• Member Since 13th May, 2012
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They've forgiven Starlight Glimmer for her past. Despite everything that she had done, they forgave her. It is something wonderful, the power of forgiveness.

It is a shame she can't forgive herself.

edited by AHAUNTEDGHOST and crush'dx3
coverart stolen and edited from Cadillacdynamite

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

And so Starlight does an Evelyn McHale

Well, fuck, Regi.

Ice Star #2 · Sep 3rd, 2021 · · 1 · Glow ·

I think you showing up at my house and kicking me as hard as possible for no reason would have been nicer than this story. Like really is the wrong word for stories with the intent this one has.

It was too effective.

You've killed me, mate. You took my feels, gave them a blindfold and a last cigarette, and then blasted them with a literary RPG. I'm both appalled and impressed. I'm impalled, if you will.
Mind you, I DO like how you wrote this. But Starlight is my favorite smol periwinkle jellybean, and you've put me into Inigo Montoya mode ove here!

Damn dude.

I saw this on my recommended feed and gave it a read. I've read stories about suicide before, but you did an exceptional job putting me into the mindspace of what Starlight committing suicide might have felt like. Your use of metaphor and the apartment story imagery felt seamlessly integrated into the story, something I've never really seen before and have to commend.

Regidar #6 · Sep 3rd, 2021 · · 1 · Glow ·

what if i came to your house and kissed you
it do be like that sometimes :ajsleepy: i think Starlight carries a lot of weight around with her even when she's not being tortured by me as a narrator. She has to walk around seeing all the ponies and creatures and entities she almost completely wiped out and caused a lot of undue suffering with the power she abused, from the ponies of our town to the various timeline fuckeries. I imagine it would be almost impossible to forgive herself once the gravity of that sets in no pun intended.
She deserves better than that! we all have moments of weakness. In a brighter world (aka, one not curated by me) her friends step in to help her. forgiveness is a fickle beast, though. the mind can be a nightmare.
it's wonderful to see where starlight went and what she accomplished in the show. She and trixie are the ponies i see myself in the most (for better and for worse)
I've had this framing/narrative device floating around in my head for a while. I'm not sure if I used it to its full potential here, but I'm glad you were impressed. Thank you for your kind words. :heart:
all the ponies are actually the same pony masquerading under different levels of mane style, color, and hue saturation

Ice Star #7 · Sep 3rd, 2021 · · 1 · Glow ·

I have a boyfriend. :trixieshiftleft:

That framing device... narrative tool, whatever it actually is, was absolutely stunning. Upvoted and favorited.

sykko #9 · Sep 4th, 2021 · · · Glow ·

Holy shit. That story was haunting.

thank you :heart: that means a lot
i wish i had expanded it a bit, honestly. i usually stick to a certain brevity in that i dont want certain ideas to overstay their welcome, but some of the floors could have been expanded more. i feel that this story would probably work better in a visual medium. a lot of times i find myself writing stories that really should be comics. perhaps one day i will learn to draw

... and she hit the ground at terminal velocity.

Technically that's not enough height to reach terminal velocity.
(and there's probably no cool slide show when you're falling in real life)

oh man I just spent the last ten minutes trying to figure out how to have accurately made it so that she could have reached terminally velocity and my brain broke. this is why i do artsy fartsy stuff and am not a physicist. but yeah, you got my intent lol. it was more for the effect of the story than it was for the accuracy of reality. talking colorful horses who can do magic also don't exist, and you probably don't witness a core memory from each year you were old corresponding to the building level you're passing when you fall lmao


talking colorful horses who can do magic also don't exist


Well, they say in the end, your life is supposed to flash before your eyes, and you managed an interesting and insightful way to do it. Bit of a punch in the gut but a great story overall.

daaaaamn I always love a good suicide fic to make my eyes blurry


I just spent the last ten minutes trying to figure out how to have accurately made it so that she could have reached terminally velocity

Making each floor 25 meters high should do it?
Or we can assume she's an airhead, and with lower density she would reach equilibrium sooner.
Perhaps she was just in a hurry and accelerated faster than usual? :twilightsmile:

Good story no matter what.

I assiujmed there was a twist, such as she'd duplicated herself, so there was a version that stayed in Ponyville, possibly with some judicious memory editing to ensure this version didn't go suicidal.

I didn't pay attention to the tags (just selected this story randomly from a pile of Read-It-Laters) so this caught me very off guard, dayum.

Though there's something I don't quite understand (probably because my brain is just not functioning today, dealt with way too much bureaucrazy):

Is Starlight in a time loop here? How, exactly? For that to happen one would have to travel back in time, but uh, she can't do that if she's dead.... Right? Yet it seems that she fully expected her future self to fall right that instant.
But if the how got my head spinning, the why back-slapped me, threw me off a building and danced on my grave. I have no idea what reason she would do this for.

EDIT: Waiiit... I think I might get it. She time-traveled right before jumping, so her fall would happen right when past Starlight was on the building. As to why, uh... Maybe she wanted to reassure her past self that she wanted to go forth with the suicide? Or maybe she just wanted to create this endless loop of suffering because she hates herself that much?
Idk, maybe I'm overthinking it. Brain hurty.

I think that having her start climbing the stairs on the same floor that her parents say she has great things ahead is symbolic. It might be that she is betraying one of the first things she ever heard that makes it the most painful, both physicaly and emotionally. Also, the comment at the begining about the lowest floor being the zero floor represents her birth, the climb up the stairs her life, and each floor she passes going down an experience that made her hate her life.

No I get that, what I don't get is why the time paradox... Or if it even is a time paradox.

probably more of her tourturing herself. she can see herself begin the climb right before she hits the ground, probably making sure she goes through the pain of the memories. also, at the begining she waits to start going up until she hears herself hit the ground, which could be her making sure she doesn't back out. (my brain hurts now too)

Thank you. The pain was exquisite.

Reminds me of the 'bent neck lady' reveal in the Haunting of Hill House.

there is nothing left to feel

Great story, but you’ll be paying for my therapy.

Not glim glim ;~;

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