• Published 15th Apr 2024
  • 516 Views, 9 Comments

For The Long Flight - ShadowblazeCR

Soarin' asks Rainbow Dash to support him one last time, for the long flight.

  • ...

I Do

Forever had begun to look like a certainty lately.

Rainbow Dash's time in the Wonderbolts starting line up with Soarin', her stallion-friend of a few years had finally transitioned into instructors for the academy. Luckily, they had been given separate squads over the following year and the same rank, avoiding any possible accusations of fraternization.

The last years had been peaceful. No weekly ventures to save the town, or the surrounding country, even the world. The worst that Rainbow Dash had to deal with since then was unruly cadets and waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Thankfully, Soarin' had taken it upon himself to ask her on a date after her constant outings had died down.

She had known that he was the one after the date hadn't been a simple movie date, nor a picnic of some sort. No, it had been a flight to a nearby volcano, flying in-between steaming gysers that were erupting. A few races ended up with them having singed feathers, and a respectable humbling about their flying skills in the face of real danger. It had ended with a walk around the crest of the volcano, resulting in a deep talk about their plans in the Wonderbolts.

Soon after, Soarin' had accompanied her back to her house. Citing that he needed to know she made it back safely. Not in respect to any would-be attackers. She could handle any of those just fine. In fact, it was to make sure she wouldn't pass out from exhaustion from such a dopamine-packed day.

"How can I possibly top something like this for the next one?" Rainbow Dash had commented when they made it to her doorstep.

"So there's a next one?" Soarin' asked inquisitively, "Good to know I made the cut so far."

Dash laughed, "For now, if you can keep up with my pace is all."

"Sounds like I'll need proper insurance to keep up with your brand of danger." Soarin' leaned forward for his payment as he said his pickup line.

The line had summarized their future brand of the relationship. It was a different kind of dopamine rush than the Wonderbolts, or even any of the adventures that she had gone on for years. It was a warmth and rush that only came with being around Soarin'.

From then on, their dates were essentially competitions. Only the prize pool were kisses.

Eventually, as surprising as it was to Rainbow Dash, she suggested that at least once a month they would instead go on an actual cliche date instead. A candle-lit dinner here, a pottery class there, anything that would keep them from getting to far ahead of themselves.

"Not that I don't like winning as much as I have been." Rainbow Dash had boasted after suggesting the change. She stood proudly on the couch's armrest, perched with her head held high.

Soarin' had ensnared his wings with hers, and the warmth flooded her again. "I can give up a couple losses to see you in that blue dress again. I think that counts as a win in my book."

It had continued like that, each date and each competition helping them grow closer to each other. Yet, the next step in their lives and relationship helped Rainbow Dash fall more in love with Soarin'. After this first couple years of dating, they had decided to move in together. A sort of test to see if they might be ready for the next step. The suggestion was under the guise of saving money, expenses, and of course the "test". But they both new it was just an excuse to see each other more.

Seeing each other more was an understatement that Rainbow Dash quickly caught on to. Instead of planned, staged niceties at all their dates, she saw every micro-manner that Soarin' didn't even realize he would do. For once, her competiveness was overshadowed and humbled from the flood of thoughtfulness that he exuded.

There was breakfast in bed every Sunday.

"This time I tried making your cutie-mark." Soarin' said as he placed a plate with pancakes on it. "It's not too bad honestly."

Seriously, how utterly thoughtful? Rainbow Dash initially wanted to outcook him. And then it just stuck, she ended up covering for desserts for after dinners that day anyway. With Pinkie Pie's help she became pretty proficient at different recipes too.

Then he always took care of her after a long work day. Which was a mixed bag of emotions unto itself. Especially because she knew they had the same exact work day and he didn't ask for a thing.

Sure, the massages were great. But Dash knew she could take care of herself, and had no need to burden her stallion-friend with them.

And of course the hot bubble baths he drew were always a better temperature than she could get. The bubbles always a different color, or sometimes shaped into different sculptures when she arrived. Though, it wasn't like she needed them every time. Right?

Lastly, it was the washing her uniform by hoof. Because he knew they would shrink and become unusable if he didn't. Any stain, wrinkle, and tear were gone by the next day. They always were neatly folded in her drawers, not even on her bedside! He knew exactly how she wanted them, which drawer, and everything! How could somepony be so perfectly thoughtful?

It was the last straw for Rainbow Dash. She loved him too much to put him through that much work and not share the burden. One day she cornered him to the couch, refusing to let Soarin' do anything other than sit.

Before she could even begin to wash his uniform, his response stopped her altogether. "I do everything because I love you Dashie. I genuinely am happier seeing you happy, well, and comfortable than I am being selfish for myself. You're not just my mare-friend Rainbow Dash, you're my best friend. Seeing my best friend healthy and content is all I need to feel like I'm on cloud-nine."

"That means more than you'll ever realize Soar." Rainbow Dash said, trotting over to where she had placed him. Before continuing she placed a kiss on his lips, and his cheek for good measure. "You know I don't work like that though. Loyalty means I have to help you or I go stir crazy."


She huffed, "What's say we compromise on as much as I can get away with. While you draw the bath. for example. I'll be washing our uniforms by hoof and will need one anyway, so it should be ready by the time I'm done."

"Alright fine, that's reasonable." Soarin' responded. "But I still get to make you your lunches for work, no compromise there."

Rainbow Dash was going to run out of kisses she had in her bank. "I can work with that."

Their compromises in the next several months established the cornerstone of their relationship. There would be no progress without a little compromise of their respective selflessness. That was what Rainbow Dash thought at least. Until Soarin' took it upon himself to have a moment of selfishness to progress their relationship.

Rainbow Dash had initially thought the late flight on the Saturday night was Soarin' needing to stretch his wings. Then she began to recognize where she was being lead to.

"Is this the old Wonderbolt training grounds?" She asked, nostalgia taking over.

Soarin' grinned at her, "That would be correct. Along with where we had our first race."

"Oh right!" Dash exclaimed. "It was the only place we could find that still had a good course. Ya know, something that could help us practice without anyone around too."

"Not to forget it was the first time I beat you in a race too." Soarin' teased.

"Pssh." Rainbow Dash shoved her stallion-friend with her forehoof. "It was an off-day, nothing else."

"I guess we'll just have to get another race in to settle that claim." The couple had conveniently arrived at the start of the race course. Soarin' had guided them to the starting line while they talked, scuffing his hoof against the grass.

"Three laps and you're on." She replied, flaring her wings and getting into position.

The first lap was close. It would be, not because Soarin' was a fellow Wonderbolt for a reason, but because Rainbow Dash hadn't stretched. No other reason. She could've sworn he had practiced the course in his off time too, because he wasn't making mistakes he usually did on unfamiliar routes. Most pegasi would have been put off by the delapedated course and its irregular pattern that modern ones didn't posses. Dash shook the thought off into the next lap.

A second lap came and went faster, and Dash gained the lead with more ease. The course was old for a reason, and many of the obstacles were simplistic in design. She had been stuck with them for most of her time before the Wonderbolts and new the tricks to get past time.

The race was becoming fun by the third lap. So much that when she looked over her shoulder to see where Soarin' was that he wasn't even in her vision. The last turn came by the time she looked back, and coming out of it she saw a shape at the finish line.

It couldn't be.

Rainbow Dash skid to a halt in front of the figure, her body sliding over the finish line. "Soarin'!"

"Rainbow Dash."

"How did you get here before I did?" She couldn't believe it.

"Well I had to make this a little fun, and I figured being at the finish line would help it along." Soarin' replied, his glossing over of how she missed him passing her didn't help. "It's a simple misdirection to win, I'd been saving the trick for this moment anyway."

"Dude there's no way." Rainbow Dash began to pace around her companion. "Come on, there's no way."


"It's impossible."

"Rainbow, hey."

"I think I'm gonna have to get Twi to run a simulation or something."

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Huh?" She halted in front of Soarin'. His forehoof had caught hold of one of hers.

"Come here." He said, pulling her closer and gathering her other forehoof, both of them inches away from each other.

He had picked the perfect moment, time, place, and situation for his plan. And at the time, as he began his speech, her brain became more fried at the implications.

"Every day for the last few years I woke up thinking about you." Soarin' started. "Getting through the day was about how I could be with you sooner. And when I wasn't with you I thought about how I could make you happy. So you would stay with me more. So that I could keep making you happy, and of course keep you healthy."

Rainbow Dash's brain was slowly beginning to understand what was happening. The cogs were turning too slowly still.

He continued, "But recently, I became selfish. Living with you seemed like a promise. That promise to me implied the ultimate compromise of our lives, a fusion of everything about each other. I couldn't let that chance pass up. So I planned out a way to get that for myself in a bout of selfishness."

A couple blinks to orient herself. No, wait. The blinks were to get the tears forming out. Happy tears.

"So today, I would like to ask for a compromise of sorts. Something to sate my selfishness forever." Soarin' paused, gathering his final thoughts. "Flying like this keeps me happy. Because it lets me know that every time you win, I can see you at the finish line happy and healthy. What I want. What I'd like to ask of you could be everything. Would you, Rainbow Dash, stay by my side forever? For the long flight?"

The tears were flowing now, and Rainbow Dash composed herself with every ounce of her being to deliver her response.

"Yes. For the long flight."

Author's Note:

Had to get something out in this hopefully not short breakthrough in writer's block for pony stories. While I have been writing plenty of RWBY fanfiction, I think I've been neglecting some good old pony fiction. Hopefully you enjoyed this one-shot, I'm a sucker for some SoarinDash too.

For those curious about "for the long flight". I wanted to get some sort of addition to the pegasi culture that felt like it fit. And that saying seemed to be the best bet. A simple something to get across staying next to each other for better or worse, no matter what kind of weathering occurs or stipulations, to compromise on speed to stay aligned and keep on the right path.

Please feel free to comment whatever. Anything is welcome.

Comments ( 9 )

This is some very cozy fluff.

The last years had been peaceful. No weekly ventures to save the town, or the surrounding country, even the world. The worst that Rainbow Dash had to deal with since then was unruly cadets and waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Thankfully, Soarin' had taken it upon himself to ask her on a date after her constant outings had died down.

Well after you guys been through I'm sure you guys need a break

Before she could even begin to wash his uniform, his response stopped her altogether. "I do everything because I love you Dashie. I genuinely am happier seeing you happy, well, and comfortable than I am being selfish for myself. You're not just my mare-friend Rainbow Dash, you're my best friend. Seeing my best friend healthy and content is all I need to feel like I'm on cloud-nine."

God I love me some good fluffy Soarindash. Thank you for posting this! :twilightsmile:

Oh my gosh that is a pretty sweet story and I've always loved those shippings between those two so it looks like the years passed and turns out both of them decide to live with each other after admitting how much they love each other and soarin took Rainbow Dash where they have their first race and they had a little bit fun with that until he finally asked the question to marry him which her answer is yes with oh my gosh I love it this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work

I don't give romance stories a chance often.

I liked this one.

:rainbowhuh: What's the idea? You knew Soarin and me needed to get our flight physicals done.
:raritystarry: It's not my fault Rainbow Dash you need to talk to Pinkie about it.
:pinkiegasp: Not me! Little Cheese only pulled his finger!
:fluttercry: It was funny at the time and how'd Hondo Flanks know what would happen.
:rainbowhuh: What?
:duck: Hondo & Spike had a little competition a rather vulgar thing really, Father just got carried away.
:pinkiehappy: Hondo said "Pull my finger" Then Little cheese pulled and Hondo let one rip"
:rainbowderp: But the Ponyville Hospital's leveled flat...
:pinkiesmile: Then he pulled Spikes finger
:duck: Little did they know...
:facehoof: That Hondos methane and the hospital with all that leaking oxygen with Spikes ignition point was...
:rainbowlaugh: Explosive.
:ajsmug: So Rares why were you at the hospital anyways?
:twilightoops: You're what?
:flutterrage: Discord, It's not that funny!

Rainbow and Soarin are a cute couple!

Honeymoon night when!?
this was so cute!

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