• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 40 minutes ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


While in the middle of a cuddle session, Sunset Shimmer and Eric Reed decided to play "Would You Rather?" It went smoothly until Sunset asked a big question that made Eric squirm, and she made sure he wouldn't get away without answering.

Contains mostly light-hearted fluff.

While it's not required to read either to understand this story, but to learn more how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria, check out A Giant Adventure to Equestria, or When Dating a Sunset... if you want to see how Eric and Sunset became a couple.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )



Yay! Buggie and Sunset fluffies!!! :heart:

What’s this? A PinkedWonder story not tagged Comedy?

What madness is this?! :pinkiegasp:

No Comedy Tag

10965652 I mean, does it necessarily need it? There’s such an overlap between definitions when it comes to tags that the two on there probably cover the author’s bases.

Of course, I haven’t read the story, as I am illiterate, but I assume that was the author’s thinking.

That was a cute story.

I was joking about how there’s no comedy because Pinked usually uses it

10965704 Oh. I took your comment at face value without considering context. I apologize.

Please let me make it up to you with an exquisite Italian dining experience.




And it's been a long time coming too!


The kind of madness where there is no madness:rainbowlaugh:


Yeah how about that? You know you've specialized in stories with a tag or character when not doing it get a reaction:rainbowlaugh:




Wish I got those kinds of apologies! I don't eat much Italian food outside of pizzas, but I'd settle for just pizza.

That was a cute and funny story. Keep up the great work. :twilightsmile:

10965755 Spaghetti pizza. With ricotta and pancetta.




Hmm. I never heard of Spaghetti pizza.


Thanks and glad you enjoyed it! That ending roast was one of my favorite parts to write.

1: Would you rather jump into icy cold water or take five bee stings?

2: Would you rather spend three months with only Pinkie Pie, or be all alone in the wild for one month?

3: Would you rather never talk or never have magic? Assume you are in Equestria as a unicorn or alicorn for this one.

4: Would you rather go without eating sweets or never playing games, whether it's a card, board, computer, or video game?

5: Would you rather fight Daybreaker or Midnight Sparkle?

6: Would you rather tell Twilight that she is cuter than Starlight, or tell Starlight that she is cuter than Twilight?

1: Cold water. Just got stung by one hornet not that long ago. Btw, not allergic.

2: Pinkie Pie. I would not be able to survive in the woods, and I love really like Pinkie.

3: This one is a toughie. It'd be so easy to pick things up, but at the expense of speech? I think I'll take no magic.

4: Ez, sweets. I don't really care for sweets that much anyway.

5: Hmm... in a 101 fight i'd go with... hmm... augh this is tough. (does a quick eenie meenie miny mo game) I pick Daybreaker

6: One of the two choices. Jk, id tell twilight in private


6: One of the two choices. Jk, id tell twilight in private

That got a laugh out of me:rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if anyone really have pulled that joke in the story to get out of making decisions they didn't want to make.

Ok, update, I just got stung by a bee two days ago. My foot swelled up, but no severe reaction. I'd still prefer cold water. Anyway, I'm glad I brightened up your day! :pinkiesmile:

Aww! So cute and LMAO at the ending :rainbowlaugh:


Thanks and glad you enjoyed the story! I thought the ending was a nice, funny touch to end the story on.

1: Cold water. It does not say how long.
2: Pinkie. I do not know how to survive in the wild, so holding on to sanity has higher survival odds.
3: Never talk. In your hypothetical, it might be possible to learn telepathy to circumvent the limitation.
4: WIthout sweets. Games mean too much to me.
5: Daybreaker. I imagine it would be over quicker.
6: Twilight.

1. : Cold water, it doesn't trigger my "must scratch" mode.

2.: alone in the wild. At least there I have a chance to survive with my sanity intact.

3.: Never talk. If you truly want to communicate with others, you'll find a way.

4.: No Sweets for me. I need my games!!!

5.: Daybreak. That fight would be over quicker as she simply turns me into a pile of ash.

6.: Starlight was, is, and will always be cuter than Twilight.

1) I need the five bee stings. I have a crippling phobia of drowning.

2) Three months of Pinkie Pie. I don't even know how to survive in the wild.

3) Never talk again. I'll learn Equestrian sign language

4) I. For the sake of my occupation I need to give up sweets. So long sweet sugary deliciousness that never fails to make me smile.

5) Midnight Sparkle. At least she's reachable

6) Tell Twilight she's cuter than Starlight. Starlight may slap me with her hooves and this question is unfair. No girl should be told someone is prettier than someone else.

Also good story.

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