• Published 19th Oct 2021
  • 748 Views, 0 Comments

The Fall of Canterlot Kingdom - JzanderN

Sunset Shimmer has ruled over Canterlot High for too long. It’s time someone put a stop to her. It’s time she had a change of heart.

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Chapter 12 – The Beginning

Hana wandered through the halls, no particular destination in mind. Her heart was still sinking after her conversations with her old friends, and walking aimlessly seemed to be the only thing keeping her from collapsing, both figuratively and literally.

“Hey Hana,” a familiar voice called. She turned to see Alec leaning on the wall. “How’d it go?” She could hear the strain in his voice.

She was surprised he was talking to her, but went along with it, if only to keep herself distracted for a bit longer. “About as well as you’d expect. None of them had anything kind to say to me. The best I got was a stern no.” And other words she’d rather not mention.

He approached her, looking hesitant and uncomfortable with every step. “Me and Devon have been talking. Well, he’s been talking.” Hana chuckled, thinking back to her conversation with him. He could really speak when he wanted to.

He looked unsure of how to continue. “You really helped us out with Sunset, even when you didn’t need to. He’s forgiven you, and I think I’m willing to try.”

Her heart started to lift. “Really?” He fidgeted and gave a small nod.

Hana’s entire body filled with a warm glow, a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time. If earlier she thought she might cry of sadness, now she thought she would from joy. “Thank you.” She barely held her feelings in, fearing the display she’d give if she let them all out.

Alec motioned to the door behind him. “So, you want some coffee?” She nodded vigorously, still reigning in her emotions. She followed him inside, and the scent of coffee hit her like a fist as soon as the door opened. Devon was standing at the counter, his back turned to them.

“Hey Hana,” he said softly but clearly. “Good to see you here.”

“I didn’t really have a choice,” she said, “but I would have said yes anyway. And not because I’m desperate.”

“But you are desperate,” he said with a wry smile. She rolled her eyes at him. “Anyway, you’re just in time.” He turned around, holding a tray with three cups of coffee and set them down on the table. Alec picked out a cup first, already sitting down, and she joined him, sitting opposite Devon.

The three sat in comfortable silence as they waited for their coffee to cool. When she finally took a sip, her tongue burned with its rich flavours. She wondered which of the thirty types of coffee he used.

Devon was the first to talk. “I’ve been thinking. I’m not sure I want the Phantom Thieves to end.” He waited a few seconds, perhaps waiting for a response, before continuing. “I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do it again – certainly not on the same level – but if we can, I think we can really help more people.”

“This is quite sudden,” Hana said. Or at least it was for her: she didn’t think she’d have anything to do with the two again, let alone continuing as a Phantom Thief.

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it, like, twice, but never seriously,” Alec said.

“I mean, I’m not saying we have to do it tomorrow,” Devon said. “It’s just something to think about.”

Alec took a long sip from his coffee and let out a satisfied sigh. “I’m down for it.” Hana whipped her head round and looked at him in surprise. “I mean, I don’t want to jump straight back into it, but I’m down for doing it again. Especially if we can become actually good at it. What about you, Hana?” he asked her hesitantly.

She thought about it, but didn’t have to for long. “I think it’s worth a try, at least,” she said with a smile.

“I’m just worried someone will come looking for us,” Alec said, gripping his coffee. “I know what we’re doing is kind of insane, but if we get on the wrong side of the wrong person, it won’t matter how we’re doing it.”

“We should be fine,” Devon said. “As long as we don’t kick up too much of a fuss and go after anyone too big, no-one should have any reason to come after us.”

It was then that a familiar, feline voice came from above, causing the group to turn to the window. “You know, I was going to come in and encourage you all to continue myself, but what do you know, Gale beat me to it!” Fahran stood on top of a cabinet, the horizontal window open behind him.

“How’s the real world, Fahran?” she asked.

He jumped down from cabinet to cabinet until he reached the middle of their table. “A bit annoying, actually. No-one seems to understand me except for you guys. And maybe this one girl, but if she did it was only vaguely.”

“Perhaps they’re just hearing a bunch of cat noises,” she said. “No-one really thinks cats can talk, after all, so perhaps that’s just blocking them from understanding you.”

“Whatever it is, it’s properly annoying. I mean, no offence, but imagine only being able to talk to one group of people.”

“Probably for the best, really,” Alec said. “I don’t think the world is ready for a talking cat.”

“Anyway, I had another thought,” Devon said. “If we are going to become Phantom Thieves, there’s an elephant we need to address in the room: we all have codenames, but you don’t.”

Fahran blinked. “You’re going to give me a codename?”

“I thought about that, but we’ve already used your name in Sunset’s Palace. So maybe instead of coming up with a codename for other Palaces, we could think of something to call you in the real world.”

“Interesting idea,” Fahran said, hopping on the spot. “What have you come up with?”

“How about Mr. Cat?” Alec interjected.

“Call me that and there’ll be one more Ms. on the team,” Fahran deadpanned.

Devon leaned back into his chair. “How about Celsus?”

“I like it,” Hana said. “It’s much better than Fahran, that’s for sure.”

Fahran thought over the name. “Celsus. I like it. Alright, I guess I’m Celsus from now on,” Celsus said.

Alec clapped. “Congratulations! Now that we’ve named you, you’re officially our cat!” he said excitedly.

“Welcome to the team, Celsus,” Devon said more quietly.

Celsus furrowed his brows. “Hey, I was on this team before any of you were!”

“No, you were acting solo before any of us joined,” Alec said. “Me and Devon were the founders of the Phantom Thieves. Then you came along for the ride and Hana joined later.”

“I was listening to them. They definitely founded the team themselves,” Hana said. Alec cringed at her statement, but shook his head as if to shake it off. “Sorry about that,” she added.

Celsus sighed. “Well, with that sorted, I’ve got my own thing to bring up: who’s taking me home?” The three kept quiet and all looked away. “What? You can’t expect me to be a stray cat now, can you? The streets are rough, and I’ve never been outside the school grounds before!”

“Well, how are we supposed to take you home?” she said. “We can’t exactly just declare that we’re adopting a cat.”

“Also, my mother’s allergic to cats,” Alec said. “She’ll definitely notice you and, well, you know.”

“Also also, I already have a dog,” Devon said. “She’ll definitely notice you and, well, you know.”

“Well you can’t just make me live in the school!” Celsus said.

“Why not?” Alec asked. “There’s plenty of places to hide, and they lock it up overnight.”

Hana interrupted Fahran before he could argue back. “Okay, how about this: we’ll take a vote.”

The group voted, and it was decided that Celsus would live in the school.

“Anyway,” Celsus said with a tight voice, “how will we handle this team? I mean, who will be the leader?”

“How about you?” Alec suggested. “You know the most about the Metaverse.”

“No, I can’t agree with that,” Hana said. “He may know more about the Metaverse than us, but I don’t think we can say the same with the real world.”

“What about you, then?” Devon said. “You were quick to the uptake in the Palace.”

“Thank you, but even putting aside some problems with my past” – Alec wincing a bit, probably thinking of everything she had done – “I don’t want that much responsibility. Besides, I don’t think I’ve earned it.”

“Well, what would you suggest, then?” Celsus asked.

Hana thought for a moment. “I don’t see why we need a leader. Why can’t we just work as a group?”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Alec said.

Devon nodded. “I’m down for that.”

“That’s that sorted,” Celsus said. “We’re also going to need a hideout to meet in, and I already have an idea.”

“Oh really?” Alec said with a raised eyebrow. “Let’s hear it, then.”

“Why don’t we just use this room? There’s room for the four of us, you’re already using it without anyone knowing, and if anyone looks in, you have an excuse already!” he gestured towards the cups of coffee.

“Not a bad idea, but we don’t have permission to use it,” Devon said. “We get away with it by only using it every now and then, but if we were caught using it on a regular basis, it wouldn’t matter what we’re using it for.”

“Let’s just make a club, then,” Alec said. “It’s not just the two of us anymore.”

“A Phantom Thieves Club,” Devon said with a small smile.

Alec laughed. “Hey Principal Celestia, do you mind if we make a Phantom Thieves club? We just want to go around stealing hearts, and think that would really help organise things. Thank you!”

Hana joined in the boys’ giggles.

“But seriously, why don’t we make a coffee club?” he continued. “We already have everything we need: a barista, two enthusiasts, a room full of stuff we can use, we even have a mascot!” She picked up Celsus to show a point.

“I’m not a mascot,” Celsus responded. The others gave him knowing looks. “I’m not!”

Hana chuckled to herself. “Convincing Principal Celestia to let us use a room and equipment we’ve already been using without permission? That’s going to take some words to convince her. Devon, do you think you’re up to the job?”

He smiled. “As long as one of you says them for me.” He turned to Alec. “You should make the posters. You did a good job with the calling cards.”

“Okay, but you should hang them up where no-one can see them” – he pointed to Hana – “so it looks like we’re putting in an effort but don’t have to deal with other people joining.” She agreed.

“What can I do?” Celsus asked.

“Pose for the artist,” Devon said wryly.

Celsus rolled his eyes. “Alright,” he said, ignoring the comment, “this is our second job as Phantom Thieves. I’m calling it Operation Hideout. Let’s get this done smoothly, team. Let’s move out!”

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