• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 1,476 Views, 20 Comments

Journey Of Me & My Mothers. - Neutral Boy

An orphan human infant flung from his old world to a new one is taken care of by six young mares. From there, he will grow up to learn this land's magic, his hidden abilities, and escape with his mothers from a Malevolent force looking for him.

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Chapter 1: Motherly progress and chaotic mess.

{Year 963, The Equestrian Era since Nightmare Moon's banishment. . . . .}

A few years have passed for the six mares in Ponyville and there adopted colt/human.

It was a struggling life for the young grown ups to say the least.

Why, you might be asking? Well, there's been more than several problems the six mares had to deal with while under the caretaking of a human child. The secrecy, teaching basic lessons, feeding, bathing, take over switching hours, schedule picks, home school work, avoiding public group media, etc.

Another problem concerning the mares is there child's future cutie mark, talent, and magic. In their minds, would he still be able to take on any career jobs without any cutie mark and/or magic? I mean, sure he wasn't born with earth powers, pegasi wings, or unicorn magic. Not that they weren't overlooking the possible suggestive decisions, but all of them didn't know exactly on what to do of making the right choices. Even if some of those ones are the wrong paths to pick.

However, it's not all that bad in the years passing since there was some good results.

For one thing though, the six mares needed give their adopted human child a name. They couldn't exactly think of what the child's biological parents truly named him, but they wanted give him a new temporary name for staying on this world of Equestria. Each mare gave an idea name of Nectar Gaze, Little Cookie, Apple Cream, Homing Junior, Jewel Boulder, or Staticky Gale. The human child didn't like those names and whimpers as the mares try to calm him down.

The mares couldn't think of one good name for their child, until an idea thought occurred in Twilight Velvet's head. She told her five friends of a wonderful name and they were listening of her suggestion. Velvet gave her male human child a new name called Etios Abaddon. They asked her on why that name and not something more clever. She then explained to them that this name comes from a lost legend in the books she has read while traveling to many libraries. The name of this Etios Abaddon is the Guardian Watcher of the old war, long before the birth of the Celestial sisters.

Cloudy, Shy, Windy, Pear, and Cookie have hummed at the name for a moment. Only, neither of the six anthro ponies expected when they were spooked in surprise when there human infant giggles in laughter upon hearing the name. Both of the young mares looked at each other, smiled and nodded of approving the new name for the male child. Henceforth, there adopted baby will be known as, Etios Abaddon.

After the new name is confirmed, the six mares have began making the first steps of motherhood. However, what the mares doesn't know is they couldn't be prepared for the duties of raising an infant alien from a far away land. Including the shenanigans from a blind baby with the power of historic babies across time, making a huge chaotic destructive mess that would put all of the combined greatest heroes and villains to utterly shame.

You don't believe it? Well then, let me give you of some examples.

During the morning time in her personal library, Twilight Velvet is taking care of the infant baby while researching on her book of creating a potion for the baby to walk on clouds. While she goes to get some ingredients, Etios awoke from his nappy time and played with his toys in the crib basket. He began to spin the block like it's a fast bird, but he didn't know his left hand moved faster as the block slipped out of his hand.

The block flew out of the crib towards a bunch of stacked books, making the block ricochet out to break out of the glass window. That, is where the domino effect kicks in. A tall of stacked book begun to tumble from the impact and it collided with another stacked books, cause each book to tumble one by one. The last book stack knocked over the ingredients table as it suddenly created a small green of fire from the mixed materials of powder and minerals.

Velvet comes back in her room, only to witness a disaster right in front of her colored eyes.

"What in Equestria?!" She yelled out in shock.

The purple young mare accidentally dropped her supplies and immediately her motherly instincts kicks in. Saving the human infant, she uses her magic try and douse the flames before it destroys everything. Using a watering hose mixed with anti-green flame water in it, the plan is working of reducing the rising flames, but for some reason it's not working as the heat began to rise and the green flames is counteracting the water.

What's even worse is that Velvet can hear some commotion of yelling outside. She glances to the broken window, noticing a small wood block in the hands of some angry pony and many ponies trying to calm him or her down.

"Oh I am so screwed." Velvet murmurs, recognizing the toy that belonged to the infant.

While she was distracted and wondered on how it got thrown out of her window, the green flames ignited more and breaking through. Velvet felt the flames hit her right arm, making her flinch and dropping her hose in the process. She turns her head and sees the green flames heading towards the crib. Thinking quickly, she runs to the crib and uses her magic to create a barrier strong enough to push the raging flames away.

'No dangerous being nor thing shall lay one touch of my baby colt.' Velvet thought in her confidence mind.

'Don't worry Etios, mommy will put in all of her magic to protect you from this out of control fire.'

She closes her eyes shut and holds the baby tightly as the flames is closing to breaking her barrier.

A moment later, she had heard some sizzling and felt that her magic barrier didn't break.

She peeks her eyes open and surprisingly saw the green flames have disappeared.


Velvet looked confused on what happened to the smoke as she turned off her magic barrier.

She looked down at her baby and he merely giggled, pointing his right finger to her snout.


She scrunched up her nose before smiling and hugging her baby.

Unaware of Velvet however, a small green of smoke behind her books formed three eyes. It has looked at the two sentient beings for a moment before it escaped to the broken window.

Not far away from Sweet Apple Acres, Pear Butter is teaching some basic lessons with Etios. Both are outside with Pear showing examples of fruits while Etios disguised as a costume colt is numbing on an apple.

"Now Etios, pay close attention. As earth ponies like yours truly, we each have magic to gather seeds to make fruits and vegetables grow. Including plant life of trees and more like. . ."

Her adopted baby, however, wasn't listening and began to bang the apple on the picnic ground.

Pear Butter seeing this, stops talking and facepalms herself.

"It's been twenty minutes and he's not focused on his studies." She mumbles.

'I swear, if he goes on the different route like A.K. Yearling or Blight Enchanter, it'll be the death of us. Then again, he could be more of a smarter stallion route than Herkies and Regulus. Probably on the equal even playing field of Princess Celestia.' Her mind thought.

Pear paused when she felt a slight tremor on the ground.

"Oh no."

Feeling familiar of the ground shaking, she quickly picked up the baby and run off to a hiding spot. What she didn't know is that Etios had dropped the apple as an unknown tingle shook before it hits the picnic ground. Pear hid behind several trees and peek out to see some sentient diamond dogs coming out of the hole they have dug through.

"No sign of gemmy, Raphf." One of the dogs said.

"It's pronounced little Alpha you dolt. I told you to head west, not east." The other said grumbling in anger.

"Bright side on look, eat free fruty and vega we've found."

"Ugh, I'm too damn tired of this. Let's just head back home and get into trouble for failing again."

"Hmph, fooly prick reject."

"Yeah, yeah, up yours too yah lazy fatso."

While the diamond dogs are busy gathering the food, Pear glances to see Etios pointing to the dogs.

"Don't worry my baby, those are just intelligent diamond dogs. They can be dumb some or most of the times, but they are good at digging lands and making homes through underground tunnel. Especially for the interest of hunting for gems in any rock or ground areas. I'll tell you more about them later, but first let's just go home for the time being and we'll go make us some delicious soup."

As Pear takes her baby back home, we begin to see the diamond dogs got the food and jump into the hole.

However, things took an unexpected when a roar from underground causes the dogs to flee.




Near a lake, Windy Whistles is teaching her human baby of lessons with clouds.

"Remember Etios, this is what we pegasi ponies can do with the weather." She says in demonstration.

Windy pushes the small cloud toward the lake in clear view. Eye the position carefully, she flies upward and bounces on the cloud with her lower hoof feet as the cloud pour rain onto the watery lake. Satisfied, she peels off a part of the white cloud and somersaults back onto the ground where her baby is waiting for her.

"Unlike Earth and Unicorn ponies, we are slightly much weaker in strengths of combat. However, our wings of flight makes up for the element in magic. We can create to control on the weather patterns of rain and thunder, but it's much more difficult to control without our test of practices. Plus, it's also the trait we have got when getting a cutie mark talent afterwards, like me. Did I get that right?"

Etios only stares at her in awe before smiling and clapping his hands.

Windy sighs and rubs the back of her neck.

"Oh, who am I kidding? I'm literally talking to a colt who's blind and can't understand me. Of all the days like this, I get a turn at taking over as a mother, but can't figure out on what to teach him besides the basic studies I did back in my school days. Not the part of being blind or having broken wings." She said talking to herself.

"I should've talked with Velvet, maybe she had a better solution than this."

Windy notices that Etios is crawling towards the lake and she picks him up in her arms.

"No sweetie, you're not allowed to go into the lake until you get much older. I'll have to probably leave a note for the girls and see if we got time to teach him about swimming lessons."

She then gave her colt child a piece of the cloud.

"Here, this should let you taste of cotton candy."

Etios, not knowing if the cloud is a fruit or vegetable, began to bite on it. What Windy didn't know is when her baby gripped his hands on the piece of cloud, the big one above the lake is acting strangely as it suddenly slowly float downwards to the water.

Windy heard a shingling sound at a shop and she felt so excited.

"Oh sweet Celestia! They have my flavored pepper up for sale! I'll go buy you a salad potato for you Etios."

While the two are off to the shop, a hawk in a tree is seen stalking a hole with several baby rabbits appearing out. The rabbits look to find some food while the hawk is picking it's targets. Finding the right one to pick, the hawk flaps it's wings to the sky and flies down to grab a rabbit with it's claws.

As the predator is closing in on the helpless preys, the hawk felt an injury all of a sudden when it stopped in midair. Both the hawk and the rabbits turn to see a watery cloud serpent formed and it's head biting down on the hawk's body. Terrified of this unknown predator, the hawk is dragged to the lake while the baby rabbits for it.

However, the two unfortunate souls of baby rabbits got caught by the serpent's tentacles. As the rest of the baby rabbits flee for there mother, both the hawk and the two baby rabbits scream in vain and they were dragged into the lake where the cloud is and forming a mouth for a delicious.

Inside a baking house, Cookie Crumbles is busy baking ingredient meals to cook and bake.

"Now Etios dear, this is where I'll be teaching you on my level of trait." She says, mixing some bowl of eggs.

After minutes of cooking the food, Cookie takes the tray of gingerbread ponies out and puts it on the table.

Her human baby smells the food and droll at the food wanting to take a bite.

"Unicorns like me can use our horns to concentrate magic with many things in mind. Levitation, teleport, sewing, grabbing weapons to protect ourselves, use tools to craft, create barriers, flashlights in dark places, you name it. Me, on the other hand, don't use them that well since I haven't done much book spell research back in Canterlot."

Cookie levitated a few gingerbread ponies with her magic as they dance on the table.

"Although, my lack of research didn't stop me. Bookworm Velvet perhaps is more of a scientist and nerd at spells, but I'm focused on clothing designs while also baking good meals."

Cookie gave a gingerbread to her baby as he munches on it.

"Oh, just look at how adorable and spoiled you are my colt~." She cooed.

While she awed in cuteness at him, she sniffs in the air and covered her snout from the bad odor.

"I better go get you changed up Etios."

As Cookie picked up her baby and walk to the bathroom, she was unaware of the crumbles from the gingerbread ponies that glowed and shook on the tray. One by one, each gingerbread is slowly getting up and there devoid eyes open up.

The mouse from the hole appears to look for some scavenged food. Upon running to each section, it was startled when a bunch of little gingerbread ponies had just jumped down from the table. Each of the gingerbread look at the mouse and they all showed there teethes.

Having a fearful dread of these food turned predator, the mouse hurriedly to run from these delicious monsters while the gingerbread ponies roared and chasing the mouse in every direction to corner it.

Moments later, Cookie Crumbles appears and goes to grab a towel.

"Now to go grab a bite to eat."

She then turns to go get the gingerbread ponies off of her tray, only to find that none of them are there.

"Damn mice, always trying to steal my food from me." She mumbles.

Behind her is the front door with an open teared small hole down below.

At the small entrance is the blood on the floor and some hairs of several mouse critters.

Shy is holding Etios as a disguised colt in Cloudsdale. She has a list that she needs for the jars of lightning bolts, a couple of spicy rainbow fluid drinks, and a nutrition foods for Etios. Also giving him a tour around the city of Cloudsdale's and the places like markets, café, hotels, colosseum, etc.

'Good thing that the girls got a harness for our colt here.' Shy's mind thought, nodding to herself.

"Behave yourself Etios, mommy will be going to grab a list of supplies. In the meantime though, I'll be taking you around the environments of Cloudsdale, even though you can't see through your own eyes." She says to him.

"Might want to add in a list of new glasses of mine before we leave the city."

Whilst trying to be careful of bumping into other ponies, Shy walks around to a market filled with some items on her list. Looking around of seeing not many ponies at the market, she goes over to the items and grab a few lightning jars.

"These should be good."

Shy glances to see Etios trying to grab one, but she turns it away from him.

"Easy young colt, those lightning aren't to be played with as mere toys. One shock of it and you may get a severe burn from it or worse. Don't worry, I'll go get a rainbow jar of jelly for you to eat with a bread of sandwich, sound good to you?"

After getting some list of items, Shy goes over to the checkout to wait in line.

Etios waved his hands around and accidentally hit a rainbow jelly jar.

It almost tipped over and falls, but Shy catches it in time and puts the jar back on the shelf.

"Now, now baby colt, we won't be in Cloudsdale for long and we'll have plenty of time to eat."

Getting the groceries to go, Shy leaves the market with Etios. What she doesn't know is when she put the jar back on the shelf, the rainbow inside starts to slowly turn in a distorted circle.

The glass outside the jar starts to shatter as a piece of it is broken.

While the pegasi ponies are busy and didn't notice the jar cracking open, a small claw appears out of it and tips the jar off the shelf, shattering it. A janitor stallion walks over to the shelf and saw the broken jar shattered.

"Another day of my boring job." The stallion said, grumbling and picking up the glass.

The janitor begins to pick up the glass pieces, not noticing the trail of rainbow liquid heading outside.

At the rock farm home, Cloudy Quartz is by a cave with Etios as she holds up two rocks in her hands.

"Unlike certain Earth ponies, some of us have our unique trait of magic." She says, eyeing the two rocks.

Looking from left to right, Cloudy gave the right small rock to him while se holds the big rock.

"A lot of rock materials have different kinds of shapes and sizes. Whether they be normal rocks, pebbles, boulders, gems, iron, bronze, silver, gold, crystal, diamond, and many more undiscovered. Though I do wonder if I have left off any details that I forgotten from my booklet."

Cloudy saw Etios wanting to bite on it, but she takes it away.

"It's not good for you Etios. Not many things are so tasty and you probably not like it since those ones can hurt your precious teeth. I know that feeling too well mind you. Last time I tasted Windy's secret cooking it gave me a bad diarrhea for a few days."

She looks up to see that the sun is setting soon.

"Alright, it's time to read you a story about 'The Boulder King' in my rock library section."

Cloudy picks up her human baby into her arms and cradles him to her chest.

"Remindful, if you do get diarrhea, be sure to hit the jerk in the nuts with a fast rock pebble."

Her baby colt drops a small rock by the cave as she walks off. While she was away, a small rock salamander appears and grabs the small rock in it's mouth before scurrying off into the cave entrance. Inside the entrance, you can see a small shadow of the rock salamander as it suddenly grows before a loud 'pop' would sound.

The shadow of the salamander dies down as whatever killed it has grown big and growing rocks on it's whole body. The shadowy thing makes a low growl sound and forms a body wither six legs and a rock tail. The head of the creature forms with two eyes looking around. It the slowly walks off to somewhere underground from the cave entrance.

(Meanwhile, far away in space from planet Equus. . .)

Five figures are seen at the portal entrance gateway.

One is standing tall while the other four are bowing on one knee.

"You have your orders, find them and bring them to us." The tall figure said.

"As you wish Counselor." The four figures say in unison.

"Remember; Failure to capture them "alive", will result in severe consequences."

The four bows again before each of them went into the portal.

Another figure walks it and stands beside the tall figure.

"We're still round up the fugitives and traitors. Are you sure to trust these four individuals?"

"It matters not, they are all merely keys to our own objectives."

"Hmmmm, I have my spy on standby at the Citadel."

"Good then, make sure to have him equipped should any of them betray us behind our backs."

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, viewers, and followers. I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get any chapter story updated. I've been on some me time of wanting to distract myself with games and watching my tv recording. Anyways, I just thought of posting this chapter before the end of 2022 as a late Christmas present.

Merry late Christmas everyone and a happy new year of 2023.

Comments ( 3 )

I was surprised to see this updated, thought it was abandoned.

I've been wondering are the girls married?

Hoping for more updates.

The mothers of the Main 6 aren't married yet. I'm only going to write out the world building, plots, and characters before they would eventually encounter there love interests. Although, for the male human infant of the mare mothers, I'm going to be listing off some particular love interests in this Equestria world and from his crossover world as well.

Been waiting years for a chapter to come out l loveless ittt

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