• Published 6th Mar 2022
  • 1,331 Views, 18 Comments

N’Zoth’s Chosen - Dracthul

An Azerothian champion is brought to Equestria with no memories of his life. His past will be unraveled, but not before he discovers the dark power within his very body. He is N’Zoth’s chosen, but can he stop the Old God?

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Prologue: Rebirth

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Starting a new story! I will probably write this and another story at the same time, so updates won’t be as frequent as Death Cometh was.

This is a story focusing on a human in Equestria who has to find himself again, while finding some love as he does—but a certain Old God interferes with his plans…

Welcome to the introduction of N’Zoth’s Chosen! Let me know what you think; feedback, comments, reviews, and thoughts are very much appreciated!

I hope you enjoy!

My Black Empire will be reborn through your flesh…

The world quaked as the slow, cold rumble of his voice rolled over the ground. The deep places of the world stirred with the tone of his voice, rejoicing at his words and repeating them in an unending echo. Like a symphony of discordant tones merging to become one cacophony of darkness, the voice forced its way into the minds of all who heard it.

The words spoken by the horrid creature were coming true as he held his enemies within his wicked grasp. They struggled to break free of the dark energy swirling around them, only further constricting them. The armor they wore to protect themselves would become their tomb, for it pressed into their bodies to the point of drawing blood, and inevitably, to the point of death. They gripped their necks with their hands, trying to pry the plating around them off. However, it mattered not, for the tightening grip sucked at their resolve, slowly breaking them.

Those who wore lighter armor did not fare any better since the Void around them seeped into their bodies, causing them to scream in agony as it consumed them. Their skin dissolved from the corrupted substance as they literally came undone, their flesh peeling away as it decayed. Even the warlocks and shadow priests who had used shadow magic for years could not ward off the sheer amount of dark power being forced into them.

Those held in the air were humans, dwarves, gnomes, and everything in between. They were united as one in their goal to save Azeroth from the being that threatened it now. They were all warriors, some choosing to fight with sword and shield while others chose to use arcane power to decimate their enemies. Through countless battles and as many wars, they had honed their skills, defeating foe after foe as they valiantly protected their homeworld. In normal times, they would fight against the Horde, a faction of races bent on conquering the planet in the name of glory. The Horde’s greatest enemy was the Alliance, a coalition founded by humans. Whichever faction the warriors fought for did not matter now, for the fate of all Azeroth was hanging in the balance. The warriors suspended in the air were Azeroth’s champions, the planet’s greatest warriors. They had taken down many villains, from dragons to demons, but now they faced their greatest foe.

The creature they battled was none other than the God of the Deep. He was an Old God, the vile beings of flesh that were the physical manifestations of The Void. They were chaotic beings that twisted the minds’ of their enemies to their gain, their only goal to consume the world. Their whispers turned even the noblest of creatures into mindless abominations bent only to their will. Masters of manipulation and power, they were responsible for some of Azeroth’s greatest tragedies. The Curse of Flesh that turned the Titan’s perfect creations into mortal beings, the corruption of the Emerald Dream, the Sha of Pandaria—all the result of the Old Gods.

Four of them had crash-landed on Azeroth after they were hurled across the universe when they were birthed from The Void, but only one still remained. The first of them had been killed before he could release his army onto the world, another had been forced back into his prison before he could unleash his true power, and one had been killed long ago—literally ripped from the planet by the Titans, the beings of order in the universe. The last of the four was the smartest.

He spent his time scheming and building his influence while his brothers waged war on the planet. He raised a glorious empire that walked not on land but instead waited beneath the ocean. His chains held him below the waves, keeping him concealed from most mortals, so he was left to plan. He alone was responsible for corrupting the dreamscape that was the Emerald Dream, and he had turned the noble Dragon Aspect Neltharion the Earth-Warder into The Worldbreaker, Deathwing. His constant whispers through the very soil of Azeroth had driven Neltharion mad, giving rise to the wicked power of Deathwing.

Since then, he had revealed himself to the world, drawing the mortals into his realm. One of his most powerful servants, Queen Azshara, tried to betray him, but he used his enemies to thwart her when he could not. In so doing, he freed himself of the prison that had held him for centuries, now free to wreak havoc upon the waking world.

The time had finally come for him to claim his ultimate victory. His manifestations had become real as he stood at the point of utter dominion over the past, present, and future. Using one of the Titan’s own devices, he had turned Azeroth into Ny’alotha, a city of the Old God’s creation. It was a terrible place, filled with wicked beings that were twisted into mindless abominations that fed upon the flesh of their foes. Massive temples scattered the world that honored him alone, and his countless servants that walked the land commanded the corrupted earth.

There was only one thing left in his way: the champions who faced him—but they would soon be dealt with. He held them in his grip, his numerous eyes watching their lives fade away. His dark energy tore through them, killing all that it touched. It seemed that no one could stop him…

The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria grabbed the Elements of Harmony from her friends’ necks, circling them around her form. She removed the purple star-shaped one from her crown, adding it to the circle. She sped the Elements up with her magic, her horn glowing brightly as she did, making them spin fast enough to create a rainbow around her.

Wicked vines shot up from around the dying Tree of Harmony and wrapped around her barrel. Her friends gasped as she struggled against their grip. Another vine wrapped around an Element, but Twilight pulled it away with her magic. She lowered the Elements to the tree, placing them within their slots on the hardened branches. The vines encased her, but she continued to use her magic, placing her Element at the center of the tree.

The Elements radiated with electrifying energy as they were connected to each other once more, a bright light of many colors illuminating the tree. The same light burned away the twisted vines wrapped around the branches, spreading out across the entire Everfree Forest and all that the vines touched. The tree’s bark turned crystal as it shined with a glorious radiance.

Twilight flew down to her friends, looking at the two mounds of vines beside the tree’s base. As they were burned away by the purifying light, Princess Luna and her sister, Princess Celestia, were revealed. Twilight ran over to them, hugging them both.

“We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements,” Princess Celestia said in her soothing voice as she held Twilight close. “It took great courage to relinquish them.”

A sharp sound echoed through the cave as the tree flashed with light. Streams of energy came from each of the Elements and into the center, where the Element of Magic was. It connected to the sun and moon near the bottom of the tree, winding down to a root on the ground. With a flash, a small purple bud formed. It quickly grew in size, forming a large bulb. Twilight trotted over to it, reaching out a hoof and touching it.

Rainbow light made her look away as the bud opened, revealing a crystal chest inside. It had six keyholes on it, one for each side of its sparkling surface.

“What’s inside it?” Twilight asked. “How am I supposed to open it?”

“Six locks,” Princess Luna said, looking at the container, “six keys.” Twilight looked at Princess Celestia.

“I do not know where they are,” she said. “But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone.” She stepped aside, Twilight’s friends behind her. Twilight looked at the crystal box one more time before trotting away with her friends.

The sun was rising over Equestria in the light of the Summer Sun Celebration and the return of the royal sisters from the clutches of the Everfree Forest. It was a joyful celebration, for Princess Luna stood alongside her sister once again, free from being Nightmare Moon. But in the ponies’ joy, dark powers worked their magic. The air warped and crackled within the cave that held the Tree of Harmony as something bored its way into the world, something alien appearing. The whistling sound of magic faltering rang out as a ball of yellow light formed in front of the tree. Its good-willed and pure energy allowed it passage into the world—but it was a deception. A purple color took hold of the ball, darkness engulfing the cave as the light faded, the tree unable to hold back the invading force it had already let in. With a surge of magic, the ball exploded, the ground shaking as it did. Its energy dissipated as what was inside was revealed—a man.

He fell to the stone ground, his body sprawled across the cold surface. His eyes were closed, and his chest was still. His lifeless form rested on the stone, and an ominous silence was in the air.


The man’s eyes shot open as he heaved a massive breath into his lungs…