• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


Between Flim's position as co-head of the technology branch of the Crystal Empire's Research Division, restitution for a scheme gone wrong, and a loving, if overly affectionate, relationship with Flash Sentry, things are going great.

But the day has been odd and it seems to center on something about Flash...

This story contains LGBT themes. Emphasis on the GT.

Art Credit goes to me.

Editted by LuckyChaosHooves
Preread by Emotion Nexus and AFanaticRabbit

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Read if you like gay, read if you don't like gay, be happy, be mad, like, dislike.

Just read it. It's good.

You know, this is one of the first fics I've decided to sit down and read in a while. Lack of motivation, lack of drive, call it what you will, I just haven't had the energy to consciously sit down and say "I will read this and enjoy it"

Down to business.

Flash is delightfully goofy, and while he's not quite got the accent I went on about in the Discord, his words make me smile. Just a good hearted lad from way out west.

Now Flim is somepony who rarely appears in a role outside of being a con artist with his brother. The way you developed this was excellent. He never meant to cause harm, and when he got somepony on his ass about nearly causing a disaster, he shaped up. He made a change. He's a new stallion.

And, of course, the other change that makes a new stallion. I've always held true with Flim's conclusion. Your past need not define you, and while it can be a good source of motivation, it can also be painful to remember. Folks who need to know will know, but everypony else can zip it and pound sand.

That said... if whoever reads this has a problem with trans folks, then they've got a problem with me, and they'd best let that one marinate.

Well! I never thought I'd read a story shipping Flash Sentry and Flim. So points for that.

Double--nay, triple--points for the trans representation, and for Flim taking two or three seconds after figuring it out to conclude "Eh who cares" and to not press on Flash's privacy. Very good, that. Though in real life, it's a lot harder to not disclose being trans. Benefits of magic I suppose.

It hurt to see Shining slip and use the wrong name for Flash even after a year, especially from a character I like a lot. It hurt even more seeing how many ponies around the CE would be so transphobic... you'd think that the magical transition bit would, at least, make it less likely they'd be such jerks.

Still, it was also real. And as a trans woman who's faced misgendering in public before (though rarely, if ever anymore) I feel for Flash.

This was great. Good job.

Delightful story. I've avoided writing about the subject because I don't feel I could do a good enough job handling the subject matter, but I thought you did an excellent job with this story. You definitely captured the characterization of Flim, and I thought Flash was delightful as well. The story as a whole was pretty fluffy and the ending hit the right romantic note. Nice job.

And don't pop popcorn over hot vents, kids. :rainbowlaugh:

So...this won't contain amazing Dragon Ball GT Fanfiction. (Sigh. :raritycry:)

I guess I will settle for some fuzzy romance between two cutie pies...(sad ghost)

Ps...Do your write often with Flim? And is he one of your fav character's?

I like your poetic user name!


Flim is a character I like but this is the first time Ive written him.

Flash Sentry is a character I write excessively and my actual favourite character.

Just started reading your earlier work with flash. I'm excited! :twilightsmile:

This was certainly an interesting story, the TG stuff was interesting, unusual ship but still worth reading. keep it up.

That was a lovely story.

I love this, it's such a nice ending saying "it doesn't matter if they are trans or not, I love them and I don't need to ask"

Shining stood stiff and looked at Flim with a panicked expression. He laughed uncomfortably. “Uh, yeah I did mean Sent. Wards just slipped out. Old nickname from back in our rogue mage hunting days in the Royal Guard. The doofus always kept tripping all the traps. You know how he is.”

ooh, foreshadowing!

“It’s for the thrill of the sale, Flash!” Flim exclaimed, “The chase! The victory! A battle of wills between two ponies!”

really like these touches of Flim characterization! the leftovers from his con artist days, also including his love for it

Regardless, why didn’t you get the stallion brand? With how coarse your fur is I can’t imagine this is very comfortable.

interesting gender dynamics, where it's the gendering of the eye shadow brand that's surprising rather than the eye shadow?

Flash giggled as he took the last bite of his pasta with a fork. “No one ever expects my Rose Bush’s thorns.”

hehe, cute line by Flash

Your transitionals need some work, but yeah I do.

haha, metacommentary?

Flim was about to protest as confusing a pony’s gender when working with some spells caused massive problematic side effects, but he held his tongue.

and another instance of gender worldbuilding!

“How do you even know a Griffon’s anatomy that well?” Flash slung a wing over Flim’s back. Flim chose to let it happen.

well, that just raises further questions!

“I remember. Those rules are what makes it so fun.”


It was a very pink ride with a rather obvious heart motif. A small river ran through a dark tunnel framed with a massive arch in the shape of a heart. The seats were double seaters and, shockingly, shaped like a heart.

cover drop!

And wasn’t that all that really mattered in the end?

Flash beamed. His ears perked and he looked at Flim with the most loving expression Flim had ever seen.

“Love you too, Flim.”

adorable ending! very glad that Flim came to that conclusion

there is also a lot of interesting social worldbuilding here. it's a world where there's a lot less homophobia than ours, even in a society that's a thousand years old. the equivalent of transmedical tech is a lot more advanced than ours, but open and brazen transphobia is still very common. and the idea of medical magic intersecting with sex and gender is a fascinating one. at times it did feel as if the story and dialogue took a backseat to the exposition of this worldbuilding, which i understand, since my fics that also deal with this kind of worldbuilding have the same issue! it's a difficult one to resolve.

but overall, the idea of a reformed Flim was really neat, and the cuteness of their dynamic was undeniable. their relationship felt very familiar and lived-in, which was wonderful to see!

Stories on this subject are good,if done well. And yes, this one is definitely done well.

I've never considered Flim a villain. Why would he be one? A con artist is a scammer, yes, but you gotta respect the hustle.

This story tackles a subject I'm still relatively unfamiliar with, so I took reading it slow. Reading through it at a moderate pace, I could really appreciate the topic at hand and I really loved the prose and how you wrote the story.

From watching the show alone, Equestria is really accepting of LGBTQ relationships, especially ever since we got that confirmation that Lyra and BonBon was canon. This strikes me as something that could naturally happen in canon, and I really love it.

Thank you Otter for broaching this topic in a story that is really enjoyable, it was a nice read.

Finally got around to this one, and I was not disappointed. It's adorable. Your character description is great, with an attention to detail that serves to set up the main plot twist. There was some great comedy i there too, like the scientists blowing up the machine when trying to make popcorn.

I also think that the message it sends is a good one, does it really matter, no. Is it something people worry about, yes.

It's a good take on that genre.

However, one minor thing is that I get the impression this story could have benefitted from being written with two OCs as the main characters. Flim reforming into an honest engineer after having served a prison sentence for one of his cons feels believable, good character development. Flash on the other hoof seems more like a new character entirely, a good one, but the average looking background pony suddenly being transformed into a large bearded goofball with an intimidating appearance and a loving coltfriend feels jarring. Your Flash has so much more distinction than the bland representation we saw in the show/movie he feels like an entirely new character.

You've made two great characters, let them stand on their own.

This really ought to be teen because of some of the dialogue. That aside, the trick Flim pulled gave a good bit of schadenfreude to that one nasty stallion. Overall, this story was very sweet and the acceptance was conveyed well in a heartwarming and satisfying way that made for a great note to end on. There aren’t enough stories of LGBT+ male characters in media, and seeing some added to this fandom, especially at this quality is like finding a gold nugget. I hope you write more trans stallions soon because this was great.

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