• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,126 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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A Looming Threat

Paramount Pictures presents

In association with Hasbro and Sega

An AllSpark Pictures Production

The clouds part over the town of Ponyville, two Pegasi fly through the sky and over Ponyville.


Down in the town below, ponies of all types are seen conversing with one another. Socialising with one another and going about their day.


The Ponies days are interrupted by a cyan blue Pegasus who flies over them at high speeds over to a nearby cottage. Causing the wind to blow them back a little bit. They shook their heads and went on with their day.


She knocks rapidly on the cottage door. "Come on, come on, COME ON!!!" She stops knocking when a yellow Pegasus with a saddlebag on her back answers the door.

"Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy greets with a smile on her face.

"Flutters, we have been waiting for thirty minutes!!! The train is about to arrive, what have you been doing?!" Rainbow asks frantically.


"Oh, I've just been making sure my animal friends have everything they need while we are away in Canterlot for the week. That, and to set some ground rules for Discord while I'm away." Fluttershy explains.

"Good idea, don't want him causing any chaos while we're gone." Rainbow replies.


"Now let's get going!!! Don't wanna keep her royal highness waiting." Rainbow says with a smirk. Fluttershy giggles and closes her door and follows her friend to the train station.


As the two Pegasi fly towards the train station, several ponies wave to them out of kindness and respect. The Cutie Mark Crusaders see the pair and jump up in the air and wave.

"LOOKING AWESOME, RAINBOW DASH!!!" Scootaloo exclaims happily. Rainbow waves down towards her number one fan.

"ALWAYS AM, SQUIRT!!!" Rainbow replies.


The reach the train station and land next to their friends, who send friendly smiles their way.

"Howdy, ya'll!!! Ya made it just in time." Applejack says with a smile.

"And I thought I was the one for dramatic flair. Who knew that it would have been Fluttershy who would show up fashionably late?" Rarity asks rhetorically.



"Sugarcube, relax. We get it. We're all excited to see Twi raise the sun. We're all mighty happy for her. But ya need to calm down, okay?" Applejack said to her hyper active friend.

"Okie Doki Loki!" Pinkie Pie replied.


"Guys, the train for Canterlot is here." Rainbow exclaimed happily. The Friendship Express then pulled up to the station. The doors opened and everypony hopped aboard. The Mane 5 took their seats, except for Pinkie who was bouncing around happily. The whistle blew and the train then departed from the station and made its way to Canterlot.


The train whistled once again and Pinkie couldn't handle the excitement any longer. She pulled down one of the windows and stuck her head out and yelled, "CANTERLOT, HERE WE COME!!!"

"PINKIE!!! GET YOUR HEAD BACK IN HERE!!!" Rainbow yelled as she pulled Pinkie back into the train.


(End Song)

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the recently crowned ruler of Equestria, is walking down the hall with her Royal Ambassador, and Number One Assistant, Spike. Spike was holding a very large scroll in his hands and Twilight was listening to Spike as he checked off all the things needed for the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Okay, so the band is currently in practise, the dresses for the celebration are being delivered by Rarity tonight and security has been tripled for the day. Okay, aaaand that about does it!" Spike announced happily.

"Everything is in order for tomorrow?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. So now you can kick back and relax with your friends for the night." Spike replied. Twilight sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Spike. I really need a break. Ever since Celestia and Luna retired as Princesses of Equestria, I've had my work cut out for me. But now with the celebration all put together, I can finally relax and let somepony else worry about everything. And what better way to relax than hanging out with my friends?" Twilight asked.

"Well, there's reading the latest issue of Power Ponies, taking a nice warm bath, and-" Spike was cut off by a deadpanned look from Twilight. "That was rhetorical, wasn't it?"


"I will say this though, Twilight." Twilight raised an eyebrow at that as Spike continued, "I thought you would have pulled your mane out from all the stress already, but ever since that battle with Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, you've mellowed out a bit and been less stressed." Spike pointed out.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I'm just saying that you've come a long way from the anti social bookworm you once were, and I'm proud of you." Spike smiled as he suddenly embraced by Twilight, who returned the kind gesture.

"Thanks, Spike. The truth is that without you or the girls, I wouldn't be where I am today. I owe all of this to you and the girls. Thank you, for being my friend, Spike."

Spike smirked mischievously, "Well, you hatched me, I kinda had to." He then received a smack on the back of the head from Twilight's wing. The two laughed and continued down the hallway.

"Smartalec. Come on, we gotta get to the station to see the girls." Twilight said as they opened the castle doors, causing the sunlight to shine through.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, a fleet of ships fly through space, towards an oddly shaped moon. Only it wasn't a moon at all, it was a battle station. The Death Egg Mark II.

As the fleet of ships drew closer to the Death Egg, the shields around the hangar bays dropped and allowed the ships access to the deadly space station. As the ships landed, The Egg Mobile flew out of the command deck of one of the ships and landed down onto the ground. A group of Egg Pawns made their way over and stood in a straight line and saluted their master, who was exiting the vehicle. The Egg Pawns made way for two hovering robots, one coloured yellow with a head the shape of a cube and one coloured red with a head the shape of an orb. They then stopped in front of their master, who was none other than Dr. Ivo Robotnik, or as he was better known as, Dr. Eggman.

"Welcome, doctor. We've been expecting you. How was the latest plan for global domination?" Orbot asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Grr, that blasted rodent can't go one day without sticking his nose where it doesn't belong!" Eggman replied angrily.

"Yeah, and he gets in your way, too" Cubot added. Eggman and Orbot both face palmed themselves due to the yellow ones stupidity.

"Well it doesn't matter anyway. For that was only to distract the blue nuisance for the time being, while my latest and greatest plan finally comes to fruition!!!" Eggman exclaims proudly. The mad doctor turns to Orbot, "What is the report, Orbot? Is it stable enough to travel through?"

"Well, about that...."

"What? What about what?!"

Orbot then bonks Cubot on the head, causing Cubots eyes to flicker for a second before displaying a projection of what looks to be a tiny rift in space.

"While the Death Egg Mark II has the means to expand the rift, I'm afraid to report that we have picked up a new piece of crucial information."

"And what would that be?" Eggman asked.

"You see, boss. The rift itself is anomaly in the space time continuum, meaning it shouldn't be here at all. Making it highly unstable to travel through. If you were to enter the rift- "

"My molecular structure would deteriorate at an accelerated pace, resulting in my untimely demise." Eggman surmised while cutting off Orbot.

"Precisely. Making travel through the rift, impossible." Orbot concluded.

Eggman then smiled evilly and shook his head. "You underestimate my intelligence, Orbot. I've already thought of that." Eggman said as he walked back to his Egg Mobile. He grabbed a metal briefcase with his insignia on it and walked back to his two lackeys. "To make travel through the rift possible, I'll need something so powerful, that it would have to make me indestructible. And lucky for me, I have just the thing!" Eggman then opened the briefcase, which held seven emeralds, each varying in colour.

"The Chaos Emeralds!!!" Cubot exclaimed.

"How did you manage to get them without Sonic noticing?" Orbot asked.

"You can thank these two for that." Eggman then pointed behind him as two hedgehog like robots landed behind the made doctor.

"Metal Sonic and Mecha Sonic?! How did they manage to find them all?" Orbot asked.

"While I was busy distracting the hedgehog down in the Ice Cap Zone. Metal and Mecha were using their new and improved Emerald Radars to scour the planet for the Emeralds. Now, I have a means to travel through the rift, and conquer whatever is on the other side." Eggman explained.

"Hey, boss. I have a question." Cubot said as he raised his hand.

"What is it, you dumbbot?!"

"Where exactly did this rift come from?" Cubot asked.

"Oh, great. Now he's going to go into a whole rant about how he used his 'genius' to find the rift" Orbot muttered.

Eggman looked puzzled for a moment, "Wow, you asked a genuinely good question. That's a first." Eggman then cleared his throat and began walking out of the hangar. Orbot and Cubot looked at each other before being pushed aside by Metal and Mecha. They recovered and followed their master. A metallic door slid open and they followed their master through a hallway as he explained how he found the rift.

"After my latest setback, I needed time to get back on my feet, to recover. I made my way to one of my old bases, Egg Base 0-1 to be precise. The hedgehog trashed the place, but it was still in working condition believe it or not. Anyway, while I was plotting, my computer picked up an anomaly, but not just one, multiple!!! I examined the anomaly and it somehow had the same energy traces from my time controlling the Time Eater. Meaning someone was messing with time. I had to be sure nothing changed, so in case someone messed with the time stream, I created a code that had all the previous events that had transpired until the moment time was changed engraved within the Egg Net. Just so I know what was different in this new timeline." Eggman explained.

They made their way to an elevator and entered it. Metal pushed the button and the elevator began to go up. Cubot then decided to speak up. "What happened next, boss?"

"I checked to see if anything had changed, but to my surprise, nothing changed. Everything that had happened prior to that moment, happen in the same chronological order without any change. I was stumped, what could have happened. I was interrupted when my computer picked up another anomaly. I checked to see if anything had changed that time, when I discovered nothing had changed, a thought came to mind. What if these anomalies didn't originate from our universe?" Eggman continued his explanation as the elevator doors opened and they all followed him into the command deck.

"What do you mean? Do you think that this rift originated from another universe?" Orbot asked.

"I don't think. I KNOW! It wouldn't be the first time we've dealt with other universes. Anyway, after a few minutes, my satellite picked up an energy surge in the outer reaches of space. I traced the energy surge and found the rift. I then had the brilliant idea to find this rift and see where it leads!!! So now you're all caught up." Eggman said finished his rant.

"Boss, did you ever find out what caused the changes in time?" Orbot asked.

"My best guess is that someone was changing time rapidly and it became too much for reality to handle, causing it to split. But thanks to their inexperience in time travel, I now have the opportunity to expand the Eggman Empire across two universes!!! And that miserable hedgehog will not stop me!!!" Eggman said as he walked over to a machine with places where each of the Emeralds would be placed in. "Orbot, how long until we are ready to depart?"

"We should be ready within the hour, sir."

"He he. Excellent. I will enter this new universe, make them submit to my will, and conquer their world!!! And this time nothing will stop me!!! I know I say that everytime, but this time, really nothing will stop me!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Eggman laughed as the machine began to power up. The eyes of the Death Egg began to light up, they then fired a laser towards the rift, once the laser hit, the rift began to expand large enough for Eggman's army to enter. Unbeknownst to them however, is that a certain blue hedgehog and twin tailed fox are on their way to stop them.

Author's Note:

Welcome to my new story.

I hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned for what's to come.

This is gonna be big.

Comment what you think down below.