• Member Since 20th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen May 28th


An AU enthusiest. Always interested in the what-ifs and seeing how folks expand on them.


Every year, a funeral is held for Celestia’s dearly departed daughter, Aurora. Every year Aurora grapples with the consequences of facing her mother and the public eye once again.

Rated T for themes of death - albeit lightly touched on. Constructive criticism is always encouraged.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 34 )

Really nice and touching. Not many fics explore the issues other immortals might have living in Equestria

Quite a few levels of awkwardness here, even setting aside the assumptions of how many days since Luna was released until the resolution of Tirek--there's still all the f-'d up timelines with Starlight Glimmer messing up a certain filly's flight and family history... "Rainbow" has got quite some 'splainin' to do. Good thing this is an AU, otherwise... :facehoof:

OTOH, I would like to hear how all that was pulled off. :rainbowwild:

Well, that was certainly a potent story. Raises a few questions regarding the Rainboom story, among other things...but I could easily see this fitting into canon. Well done.

Well now, that was a fun little read. Easy enough to see where it was going, and sadly, I would have loved at least a chapter longer, to show them coming together, but I know how it feels to end on the emotional high note, both as writer and reader, and it does that well. Good pacing throughout, and I do love that 'Aurora' speaks with a completely different tone, using words the other one would never have thought to use in her life, a good breaking with herself to become someone knew. Curious how the Element works here, considering the trait vs what she did, though an equal consideration is that she's here at all, rather than having hidden away to avoid the pain completely. Fun times, would love to read more in this AU.

This was pretty good, all things considered. RD being the daughter of Celestia isn't anything new, but I don't think I've come across regret about hiding who she really is in this manner yet.

Not bad... As someone said there is a LOT that has to change to get this working as if there is no kid Rainbow Dash you don't have the Sonic Rainboom and without that...

I liked this a lot, but there is one thing that sadly nags at me. An issue with the narrative situation so to speak.

Twilight likely still became Celestia's pupil in this timeline, and apparently looked up the alicorn she met as a filly and learned it was Aurora. Celestia's daughter.

So... how and why did she say nothing to Celestia? It doesn't really fit. I figure Twilight would have told Celestia. "So yeah I met your daughter when I was a filly. She's out there somewhere." I can see maybe wanting Aurora to do it herself, and maybe not want to hurt Celestia more by telling her Aurora is alive but refuses to come see her, but both are a bit of a stretch.

Very nice story, but this plot hole bothers me.

I really liked this! It was short and to the point, but also was written very consistently.

Sure there is a plothole or two, but it's still a very good story! Definitely favoriting

“No!” Twilight bolted up to her hooves and took a few steps back. She was glaring down at Aurora and puffing her cheeks out. “You need to go find your mommy right now and apologize!”

*Baby Twily adowableness intensifies*


I'd love to see this story continued someday.

This is such a fun idea! Great read!

Not really. Her RD form is smaller than her alicorn form. Who is to say how small she can get? And I can see the Sonic Rainboom though being an accident at the time as she gets too focused on defending Fluttershy's honor and unleashed a little too much alicorn-level power.

Windy Whistle and Bow Hothoof where do they come from?
And it is overly complex to set up being a blank flank filly, do the sonic rainboom by mistake, fake the cutie mark... etc... It get pretty contrived if Rainbow Dash has ALWAYS been Aurora... [and lets not talk about the boneheadedness of her being there for Nightmare Moon return.]
Aurora being RD is a WHOLE can of Fridge Logic that doesn't really get solved. Nice story but it's a "don't think about it too much"

Aurora has reinvented herself for over a thousand years now, in a society that developed birth certificates and other records. I can see her developing close (possibly magically coerced) confidants who are willing to help her out and be her parents. (Or a pair of changlings she rescued from banishment/an abusive queen to serve the role.) And I imagine "How did you get your cutie mark" to be such a common conversational icebreaker that it's just easier to stage that event for her long-term identities.

But then I see such things as a challenge to explain and turn into a longer story. I don't expect to see that happen here, although I would really like one more chapter to see more of how this plays out with Celestia and Luna. Hugs, explanations, groundings for life, etc.

Woah, I really enjoyed this story.

This was definitely a great story and I honestly hope for a sequel. I know it’s supposed to be one of those one time short stories, but I feel like so much more could be added.

Rainbow got up and walked to the edge of the clearing. She could feel Twilight’s eyes boring into her as she drunk in possibly the deeping breath she’d ever taken, before slowly exhaling. Now was the time for truth.

Deeping is not the best choice of words right there. Deepest is what I think you were going for.

Well.. yes... but then HER cutie mark is a sham... and it does NOT have the relationship with the others and so the Element of Loyalty is reflecting that falsehood? And if that is her REAL cutie mark why would Celestia not notice it? As I said there are a LOT of fridge logic moment. Aurora being Rainbow Dash is quite a weak point.

We need more of this one

Nice story. I wouldnt have used the pony you did but nice story.

Very fun and thoughtful au. While I would like to see more, this as a stand alone is also really excellent. ^_^

Wow, quite an interesting world you've presented here. I've gotta say that this was definitely a nice read, and a glimpse into a world ripe with potential if written the right way. I found myself absentmindedly brainstorming ideas to get around some of the plot holes (primarily the Sonic Rainboom) near the end, and I can definitely see this working.

I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing for some sort of sequel to this, or even a prequel to dive into the whole Rainboom. But I can at the very least say that this is a very nice story, that hit quite a few nice notes along the way. Just enough information to leave readers theorizing, but not enough to leave them with a whole picture.

Good job Femikol, good job indeed... :twilightsmile:

Once Twilight got close enough, she wrapped a hoof around Rainbow, and pulled her into a hug.

At this point, I thought Twilight was going to say "Cool, Alicorn buddy!" but then I realized she is not Pinkie.

Wonderful. Extremely wonderful as is.

She's Rainbow Dash, isn't she?

Twilight found Celestia's long lost daughter, who Celestia holds a funeral for every year, and never TOLD her?

Twilight really has come a long way to being the princess of friendship.

Oh, this was sweet and tragic. Kudos to you, sire

We honestly need more stuff like this. Smooth and clear.
This is story-gold.

Also, I wonder what special abilities Rainbow/Aurora has as the Alicorn of War, kind of like how Celestia and Luna have natural control over the sun and moon.

A tactical mastermind and a brilliant military strategist, perhaps? She probably has a well-built body and a gifted combat magic user. She could also be very agile, adaptable and versatile. All are useful traits of a pony related to war and fighting.

Whoa, I really wonder what a third chapter would looks like. Just to have the whole reaction of the princesses. Very touching and strong writing

Everyone is probably very glad it was Twilight that formed that initial emotional bond in her childhood. Had it been Pinkie Pie, the reveal would've been Aurora bursting out of her casket with fireworks and confetti and that wouldn't have done anyone any good. :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

wow three years since I read this last? You know sometimes when I look back on old stuff I read when i was younger, I assume it will be bad because i had shit taste back then. Not the case for this one, this fic is still amazing and solidly one of my two favourite takes on this concept

I'm almost a little mad at how damn good this fic is cause how am suppose to find anything that is even remotely this good anywhere!?!?!?

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