• Published 4th Oct 2021
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Pokemon Alola Journey - Trials of Sarah: Journey for the Royal Family Arc 1 - MLP: A New Generation - Zipp Storm

Sarah Tomoe and her Pokemon and Dragon Family enter Equestria after Zekrom asked for their help to restore Equestrua, they join Sunny Starscout on a quest to restore magic to the magical land of Equestria while learning about her birth parents

  • ...

The Quest Begins

Meanwhile, after they had managed to lose Hitch and the rest of Maretime Bay, Sunny managed to get Izzy, Nikki, James, Tsukumaro, Sarah, and her family to her lighthouse home. Her home had a large open backyard which was big enough to hold her larger Pokemon and dragons while her smaller Pokemon and the dragon hatchlings along with her medium-sized Pokemon joined them inside her home. After they entered, Sunny quickly closed the door and covered the windows, trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened.

The still-oblivious Izzy, however, continued to smile at Sunny, who looked in awe of her along with Sarah and her entire family.

”Do Earth Ponies also like staring contests?” Izzy asked, proceeding to stare down Sunny until she blinked, still thinking everything was a game. "Agh! You win, I blinked."

"Do you ever think about anything else other than playing games whenever you're in trouble?" remarked Luna incredulously.

"Don't bother trying to talk her out of it, honey," sighed his and Dusk's mother. "She's not going to listen to you no matter how many times you try to convince her of what she's doing otherwise."

"Your mother's right, Son. It's best if we let her find out for herself; experience always seems to be the best teacher on mostly everything," agreed their father.

"I can't believe it, this is so unreal! Three unicorns, a Pegasus, Pokemon, and dragons, all in my house! This is so cool!" Sunny began before she began to notice the gravity of her actions and the ramifications that came from them. "Wait, wait! No, oh no, no! This is bad, very, very, very bad! Oh, man! What have I done?! Okay, okay, come on Sunny. Stay calm, don't panic, don't go wild or anything! Oh, man, what have I done?! What have I done?!"

".........Um, you saved us, Sunny. Thanks," smiled Sarah warmly.

"You really saved our bacons out there," agreed a happy and relieved Cufant while Izzy looked around her home, wide-eyed and as curious as a kitten."Who's the guy that's antagonizing you when you freed Izzy?"

"Hitch, Hitch Trailblazer. He's the local sheriff in town and he's my childhood friend. Although, he doesn't really care as much about friendship with other ponies as well as finding out what happened to the Pokemon and dragons that used to live in our world as I do."

"Oooh! Wow! Ah, I've never seen another Earth Pony or Pegasus until recently! We look exactly the same, well, except for this and this, of course!" she buzzed excitedly before gesturing to her horn and Nikki's wings. "And, your Pokemon, your dragons, I've never found anything about them until meeting you all!"


"Watch it!"

"Hey, that's dangerous!"

"Watch where you're pointing that damn thing!"

"You can poke an eye out with that horn!" yelped Tyrunt and Amaura, Beautifly, Echo, Boulder, Flo, dodging Izzy as she casually showed and waved her horn about to the group and Sunny and they ducked.

"Young Lady, these horns of ours are absolutely dangerous to others including your own! Mind what you're doing!" Rapidash snapped, annoyed at Izzy. "Oh, yeah,"

Sunny gulped while chuckling awkwardly, ducking her head as well. "Be careful where you point that thing, okay?"


"Why? You almost poked some of our eyes out with that!" groaned a bemused Glaceon.

"I know Unicorns can sometimes use their horns as swords to fight as exemplified by Rapidash and Ponyta but this is ridiculous the way you're just waving it around like it's your favorite toy," Inferno commented.

"Yeah. And, well, uh...... I, um, I just......Don't, want to get zapped by some sort of wayward laser beam," added Sunny, trying to find the right words for Izzy. "But, you know that already, of course. You both have been reading my mind this whole time, he-he."

Sarah, Tsukumaro, and Izzy looked at each other in confusion, the princess admitting, to Sunny's surprise, "Uh, Sunny, about that....... We can't do that now, it's not possible. I can't feel anything that'll make us do that, our horns can't do anything."

"What? But, a-aren't they supposed to glow, by the way? Or, do they only glow when you levitate stuff as my Rapidash do? Of course, I know they're technically Unique Horn Pokemon and they're Unicorns by default but-"

"Huh?! Rapidash?" blinked Sarah, Nikki, James, and Tsukumaro in surprise, looking at Sunny (who covered her mouth when she realized she made a mistake).

"You have your own Rapidash?"

"And, you didn't say anything about them?!" gasped Nikki and James.

"You never asked!" Sunny defended before she turned and said, "It's alright, guys. Come on out."

Everyone turned to where Sunny was looking and at her word, from a lift that lead up to another floor upstairs, there came a small family of three Galarian Rapidash (two of them being females and the only male being a Shiny). Izzy was shocked to discover that her new friend has three Pokemon living with her in secret but Sarah and her family were stunned by the bombshell Sunny had dropped on everyone with their first Pokemon sighting in Equestria since coming.

"By Articuno's chilling Blizzard! Those are Galarian Rapidashes!" gasped a shocked Calyrex.

"They look just like you, Mommy!" blinked Ponyta in surprise.

"Really like you!" added Yamper.

"But, wait! Look at them, one of them is a Shiny while the other two are their normal colors!" gawked Wooloo at the Shiny Galarian Rapidash and seeing the clear cosmetic differences between the three Unique Horn Pokemon belonging to Sunny Starscout.

"Yeah, the first two are the same as Mom but the other is in beige and turquoise and even his horn and hooves are all navy blue," Scorch noted as well.

"Thank you," smiled the male Rapidash.

"Greetings," greeted the two female Rapidash, all three bowing to them warmly.

"No way....... You have Galarian Rapidash?!" gawked Sarah, shocked as she looked at the Unique Horn Pokemon in Sunny's care. "But, how? I thought all Pokemon and dragons were kicked out by the ponies years ago!"

"They were but when my dad was younger, he came across them as baby Galarian Ponyta and caught them. So, he's had them ever since they were foals. They were so precious to him that when Pokemon and dragons were later banished, he hid them in order to protect them," explained Sunny.

"The only one he confided to about them was me when I was a filly. When he died a few years ago, they became my guardians and I've kept them hidden from everypony else as well. This here's Sugarcoat and Sugarcake, Siren's the only boy here. So, can any of you guys levitate things as they can?"

"Well, actually......" Izzy started to squirm uncomfortably.

"No, no, wait! Don't answer that yet, let me get my notebook!" Sunny replied, stopping her before she galloped to a nearby kitchen island, excitedly clearing some tin cans before whipping out a notebook from one of her saddlebags and slammed it on the island's counter, flipping through its pages. "Okay, let's see, 142 questions for a Unicorn-no! Make that three! Question Number One - where do you live?"


"Huh/Huh/Huh?" everybody in Sarah's family with them blinked in surprise, realizing what this could mean if they spill the beans early.

"Uh, well..... Um, we're kinda, uh, f-f-far away, really?" answered Sarah, waving her hooves for emphasis and not wanting her family and herself to be called out on Zekrom's mission for them. "Like, somewhere out of town. We're not normally from these parts, well, if you know what I mean......"

Sunny smiled brightly as she slammed her hoof on the island in excitement and continued her questions, "I KNEW IT! Do unicorns really live in trees?"


"Do they eat pizza? If so, what toppings would they like on them? If not, then why not?"

"I don't know-"

"Can you actually fry pony brains with a single horn zap?" She then gasped, transitioning to another question that ties into her last one, throwing a can of baked beans at the unicorns and Alicorn. "Can you make this float!"

"HEY!" Cinderace screamed incredulously, making her yelp and stop her questions as he grabbed the can before it can hit Tsukumaro, Izzy, and Sarah and she turned to everyone in surprise. "Stop the presses! What the hell are you even talking about, fry pony brains with a single horn zap? What kind of idiotic trash were you being fed from these propaganda towers this town has?"

"Ms. Sunny, um...... There's something you should know about us, Izzy, and this magic of yours," replied Tsukumaro, worried.

"We....... Haven't tried that yet," added Sarah awkwardly.

".......What?" Sunny blinked in surprise.

"Yeah, that whole 'fry pony brains' crap you're pushing out there, totally busted," retorted Talonflame, slapping a wing on her head and making her yelp again. "I mean, come on! You're telling me our caretaker here's capable of hurting somebody with this weird magic you're projecting? She can't do that and neither can her old man since we got here! It's impossible!"

"There's no way she'd be able to hurt any of your town's panic-happy stooges that just ran from us," added Sonic, nodding with an indignant look.

"Do we really 100% look like we were going to do something dangerous to you, young miss?" asked Nitro. "Also, you'll that it is also 100% possible that Sarah and her godfather are currently incapable of performing magic in this land. And, I think I speak for Izzy, too, since she didn't perform any."

Now, Sunny was even more confused, "You, can't do magic?"

"Nope, but I can do this!" Izzy answered, stomping her hoof and bouncing the can of beans that had been set down in front of her a few times on her horn before dropping it and spilling the beans. "TA-DA~!"

"Wait...... You lost your Unicorn magic, Izzy?" quizzed Sarah, she, her family, and Sunny shocked by this and looking concerned for the happy-go-lucky unicorn.

"W-w-w-Wait, hold up? You don't have magic, none of you?" Sunny asked her "guests", startled and thrown off by this new revelation.

"SUNNY STARSCOUT!" bellowed a familiar voice along with some feedback that made everybody jump as they looked around. "Ow, that hurt....."

"What was that?!" Arctozolt shouted in surprise, Sunny gasping as she knew exactly who it was before reaching the door and cracking it enough to see who arrived at her home.

"Nobody would've been able to follow us after we lost them!" Stufful whimpered, snuggling close to Ching Wan.

"Oh no, Hitch!" Sunny fretted, seeing her childhood friend and Sprout outside.

"Not him again," groaned Zorua.

"Sunny Starscout! I know you're in there, you're now a fugitive for harboring Unicorns, a Pegasus, Pokemon, and dragons in there!" shouted Hitch through a microphone, feeling betrayed by someone he considered a friend. "Give them up and hand them over in the name of the law and you'll be spared!"

"Yeah, you're completely surrounded!" added Sprout, neglecting the fact that only he and Hitch were there.

"Will you just let me do my job?!" seethed Hitch quietly to his partner and second childhood friend, who pouted in response. "You are under arrest! Come out with your hooves up, it'll be a lot easier for us if you comply!"

"Oh, oh my, this is bad! Listen, how sneaky are you? Don't get into detail, just tell me!" Sunny asked her guests frantically.

"Um, very, when we needed to be."

"Um, medium sneaky?" Sarah and Izzy answered curiously. "Great, I can work with that. Listen, go through the back and I'll distract them. Take Sugarcoat, Sugarcake, and Siren with you and I'll meet you later when Hitch and Sprout are out of my hair."

"Pfft! Relax, bookwormy, I'll talk to them. They'll come around easily," snorted Izzy amusingly as she went out the door.

"Izzy, what are you doin-ARGH!"

"No, no, no, no, no!" Sunny and Sarah begged, both of them too late as she walked out and started to greet them.

"Hi, guys! Now, I know what you're thinking-"

"ARRRGH! Look at her, Hitch! She's already reading our minds, she's got something evil plotting! AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" Sprout shrieked, giving himself up to the rumors they've heard about Equestria's Unicorns before he ran away with his tail between his legs. "Quick, run away! Before she fries our brains!"

Hitch was shocked as he watched his "partner" and second childhood friend running off in a frightened panic again but while his back was turned, he didn't notice Sunny, Sarah, and her family sneaking off with Zarude quickly grabbing Izzy with his Vine Whip.

"Sprout, what are-where are you going?!" Hitch demanded incredulously.

"TO GET REINFORCEMENTS TO HELP US!!!!!!!" Sprout shouted, already a mile away from both him and Sunny's house.

Hitch suddenly blinked in confusion. "We have reinforcements?" he pondered before he looked back and was dumbstruck to see his "perpetrators" out of sight.

"OH, COME ON! GRR.........SUNNY!!!!!!!!!"

After giving Hitch and Sprout the slip, Sunny, her Rapidash, Izzy, Sarah, and her family all galloped/ran/flew far off into the outskirts, leaving Maretime Bay behind. While they were continuing to make a break for it, Sunny was still trying to wrap her head around the shocking truths that she learned from Izzy, Tsukumaro, and the princess. Unicorns are unable to do magic now besides Sugarcake, Sugarcoat, and Siren, her world is indeed much bigger than she had first known, what was going on?

She was only able to think more on the matter and tried to question them and the others further as they stopped to catch their breath, feeling like they managed to get some distance from Hitch and Sprout.

"Okay, so, you guys don't have any magic?" she quizzed Izzy.

"No, but if it makes you feel any better, we used to have it but that was, like, many, many, many moons ago. And, before we knew it, it just sort of vanished, poof!"

"But, that's impossible! Magic just simply can't vanish into thin air, not without a reason," Star stated to the happy-go-lucky Unicorn.

"Something's wrong, really wrong," mused Kaji.

"And, a really big kind of wrong if Unicorns can't do any magic like Tsukumaro and Sarah can't here," Melody agreed.

"But, who could've done such a thing other than that ancient evil Zekrom mentioned to us before we came here?" Ching Wan questioned.

"Well, we won't know until we look and find any leads to that evil," Zorro replied.

"So, something must've happened to cause her and all unicorns to lose their magic," Kion added in agreement. "That is, sans Sarah and Tsukumaro, until we found out that they also can't perform it here........"

"Yeah, and apart from us even though we don't know how we retained ours," replied Siren, curious as he looked towards a sunflower and plucked it with his magic (a navy blue aura for him) and sighing sadly. "I just don't understand what became of this world and of the ponies living in it besides Sunny and this Izzy fella......."

"You're not the only one, bro," nodded Sugarcake as she joined him. "Even I still wonder about that or why the ponies would do such horrible things to each other, our fellow Pokemon, and the dragons......"

"Pfft, don't we all? Everybody seems to think those pesky Pegasi have something to do with it but-" Izzy continued, before turning and noticing James giving her an offended look but Sunny looked to be conflicted. "Hey, you two look a little woozy and a bit iffy, what's wrong?"

"Sunny, are you okay?" Sugarcoat asked worriedly for her, Sugarcake, and Siren's charge as she approached and nuzzled her.

"Okay, Sunny, keep it together. Keep calm, now, let's recap - I come across Unicorns (one who can't do magic apart from the other two who, unfortunately, don't know how), a Pegasus, some Pokemon, and dragons in the span of one short afternoon, oh, man! What are we gonna do?! I am so dead!"

Sunny didn't know what she was gonna do now that she's stuck between a rock and a hard place. But, before she could panic any further, she and Sarah were suddenly being sniffed out of nowhere by Izzy.

"What are you doing?" they asked blankly.

"You don't smell, neither of you," Izzy answered, making them blink in surprise.

"Thanks..... Wait, what?"

"Uh....... Was that necessary?"

"GROSS!" groaned Twilight and Dawn's adopted kids.

"Um, pardon me, Ms. Moonbow, but why would you be so compelled as to sniff Sarah and Ms. Starscout?" questioned Magearna.

"I was told that Earth Ponies like you smelled like rotten sardines, but....... You two don't smell anything like that," Izzy replied before she was distracted by a butterfly.

"What else do those Unicorns you associate yourself with say about Earth Ponies or Pegasi, Ms. Izzy?" Tsukumaro quizzed curiously.

"Oh, just that you're all lazy and totally not the brightest crystals in the forest," replied Izzy, her eyes still on the butterfly as she tried to catch it.

"Okay, that's just racist, saying that they're lazy and dumb," snorted Keldeo, not impressed with the lies the ponies are saying about each other. "I never thought your ponies and everyone else in this world would suffer from extreme xenophobia."

"That's literally a xenophobic insult to the whole Earth Pony species," moaned an aggravated Sarah.

"Indeed," the three veteran Swords agreed grimly.

"Charming," Sunny replied, her ego now broken from what she heard the Unicorns said about the Earth Ponies.

"Do you have any idea how crazy and egotistical they're being, sounding like that and looking down on others while putting themselves up too high?" Silver argued to Izzy, who just shrugged as she continued to chase the butterfly.

"Nope, just those three."

"And, what about the Pokemon and the dragons that used to live here? What do they say about them after all of the Ponies kicked them out?" asked James.

"Oh, them? Well, just so that they're not the brightest crystals in the forest either, and, that ponies of all sorts will be better off without those 'spawns of the devil', as they would say. Don't know why, they're actually really cool."

"They, said, WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" screamed Hydro angrily, now infuriated by the Ponies also seeing them as monsters just as the Vikings of Berk once had.

"Uh, are you okay, Miss?" squirmed Sunny, gulping at Hydro losing her cool while the others tried to calm her down.

"Uh, yeah, best not get on her bad side while you still can, Sunny," warned Sarah, also worried for Hydro. "Long story short, she's had a bad experience with being referred to as just a monster when she and her fellow dragons are usually much more than that."

"Noted," Sunny nodded, not wanting to know.

"Sheesh, there always seemed to be a bunch of propaganda hounds and xenophobic maniacs around when you don't need them!"

"I agree, it's terrible how those Ponies tried to depict each other and the Pokemon and dragons they used to live with for so long in such a terrible light these days," James and Nikki winced, not liking the situation they're in, at all.

"If I'm not mistaken, everything that's happening all ties back to this ancient evil Zekrom told us about that's mostly or mainly responsible for making Equestria as broken as it is," Tsukumaro added, recalling what Zekrom told everyone before they entered.

"Ancient evil, what are you talking about?" Sunny blinked in surprise at them.

"Oh, nothing, never mind. We'll tell you later when you're ready," chuckled Sarah, quickly covering up for her adopted parents and Tsukumaro.

Sunny was surprised by this but she had a feeling that there was something strange about Sarah and her family so she decided not to press the princess further on it and instead, turned to Izzy, who was still chasing after and trying to catch the butterfly that distracted her.

"So, what's the plan?" Izzy asked the group and Sunny.

Sunny turned to Sarah before she suddenly discovered an epiphany on what they have to do now. "Wait, I got it!" she exclaimed before she pulled out a notebook she had in her saddlebags. She opened the pages of it to show a map of some sort, pointing its way to a location dubbed simply as "Zephyr Heights".

"Everyone, I've decided, we're going on a quest.....to Zephyr Heights," she told them, pointing to their intended destination on the map.

"W-What's Zephyr Heights?" Uxie asked as the Lake Guardians joined her.

"It's where all of Equestrias' Pegasi live, long after the royal monarchy that once ruled over the land was abolished and the Pegasi decided to live there when a city called Cloudsdale crash-landed on the mountains."

"The Pegasi city?" Izzy quizzed.

"Yes. We need to find out what happened to all of your magic and bring it back. They probably have magic, maybe they can give us a hand."

"Hmm....... I don't know, Sunny," Sarah replied, looking suspicious at Sunny's theory. "If those Pegasi also gave in to their xenophobia just as Hitch and your fellow Earth Ponies had done earlier, I wouldn't trust them with even one inch of my body or gear."

Izzy shook her head at this, also finding Sunny's idea to be bonkers, "No, no way! But, the Pegasi are all bad news! They don't care about anybody but themselves!"

"But, what if you're all wrong about them?" Sunny argued, wanting them to be hopeful as everyone looked skeptically about her thoughts. "Earth Ponies were wrong about Unicorns and with you and us, Unicorns could be wrong about us Earth Ponies. Maybe they could welcome us with open wings."

"But, what if they don't?"

"Yeah, Sunny, you really should backtrack and think this through for once," Blitz agreed worriedly.

"What you're saying could be nothing more than a pipe dream if the Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies' xenophobia and racism runs deep, much deeper than you could imagine," Voltage added, not wanting to take any chances.

"You can keep that stupid dream to yourself, missy. If they go aggro and freak out over all of us without giving you a chance to explain and proving my family's worries right, we're bailing," put in Eternatus before he turned to Izzy. "And, if you start singing a musical number on this trip, I'm done!"

Unfortunately, to his chagrin and seeing Izzy smirk slyly at him when she realized he had a certain weakness to what he considered some icky-sticky, goody-two-shoes stuff and fluff (which was never to his liking at the least), she began to sing and become worried for Sunny in the process while he groaned in annoyance.

Even Silvally couldn't help but mutter, "Too late....."

(I'm Looking Out For You (MLP: A New Generation) - Izzy Moonbow)

(Izzy Moonbow)

Up ahead, is the sky growing dark?

Where it leads is a big question mark

And I'm scared that I'll end up a pony gone missing from pegasus-ing

(Sunny Starscout)

But you're not alone

You got a pony or two in your crew

(Izzy Moonbow)

I do? Who?

(Sunny Starscout)

I'm looking out for you

When you're off track

Sarah and Sunny both stopped Izzy, from nearly falling off a cliff, after being distracted by a butterfly.

(Sunny Starscout)

I got your back

You can rely on me

I'm lookin' out for you

"Hey girls, wait up!" Sarah said as they hopped across rocks.

(Sunny Starscout)

Back at home it was earth ponies first

Heard it so many times I could burst

And I fought for a change but it's lonely

Cos, you know, party of uno

(Izzy Moonbow)

Well, if you need a friendly steed like you-know-who

(Sunny Starscout)

I think I do

Sarah and Tsukumaro smiled, watching Sunny and Izzy touching hooves together.


I'm lookin' out for you

(Sunny Starscout)

When you're off track

I got your back


You can rely on me

I'm lookin' out for you

Both Sunny and Izzy stacked up on each other to get an apple from a tree.

(Sunny Starscout)

Lost in the hills

(Izzy Moonbow)

I've got the skills

Pony let's get going

(Sunny Starscout)

Get going

(Izzy Moonbow)

Get going

"C'mon, Sarah! Join in!" Sunny invited the young Sun Princess rolled her eyes playfully before to join the song to Eternatus and Silvally's chargin.

(All three)

I'm lookin' out


I'm lookin' out for you

I'll go where you're going to

It's all I ever want to do

I am lookin' out

All three mares, along with Sarah's whole family, adoptive parents and Tsukumaro were galloping across the land, singing their song.

(All three)

For you!

The group reached a rocky mountain area in the dead night and decided it as best to set up camp for the night.