• Published 20th Dec 2021
  • 8,122 Views, 168 Comments

An Anon-a-Miss Carol - sonicfan05

On the night of Christmas Eve, the CMCs encountered the ghosts of Apple Bloom's parents, who warned them that they will be visited by three ghosts if they don't confess to being Anon-a-Miss and make things right.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Making Things Right

"Ah'll change!” Apple Bloom shouted in her sleep as she was tossing and turning in her bed. “Ah'll change! Ah'll change! Ah'll–"

Apple Bloom immediately woke up and sat up on her bed. She looked around feverishly until her mind registered that she was back in her room safe and sound and not locked away for all eternity.

“Oh thank Faust!” Apple Bloom sighed with a relieved expression. “Ah’m back in mah room!”

Once she was all calmed down, Apple Bloom frowned when a thought came to her.

“But wait" She muttered. "Where’s–”

“Let me go!

“Someone save me!

Apple Bloom turned her head towards the direction where the shouting came from. To her relief, her friends are also back in her bedroom with her. She frowned worriedly however as she watched two of her friends tossing and turning in their sleeping bags due to their nightmares.

Not wasting time, Apple Bloom immediately leaped from her bed and ran over to her friends to wake them up.

“Girls, girls! Wake up!” Apple Bloom shouted, shaking both of their shoulders.

Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo immediately woke up and sat up from their sleeping bags. As Scootaloo surveyed feverishly around the room, Sweetie Belle slowly turned to Apple Bloom.

“A-Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle whispered, hoping her friend is real.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yes Sweetie Belle, it’s me! Yer sa–”

Apple Bloom never finished her sentence when Sweetie Belle threw herself into her and hugged her tightly.

“I was so scared!” Sweetie wept, tears soaking on Apple Bloom's shoulder. “I thought I’m going to be alone without… without…”

Sweetie Belle wasn't able to speak anymore as she broke down into a loud sob.

Feeling sad and guilty for putting her friend into that state, she gently pulled her into a gentle hug.

“Shhh. It’s okay Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom whispered, tears leaking out of her own eyes. “Ah’m here! Ah’m here!”

“Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom glanced towards Scootaloo, who was fidgeting with a nervous look.

“I um… uh...”

Knowing what her friend was trying to ask her with being embarrassed, Apple Bloom opened her one arm. “C’mere, Scoots.”

Without hesitation, Scootaloo rushed over to Apple Bloom, letting herself be hugged.

And so the CMCs remained sitting on the floor, weeping into each other's arms. They don't know how long they’ve stayed in a hug, but neither didn't care as they continued comforting each other. Eventually, Apple Bloom slowly pulled away from her friends and looked directly into their eyes with a remorseful expression.

“Girls… Ah’m so sorry!” Apple Bloom whimpered. “Ah really screwed up big time! Ah didn’t mean to go this far! Ah didn’t mean to hurt Sunset and everyone else so badly!” She sniffed as tears flowed from her eyes. “And Ah also didn’t mean to drag you both along and get hurt because of my petty scheme! Can you girls forgive me?”

There was silence between her two friends for a moment until one of them spoke.

"Of course I forgive you," Scootaloo responded softly with a small smile.

"Y-you will?" said Apple Bloom in a surprised tone.

Scootaloo nodded. "I told you… I'm just as responsible for this mess as you are." She then looked away in shame. "I also kept posting everyone's secrets to keep Anon-a-Miss going… while not caring how Sunset or anyone else feels. So… you're not the only one who screwed up."

Apple Bloom then turned to her other friend with a guilty expression. "Um… Sweetie Belle? About what happened, Ah–"

"Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle interrupted with a frown. "I'm still upset at you for what you did. And despite my warnings, you don't seem to care what would happen to Sunset or the others!"

Apple Bloom craned her neck downwards, ashamed of herself for the way she was acting towards her friend and her obsessive behavior as Anon-a-Miss.

"But," Sweetie Belle added in a somber tone. "As I said earlier, I'll be a complete hypocrite if I don't admit to my mistakes too… especially that I'm a huge part of hurting Sunset and my sister."

"So… you'll forgive me?" Apple Bloom asked in a hopeful tone.

"...we should focus on making this right… then we'll talk," Sweetie Belle replied firmly with a neutral expression.

"...fair enough," said Apple Bloom, hiding her disappointment.

While she was sad that Sweetie Belle didn't say she'll forgive her, she honestly didn't blame her. However, Sweetie Belle also didn't say that she won't forgive her either. Apple Bloom may have a chance to make up with her friend, but for now, she was focused on making things right for her sister and Sunset Shimmer.

"I hate to be a downer," Scootaloo chimed in. “But is that possible now? Rockhoof showed us what happened between our sisters and Sunset after nine, remember?”

Sweetie Belle had a devastating look. “So you’re saying… we’re too late?”

The girls were crestfallen, thinking that there was no way to save Sunset from her fate and change the future now. If only they realized their wrongdoing earlier.

Feeling dejected, Apple Bloom slowly turned her head towards her clock, wondering how late they were awake at night. Her expression then morphed into a shock the moment she read the time on her clock.

"Girls… it's eight-thirty!" Apple Bloom cried.

Startled, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo checked out the clocks and then their phones, confirming that the time was correct.

"But… but I thought Rockhoof showed us what happened in our town around nine!" Scootaloo exclaimed in disbelief. "How is it eight-thirty?"

"Did ya forget Scoots," Apple Bloom pointed out. "Somna said that they have the ability to travel through time. So despite when Rockhoof showed us what happened during the present, it didn't really–" Apple Bloom paused. "Happen… yet."

Her eyes widened in realization as her mother's words replayed in her mind.

“It’s true that most ghosts usually like to come out later at night, however, because of how serious this whole… situation is right now, we’re making this an exception.”

At the time, Apple Bloom didn't think much of it, thinking in annoyance that it was because they thought she and her friends are too "young" to stay up late. But after their little journey, especially learning what will happen to Sunset around that time, it all makes sense. The ghosts weren't just showing them the error of their ways.

They were trying to get them to prevent Sunset’s demise before it was too late.

Oh my goodness! Apple Bloom exclaimed in thought. So dats why they did all of this in a short amount of time! There's still a chance to save her!

With a determined expression, Apple Bloom stood up. "Girls, there's still time! We're headin' over to Sweet Shoppe!"

"There's still time?" Sweetie Belle squeaked in a hopeful tone. "Oh thank goodness!"

Scootaloo frowned. "I'm glad we still have a chance, but what are we going to do once we're there?"

"What we should've done a long time ago!" Apple Bloom responded as she entered and disappeared into her closet to change out of her pajamas. "We're going to face our sisters and confess that we're Anon-a-Miss!"

Scootaloo blinked. "Right now?"

"Yes, right now!" Apple Bloom answered as she quickly emerged out of her closet, now wearing her normal outfit. "It has to be tonight! If we don't confess to our sisters right away, then Sunset will end up six feet under by Gilda!"

"She's right, Scoots!" said Sweetie Belle with a serious expression. "We should head over there and confess right away before Sunset shows up and gets disowned by our sisters again."

Scootaloo nodded. "Well, in that case, I'm in! Let’s head over there ASAP!

As Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went their separate ways to change clothes in other rooms, Apple Bloom glanced at a single picture frame on her dresser. It was a family picture of her parents, along with a slightly younger Granny Smith, Applejack, and Big Mac as little kids, and herself as a baby while being held by her mother, all smiling at the camera. Apple Bloom sighed lamentably as she thought back to how she was acting when they visited her earlier. How she wished she would go back and actually listen to them and then end on good terms before they parted again.

"Ma, Pa… thank you… and Ah'm sorry fer being a brat," Apple Bloom whispered. "But you can both rest easy now. Ah will fix this and make this right… Ah promise!"

With a quick kiss on her family's picture, Apple Bloom left her room to meet up with her friends. While there was nothing she could do to change her meeting with her parents, Apple Bloom can at least make up for it by correcting her actions to the people she did wrong.

Sometime after they left Sweet Apple Acres, the CMCs traveled through the streets of Canterlot, which was lightly covered in snow. The girls were worried that they didn't make it in time since it was a few minutes later after nine according to their phones. Nonetheless, they rush themselves while avoiding any ice along the way until they eventually reach the entrance to the Sweet Shoppe.

"We're here," Apple Bloom exclaimed as she took a moment to catch her breath.

"We're not too late are we?" said Sweetie Belle in her worried tone.

"Everyone's here!" Scootaloo cried, pointing through the glass door. "And so is Sunset!"

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked through the glass doors as well. Sure enough, the Rainbooms were at the exact same spot as before with Rockhoof, only in real time. Sunset was also there, standing a few feet away from the Rainbooms as she was trying to plead her case with her journal.

"It looks like Sunset is still trying to convince our sisters of her innocence," Scootaloo pointed out.

"And it looks like Applejack hasn't blown up on her yet," Sweetie Belle added with a relieved expression. "We should probably go in there and back her up!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked towards the Shoppe’s entrance. Before they were about to step through the door, they paused when they sensed that one more person wasn't following them. They turned around to see Apple Bloom with a hesitant expression.

"Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked with a confused look.

Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes with a frown. "Don't tell me you're thinking of backing out now, are you?"

Alarmed, Apple Bloom shook her head. "Oh no, no! Ah'm not! Ah'm just…"

Apple Bloom paused for a moment, not knowing how to answer to her friends, including herself. As her friends watched her patiently, Apple Bloom realized after everything happened tonight, she should be honest with her feelings for once. Apple Bloom then looked away with a somber sigh.

"Ah'm… scared," she admitted quietly. "While Ah deserved to receive the amount of anger from mah sister… Ah'm terrified that she'll disown me as she did with Sunset. Ah don't think Ah could take it!"

Apple Bloom shut her eyes, expecting to be berated and judged by her friends. What she wasn’t expecting was someone to come close to her and hug her. Apple Bloom opened her eyes and to her surprise, it was Sweetie Belle with a look of understanding.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom… I'm scared too," Sweetie Belle confessed sadly. "I'm scared that Rarity will never want me to be her sister, or to love me again. But…" She then gave Apple Bloom her small smile. "No matter what happens, we'll face this together!"

"Sweetie’s right!" Scootaloo added softly. "While I'm scared of what my idol would think of me after this, us three will face this head-on and make this right! After all, we're not just the CMCs…"

"We're also sisters for life!" Apple Bloom concluded, tears leaking from her eyes with a smile.

The CMCs smiled at one another before giving each other a warm hug. Apple Bloom sighed contentedly, feeling the love from her friends as well as giving some to her friends as well. She wished she could stay like this with her friends forever.

One quick glance however reminded Apple Bloom that they were on a mission as Sunset was now sitting at the Rainbooms table, clarifying some facts from them. She realized that they don't have much time and should act now before everything goes exactly how the dark future is planned out.

Reluctantly, Apple Bloom pulled away from her hug and wiped her tears away.

"Alright girls," Apple Bloom announced as she faced the Shoppe with a determined look. "Let's do this!"

With affirmative nods, the CMCs stepped through the Shoppe’s entrance. They stepped foot right into the building as soon as Sunset stood up.

*“I know who Anon-a-Miss is!" Sunset announced. "It's–"

Sunset was interrupted as soon as they heard the Shoppe’s bell ring from the entrance. The Rainbooms were taken aback when they saw the CMCs enter the Shoppe unannounced this late in the evening. Before either of the Rainbooms could say a word, Apple Bloom immediately dropped a bombshell on them.

“Yeah… it was us,” Apple Bloom confessed with a nervous and guilty expression along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“What?” Everyone but Sunset cried in shock.

“Apple Bloom! How could you?” Applejack exclaimed, feeling betrayed by her sister.

“We didn’t mean it to go this far! Honest!” Apple Bloom insisted loudly.

Sunset frowned. “But why did you do it?”

This was it. The million-dollar question that Apple Bloom was dreading to answer, even to herself. Nonetheless, she knew that everyone, including Sunset, deserved to know, even if it hurt them further.

Apple Bloom turned away from Sunset.

“Because… because of… you, Sunset," Apple Bloom admitted bitterly. “I was so jealous that my sister was spendin’ time with you and her friends ‘sted of with her family.” She then let out a sad sigh “I wanted to make you look bad. So… I made up Anon-a-Miss and posted the story about Applejack and made it look like you’d done it.”

“Apple Bloom told me about it, and… and I felt the same way,” Sweetie Belle added with a look of shame. “So at Rarity’s party, while you were asleep… I snuck in, took Sunset’s phone, and– and… downloaded her pictures and videos.”

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom immediately broke down, crying their eyes out.

“Anon-a-Miss got out of hand,” Scootaloo took over for the group. “People started sending her other secrets, new pictures… we posted everything.

Couldn't take the guilt anymore, Sweetie Belle ran up to Sunset and threw herself onto her.

“We’re so sorry!” Sweetie Belle wailed, hugging Sunset tightly. “We had no idea what would happen to you!”

The CMCs expected Sunset Shimmer to hate them and that they wouldn't be forgiven by her. And even if she didn't, they wouldn't blame her. But to their surprise, Sunset gave Sweetie Belle a warm hug.

“It’s okay girls… I forgive you,” She said softly as she glanced at Sweetie and then the other CMCs. “Believe me… I know what it’s like to feel like you’re all alone.”

Believe me, we all know exactly what your life was like! Apple Bloom thought.

While she was happy that Sunset forgave her and her friends, she still felt guilty for what she did. Not to mention, she hasn't given Sunset her full reason why she did it. She decided to hold that off for later since there was another person she should apologize to next.

“You girls…” Applejack sighed as she removed her Stetson hat and planted her face on her hand.

“Please forgive us, big sister!” Apple Bloom begged with tears flowing down her cheeks. “We’re really really sorry!

Applejack sighed again before placing her hand on Apple Bloom's shoulder.

“‘Course I forgive you, Apple Bloom. You’re family!” Applejack assured with a small smile. She then turned to Sunset and added, "And so are you… Sunset."

Sunset blinked at Applejack in surprise, not expecting that statement from her.

Applejack sighed as she placed her Stetson hat over her chest with a look of remorse. “Ah’m so sorry fer accusin’ ya… and not hearin’ you out, Sugarcube. We should’ve known that you would never do this to us now than well…”

As Applejack was trying to find words, Rarity cut in.

“What Applejack means is that we let our past cloud our judgment and we unfairly jump to conclusions.”

“Not to mention, we unintentionally threw you into the wolves when we openly accused you in the hallway,” Fluttershy added, who was on the verge of tears. “After you spend so much time trying to make up to everyone.”

“We’re supposed to stick by your side and be there for you when you need us!” Rainbow Dash said with a guilty expression. “And we failed you miserably! So I understand if you don’t forgive us.”

“But if you consider it, please give us another chance!” Pinkie Pie pleaded sadly as her hair suddenly became straight. “We’re sorry for taking away your smile and we promise we’ll be better friends to you!”

Sunset just stared at her “former friends” with a neutral expression, not saying anything. After a moment of tense silence, Sunset finally spoke.

“I won’t lie girls,” Sunset replied with a frown. “The way you all accused me and then left me behind without listening to my side of the story… really hurts me! And quite frankly, I’ll have a much harder time believing a word you say.”

The Rainbooms were distressed by that, believing they lost a friend because of their terrible mistake. Even the CMCs felt horrible that they just caused an irreparable friendship between Sunset and their sisters.


Everyone perked up slightly at that as Sunset continued.

“Considering how I acted and treated you all in the past, I can understand why you were all so quick to turn on me… and I don't blame you all for it," she said in a somber tone. She sniffed with tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "And despite all that… you all mean so much to me… I just can’t imagine my life without you girls! You all became a family to me I never had. So if you really mean it that you all wanted to make up with me, then…” She stuck her hand out with a hopeful smile. “Perhaps we can… start over?”

Without hesitation, the Rainbows rushed over towards Sunset and enveloped her into a group hug. They all cried as they all held on to Sunset, silently vowing not to let her friend down again.

"We’re sorry Sunny!” Pinkie cried for the group. “We love you!”

Tears flowing from her eyes, Sunset hugged them back. “I love you girls too… so much!”

The CMCs watched with tearful smiles, relieved that they got the Rainbooms and Sunset to make up. While some issues still needed time to heal, at least it was on the right track. Despite that she was in trouble, even Apple Bloom was happy that it was resolved. While a small part of her was sad that she was left out again, but considering what she and her friend did, she’ll accept it as part of her punishment. After all, her jealousy is what led her to this in the first place.


The CMCs blinked as they watched the Rainbooms open themselves up, gesturing them to come closer.

"Come in and join us!” Sunset encouraged.

The CMCs were surprised by that.

“R… really?” Apple Bloom uttered. “After everything we did?”

Applejack nodded with a warm smile. “Of course. You’re part of it too! And we won’t leave you three out again.”

With tears in their eyes, the CMCs ran up to the group to join in on the hug.

Ah can’t believe it! Apple Bloom thought, burning herself deeper into her sister’s arms. They accepted us… after everythin’ that happened. Ah’m such an idiot for going through mah stupid plan! But thank goodness dat everythin is going to be alright now!

"Found ya Shimmer!"

Apple Bloom felt a chill go down her spine from that familiar gruff voice. Oh, crud! Ah forgot about her!

They all broke out of their group hug and turned towards the front entrance, where Gilda and the Diamond Boys were standing.

"Gilda!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Butt out Dash!" Gilda growled before glaring daggers at Sunset. "This is between me and her!"

Sunset frowned, keeping her guard up. "And what exactly did I do to cause you to storm in here with a few goons by your side?"

"Don't play dumb Shimmer!" Gilda shouted in an angry tone. "You posted that picture of me and Dash mooching each other as freshmen while commenting that I 'love to spy on her while she's in the locker room' like some perv!"

The girls blinked at that before they all turned towards the CMCs with looks of disdain.

"Girls… really?" Applejack scolded.

"It was a mistake!" Apple Bloom cried in a panic. "Ah only wanted her to scare Sunset when Ah posted it! Ah didn't think things through!"

"You darn right ya didn't think dis through!" Applejack retorted. "What if Sunset ends up badly hurt because of yer stunt?"

Apple Bloom craned her neck in shame. Believe me, Ah know exactly what happened to Sunset if we haven't intervened! She thought.

"Applejack, it's okay," Sunset intervened while eyeing cautiously at Gilda. "While I'm not happy about what they did, but at least I'm not alone when this happens!"

"Yeah, we're not gonna leave your side… not again!" Rainbow Dash promised. She then eyed Scootaloo. "By the way, what photo was Gilda talking about?"

"Oh, it was this picture," said Scootaloo as she took her phone out with a nervous look. "Someone sent this to us just earlier today and wanted us to post this."

The Rainbooms, including Sunset, gathered around Scootaloo’s phone to take a look at the photo in question. Upon looking at the image, Rainbow Dash cringed in embarrassment while the rest of the gang were surprised at the image of Rainbow Dash and Gilda kissing.

"Wow!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Whoa, Nelly!" Applejack’s eyes widened.

"Goodness!" Rarity gasped.

"Oh… my!" Fluttershy blushed.

"Whoo! You go girl!" Pinkie Pie whooped.

Rainbow Dash let out a loud groan. "Oh, man! Not this picture!"

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. "May Ah ask what's dat about?"

"It was after winning my first soccer game at our school," Rainbow Dash answered with a blush on her cheeks. "And Gilda gave me a 'special prize' for kicking butt when we were secretly dating at the time."

Rarity frowned suspiciously. "If this was in secret, then how does this end up in our sisters' hands?"

The Rainbooms then turned towards Sunset, who held up her hands in defense.

"Hey, don't look at me!" Sunset cried defensively. "While I may have been bad back then, but even I have standards!" She then cleared her throat. “Besides… I’m Bi myself, so I know what it’s like to be sensitive about these kinds of things.”

“I believe you Sunset,” Rainbow Dash assured her friend before frowning at the picture again. “I believe this was taken by Lightning Dust. She was probably still bitter after I broke up with her.”

Most of the girls were surprised by this.

“You dated Lightning Dust too?” Applejack exclaimed.

"Oh my, how scandalous!" Rarity commented in a sly tone, nearly causing Rainbow Dash to roll her eyes.

“I used to,” Rainbow Dash clarified. "And believe it or not, it lasted way shorter than Gilda."

"What caused you to break up with Lightning Dust?" Sunset asked.

Rainbow Dash started listing things with her fingers. "Two reasons: she is inconsiderate with other people and has an even bigger ego than me!"

"Someone has a bigger ego than you? Never thought I'd hear dat!" Applejack teased.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Applejack's joke. "Oh ha-ha, very funny!"

Throughout their exchange, they have completely ignored Gilda and the Diamond Boys, much to the Diamond Boys' confusion and Gilda’s annoyance. As they continued to ignore her, Gilda’s face became redder and redder in anger until Gilda finally had enough.

“Hey! Don’t you all ignore me!” Gilda roared, getting everyone's attention. "I'm threatening you… and you all treated me like I'm some kind of a joke?"

Rainbow Dash frowned, already had enough with her former ex. "Listen, Gilda, you and I both know that I'm a better fighter than you and we got more numbers on our side. So I suggest you back off before you embarrass yourself!"

"And we just found out who the real Anon-a-Miss is and Sunset is actually innocent!" Fluttershy added.

Gilda scoffed. "Yeah right! You're talking about the same She-Demon who used this similar tactic to bring down others to get what she wants!" She then pointed at them. "Not to mention, if memory serves me, you all were the first victims when pictures of your embarrassing moments from your sleepover were posted online. And you even accused her openly in the hallway that it was from her phone, so who else could it be?"

The Rainbooms winced as they remembered that moment when they confronted Sunset, feeling more responsible than ever for unintentionally putting a target on Sunset’s back. For the CMCs, especially Apple Bloom, they felt terrible that they put Sunset into this situation in the first place and it looks like Gilda is determined to go after her no matter what, even if she had to fight everyone in the room.

"Now enough talk, time to pay the piper Shimmer!" Gilda cracked her knuckles as she and the Diamond Boys slowly approached them.

It was then that Apple Bloom realized that she should put an end to it before things about to turn ugly, even if she put herself into danger. Before anyone could stop her, Apple Bloom ran up and stood in front of Sunset, shielding her from Gilda.

"Stop!" Apple Bloom cried, spreading her arms up. "It was me! Ah'm the real Anon-a-Miss!"

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack shouted in an alarmed tone.

"And so am I!" Sweetie Belle added who ran and stood beside Apple Bloom.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity shrieked in a panic.

"And don’t forget me!" Scootaloo cried who rushed to Apple Bloom’s other side.

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Girls, get back here!" Sunset called. "You don't need to–"

"No Sunset! I'm not running away from this!" Apple Bloom yelled determinedly, not taking her eyes off of Gilda. "Ah promise to mahself dat Ah makeup to y'all and face the consequences, no matter wat!"

While Apple Bloom and her friends were scared of getting clobbered by Gilda and her goons, they're willing to take their beatings if it means to keep Sunset and their sisters safe. Unfortunately for them, Gilda just stared at them in amusement like it was a funny joke rather than taking them seriously

"Alright real cute, kid," she snickered as she waved them away. "Now move aside!”

Apple Bloom glared at the big bully. “Ah mean it, Gilda! Yer lookin' at the real deal!"

Gilda frowned, no longer amused. “Listen, kid, your joke is getting old real fast and I'm not dealing with you. Now let me deal with the real–”

"Ah ain't jokin'!" Apple Bloom shouted. “We set her up because Ah knew about mah sister’s nickname all mah life and Sweetie downloaded the pictures off from Sunset’s phone. The rest of the secrets we got from everyone at school!”

Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded, backing up Apple Bloom’s words.

Gilda growled. “Impossible! You’re all a bunch of twerps! There’s no way you three are Anon-a-Miss!”

“Ah can prove it!” Apple Bloom challenged.

Gilda barked a laugh. "Proof? What proof could you possibly–"

"Yer username is 'GriffonRulz105', aren't ya?"

Gilda froze and her eyes widened in shock.

Apple Bloom smirked. "And if Ah’m not mistaken… you claimed to be our biggest fan. So much so, you’ve been sending us so many ‘suggestions’ on whose secrets mah friends and Ah should post.”

Scootaloo crossed her arms. “For example, I remember you sent us an interesting photo of Lyra and Roseluck being ‘together’ at Lyra’s home, even though that it was so obviously edited.”

“I knew there was something odd about that photo,” Rainbow Dash commented. “Both Lyra and Bon Bon were usually stuck together like glue. Just seeing Lyra together with another girl was just so random!”

“Then there’s one photo with Octavia and DJ Pon-3, making out under the bleachers," Sweetie Belle added. "I believe you took that picture of them without their knowledge, even though they wanted to keep it a secret." She then frowned. "And because of our post, Octavia was kicked out of her home by her parents!”

Rarity, as well as the others, gasped at that. “They did!? How horrible!”

"The poor dear," said Fluttershy in a sympathetic tone. She then furrowed her brows. “But… how’d you three know that?”

“It’s… a long story,” Sweetie Belle answered vaguely.

“And of course," Apple Bloom continued, steering away from the question. "There’s one more suggestion that you really wanted us to post. It was so bad, we pretty much refused to do it.” Apple Bloom frowned. “But you wouldn’t accept our refusal, so you’ve been threatening us, which was meant fer Sunset, that you'll 'hunt us down' if Ah don't."

Applejack’s nostrils flared, furious at Gilda for threatening her younger sister. "You no-good son of a–"

Before she could march right over and give Gilda a piece of her mind, Rarity grabbed her shoulder and shook her head at her, silently telling her to stay put. With an angry grunt, Applejack obeyed while glaring at Gilda.

Meanwhile, as the CMCs kept piling one evidence to another, Gilda began to sweat nervously. "I… I don’t know what you're talking about!"

“Oh Ah know perfectly well wat Ah’m ‘talking about’!” Apple Bloom pressed, narrowing her eyes at the older bully. “You wanted us to post about a certain girl who had a certain eye issue that she was a ‘freak’ and that her dad left her because of it!”

There were collective gasps all around the Shoppe, shocked and disgusted by what they heard.

“That post about her was you?” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily.

“Dats just disgustin'!" Applejack spat.

“How could you be so cruel!” Fluttershy cried.

"Of all the cruel things I heard this past two weeks, you really took the cake… and it's the worst kind!" Pinkie yelled in fury.

"But why?" Sunset retorted in an angry tone. "I can understand the first two because they stood up to you, but why her? What did she ever do to deserve your cruelty?"

Gilda let out an angry snarl. "That airheaded blondie is so annoying and dumb, she couldn't even walk straight! And yet somehow, that wall-eyed freak got the attention of Bulk Biceps, who I have been after for months!"

During the commotion, Scootaloo leaned into Sweetie Belle’s ear with a confused expression.

"I thought Gilda is a lesbian," she whispered.

"She's actually Bi," Sweetie Belle corrected quietly. "Nearly everyone at our school made that mistake all the time."

Scootaloo nodded in understanding. "Ah."

Gilda tightened her hand into a fist. "I don't know why he picked her and what he sees in her, so I decided to remind him and everyone else just how pathetic her life really was! If only I could see that loser freak bawling like a baby after reading that post!"

The girls were now even more disgusted by Gilda, especially seeing that she doesn't even feel any remorse for what she did.

"Unbelievable!" Rainbow Dash frowned with a glare. "This is exactly why we broke up. Your jealousy is so out of control that you are willing to humiliate and hurt others. The fact that you are willing to hurt as pure as that girl because she got herself the same man you wanted? That’s low Gilda… even for you!

Gilda growled at Rainbow’s comment before she set her raging eyes at the CMCs. "You little brats! How dare you expose me like that!"

"Don’t blame us, Gilda," Apple Bloom retorted with narrowed eyes. "You did dat to yerself! And fer someone who was petty at someone who 'stole' yer crush… Ah think yer the pathetic one!"

Gilda let out an infuriating scream. "That does it! Boys, attack those brats!"

Gilda blinked when she realized that none of those boys were following her orders. She turned back towards the entrance to see the Diamond Boys, who just stood around with hesitant expressions.

"Are you three deaf?" Gilda spat in an annoyed tone. "I said, attack them!"

"Getting back at Shimmer is one thing, but attacking little children is crossing the line!" The short one of the group stated as he and the other two boys stepped back. "Sorry 'boss'... but we're out!"

Gilda growled in frustration. "Fine! I don't need you punks!" She then turned back towards the CMCs and yelled, "I'll just get them myself!"

With a roar, Gilda ran up towards the CMCs with a fist over her head. The CMCs cowered back and shut their eyes, bracing themselves for Gilda's attack.

But that never came as the three young girls heard a few shouts, some punches, and a loud thud in front of them. Curious, yet cautiously, the CMCs slowly opened their eyes to see what happened. Their sights were greeted by Gilda on the ground with a disgruntled expression, while Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, and even Rarity held her down.

"Stay down, ya varmint!" Applejack growled.

“You’re not going to hurt those kids under our watch!” Sunset added.

“Normally, fighting isn’t my thing, I’m more in fashion,” Rarity stated calmly before she shouted with a furious expression. “But I’ll rip you to pieces if you touch one hair on my sister and her friends!”

"I warned you, Gilda!" Rainbow Dash seethed as she leaned close to Gilda’s face. "Don't. Ever. Hurt. My. Friends!"

As she wrapped Gilda with her lasso, Applejack faced the Diamond Boys with a challenging glare. "You boys want some?"

The Diamonds Boys gulped, shaking their heads rapidly.

Sunset turned her head towards the counter where the owners were standing with an apologetic expression. "Sorry about all of this Mr. and Mrs. Cake!"

"It’s alright dearie, I'm just glad you girls are safe!" said Mrs. Cake before turning to her husband. "Honey, call the police right away!"

Mr. Cake nodded before he hurried towards the back room to retrieve the phone.

During the commotion, the Diamond Boys tried to sneak out towards the entrance of the Shoppee to escape, only to get blocked by Pinkie Pie. As they were baffled by how she managed to get to the entrance from the other side of the Shoppe, Pinkie nearly pressed her face to theirs.

“Don’t you three even think about running away, busters!” she exclaimed with a glare.

The Diamond Boys tried to about-face to find another means to escape, Fluttershy appeared behind them with a peeved look. Normally the meek girl isn’t much of a threat to them, but what made them root to their spots was when she gave them her most intense stare.

“Here’s what you three should do, you big bullies!” Fluttershy stated sternly with an angry tone. “You three will stay put! And when the police arrived, you three will tell them what happen, what were you about to do to Sunset, and take responsibility! Do you three understand me?”

The Diamond Boys whimpered, nodding submissively to her demands.

As Fluttershy scolded a supposed tough group easily into submission, the CMCs shivered at the sight from the background.

Scary! They all thought in unison.

Sunset walked up to the CMCs with a worried expression. “You girls are hurt?”

"No, we're fine," Sweetie Belle answered with a smile. "Thank you for saving us!"

Scootaloo nodded eagerly. "Yeah! The way you took down Gilda was awesome, especially Rainbow Dash!"

The two other CMCs rolled their eyes with amused expressions.

"Ah'm just glad dats over!" said Apple Bloom with a relieved expression, only to wince when her sister was giving her a very stern look.

"Not so fast Apple Bloom! You going to Principal Celestia tomorrow and tell her what y'all did, apologize to everyone, and then take down dat MyStable page!" Her eyes then narrowed. "And dat's just the beginning of yer punishment!"

"And same for you too, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity chided, causing Sweetie Belle to flinch.

Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash with a sheepish smile. "Um, we're still cool, are we Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Nice try squirt, but I got ideas of my own to punish you for that stunt. And, I'm sure your Aunts won't be so happy when they hear about this!"

While Scootaloo groaned in response.

Apple Bloom let out a soft sigh. “Yeah… we know dat we’ll be punished fer our actions and we have a long way to go to make up our mistakes, but… we’re willing to make things right, even if it takes fer the rest of our lives.”

Applejack was taken aback by her sister’s answer. She then flashed her a proud smile.

“Well, Ah’m happy to hear dat Apple Bloom,” she said, as she ruffled Apple Bloom’s head affectionately. “Since when did ya become so mature?”

“Well… let’s just say… the three of us had a spiritual journey,” Apple Bloom replied cryptically with a grin.

Before Applejack could ask what her sister meant, Rainbow Dash called her.

“Hey AJ, help me out securing Gilda until the cops arrived,” said Rainbow Dash as she restrained a struggling Gilda.

“Coming Rainbow!” Applejack hollered before turning back to her sister. “Do you mind waiting, Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah don’t mind, AJ. Take yer time.”

Applejack nodded before walking towards Rainbow Dash.

“And AJ?”

Applejack turned back.

“...Ah love you,” said Apple Bloom.

Applejack smiled. “Ah love you too Apple Bloom.”

As Applejack walked away, Scootaloo followed her. “Do you mind if I help Rainbow Dash?”

“You can help to keep an eye on her,” Rainbow suggested with a grin. “Just… don’t get close to her.”

Scootaloo saluted. “You got it!”

“Great… I’m being babysat by a kid!” Gilda muttered, rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile, Rarity moaned in anguish as she checked her fingers. “Ooh! That punch I gave to Gilda ruined one of my fingernails!”

“Um… I could help with that… if you’ll let me,” Sweetie Belle offered quietly. “And it also… gave us a chance to talk.”

Rarity was quiet for a moment before giving Sweetie a small smile. “Very well Sweetie Belle, you can help fix my nails… and we can talk.”

So both Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked towards the back of the Shoppe, but not before she turned to Apple Bloom. She nodded and gave Apple Bloom her forgiving smile before she followed after her sister.

Apple Bloom smiled. While she still has a lot to make up for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but she felt comforted knowing that things are going to be okay between her and her friends.

Apple Bloom then turned to Sunset Shimmer, who was standing there alone, watching her friends. Apple Bloom gulped, mustering up some courage to talk to the person she hurt the most from her scheme.

“Um… Sunset?” Apple Bloom spoke meekly.

Sunset turned towards her with a curious expression. “Yes, Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom sighed through her nose. “Sunset… Ah know Ah’m probably the last person you wanted to see me, but… there’s something else I wanted to say.” She glanced away with a guilty expression. “Being jealous of you was only… part of the reason why we did it. The other part of the reason was… was–”

“Still holding a grudge for what I did to your sister?” Sunset guessed knowingly.

Apple Bloom was stunned for a moment before she nodded. “Y-yeah.”

“And I assume that it was also Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s reasoning?” Sunset added.

“Well, for Sweetie Belle, it was mostly getting back at her sister,” Apple Bloom replied before clearing her throat. “But, yes… them too.”

“I figured as much,” Sunset sighed sadly. “Despite after I helped save everyone during the Battle of the Bands, I know there are some who still resented me… and it is especially clear during Anon-a-Miss’s reign.”

Apple Bloom felt pain in her chest in guilt from Sunset’s sad tone. It was her grudge against Sunset is that started all of this and it was her grudge is that caused Sunset so much pain and suffering. All for what? Some stupid sleepover that she wasn’t invited to. She felt so disgusted with herself in all of her life.

Feeling ashamed, Apple Bloom bowed her head, hiding her tears.

“Sunset… Ah’m really, really sorry!” she croaked. “After what you did to Applejack… Ah couldn’t let mah anger go… even after you changed your ways. Ah thought yer still up to no good and yer probably waiting to get back at us. But it’s clear to me that yer not the same person as before… and Ah’m too blind to see it.” She let out a short sob as tears were dripping down her face. “But dat’s no excuse for wat we did and hurt you because of it. And even if you hate me now… Ah wanted to make it up to you. Just… name anything… even something embarrassing for me to do. It’s the least I deserved.”

Apple Bloom continued to sob, couldn’t bear to look up to see Sunset’s face. She stopped crying when she felt something warm touch her shoulder. Confused, Apple Bloom slowly looked up to see Sunset, who was kneeling in front of her with no trace of anger whatsoever.

“Apple Bloom, I told you… I forgive you,” she said with a gentle smile, wiping Apple Bloom’s tears with her thumb. “As I said, I knew what it was like being alone… and for making stupid mistakes. You don’t have to make anything up to me.”

Apple Bloom widened her eyes in shock. She thought for sure that Sunset will hate her after her latest confession.

“But… there has to be something I can do to make it up to ya,” Apple Bloom sniffed. “Please… let me make it up to ya!”

Sunset paused, studying Apple Bloom’s face for a moment before she nodded.

“Well, if you really want to make it up to me, then after your confession, I want you to try to make up to everyone you hurt as Anon-a-Miss.”

Apple Bloom blinked, expecting to hear more from Sunset, but nothing came.

"And… dat's it?" Apple Bloom asked in a confused tone.

"That's it," Sunset confirmed, smiling at her. “I know it’s a lot of work, and people may be giving you a hard time, but if you really put in a lot of effort and everyone sees that you mean it… they’ll forgive you."

"Will they?" Apple Bloom questioned. "Ah humiliated them, hurt their feelings, and… potentially ruined their lives. And Ah'm pretty sure dat Principal Celestia will expel us once we tell her what happened before we could make up with everyone."

Sunset shrugged. "Hey, if most people forgive me for ruling the school, blowing up the school's entrance, and turning them into mindless zombies, I'm pretty sure they'll forgive you too. And Principal Celestia may not be happy with you, but I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her the full story."

Apple Bloom doubted with Sunset’s words. "Ah… don’t know..."

Sunset nodded. "I'll tell you what, I'll go in to see Principal Celestia with you and your friends, tell her what happened, and I'll try to convince her to go easy on your punishment."

"You'll do that?” Apple Bloom asked in a surprised tone. "Yer actually going to help me… after everythin' we have done?"

"Of course I will… that's what friends do," Sunset answered with a smile. “And as for making up with everyone, I’ll even help guide you three and offer you advice when you need it. Deal?”

Apple Bloom stared at Sunset in awe. Just hours ago, she never thought Sunset could be so forgiving and generous to help her, even after all the mean things she’d done to her. Her parents and those ghosts are right, Sunset really has changed. And now it was her turn to change as well. While she still got a lot to make up for Sunset and everyone else, accepting this deal will be her first true step.

With a little smile, Apple Bloom gave Sunset a warm hug. “Deal.”

Author's Note:

The CMCs made it to the Shoppe, confessed they're Anon-a-Miss, and stopped Gilda! All's well that ends well! :pinkiesmile:

*Once again, from the moment Sunset was about to announce the true culprits to Applejack saying to Apple Bloom that "she's family", those are the only quotes that were taken from the original official comic.

"GriffonRulz105", specifically the numbers "105" was a reference to Gilda’s first appearance in MLP:FiM - Season 1, Episode 5, "Griffon the Brush Off".

Anyway, only one more chapter to go!

And it will be released... later today! Stay tuned! :raritywink: