• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 24,733 Views, 738 Comments

Magnetism! - Souldin

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash must be in constant physical contact due to a pair of magic bracelets.

  • ...

Bunny Block.

Important information: First off, I apologise for the slight delay in uploading this chapter, when re-reading through it I found I was not satisfied with some of it and decided to revise a few of the scenes and lines. Second, this fanfic takes place after Season 2's 4th episode, Luna Eclipsed, but before Season 2's 7th episode, May The Best Pet Win. Finally, this fanfic has not been proof-read by anyone other than myself much like the first chapter however the third chapter and all chapters afterwards, will be proof-read by a second person.

Chapter 2: Bunny Block!

By the time the Fluttershy was able to walk across the small bridge that lead on to her earthly toned home, the daytime had passed and the afternoon was well on its way, with it having been a little more than a couple of hours since the fillies and colts had left school and made their ways to their homes, or instead chosen to hang out with their friends. As for what the mid-afternoon was like, it was a typical spring afternoon in Ponyville but the yellow pony was having difficulty admiring it as she normally would.

For Fluttershy was constantly minding where she was placing her hooves as she walked side by side, literally side by side, with Rainbow Dash who in turn was constantly minding her pace. Due to the ancient and mystical bracelets currently attached to the two pegasus hooves, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were forced to be as close as can be even while moving. Fluttershy kept on bumping her left legs into Rainbow’s right, causing them to trip and stumble. Rainbow had a different problem though, she was far too coordinated to place her legs in front of her friend’s, rather she struggled with matching her jog-like stride of a pace with Fluttershy’s leisurely walk. On top of their individual problems, both of them would make the mistake of walking into one another when turning corners, and by the time the feathered duo had reached the homely earth toned cottage, the bracelets had activated more than a couple of times.

As the two mares neared the home, just now ascending the slight hill, Rainbow Dash looked too and fro and decided to use her spotting of various animals in the garden as a subject of conversation, “Geez Fluttershy, where do you keep all of these guys? Your house is way too small for this many animals.”

“Oh, well, only a few of the animals live with me,” Fluttershy explained as she waved to some of the animals, “Many of them come from other areas of Ponyville or the Everfree forest to hang out here.”

Rainbow nodded her head but did not speak again until the two had arrived just outside the front door, “Some of them come from the Everfree forest huh? Are you sure that’s safe? I mean, I know your special talent is with animals and all but…”

“Don’t worry, a lot of the animals seem to come here just to relax and play,” Fluttershy replied as she pushed open her door, the two pegasus now making their way into the house, “I assure you that there is not a single animal here who will try and harm you.”

Then a carrot hit Rainbow Dash’s head.

Rainbow Dash winced from the impact, raising a hoof to her face as Fluttershy immediately asked, “Oh my, are you okay?”

Rainbow was quick to brush away the aiding hoof, “Fluttershy, it was a carrot. Of course I’m okay but...” she turned her head round to a small rabbit who was bouncing up towards them, “Why’d you throw that at me, you little brat?”

Fluttershy also turned her attention to her frowning bunny rabbit, “Now Angel Bunny, you know you shouldn’t throw things at our friends, or anypony for that matter.”

The animal of white let this comment pass with no attention paid to it; instead he held up a pocket watch and tapped one of the hours. The two ponies expressions were quizzical in nature and it took a few seconds of Angel tapping the same time on the watch with rising rage till Fluttershy both realised what her pet meant and also remembered a forgotten detail.

“I’m sorry Angel, I said I would be back sooner than this and oh, I didn’t realise I was out for so long,” Fluttershy apologised with the sweetest tone she could muster, her body bent down for her face to be level with Angel’s, “You must have been worried.”

Angel turned his head away, his scowl still present. His arms crossed body language would have suggested he was not worried but in fact he was, but as a manly creature such as himself he could not let such insecurities be known. So he kept facing away from Fluttershy, his ears receiving each apologetic word that came from his owner.

“…An then I bumped into Rainbow Dash and we went to Twilight’s and um…” Upon mentioning one name though Angel did react, react in how he had only now just realised that there was in fact another pony by Fluttershy’s side.

Angel turned round to see the show-off pony beside Fluttershy, which was by itself nothing unusual, but something was off. When he realised what was ‘off’ about the pony, he scowled even more, pointed to the two mares, cupped his paws together and then separated them.

Fluttershy noticed Angel’s charades, his primary form of communication. “You want me and Rainbow Dash to get you a cup of water?”

Angel raised a brow to this but did not question it entirely; he could see where the idea of a cup came from. So he repeated his actions but placing his paws flat against one another.

“Uh...you want us to close the door and walk away from it?” Fluttershy asked, her rainbow mane friend proceeding with the action of closing the door before the white mammal could confirm this as incorrect with a shake of his head.

“Oh, oh, you want to play tag don’t you?” Rainbow Dash joined in the game of charades with childlike enthusiasm though Angel’s response of a paw palm was a clear sign she wasn’t much better at the game than Fluttershy.

Words not being an option the rabbit could take and charades being constantly misinterpreted by the two ponies, he chose action, his favourite option anyway. The short and diminutive creature hopped up, placed his paws onto both ponies and with surprising strength, pried the two apart.

“Oh, you were saying me and Rainbow Dash were too close together and you wanted us to separate.” Fluttershy’s answer was met with a cheerful nod from a bunny who continued to keep the two pegasus apart.

Rainbow Dash was a little dumbfounded at the unexpected might of the bunny rabbit, but soon her brain ticked again and she remembered a rather crucial fact, “Wait, don’t separate us!”

Angel furrowed his brow into a glare, demanding an answer he did not receive. What he did receive was a trip into the air as Rainbow utilised her cyan wing closest to the rabbit to fling him into the air. While Angel flipped in the air Rainbow Dash hugged Fluttershy, eliciting a startled flush from the mare at the unintentional display of affection; it also prevented the bracelets magnetic powers from activating milliseconds before they were going to.

Angel fell back down shortly afterwards, bouncing against Fluttershy’s back. Angel was to fall off of said back from the landing impact but a canary yellow wing shot out, catching him mid-tumble. “Are you okay Angel Bunny?”

The shaky bunny was placed atop Fluttershy’s back, where he regained his balance and nodded as soon as he could. Then he turned his head slowly, in a horror movie kind of way, towards Rainbow Dash.

“Wha-hey! Stop looking at me like that, punk.” Rainbow Dash snapped back.

“Oh yes, please stop Angel, she didn’t mean to hurt you when she tossed you into the air. I can explain if you want me to.” Fluttershy tried to meet eye to eye with her disgruntled pet, but could only do so once he had hopped off her back, and landed in front of her, “You see, our friend Twilight was studying a lot of objects and one of them were a pair of bracelets,” at the mention of bracelets Fluttershy held up her garmented hoof for the rabbit to see that which she spoke of, “Rainbow Dash tried one of them on and everything was fine but when I tried on the other bracelet they turned out to be magical. Now me and Rainbow Dash are inseparable.”

Angel’s raised eye was either a sign of disbelief or a lack of understanding, possibly both.

“These do-hickeys have turned me and Fluttershy into magnets.” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh.

Angel Bunny was not the familiar to a sorcerer and as such his understanding of magic was little; only that it was best to avoid it. It was due to this minute understanding of magic that he thought first of non-magical explanations, and in this case he jumped to the conclusion that his trusting owner had been tricked. Yes, it was beginning to make sense, at least more sense than two ponies becoming magnetic, something he would have to see in order to believe. The cyan pegasus, he could not be bothered to remember her name, attached those bracelets to herself and his owner and then conjured a tale about them becoming magnets. When asked for an explanation, she said magic; it seemed to be the be all and end all to any explanation. This was of course all part of her devious plot to get free meals, plenty of naps, and to boss his owner around. All of those things being his things, his reward for getting the shy pegasus to stand up for herself and what not, all things that this ‘friend’ had fiendishly ensured she was getting for free. Well Angel was not going to let this stand, there was only one head pet in the household, and that was him.

“Now Angel Bunny,” Fluttershy said just as she grabbed a hold of the former projectile and passed it over to its owner as a delectable vegetable, “Rainbow Dash will be staying here for the next couple of days so I expect you to be on your best behaviour, okay?”

Angel Bunny did not like this and his scowl deepened as he grabbed his lunch/weapon. Instead of leaving to eat his lunch, the small companion hopped over beside Fluttershy, and looked to her for attention.

“Angel Bunny, do you want to hang out with me and Rainbow Dash?” The carrot chewing creature nodded a yes, and was then held up in a hug by two yellow hooves, “Okay then, that’s okay with you Dash, please be okay with it?”

If Angel Bunny’s current look directed at Rainbow Dash were translated into words, they would say ‘I’m going to smother you in your sleep’, “Y-yeah…sure.”

“Oh my, I just thought of something.” Fluttershy blurted out as she placed Angel Bunny back onto the floor, “If you’re going to be staying here I’ll have to introduce you to all the animals. Some of them get very nervous around other ponies.”

“I guess that will be something to do.” Rainbow Dash murmured without a drop of enthusiasm in her voice.

“Great!” Fluttershy exclaimed with an enthusiasm that came only when animals were involved, “I’ll introduce you to the animals outside first as they leave when it gets dark, and then I can show toy the animals I keep in the house first, I’m sure they’ll get on fine with you, and then...”

“Fluttershy, I don’t suppose you’ve, I don’t know, enchanted your garden or something.” Rainbow murmured such words as her rosy pink eyes took in the sights of the harmonious area of green grass, an area filled with playful and relaxed creatures of all shapes and sizes.

“I-I don’t think I have,” Fluttershy answered with uncertainty created by the lack of understanding where such a question would come from, “oh, and these are the badgers. Now badgers, you remember my friend Rainbow Dash right, well she’ll be staying with me for a while. Are you okay with that?”

“…Because I’m pretty sure snakes try to eat rats, not play noughts and crosses with one another.” The pegasus explained as she watched the rodent and reptile in question playing the commonplace game on a patch of dry dirt.

The back garden and animal sanctuary of Fluttershy’s cottage is indeed a beauty to behold, a place of serene gentleness in the latest of nights and earliest of mornings which transforms into a world of wonders when the animals wake. Seeing the creatures of all shapes and sizes gathered together is for most ponies, breath-taking, but Fluttershy was preoccupied with introducing her friend to its inhabitants while said friend was too busy noticing the absurdity of it all, for either pony to delight in what is for them, a frequently seen but always remarkable place.

“I’m also sure that your turtle’s stalking me. Then there are the bats, the bats are really cool by the way but don’t they sleep during the day and come out at night.”

“Oh well, when its night I’m usually asleep and they don’t like to wake me so the bats usually come to see in the day.” Fluttershy replied as some of the fruit bats in questions flew down to their caretaker, offering a small, spare peach to her, which was gratefully accepted. “Also, the little guy over there is a tortoise, not a turtle.”

Said peach coloured peach was then passed onto the athlete, Fluttershy excusing herself as not being hungry, but also not wanting to turn down her animal friends gifts. So Rainbow Dash snapped up the fruit from her friends hooves, and swallowed it in seconds, only briefly enjoying its sweet flavour.

“I guess that makes sense.” Rainbow said, with a warmly smiling Fluttershy nodding with appreciation.

The two school buddies moved on to try and spot more animals that had yet to be introduced to the cyan speedster, or made aware of her currently forced presence. For once, both their paces were pretty slow, however this did not prevent them bumping into each other. As they looked to and fro, their heads turning this way and that way, skulls inevitably collided as so lost in their task of spotting the animals were they, that they would forget one another beside each other, their heads but mere centimetres apart. But the yellow mare of the property spotted the next character to be introduced to Rainbow Dash; a seal.

Said aquatic animal beamed a jolly grin and clapped his flippers gleefully with typical seal sounds being emitted from its throat. Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy and asked, “Is that a seal?”


“A seal...don’t they only live in seas or oceans and such?”


“So where did this seal come from? I don’t know of any salt-water areas being near Ponyville or the Everfree forest.”

Fluttershy did not say a word at first; she simply scratched at the ground with her hoof, and covered her face with her mane. When she did speak it was with a half-hearted mutter, “I-I don’t actually know…you seem to know a lot more about animals that I expected.”

“Well, you did go on and on about them back in school,” Rainbow Dash replied with a roll of her eyes, a smirk, and her thoughts looming to the past, “Side’s, when I left flight school I went to travel the world a little, ‘member. I learnt a few things about what animals were here and there.”

“Y-yes, I do.” Fluttershy continued to mutter and mumbled her next few incoherant words beneath her mane.

Angel, who had been lying cosily against Fluttershy’s mane, proceeded to lightly tap against his free ride. Snapping out of her low volume mutterings and sombre secret thoughts, Fluttershy looked to her rabbit, who looked at with her an ever so slight expression of concern in his face. So she shot him a smile, a reassurance that she was okay and that the rabbit could once again relax.

“C’mon, there are still plenty of animals to show you.” Fluttershy perked as she continued her tour of the garden.

Once more did the two the colourful coated pegasus wander the garden, one half-sleeping bunny enjoying his free ride while the pony eyes scoured the garden. Rainbow knew her friend had many animals but it had been a while since she had spent time at her shy friend’s house and could tell that both the amount and variety had expanded. Before her line of sight she could behold wasps, and goats, and archaeopteryxes, and cats, and sn-“Hold on a second!”

The two ponies stopped abruptly as Rainbow Dash sceptically shot many looks round where she thought she spotted an ancient bird long since extinct, but found no sign of it. After a rough minute Rainbow Dash halted her search, believing to have mistakenly seen such a thing, and chose to forget about it.

“An over here we have my squirrel friends. How are you today?” Fluttershy asked as said rodents scampered up to her and proceeded to answer her question with a few short gestures. “You want me to teach you some new dance steps? I’m sorry, but now’s really not a good time.”

The squirrels became downcast at this but were not the only ones whose mood soured. Angel Bunny became irritated from how easy the dance obsessed critters could convey their message, and be understood, while he had to suffer through nonsensical interpretation after nonsensical interpretation.

Fluttershy continued to watch the saddened squirrels as they departed, heads held low and dragging their little feet. The animal lover watched till her heart couldn’t take it any longer, which was all of five seconds, “Wait. We-we could go over some basics for today.”

The squirrels turned round grinning from ear to ear, leaping with joy from the news. Rainbow Dash, who had been silent through all this chose now to speak up, “uh…Fluttershy, you and I are still stuck together. How are you…?”

Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash, grasped both fore hooves with her own, and looked to her friend with the largest, most begging puppy eyes imaginable, “Please, Rainbow Dash. Please dance with me?”

It would take being some form of heartless abomination, or blind, to resist such adorable pleading when literally face to face with it, and so Dash crumbled under the look as most would, “Sure.”

Fluttershy smiled with glee, clapping her hooves together in delight as cheers roused from the gang of furry animals. Angel was not one to cheer but rather grumble as he hopped off from Fluttershy’s back, chewing at his carrot bitterly. Fluttershy coughed for attention, the squirrels slowly quieting down, their gazes focused onto Fluttershy placing one of her hooves round Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Wait, we’re dancing together as in…hooves wrapped round each other together?” Rainbow Dash asked with a tint of uncertainty in her voice.

Fluttershy caught herself in the midst of her actions, and with a rosy red face explained, “S-sorry, it’s just with us having to be in contact all the time I figured that this would be the best way to do it-dance.”

“Fair enough, though I’ve never danced with another pony like this before.”

“You haven’t? Should I lead then?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow Dash added and with that Fluttershy urged Rainbow to take one of her own hooves and place it onto Fluttershy’s shoulder.

With the two ponies set up they began to dance. The dance was slow, the two ponies merely trotting round in circles while close together, urging each other back and forth in a rhythmic pattern. This Rainbow picked up quickly, a seeming knack for all forms of physical activity, though her unfamiliarity with a partner as softer touching as Fluttershy lead to one or two movements with too much strength and speed. Yet the two managed, basic movements they were but the basics were of course worth remembering, and the pleasant mood warmed Fluttershy’s very soul. Even Rainbow Dash enjoyed it for a while, the slight and steady but consistent movements occupying her thoughts and the attention of the wildlife around her pleasing any need for attention she might have had. After a while though Rainbow Dash felt too comfortable with the pattern and as such decided to make good on her ability to improvise.

Rainbow Dash grinned as she swayed back gently and then pulled herself up with greater force than usual. This returning force caught Fluttershy off guard, the mare losing her balance as she began to fall back. Never did she hit the floor though, the sensation of falling was put to a stop as Rainbow Dash’s foreleg remained wrapped Fluttershy’s body, holding the mare up as Rainbow’s own body began to support her entire weight on her hind-legs.

Rainbow was now leaning over Fluttershy with a grin, their muzzles but a few inches apart. The athlete was amused at the shocked face of her friend. Said friend though was thinking less on the surprise but of the closeness the two ponies currently had, and blushed at this fact. Angel Bunny was not amused by this, in fact, something about the closeness of the two concerned him, like that of a carrot rolling away from him and into the paws of another rabbit. So when Rainbow went to lift Fluttershy back up so they could resume their dance, both pairs of hind-hooves firmly on the ground, Angel decided to roll his carrot towards them.

Dash went to place her tip-toeing (standing with just the front portion of her hooves for the toeless equine) hind-leg back onto the grassy surface, she found her hoof not touching fresh greens but something else, something that rolled out from beneath her hooves when stepped on. Her balanced disrupted, Rainbow Dash found herself falling backwards and out of Fluttershy’s feebler grip, and landing with all four hooves in the air.

The moment Fluttershy’s front legs touched down upon the ground she called out, “Rainbow Dash! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” The down pony grumbled, briefly placing a hoof on Fluttershy in order to prevent the bracelets activating.

“But…” Rainbow began, flipping off the ground and her back, and suspending herself in the air with her proud wings, shooting daggers at the rabbit who was currently wiping dust and dirt off his carrot. With a flap of her wings she flew right on over to the rascally rabbit, “You, you tripped me up on purpose!”

“Rainbow Dash! Angel would never do such a thing,” Fluttershy began to say as she trotted on over to where her pony friend and animal friends were, and resumed contact with Dash via her hoof placed on a cyan shoulder, “right, Angel?”

Angel Bunny looked innocent; a hurt expression on his face as he waddled up to his owner with arms stretched open, and received a loving and precious hug. “You must have dropped your carrot and it rolled beneath Rainbow’s feet, I understand Angel.”

In the midst of the loving embrace, while the animal caretakers pink mane fell and obscured some of her face, Angel looked on over to Rainbow Dash and smiled smugly. Rainbow was about to call him out on this when Fluttershy spoke again, “I’m not mad at you Angel Bunny and Rainbow Dash isn’t either, right Rainbow Dash?”

Again, Rainbow was about to speak up in anger but in a rare moment her brain out-sped her actions, and the realisation that Fluttershy wouldn’t believe her when it came to her most precious pet made her stop. With great pain, Rainbow Dash coughed out, “Yeah, sure, I’m not mad.”

Fluttershy continued hugging her Angel, said devilish rabbit continued his smug smile, and the cyan equine continued her angered gaze at the troublemaking rabbit.

Inside the cottage, Rainbow was being shown the few sick animals that were currently residing there, and once or twice had some of the healthy rodents who called the place their abode pointed out to her. Most of the poorly birds, rodents, and even reptiles, were not in the mood for company or chatting, and would either ignore the duo or weekly smile back as a response.

Of the injured animals, or to be precise, injured bird, was a single blue jay with a bandaged wing, who was active enough to hop away when the two far larger beings approached.

“Now, now, there’s no need to worry. This is my friend Rainbow Dash and I assure you she will not harm you. She just wants to say hello.” The animal lover cooed softly to the retreating bird, lightly tapping her close friend afterwards.

“Oh, right, uh, hi there.” Rainbow uttered with a wide grin and a weak wave of a hoof.

The bird did not move any closer, nor did it retreat, but it did sit down, and appeared to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Little Blue here was resting in an apple tree when Applejack accidentally bucked him out of it,” Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow Dash, “He broke his wing when he fell and Applejack brought him here for me to treat him.”

“Right, is that all of them?”

“Oh yes, I keep all of the sick and injured animals downstairs if I can and so far this year there haven’t been many. The ones I do treat tend to be well enough to head home on the very day they come to see me.” Fluttershy finished her explanation with a smile upon her face, the thought of the animals going without injuries warming her heart.

Fluttershy was enjoying the act of presenting her animals to her fast paced friend, who had as of late, not been in her company for long enough periods to show around. Finding herself comfortable with the current activity’s subject, Fluttershy planned to discuss her animals some more, perhaps see if Rainbow Dash wanted one, but a sudden growl interrupted her thoughts. A nervous snicker that was accompanied with another growl tipped the yellow pony off to the fact that the now lightly tinted Rainbow Dash was hungry.

“I don’t suppose you would mind if we had a quick snack?” Rainbow asked, her eyes focusing on the kitchen area.

“Well…” Fluttershy began, tapping her chin with her hoof as she thought things through, “it is getting late, how about we start preparing for dinner. We can cook it together.”

The brightly feathered pegasus proposed this idea with enthusiasm, and urged the equally brightly coated pegasus to follow her into the kitchen. This enthusiasm did not appear to be shared though, as Rainbow remained on the spot, fidgeting. If it weren’t for their current predicament she would have backed off from her friend, and looked to her with confusion, embarrassment, and horror.

Finally, she asked, “You want me to cook?”

“Yes, it will be nice and as we are stuck together it will make it easier too, that is, if you want to.” Fluttershy said, her voice growing quieter as she noticed the uncertainty in her friends face remaining.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash took hold of her friend, and faced her with look of utmost seriousness, “You do remember that I’m not a very good cook.”

Fluttershy stared blankly back, before replying, “B-but that was back in flight school, and it wasn’t bad…just different.”

“Fluttershy, the school staff were off for weeks, and I was never allowed into the schools kitchen ever again. As far as cooking goes, the best I can do is make a sandwich.”

“Why don’t we go into a kitchen and you can show me some of your cooking, I can give you some pointers then.” Fluttershy pleaded, urging her friend to follow, to which she did eventually and worryingly, “And I’m sure it’s better than you give yourself credit for.”

If the bubbling mixture could speak its first few words would be, “Please kill me.”

The grey steaming goo could not speak though; it just remained in its bowl as it was observed by two sets of pony eyes.

“Well…” Fluttershy racked her brain for plausible compliments to bestow upon the ‘thing’, “it’s different.”

“It’s supposed to be toast.” Rainbow Dash replied, un-amused at her friend’s attempt at praise.

“It’s not that bad, it could be worse.” Fluttershy added as the toast groaned.

“Please, I doubt there is anypony who can cook as bad as I can.” Rainbow Dash was unaware of this but at the exact time those words left her mouth, a white unicorn filly elsewhere in Ponyville suddenly sneezed.

Fluttershy’s gaze flittered back to Rainbow’s concoction and then to her fried toaster, which had seen better days. The idea that there was another pony out there who could cook such a dish filled her with dread. The idea of having to eat said dish was also beginning to be unappealing.

“Let’s see, today has been such a hectic day and cooking can take a lot out of a pony so how about we make ourselves a nice simple salad instead.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and remarked, “You know, you can just say my cooking’s bad. I won’t be offended.”

Fluttershy’s eyes bulged in shock at the possibility of offending her friend and her own sense of wellbeing left as began to stutter out a suicidal suggestion, “Oh no. No, no, no. Your cooking is lovely; I’m sure…t-to prove to you, I will even try some of it myself.”

Angel sprang into action faster than he’d ever done in his life; then again, this was a life or death situation. He ran, leaped and even barrel-rolled his way through the kitchen and scrambled onto the kitchen counter. He darted towards the bowl of death, scooping up the fine china with still surprising strength, and with one smooth motion, flung it and it’s contents out the nearest window. The sound of evil spirits wailing as they were released upon the world proved that his heroic feat had been accomplished.

“…I really liked that bowl.”

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, relieved that she had avoided murdering her childhood friend. This warm feeling was replaced by a cold shiver soon after, as one rabbit sent evils and curses her way. To be fair, from the perspective of the pet he had just seen the pegasus craft a weapon of ultimate destruction and attempt to unleash it against his owner.

“Okay then, let’s put this all behind us and get started on a scrumptious salad shall we?” Fluttershy suggested, aware of the antagonism within the room. “Angel, would you mind helping us?”

The ironically named animal stood to attention and gave a salute. Rainbow, free from the malicious stare wishing things that cannot be repeated upon her, just became puzzled.

“Wait, the rabbit is going to help us?”

“Why yes,” Fluttersy began to say as she popped up a chef’s hat onto Rainbow’s head. She then went about popping one onto her own head, and then fetched another; much smaller one designed for Angel, and placed it onto his head. “Angel’s an amazing chef, and his salads are always wonderful. In fact, I’m sure he can give you some pointers…if you want too…and if wants too.”

Rainbow looked to smugly grinning bunny rabbit, flexing his paws with sinister intent, “Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said with a nod, “Are there any vegetables you don’t like?”

“Meh, not really. Food’s food, some just aren’t as tasty as others.” Rainbow Dash replied shrugging.

Fluttershy nodded turning first to Angel and then Rainbow Dash, “Angel, could you fetch the veggies from the fridge and hoof them over to Rainbow Dash while I get out the colander.”

Angel hopped on over to the pony sized fridge, prying it apart with relative ease, and looking to the vast storage of produce. He cast an eye over his shoulder to see an already bored with waiting Rainbow Dash, and his owner shifting through the cupboards. Grabbing the first item of dinner and juggling it in his paws, a fun activity popped into his head, fun for him at least.

The unprepared Rainbow Dash only managed to catch the slowly falling head of cabbage before it hit the floor, or her, and considering she was a pony with hooves this was not done easily.

“Hey, give me a heads up before”- Rainbow Dash had turned to reprimand the rabbit only to see a colourful shower of greens, reds, oranges, and yellows heading her way. Her fore hooves parted and she stood back onto her hind hooves, even though doing so cut off the connection with Fluttershy, bracing herself for the onslaught. With reflexive skill Rainbow Dash managed to catch each and every cabbage, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, Brussels, carrot, and pepper thrown her way. The result was that nothing had fallen to the ground but the result was also that Rainbow Dash was weighed down by a ton of vegetables, barely remaining up on her hind legs.

Fluttershy finished placing all the kitchen instruments they were going to be using onto the counter and turned to see a walking stacking of vegetables, “Angel, Dash, we don’t need quite that many, there’s only three of us.”

“I know that.” Dash grumbled, but behind the heap of food in her hooves the words emitted did not reach Fluttershy’s ears.

So Fluttershy resumed contact with Dash momentarily before taking what she needed from her overloaded assistant and set them aside, ready to be washed. With the lightened load Rainbow was able to move once more, going towards the fridge and returning the unneeded produce. Of course she passed Angel along the way, and the two stuck their tongues out at one other.

Returning to the counter and resuming physical contact with Fluttershy, the next orders were given out, “Let’s see, it will be easy if I wash everything first and then hoof it all to you and Angel to have it all chopped up.”

“Me and the rabbit, working together, with knives?” Rainbow queried, each word uttered slowly.

Fluttershy nodded, oblivious to the poor relationship between her friend and her pet, and continued to say, “Once you two are done cutting everything up, just place it into the salad bowl. When we’re finished we can grate some carrots and sprinkles some herbs to lay on top the salad and it will be done. A nice simple salad.”

So Fluttershy got to work, rinsing a cucumber under the tap before handing it over to Rainbow Dash. Angel Bunny, now atop the counter and standing beside the chopping board, held his paws out to be handed the cucumber. Said cucumber was then dropped onto his head.

Angel pushed aside the greenery, looked up to a pony with an expression on her face that told him ‘don’t mess with me’. Angel was never one to be bossed around though and so stared back; sparks flying between the two. They did not know it but the both of them shared the same thought, ”It, is, on!”

“Sitting so close with another mare, side by side, and eating dinner together, it’s almost romantic,” Fluttershy thought to herself, “Not that I want it to be that way or anything.”

Within the small colourful room of wooden walls, flooring, and ceiling, dimly lit by the last orange lights of a declining sun, two ponies and one rabbit sat together to enjoy a meal together. A refreshed Fluttershy enjoyed her meal, eating to the sounds of a gentle breeze and various birds consistent but easy on the ears tweets. Rainbow Dash and Angel Bunny, bruised and battered by various vegetable related injuries, attempted to enjoy their meal while getting in each other’s way.

“Hey, I was just about to have that cucumber!” Rainbow Dash yelled out in protest as the agile bunny darted forth, grabbed a slice of the green vegetable, and returned to his seated position, that being between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. He had actually meant to position himself directly between the two pegasus to stop their constant hoof holding but after being pushed away several times because his owner feared he would be hurt by ‘supposed’ magic, he settled for being close by and keeping an eye out on the rainbow one.

Rainbow muttered curses towards a certain pet as she reached for another serving of salad. This time her sights were set on some chunks of carrot, more as a means to spite the spiteful rabbit than her enjoyment of the orange vegetable. Her hoof inched closer, ready to scoop up the veggie of her choosing when once again, a white speeding blur snatched up the product. Dash glared daggers at the full mouthed rabbit, who was still in the process of chewing up the last of his cucumber.

“Now Angel Bunny, you were still eating your food. You shouldn’t have taken that carrot until you finished off what you had.” Fluttershy gently scolded her cunning little pet, who proceeded to look up at his owner with crocodile tears, and offer up the chunk of carrot. “Oh, did you grab the carrot for me?”

Recieving one solemn nod led to a smiling and apologetic Fluttershy saying, “I’m sorry for scolding you, I shouldn’t have scolded you like that.”

Rainbow Dash could only frown with irritation as Angel looked to her with a cheeky grin, smirking as if victorious.

As the night approached with much speed, the simple but large meal was finished off and the cleaning of all the utensils went underway without a hitch. One problem that was going to arise was washing up as the sink was too small for both ponies to be before it but this was settled when Rainbow Dash volunteered to do this herself, wanting to get the chore out of the way as fast as possible.

It was now that the animals began to either leave or return in order to sleep, with some strolling back into the Everfree forest, others bouncing down into their burrows, or birds coming through the open window with their sights set on the hanging bird houses. Angel also decided to book in for the night, slumped his little body onto the settee and dropped off to sleep in seconds. As each animal returned to their beds Fluttershy greeted her returning companions with glee, and after introducing Rainbow Dash and their current predicament, got to work checking that each of them were okay.

“Hey Shy, mind if I use your bathroom?” A fidgeting Dash asked as she looked to the second floor of the house where her desired location was.

“Oh sure, it’s just up the stairs, first door to your left.” Fluttershy replied with only one eye turned to her friend, the other still on the beaked creatures she was conversing with.

Rainbow nodded before quickly zooming up the stairs to answer the call of nature. Meanwhile Fluttershy answered to a different call of nature, that of the animals before her.

“Yes, she is very fast. Oh, I know you’re fast too but I don’t think you’d be able to keep up with Rainbow Dash, and it’s possible you would hurt yourself if you tried too so please don’t.” The caretaker’s current conversation with a rather cocky bird was interrupted by another, different animal, tapping at her hoof, “Yes Mr Mouse?”

Said male mouse tapped on Fluttershy’s newly acquitted garment with a look of urgency, to which Fluttershy interpreted as a question of ‘what is it?’ “Why this is a magical bracelet I accidentally put on today. I can’t take it off and it makes me and whoever else is wearing the other bracelet unable to part…for more…than…”

“Oh dear.” She squeaked as her entire body froze, every muscle going still under the mystical force as she was then levitated gently off the ground and flung backwards roughly. Fluttershy didn’t even have a chance to begin screaming before her back collided against Rainbow Dash, nor did she get a chance afterwards as the magic stopped working and the two fell down against the very top of the stairs in which they proceeded to roll down noisily.

The sound of crashing awoke the lightly napping rabbit and he quickly opened his eyes…and saw that rainbow mane pony pinning his owner to the floor. Quick as a lightning bolt the rabbit leaped on over to ‘defend’ his owner from her ‘assailant’ and so kicked the attacker in the head.

“OW! You stupid rabbit.” Rainbow shot up and took a swipe at the swift Angel, who ducked away and put up paw-cuffs.

Rainbow was going to follow this up by lunging for her prey, her patience with the brat finally running out, but halted when she remembered her much desired activity and crossed her hind legs.

“R-Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy mumbled as she sat up.

Fluttershy’s head ached from the tumble and her mind was unfocused which only added to her confusion when Rainbow Dash grabbed her by both sides and blurted out, “Fluttershy, come with me to the bathroom quick. I really, really need to pee.”

Fluttershy was taken off guard by this statement, but caught onto why such a thing was said rather quickly, “Because of the bracelets? You need me to touch you while you…”

“Yes, now let’s hurry already.” The desperate pony yelled out as she ignored the irritated rabbit behind her and proceeded to drag her magically chained friend up to the bathroom with her.

As Fluttershy was being pulled along to her bathroom, a single thought relieved the pony, “At least nothing from now on will be more awkward than this.”

Then Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were in bed together.

“I don’t see why you find this to be a problem; we’ve slept in the same bed before.” Rainbow Dash stated as she turned to face Fluttershy, resulting in their muzzles being mere millimetres apart.

“Y-yeah, but we were fillies back then,” Fluttershy noted as both her forelegs and hind legs brushed up against her counterparts beneath the covers, “and your bed was a lot larger.”

“What difference does that make?”

“I’ve since gone through puberty, found that I’m attracted to mares and know that you have a nicely toned sexy body,” Fluttershy thought, “oh, um…it just does I guess.”

Rainbow raised one eye, a sign of body language that stated that the other pony was considered ‘weird’ by the beholder of the expression, but never uttered the phrase. Instead the pony settled on the task of shifting her body into a more comfortable position, rustling the covers, and moving her legs in ways that would not inconvenience the other occupier of the bed. She turned her head away from her friend, tugging on the covers, and then rolled round to face her friend once more as she struggled to decide which side to lie on.

A question arose in the prismatic mane ponies head, and so she looked up to her friend, her magenta eyes looking directly into a pair of teal ones. The question halted on her still tongue as Rainbow Dash stared curiously at the shying face, whose head tried to pull back but seemed unable too, as if entranced to stay still and stare back with the softest of expressions. Neither knew why, perhaps the relaxed atmosphere and warming covers reminded them of their previous sleepovers as fillies, but a sincere smile grew on both ponies’ faces.

Then a bunny dropped down onto the pillow the two equines heads were resting, startling the both of them.

“Oh, Angel Bunny, you scared me.” Fluttershy addressed her pony as she poked her head out from underneath the covers, “Do you want to sleep with me tonight…and Rainbow Dash?”

Angel did not answer with any form of nod for confirmation, he only put his small arms round Fluttershy as best he could, and snuggled up to his owner. Fluttershy released a small ‘daw’ sound at this show of affection returning the snuggle with a gentle fussing. While receiving such affection though the rabbit made sure to turn round for a moment so he was facing the other mare in the bed, glance at her, place a paw to his eyes and then point said paw threateningly at Dash. By this, Angel meant to say ‘I’ve got my eye on you’.

“Good night Angel Bunny, good night Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said with a rarely heard chirpiness in her voice, as she snuggled up to both her bunny and the mattress.

“Y-yeah, good night.” Rainbow Dash replied, unsure of what to make of the rabbit’s threat.

That night Fluttershy slept peacefully, while Rainbow Dash remained awake as a guardian angel of sorts stared at her the entire night, ensuring his owner's saftey.