• Member Since 11th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago

Aether Spark

I'm a highly imaginative and clever storymaker with a great imagination and desire to make great stories, I'm very dedicated to my stories and will always do my best to finish them. :)

Comments ( 134 )

Equestria is doomed. AU or not.

its just monkey business....

Nice :)

I don't remember that one but it was catchy nonetheless.

Pretty interesting thus far, I shall be looking forward to where it goes from here.

Nice to see this in print. Enjoy everybody.

Well…just from reading the description, and watching some of SuperHorrorBro’s Dark Deception videos, I have a feeling this is gonna be a fun, if not crazy, read. So I’ll wait until 5-9 TOTAL chapters to be out, and then make a better informed decision on it it’ll go into my favs or not.

Until then, stay safe, have fun, and remember to smile.:pinkiehappy:

…and yes I enjoy the more, mature stories if my name is anything to go by.:trollestia::raritywink:

Curious on if this is based on some video game?

11248717 (I had much the same question when I started editing, because I had not played Dark Deception)

I just checked a bit of the game and wow

Indeed, Spike has a lot of work to do and it's high-risk work too.

Do not hesitate to ask any questions about DD if you have them.

I will gladly answer them to the best of my ability.

Well…nice reference to the Agatha fight from the newer updates. I can’t wait to see how Spike does against the Gold Watchers.:trollestia:

I'm guessing pinkie with the next stage being carnival theme with the clowns

Correct :pinkiehappy:

Question is, who's the surprise guest?

With that, he jumped in.

I don’t know why…but when I read this I hear the sound effect of Mario jumping.🤣

So reaper nurses are next…so what? That means it’s nurse Red Heart? Now I’m curious, especially as that part is more…adult(?) than the other sections. So I’m genuinely curious on how you’re going to handle them…and the JJ Gang…and I have a guess on who the “last” enemy, (based off of what the game has currently released), is going to either be Twilight, or Celestia…I personally hope Tia. But that is up to you.

With my rant now done and out of the way;
Stay safe, have fun, and remember to smile.:pinkiehappy:

Okay, I’ll that end bit had me. But I have irl things to take care of so I’ll give a proper comment later.

Okay, now that I’m back, here comes my comment/rant.

The next is the JJ gang, and I originally thought the CMC would’ve been the JJ gang, but now I’m curious on who you’ll have as the three taking their place. And after the JJ gang I think you’ll have Celestia as “Momma” and her Trigger whatever you decide, either her, or Twilight as Momma.

And after these next two chapters, the author will need to make up most of the rest of the monsters, with all we know about the next monster, is a pointy needle manikin. So besides them, the author will need to make up monsters.

Now, as a more, mature, reader, I’d love to see a quick side story of how the Shadow is breaking whoever into his personal “queen”. Now, do I see the author writing that, :yay: no. Would I want to see it…so long as it was anthro or human…just my tastes so sue me.

But in the end, I can’t wait for more and will happily wait. Just do me these things… Stay safe, Have fun, and remember to smile everypony.:pinkiehappy:


Seems like you're a SuperHorrorBro fan? :raritywink:


Don't underestimate Spike. It's his time to FINALLY shine. I mean, we can't let the Mane Six take all of the glory? :duck:

Yes we can. It's called the Mane 6 for a reason. Not the Mane 7.

Luna sighed and gazed out at the ballroom. "Tell me, Spike. Do you know what this place is?"

"What did you mean before Luna?" Spike said a little curtly.

“We are answering your question with a question and we would also like to remind you of your tone," Luna said sharply.

"Sorry…" Spike flinched.

Luna, you don't have to be a prideful jerk, AND stop caring about your royal status, this is not the time!

And in Spike's defense, he is super stress out as it is, considering this crazy situation. PLUS, Spike isn't knowledgeable with the dream/nightmare world, or know about The Shadow beforehand, like you do. So, you literally walked into that one. :ajbemused:

“Ah’m Chef Ripper Mac !” Big Mac growled, his pupils turning red. He raised the saw and slashed it at Spike who narrowly tucked his tail to avoid the rotating blade.

Ironic that his monster name almost sounds like Chef Pepper Jack from Skylanders ( Trap Team specifically ). :ajsmug:

Interesting that you replaced the very first level/portal of the haunted hotel with the Murder Monkeys and Chef Monkeys from the game. With the corrupt monsters varieties of Applejack and Big Mac, and their disoriented farm house. Nice creativity, reminds me of leatherface.

"We’ll do that too, but for now, Apple Bloom needs help," Spike said with a mix of determination and nervousness at her vehemence. With a nod, Applejack went back into the ring and Spike approached the double doors and opened them. Upon traversing a hallway or two he came to a red wall of energy.

Don't forget Sweetie and Scootaloo.


Makes sense that the CMC will be Agatha, and Mrs. Cheerilee's preschool is the the Haunted School of the second level/portal.

The creature in question resembled Miss Cheerilee but she looked like some kind of black gecko-like monster with a cone shaped face that bobbed back to stare at them. The tip of a long tongue slithered out to whip at the air before the creature climbed into a hole in the ceiling.

“I guess we know what the tendril came from now…” Spike said, trying to conceal his fear.

“We call her the substitute creature…” a voice from behind Spike said and he spun to see the three gruesome fillies staring at him coldly.

That's new!?

“Get back in there or ah’m coming out of this ring!” Applejack scolded and Spike sighed and went back. Carefully he opened the door and saw no sign of the substitute creature. Moving quickly, he rounded a corner, collecting some soul shards. Spike opened a set of doors and found some more gems, but as he moved in to collect them, a tongue wrapped around the baby dragon and lifted him into the air.

Applejack, STOP pressuring him! Plus, WTF are you gonna do? You're still a ghost/spirit, stupid!


Shut up! You aren't helping! :twilightangry2:

A giant figure emerged from the shadow, a monster that was bigger than Big Mac and looked more powerful as well. And its head… it had three! Zombloom on the left and Scootabat on the right with Sweetie Doom in the middle.

“Time for the teacher’s pet to come in! The Crusaberus!” the three-headed monstrosity growled.

“Seriously?! A three-headed monster?!” Spike exclaimed.

Wait a minute?! You STOLE the Joy Joy Gang's boss form!!!!

Now what are you going to do, when you reach their own level eventually?

I didn't it's just a large pony-like monster, with three heads.

Plus even if I did I asked Vince for permission to make a story based on his game and he said yes so long as I don't try to sell anything.

I hope you still enjoy it.

As for Joy Kill's replacement in the story, you'll have to see, we're one episode away.


Now, as a more, mature, reader, I’d love to see a quick side story of how the Shadow is breaking whoever into his personal “queen”. Now, do I see the author writing that, :yay: no. Would I want to see it…so long as it was anthro or human…just my tastes so sue me.

That is just rape if you ask me. :twilightoops:


Wait?! You talked to the creator himself???

Yep during one of his Q&A's

“Swing to the other side!” Applejack called from ground level, Spike noticed a Diamond Watcher trying to ax her but failing as the ax went through her. “Ah'm already a ghost ya varmint!” Applejack angrily said to the statue.

Told ya!

"The Shadow," Luna said with a hint of fear.

Question? Is he way worse and more powerful than Nightmare Moon and the Pony of Shadows/Stygain combined?

His current level of powers are unknown but he's dangerous.

Technically since they are bound to Spike as an anchor they can touch him

Now, he has finished the third level/portal for the Gold Watchers/Titan Watchers. But it's Diamonds instead like Rarity, obviously.

"Yes, I suppose we should get a move on then, but first…" Rarity leaned forward and placed a smooch on Spike's cheek.

Should have kissed him on the lips.

“For saving me like a true knight, and who knows considering the distance you went.” Rarity leaned in. “There may be hope for us yet.” Rarity trotted away while Luna had to shake Spike out of the mushy state he was in.

“Think yer pulling his leg a little too hard there?” Applejack said this with a raised brow.

“I was entirely serious, Applejack. He saved me like a valiant knight and…” Rarity trailed off remembering Spike’s heartfelt words.

“Just remember, yer gettin his hopes up, so don’t let him down,” Applejack said with a serious tone.

“I won’t,” Rarity said as they approached the portal.

For once, I AGREE with Applejack's notion here. And after this, I hope that Rarity can FINALLY date Spike, because it has been long overdue!!!

Those eyes… they were so dark, so creepy, and at the same time mesmerizing, so mind-breaking that the longer he stood there watching the less of his own existence he could feel. He forgot himself, he forgot the world, those eyes were all that existed now, his heart felt like it was going to explode from the gripping fear he felt but there was nothing he could do- stopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaring stopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopstaringstopSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP -


I'm guessing that's monster Fluttershy as Doom Ducky.

Rarity tried frantically to snap Spike out of the stare but he was transfixed. Reaching for a solution, any solution, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and immediately Spike snapped out of it.

When are you gonna kiss him on the lips?

“You see? You shouldn’t doubt a power until you’ve used it,” Luna teased.

“Ok, ok. I admit it. This could be useful,” Spike said with an eye roll. Afterward, Spike began to use the power as he began opening doors left and right. He also made sure to pause when his power had run out and proceeded when it was recharged.

To be frank, he should have thought of this and tested it earlier, and WOULDN'T waste a life for drama/horror effect. :facehoof:

“I guess a long series of horrific encounters can desensitize someone,” Spike said with a smile at the compliment. Applejack frowned at this, however, thinking Spike may be developing a new mentality on this situation.

True! :pinkiecrazy:

It worried her.

Applejack, you worry too much. At least it makes him "brave" enough for future horror encounters. It kinda happened the same thing with Fluttershy from the beginning of the show. Sort of.

"You must not let your guard down, Spike!" Luna scolded.

"Sorry! I just needed a small break. I've been dodging monsters left and right a lot lately."

To think that being a dragon, despite being a "baby/kid". He should have a lot of stamina or something?

"It's not like I have a tablet-like device that can tell me where they are!" Spike complained

Reference! Plus, why didn't Luna think of that, and make a FRICKIN MAP?

He has finished the fourth level/portal of the Dread Duckies/Doom Ducky. And it was Fluttershy's likeness as a swan. I bet she feels extreme regret for hurting Spike. :fluttercry: :flutterrage:

“Nope nope nope! If you wanna save me you gotta play the game! My master and the plot demand it! Plus the writer is probably getting carpal tunnel just writing this part out so let’s move it along here.” And with that, the pony clown cartwheeled back into the tent.

Still with the fourth wall? Never change Pinkie.

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