• Member Since 8th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Comments ( 6 )

Decent, not quite my thing. I did get a kick out of Pi inches spelling error. Will be waiting for more good stuff!

I know and understand this as well as my writings in general can't be for everyone.
Though I guess a few words as to how and why is still appreciated and helpful.
Pi a spelling Error, how and why?
Pi = 3,14~ (you do know this, right?)
I don't write in metric..

Thanks for replying.

As for why it wasn’t my cup of tea it’s just because well not a lot has happened as of yet. You have a lot of world building good world building two. I guess what it is I just want more. So I’m going to be patient and wait for you craft this awesome story. Part is it’s also because there’s a whole power dynamic In this, that makes me slightly uncomfortable. That’s not really a problem on your part that’s more of a me problem. But that will be solved as you come out with more chapters.

And as for the snarky comment about pie well I ain’t taking none of that back. Pi is a universal mathematical concept.And I also know that pi is the ratio not a measurement. That’s why I would say that feeling it go Pi inches in sounds weird most people aren’t that exact. It’s more that the term hit me funny as I’ve never thought of going pi inches into anything. Most people people don’t use pie as the number usually they just say 3.14 if they mean that. Although now that I think about it there is other statements like going ham so I’m Goin pie. Has a nice ring to it. honestly thought you just made a typo for like five
Idk what metric’s got to do about it.

And lastly please be patient. I took the time to comment and give your story a thumbs up. I wouldn’t of done that if I didn’t see the potential for something good,


Thanks for replying.

Nothing like an honest conversation, and I frive on the comments and feedback I get here.

You have a lot of world building good world building two.

I have to set the stage, before I can introduce the characters and set the action in motion.
There will be more, trust me..

Part is it’s also because there’s a whole power dynamic In this, that makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Interaction requires powerdynamics, and this setup is built around it. Though I will be building upon this and develop it as the story is progressing. I hope it is fitting the scene and situation of the story and action.

That’s not really a problem on your part that’s more of a me problem. But that will be solved as you come out with more chapters.

I am working on these chapters, as we speak.

Pi is a universal mathematical concept.

I am using this as a number here. If it is just in fun, or a more exact measure of what I had in mind is up to you to explore and decide for yourself. I leave a bit of room for your interpretaion.

And I also know that pi is the ratio not a measurement.
That’s why I would say that feeling it go Pi inches in sounds weird most people aren’t that exact.

Ah, yeah; I guess that makes sense too.
I use inches in english, and Pie just came out as the best approximation o the distance I had in mind; possibly with a hint o the vageries, based on how you can't calculate the value exactly in base10.

Most people people don’t use pie as the number usually they just say 3.14 if they mean that.

Would it have looked/felt better, if I had said 3,14 inches, or use another measurement? I could have used cm, but inch just feels better in English.

Although now that I think about it there is other statements like going ham so I’m Goin pie.

Maybe I can be a bit hammy on the descriptions and details, on occasion; even if I realized some think these details may be less than relevant?
Depending on how you spell it, you have 3 options here?
Pi = 3,14
PI = Private Investigator(I think)
Pie, as in the baked goods.

honestly thought you just made a typo for like five

You thought five inches was a good measurement, for this instance? Just curious.

Idk what metric’s got to do about it.

Metric suggests more exact, not just the metric measurements as such.
Some details could be described differently in metric. Colours, for instance.

And lastly please be patient. I took the time to comment and give your story a thumbs up. I wouldn’t of done that if I didn’t see the potential for something good,

I'm happy, you did take the time. and thank you; I appreciate it.
Now I am just looking forwards, to your reaction on what will be next.
As you may have figured, the story has barely begun; for now, there is no end in sight, so I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Shouldn't you finish the previous story before you start the sequel? Or is this actually a side story?


Shouldn't you finish the previous story before you start the sequel?

Normally, that would be correct.

Or is this actually a side story?

I'm using the same lore and local settings, as the Prequel.

This story explore aspects, the prequel was not directly ntended to reach.

Ps: I will continue the prequel, to develop the background further.

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