• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


An RPG startup needs seed capital, but first they'll have to pass muster with an unusual prospective investor, and her team of playtesters...

A tongue-in-cheek tale of business and gaming and diplomacy and all that, set in the human (non-EQG) world.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Good ol memorable table top campaigns. Loved the story!

Good clean fun.

Quite amusing!

Although I realize the twist at the end with the dice is supposed to be a surprise, I think the story could be a bit improved with some focus earlier on the dice--I know they came up, but maybe (since the dice are their focus), have Spike and Rarity make more specific requests like: "oh, do you have a pink die" or "do you have a bigger one" or "so, these dice are fair, right, not weighted to a side"-- those requests can be camoflauged and the twist will still be amusing.

Hmm, an interesting bit of culture clash and exploration of differing value. Though I do wonder if the Equestrian players would be just as intrigued about actually playing this world's D&D equivalent. After all, their tone suggests the possibility that their system doesn't have the mechanics to make our kind of adventuring more than "just number-crunching and min-maxing", which many modern RPGs do. Still, mostly pretty okay stuff.

There was one bit that really rankled me, though:

"Major betrayal event. Sir Lyle gives you a secret nod, Jake -- indicating you are to take Princess Shmarity hostage, since you've been working for him all along."

Jake blinked in disbelief. "What? Me? I'm not the hero? But... I'm always the hero!"

"It happens, my dear," Rarity said. "The game occasionally throws one's character a curve ball, just to spice things up."

Yeah, no! That's not "throwing a curve ball", that's completely changing who a character is without any input or control from the player. And that's... awful.

I mean, you can try to argue different cultures, but as far as I can see, if there's one rule in RPGs that is absolutely sacrosanct, it's that the player, and the player alone, gets to decide who the character is, what they want and, outside of very specific circumstances (domination and other mind-screwing, for example), what the character does. Not the GM, not the dice, the player. Even if you're given a pre-made character, you get to interpret them however you wish and the GM can, at most, question and nudge you, but they absolutely cannot dictate what you do with them. And having that just be the result of a dice roll - having a one-in-twenty chance that your character is suddenly a completely different person and now wants something completely different? I'm sorry, but I honestly can't see how that could be seen as anything but terrible game design.

I mean, maybe that's just me - I'm not going to pretend I'm some authority on such things in this universe, let alone others - but it just... kinda knocked me out of the experience.

After read this this make me what to learn d&d

Aside from 10975448’s salient point on getting rolled into a betrayal—though that being part of the system does reflect Equestria’s much more lax attitude towards mental autonomy, Starlight—this was delightful. Thank you for a fascinating culture clash.

I'm still waiting for Smolder to get roped into one of these things.

Plus I don't get why you couldn't get Silver Stream to play test this thing.

That being said, I did appreciate the character dialogue.

Spike and Rarity work as partners here which is nice.

Plus Big Mac is a welcome cameo (even if I do think including Sugar Belle might have been a interesting addition).

Still perhaps it's better you kept it firmly 'Slice of Life', as it allowed me to focus fully on the action and the character interactions.

While I may not have understood all the character choices, it was still a strong cast with a enjoyable scenario.

A heavily enjoyable story. I wouldn't mind a sequel if you decided to make one.


though that being part of the system does reflect Equestria’s much more lax attitude towards mental autonomy, Starlight

And Twilight, Discord, Fluttershy technically...

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