• Published 28th Sep 2021
  • 3,150 Views, 152 Comments

The Second Dream - totallynotabrony

Sometimes you have to give up on a dream. When that happens, the only thing to do is get a second dream, a new dream, a better dream where you get internet points for being an edgy horse.

  • ...

Movie, part 4

I held my phone up as we walked, livestreaming. “That was crazy! I haven’t seen a dramatic exit like that since-well, not to kiss and tell but what happens in Cali stays in Cali, amiright? I can’t believe the government actually arrests heads of state for lying. Do I have any lawyers following me? Drop a comment down below.”

Never read the comments, not even if you ask people to leave them.

“I’m gonna keep you guys updated, though. You haven’t seen the last of this drama, not when I’m traveling with two earth ponies, a unicorn, and a pair of fugitive princesses. If you’ve got a better word for fugitive that begins with P so I can keep the alliterative triple P action going, leave a comment.

“Triple P kind of reminds me of that one time in Twentynine Palms, but, well, what happens in Cali stays in Cali. Good night! I love you!”

I signed off. My profile had been going nuts as the sole source of news related to Zipp and Pipp while they were on the run. It took some effort on my part to keep up the high energy.

The group of us made good time leaving Zephyr Heights. Sunny was navigating, and I took the leap of trusting she knew where she was going. It’s not like I knew any better.

I was hanging at the back of the group. Hitch and Pipp were nearby, probably just due to coincidence. After I put the phone away, Hitch gave me an irritable look. “I don’t know half of what you just said. Actually, probably more than that.”

“LOL, yeah, Cali knows how to party.” I thought pronouncing LOL as a word sounded Cali enough.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure why I was going so hard on that angle. Fake it ‘till you make it. Still, I could have hinted I was from a lot of places. I’d certainly been a lot of places.

Hitch shook his head. “What am I even doing here? Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn’t even exist!”

“It was supposed to be my best show ever,” Pipp moaned. “And now it’s all over. I’m a criminal! And it's all because of…”

They both looked in my direction. “You!”

“Come on, Hitch,” I said. “Man to man, you have to admit that nobody forced you to walk to an entirely different country after somebody who didn’t even commit a crime.”

I turned to Pipp. “And Princess, just between us girls, we both know that you’d have stabbed me in the back for exactly the same reasons.”

They both glared daggers at me but didn’t retort, which was how I knew I was right.

I turned my head back forwards to catch Izzy looking back at me. “I think this whole position of authority thing you have going on is leading to an unhealthy power dynamic.”

“Explain how.”

“Well, Hitch dropped his badge on the ground a few hours ago, and he’s been much less oppressive since then.”

“Hours?” Hitch yelped, checking himself to discover that his badge was indeed missing.

“Guess this town really was only big enough for one of us,” I chuckled.

“See, that’s what I’m talking about,” Izzy said.

Maybe she had a point. I’d invented the whole marshal thing as a temporary disguise, but maybe I was taking it a little too far. Somebody might call me on it eventually, so maybe I should back off a little.

Speaking of backing off, we came to a ravine blocking our path. There was nothing but two sheer cliffs with a river down below.

“What are we gonna do?” Sunny wondered aloud.

“Any ideas, Zipp?” Pipp asked. Deferring to Zipp might have been the smartest thing I’d ever seen Pipp say. Maybe she’d taken a hard look at her life and decided that if she didn’t want to end up making toilet wine in a cell somewhere, she should start doing a little thinking of her own, which for Pipp meant deferring to Zipp.

However, Zipp shot her sister a look. “Getting over a ravine? You know what would be great right now? Let me think. Maybe something like...the ability to fly!

“You know what would be even better? Not being stuck in the middle of nowhere as outcasts from our own kingdom!”

It made me wonder. If Zephyr Heights was a kingdom, then there was surely a king. Or had been. That might explain why I hadn’t seen anyone but the queen around. I glanced at Pipp while she argued with her sister. Daddy issues?

Hitch briefly glanced down over the edge of the cliff and turned around over-dramatically. “Oh, well. That’s the end of that. Time to go home. I wish I could say it was nice meeting all of you, but it wasn’t. Come on, Sunny.”

Ignoring him as per usual, Sunny spoke up. “Everypony, stop! We’re gonna get to the other side, find the crystal, and bring back magic! And once we do-” she pointed at Zipp “-you'll get to fly-” she pointed to Pipp “-you'll get your fans back-” she pointed to Hitch “-you’ll have me in custody-” she pointed to me “- and Sentra, frankly I don’t know what your central driving goal is, but I’m sure you’ll get that, too.”

“Right now I could go for a Whataburger Patty Melt combo.”

I don’t know why I said that. I had been trying so hard to portray my own self-image as worldly and decidedly the kind of person who ate avocado toast, but really it was trying to cover up Texas roots and I would go to my grave before I would verbally admit it. Which was good that ponies didn’t know anything about that.

Some reminders of your past can be very hard to repress, particularly when you’re trying not to remember the Alamo. It’s like The Game except you learned about it in fourth grade state history class.

Anyway, while everyone was arguing and I was having a quiet internal but involuntary yeehaw, Izzy woodpeckered down a tree and built a bridge across the ravine.

I still hadn’t figured out exactly what she brought to the table for the success of our little group, but that alone made her more useful than Pipp.

Okay, if we’re being honest, maybe more than me too. Whatever, at least I didn’t have a criminal record.

We camped out that night on a windswept vista underneath a rock overhang, like a shallow cave. It wasn’t my first time sleeping outside, but let me tell you, I didn’t miss it. However, I was a little disappointed that nobody would snuggle with me. Nobody seemed to want to touch Hitch, either, so I guess I didn’t feel too left out.

Hitch seemed to be well-liked, and I was beginning to realize that he also had a lot of animals following him around. I wasn’t sure if that meant he had some sort of command of respect, or if he was going to die an ironic death and be missed, but either way it seemed like a good idea not to mess with him. Plus, he also managed to start a fire by rubbing sticks together, so he could burn things with no equipment, if required.

When I woke up in the morning, I was a little sore from sleeping on the ground, but more importantly, hungry. Nobody else looked like they had a plan beyond “eat grass,” so I decided to just wait until we got to Bridlewood. Fortunately, it was only a short walk into the forest.

We passed a bunch of keep-out signs. Since we were with a unicorn, and since we’d ignored everything of the kind up until this point, I figured we were fine.

Pretty soon, Izzy brought us to her house. I have to admit, I hadn’t taken Izzy for a homeowner, nor did I expect her place to be so big and well-decorated. At least Sunny seemed to have both an inheritance and source of income. Izzy’s house seemed to be built in and around a few huge trees, with stained glass filling in the gaps.

Izzy nearly had to duck going through her own front door. So did I. I wondered if unicorns hit their horns on a lot of stuff. Good thing it seemed to be so hard.

“Well, here we are, guys: La Villa Izzy!” She made a Vanna White gesture.

The place seemed very organic, what with the tree foundation, but with splashes of color and bric-a-brac from seemingly everywhere.

“Watch this!” she said, rolling out a flower blossom-shaped cart. “Aah! I’ve never gotten to use this with actual friends!”

The blossom popped open to reveal a teapot and six cups - just the perfect amount, not to mention the snazzy presentation.

“I so wish I had live-streamed that!” Pipp gasped.

“I don’t have to wish,” I said, pressing post on my phone. “But I guess I do have to recognize that you being a fugitive and all are doing the intelligent thing and not broadcasting your location.”

“Uh, right,” Pipp said. I couldn’t tell if that had occurred to her or not, but either way, it did ensure I wouldn’t have her competition while on this trip.

Izzy served us breakfast tea, and we discussed our next move.

Learning from Zephyr Heights, Sunny said, “If we’re gonna get the information we need on the Unicorn Crystal, we can’t stick out like sore hooves. We need to look like unicorns.”

“Yay, makeovers!” Pipp said, apparently redirecting her normal online enthusiasm IRL. “I love makeovers!”

Zipp, on the other hand, laughed nervously. “No, this is not...this is not what I signed up for.”

I jumped to her defense, calling back to the argument I’d presented Sunny in Maretime Bay. “But...aside from Izzy nobody here knows what we look like anyway, so why do we need to look different?”

“So, Izzy, can you do it?” Sunny said, ignoring me, not for the first time.

“A glow-up?” Izzy gulped the last of her tea and grinned. “Honey, you came to the right cottage.”

Despite their enthusiasm, to my mild surprise they did just only do a refresh on my existing makeup. I have to admit, it came out looking better than it ever had before.

Izzy also made the rest of us disguise horns with rolled-up cones of glittery paper. Despite my earlier insistence, they had in fact eventually gotten that herpes anywhere near me.

Now that all of us were sporting horns, and those of us with wings had them covered, we set out into Bridlewood to look for the Unicorn Crystal. I quickly remembered that we didn’t have much to go on beyond Izzy’s vague notion that “If you’re looking for crystals, we’ve got, like, a gazillion of them in Bridlewood.”

“She does know we’re just looking for the one, right?” Zipp said, echoing my thoughts as Izzy happily frolicked among the trees and crystals growing from the ground everywhere.

Izzy’s cheerfulness only served to contrast every other unicorn we saw, who were uniformly gloomy and low-energy.

“These other unicorns seem so different from you,” Sunny pointed out.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Izzy admitted. “My sparkle is a bit too sparkly for Bridlewood.”

“How can we tell which crystals are magic?” Hitch asked, trying to steer the conversation back on topic.

“You said a bad word!” a little kid unicorn who overheard him exclaimed. “Hurry! Before we get jinxed!”

A group of young unicorns started hopping around chanting “Bing bong! Bing bong!”

I tried to keep from laughing, but only so it wouldn’t show up in the video I took.

“I’m gonna need some context,” Zipp requested.

“Unicorns are very superstitious,” Izzy explained. “If a pony ever says a forbidden word, we have to do a ritual to ward off the jinxies. The forbidden words are ‘magic,’ ‘wing,’ ‘feather,’ and ‘mayonnaise.’”

“What's wrong with may-” Hitch started to say before Izzy shushed him.

“Are there no earth pony-related swears?” I said. “Is that why you got along so well with Sunny?”

“I never really thought of it that way,” said Izzy.

We headed downtown, such as it was considering that Bridlewood was, well, mostly on the wood part being in a forest. Izzy led us to a shop, also built into a tree as many things around here seemed to be.

“The Crystal Tea Room?” Sunny said, reading the sign.

“There’s a pony inside who collects crystals,” Izzy said. “Maybe he could help us.”

Walking in, the place was less a tea shop and more a tavern, if aesthetics were to judge by. Or maybe just a hipster coffee shop. In the case of the latter, great, I was finally in a place where no one would double-take at my eyeliner. Well, not that it mattered because sunglasses were still part of my disguise.

Izzy spotted the crystal expert and pointed him out. Sunny immediately strode forward, but tried for casual as she sidled up to his table. “So word in the forest is you collect crystals.”

“Yes, I do,” he replied, though with seemingly even less enthusiasm than most unicorns we had seen so far. “Well, I mean, I did. I lost ‘em all in a limbo contest with Alphabittle.”

“Oh no,” Izzy said. She pointed at the big guy behind the bar, who was currently taking somebody else’s collection in a contest of very simple Rubik’s Cubes.

Seemed weird for the crystal guy to keep going to a place where he lost it all, but hey, I don’t claim to understand everyone. At any rate, I was distracted by the sight of the Unicorn Crystal on the shelf behind the bar.

“Does he do this a lot?” I asked, about the large pony named Alphabittle.

Izzy nodded. “He’s the best. They say, ‘Alphabittle wins every game played by a pony, from A to Z.’”

She put enough inflection on it to rhyme, but really, I think the so-called “they” could have said something different.

“I bet I know some games he hasn’t heard of.” I pulled out my phone. Not because I had some games on it that I thought he wouldn’t have heard of, but because I was going to Google Dark Souls playthroughs on a toaster until I remembered that the internet here wasn’t connected to the internet I knew.

The crystal guy stared at my phone. “Wait, is that a pegasus device?”

“Say again?”

“Uh, I mean, I have no idea what that thing is, so there’s no way I would know who made it.” He quickly looked away.

“Hey, spill the beans,” I said, confronting him.

“Uh, I, okay I admit I once knew somepony who smuggled those phone things in from-”

"What are you doing confessing?” I said. “I mean, spill the beans." I brushed his lunch off the table onto the floor and then held the phone up to take a selfie together. He was still surprised and didn’t take a great portrait, but that was fine.

“It’s the latest trend,” I told him, though something indicated to me that he still wasn’t following.

Meanwhile, Sunny had gone over to the bar, approaching Alphabittle. Now that she was next to him, it only served to illustrate just how big he was. Taller than me.

“Tea,” Sunny said, sitting down on a barstool.

She was served by a couple of miniature armadillos who seemed to be in Alphabittle’s employ. I resisted another internal yeehaw.

Sunny indicated the various objects Alphabittle had won sitting on the shelf behind the bar. “Quite the game player, I see.”

“It passes the time,” Alphabittle replied, at least as cool as Sunny was playing it. “Why? Do you play?”

Sunny leaned forward, putting on a confident smile. “I don’t play. I win.”

“Big talk for a little pony,” Alphabittle replied, also leaning forward.

“I think you’ll find I’m average height.” The two were nearly nose to nose now. Sunny pointed at the Unicorn Crystal on the shelf. “I challenge you for that!”

Alphabittle seemed mildly surprised. “Whatever you’re betting, it better be special.”

In reply, Sunny pulled the Pegasus Crystal out of her bag and laid it on the bar.

Everyone gasped. Izzy pulled Sunny away from the bar, laughing nervously. We huddled up and Zipp said, “Um, what are you doing risking that?”

“It’s actually pretty genius,” I said. Everyone looked at me. “If Sunny wins, we would have both crystals and could unite them. If Alphabittle wins, all we have to do is point out how the two crystals fit together nicely and would look great on his shelf. Either way, the crystals are together and magic will return and the day will be saved.”

“Uh, yeah, that was totally my plan,” Sunny said. She turned back to Alphabittle. “But even still, I could solve that cube puzzle in my sleep.”

Alphabittle shook his head. “No, no, no, no, no. A special prize calls for a special competition. Bring forth the ultimate challenge!”

A rough wooden console with attached step pads rolled out. My eyes opened wide. Bless my heart and soul, it was Dance Dance Revolution: Magical Unicorn Forest Mix.

“The ultimate what now?” said Sunny. “A dancing game?”

I shoved her out of the way. “I’ve got this.”

“Confident, huh?” Alphabittle chuckled.

“You might say it was a way of life where I used to live,” I replied, limbering up with a few stretches.

He glanced at me. “I haven’t seen you around before. I think I’d know somepony who thinks she has what it takes to even think about beating me. Where are you from?””

I’d spent probably months of my life down at the Dragon Palace arcade. “Trust me, you haven’t heard of it.”

Alphabittle seemed to let that go, but I could tell I had his attention. Good, you have to get into your opponent’s head.

A couple of armadillos jumped onto wheels in the back of the machine to make it work. Alphabittle and I got ready and stepped onto the dance pads. He stared at me incredulously. “What are you doing?”

I balanced unsteadily on my hind legs, forelegs out for balance. “I’ve never done this on four hooves before. Why? How do you play it?”

He blinked, mouth open, and then shook his head. “Nevermind, let’s do this.” Music started to play, the armadillos started to run on their wheels, and the game began.

I destroyed him.

Not to brag, but-okay, to brag, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s DDR. It’s a shame that it took me this long to find a system in this world, but after just one game I was totally ready to set up shop and do nothing but dance. I knew training under the old masters would pay off some day.

I had even forgotten what was at stake and was just about to ask Alphabittle to go again when I heard Sunny exclaim, “We won!”

She grabbed the Unicorn Crystal and Pegaus Crystal and jumped up, cheering. For me? “Sentra, you did it!”

If she was upset about me stealing her spot in the game, she had forgotten it now. However, as she came in for a hug, she knocked off her fake horn and there was a gasp from the unicorns all around the room.

“An earth pony!” Alphabittle exclaimed.

Our cover was blown. Zipp pulled off her own fake horn. “And pegasi!”

“And a unicorn!” Izzy added. “Which... you knew already.”

“Give me the crystal,” Alphabittle demanded, hoof out.

“But we won,” Sunny pointed out. I thought that was very reasonable. That had been the terms of the deal, after all.

“You tricked me,” Alphabittle said without elaborating. “The crystal. Now!”

I was still standing upright, and even if Alphabittle was tall, he wasn’t taller than me now. I pulled off my jacket and sunglasses, grabbed his cheeks between my hooves, and pressed my nose to his. “You dare!?

In the fraction of a second it took him to notice I wasn’t a unicorn nor even an average pegasus, I ad-libbed the rest. I spread my wings to look even bigger and made sure my eyes and mouth were as wide as possible, to make sure he got a good look at the rest of my features.

Until today, you were secure and complacent in your own puny world, but you made the mistake of breaking a sacred oath and now I have come to bring upon you the punishment that stretches across the eons and the vast distances of the universe. Until today, you knew not in what forces you meddled. Until today, mortal, you had not faced the punishment that would befall you for breaking the sanctity of the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!

He squeaked by way of reply. That seemed good enough. I let go of him, tossed my head at the others, and we left.

After motivating everyone to hurry away from Bridlewood downtown, we circled up in a secluded part of the woods and brought out the crystals.

“Ready?” said Sunny. She held up one of them. Izzy took the other. Slowly, they brought the pair together.

Nothing happened.

“It...it…” Sunny whispered. “Why doesn’t it work?”

I pointed to how the crystals fit together, leaving a hole in the center. “Does something else go there? Or is it supposed to be a donut shape?”

“We can try putting them together again,” said Sunny, getting flustered. “Maybe... Maybe we did it wrong somehow. Or, what if there’s actually a third-”

“-crystal because there are three pony races. The hole in the donut. Are we going to go look for the Earth Crystal now?” I said.

“I guess,” Sunny said. “I wish I’d thought of this before we left Maretime Bay. Even still, I have no idea what the crystal could be.”

“What’s with the donut analogy?” Zipp asked.

“If anything, I would think Hitch the cop would be the one making it,” I said.

With no better ideas except to go searching for a third crystal, we set off on a long walk.

I suppose it was sort of poetic that everything would lead back to Maretime Bay, but yeah, I had to agree with Sunny that it would have been nice if we had started out with all pieces of the puzzle.

We were just arriving back to Sunny’s lighthouse house on the cliff by the sea when, quite unexpectedly, Queen Haven stumbled out of a bush with her winged puffball dog.

“Mom?!” Zipp and Pipp both gasped.

“Oh, my darlings! Thank hoofness!” She grabbed both of them in a hug. “I’m so glad I found my little fillies. Now, I know that if you just come back with me, we can explain everything. Spin the story, and they’ll love us again. R-Right?”

“How did you find us?” Hitch asked.

By way of explanation, the dog ran up to him, Hitch’s lost badge glinting in its mouth. I guess animals really did love Hitch, albeit not enough not to return a treasured possession covered in slobber.

Though, not far behind the queen were a crowd of pegasus guards. “There she is! Your Criminal Highness, you’re coming with us!”

Near simultaneously, the unicorns finally caught up with us. Apparently, I hadn’t been quite as intimidating as I thought. Still, I’d bought us quite a bit of time and maybe with the coincidence of the two tribes meeting we could slip away.

“Give me back my crystals!” Alphabittle shouted.

“Your crystals? One of them is mine!” Queen Haven retorted.

“We’re gonna zap you with our horns!” somebody in the crowd threatened.

“I’d like to see you try!”

“Nopony has magic!” Sunny shouted into the growing conflagration, attempting to stem the argument. Surprisingly, it worked.

It worked too well. “Well isn’t that good news,” said Deputy Sprout, driving up in a huge pony-shaped vehicle. “We were going to attack unicorns and pegasi anyway, and this just makes it easier! Say hello to Sprouticus Maximus!”

In a matter of thirty seconds, we’d gone from our little group of six being alone to being in the middle of a three-way battle for...something. I think each faction wanted different things, and I was a little unclear on exactly what.

“We’re not here to fight, Mr. Big Robot Pony,” Queen Haven said, apparently sizing up the situation as well as anyone.

“I do not accept your surrender!” Sprout said, and shoved the machine into gear.

“Sprout! What are you doing?” Hitch demanded.

“Awwww. Little Sheriff Hitchy came trotting back. Waaaah. Just in time to see me do what you couldn’t - attack our enemies!”

“We have to stop that thing!” Zipp pointed out. I mean, it should have been obvious, but it was nice to get everyone on the same page. I was still reeling from the sudden changeup in situation.

Izzy said, “But how?”

I held up my phone. “I could probably summon an army of simps here to help. Er, as much as simps could help.”

“With magic!” Sunny talked over me. “There’s a third crystal! Follow me!” She and Izzy ran into the lighthouse.

“I’ve gotta rein that thing in!” Hitch said, starting forward towards the robot.

“I’ve got your back,” Zipp said, going with him.

It seemed like the crowds of pegasi and unicorns were going to be convenient decoys for us, though we hadn’t coordinated that and they would probably be displeased to learn that might be their intended role.

That left me and Pipp without orders or impetuous. I might have been able to help in stopping the mecha, but I wasn’t smart and athletic like Zipp, I didn’t know Sprout like Hitch did, and I didn’t know anything about giant robots. I might be a Japanophile, but I’m not a weeb.

So I did the only thing I could and livestreamed it. And it was a heck of a show.

Sprout chased some of the other ponies while Hitch and Zipp hung onto the back of the mech. Up in the lighthouse cupola, I could see Sunny and Izzy working on something. Had Sunny been in possession of the earth pony crystal this whole time without realizing it? Through it all, I kept the video rolling. Already, ponies from everywhere were reacting as they watched. I mean, what’s not to like? All three tribes, royalty running for their lives, the rumor of magic, and giant robots.

“The lighting could be a little better,” Pipp said, standing beside me. Like me, she was similarly uninvolved but didn’t have a phone to be rolling.

“The phone only has a tiny light for short range purposes. It’s not enough to light up this whole scene.”

We watched the chaos continue for a few seconds. I glanced at her. “Like your face, I guess.”

Her eyebrows lifted. She didn’t waste more than one more moment of hesitation before stepping in front of the phone.

“What is up, everypony? We’re coming to you live from the scene of the first pony tribe battle in centuries! Who will decide the fate of us all? Will magic and friendship prevail or will the status quo of separation remain?”

I had to admit, it was pretty good off-the-cuff live commentary. Pipp narrated along as the giant robot smashed into Sunny’s house. The lighthouse tower began to crumble, Izzy dramatically sliding to the edge of the balcony. She grabbed the falling Unicorn Crystal and Sunny hauled her back up.

At about this time, Hitch and Zipp had managed to disable a few parts of the robot. One of the big slime-throwing whirligigs on the side went flying off and the resulting torque unbalance spun the robot around and knocked it on its side. However, the spinning wheel slammed into the lighthouse and finished knocking the top half of the tower down.

Sunny and Izzy rode it to the ground, somehow being untouched by the rubble. They emerged from the dustcloud with the two crystals, and a third that I hadn’t seen before. It looked like it would fit perfectly: the hole in the donut.

Sprout was out of the disabled robot, looking dazed. Some older pony was giving him a lecture.

Pipp had been talking continuously through all this. “What’s this? Is that his mom?”

Deputy Mommy-Issues, I mouthed at her.

“Looks like Deputy Mommy-Issues had finally been felled,” Pipp narrated. “But now that the danger has passed, what is-”

A bright wave of rainbow rolled over us, instantly solving the prior lighting issues. I swung the camera around.

The three crystals were glowing, and hovering in the air around Sunny.

“I don’t believe this! Magic, real magic!” Pipp gasped.

It got even more dramatic as Sunny was lifted into the air. The crystals combined of their own accord, and suddenly solid light coalesced around Sunny’s body, forming ethereal wings and horn.

I suddenly felt a little lighter on my hooves as some sort of subtle tickle ran through me. Pipp apparently felt it too. She tried out an experimental flap of her wings and seemed surprised as she actually lifted into the air. “We did it! We saved magic!”

It took only moments for a flood of new reactions to come in from the video. Apparently, ponies everywhere, even all the way back in Zephyr Heights, were experiencing it too. Even the queen’s dog could fly. The unicorns I could see nearby were already excitedly popping off spells.

“You did it, Sunny,” Hitch called, trotting into frame. Pipp, showing remarkable intuition for once, let him have it.

Sunny smiled as she descended back to earth. “No. We did it. Together.”

Now kiss,” I whispered under my breath. It was the perfect moment. It was obvious, they had to.

They didn’t! Pipp glanced at me, seeing my building outrage at not getting the shot, then popped into the air, going over the top of the scene just out of frame, and reached down to shove their heads together.

That was the end of a perfect broadcast and I signed off.

I let out a deep breath and clutched the phone to my chest. “That was awesome!” After everything that had happened, I finally felt like I was a part of it, and doing good. Okay, I was still just shooting video and being a bystander, but I might be getting close to the “making it" part after the “faking it" part.

Just then, the pony who had been carried away by balloons several days ago came in for a landing. “Hey guys, what did I miss?”

He looked around at three different tribes, the aftermath of a battle, a broken mech, a wrecked lighthouse, and me. I smiled.

He turned around and stepped off the cliff, floating away again.

I turned back to see Sprout being dragged over by Alphabittle and Queen Haven.

“She says you’re some kind of marshal,” Alphabittle said uncertainly. Apparently I’d left a strong impression on him.

I opened my mouth to reply, but the queen interjected, “We would greatly appreciate it if you could handle this ruffian.” She indicated Sprout, who was deep into pouting.

“And then maybe we can talk about a few other legal issues that have come up,” Alphabittle said. “I have a lot of questions, especially now that it seems like the tribes are going to be united again.”

“I also wanted to discuss the details of my alleged charges in Zephyr Heights,” said Haven. “You can do something about that, can’t you?”

Hello consequences of my own actions. On the other hand, if I was going to be in this world for a while, I did need a job.

Fake it ‘till you make it.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading. Whenever the G5 series gets started, I'll write more chapters.