• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 1,611 Views, 12 Comments

My Vampire Companion - kazamacat

Rainbow Dash is feeling down on her luck one night when she meets a vampire named Coco Pommel.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Hidden Heroics

As the sun set the next night, Rainbow Dash woke up next to Coco Pommel. The sky blue mare had to recall so much of what happened the previous night and that she was a changed creature now. She glanced down to her left side to see that her wings were still in their bat form. She supposed that made sense. It was how she went to sleep the previous night. Curious, she fluttered over to the nearby mirror and saw her red eyes, then opened her mouth to see her fangs.

She glanced over to to the still sleeping master, putting off a question at the moment as she turned to growing other ones in her mind. She wanted to know how the day in Ponyville went without her.

Was it early enough to find her friends? She decided against it. It would make more sense for an actual sick pony to rest throughout the night and show up the next day.

The young vampire wondered if she would have any sleep this night or have to stay awake all of both the night and the day to acclimate herself back to a daytime schedule—if such a thing were even possible. Oh, how she hoped it was possible.

Coco began to stir, blinked her eyes open, and smiled happily up at her companion as Rainbow Dash approached her. "You're awake, Precious."

Rainbow blushed and smiled back. "I am. I think the sun just set when I got up not too long ago. Like...exactly."

The older vampire sat up in the bed, rubbed her eyes, and then looked at her fledgling. "Trust in that instinct," she suggested.

"Okay," Rainbow replied. "Hey, umm...when I woke up, I was still in my vampire form. Is that bad? Like...what if somepony saw that....?"

"Goodness, I didn't think of such a thing," Coco admitted quietly, almost to herself. "With my eyes and mouth closed when I sleep, it's not a problem for me as an earth pony, but your wings..."

The bat-winged pony nodded in agreement. "Right. That. So uh....?"

Coco put a contemplative hoof to her chin. "It's possible your body would revert on its own when sensing a mortal presence draw near. I have been in a place that started on fire so was awakened by mortals in a standard pony form. No red eyes. No fangs.

"And then of course there's the option of making them forget."

Rainbow Dash half-frowned at that, but she agreed nonetheless. It made sense in her own mind and heart as a vampire too. "I'll stick with a pegasus form to be extra safe for now. Maybe once I've got more experience at this vampire thing, I'll chance it again. I do sometimes like to live dangerously you know." She waggled her eyebrows playfully at Coco.

The other vampire giggled. "Indeed. I do know."

Fluttering up to sit next to her, Rainbow said, "Moving on then. I know you said I would be more inclined to be nocturnal, but I want to get back to the day—as soon as I can. I need to know my friends and team managed everything fine, and...I still want to live the life I have—if I can."

Coco nodded at that. "I remember, my dear."

"So what do I do? Go back to sleep? Stay up all night and all day?" Rainbow asked her.

"If you want to stay up that long, you should feed, maybe even twice. Otherwise, simply turn in early tonight. Two hours before sunrise should be enough. From that point, you do whatever you did as a mortal pony. You are recently transformed, so it should not be difficult," Coco advised.

The younger vampire smiled in relief at that news. "Okay." A thought occurred to her. "What about you? Will I see you during the day?"

At that, Coco smiled warmly. "Is that what you want?"

Rainbow looked away and shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just nervous about seeing everypony. How easy is it really to hide this vampire thing?"

"Well..." the other mare remarked thoughtfully. "I've managed. You can hide your fangs, your red eyes, and your wings at will. You have transformed, but you have retained much of your mannerism and personality. You still feel and think. You still believe you are yourself, yes?"

Rainbow nodded. Yes, she really did.

"I think you will be fine," Coco told her. "And if something happens...find me. I might be asleep during the day, but wake me up. We'll run away together."

The companion smiled at her, finding comfort in such words.. "Okay, I guess that's good enough." She stretched her wings for a moment.

"Rainbow Dash..." Coco suddenly said.

"Hmm?" the other mare inquired.

"I do not see myself as one to boss you around, even if we have decided I am your master. However, I do have a request for you," Coco announced.

"Which is?" Rainbow wished to know.

"Please do not tell anyone about me, at least not as a vampire. You are welcome to say that we are friends or even girlfriends—if you wish of course," the earth pony finished with a shy smile.

Rainbow blushed and smiled back with a light flap of her bat wings as she stood in place. "Yeah, okay."

"You can say that another vampire exists if you are found out, but please do not give my name," Coco added.

Rainbow bowed her head a little apprehensively. "O-okay."

The other mare smiled warmly. "Thanks. Remember, it is a request. I know you will try, and that is enough."

"Heh heh, okay, Coco," Rainbow replied with a more relaxed air. She switched off her vampire form. "I'm heading to my house to check in on things. I'll show you around sometime but not just yet. I'm still getting to know you and all."

"Of course, Rainbow Dash," Coco replied with a pleasant smile. She opened a drawer from the nearby night stand by the bed and pulled out a key. "I have a key to the room for you," she explained and offered it to her fledgling. "I will be sewing here if you need me."

"You're a seamstress?" Rainbow asked with interest as she accepted the key.

"Mm-hmm," the off-white mare replied.

"You know, my friend Rarity runs a dress shop in town," Rainbow commented.

"I actually do know," Coco informed her. "I have visited her boutique on occasion and spoken with her a few times."

"Really?" The pegasus was all the more intrigued.

Coco Pommel chuckled. "Yes. Not for long, just small talk about trends and fashion."

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but is there a reason you picked me for your fledgling instead of her?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"I do believe I laid out quite a bit of it for you last night," Coco told her with a wink.

Rainbow blushed at that. "R-right. Well, I'll be going then and see you before I turn in early for the night. If I get thirsty, I'll grab a drink between now and then."

"That sounds like a fine plan," Coco replied happily. She started to put on a hair clip, collar, and tie. "Please use the door when you leave, not the window. It is more discrete."

Rainbow smiled, gave her master a friendly salute, and left.

Along the way, she passed by Astral Ace. She could sense from his manner, he held no more fear or even memory of her. That worked out for the best, she told herself, especially without knowing how often her heart would compel her to feed.

The night passed without any problems. Her house was in order. Fluttershy had stopped by to pick up Tank until Rainbow was ready to get him. The young vampire was not at all bloodthirsty, much to her own relief. She visited Coco a bit more before returning to her own house yet again in an attempt to realign her sleep with the day.

The next morning, Rainbow Dash woke up in her house as a pegasus though she remembered full well she was a vampire too. She smiled and quickly flew to the window to feel the warm sun on her face. It felt a bit warmer than she would have liked, but she suspected that such a thing might happen. Still, it was manageable, as Coco foretold, and she could see the day with her new senses.

It was beautiful. Equestria had always been a vibrant, colorful land, but now the sight took her breath away. She had never been one to appreciate nature the way Fluttershy did, but she finally understood it a little more. Only one day had been stolen from her, and she planned to keep it that way for as long as she could.

After freshening up, she flew off to Fluttershy's cottage first. Since Rainbow would be busy with work throughout the day, she would actually come get Tank again later. She wanted to assure her friend that she was feeling much better and not to worry.

Rainbow Dash was about to knock on the door when Fluttershy opened it with a ready smile. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, you're alright," the canary yellow pegasus said happily with a hug to greet her friend. "I was a little worried when you weren't even home."

"Yeah, I was with somepony helping me out," Rainbow admitted. She stroked at her forelock near her left cheek.

"Oh?" Fluttershy inquired carefully.

"Mmhmm. I don't want to get into all the details, but I'm better now thanks to her, so all is well," Rainbow explained quickly.

"Oh, okay then." Fluttershy decided to accept such an answer. Rainbow Dash had certain things she kept to herself, such as her strained relationship with her parents, and a new girlfriend would be exactly the type of thing she would hide for as long as she could—until it blew up in her face. Fluttershy could not ignore that last worry. "Are you sure you don't want to go into any details? It sounds like a new friend. Does she have a name?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Rainbow quickly replied. "Maybe I can tell you more later, but I'm still getting to know her and getting over being sick."

Fluttershy giggled. "As you wish, Rainbow."

"I'll pick up Tank later today, alright?" Rainbow said.

"He'll be here, safe and sound," Fluttershy assured her. Just then, Tank poked his head out from right by Fluttershy's hooves.

Rainbow Dash gave him a warm smile and a quick pat on the head.

He blinked at her and gave a small smile back.

The vampire was relieved her pet did not recoil from her. She might not have been in her blatant vampire form, but sometimes animals had a sense about these types of things. "Alright, see you two later then."

With that, she was off to check in with her weather team. She found that Thunder Lane had managed things just fine in her place, so moving into the current day's work was plenty easy.

She was flying through the air doing her usual lookout for Ponyville when she heard the train approaching. That was to be expected, but what was not expected was...the train wasn't slowing down. Growing a bit concerned, she flew down to the side of the conductor.

"The brake broke off," he nervously told her, holding the brake in his hoof. He was clearly trying to not panic and alarm the passengers.

Rainbow nodded in acknowledgment and quickly flew in front of the whole train, placing her forehooves against the front car's face and hind legs into the ground. The train pushed her back, but not much, and she was able to force it to a stop entirely.

She quickly wiped her forehead in relief and let out a breath.

Ponies in the cars began to question things.

"What's going on?"

"Why are we stopping so early?"

The conductor explained to them, "Apologies for the early stop everypony. We had a malfunction and need repair. However, we are not far from the stop."

That eased their minds and hearts well enough.

"Thanks," the conductor told Rainbow Dash. He didn't seem too shocked or overwhelmed by the strength she just showed. Maybe it was her light charm or his previous stress or both. "I sure am glad we weren't close to crashing into anything or falling over, but that could have happened without your help."

"Yeah, I thought the same," Rainbow replied. Somewhat to her relief, the lack of immediate threat left the ponies inside not too bothered, even if inconvenienced. In fact, other ponies around Ponyville weren't even looking their way. Perhaps they had not heard the difference in expected speed of the train or the conductor when he told her about the broken brake. He had not been screaming and only alerted her when she flew next to the window after all.

Rainbow Dash supposed that was for the best. She was glad to play the hero again, but her new secret vampire status meant trying to keep a lower profile when she did something she couldn't do before. Plus, it would assist her in staying focused on helping for the sake of helping instead of seeking fame and glory. At least she could boast to Coco later.

As the passengers began to exit, an older pony wobbled on and started to lose his balance. Rainbow dashed over to him in an instant, helping him before he fell completely.

"Thank you, Miss," he told her with a warm smile.

Rainbow smiled warmly back at him. "You're welcome."

Well, that one was easy, standard pony fare, but it still felt good and right. She glanced over the other ponies before returning to her lookout.

Sometime later, it was a mild creaking sound she heard, as if something wooden were about to collapse. Rainbow Dash scanned the area and eventually figured out the sound was coming from around the flower shop. She flew over in an instant, catching a wooden sign right before it would have fallen onto Rose's head.

Rose gasped. "Oh my goodness. I'm so lucky you caught that in time," she said. "Thanks so much, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow nodded with a proud smile and closed eyes. "You're welcome." Yes, yes. This praise was what she missed when she got too caught up in the hero thing before. Only Rose was around to appreciate the feat, but that was fine. Now she just had to stay focused—

"Here," Rose suddenly said, snapping Rainbow out of her thoughts giving and giving the sky blue mare a red rose. "On the house. Give it to somepony special, alright?"

"Heh," Rainbow blushed. Her ears folded down with a bashful smile. "Alright."

Rose grinned at that and bid the pegasus farewell.

The sun was setting as Rainbow Dash walked down the hall to Coco's inn room. Using the key given to her earlier, she quietly entered and saw the other vampire asleep. Rainbow stepped closer to the bed. Her colorful tail swished with anticipation. As Coco's chosen companion, she had things she wanted to share and say.

Coco stirred and woke up, seeing Rainbow Dash nearby. "Well hello, Precious."

"Heya," Rainbow Dash greeted her happily. "I have something for you."

Coco blushed. "And what would that be?"

Rainbow Dash reached behind her back and pulled out the red rose. "This."

"Oh, it's lovely, Rainbow Dash," Coco replied with a pleased smile. "Thank you."

"I guess you can be my companion too. How's that?" Rainbow suggested.

Coco giggled. "No complaints. I take it you had a good day today?"

"It was awesome," Rainbow replied. "Wanna hear about it?"

"Of course. That definitely falls under 'keeping me company sometimes'," Coco told her. "Let me get sorted for the night and my sewing out. Then...indulge me."

"You uh...you gotta feed or anything?" Rainbow asked hesitantly.

"No, I am fine," Coco said plainly. She took a brief shower, then fashioned the red rose to the back of her mane instead of her usual hair clip, and put on her collar and tie. Next, she got out her sewing materials.

Rainbow Dash busied herself with taking in the room once more to remember where everything was. It would be a bit of a second home to her until Coco found a place of her own. Like many of the homes in Ponyville, there were hollowed out places to keep things, some with shelves within. Such crevices and shelves were filled with books and sewing materials. She did manage to find one larger crevice next to the window that was ideal for a place off the ground but close enough to talk to Coco.

Rainbow whisked her way up and took in the rest of the room from her chosen perch.

Though the room offered a desk, Coco had been laying out the materials on the bed and floor.

Once Coco was ready, she was happy to hear about how Rainbow's day went—all of it, from hearing about Tank being fine in Fluttershy's care to stopping the train, to helping an older pony from a fall, to saving Rose, and getting the rose in thanks.

Rainbow Dash sighed happily when she was done telling the stories.

"So, you got to be a hero?" Coco noted with an interested smile.

"Yeah...for today at least. I'm getting thirsty, so I guess I-I'll be switching to villain mode soon. 'Hero by day, villain by night' kinda thing," Rainbow confessed quietly. "At least my prey from the other night is okay last I saw him. He doesn't remember me at all."

"As it should be," Coco remarked.

"Has anypony ever remembered you?" Rainbow wondered.

Coco looked away from her. "Yes. Twice."

"What happened?" the younger vampire wished to know because it was obvious something did.

"The first time, I..." Coco sighed. "Are you sure you wish to hear this story? You can certainly guess how it ends."

"You killed them," Rainbow assumed immediately.

The master of the pair nodded. "I am not proud of this fact, but yes. They love you, you know. You love them back. It's a dance, in a way. We both wanted to dance some more...and more...and more. It didn't happen all it at once. She just kept coming back, and I kept accepting her offer. We knew that's where things were headed going down that path, yet we still walked it.

"I didn't know how to make a fledgling then. Even recently with you, Rainbow, that was...something I hoped for. Besides, she was..." Coco licked her lips. "She was always meant to be my drink in my own heart."

The fledgling gulped.

"She died happily in my forelimbs," Coco finished.

Rainbow stared guiltily at the floor. It sounded too romantic to her vampiric heart. Terrible as it was, she understood Coco's own feelings completely. The other mare's too, she supposed, given how she felt Astral Ace when feeding on him. "The second?"

"I warned them about the first. They accepted the story and allowed me to enchant them again, then send them on their way. That was enough. I did not kill that pony," Coco explained.

"Well...I guess I kinda knew you were a killer, but still, it just..." Rainbow sighed. "I wish you weren't. I still hope I won't be somehow."

Coco nodded solemnly. "I don't do it often if that helps any."

Rainbow furrowed her brow. Strangely, it did. Well, maybe that wasn't so strange. Killing was bad enough, but killing a lot was definitely worse. "Have you done it recently?"

"No," Coco answered, shaking her head.

"Then can I make a request of you...as your companion?" Rainbow pressed.

Smiling warmly at her, Coco replied, "Certainly."

"No killing. Like...if you somehow become mortal and are about to die, I get it...or some weird situation where it's somepony or some monster that is killing a lot of other ponies and you gotta do something...but you know...not like the one you just told me about. None of that. Only out of necessity," Rainbow said.

"As you wish, my love. I will do my best," Coco told her with a respectful nod of her head.

"Thanks. And uh...c-could you stop me if I...?" Rainbow began.

"If I find myself in such a position, yes. I will do my best to stop you from committing any actual kills. Remember though, I will not always be with you when hunt," Coco reminded her.

"Mm...fair," the younger vampire acknowledged. "You ever save ponies to try and make up for it?"

"I do," Coco admitted with a nod of acknowledgment. "Mind you, not on the scale I saw watching you these past several days, just...if I am in the right place at the right time without being noticed...I will help."

Rainbow Dash thoughtfully rubbed a hoof to her own chin at that. "Want to brag about it?" she offered with a smirk. "I just got to tell you all about today after all. Seems only fair."

Coco blushed and shrugged. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

"Maybe I could learn a thing or two," Rainbow noted happily with a fanged smile, splaying out her feathered wings.

Coco giggled. "Very well, but perhaps you should feed first. You said you were getting thirsty, and your fangs just came out."

Rainbow Dash scrunched up her nose. Her master was right, but it was just an irksome reminder of the worst part. Well, sort of worst part. The bloodlust and quenching it actually felt really good, but there was that gnawing guilt and fear that she could take things a step too far.

She wouldn't deny she had thoroughly enjoyed her first feeding. She wanted to dance again with another victim. Not too far. Not to kill. Not really. Knowing she could and the blood itself fed her well enough. She could feel her eyes turn red at the thought. "Yeah, I guess I should," she muttered. With a sigh, she remarked, "Very well then. I'm off to do my dastardly villainous vampire thing and dance. Be back soon, Coco. I'll try it on my own tonight. Then...let's have some good stories to kinda make up for it."

"They really won't do that, but I will be waiting and ready nonetheless, my dear," Coco replied.

Rainbow sighed again. "So be it."

The younger vampire prepared to leave the room with a growing thirst. She sneered and let her red eyes light up briefly while blinking out out her bat wings, then returned to her pegasus form.

She walked out and down the hall, soon seeing Astral Ace with his mare of interest. Rainbow was happy for him. She continued down the stairs and passed by a white earth pony mare who smelled sweet and very promising for her evening meal.

Licking her lips, Rainbow turned around and quietly followed, keeping her all senses on alert for if other ponies were around. None were. The mare went up another flight and turned left. The stalking vampire kept following her.

At last, the mare reached the door of her own inn room.

Rainbow got a better look. The white mare had a long white mane that matched her coat color and curled in on its tip. A quick scan of the area told Rainbow Dash no other ponies were in the hall either. "Excuse me, Miss," she said.

The white mare turned to her, revealing a pair of silver eyes. "Yes?" The other mare paused at the sight. She had seen this sky blue pegasus around town near the train's early stop that day, but that was from a distance. Up close, the pegasus' scrappy rainbow mane looked so cute, and her magenta eyes spoke of subdued strength.

Rainbow smiled hopefully. "I-I want your help with something, if that's alright."

The white mare smiled back. "Sure, I'll do what I can." She held out an offered hoof. "My name's Shimmering Stride, but you can just call me 'Shimmy'."

Rainbow stepped forward, that much closer and accepted the offered hoof. "Nice to meet you Shimmy. I'm Rainbow Dash."

She knew Coco had hinted at not giving out her name, but Rainbow Dash figured certain hunts required it. Sure, she could have lied and made up an alias, but she simply didn't want to do that. She could not bring herself to deny the other mare. It would be downright rude—especially compared to Rainbow's own intentions. Rainbow Dash didn't plan on being aggressively violent by biting Shimmy right then either. Such an act had some appeal, but she would resist. She would be as nice as her circumstances allowed for what she was about to do.

"What did you need help with?" Shimmy asked.

"You see...I'm thirsty...." Rainbow began. Her magenta eyes suddenly turned red and powerful. "...but I need the drink from you."

The white mare giggled in the enchantment. "Sure thing, Rainbow Dash. Come on in." Shimmy opened the door and allowed the vampire inside.

Rainbow Dash swiftly found a chair in the room and waited for her mark to close the door, as Rainbow herself seemed to stare ahead at nothing in particular.

"So, what's the drink that I can give you?" Shimmy asked with an amused grin.

The sky blue mare smiled up at her and motioned for the white mare to come and sit down on the floor in front of the chosen seat.

Blushing, Shimmy obliged and seated herself on the floor while and facing the same direction as the pegasus with her. "Who knew you were such a flirt?"

The vampire grinned with her red eyes, baring unseen fangs. "It's a secret I hope you'll keep for me, Shimmy."

Shimmy chuckled. "Okay, Rainbow Dash—as you like." She felt the vampire gently stroke at her long white mane with a hoof, then pull it aside, and soft feathers brushed against her neck. Shimmy inhaled an excited breath. Rainbow was very pleased with herself for that. She kissed the prey's neck. Shimmy moaned lightly in pleasure. That felt so good and nice and perfect. Another gentle kiss followed.

The mare gulped but let Rainbow Dash continue, thoroughly enjoying the affection.

The neck was right in front of the vampire. She could bite if she wanted. She could smell the blood and hear it flowing. The heart beat with a light, hopeful excitement and no fear. The only vision of Shimmy's death right then was to drain her completely. That would taste good, but Rainbow Dash knew she could stop herself. It was just like Coco told her and as she had done with her first meal.

"Are you ready, my sweet?" Rainbow asked in a low voice.

Her prey thoughtfully glanced at the floor, then turned her head back to meet those intense red eyes. "Ready for what?"

"Me to bite you," the vampire whispered seductively in her ear. She still had her fangs out as she spoke. She pulled away and kept her powerful red eyes on the other mare's silver ones with her mouth hanging open just enough to show the tips of her fangs. She spread her wings, and they shifted into their bat form. "You see, it is like I said. I am thirsty."

Shimmy's eyes widened in awe at the wings. Her mouth quivered, and her eyes lightly shifted left and right to examine them before centering in on the eyes of the vampire.

Other killing visions began for Rainbow Dash. The vampire could snap her neck, choke her with both hooves or both wings. She could squeeze Shimmy around her barrel and crush her insides. Rainbow let them play out in her mind but otherwise ignored them. Shimmy did not see or hear them as Rainbow Dash did. The vampire realized she could have made that happen, but she saw no benefit to such a power. Instead, the mark only distantly sensed such longing.

Shimmy blushed, looked away for a moment, and gulped. Then she met those powerful irises again. "Will it hurt? Are you going to kill me?"

The red eyes studied her. "I want to do those things to you," the vampire admitted softly. "They would taste...very good."

Shimmy managed to look away again, but she had little desire to leave or push this strange creature away, even at the sight of those sharp teeth and what had just been said. The creature had not committed to actually hurting or killing her yet after all. There was even something gentle and soft in her manner. In truth, Shimmy liked the sky blue mare. Rainbow was charming, beautiful, and so forthcoming.

The white mare's attention was soon drawn back to the vampire's words.

"But I want you to live on more than I want those things. I'm mainly here for that drink," Rainbow explained while holding Shimmy in her gaze. "How about...I bite, then you get some rest, and when you wake up, this encounter will be a forgotten dream?" the vampire suggested with a friendly smile that still showed off her red eyes and fangs.

Shimmy twitched and hesitantly started to smile. "I-I don't have to forget you."

"Trust in me that you you do," Rainbow replied, recalling her very recent conversation with Coco Pommel. "I wouldn't want to further tempt myself into actually killing you, you know."

The other mare chuckled lightly and said with a shrug, "I guess you're the monster here."

"I am," Rainbow agreed with a nod. She cocked her head to the side slightly. "So then...?"

"C-could you touch my mane and kiss my neck just a little more? Then I'll be ready," the white mare replied.

Rainbow sniffed and closed her eyes before smiling. "It would be my pleasure. Be prepared for when I bite soon."

"I am ready," the mare replied. She turned her head away from the red eyes and stared ahead, soon enjoying more affection from the dangerous creature with her. She felt the rougher wings caress her shoulders, and she did not mind.

Even the bite, piercing though it was, excited her. She felt a drain, but she knew it would stop in time.

Rainbow Dash felt the other mare's life fill her. Shimmering Stride was a trans mare who went by the name of Gallant Stride growing up in a remote village known as Starlit Glade. Part of her transition included changing her name, and it was the one true in her heart. Her family and friends supported her through it all.

She was traveling through Equestria for the sake of saying she had visited every town at some point in her life. She did not seek adventure or danger or work. She worked to help pay for her travels and encountered adventure as it came, but it was really about enjoying the travel itself and some extent of study. She made occasional friends or acquaintances along the way, and that was enough. She regarded this strange creature with her as a nice fling she understood she would have to forget despite her own wish on the matter.

Rainbow pulled away and gave Shimmy's neck an extra kiss, then lapped up a last bit of blood.

The white mare started to collapse to the floor, but the vampire made sure to catch her and carry her over to the nearby bed.

"Dream..." Shimmy muttered.

"That's right," Rainbow said. "You're off to dream good dreams of all those wonderful places and ponies you know."

Shimmy giggled. "So you saw all that too, huh? What even are you?"

"I'm a vampire," Rainbow answered. She had already given her name, and if she hadn't, she knew Shimmy would not know the word, despite her informed travels.

"Vampire," Shimmering Stride muttered. "That's a new one."

"Mm-hmm," Rainbow agreed. "Thank you for the drink, my prey. Forget this encounter, alright?"

"Alright...if you insist," Shimmy muttered more.

"I do. Thanks all the same," Rainbow Dash replied.

"You're welcome...good night, sweet vampire," Shimmy said. She yawned, looking so beautiful to the monster she had invited in, and soon fell asleep.

"Good night, sweet pony."

Author's Note:

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