• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 1,299 Views, 4 Comments

The Equestrian Revolution - Synclair

The King of Equestria is now Discord and it is up to a foal and his friends to lead a revolution.

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Chapter 5 - Lost Ones are Stupidheads

Chapter 5: The Lost Ones Are Stupidheads

The journey to the futuristic Fillydelphia was a long one. We crossed the ruins and trekked our way around Ponyville where the cotton candy clouds were infinite and the chocolate rain was plenty. Froggy Bottom Bog was land untouched by chaos and war, much like Cloudsdale except uncivilized and with few residents, if not any. Apparently it was home to hydras, but I’d be dead before I saw it in this thick fog.

“Do we even know where we’re going?” Elven Spices asked, she seemed to be fine despite the whole Canterlot Brothel events.

Silver-Lined looked at the map which Kiara held in front with her unicorn magic. Fillydelphia was through Froggy Bottom Bog and Appleloosa. Elven Spices insisted that Silver-Lined flew and Kiara could just use her floating bubble spell to carry us all. Kiara didn’t look too keen on the idea and Silver-Lined ultimately settled with walking with everypony.

We continued forward until the bog began to emit a very different smell, it smelt almost like poison and everypony fell to the ground. Silver-Lined fell on top of me and I couldn’t get out from under him. Scary looking masked ponies approached us, Lost Ones. I started to cry as the masked ponies began picking everypony up. They looked at me, scoffed and then put a paper bag over my head. Every time I tried to let out a cry they’d pinch me.

* * *

I awoke in a jail cell. Silver-Lined hugged me as soon as I opened my eyes and everypony else stroked my mane.

“We were so scared for you,” Kiara explained.

There was a dull pain like something hit me on the head. I tried not to think about it too much. There were other ponies here. Silver-Lined introduced me to a southern-accented pony named Braeburn who looked at me sadly. Then I looked at all the other cells, I was the only foal.

“They guided the foals out of Appleloosa,” Braeburn explained, “t’ain’t fair fer you li’l colty.”

Braeburn ruffled my mane with a hoof and I hugged him. He hugged me back. Something about him just made me feel so warm and belonging. This time I was on Braeburn’s back. Braeburn explained that the Lost Ones stretched all the way out to Appleloosa so they could have their own power in Equestria. Ever since Discord’s rule the buffalos hadn’t been seen since.

“On the plus side, the Lost Ones are too scared to actually kill anypony 'round 'ere,” Braeburn added happily.

Every now and again we were let out into town. The Lost Ones gave us scary looks and terrifying glares which seemed to scare nopony but me. Braeburn told me not to worry and I tried to loosen up. The sun was bright out here and it felt like a whole new world in Equestria, like everything was normal. Minus the Lost Ones, everything was normal here. Discord didn’t extend his rule to Appleloosa it seems.

A lot of the time was spent playing with cards in the saloon. Braeburn took me on a risky walk through the town where it was nopony but us two. He showed me the dead apple orchard which they used to live on. Now they lived on either rotten apples or the Lost Ones' own creation – Pie Surprise. We sat on the cliff side for a bit until a small buffalo wandered up behind us.

“Li’l Strongheart!” Braeburn greeted.

The little buffalo gave a nod and a smile and then sat next to me.

“We’re trying to prepare...” Little Strongheart said.

“Everypony is countin’ on you guys, ya know that righ’?” Braeburn asked.

Little Strongheart gave a determined nod. “Chief Thunderhooves is preparing. We were trying to see if Discord would come here... it seems he hasn’t cared much for Appleloosa,”

With that thought, everypony smiled.

“Then this should be easier than expected,” Braeburn mused.

“Anyways,” Little Strongheart got to her hooves, “they’re coming now, see you tonight.”

Little Strongheart bounced down the canyon edge with swift speed and disappeared into the shadows of the rocks. A few ponies approached with spiky manes and I hid behind Braeburn.

“Howdy!” Braeburn greeted happily.

The ponies eyed him suspiciously and turned around. Braeburn shut his eyes tightly and just as the pony retracted his legs back into a powerful kick, I jumped in the way. The force was bone-shattering but it was so hard, so sharp that the pain was nothing but a numbed pinch. Braeburn let out a horrified moan as I hit the rocky ground and I curled up into a ball. The Lost Ones gasped and ran for the town.

Somepony had trotted up and spoke, it was Elven Spices.

“Hey, what was that all about?” she asked.

A groan escaped my throat and Elven Spices gave a shrill shriek before I finally blacked out.

* * *

I was placed on an old cot within the jail. The springs dug into my broken body and I felt a wet cloth against my forehead. Braeburn was in a cot next to me with only a gash. He gave a feeble smile and told me it was just a rock. I looked up towards the light and found Kiara and Elven Spices digging around in my saddlebag. I had completely forgotten about it. Silver-Lined and Brass Tacks were outside, staring down the Lost Ones. Apparently due to my injuries, they gave us the benefit of not being imprisoned tonight.

“How are you feeling?” Kiara asked, her golden mane looked even more lustrous in bright artificial light.

I shook my head weakly, “Is anything broken?”

Elven Spices nodded sadly, “Just a rib and a fractured leg.”

Silver-Lined walked in at that moment with a big grin, “It’s not like you walk on it anyways Glace-o, so you’re great!”

Somepony gasped and another pony gave an alert yell. Silver-Lined helped me onto his back, my front left leg was put in a sling which was tied around my neck and left hoof. Elven Spices told me to hold it at exactly ninety degrees, I wasn’t sure what that was supposed to look or feel like.

Upon exiting the prison, everypony seemed to be hiding inside and looking out of the windows. Some ponies even hid in barrels and behind unused market stands. A stampede of zebras came galloping down the dirt road from Froggy Bottom Bog and cotton candy clouds followed them over their heads. My stomach churned the butterflies and I hid behind Silver-Lined’s wings. Silver-Lined backed up into the building and watched from behind the windows instead.

The manifestation of chaos itself came into perspective as he descended on a cloud of cotton candy. He had a ball of soft yarn bouncing in one hand. All the Lost Ones gathered in front of him and armed zebras stood behind Discord, they looked ready for a battle.

“And what are you ponies doing here?” Discord asked with a smile.

The Lost Ones', Buckshot looked around nervously. His blood-red mane and coat seemed to be shivering while his eyes darted around for the correct answer. There was always a right and a wrong answer when it came to Discord asking questions. It was all part of his ‘games’ that he loved to play.

“H- How did you find us?” Buckshot asked.

Ooh... wrong answer.

But Discord still kept a smile on his face and twiddled the ball of yarn on a claw before squeezing it with his paw.

“I have a knack for sensing the discomfort of little foals, specifically little white colts with ice blue manes and a cutie mark of an ice tray and three ice cubes,” Discord said.

Silver-Lined shivered. I looked at my cutie mark... uh-oh.

Discord’s different sized eyes looked right at me and Silver-Lined ducked. I couldn’t see what was happening outside but whatever it was, somepony had given a blood-curdling shriek and Discord laughed manically. Bye bye Buckshot.

“Silver-Lined,” Discord bellowed, “we all look forward to playing with you soon.”

Silver-Lined stood back up slowly. But Discord had disappeared and the zebras began to massacre the Lost Ones.

* * *

The buffalos didn’t come that night and Braeburn’s smile disappeared. The zebras had ordered everypony back into their cell and Silver-Lined, the others and I took our spot in the corner. A very kind pony offered a cloth for me to lie down on. I was placed in the middle of everypony in our group and comfort and sleep became much easier as they surrounded me in a wall of love. I guess now I can accept that I have a new family.

My nap didn’t last for long as a zebra ordered me out. It was Brass Tacks who helped me walk towards the exit but was rudely shoved back by the zebra after he had collected me. I looked over my shoulder; Braeburn’s radiant smile was on his face once again when we made eye-contact. He reassured me that everything was going to be okay.

Appleloosa’s medical clinic was so dark. The windows were boarded up and the only source of light came from the strangest plant. Gazing around and from what little I could see, foreign looking masks and decor upon the walls and spices placed in small glass jars. A female zebra dismissed all the other zebras and we were left alone in the dark.

“Are you going to kill me?” I asked softly.

The zebra guffawed.

“Come now little one,” the zebra said, “I’m not the one that you should shun. I’m only here to make you better; maybe you’ll think twice and send a thank-you letter.”

Her rhymes were a bit random. She looked like a witch doctor with her brown smock and dabbling into a sparkling powder pouch. A name was stitched on her smock: ‘Zecora’. She wasn’t like all the other zebras; she was kind and slow-moving and tried her best not to startle me.

“This land is no place for a little young foal. Be very careful or life will take its toll,” Zecora gave somewhat of a warning.

Zecora began to ground up a mix of leaves and seeds. She sprinkled some sparkling powder on it and the smell was appetizing and my stomach started to rumble, it had been a while since I ate a meal. Before I knew it, Zecora stuffed the bowl in my mouth and forced the dry concoction down my throat. At first I coughed then gagged but something inside me started to move and I gave a yelp as something in my chest snapped and my fractured leg stuck out on its own.

“Just an old bone fixing remedy,” Zecora replied and wiped the tears from my eyes.

I looked up at her walls. There was only one photo frame which drew my attention. There was a pony; white coat, purple mane and a unicorn horn... Rarity! Zecora and her were pouting their bottom lips. The next photo over, they were laughing. I looked at Zecora who was staring at the photos too.

“I never chose this task. Discord is just too crass. Discord chose me specifically for these medical tasks and to research new recipes in a flask. My home was destroyed in a fiery blaze and my perspective grew too obscure in the haze... I wish I declined Discord’s help. I...” Zecora didn’t finish her sentence, she began to cry.

I patted her mane. Her eyes glimmered in the light of the odd foliage and she hugged me. There was an awkward silence as neither of us had anything to say. I asked if she wanted to help the ponies escape, she seemed hesitant at first. After mentioning the buffalos, Zecora gave it some thought.

“I will guide the zebras into the bog; the buffalos may strike while I keep the zebras lost in the fog,” Zecora said.

The doors slammed open and I was dragged off the bed and onto the floor. Zecora argued with the zebra in their own tongue and they exchanged threatened glances before I was whisked away back into the safety of Silver-Lined’s hooves.

* * *

A battle cry woke me up and I found everypony ramming against the metal bars. Outside the prison I could see a stampede of buffalos ramming down zebras. The bars went down after three tries and Silver-Lined picked me up as we ran onto the dirt road. A buffalo ran past us with a force so strong that it nearly swept me off my hooves. In the clinic doorway I could see a buffalo towering over Zecora.

Why had the buffalos struck so early? Then I remembered that there was no way to communicate with them.

“Stop!” I yelled and ran for Zecora.

The stampede of zebras and buffalos was all around me. I felt like I was in the middle of a tornado. The force of the general velocity of everypony was so strong that it was going to whisk my little body up into the air, but I fought against it. I saw a buffalo lifting his hoof over Zecora, ready to stamp down. A zebra knocked me down and I crawled. My leg was crushed beneath a buffalo’s hoof, but I kept going.

“Stop!” I yelled again and the buffalo put his hoof down by Zecora’s head.

Zecora’s gaze met mine and I gave her a smile. I felt something grasp my mane and pick me up, Little Strongheart. She carried me over to Zecora with the speed of a phoenix. Little Strongheart dismissed the buffalo and I helped Zecora up with the little strength I had. She sprinkled a powder over my hurt leg and all the pain went away.

Zecora gave me a smile and galloped into the fog of the bog. Nopony said a thing as she disappeared, probably never to be seen again. I peered into her workshop of medicines which had been trashed. A blood stain was sprawled across the wall and I cringed and trotted back out. Silver-Lined grabbed me by the mane with his teeth and swung me onto his back.

Appleloosa was engulfed in flames by the time unicorn ponies used their magic for battle. Bullets flew in all directions and some ponies even threw pies around. Strangely enough, the pie method was effective as it blinded their target, giving the pony enough time to dispose of his opponent. Kiara levitated three pies and began tossing them out, I hopped off onto Elven Spices’ back and both Silver-Lined and Brass Tacks dove into the fray.

Elven Spices, Kiara and I entered Zecora’s workshop and began to place things in my saddlebag. I hopped up onto Zecora’s workbench and began going through her books. There was a book on medicinal herbs and miscellaneous magic munchies. We stuffed those books in my saddlebag. By the time we cleaned everything out, my saddlebag was too heavy to carry by myself so I was stuck with using my unicorn magic to lift it all. Elven Spices insisted on carrying it for me, but I shook my head.

The three of us got split up as the brawl got pushed towards us. I found myself dodging hooves upon hooves; the gunshots weren’t too daunting as the bullets flew over my head anyways. It might have looked funny to everypony as I began throwing myself at zebras in an attempt to knock them to the ground but they simply brushed me off, I might have felt like a parasprite to them.

I tried to find my way out of the brawl by relocating outside into the open, but that strategy backfired as I left myself exposed to the zebras. I let my saddlebag drop and I lowered my head and got ready to charge at them with my horn. Shutting my eyes, I ran right at the zebras. There was nothing crashing into my horn, but I still kept my eyes shut. I started to run upwards and before I knew it I had propelled myself into the air somehow. Braeburn had beaten the zebras as I was charging and acted as a slope for me to run up on and up into the air. The grin on his face was unforgettable.

* * *

Appleloosa looked as depressing as the ruins in Equestria. Flames were still being put out and worker ponies had begun to rebuild and reshape Appleloosa into its former glory. Little Strongheart and the buffalos had gone out to patrol the areas around Appleloosa for any reinforcements the zebras may have called for. Silver-Lined and Brass Tacks had gone around Froggy Bottom Bog to look for Zecora while Kiara and Elven Spices fiddled around in my saddlebag at a table where a black coated unicorn pony wearing a paper boy’s brown cap over his white mane was sitting. His cutie mark was of a purple scroll and quill.

The stranger pony seemed to had taken an interest in the pieces of paper I found back in my room at Trotten’s Elven Spices inn. I was going to go ask him what the deal was until Braeburn approached me and Silver-Lined’s silver mane was shining within the fog of the bog.

“You alright, ice-cube?” Braeburn asked.

I gave him a slow nod, “I could be better, but Zecora fixed me riiiight up!”

Braeburn chuckled heartily and Silver-Lined was now trotting up behind him.

“We have to go to Fillydelphia, Glace-o,” Silver-Lined called out, “we’ll be coming back to Appleloosa though to see how things are going.”

Braeburn turned around and both he and Silver-Lined conversed. Brass Tacks rounded up Kiara and Elven Spices.

“Look,” Elven Spices said to me while pointing to something behind me, “Fillydelphia.”

I was surprised that I hadn’t noticed the tall skyline of Fillydelphia. Everything looked so shiny and new from here as the windows glinted from that far. All we had to do was follow the railway line and we would be there by nightfall. Elven Spices handed me my saddlebag and I looked back at the black pony who was staring back at me with his worried green eyes.