• Published 13th Oct 2021
  • 8,231 Views, 586 Comments

Forgotten: The Frozen North - milesprower06

Sunny Starscout's ongoing search for Equestria's ancient past sends her up to the northern arctic, where it is written that a city protected by love once stood.

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Best-laid Plans, Part I

A long time ago...

"The weather aside, I can see that this place hasn't changed all that much," Luna commented as they approached the Crystal Castle.

"Well, you haven't seen the inside. The decorators are always asking me for something to change; a room, a hall, a floor..." Flurry replied, rolling her eyes at the memories of keeping her interior decorators happy and occupied. She had almost always agreed to their requests, so long as they left her quarters alone.

They entered the castle, which was a double set of doors built into the supporting archways, with stairs that immediately took them up to what was considered the 'ground' floor. They passed through the doors, and laid their eyes on the Crystal Heart, floating and slowly rotating between its two pedestals. Before she left, Flurry had ordered the large window curtains weighed down to the best of their ability, to keep some of the wind out of the room.

The Crystal Princess slowly approached the Heart, seeing her reflection in the facets as it slowly turned in midair.

"So I suppose the ball is in my court again. I wish I knew what the next step was," she admitted.

"I assumed that as the Princess of the Crystal Empire, you would be the expert on your kingdom's most sacred and central artifact," Luna argued.

"Expert might be a stretch, Princess Luna. Yes, I probably know more than anyone else in the kingdom, but I think it's likely we're going to need to study generations worth of research material on the history of the Crystal Heart."

"No doubt. As of right now, we know four things," Luna began, stepping up to her. "One, the Heart is aetherial in nature. Two, it is perpetually powered by the light and love of the citizens of the Empire. Three, it can be shattered by the cries of an alicorn foal," the former Princess of the Night said with a smirk, and Flurry's cheeks tinted red in embarrassment at the memory. "And four, it can be put back together again. But if your premonition is accurate, it can't simply come apart, it has to take on a different form, three of them, to be precise."

"So what do you say to dinner and a study session in the library?" Flurry asked.

"I'd like that very much, Princess. I have always felt that my cooking has left something to be desired," Luna quipped.

Giving Luna a soft smile, they made their way up another flight of stairs, where the dining room and castle kitchen were located.

"I am having another thought, Flurry," Luna told her as they climbed the staircase.

"I'm all ears," the Crystal Princess replied.

"How quickly can you have the city evacuated?" Luna asked, right to the point. Flurry gave her a look of concern, but also came to quickly understand the gravity of the situation. If they started messing with the Heart, successful or not, the Crystal Empire and her citizens would almost certainly be put at risk.

"With the Friendship Express, Crystal Express, and using all available wagons and carriages? Six to eight hours. Do... Do you think it will come to that?"

"It would probably be the best precautionary path to take, Your Highness. If we succeed in manipulating and changing the Crystal Heart, in whatever manner we set out to, the magical energy contained within may not be able to protect the region from the surrounding weather any longer."

Due to the worsening weather, hot, creamy soups were becoming more popular in the castle. They spotted Spike as soon as they entered the dining room, and joined him in line.

"Good to see you again so soon, Princess Luna," Spike greeted, and Flurry immediately assumed that he was the one that had arranged and delivered Luna's periodical supplies.

"You as well, Spike," Luna replied.

The three of them each got a bowl of steaming Fancy Onion Soup, and went to an isolated table, instead of making the trip up to Flurry's private dining room.

"So, have you two figured anything out? About your premonitions?" Spike asked as he started into his soup.

"We've just begun to. We're visiting the castle library as soon as we're done here. I don't want to raise anypony's stress, but I think we should act as if we have a matter of days, instead of weeks or months. I'm not sure how long we have before the weather becomes a survival issue, but we need answers, and very soon."

"Spike, while Flurry and I are in the library, I want you to go over city-wide evacuation plans with the Crystal Guard. Discreetly. We don't want a panic," Luna told him.

"You got it. I don't think it'll come to that, and I'm sure it's already on the mind of most ponies here, because this blizzard hasn't let up for two weeks," Spike replied.

The two alicorns said nothing more as they ate silently, contemplating their next moves.

"Your majesties, everything will be fine. I'm sure you two will figure it out."