• Published 23rd Aug 2021
  • 939 Views, 41 Comments

The Journal of John Smith - reedman

A man ends up in Equestria after messing with something he bought off the deep web. He keeps a journal of his activities.

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Day 6

Had another dream meeting with Princess Luna. She was concerned about my well-being. I told her where I was, which made her panic a little bit. I reassured her I was fine. Queen Chrysalis and I are getting along great. A statement that surprised her. The queen had a bit of a mean streak it seemed. The princess asked when I would be leaving. I admitted I desired to stay for a little while. Chrysalis wasn't the pony that wanted to put me in a cage, Twilight was. Until the bounties were called off, I was staying with the changelings. I ended the dream there.


Now that I think about it, I figured out why Chrysalis had the reaction she did to the scratchies. Twilight had said changelings feed off of emotions. Love is their primary source. I wonder if the affection from scratchies is a close second for them. If so, living here just got a whole lot better. My fingers are gonna be so sore later though.

The queen is waking up. She'll want those morning scratchies I promised. It's her breakfast after all.


I casually mentioned my theory to a fuzzy Chrysalis. She was in that pink pony form again. Turns out I was right on the money. She had been starved of emotional sustenance for awhile. That explains the long session yesterday. Told her I was glad to help out any way I could. She asked if I was willing to "feed" her subjects. I agreed to it if I could get some breakfast first. She barked an order to a guard. Fruits and veggies again I bet. I miss my fish and eggs.

I got curious about this form she uses for scratchies(I keep writing that without thinking. Lyra really rubbed off on me.) and asked about it. She said it was her niece, Princess Cadence. Cool. Chrysalis commented that "with hands like yours, no wonder that purple nuisance wants to capture you". I wish it was just that. I just wanted to go home, Twilight wanted a science project. While the queen couldn't send me back to Earth, at least she wasn't talking about putting me in a cage and studying me.

Food's here. Time to break for breakfast.


I seriously underestimated how many changelings live here. The line has gone out the castle from what I've heard. Only a few get back into line at least. Most just get sleepy and leave to nap. I guess they can get full and tired off of emotions. Now if only Chrysalis would get full. I find myself scratching her between writing sentences.


That took so long. Fingers sore. Lost count how many scratched. Pot of cold water coming.


Good news. My hands feel so much better after sitting in some cold water. I can write coherent sentences too.

Bad news. Queen Chrysalis wants me to do this daily. This would be my job. The Royal Scratcher. Not the fanciest title. On one hand, no Twilight. On the other, an eternity of scratching changelings. Even as an old man. Bit off more than I can chew here.

Crystal Time? Crystal time.


Lucky me most of them are too tired to notice me slip out. I guess all that affection filled them up. I just need to get outside to charge this crystal. Walking quietly is almost impossible with a cane. One of the guards walked up behind me right when I got outside. Scared me half to death. I told him the others were napping. Poor bug drew the short straw and had to stay on patrol while the others enjoyed scratchies. Now I feel bad. Stupid guilty conscience.

I'm under a tree with him. He took the form of that blue pegasus from the other day. Giving him scratchies while the crystal is off to the side charging. His face was like a dog when they want to be petted. Those big blue bug eyes were too much. I decided to give him some scratchies, then crystal out of here. There is a part of me that feels guilty for leaving. I AM their source of "food" right now. A mental image of being forced to give scratchies for all eternity reminded me of why I'm leaving. Soon as this bug gets his fill, I'm gone.

Hoping I end up somewhere ponies won't want to use me for their own benefit.


That was a close one. Chrysalis figured out I was trying to escape. It was a bit of a close call. Like, really close. That might be a bit of her hair on my face. That's gross. At least she's gone. Now to figure out where the crystal sent me now. Looks familiar. I might be back in Ponyville. At least the outskirts. I think I see a barn in the distance. Possible apple trees.

Feels familiar. Can't put my finger on why.


It must be lunchtime. I am starving. These apples are on another level. It is unreal how good these are. I couldn't help myself and ate two. I hope the owners won't notice. I see a house by the barn. Whoever's in there, they're eating lunch it seems. Gives me some time to figure out where exactly in Ponyville I am. Can plan my path back to Zecora's place at least.

I think the owners are coming out. Better hide. Wait. They look familiar.

It's Applejack and her big brother. I forgot they had a farm! They're coming!


They can run fast. I had no time to hobble anywhere when they saw me. Had the red stallion behind me, and Applejack in front of me. Obligatory "nowhere ta run" from her. My cane wouldn't be able to take them both on. The crystal needed a recharge, and they were too close to even use it. In that moment, I knew one of two things would happen. One, I would get handed over to Twilight, thrown in a cage, and studied for the rest of my life. Two, some rich pony would treat me like an exotic pet. No going home. Trapped here forever against my will.

In the moment, it was a bit much to handle. I found myself crying. Wasn't bawling my eyes out by any measure, but still. It made Applejack feel bad. Told them I was tired. Tired of walking around on a broken foot. Tired of being hunted down by Twilight and every other pony I met. Tired of running. I just wanted to go home. Guess that hit a few heartstrings. They're taking me inside their house. Her brother Big mac decided to carry me on his back. I learned to not protest when these ponies want to help.


They made me sit in a nice chair. Applejacks little sister brought over a stool to prop up my leg. She introduced herself as Applebloom before getting back to her chores. Big Mac went back outside. That left the orange mare. She started by apologizing for taking part in the whole "hunting me down for money" thing. I forgave her. I told her about the invisibility thing and how the dog almost found me, which got a good laugh out of her. She asked if there was anything else I needed before she left to pick apples. Asked her if she could let Lyra and Zecora know I was okay. Those two were probably worried sick. Also requested a glass of water.


I should've seen it coming. Lyra and Zecora got to the Apple family farm not that long ago. According to Applejack, Lyra bolted into Everfree Forest to tell Zecora the news. Soon as my two friends got here, they would not leave my side. Zecora spoke about how worried she was about me. She also rhymed how happy she was now. Lyra filled me in on the short time I was gone.

The two of them did talk to Princess Celestia. She can't order any bounties to be cancelled due to some old bounty law they have in place. That sucks. Rather than change the law, she put up the biggest bounty. Fifty thousand bits. Twice that of the top bounty(which was made by some pony unironically named Filthy Rich). Her bounty specified I was to be unharmed when brought in. Not the worst news. The princess and Twilight had a chat. She got a long lecture on how to properly handle an alien encounter. She also has an apology letter written for me.

They asked what happened to me after I used the crystal. I told them about the encounter with Queen Chrysalis. Both of them were shocked. I explained how she and I got along well initially. Another shocking statement. My distaste for Twilight coupled with the "golden scratch spot" gave me decent hospitality. It turns out that the affection from scratching was enough to feed them.

Lyra asked what I wanted to do next. I wanted this stupid bounty thing to be over, so going to Princess Celestia was our best bet. The morning train idea was still good(if we don't oversleep again). I saw Applejack outside through the window. I told Lyra that the Apple family was gonna claim Celestia's bounty. They need the money, and we need the muscle. Safe bet that fifty thousand bits is no small amount. Lot of ponies might try something desperate last second. With Applejack and Big Mac doubling as bodyguards, our concerns would go down to nearly zero. Plus, they would get all the money. It was a win-win situation.

Lyra and I talked the plan over with Applejack, who was down for it. She said Mac would go along as well. Applebloom overheard the conversation and wanted to go to, but big sis said no. Things could get rough, so it was understandable.

I noticed Zecora was quiet. While the others talked over plans for tomorrow, I asked her if she was okay. She admitted that the short time I was here was the most excitement she had in forever. She was glad my chance to go to my home world was approaching. Though she speaks of how she'll miss me when I'm gone. I pulled her close and whispered that if I can get this crystal under control before I leave, I'll visit more in secret.


Almost suppertime. The day has been boring. An aspect I do not mind. Zecora and Lyra went home. At least after I convinced them I was safe here. They both promised to be here first thing in the morning.

Applejack brought me a plate. Told her I didn't mind getting up and sitting at the table. She pretty much said no. Oh well. Food looks great. Baked squash and zucchini. Side of applesauce. So hungry.


There's a knock at the door. They're not expecting guests. Feeling uneasy.


It's Twilight. Of course it's Twilight. Soon as she tracked the crystal, she had to show her purple face. I wanted to say a lot of things, but there was a child present. With the bounty on the line, Applejack was adamant on not letting her near me. We were at opposite ends of the room. She only came by to drop off the apology letter. It was rewritten a hundred and seven times according to her. Applejack took the letter, and Twilight left. The orange mare said the two of them would have a chat to work things out later. I had a letter to read. Gonna copy it down here for future reference.

Dear John Smith,

When Zecora told me she had an injured alien at her house, I was as excited as the time Spike said his first words. Never in my life did I have the chance to speak to an alien from another world. I will admit my initial curiosity overtook my common sense. Having to be convinced and reminded that your health was a priority was not okay. Plotting to abduct you from a hospital while you were recovering from an injury was a horrible thing to do. The bounty situation crossed a line. I am so sorry for everything. I want to write it a hundred times. I hope you will forgive me one day. Maybe there will come a time where you and I can be good friends. Hopefully as close as you are with Zecora and Lyra.

Twilight Sparkle

Now I feel bad. Right before bedtime too. After this bounty business is over, I guess I can forgive her.

Curse you good conscience!