blue bat pony with a dusk grey mane, asked as he prepared his costume a Link costume that he and his mom had spent the entire month making.

"It's moth balls, grandma keeps her old coats up here, and come on No. e, call me by my code name Number 75." Taffy a blue earth pony colt with a beige mane and tail says, as he puts on his royal guard costume.

"Relax Number 75, we're in your attic so Squeaky can call you by your name." Number 69, a white pegasus filly with an icy blue mane and tail, she was dressing up as a medieval flower filly. "So we should head out soon, if we're going to get 10,000 pieces of candy we're going to have to go now."

The three of them went from house to house the haul of candy that they were getting was astonishing. “I can’t believe that we’ve scored this much already.”

“It’s the homemade costumes I keep telling you Taf-er No. 75 that mares absolutely love these things.” Number e smiled. “I’m going to eat as many as I can tonight yes sir Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” He ree’ed with delight.

“That’s your problem Number e, you don’t stock pile it, if you were smart, you’d be like me and you’d still have candy from two Nightmare Nights ago.” No. 69 said.

“What and not eat the sacred candies of the spooky night!” His voice rose several octaves. “It is sacrilege to let the special candies see the dawn of the next day!” He worked himself up. “You have to let me freeeeeeeee the special candies from your hidey holes.”

“Both you deploy fake bottoms.” They stopped their conversation, at No. 75’s statement. All three of them took a small place mat and positioned it so it looked like they hadn’t gotten any candy and when to the next house. Taffy knocked on the door. The door opened.

“Bluh bleh bleh!” Vinyl jumped out on the porch dressed as a vampire. “Who comes to my most excellent rave?

"Nightmare Night what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” The three foals chanted.

“Most excellent little guys.” Sorry I don’t got candy for ya but here you go.” She gave them each several glow necklaces, and glow bracelets. “Those will help turn your little club house into a epic rave scene. If you guys need help just let me know.”

“Our Headquarters is top secret ma’am.” Number 75 said. “But thank you for the glow sticks.”

“Not a problem.” Vinyl laughed. “Oh, and Squeaks tell your mom great job on the costume, you’re rocking it little dude.”

“Thank’s Vy, I’ll see you around.” Number e waved as they headed to the next house. “I like her she’s the best.” He stopped dead still. “Number 69, 75 we’ve got trouble.”

“Yeah, what?” 69 asked looking back at the bat colt as his ears twitched.

“Candy thieves, sounds like a teenager stilling a couple of smaller ponies Nightmare Night candies. This cannot stand.”

“We won’t reach 10000 pieces of candy if we don’t hit the rest of the houses on this neighbor hood though 75, you’re call.” 69 says.

“We’re sworn to stop adult and teenager tyranny wherever and whenever we find it. Foals Next Door. Move out, Lead the way e.” Squeaky ran off toward the Ponyville park. In a couple of minutes they came to a couple small foals on dressed as a pumpkin and the other dressed as a pineapple. They were both crying on the side of the road.

"Hey, hey what's wrong" 69 asked squatting down next to one of them.

"One-one of the teenagers stole all of our candy."

"Don't you worry we're going to kick their buts and get your candies back." Number e said. "Where did they go and what were they dressed as?"

"They said they were heading to the Nightmare Moon statue, they were both dressed up as timber wolves."

"Alright let's go team." They ran off.

"That was the easiest score ever."

"It was like taking candy from a babies."

"That's because it was exactly what it was."

"And you will return there candy to them teenagers!" Number 75 demanded.

"Ohhhhhh. Looks like it's the royal guard."

"I'm s-s-soooo scared." The two teenage hooligans laughed.

"I'm more than just a royal guards pony. I'm one of the Foals next door. Now I'll say this one more time, in case you're just going deaf in your old age." Number 75's eyes narrowed on them. "Take their candy back to them."

"And who's going to make us runt you?"

"Not just him us too. Foal's next door deploy the H.A.N.D.L.E.R.S.!" Number 69 and Number e jumped out of the trees they were hiding in. As they fell they activated something with their wings, and hands came out of their candy bags.

"What the!"

"Oh crud!" Their hands easily picked up the two teenagers, tying them up in ropes. "Alright alright we're sorry sheesh take the candy back!"

"Good. I'm glad that you're ability to see reason hasn't slipped in your old age." Number 75 smiled. "Now," he said scooping up all of the candy. "Were the pumpkin and pineapple the only ones you two stole candy from?"

"No no we swear."

"They were going to be the first after we finished theirs we were going to go find another easy mark to steal from, but we won't know we swear!"

"Good." Number 75 nodded grabbing the bags of candy.

"And don't ever touch Nightmare Moon's share of the candies, they aren't for you! Dumb dumbs!" Number e stuck out his tongue as he walked away. They headed back to the pumpkin and pineapple.

"Here you little guys go we took care of those bullies, they won't bother you or anybody else ever again." Number 69 smirked.


"Yeah thanks candy time is over now. So we're glad you got them back."

"Oh it's time for me to go home and eat the sacred candies see you later Number 69, Number 75."

"See you Squeaky. See you Taffy. I should go home too."

"Right I'll see you guys later." Taffy headed back home. "We'll try for 10,000 pieces next year!"

Comments ( 3 )

…huh. That was a fan fic.

And Happy Halloween!

That was something. I wasn't sure what to expect, but that was fun. Never watched the codenamed kids next door show, but this was still cool.

Happy Halloween

Glad you liked it KND was an odd show, but was okay.

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