• Published 28th Aug 2021
  • 551 Views, 4 Comments

Wedding Mash - Someguy458

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Wedding Mash

The room bustled with movement as several ponies moved to and fro, trying to get everything perfect. After all, this was a big day, especially for the stallion that stood nervously in the center of the room, letting several ponies adjust his suit.

"You really don't need to go through all this effort just for me..." Button Mash mumbled, while remaining stationary for the sake of the ponies working around him.

"Oh, nonsense," one of the mares, a unicorn named Sassy Saddles, waved her hand in a dismissive manner. "This is your big day! It's not every day that one gets married, and such an occasion deserves the best."

"But Sweetie won't care if it isn't perfect," Button pointed out. "She loves me, and I love her; that's all that really matters."

His Best Colt, Pipsqueak, pointed out, "Yes, but you're still supposed to go all out for the wedding; it's tradition."

The groom frowned. "It was also tradition to run screaming from anything to do with Nightmare Moon, but that almost got Nightmare Night cancelled permanently."

Pip blushed. Even if it had been almost nine years since then, he could still remember the look on Luna's face as she abolished the holiday. "I s'pose you're right...."

"You're supposed to make new traditions with those you love," Button continued. "How's this any different?"

Sassy Saddles sighed. "Look, kid, there's already a lot of ponies waiting out there; I doubt they'd be thrilled if the wedding suddenly got scaled back."

Button shrugged, "I'm just saying..."

Meanwhile, a similar discussion was being held in the bride's room. That is, if you could even call it a discussion.

"Rarity, for the last time, he's not going to care about the arrangement of the flowers!" Sweetie chagrined in vain at her older sister, who was frantically shuffling a bouquet around.

"Can't talk now; this needs to be perfect!" The fashionista was too engrossed in her task to pay attention.

One of the bridesmaids, Apple Bloom, put a hand on Sweetie's shoulder. "Sweetie, she's just try'na make yer special day perfect."

The bride sighed. "I know, but it doesn't matter if 'the pansies don't match your mane', or 'the lillies aren't contrasting enough against your fur'. He won't notice either way, so what's the point?"

Scootaloo, the other bridesmaid, piped in: "At least you've got somepony to worry about this for you; Rainbow Dash may be awesome, but she wouldn't be able to do the same for me."

Sweetie frowned. "Rarity would happily help you if you and Babs ever get married."

Scootaloo shrugged, "It's too early for that, but thanks for the offer."

Sweetie nodded, then turned slightly, catching Rarity — who was still messing with the bouquet — out of the corner of her eye. "Besides, it kinda feels like she's trying to live out her fantasies through me. I know she isn't, but still..."

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "But ain't she already married?"

Sweetie shook her head. "Her coltfriend doesn't want to commit. Even though they already have two kids..." she added under her breath.

Eventually, she groaned. "I'm going for a walk." With only a little bit of resistance from the mares working on her outfit, she managed to strip down to her undershirt and pants, put on a jacket from a nearby coatrack, and headed outside.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, "Should we stop her?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "She jus' needs the time ta clear her head. Ah'll give her ten minutes, then Ah'll get Rarity ta go after 'er."

Sweetie Belle walked down the hallway, mulling over everything in her head. She was so caught up in thinking that she accidentally bumped into Button Mash as he walked in the opposite direction, doing the same thing.

"Oh!" Sweetie blushed. "Sorry about that, Mashie. I wasn't looking where I was going."

He shrugged, "Neither was I, so it's my fault, too."

They stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next. Eventually, they both just blurted out:

"I'm starting to think this may be a bit too much."

Both of them paused, then laughed as they registered what the other had said. "See?" Button chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't care if things weren't perfect."

"Same here."

Button moved to the nearby wall, sitting up against it and motioning for Sweetie to do the same. She moved to sit by him, and they both just stared out a nearby window for a while.

Then Sweetie Belle turned to her fiancée. "Y'know, it feels like only yesterday that we first met."

He let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah. You noticed my lack of a Cutie Mark and asked me to join the Crusaders, right?" At her nod, he continued. "All I could think in that moment was, 'I'm just a lonely slacker that likes video games; this mare's way too pretty to be talking to somepony like me'."

"Oh yeah?" The mare raised an eyebrow, but smirked playfully. "Well then, what changed?"

"You and the other CMC's helped me discover my worth." He turned to smile at her. "You make me feel like I actually fit in."

She began to blush. "I could say the same for you. My sister may love me, but it sometimes doesn't come across as well as I'd hope."

Button looked at her curiously. "How so?"

Sweetie sighed. "She can get really caught up in her work, to the point where she completely tunes me out. Like right now; she's currently in my room, trying to make sure the flower arrangements are 'absolutely perfect'."

"What's so important about flowers?"

"Exactly!" Sweetie cried out. They paused for a moment, before bursting out giggling again.

Eventually, they settled down once again, and Sweetie continued. "You, on the other hand, make sure that I know every single day that you love me."

"What would be the point in hiding it?" he pointed out rhetorically.

She chuckled, "I guess you have a point."

So they fell back into a comfortable silence, staring out the window at the fall afternoon. Sweetie was the first to move; she scooted closer to Button. He returned the favor, and they kept alternating until their shoulders were touching. Sweetie leaned her head to rest on his shoulder, and he took her hand in his.

But eventually, an end to the moment came in the form of Rarity rushing down the hallway. "There you are! I'm sorry about zoning out like that, Sweetie; I—"

Sweetie held up a single finger in a shushing manner as she stood up, followed closely by Button. "It's okay, Rares; I know you're only trying to help."

Rarity smiled, before noticing Sweetie's lack of a dress. "Good heavens, Sweetie, you're practically naked!"

Sweetie rolled her eyes, "I'm wearing a shirt, pants, AND a coat."

"Yes, but it's your wedding day! Come now, darling; we simply must get you back into your dress."

Sweetie looked to Button Mash, who looked back at her with determination in his eyes. They needn't communicate; just the fact that Button was there by her side gave her the confidence she needed.

"Actually, Rarity, I was thinking... What if we went with something a little simpler?"

The fashionista blinked. "What do you mean?"

The younger unicorn whispered into her sister's ear for a few moments. As she went on, her eyes lit up more and more.

By the time Sweetie finished, she was practically radiating inspiration. "That's a wonderful idea, Sweetie! But we must hurry; the ceremony is starting in an hour and a half."

Sweetie nodded, then turned to Button. "Thanks for the talk, Mashie." With a quick kiss on his cheek, she was off.

He felt his cheek numbly, before grinning widely and turning to head back to his own room.

Button mash stood in front of the altar, adjusting his bowtie so he could breathe a bit better. Whenever he did so, however, it would always get wrapped in the glow of Sassy's magic and adjust itself back into its awkward position. Eventually, he got fed up and glared at the unicorn in the crowd, who immediately stopped her meddling.

Soon enough, the organ began to play, and the doors in the back of the room opened. Flurry Heart, Pound Cake, and Pumpkin Cake appeared through the door, scattering the flower petals in their baskets as they made their way down the aisle.

Then she appeared, like an angel sent from heaven. Her long white dress had been stripped down to just two layers, and her bridal train was cut down to be just a little longer than her tail, but their simplicity just helped to draw more attention to the mare herself. Her mane had been done up into more curls than ever before, but her face was almost completely untouched by make-up (Rarity insisted she at least wear some lipstick).

Not that it mattered to Button, anyway; she was still as beautiful as ever.

As the organ played the bridal march, Sweetie made her way down the aisle. Button stole a glance at Pip, who gave a thumbs-up and a cheeky grin.

Once she reached the end of the hall, she stood opposite Button in front of the altar, where Mayor Mare smiled down on them.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, we are here today to celebrate—"

Button cleared his throat. "Uh, Mayor Mare? Is it alright if we just skip to the vows?"

A large portion of the crowd muttered amongst themselves at this; Mayor Mare, however, smirked. "Eager, are we? Alright, then, if you would?"

He nodded his thanks, then gestured for her to go first. She eagerly cleared her throat, and began:

"When I was a little filly, I had no idea where my life would go. I was so obsessed with finding my Cutie Mark that I didn't consider what would happen afterward.

"Then I met you, Button. You charmed your way into my heart with your lovable dorkiness, and I began to move away from my obsession. And when I finally got my Cutie Mark, I decided that I'd refocus my attention onto you.

"You cheer me up when I feel down, you lift me when I fall, and you've brought so much happiness into my life. For this, I love you with all my heart, and I promise to do my best to bring the same to you."

Simple, yet heartfelt; her vows perfectly conveyed her love. Now, it was Button's turn.

"Sweetie Belle, before I met you, I didn't know if I would ever fit in. I was obsessed with video games, I was immature, I wasn't very sociable — and let's face it, I'm still at least two of those things."

The crowd laughed a little at that.

"But when you shine your love upon me, I feel like we can accomplish anything together. I promise to be by your side, through low and high points alike; I promise to love you with all my heart; and I promise to defend you with all my being, no matter how many times you get yourself into trouble."

Sweetie Belle chuckled; she'd caught that slight jab at her gaming skill. Even if nopony else got the joke, she didn't care.

Mayor Mare smiled. She turned and asked, "May we have the rings?"

The ring bearer, Babs Seed, rushed forward with the rings on a cushion. The bride and groom each took one and put it on the other's hand.

The Mayor nodded. "Do you, Sweetie Belle, take this stallion to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," Sweetie smiled, getting choked up.

"And do you," Mayor Mare continued, "Button Mash, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," his eyes began to shed some tears of their own.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

The crowd stood and applauded as the newly wedded couple locked lips with all the energy of Doctor Whooves's Flameless Fireworks.

Eventually, they had to come up for air, but they continued to hug as they stared into each other's eyes. Words could not describe the feelings they were going through right now.

It was a truly magical day.

Comments ( 2 )

Nice. I love that Sweetie married Button Mash since she's his bride.

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