• Published 29th Aug 2021
  • 4,438 Views, 577 Comments

First Hoof Account - TCC56

Sunset Shimmer wants to become an alicorn. The newest Princess, Cadance, obviously knows how to become one. There's only one answer: seduction.

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2 - Floor

The battle had ended in a loss, but the war continued to rage on. (Sunset knew full well that this was only the latest exchange between herself and Celestia as they fought over her rightful ascension - a polite war waged over tea, but war none the less.) Fortunately, Sunset knew where she had gone wrong: cornering Cadance had been rash. It had been a golden opportunity - promptly wasted because she had charged in without a plan.

That wasn't a mistake she would repeat.

Princess Celestia's actions had made clear that she wouldn't sit back and let Sunset find what she wanted. She knew that Sunset knew Cadance had the knowledge to become an alicorn - and she couldn't let Sunset get it. But now Sunset knew that Celestia knew she knew. Another move in their little bloody game. Another convoluted tangle as she fought against divinity itself. But her real opponent wasn't Celestia anymore. It was Cadance. Celestia would assuredly interfere, but it didn't matter if Sunset beat the Princess anymore - she just had to beat sad little Cadance.

Now, an alicorn was not something to underestimate. Even one as brand new as Cadance was still an alicorn and by virtue of that one of the most powerful beings in the world.

Fortunately Sunset Shimmer knew even without wings of her own, she was on that list too. And that she had brains as well as power.

The paper had the basics laid out - just as she was laid out on her bed working on it. Stray droplets of ink had already stained her bedsheets, but that wasn't a concern. The servants would take care of it, so why should Sunset worry? She had bigger things to deal with.

Starting from the top of the page, she reviewed her master plan.

Step 1: Observe and analyze target's capabilities

That was crucial. As an alicorn, Cadance had immense raw power and access to basically any spell she wanted, in addition to the tricks related to her mark that were more instinctual. She might not know the basics of how to cast yet but that didn't preclude learning, and Cadance's unknown background could hold any number of surprises beyond raw magic. Without keeping aware of her capabilities, the rest of the plan - any plan - was going to be a constant scramble to keep ahead of her, if not doomed from the outset. Knowledge was victory.

Step 1a: Convince Celestia to let me tutor Cadance in magic

It was so simple. Celestia would leap at the chance for Sunset to take extra responsibility and to fob off the actual work of teaching Cadance to somepony else. And as part of it, Cadance would have to tell Sunset all of her strengths and what she could do. And it meant that Sunset could purposely leave gaps in Cadance's knowledge to be exploited later. It was nearly foolproof.

Step 2: Establish rapport with target

That step, Sunset dismissed immediately as simple. 1a's approach made it assured - she would be dealing with Cadance on a frequent basis and usually one on one. As long as Sunset didn't insult her too often, Cadance would naturally come to consider Sunset at least a close colleague and ally.

Thinking about it a little deeper, Sunset un-dismissed it. Hanging around Cadance for that long and not yelling at her was probably easier said than done. There was no way to fully restrain the raw anger she felt for the younger alicorn, so keeping it at least partially in check was going to be the real challenge. If that could be done, Cadance was hapless enough to fall in line.

Step 3: Establish friendship

It would be the critical point - bridging the gap from 'associate' to 'friend'. Convincing Cadance that she liked Sunset was just as important as faking liking Cadance in return. Gifts would probably be the easiest way to do it. Maybe going a few places together. But it would be dicey - Sunset would have to hold her tongue to not chase Cadance away.

It would also hinge on being just hostile enough, as well. Cadance was sure to hear stories of Sunset from the rumor-mongering palace staff and the even more gossip-hungry nobles. Sunset knew she hadn't made many allies among either group, so those stories were certain to paint her in a poor light. Giving Cadance the full force of Sunset's charms would stand out like the markings on a poisonous frog. Subtle was going to have to be the name of the game.

Perhaps the part that frustrated her the most was how making this part of the plan work required a skill set that Sunset had never bothered to develop before: being friendly.

Sunset didn't feel particularly bad about that, though. It's not like she'd need those skills again after it was all done. The entire event just demonstrated that there was a niche for anything and friendship had simply found a corner case to work in, much like those strange undersea things that lived exclusively inside boiling-hot thermal vents.

Step 4: Use established relationship with target to gather information about her history

Becoming an alicorn was obviously a complex, difficult task. If Sunset was going to succeed without Celestia - and she would - she needed every little detail. Once Cadance's guard was down, she was sure to share everything with her 'friend'. A mental step 4a was to develop a list of just what to ask since any tiny part of Cadance's past could be a contributing factor.

Step 5: Ascend

That step, at least, was obvious.

After that the plan got fuzzy - Sunset knew the first thing she had to do once she had her wings was confront Princess Celestia. How that went would determine things going forward, because there was a world of difference between Celestia admitting her errors and giving Sunset what she deserved and Celestia losing her mind in a fit of rage that she'd been defied. The second was a lot more problematic but Sunset felt she was pretty good at teleportation and shields.

Looking over the outlined plan again, Sunset nodded to herself. Yes. It was sufficient. There were a few gaps she didn't like, but those were fixable with a bit of study and mostly reliant on information she didn't know yet. And the rest was solid, provided nothing crazy happened like Princess Celestia suddenly gaining a heart.

Satisfied, Sunset lit her horn and incinerated the paper to destroy the evidence.

One of the toughest steps of the plan was the very first one.

After the day before, there was only one way for Sunset to get her hoof in the door.

"I'm sorry."

The words came out like bad oatmeal, which is probably why Princess Celestia didn't understand them. Or maybe it was how unfamiliar she was with hearing Sunset's voice form those strange syllables.

It was brunch in the south atrium and Sunset was interrupting them. She hadn't been invited to the meal - nor to breakfast with the Princess, a sure sign of Celestia's displeasure - but that minor detail was hardly enough to stop her.

Sunset Shimmer straightened her neck, staring at a point just above Celestia's head. "I came to say I'm sorry. To you and to Cadance."

One of Celestia's eyebrows rose. "And just what, specifically, are you apologizing to Princess Cadance for?"

It was difficult for Sunset not to scoff at the title - but she held her poker face. "I wanted to know more about her, but I did it the wrong way and I was too aggressive. I'm sorry that I made her feel uncomfortable and I'll try to be kinder next time."

Celestia accepted that with a nod - then motioned with her head to the other princess. "Now perhaps you should say it to her rather than me."

Sunset's teeth ground against each other hard enough to spark.

Fortunately, Cadance's more naïve soul intervened with a raised wing. "It's alright. I heard her and I accept the apology. There's no need to draw it out." The olive branch - thorn-wrapped as it was - seemed to work. Cadance had a little smile on her lips and seemed to be mollified.

For a moment, Celestia considered pressing the subject - before giving another small but grudging nod. But her own words weren't done. "Sunset Shimmer. I know you are used to having a great deal of leeway within the Palace and that your status as my personal student gives you quite a lot of unofficial authority. At the same time I remind you that Princess Cadance is not only new to Canterlot, but that she is going through a very tumultuous time in her life. There is quite a lot for her to adjust to, and I will deeply appreciate you giving her the time and the space to do so." Her eyes narrowed - just slightly. "Do you understand?"

"Perfectly." Sunset put on her best wide, fake smile.

Celestia nodded firmly and turned back to her brunch as she mentally dismissed Sunset.

Sunset failed to leave. In fact, she cleared her throat to pull the attention back.

Celestia didn't turn her head, but she did let out a slight weary sigh.

"Actually, I wanted to help."

And those words made Celestia cringe as she remembered that on the rare occasions Sunset Shimmer had spoken them, experience had proven it was all but certain that chaos was coming in their wake.

But Sunset was undeterred by that history. "Look, Cadance and I are going to have to learn how to deal with each other. I can give her space, but we both still live here and we're both going to be around you a lot." Admitting it was a sharp sliver in Sunset's heart. "I'll admit I came on too strong last night, but I still want to get to know her. I don't like it, but even I can admit reality." That was a lie, of course. "Let me make it up to her."

The frowning Celestia still hadn't turned to look.

Sunset shifted gears, turning her attention to Cadance - the softer target. "Let me make it up to you."

There was a moment's hesitation as Cadance's instincts warred with the look on Celestia's face. But Cadance gave in - just like Sunset hoped she would. "Make it up how?"

"Magic." Sunset yanked the hook to set it. "You don't have any idea how to use yours, I'm the best in Equestria and you'll never survive in Canterlot if you can't even keep a wineglass steady." She took a step towards the table - towards Cadance. "You need the help. I can give it to you, and all I'm asking in exchange is the chance to get to know you better."

Another hesitation - Cadance looked to Celestia for a judgement. But the Princess remained silent, expression neutral. Left adrift, Cadance went with her gut. "I think that sounds like a great idea, Sunset. As long as I get to know you while you get to know me."

"Awesome." Sunset reached out with her magic and grabbed a french toast stick off of Cadance's plate. "Let me know when you've got an opening in your schedule so we can get started." And with the sweet taste of victory - as well as some stolen food - Sunset sauntered out of the atrium.

Princess Celestia still hadn't said a word or even looked towards Sunset. This battle in their war had ended, and the tide had shifted back.