• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 7,900 Views, 114 Comments

My Little Izuku - DannyPhantom79

  • ...

Chapter 3

"So what are we doing today?" Izuku asked as he and Twilight sat down for dinner.

“Nothing much really. How are you controlling your powers?” Twilight asked.

"The usual. Nothing new there. If anything, after my time at the hospital I seem to be able to control a higher output than before."

“What’s your maximum output?” Twilight asked intrigued.

"Right now I can safely use ten percent. Almost double my old output."

“Oh, before I forget, how strong are you in a certain percentage?” Twilight asked as Spike popped up at the table.

"Uh, well… hmm… well… what's something a normal earth pony can lift with ease?"

“I don’t know. I know Earth ponies possess a diverse range of talents and capabilities. One recurring trait, however, is their physical prowess. Physically very powerful, some Earth ponies are capable of performing incredible feats of strength with little or no visible strain and enjoying long-lasting stamina as well.” Twilight stated.

"Hmm… well, if you can put something together I'd be more than happy to run the course and tests and see."

"That would be cool." Spike said.

“Actually I have just the thing.” Twilight said.


"Thanks for offering to help with my farm work Twilight." Applejack stated as we arrived at her family farm. Izuku has never seen so many apple trees before. Actually, he didn't think he’d ever seen an apple tree before now that he thinks of it.

“No problem Applejack, plus it’ll be easier to test Izuku’s powers.” Twilight said.

"So, what do you need?" Izuku asked.

"It's simple Sugar cube. Just buck the tree trunks with yer hind legs ta shake em and make the apples fall." Applejack explained.

"Alright, seems simple enough."

Izuku called upon One for All, 10%. Red veins appeared over his body as green lightning bounced over him. Izuku got into position and kicked the tree; however, the shockwave from his kick affected other trees as apples from left to right all fell together.

Applejack and Twilight stared slack jawed.

"How… many trees, was that?" Applejack asked.

Twilight looked at all the trees, quickly counting the ones without apples. "Twenty seven…" Twilight said.

Sheepishly, Izuku powered down One for All, an imprint of his hooves in the tree bark. "Heh… whoops…"

“Well Applejack, looks like you have competition.” Spike said, trying not to laugh.

"Hush you." Applejack frowned as she trotted over to the tree, looking it over and the hoof prints Izuku left. "Hmm. Trunk's still good, just a bit strained and it looks like ya uprooted it a little, but she'll live."

"Sorry. I've never used ten percent before. I wasn't sure what was going to happen." Izuku stated.

“It's fine sugarcube, but what’ll happen if you go over 10%?” Applejack asked as Izuku winced, vaguely remembering what he did to the Zero Pointer.

"Uh, well… I can't think of a comparison of damage but… well, aside from breaking my arm, I'd probably… well, I'm not too sure. Without a comparison to what I did back home when it happened here I can't explain it properly."

“It’s fine, as long as you don’t hurt yourself.” Twilight reassured him.

“Wait…did he say ‘break his arm’? Applejack asked in concern.

"Yeah, back when he didn't have the best control over his quirk he hurt himself a lot." Twilight explained.

"Heh… yeah. Recovery Girl got so mad with how often I was in there…" Izuku chuckled weakly.

Applejack just stares at him until she shakes her head.

“Well now, I can see why you three came to me.” Applejack said, smiling with a hint of pride.

“What do you mean?” Izuku and Spike were confused.

"Izuku, a'h come from a long line of earth Ponies, and a'h know how wanting ta' develop yer strength and body leads to some accidents and a few broken bones. It's a common thing ta' happen to a young earth pony. Our magic is related to strength and the earth so when we're young it's easy to get hurt using it. Course you got that crazy power so, I guess it's more or less a suped up version of basic earth pony magic."

Applejack would’ve continued talking if Izuku didn’t appear in front of her with stars in his eyes. Literally, he’s been watching too much Steven Universe.

“Teach me.” Izuku said with pure determination that surprised everyone.

“Heh, uh… Sure thing Sugar Cube…” Applejack said, gulping. She’d seen many of her younger sister’s Puppy Dog Eyes, but without trying, and him being a bit older, Izuku managed to surpass her baby sister.

Twilight clutched her chest in fear of a heart attack. Izuku looked so determined, he’s dead set on becoming a hero.

“Easy there Izuku, there will be time for all that later, right now, let’s just… perform some more basic tests.” Twilight stated as she tried to quell the colt’s determination.

“Aw, but okay. So what now?” Izuku was a little disappointed that Applejack wasn't going to teach him right away.

“Well, you said your Quirk enhances your Physical abilities. We’ve seen strength, so maybe next we should check Speed.” Twilight said, a flash of her horn and she was now holding a stopwatch in her magic. “Now, just run to the barn and back, without your quirk first, so we can establish your baseline speed. Then, run with it so we can determine just how much it improves you.”

Izuku then ran from the and on back, thanks to his new body he’s a lot faster than he was before, but he’s still slower than an average pony.

“Hm. Seven minutes, thirteen seconds.” Twilight said.

“Shoot, Applebloom can beat that.” Applejack chuckled.

“Hey! That’s my speed…” Twilight said, sighing. “Alright then, Izuku, activate your Quirk, then go.” Twilight said, giving Applejack a small glare.

Izuku summoned OFA across his body, he realized he feels lighter than before. When he heard Twilight say go, Izuku took off much faster than he had gone before.

Though, Izuku had to make sure to not run into trees, but thanks to fast reflexes he was able to dodge them with no effort.

When he was back next to Twilight and Applejack, the two mares had slack jaws yet again. “How fast was that?” Applejack asked.

“... twenty six seconds…” Twilight said.

Spike whistled. “Wow. And that’s with ten percent right, you could probably run around the planet with that speed at one hundred percent.”

Izuku came up to them with a sliding stop as dust flew everywhere forcing everybody to shield their eyes and mouth as they heard Izuku panting.

“Wow. For some reason running I felt more strain than my usual moveset.” He breathed.

“Dude you're faster than fast, you’re quicker than quick. Man you are lightning.” Spike said, impressed.

“Spike, stop quoting cartoons.” Twilight sighed. “I’m still amazed. Going from seven minutes to twenty six seconds, that’s… incredible.” Twilight said, at a loss for words. “You were running at speeds only pro athlete Pegasi has ever reached.”

“Imagine Dash’s reaction-pfft!” Spike says while laughing as he falls to the ground clutching his ribs.

“Heh, I bet he could give Dash a run fer her money.” Applejack agreed, chuckling.

“So, how do you feel, Izuku? Does using your Quirk use extra calories or is the energy it produces independent from your body's natural energy for functionality?” Twilight asked.

“It produces its own, but if I keep up 15% it’ll cause some strain and be very hard to move.” Izuku explained as Twilight ferociously wrote in her notebook.

“How does it produce energy on it’s own?” Applejack asked. “And, what does it use to fuel itself?”

Izuku scratched the back of his head. He wasn’t sure how to answer that. True, this was a different world, but the secret of One for All was something All Might trusted him with, and only he and All Might. Still, even with no reason to hide it, he felt bad about explaining that the fuel for One for All was the Cores of the prior vestiges passed along with the Quirk.

“I can’t explain it well, I had this power in a couple days so far, sorry.” Izuku apologized whilst scratching the back of his head out of habit.

“Hm, weird. Well, if ya’ll need me, I’ll be getting all these apples back to the farm. Looks like I won my bet with Big Mac after all.” Applejack chuckled.

“And I think I’ll have a sna-“ Spike said only to be interrupted by his flames nearly hitting Izuku as a scroll fell on the ground.

“Is.. that normal?” Izuku asked.

“Yes, Spike has a magical spell on them, allowing Celestia to send letters or even items through his fire.” Twilight informed as Spike picked up the note. “What does it say, Spike?”

“Hang on. -Ahem- Here ye. Here ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent castle of capital city of Canterlot on the twenty-first of-yadda, yadda, yadda, no one cares about this stuff, aha! Extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest." Spike announced.

“Plus one guest?” Twilight asked, levitating the two tickets up. “Why’d she only send me one extra ticket?”

She only received shrugs from the boys as Applejack went up to her face with wide eyes.

“Um, are you alright Applejack?” Twilight asked as she took a few steps back from the suddenly excited apple farmer.

“Alright ah course Ah alright it’s just… YOU HAVE TICKETS TO THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA!” Applejack yelled out as she started bouncing around.

“Um…what’s the grand galloping gala?” Izuku asked.

“It’s a big party Canterlot throws every year in the Castle’s main ballroom where the nobility gather to talk business, make connections and show off their wealth, how much money they can waste on random pointless purchases, and get praised for it by other self entitled nobles.” Twilight said, her words managing to snap Applejack from her excitement.

“She’s right, it’s filled with snobs who only care about themselves instead of helping the community.” Spike said, voice filled with venom.

“Wait, so… it ain’t that nice?” Applejack asked.

“Hardly. Since becoming Princess Celestia’s student, I get a ticket every year and only attend because the one year I didn’t, rumors spread about me becoming the next Sunset Shimmer…” Twilight groaned.

“That’s Celestia’s old student who went awol and vanished after apparently demanding certain magic secrets from the Princess.” Spike threw in.

“So what do you do when you go?” Izuku asked.

“I stick by the buffet table and read books.” Twilight said.

“I stopped going after the third time a bunch of racist dukes tried to ‘slay the beast’ for the ‘honor of Canterlot’.” Spike said, spitting at the ground.

“They tried to kill you?!” Izuku asked with shock.

“Tried, but even if my scales could get hurt by normal metals, there wasn't much they could do with a butter knife.” He chuckled. “As funny as it was, it got old fast…”

Izuku then pales as he remembers the party’s back at home. The brutal beating, stolen lunch money, suicide bating. He also thinks he has a concussion one time.

“Shoot… Wait, make business deals, you say?” Applejack said. “Shoot, I might not be able to sell my apples at the gala, but maybe I can make connections ta help business!” Applejack stated with a smile.

“Hm, true. Plus at least having a friend would be more enjoyable than stuffing my face while reading.” Twilight thought to herself.

“And Izuku and I can spend time in Canterlot waiting for the party to end and meet up with you two after it’s over.” Spike stated. “I can show him the comic shops, Donut Joes, and the Cheese War Museum.”

“The what?” Izuku asked, shaking his head from his panic attack at hearing that. “You had a war over cheese?”

“Sorta, but they give out free samples all the time!” Spike stated.

“Ok…..ignoring that, so I guess you're taking AJ then?” Izuku asked, tilting his ear.

“I guess so, would you like to come-“ Twilight was interrupted by a rainbow who landed on her and Applejack as the boys winced.

“Ouch…” Rainbow groaned as she got up and helped the two mares up. “Sorry about that guys.” She said, looking up. Izuku did two, spotting several more Pegasi moving a large cloud. “Cloud Kicker! You better watch yourself next time!”

“Sorry!” Came a reply from one of the Pegasi above.

“Rookies…” Rainbow growled. “So, what are you two doing?”

“Helping Izuku learn more about his Quirk, and I was gonna invite Applejack to the Gala.” Twilight winced as she rubbed her side.

Rainbow Dash did a long inhale scaring the four until she burst.

“You're inviting AJ to the Grand Galloping Gala, and not me! You'd better invite someone plain like him!” Rainbow said, pointing at Izuku who’s ears dropped against his head as Spike patted his leg.

“Plain…” Izuku muttered.

“Hey now, at first I wanted ta go cause I thought I could make a small fortune selling farm goods, then Twilight mentioned how stuck up and snobby the guests usually are, but ah’ could at least talk business with them. Put those lesions my aunty and uncle Orange taught me to some good use.” Applejack stated. “Why are ya so worked up about it, secretly rich or got the hots for some noble?”

Rainbow blushed for a second before glaring at Applejack.

“Shut up AJ, and no, I want to go to the gala to impress the Wonderbolts, show them my awesome moves. You think they’re going to be impressed with someone as boring and plain as Izuku!” Rainbow said, bringing Izuku’s mood to the point of no return.

“I’m not even going…” Izuku mumbled.

To everyone’s surprise, Twilight was laughing on the ground.

“What’s gotten into her?” Applejack asked.

“It’s Rainbow Dash’s plan.” Spike stated.

“What about it, it’s an awesome plan!” Rainbow said, getting into Spike’s face as he pushed her back.

“Rainbow, you aren’t the first to come up with a plan like that, and you will not be the last.” Spike said.

Twilight finally managed to get up, wiping the tears from her eyes from laughter as her horn lit up and several photos appeared before the blue pegasus. Each photo showed a pegasi getting slammed back into the ground, a tree, or even just crashing near a Wonderbolt. “Heh-heh. Sorry, but Fan Fillies of the Wonderbolts sneak in every year to try and impress them or get wing or hair clippings, and every year the guard deals with them accordingly. Speed or not Rainbow, you’d be lucky to get within ten feet of the Wonderbolts, especially if you are trying to show off given flying isn’t allowed during the Gala.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “Watching the poor saps try and fail is the only highlight of my boring trips to that party.”

“Plus, stop calling Izuku plain, he’s done nothing to you, so why are you verbally attacking him?” Spike asked, crossing his arms.

Rainbow sat herself down, looking rather sheepish before getting a fairly hard smack by Applejack. “I agree, you’ve been rude since ya heard about the tickets. At least apologize ta the colt. Besides, he’s got Super Powers for Pony’s sake, how is that plain in any way?”

“One, his appearance doesn’t stand out. Two, he doesn’t have a cutie mark.” Rainbow Dash said, at this point Izuku just curled behind Twilight.

“Neither does that filly Scootaloo yes ya treat her like a tiny you?” Applejack brought up.

“Hey that’s different, I know her for a couple of years compared to a couple of days with Izuku.”

“This is Middle School all over again.” Izuku said depressed.

“Girls!” Twilight yelled. “Rainbow, if you can’t be a mature mare, then you definitely aren’t getting the spare ticket. Applejack, if by the end of the day nopony else has convinced me, the ticket is yours.”

“Wait, what? What do you mean is nopony else convinces you?” Applejack asked.

“Given your initial Reaction and now Rainbow Dash, I can already tell this is gonna be a whole thing with the rest of the girls.” Twilight groaned. “Come on Spike, Izuku, let’s go get some lunch.”

“Coming!” The trio walked off leaving RD and AJ as the two started to arm wrestle much to Twilight’s annoyance.


“So how long until you tell them that you can just ask for more tickets?” Spike asked Twilight.

Currently, Rainbow was dusting the ceiling, Fluttershy was cleaning the main library, Rarity was organizing Twilight’s closet, and Pinkie Pie was cooking dinner.

“Once Pinkie Pie finishes dinner.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Where are Dash and Applejack?” Izuku asked.

“It looks like after my comment on Rainbow needing to be more mature, I think Applejack is giving lessons in being polite.”

“Sorry about Dash Izuku, she usually isn’t like this.” Twilight apologized.

“It’s fine, it’s not the first time it happened.” Izuku muttered the second part but Twilight heard him.

“Celestia mentioned you said something about being a late bloomer… were you… bullied, for not having a Quirk at the normal age?”

“(Sigh) No, at age 4 is where your quirk starts to develop, everyone in my class had already gotten theirs but I didn’t. I was the only quirkless child. You’re basically treated like an outcast.”

Twilight looked down, rubbing her own leg. “I can… relate…” Twilight said.

“You… got bullied?” Izuku asked.

“Growing up my magic… wasn’t strong. Most foals my age could levitate and perform a small amount of spells, but for me… it all came much… harder. Still, I studied, trained, and almost gave up on it all.”

“What happened then?” Izuku said while wiping his tears.

“Well, I thought that even if I couldn’t cast magic, I could still study it. So my parents enrolled me into Celestia’s school, the best magic school in Canterlot. But… there was an entrance exam… a magic entrance exam… I failed it, but… um… then there was an explosion. I had a magic surge and, heh, well… It was crazy. Celestia managed to calm me down and reversed the damage. Despite that it was a surge and accidental, she took me on as her student, and I did end up hatching Spike… it all worked out because someone, my idol even… believed in me.”

“So how did they treat you now?”

"Well, to be honest I did have… some friends, though thinking back I wasn't a good friend to them. I focused on studies and basically ignored them. I know they treated me well but There we're a few who did still resent me because I was Celestia's student. It's a position only one foal gets basically in a generation so I got a lot of jealous bullies, though I rarely saw them since I stayed inside studying all the time."

“Did you ever feel lonely?”

"My big brother is a guard and Celestia often assigned him to bodyguard me on outings so not really. Honestly aside from the Princess and Shining Armor and my parents I've never cared for anyone else's company."

“So what was Spike to you?”

"Well, for a long time I wasn't sure. I was only nine when I hatched him so… so for a long time I wasn't sure. When he was still very much a baby I studied him but, as he grew up and began talking and walking and learning he ended up becoming a little brother I never realized I had. When I began independent studies Spike volunteered to be my assistant. Celestia thought it would be a good idea so I wasn't alone all the time and having Spike around has been fun. His little sarcastic and sassy quips helped keep my ego in check many times. Though I think it’s my fault he’s been watching too much Danny Phantom.”

Izuku looked down in thought. Should I ask her, but I don’t want to ruin her trust, but I want to know. “So what does that make me then?” Izuku asked the million dollar question.

"Well, that makes you a friend, Izuku. I may not have known you for long, but I can tell you have a good, pure heart and a strong sense of justice and a moral compass that could probably put Applejack's to shame. And despite the fact your own power can hurt you so badly, rather than fear it or ignore it, you're working hard to master it. I feel honored to know you, and to count you as my friend, if not, my family."

Izuku's eyes start to water as he hugs Twilight while saying thank you over and over. He’s never had positive attention to the point he didn’t even know what was a compliment. His mom was hardly there for him, and his dad or his family didn’t want him just because he was quirkless.

Twilight happily returned the hug.

Smiling, Twilight happily presented each of her friends with a ticket to the Gala. "So, you could have just asked for more this whole time?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, but I felt I needed to get a point across. As well as set some ground rules." Twilight explained.

“What kind of ground rules if you don’t mind me asking?” Fluttershy said softly with the rest agreeing.

"Firstly, Rainbow, no bothering the Wonderbolts. As hilarious as it might be to watch you get tackled and chased by the royal guard, you are a friend so try not to get into trouble."

"Fine…" Rainbow grumbled, her head having a few bumps from Granny Smith's lessons in Manners.

"Fluttershy, I know you want to see and meet the animals within the Canterlot Garden, but those animals are extremely wary of ponies. Majority of them are there because they lost their habitats and homes and ponies they don't know they especially avoid. So while your talent with animals is impressive, please don't get upset if they avoid you during the night."

"Oh. Um, alright." Fluttershy answered.

“Rarity, don’t try to bother Celestia’s nephew. He’s not going to be interested." Twilight stated simply.

"Whatever not? How could he resist my beauty?"

"He's gay." If a pin dropped you could hear it with the silence in the room as Twilight stated that.

"He's…" Rarity started.

"Not attracted to mares." Twilight nodded. "It's a little known fact and the main reason why he is so rude to mares since so many try and court him and he wants none of it."

Rarity was stammering as Fluttershy patted her back in comfort. Applejack, RD, and Pinkie were trying not to laugh.

"Pinkie Pie." Twilight stared, getting the Pink mare's attention. "This is a formal party, meaning no one will enjoy your usual games and party style."

"But… not even my cakes?!" The pink mare asked.

"Afraid not… but, they do keep a separate room for the nobles' foals to gather while the adults talk. I know for a fact they will enjoy your kind of party."

Pinkie Pie quickly beamed. "Yippee!!! I can still do a Pinkie Pie Party at the gala! Just for the foals!"

Twilight nodded. "And lastly, Izuku, Spike." The teen and dragon froze. "Have fun in the streets of Canterlot, and try to meet up with us at Donuts Joe's when the Gala ends at midnight."

Izuku breathed out, happy he didn't have to attend such an event.

“Alright, it’ll be like a boys night out!” Spike yelled out much to Izuku’s confusion.

“What’s a boys night out?” Izuku said much to everyone’s shock.

"Wow… you were sheltered as a foal? Weren't you?" Rainbow asked.

"Well that will change in the coming days." Spike stated.

Izuku smiled knowing he has friends that care for him. The shine in his eyes brightened as he gave a closed eye smile.

“Thanks everyone!”

Comments ( 49 )

Awww, Flutterrage was the highlight of that whole episode.

“That’s Celestia’s old student who went awol and vanished after apparently demanding certain magic secrets from the Princess.” Spike threw in.

Translation: realized she was to be a disposable weapon and wanted something for it. And I'm not supposed to agree with her?:rainbowlaugh: No chance

good chapter!

Huh this is new...
Usually from these types of stories, writers usually either stick to the script, or create new scenarios.
You used the script, but added information that the showrunners made in future seasons.
That is amazing.
Weird thought from the MHA universe, but isn't Izuku jacked by the time he is at the UA?
I'm not implying that he is a super athlete, but I would think he as a pony would be quicker.
Okay just wikied it; Izuku did a 50 meter/164 feet sprint in 7 seconds without his quirk
THEN AGAIN he is in a foreign body that he still needs to get used to.
Great Work

"He's gay." If a pin dropped you could hear it with the silence in the room as Twilight stated that.

I had a magic sure and, heh, well… It was crazy. Celestia managed to calm me down and reversed the damage.

I thhink you meant to type surge and not sure :twilightsmile:

The litle magic for twilight doesn't add up. I think something like the excess magic interfering with her spells, making her much less adept when young would fit better. Because someone with little magic shouldn't be able to levitate the big star bear.

Aside from that I can see Ponies in general with their magic having a bigger upper limit potential. As in, strongest pony being much stronger than the strongest human.

Anyway, it was fun thank you.

Hey quick question: How do you think the girls will react to learning about Bakugou? Because if he somehow makes it to Equestria or they manage to get back to UA, Katsuki is a dead man.

11031809 The news the day after Bakugou shows up:

Unknown Pegasus Colt seen exploding through Ponyville's Skies! Is wanted for possession of Illegal Substances and Gratuitous Property Damages.


“Dude you're faster than fast, you’re quicker than quick. Man you are lightning.” Spike said, impressed.

Ha, I get it.

Huh? Did not expect it to play out so differently. Did you take some inspiration from fics like "Twilight gets a puppy"?

Ooh! With this iteration of Twilight being a bit more Self aware than her canon counterpart at this point in time, maybe she'll stay in touch with her Canterlot friends!

I know Moondancer would probably be happy to have an apology and an explanation for the no show. And I believe Moondancer may have been Spike's first crush, prior to Rarity, so it might be interesting to see that particular dynamic play out if the two meet each other and Spike finds out about it (imagines Spike going into full sitcom mode, thinking that Moondancer and Rarity are talking about him, when all that's really happening is Rarity desperately trying to convince the frumpy fashion disaster that is Moondancer to take more care about her appearance).

He's still unfamiliar with his new body, so his initial sprint (without his Quirk backing him) was probably slowed down a bit by the fact that he's only had a few days to adjust to being a quadruped so far.

It also explains why he's relatively slow even with with his Quirk at 10%. Sure, he ran at speeds equivalent to those of top Earth Pony athletes, but imagine how much faster he will be with that same 10% boost once he's actually fully acclimated to his new form!

“Hey now, at first I wanted ta go cause I thought I could make a small fortune selling farm goods, then Twilight mentioned how stuck up and snobby the guests usually are, but ah’ could at least talk business with them. Put those lesions my aunty and uncle Orange taught me to some good use.” Applejack stated. “Why are ya so worked up about it, secretly rich or got the hots for some noble?”


It's kinda fucked up that Deku's friends are probably all traumatized, and basically living in a doomed timeline without the main character.

She’d seen many of her younger sister’s Puppy Dog Eyes, but without trying, and him being a bit older, Izuku managed to surpass her baby sister.

I think Puppy Dog Eyes power is a scary thing. Still, he have a long way to go before he reach Fluttershy's level.

Dude. You need a spellchecker.

Can't wait for the next chapter also you should do a part on how everyone is doing how bakugou is taking it

I see him fit better as a dragon, a griffin, and a Kiren not a pony.

I mean, you're probably right, but I was writing that with zero energy left in my soul, so I just went Pegasus. Honestly, I can see the Griffin one happening since Izuku was a colt. He'd be a Gryphon chick, and the downy feathers would be all over the place to mimic his hair.

I thought about what the some of the MHA characters might look like in mlp. Part 1

Aizawa(Eraserhead)- Thestral(bat pony), earth Pony, Cat person(anthropomorphic), and maybe a Changeling.

Kirishima- Crystal pony, earth/land Dragon, earth Pony, and a diamond Dog.

All Might- Earth pony, minotaur, Centaur, Horse, and a Alicorn.

Momo- Unicorn and Kiren

Aoyama- Unicorn

Koda- Pegasus, earth pony, and Deer.

Snipe- earth Pony, Donkey, and Horse.

Toga- Pony and Changeling

"Whatever not? How could he resist my beauty?"

"He's gay."

If a pin dropped you could hear it with the silence in the room as Twilight stated that.

"He's…" Rarity started.

"Not attracted to mares." Twilight nodded.

"It's a little known fact and the main reason

Oh my gosh!
Oooh man that was hilarious
Bravo! Bravo! :rainbowlaugh:

Also I hope Izuku will keep a secret about Humans but just explain to Twilight in Pony Version of his Country or Homelife

Like he could say his Childhood friend is a Diamond Dog while Froppy is a literal Frog and Uravity is a Cat?

This is my Theory on what future mental breakdown that Izuku will have in the fanfic when he’s depressed or sad

RainbowDash: And why is that Izuku?


Everypony is silent

Twilight: You ok?

Izuku: Yes and No…

Spike: Care to explain to us?

Izuku: OK, let me give you an example.

I somehow got blasted of into the sky by some training accident with my class mates, and know I’m in a entirely new country with different culture, history, knowledge, and Technology or language!
You guys say Everypony or Somepony while I say Everybody or Someone.

Or that the place I live in has more Races and species living together in harmony my country befriended 194 Kingdom and countries while Equestria manage to be befriend 13 Countries and Races, and my home is probably a million miles away from Equestria that no pony has discovered yet.

Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate you guys for taking me in with open hooves, when I got hurt and no place to go.

But You see, my country has a huge problem with discrimination with other races not born with Quriks or have a Villain like Qurik or a weak one, I was planning to be their light and give them hope for a better future since most Quirkless people kill themselves from the bullies on how badly society treat them and abuse them.

While people born with Villain Quriks are deemed bad even though there not evil.



Every time that I go shopping they raise the price up because of my Qurikless, or they just don’t treat me that I’m not a living being before or use me as a punching bag.
But I somehow luckily got my Quriks from a near death experience that made me a late bloomer, that’s why I want to be a hero that’s my original plan I want to do in the future, But know I’m in Equestria with a new goals and a new life.


Sorry for yelling.

Comment posted by Ziper Ace deleted Nov 10th, 2021

If your planning to redeem Bakago in the Fanfic in the Human World, this is my favorite example and fanfiction.

Warning spoilers for the story in the fanfic


Bakugo Katsuki was frustrated, as he paced in his bedroom. It wasn’t really anything new; he was typically annoyed or pissed off in some way. And the cause wasn’t anything new either, because Deku usually pissed him off.

But what had happened at the movies had made him realize something. He’d been an ass. What that woman had done was appalling, and something Katsuki would associate with a villain.

And yet… the things she’d said… the actions she’d taken… Hadn’t he been the same? In middle school, wasn’t Katsuki knocking Deku’s food out of his hands during lunch no different than her pouring that soda over his head? And while Katsuki never outright said it, he’d considered Deku a mere pebble on his road to greatness.

Something insignificant and not worth a second glance.
How was that different than calling him an ‘it’ or treating him as something inhuman?
If his middle-school self had seen what had happened at the movies, he probably would’ve laughed or moved on like everyone else. He would’ve thought ‘well, that’s what a useless Deku deserves.’

Or something.
The thought made him sick.
Since he’d started U.A… since Aizawa-sensei had given him that first detention after their first Heroics Class, Katsuki had been trying to understand.

He’d been confused and a little frightened when he’d been reprimanded the first time. Then he’d figured (wrongly so, he now knew) that it’d been because he could’ve killed Deku. And he’d admit—using a lethal attack wasn’t very heroic, but in his defense, he hadn’t realized how powerful that blast would be.

But the second time he’d been reprimanded, after just calling Deku worthless after the USJ mess, really made him think. He’d been so confused and angry and he couldn’t figure out what he’d done wrong.
After a few days, he’d reluctantly gone to Aizawa-sensei.

Katsuki scowled as he glared at his shoes. This was humiliating. He, the future Number One, was going to someone else for help. Because he couldn’t figure something out. He had half a mind to turn around and go home, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Not when the question had been eating him live for the last three days.
So he knocked.

“Come in.” Aizawa glanced up from his papers, and the bum looked a little surprised to see him. “Bakugo. What can I do for you?”
“I… erm…” He huffed, feeling his cheeks redden. “I don’t understand.”

“Okay, what don’t you understand?”
“I don’t understand why I got detention!” He growled, and his teacher’s eyes lit up in understanding. “I’ve always talked to Deku like that! Everyone does! So what the hell did I do wrong?!”

“Take a seat, Bakugo.” He gestured. Katsuki hesitated, but sat down anyways. “Why do you think it’s okay to think less of Midoriya because he’s Quirkless?”

“I mean, he is less than, right?” His eyes traced the patterns of the wood in Aizawa’s desk. “When I got my Quirk, everybody kept telling me how amazing I was, and how I was going to become the best hero. And when Deku didn’t get his… they ignored him. Told him he’d amount to nothing. My one teacher said that ‘Quirks make the man’ or something like that. The better your Quirk, the more you can do in life. Since Deku has none, he can’t amount to anything.”
“And that angers you?”

“I mean… he was always a dreamer. Not a doer. He kept talking about wanting to be a hero, but then he’d let people walk all over him! He’d roll over at the slightest provocation! He’d shrink in on himself and nod along to whatever someone else said, and it was so pathetic. He was just holding me back.” He took a deep breath to keep his Quirk in check. “And yet he still thought he could be a hero. He didn’t train or do anything other than his stupid analysis shit.”
“Analysis?” Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, fucking creepy. He’d stalk heroes and dissect their fucking Quirks. Figure out how they worked and shit. He’d analyze the way they fought, too. And he thought he could be a hero with that alone. It made me fucking angry. Here I was, putting in all this hard work and training to master my Quirk so I could become a hero, and he’s just sitting there like he expects people to hand him an opportunity on a fucking silver platter!” He shot out of his chair and paced the room.
“And how does that make looking down on him okay?”

“Everyone did it! Even the teachers would laugh at him for his fantasies!”
“Are you aware that people regularly suicide bated him?” Aizawa’s eyes were sharp with an emotion Bakugo couldn’t name. It made him feel like his teacher was staring into his soul.

“It wasn’t serious. They were joking. They always did that, and Deku would just laugh and throw away the notes. If he had a problem with it, he would’ve gone to the principal or something. If it was wrong, wouldn't the teachers have stopped it?”
His sensei sighed.

“So that’s how it is.”

“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?!” Was he giving up on him?! Was he calling him stupid?

“I see, now. The system failed you, too.”

“Hah?” Now he was lost.

“Midoriya didn’t go to a teacher because he couldn’t. They were part of that. He had nobody to turn to, Bakugo. The principal didn’t care because he was Quirkless. It wasn’t that the behavior was okay, because it was so, sowrong. It’s that the authority figures in your life didn’t care to stop the behavior.”

Bakugo’s eyes widened. He wasn’t stupid. He was very smart. He may be a bit thick-headed when it came to emotions, but he understood what his teacher was getting at. And he didn’t like it.

“No!” He clenched his fists at his side, willing the tears away. “No! You can’t be serious!” He glared at the ground, unwilling to look at that expression on Aizawa’s face any more.

Because he didn’t look at him with arrogance or pity. But sorrow and understanding. And he hated it.
He felt tears welling up in his eyes and watched them hit the floor. “It can’t be true!” He denied. “Because if it is…!” He shook. “Then I’m no better than them... I hurt him. All these years… I…” He slowly looked up at his teacher. “I hurt Deku.” The words felt choked in his throat, but they rung with a sense of truth that even he couldn’t deny.
“I hurt Izuku.” God, he felt sick. What the hell?! How could he have not seen it?! It was supposed to be… okay.

He felt arms wrap around him. His first instinct was to push him away, because he was a teacher and getting hugged by a teacher was weird, but… it felt nice. He gripped the man’s clothes and let his forehead rest against his chest as his shoulders shook with silent sobs.
“You’re not like them, Bakugo. Do you know why?”

“I am like them.”

“No, you’re not. Because you’ve realized it was wrong. You regret your actions. They don’t. That makes you a better man than they’ll ever be.”

“But… How do I…?” How the fuck was he supposed to make this right? Could he? Ten years… almost eleven.

“First, you need to be able to answer this question for yourself.” Aizawa pulled away and looked him in the eye, crouching down so they were on the same level. “Bakugo Katsuki. What kind of hero do you want to be?”

The Best. Number One. That was his default answer. But that didn’t seem like the right answer, here.

“Let me put this another way.” Aizawa had a glint of amusement in his eye, and it pissed him off. “What do you want to inspire in others?”

“Inspire? In others?” The fuck was that supposed to mean?

“That’s right. All Might inspires safety in civilians and fear in villains. Viridian inspires those without power. Thirteen inspires hope to those in trouble. What kind of emotion do you want to spark to life when people see you? What kind of hero do you want to be?” He smiled and stood up, ruffling Katsuki’s hair. He was too surprised to be angry about it at the moment (though he’d be pissy about it later, for sure). “Think about it. Find me when you have your answer.”

That’d been weeks ago. And he’d been struggling with that question the whole time. He stopped antagonizing Deku, and decided to observe for once. The nerd seemed… different.

He’d been different for a while, now. Since that day Katsuki told him to jump off the roof (a regret he’d carry with him to his grave). He’d completely changed. It was like he was a totally different person, and Katsuki didn’t know why, but the teachers were watching him with a keen eye these days. Like they were looking for someone who might hurt Deku (which Katsuki thought was stupid, because the Nerd could obviously protect himself, if what he showed during the Battle Trials was anything).

It wasn’t until the movie incident that Katsuki had realized what Aizawa had meant about society. What had happened was not okay, but the moment everyone heard he was Quirkless, it was like Deku didn’t matter anymore. And that really pissed Katsuki off. If Shitty Hair hadn’t been holding him back, he would’ve blown that bitch to pieces.
And it made Katsuki take a good, hard look at himself in the mirror that night. For the first time, he didn’t see a hero staring back at him. He saw a villain. A bully. Someone who inspired fear in others.

“I don’t want that.” He clenched his fist as he stared into the mirror again. “I don’t want people to fear me.” The image of Deku’s face through the years, covered in snot and tears. He’d always thought that shine in his eyes was resilience and that it meant he was looking down on Katsuki.

Now he knew better. It wasn’t defiance or resilience. It was fear. Fear of Katsuki. Deku had been afraid of him. Izuku had been afraid of him. A tiny pop made him jump, and he realized he must’ve lost control of his Quirk—something that hadn’t happened since he was six.

“What do I want to inspire?” He wondered as he stared at the ceiling. He didn’t know how to answer that question.

The kind of hero he wanted to be… someone who never lost. Because to lose meant to lose those you cared about. It meant people would die or get hurt, and that was not allowed.

Bakugo Katsuki had no idea what kind of hero he wanted to be, nor what he wanted to inspire in others. But he’d realized that he was a complete jerk to his only friend.

And that was not okay. “De–” He stopped himself. “Izuku. I hope one day, you’ll be able to forgive me.” He smiled at the ceiling. “I’m sorry.” A tear rolled down his face as a bit of his anger dissipated.

“I was wrong.”

(This example is just for fun.)

The lead up to the Sports Festival, for Izuku and the rest of his class, is hectic. It had started with walking out of their classroom to be faced with a crowd of other first year students. Izuku, Shinsou and Todoroki, still in the classroom, overhear some of the insults being thrown. They hear how somebody from Class 1-B jeers,

"You couldn't even take on a bunch of low-class villains! Maybe the Quirkless one infected you all with its uselessness-" And oh boy, Shouto and Hitoshi look furious at that, but Izuku isn't too bothered. Hurt? Yes, a little, but it's not too bad. Well, until,
"-Maybe that's why it had to go to hospital. Too weak. And as for your teacher? He must have been pathetic-" And now it's Izuku who's angry.

Well, angry is a bit of an understatement. Izuku is suddenly jumping forwards, the tall doorway allowing him to use his own classmates' shoulders as stepping stones, before he comes crashing down on the blond who had been insulting his Dad, one foot crushing against the other student's collarbone, laying him flat out on the floor before anybody can even blink.

"Shut the fuck up," Izuku hisses, blind with fury and primal rage, practically spitting in the kid's face,
"Our teacher nearly died. We all nearly died. None of us are pathetic or weak or useless.

You will not insult us or our teacher like this. Aizawa-sensei was willing to die for us. We had to save ourselves. I stabbed a monster - a monster genetically-modified to kill All Might - in the brain. It died. See this? This is a scar from one of those villains.

He had a disintegration quirk; the same one that destroyed the school gates." Everyone has backed up by now, even his own classmates. Yet Izuku keeps on talking, stomach full of vicious bile and vitriol, unable to keep it back,
"He held my face and disintegrated it.

He would have done the same to you, had you been there. Would you have survived? Would you have kept fighting, even as your weapons were turning to ash along with your own flesh? Would you?" The boy looks terrified, eyes wide and wet, shaking his head frantically, blond hair dirtying in the muck of the corridor floor.

"Then leave us the fuck alone." And Izuku steps off of the other teenager, quick to walk away. Everyone hastens to get out of his way and they scramble against each other to avoid him. Good. Let them be scared. They deserved it, for daring to agree with that fucking prick.

It is a mere five minutes later that Izuku comes out of his haze, sat against their usual lunch-time tree, trembling and breathing erratically, each of his friends pressed solidly against his sides.

"Izuku, green bean, are you back with us?" Shinsou's voice is low and velvety, almost purring. But it is the worried note to it that fully drags Izuku back to reality.
"Da-dadzawa. Please," he gasps out, fighting off the panic attack that is clawing at his lungs. He hardly even registers his two friends trying to calm him down, until those magical words.

"We'll get your dad. J-just unlock your phone and we'll call him, okay? Come on green bean, all you need to do is put the code in, then he'll be here." And that's enough to get him tapping the four numbers in with a shaking finger and he's zoning out again, struggling to breathe. He vaguely hears Todoroki talking into his phone - Please Sensei, he's having a panic attack. We're in the back courtyard.

He really needs you, he's not responding to us - and internally notes that it's weird that his calm, unflappable Shouto sounds so perturbed, but he doesn't have the mental presence to do anything about it. So instead, he keeps on trying to drag air into his lungs desperately, vision wavering in and out, black and white, oh it's back again and look there's his Dad, wonder why he looks so worried-

"Izuku, kiddo, I need you to breathe for me, got it? Come on kid-" And suddenly, that rumbling voice is grounding him and there's fabric round his neck that he can breathe into, inhaling the scent of safety and home and nothing can attack me whilst he's here. And he'd finally coming down from the panic, his lungs no longer fighting him, his body relaxing, caught in between two warm people either side and his Dad - oh thank fuck, Dadzawa is there - crouched in front of him, scowling fiercely, dark eyes alight with worry.

"S-sorry," he mumbles, burying his face further into the man's capture scarf. At some point, it must have been transferred to his own neck. He's immeasurably glad for it.

"Don't be kiddo," Aizawa replies, pushing a hand through his tangled hair, looking tired and relieved and so much more, all at once. Izuku winces in sympathy.

"B-but I- I hurt some kid. He was d-dumb and cruel and said shit he shouldn't have said, b-but-" '-I hurt him Dadzawa.' Caught up in his thoughts, Izuku doesn't see how the man's frown deepens, although his two friends don't miss it.

"Brat, don't worry about it. You won't have done any serious damage, I can guarantee. What was he saying?"

"He called you pathetic. He fucking dared to call youpathetic." Anger brings his voice back, but before Izuku can start to rant, Hitoshi interjects,
"And he was insulting Izuku for being Quirkless. Called him an 'it'. The kid's disgusting. Somebody needed to shove it to him."

"Hm. With that, plus everything else, I imagine Nedzu will just write the whole thing off." And Hitoshi and Shouto get the distinct feeling that they're missing something there - "everything else"? - but they leave it; they know Izuku's like them; he's had a rough life.

They're best off just supporting him as best they can. So that's what they'll do.

11032187 If it wasn't for 80's style cartoon writing where good wins because that is what good does, the timelines would be a complete lost cause anyway

HOLY FLIP! Just read the summary for chapter 1, it is mind blowing!
I already love it

Can't wait for the next chapter

Now this is a MLP X MHA story I've been looking for, now all I need is one where Spike is Izuku Midoriya and my day is made

Wait, it just occurred to me.

You said that he's had his quirk for only a few days, so how does he know only to use 10%? Or even all of it? He didn't even know the egg controlling thing until waaayyy later.

Am I misremembering?

Can't wait 4 more thank u

Can't wait to see the ponies reaction to Izuku fanboying over All Might.

This story is so awesome and amazing!!!
Please keep this awesomely amazing story going!!
I love it!

LMAO! It very funny when rarity heard that blue blood was gay and the fucking was so perfect it the cherry on top of ice cream sunday.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

This may explain why the building came down...

Aww this is really nice 😊 I hope to see more ♥️

:fluttercry: gonna shed a tear for the dead story's

are you going to continue this story

Hey when do you think The next Chapter come out ??🤔

Will this continue?

Is this story going to be updated

Hey @DannyPhantom79? I know that you possibly might not read this, but I really love this story and it's even given me an idea for a story of my own, would it be alright with you if I were to write such a story? I'd be certain to credit you with giving me the inspiration. However, it might be awhile before I do so because I'm already currently writing a different story and I'd rather not stretch myself thim by trying to write multiple stories at once.

Once again, thanks for the awesome story, it's short but quite incredible and while it's okay if you don't continue it, I'd love it if you would.

will this continue before 2024? (if you dont mind me asking)

“Dude you're faster than fast, you’re quicker than quick. Man you are lightning.” Spike said, impressed.

Cars reference nice

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