• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 3,647 Views, 6 Comments

Second Chance - Rated Ponystar

After being stuck in Limbo so long, Flash Magnus thinks about his crush on Somnambula and wonders if there is a second chance for them

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The Brave One And Hopeful One

Those who knew Flash Magnus in the Royal Legion would often say that he was more dedicated to his job as a soldier than the most patriotic of pegasi. He was always up early, went to bed late, did his drills twice, and took more patrols or missions than some of his squadmates combined. Even today, in this new world he was living in, that reputation still proceeded to be held as he led his patrol from the gates of the Royal Palace to the central courtyard. Any passerby could tell that the Royal Guard, doing their best to stand tall and look determined, was sweating and looked ready to fall to their backs in exhaustion. However, Flash Magnus was the only one who looked no worse for wear. Turning to his troops, Flash Magnus issued the command for the halt, and the Guard all stood side by side with a salute.

"Alright, troops. Our patrol is over, but remember that we have a royal wedding tomorrow," Flash said. He motioned to the various decorations being put up by the castle staff and party preppers personally chosen by Equestria's most famous party pony couple, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich. If the Royal Wedding for Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor was the wedding of the decade, then the one between Princess Twilight Sparkle and the upcoming Prince Flash Sentry was the wedding of the century.

All of Equestria's finest and her allies were coming to partake in the celebration personally. Every building and lamp post was practically wrapped with streamers of all colors around every object. Flowers, banners, and balloons could be seen on every street. New romantic works of art, from paintings to floral pictures to sculptures, were being made and donated to the new royal couple. Even the finest cooks and bakers were all being personally picked from around the world to create an entire feast that would be feeding hundreds if not thousands with the inns, hotels, and motels booked to full.

Princess Twilight had been adamant about inviting as many of their new friends from around the world as possible. Everycreature from the dragons to the griffins to the changelings and more was attending, so it was almost impossible not to see a non-pony walking through the streets. For Flash Magnus, it was a further sign of how much had changed since he returned to Equestria from Limbo. Half of the races were once enemies of Equestria that Flash had personally fought against, but now they were allies and friends. A few days ago, he talked to some dragons about his past victories against their kind so long ago. Rather than be hated or feared, Flash was surprised to learn that the dragons respected him for his bravery and fighting spirit. His past squad would have been astonished to hear such a thing.

For a moment, Flash wished his old friends were here but quickly stopped himself from going too far into the past. Noticing that his current squad was looking at him funny, he cleared his throat. "All of you are dismissed. Take the partying and drinking light tonight for tomorrow's event."

The troops saluted and quickly walked off, some a bit faster than others, no doubt wanting to get out of their armor and take a hot shower to wash off the sweat. Flash Magnus couldn't help but smirk. He knew that his troops didn't hate him for pushing them so much, but he had to if he would get the Royal Guard up to shape. The military of Equestria seriously lacked the old power it once had in Flash's time, and he wanted to make sure that it was up to stuff. Sure, things were peaceful now, but if Flash learned anything during his time as a soldier, it was that peace didn't last forever. Still, this beats the old days when you had threats everywhere.

Flash Magnus started walking through the front courtyard while nodding at a few of the other Guards, who saluted him, or the staff who gave a smile before going back to work. Yet he could see the same thing that so many ponies had in their eyes every time they looked at him or his fellow Pillars: admiration. Not that it was hard to believe. After all, everypony thought he and his friends were dead for about nearly a thousand years, having sacrificed themselves to defeat the Pony of Shadows. Since then, he was considered a legend not just among pegasi but all ponies of Equestria. He even once decided to visit the tomb dedicated to him in Cloudsdale. A little too fancy for his taste, but he did appreciate the size of it. Although, I still think they made my butt too big for my memorial statue.

Of course, the future itself was a lot better than Flash had expected it to be. Technology had undoubtedly advanced, and there were many things that Flash Magnus appreciated that he was eager to learn. Although it was embarrassing to learn how to use a toilet, which every foal today learned at age two or three. Still, he didn't find himself staying lost in this new world for long. He was able to find a job as a drill sergeant and later Captain of the Guard once Princess Twilight became fully coordinated as the new ruler of Equestria. He and his friends still saw each other when they could. And he even started a garden as a hobby.

However, some things were tough to get used to in this new world.

For one, he had been in Limbo for a long time. Long enough that all his family and friends at his time were all dead. Not long after defeating the Pony of Shadows a second time, Flash Magnus personally visited the graves of his mother, father, older sister, and each of the comrades he had in the Legion to pay their respects. He wouldn't lie and say he cried a lot that day, and sometimes it still hurt thinking that he never got a chance to say goodbye to them, or at least leave a message to let them know he was okay instead of dead. Yet, from what he heard, they all lived good lives until the end, and his bloodline continued today.

In fact, he was the groom to be.

"Uncle Magnus!"

Turning around, Flash Magnus smiled as he saw his descendant and future prince, Lt. Flash Sentry walked over to him while dressed in royal blue robes that held purple lining and his cutie mark on the back. The two Flashes saluted each other before quickly hugging. When Magnus had heard that he still had family living after all these years, he was eager to meet them all. However, Flash Sentry got his attention the most as he saw so many similarities between them.

Meanwhile, the younger Flash was just excited to meet his childhood hero, which he soon started calling "Uncle Magnus," which the older Flash didn't mind. He made sure to give Flash Sentry as much advice and training as possible without showing favoritism which helped Flash earn each promotion as he climbed the ladder.

Still, he never expected that his bloodlines would end up being mixed with royalty. Sure, he had a silly crush on Princess Celestia himself when he was a teenager, but many young colts did. It filled him with pride that he would be related to the newest ruler of Equestria and a fellow hero at that.

"So, Sentry. How's the wedding planning going?" Magnus asked.

"Busy, but we're almost done," Flash Sentry said as the two walked side by side into a side entrance of the castle where it was opened by them from the guard's station there. "I honestly still can't believe I'm marrying Princess Twilight Sparkle. I never thought she'd be so interested in me ever since we first met in the Crystal Empire all those years ago."

"What did you say to her that got you so interested in you?" Flash Magnus asked, grinning. "What were the slick moves you did, and how can I learn?"

"That's just it. I just bumped into Twilight that one time, helped her up, and that was it. We only exchanged one sentence of dialogue," Flash Sentry answered with a shrug, yet he looked lost in adoration. "Then she starts requesting that I be assigned to the guards she requested. Fine and all, but over time she wanted to know me personally in her spare time. We got to become friends, and I realized just how amazing of a mare she was."

"Sounds like somepony fell in love pretty quickly," Magnus teased, which made the other Flash blush.

"I guess, but it was her asking me out to date first. It had to be private, of course, for obvious reasons, but eventually, we were able to come out full circle about our relationship not long after she became ruler. Rest is history as they say," Flash Sentry finished.

"Well, it's good to know that my line is going to continue and all," Flash Magnus replied with a grin. "Plus, being related to royalty? That's one I can put over the other Pillars."

Sighing, Flash turned to his ancestor and smiled. "I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me. I don't suppose you have any advice on how to be a good husband?"

Flash Magnus shook his head and put a hoof on his younger namesake. "Sorry, nephew. Marriage was the one battle I never fought. You're going to be on your own with that one, but I think you and Princess Twilight are going to work out fine."

"Well, it was worth a shot," Flash Sentry said before he started making his way around the corner. "I'm going to check a few things, so I'll see you later." He paused and then turned around. "Actually, Uncle Magnus, I'm curious. Did you ever have a special somepony back in the old days?"

Flash Magnus frowned as that question rang in his head for a bit before sighing. "No, but there was...somepony...but it was never meant to be between us." Turning around so his nephew couldn't see his heartbroken expression, Magnus said, "I'm going to get out of my armor and shower up. See you later."

He quickly paced himself before Flash Sentry could say anything else.


Another invention that Flash Magnus had to love was the shower. It was far quicker to get hot water than wait for a bath to warm up. Plus, it allowed him a chance to collect his thoughts while the soothing hot liquid helped clear his mind and relax his body. Flash Sentry's question had made Flash Magnus think about old feelings he hadn't felt about in a long time, even after he came out of Limbo.

Truth be told, he had pushed it aside because there was no chance she felt the same way. Magnus knew that she loved another, even if he lived no more, and he didn't want to make things awkward for the both of them by confessing his feelings. It was already challenging enough to adjust to this new world and the changes that came with it. Hay, Magnus was still surprised by something new each day.

Before he met her, Flash Magnus thought that the only thing he would ever truly love was his duty as a soldier, but then he met Somnambula, and soon his heart was aflutter. He didn't fall for her right away, but over time he began to see how kind and wise of a pony she was. Their adventurers together had only strengthened that bond, and he soon started to fall in love with her. He had tried multiple times to gather the courage to speak of his feelings, but he always fell short of doing so, which was ironic considering he was the Pillar of Bravery.

His excuses ranged from believing that they were better off as friends to assuming that a romantic relationship would be in the way of their duties in protecting Equestria. Eventually, he couldn't help but decide he needed to tell Somnambula. So one night, while they were at her home, after saving it from a herd of fire scorpions, he decided to look for her and tell her his feelings at last.

***Many Years Ago***

"Okay, I'm officially lost," Flash Magnus said to himself as he walked through the palace of Prince Hisen. The ruler of the land only thought it fair to grant the Pillars the night at his home as thanks for helping his ponies against the fire scorpions. Plus, it helped that he and Somnambula were good friends after she rescued him from the Sphinx. "I guess I should have asked for a map."

The prince's palace was one of the bigger castles that Flash Magnus had been in and was confusing based on the design. The halls were much bigger than average, with tons of statues of different animal-headed ponies said to be the gods of this land. There were instructions in "hieroglyphics" that Flash couldn't make heads or tails on because the lettering was weird. In the end, the pegasus soldier decided to find the throne room and ask Prince Hisen where Somnambula was, although he hoped the prince was still up and about this late at night.

Looking out of the nearby balcony, the full blue moon seemed to be mirroring over the sands of the desert landscape surrounding them. It was hard to believe such a place existed for someone like Flash, who had spent most of his life either in the clouds or in the dragons' dangerous mountain and lava-filled lands. Having joined the Pillars of Equestria since Starswirl recruited him, he had seen so many unique new lands that he couldn't wait to tell all his family and friends back home. The desert was one of the most impressive in his mind. It was hot in the day and cold at night. Mysterious and unending, yet holding secret beauties and wonder.

Much like Somnambula, Flash Magnus thought with a warm smile. He had always admired her for never giving up hope and helping others find peace in their lives. It also helped that she held such mesmerizing eyes, beautiful fur, and wings that were like that of an angel. I hope she can return my feelings.

Flash eventually found himself in the grand hallway that looked familiar to him as he made his way to the throne room of the prince. He was just about to enter it when he saw something that made him freeze and cause his heart to shatter into pieces. He had found both Somnambula and Prince Hisen in the center of the palace, and the two were nuzzling quite affectionately with nopony around. This went on for some time before the two ended it and started whispering among one another, with the prince saying something that made Somnambula giggle.

The two were now making their way to the prince's private quarters, where Flash Magnus had seen enough. He turned around, head lowered, and wings sagged as he slowly retreated the way he came. He had seen enough and wanted to kick himself for not thinking of such an obvious foresight. Of course, Somnambula would have feelings for Prince Hisan and vice versa. The two had both risked their lives to protect their home from the Sphinx and worked together for a long time before Somnambula joined their group. It made sense that she loved him.

Besides, He let out a dark chuckle, what's a simple soldier born of common blood compared to a prince of noble lineage?

With a tear dripping down his face, Flash Magnus made his way back to his room.

***Present Time***

Flash had never tried to reenact his old feelings again for Somnambula, but occasionally he just felt bitter and sad that it wasn't meant to be. Even when they were about to enter Limbo, Magnus didn't say anything to Somnambula. Hay, he felt sorry for her since it was clear she would never see her love again.

Flash Magnus might have been jealous that he didn't get Somnambula, but he was by no means cruel. Somnambula was still his friend, and he wanted her to be happy. If being with Prince Hisan was what she wanted, Magnus would respect that and keep it a secret until she was ready to tell the others. Of course, since they were now in the present time after escaping Limbo, he felt sorry for his crush. Prince Hisan was long dead, and no doubt Somnambula mourned the chance they could have had together. Flash could have used such a fortunate moment to try and win her heart, but he just couldn't do it. So he was content to just be friends for the rest of their lives.

Realizing that he had been inside for quite a while, Flash turned the hot water off and got out of the tub before reaching for a towel to drive off. "I guess I should see how she's doing and all. She's helping Pinkie Pie with the wedding too."

All the Pillars were helping out. Mistmane was in charge of the flowers. Rockhoof was helping carry things around with his great strength. Mage Meadowbrook was helping create a few exciting delicacies she knew for the feast. And Starswirl was going to be the one who united Flash Sentry and Twilight in marriage, which made the alicorn all giddy like a newborn. While Flash Magnus was going to be head of security, Somnambula was helping with the decorations.

After drying himself off, Flash Magnus decided to leave his quarters and walk around without his uniform on for once. The guards outside of his door saluted as he left before he nodded and set them at ease. "I'm going to take a walk. No need to follow me. If somepony asks for me, if it's not super important, feel free to let them know I'll see them tomorrow before the wedding."

"Yes, sir!" the guards replied.

Flash Magnus made his way down the halls, letting the candles guide his way. Even in the darkest part of the night did the decorations all look perfect. A portion of Magnus didn't want to admit it, especially since he cared about Sentry, but he couldn't help but be a bit jealous. Flash Sentry had got the girl of his dreams while Flash Magnus hadn't. He knew he should be happy, but he still wished deep down for him and Somnambula at the altar.

Technically it's not too late, a voice in Flash's mind echoed in his head. Prince Hisan is long gone. Somnambula is available. Why delay things a second time when you have a second chance right now?

But what if she still loves him? Magnus thought as he shook his head. I don't want to open old wounds or make her feel sad.

You all knew what was at stake when you went into Limbo. She's stronger than she looks, and out of all of you, she is the most optimistic. You're just a coward!

"I'm not a coward!" Flash Magnus cried out.


Oh, crud, Magnus thought as he slowly turned around to see none other than Somnambula, in a white night robe, staring at him with a surprised expression on her face. Turning around, bright red in the face, Magnus quickly said, "Oh, hi, Somnambula! I didn't see you there! What are you doing up this late at night?"

"I wasn't able to sleep, so I thought I'd go for a walk," Somnambula said before walking over and placing a hoof on the blushing soldier's shoulder. "Are you okay? You sounded upset."

"I..." Magnus gulped as her radiant beauty was in full force in front of him. "I was just...well..."

"You seem troubled," Somnambula pointed out before giving a small smile. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"...is it that obvious?" Magnus sighed before he gazed downward. "I guess I could use a friend to talk to."

"Hmm, let's head to the gardens then? I find it easier to relax when I am outside," Somnambula suggested as she led Flash Magnus down the hall.


It didn't take long for the two to find the royal gardens and a bench to sit on. The flowers were the type that tended to glow in the dark that Princess Luna had put in personally when she still lived in the castle. Once they sat down, Flash Magnus decided to look at the stars for a bit while Somnambula soon joined him while saying nothing. Flash knew she wanted him to start the conversation off so he could tell her what was wrong, but what were you to say when the center of your frustration and depression was right there?

Sighing, Flash decided just to wing it since he knew Somnambula wouldn't just leave him. "So... it's about the wedding."

"Oh, do you have a problem with it?" Somnambula asked curiously.

"No! No!" Flash flared his wings out and shook his head. "I'm happy for them. Flash Sentry is a good stallion, and I think Princess Twilight loves him very much. I think the two will have a happy marriage together, but..." Sighing, Flash looked down and grumbled. "I can't help but wish...well...that I was getting married."

"...I see," Somnambula whispered as she inched closer. "I suppose we all desire to be with somepony we love very much. Did you have a lover back before we entered Limbo?"

"No," Flash Magnus shook his head, "honestly, I think what I'm most upset about is that I didn't take the time to find somepony and get to feel that experience." He looked at his hooves. "Even before we became the Pillars, I focused most of my energy on being the best soldier possible. Everything about the Legion was all I thought about both day and night. I mean, I hung out with friends and always had time for my family, but I never really considered a future beyond that."

"Why? Did you not wish to have a special mare in your life?" Somnambula asked curiously before blushing. "Or...were you into stallions and had to hide it?"

"Oh, nothing like that. I'm attracted to mares," Flash Mangus nervously smirked while waving his hoof. That had been quite a big shocker to the six of them that homosexuality was now legal and accepted. Back in their times, it was taboo and looked down upon as disgusting and immoral. Flash himself had found out that two of his friends in the Legion were gay and, while he could have reported them and had them executed for their 'perversion,' he ultimately decided not to since he valued them that much. Chuckling, he shook his head. "Well, when you think about it, considering I was always in some kind of battle, I assumed one day I would get killed doing my duty. I remember attending the funeral of one of our comrades, and his wife was in tears as we burned the body on the funeral pyre. She soon died of a broken heart not long after, and I remembered thinking I didn't want to do that if I died in battle. Leave a grieving widow to mourn for me as my body returned to the skies. So I pushed it aside."

"I suppose there is some logic to that," Somnambula nodded in agreement. "The thought of loved ones grieving for us long after we're gone is a terrible thing to think about."

"Yeah, it didn't get any better when I became a Pillar," Flash pointed out. "I mean, there were a few times we almost didn't make it on our adventures. I even thought we were done for when we faced the Pony of Shadows. And when we disappeared, and everypony assumed we died? I still feel guilty that my family and comrades mourned for me despite not knowing my real fate."

"True, I am surprised that my tomb was so big when I saw it," Somnambula mentioned while looking up at the stars. "But surely, there had to have been somepony. Even one?"

"...There was, but she loved another," Flash Mangus admitted with a heavy sigh. "I sometimes wish I told her...but it's too late now."

"...If it helps, I know how you feel," Somnambula whispered as she closed her eyes. A sad smile decorated her face as Flash Magnus stared at her. "I once loved somepony who was very close to me. But I fear my chance with him is now long gone..."

Biting his lip, Flash put his hoof on Somnambula and smiled at her as she stared at him. "Look, I'm sure if things were different, you and Prince Hisan would have been a great couple. I know he would have made you his princess. In fact, I can't think of a better pony than you to be in such a role."

"...What are you talking about?" Somnambula asked, tilting her head. "Me and Prince...Hisan?"

"Um, yeah, weren't you a couple?" Flash Magnus asked, eyebrows raised. "I saw you nuzzling each other one night."

Then, to Flash Magnus's surprise, Somnambula laughed. She laughed so hard she almost fell out of her seat on the bench if not for Flash catching her. "Woah, what's with the-"

"You thought Hisan and I were dating?" Somnambula laughed again before those laughs descended into chuckles. She wiped a tear from her eye and shook her head. "Flash, I never dated Prince Hisan. We never even saw each other like that."

Flash could feel his mouth drop to the ground as his eyes went wide and his brain burst. "Y-You weren't?"

"Gods, no!" Somnambula giggled. "He and I were just good friends. Nothing more."

"Wait, if Hisan wasn't the one you were in love with, then who was it?" Flash asked, now really curious. Was it somepony he knew? Somepony he never met before? Or somepony she met recently.

Somnambula blushed as she nervously muttered, "Well, he's somepony brave. Strong. And I've known for a long time."

"...Rockhoof?!" Flash asked in surprise, which earned him a bonk on the head. "Ow!"

"No, silly," Somnambula sighed and rolled her eyes. She looked deep into Flash's eyes as she gave a nervous smile and blushed. "The pony I fell in love with...was you."

This time Flash Magnus was sure he had frozen up in a statue upon hearing this. He had to hit himself with his wings to make sure he listened to this right. Him? Was she in love with him? All these years, both as friends, in Limbo, and now she was in love with him? Flash didn't know whether to gasp, cry, scream, laugh, neigh, or all of the above because Somnambula's words blew his mind beyond the stars. The love of his life, the crush he had thought beyond him, had actual feelings for him all this time?!

"You...you love me?" Flash Magnus whispered as a smile decorated his face, but Somnambula had turned away.

"Yes, but I know you don't feel the same way," Somnambula whispered, shaking her head. "I know you just saw us as friends, so I said nothing all the time...but hear you talk about how you wish you had somepony special...I thought it fair to show you that you weren't the only one who thought of such things. I wanted to tell you so many times, especially when it looked like we weren't going to make it during some of our adventures." She warped her wings around her body and sniffed. "But, I was also afraid. I didn't want our friendship to be ruined by my selfish desires. I know that such a thing wouldn't have changed now, but I thought you deserved to know the truth."

"...wow," Flash Magnus chuckled as he placed one hoof over his face and shook his head. "All this time...we could have gone through our entire lives not knowing..."

"Flash?" Somnambula asked, looking at him before blushing as he leaned over and smiled warmly at her.

"Somnambula, that mare I was talking about? The one I loved? That's always been you," Flash Mangus pointed out, which made the desert pegasus blush and gasp.

"M-Me?!" She shrieked in shock, and soon this was replaced with a heartwarming smile. Tears began to form at the corner of her eyes as she held Flash's hooves. "You love me?"

"I've always loved you! The moment I saw you!" Flash shouted as loud as he could, and he didn't care if the whole castle heard him. "I always thought you and Prince Hisan were a couple, and I never said anything! But you and I...all these years..."

"We've always cared about each other," Somnambula realized before she started to giggle as well. "Oh, Flash, if we hadn't realized it..."

"We could have never done this," Flash whispered as he leaned over and did an act he dreamed of so many times in his life but never thought he could get the chance to do so. Until now.

He pressed his lips against Somnambula, who slowly closed her eyes and returned the favor. In an instant, it felt just right, like a magical moment that was destined to happen under the stars. The warm and soft lips of Somnambula were like kissing flowers that had just bloomed. The smell of her scent enraptured him as he felt like a slave to this beautiful goddess from the deserts and cared not for it. Their wings wrapped around each other while continuing to kiss. Chest to chest, both could feel their hearts beating side by side like a choir singing with adoration and excitement.

Eventually, the kiss ended as the two legendary ponies stared at each other with deep, caring eyes and giddy smiles. "Oh, Flash...that was...mystical."

"I think that's the best kiss I ever had," Flash Magnus whispered before grinning. "Actually, that was my first kiss ever."

"Mine too," Somnambula whispered as she nuzzled his neck. "Better late than never, huh?"

"Yeah," Flash whispered as he nuzzled her back. He wanted them to stay like this for eternity, but he knew they had to get back to bed. There was still a lot to do tomorrow, even though he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with Somnambula. "Somnambula? Will you be my special somepony?"

"Yes! A thousand times, yes!" Somnambula cheered as she kissed him on the cheek. "Should we tell everypony?"

"Let's wait until after the wedding," Flash Magnus said with a wink. "Much as I would like to tell the whole world that I'm dating the most beautiful pegasus in the universe, I don't want to keep the attention off Flash and Twilight. Let's let them have their day tomorrow, and then we can tell our friends."

"Alright," Somnambula whispered before kissing him on the lips again. "But not a moment after. I want to be with you both night and day from now on."

"Of course, love," Flash Magnus whispered as the two got up. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," Somnambula whispered as she turned around and winked. "Sleep tight, my love."

Flash Magnus blushed and felt some steam come out of his ears as his new marefriend started walking back inside, but with her haunches swaying back and forth with a tail flicker here and there. If it wasn't because the robe covered her particular areas, Flash Magnus was sure his little spear would have popped right out on full display. Gods, I hope this wedding isn't too long.


The big day had finally arrived, and everything had gone perfectly. The guests were seated, the ceremony was a hit, and the events and music went on without any problems. Even Discord held back on the chaos for once after some pleading from Fluttershy. Flash Magnus had made sure that security was top-notch. There were no problems from anyone seeking to get into the wedding without authorization or invitation. A few ponies and creatures wanted to get photos, interviews, or sneak off with a gift or two. But the Royal Guards properly dealt with all of whom without causing a scene. Flash Magnus made sure to give an extra recommendation to his troops and scheduled days off after the wedding.

Still, even though he was mainly focused, he couldn't help but spend the day thinking about what happened last night. Somnambula loved him. She loved him, and the two of them confessed to each other. If it weren't for the fact that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flash Sentry were getting married, Flash would have sworn he was the happiest pony in the world. He only had a few chances to check out Somnambula, who smiled at him warmly whenever they had a chance to see each other, but he was too busy doing his job while she attended the wedding as a guest.

Thankfully, there was a big reception planned, and he intended to take full advantage of it. Once the final vows and "I do's" were said, the entire castle erupted in applause and celebration as the newly wedded couple kissed as husband and wife. Tears were shed, hooves were clapped, and cheers were let out as the bells rang all over the city and birds flew in the air tweeting in symphony. Flash Magnus even let out a small tear as he watched his descendant and the Princess walk down the aisle side by side as they waved to the audience.

Maybe someday soon, it would be him and Somnambula in their place, but he was in no rush.

Once the wedding was done, it was time to party, and Pinkie Pie made sure to let everycreature know with a loud party cannon bang. Flash Magnus had been to many parties in his life, but this was by far the biggest. There was dancing from the DJ, Vinyl Scratch, with every creature showing off their moves from ponies trotting to dragons shaking their tails. An extensive buffet and bar with various types of delicacies from all over the world and plenty of multiple types of alcohol were displayed for the thousands of hungry attendees. The Yaks from Yakyakistan were the biggest eaters and enjoying their traditional nation's food. At the bar, Wonderbolt Captain Spitfire was having a drinking contest with Captain Celaeno, with a huge crowd putting bets on who would win. There was, of course, normal talking and exchanging of simple minglings, such as Princess Luna discussing the finer points of astronomy with Queen Novo, but there was also a sense of romance in the air.

Perhaps it was the wedding, but it seemed that Magnus and Somnambula were not the only ones experiencing new feelings of love. Nearby he saw Headmistress Starlight Glimmer dancing very close to her fillyhood friend Sunburst while next to them were the new Elements, Gallus and Silverstream, dancing side by side and shaking their rumps to the music. And they were doing their best to hide the fact they were staring at said rumps. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were nuzzling each other affectionately, but this might have been because the Princess was pregnant again. Little Flurry Heart was still letting anyone nearby know that she would be a big sister soon. Others were more subtle, like how Applejack was doing her best to hide her bush as Rarity was complimenting her on the dress she was wearing, but the unicorn was unable to see it. And some threw subtly out the window like a drunk Princess Celestia making out with King Thorax in the corner while his brother looked embarrassed.

It only made him want to see Somnambula more.

"Hey there, handsome," A familiar voice whispered in his ear as he felt his wings flap with joy. Turning around, he saw his love staring at him with a wide smile. "Looking for me?"

"Just about," Flash Magnus whispered back as he gave a quick kiss to his marefriend. "Just finished my duties, and I'm yours tonight."

"Hmm, I hope you aren't too tired," Somnambula teased as she placed a hoof on his chest and slowly went downward. "Because I plan to make you work well into the night."

Oh, boy, Flash began to sweat, but he was still smiling like a stud.


The night went on as the two enjoyed what could be counted as their first date. They danced, ate cake, and had a few drinks while chatting with their friends and some of the other guests. Eventually, the party came to a thrilling end after a night show from the Wonderbolts, a few fire demonstrations by the dragons, a very painful horn performance from the Yaks, and finally fireworks by Discord that actually came to life.

Eventually, it finally came time for the newlyweds to head off to their honeymoon as the guests applauded the blushing couple, who made for their glass pumpkin-designed carriage with the "Just Married" sign on the back. Flash Magnus and Somnambula were among those clapping while they looked at each other side by side, both envisioning themselves in such a scenario.

Maybe in a few years, but for now, I'm happy with how things are. Don't want to rush this too much, Flash Magnus thought as he smiled lovingly at his new marefriend. Of course, if the Pony of Shadows returns, all bets are off. I'll find the nearest chapel and get the certificate myself.

Before she entered her carriage, Twilight turned her back to the audience and readied the bouquet she had been carrying all day before tossing it into the air. Immediately, every female and a few guys mobbed each other as they tried to scramble for the flowers. Flash Sentry winced as a few girls started punching, kicking, or blasting magic at each other for getting their hooves on it. The most disturbing thing had to be Princess Celestia, still drunk, holding a fainted pink earth pony by the flank and claimed she had it. It only took a second for Flash to realize that her cutie mark was flowers. There were already stallions cheering for their fighting champions while others were taking bets.

"Come on," Flash Magnus was turned away from the ongoing brides' fight and saw that Somnambula was tugging on his wing and hinting for them to get going. "Let's get out of here before this becomes a full on brawl."

"I think it's too late for that," Flash Magnus winced as Rarity smashed a chair against The Great and Powerful Trixie while Applejack bucked Moondancer into the air with a good kick to the rear.

"Well, the fighting to be awhile," Somnambula whispered before revealing a specific set of flowers wrapped in a bow that made Flash gasp and blush. She winked and chuckled. "Especially when they find out somepony already took the bouquet when nopony was looking."

Flash chuckled before following his marefriend just as Yona was giving Dragon Lord Ember a full-on suplex while screaming about how she was going to have those flowers for her and Sandbar.


The moment the two entered Somnambula's guest room, she threw the flowers away and slammed the door shut by pushing Flash Magnus into it and locking their lips together. Flash was shocked by the sudden bold aggressiveness, but he didn't mind it seconds later as she started slowly taking off her dress. Flash growled upon seeing her illuminating feathers and fur become bare for the world to see as he closed his eyes and wrapped his forelegs around her. Slowly, she forced him to stand on his rear legs while pressing her chest against his. Never once letting her lips leave his mouth. Each second was like tasting a delicate and juicy fruit from heaven itself as he wished never to breathe again if it meant having this for eternity.

Somnambula's hooves slowly began to work around his officer's uniform, first unbuttoning his coat, then his dress shirt. A few minutes later, his belt was removed, dropping his pants down to the ground so that he could join her in nakedness. It shouldn't have felt as perverted as it did since ponies could hide their...special features with their sheaths and tails, but the fact that they were bare and free as creation intended was making Flash Magnus feel hot all over.

He decided to be more aggressive and slowly slid his hooves down Somnambula's back, making sure to caress her soft and sensitive wings, which made her hum like a hummingbird as they continued their lip lock. Flash then got lower, then lower, past her haunches and onto their cutie marks. He squeezed her hindquarters tight, making her gasp in shock as he firmly held her and massaged her buns. Flash felt a bit dirty for doing this, but he was too occupied by how smooth, and tight Somnambula was. She didn't seem to be hating it as each squeeze, pinch, and rub made her gasp harder and harder.

Seeing her moment of weakness, he turned around and slammed her on the door this time. It was time for him to be in control as he started licking and nibbling on her exposed neck. Somnambula's wings fully flared, and she leaned back to let Flash continue to have his way with her. It was like she was melting in his embrace and completely allowing Magnus to have his way with her. He made sure to suck and nibble areas that caused her to whimper and shutter the most as he could feel both of them being turned on more and more by this foreplay of theirs.

Somnambula, eventually, wanted to stop with it and get to the heavy stuff as she grabbed him by the cheeks and forced him to look at her. A hungry look in her eyes and a sharp smile made him gulp as she whispered, "Enough. I want you...I want it."

"Oh?" Flash Magnus teased as he slowly lifted her and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, Flash slowly got on top of her and kissed her on the nose. "You want it that bad?"

"I've been waiting for eons for it, literally," Somnambula whispered as she touched his cheek and kissed him again. "I love you, Flash. I thought I would never tell that to you so long as we remained in Limbo, but we have a second chance, and I don't want to waste it. Please, mate with me. I even ordered you to do it, soldier."

Chucking, Flash nodded and whispered into his future lover's ear. "In that case, how can I refuse such an order?"

He slowly used his wing to close the curtains around them...


Flash Magnus woke up to the sound of birds tweeting outside the window and wondered if Fluttershy was doing early practice for the wedding. Only he remembered the wedding was last night, and with it came the memories of what happened during it...and after it. Sure enough, Flash began to wake as a particular smell began to fill his nostrils from last night. The sound of love-making, sweat pouring, and...other things that he was almost tempted to try again. Flash, despite never having a marefirend, was no virgin. There were times when soldiers needed to blow off some steam, especially since there was a chance you might not make it tomorrow. But it had been a long time, and he had a lot of energy to release.

The still messy sheets spoke just that.

Not that he minded. Last night was magical, and it was all thanks to the sleeping angel in his embrace, head resting on his warm chest with a big smile on her face. If it weren't for the fact that he was sore in his pelvis area a bit, Flash Magnus would have sworn he died, and this was his afterlife. Because everything looked and felt so perfect. If I am dead, please don't revive me. Because I feel more alive than ever, he joked to himself.

A small yawn escaped Somnambula's lips as she smacked them and looked up at her love with half-open eyes. "Good morning, love."

"Good morning to you too," Flash whispered before kissing her on the lips. "Sleep well?"

"Perfectly," Somnambula whispered before slowly rising as the two rested on the back of the bed. "So what happens going forward?"

"Well, I guess we start dating and letting everypony know what happened," Flash Magnus said before chuckling. "Rockhoof is never going to stop blabbing about it."

"True, but I was wondering about our current paths in life," Somnambula said as she put a hoof on Flash's. "I don't mind moving here to Canterlot so you can continue working. I'm sure I can find a job here. Maybe even ask Princess Twilight if I can be an advisor."

"That would be great," Flash said with a firm nod. "And I still got a lot of vacation days I've never used. We can go on a trip somewhere. Just the two of us."

"And the bed, of course," Somnambula joked, which made Flash blush. "There is only one thing we need to make sure of before we do anything, however."

"Oh, what's that?" Flash asked, tilting his head.

"I think we should see a doctor first," Somnambula stated, which made Flash suddenly worry.

"D-Doctor! Oh, no! Are you sick?! Did I push into you too hard?! Did I do something wrong?!" Flash asked, but Somnambula giggled and put a hoof on his lip.

"No, it's just that after all that love-making, I want to know if I'm going to be carrying a foal or two just in case," Somnambula said, which made Flash's eyes widen. "Much as I would like to be your wife and a mother someday, I think it's best if we avoid that for now, if possible. Look into ways in which we can continue our love-making without worrying about little surprises."

"O-Oh, yeah, that would be a good idea," Flash commented as Somnambula got out of the bed and started making for the bedroom. "Well, I'm sure there are a few inventions that prevent mares from getting pregnant after sex."

"I believe so too," Somnambula whispered before looking at Flash with a naughty grin. "And if not? I don't mind you doing it in my other entrance."

Flash could have sworn his jaw nearly fell off from his mouth as Somnambula twisted her flank and tail before closing the door behind her. He slowly got up and quickly went for a nearby bottle of wine displayed on the dresser and took a huge drink. Sure, it was way early for it, but he needed something to calm himself down.

That and the little guy down below who wanted to try out that suggestion.

Taking a gasp, Flash looked outside the window and saw that most of the wedding decorations were still up, no doubt the staff deciding it would wait until morning to clean it all up. Flash wondered just how long it would be until he felt ready to ask Somnambula the question to see them united in what would be a grand adventure in of itself.

Well, whenever I do? I'm definitely hiring Pinkie Pie as my party planner!

Author's Note:

*Commissioned by anonymous*

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Comments ( 6 )

Great job with this story.

I think Flash Magnus and Somnambula are a popular ship, so I am a bit surprised there are not more stories of them together. But this was a really heartfelt tale of the two discovering they both have feelings for each other after remaining quiet for so long.

Some of the teases for other pairings were funny, like Celestia and Thorax. I think weddings are a good place for romance to blossom, and not just between the ones getting married.

Don't really like the inclusion of blatant sex talks in a T rated shipping fic. I mean, I have no problem with clop, but this one is not outright clop, yet it's not a clean one either. It's just weird.

Perhaps it was the wedding, but it seemed that Magnus and Somnambula were not the only ones experiencing new feelings of love. Nearby he saw Headmistress Starlight Glimmer dancing very close to her fillyhood friend Sunburst while next to them were the new Elements, Gallus and Silverstream, dancing side by side and shaking their rumps to the music. And they were doing their best to hide the fact they were staring at said rumps. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were nuzzling each other affectionately, but this might have been because the Princess was pregnant again. Little Flurry Heart was still letting anyone nearby know that she would be a big sister soon. Others were more subtle, like how Applejack was doing her best to hide her bush as Rarity was complimenting her on the dress she was wearing, but the unicorn was unable to see it. And some threw subtly out the window like a drunk Princess Celestia making out with King Thorax in the corner while his brother looked embarrassed.

So many shipping's around in this story and I agree with them so much 😍🥰
And by the way you kind of forgot to put an L on the word blush just to give you a little heads-up

Ok this was a pretty cute story although I'm not a big fan of the sex part but the romance is pretty good so everybody is preparing for Twilight and Flash wedding and Flash Magnus is happy for his nephew but sometimes he really wish he will find somebody he truly loves and apparently he fell in love with Somnambula which she thought that she was already with somebody he didn't want to ruin their friendship between them and basically it was driving him crazy but it looks like Somnambula saw him pretty upset and they wanted to talk about it basically everything was pretty much a miscommunication with each other but the one thing is they both have feelings for each other and it looks like they sealed it with a kiss which that's pretty sweet and yes I also ship with these two as well anyway this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

"Although it was embarrassing to learn how to use a toilet, which every foal today learned at age two or three."
LMAO, this is so funny but yet also makes sense at the same time. It actually reminds me that Magnus had been away for generations. Nice job !

I loved it, was a cute story and I laughed at the comedy during the wedding. Also, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one who thought about this song during the bedroom part 😏

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