• Published 16th Aug 2021
  • 510 Views, 7 Comments

My Dog, Winona - SunTwi06

The day the friendship between Applejack & Winona was born.

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It All Started...

“Ma! Pa!”

A little filly trots into the living room with great excitement. The whole family is there going about their daily business. Her father, Bright Mac, lounging along the couch reading a newspaper while his wife, Buttercup a.k.a. Pear Butter, fixes the coffee. Granny Smith taking a snooze on the rocking chair while Big MacIntosh, her older brother, is finishing breakfast. As soon as little Applejack comes into the house, they turn their attention to her.

“Wut’s the matter young’in?” Granny Smith asked, half-awake.

“Ah’ve somethin’ to show y’all!” Applejack said, excitedly.

“Ah’ll right,” Bright Mac chuckled. “And wut might that be?”

“C’mon! C’mon! Y’all gotta see, papa!”

The dad gives a shout of surprise as Applejack practically drags him out of the house. He forgets sometimes just how strong his little apple slice can be. Soon as they are out of the house, his eyes catch sight over what Applejack is all worked up about. And there, right before the pair of Apples, is the most beautiful looking dog they have ever seen. None more in awe as Applejack, she recalls her first meeting very well…


Walking the road by herself, on the way home from school, Applejack spotted the little dog all by its lonesome on that hour. The dog seemed entirely alone and naturally Applejack felt mighty sorry for the little darling. Then it hit her mind over what a great idea it would be to bring her home, a dog of her own to keep, maybe even make it part of the family. After all, she always wanted a dog especially to help around the farm.

But despite the fact that they’d hardly be able to afford it, having not enough money as it is, and the fact this stray dog just appeared out of nowhere, initially Applejack took it as a sign of things to come.


Which leads to this very second, Bright Mac’s gaze to the dog in question. Of course for Applejack, she wonders what her pop is thinking beneath that calm demeanor of his. She curiously waits till her father draws his attention to her, their eyes meeting.

“So pa, what y’all think?” Applejack asked, excitedly.

“Not quite sure yet,” Bright Mac replied. “But it’s somethin’ all right.”

“Can we keep her, pa? Please! I already have a name picked out.”

“You do now? And what name might that be?”

“Her name is Winona!”

“Hmm… bless yer heart, A.J.,” Bright Mac sighed. “It’s a wonderful name mah lil’ apple slice and I’m sure she’s mighty pretty dog. I’m jus’ not certain if we can bring home any dogs. Much less any strays.”

“Oh pa, please!” Applejack begged. “I can feed ‘er. Take ‘er for walks. Clean her up! Just look at her! She’s so cute!”

“I’ve no doubt about that,” Bright Mac agreed. “But shucks, we have no idea where the dog’s been.”

Applejack can see the worry in her father’s eyes, but the young filly stubbornly sticks to her belief in her need for a dog. Shortly thereafter, her mother Buttercup comes out to see what all the ruckus is about. As soon as her eyes catch sight of Winona, her mouth drops with awe. She slowly approaches the dog and leans down, as the dog excitedly wags it’s tail upon sight.

“Aww… ain’t you jus’ the cutest thing?” Buttercup smiled, scratching its ears. “Where’d you come from lil’ darlin?”

“Apparently Applejack brought her home,” Bright Mac replied. “Lil’ darlin’ wants us to consider keeping the dog.”

There is a slight big of amusement in his voice, as if he’s playing along for something. What that is Applejack has no earthly idea. Still, she can see that the two ponies are determining just what to do about Winona. And whether or not they are willing to let her stay. Applejack’s eyes turn toward Winona, who looks back toward the filly with her tongue hanging out and that huge smile of hers. The filly can only hope that Winona does get a good home and that they are the ponies willing to offer one.


One hour later…

Applejack paces back and forth in the yard preparing several ways of how she can care for such an adorable dog, who walks beside her along the road. For some reason, her parents did not seem eager about the idea of having a dog join the family. Applejack takes one look at Winona and the filly admits that she is not in the best shape. Her fur is matted, much stuck everywhere. But nothing a nice hose bath can’t fix. Surely that is not the only problem.

Applejack is just about to enter the house when she hears a commotion by the window. Cautiously, the little filly tiptoes her way forward until she is close enough within hearing range. She slowly peeks her eyes through the window seeing her parents sharing a word with Granny Smith.

“I jus’ don’t know wut to do Granny Smith,” Buttercup’s voice spoke. “I cain’t stand breakin’ a poor filly’s heart.”

“The young’un brought a little dog into our home,” Granny Smith replied. “I don’t see wut’s the problem.”

“The problem is the dog ma,” Bright Mac spoke up. “We jus’ have no idea where the dog’s been. Without a collar, we cain’t very well determine if she had an owner. Fer all we know; she could be a wild dog.”

“Bright Mac and I have been talkin’ and we both agree… maybe it be better if we were to take the dog to a pound where she can be carefully treated and cared for.”

Silently gasping, Applejack is shocked to hear such words from her own mother’s mouth. Tears start to pool from her eyes, trying to convince herself not to cry. All the times Applejack insists that she can take care of Winona, to help around in her time of need, and this is the thanks she gets for her willingness to step up. And what’s worse? Her parents are not even calling Winona by her name. In Applejack’s eyes, the disappointment is perfectly clear. Unable to take it anymore, Applejack storms off as Winona follows her.


“Winona…” Granny Smith replied. “The little one’s name is Winona. And I reckon it’s a nice name for the lil’ fella.”

“Ma… naming her means we intend to keep the dog,” Bright Mac pointed out. “And it’s not that we have nothin’ against keepin’ a dog. But it’s just too big a responsibility.”

“Maybe if it were later in life, we’d be okay with it,” Buttercup added. “I jus’ don’t know if Applejack’s ready to take the next step. She’s only a child after all and there’s more to takin’ care of a dog than jus’ havin’ someone to play with.”

“Mm-hmm…” Granny Smith nodded, a small smile forming. “Remember the day y’all first became part of thr family, Pear Butter?”

“I recall you weren’t happy with me marryin’ your son.”

“Still a wonderful wedding though,” Bright Mac added. “Even after… well… never mind.”

“It’s true,” Granny Smith agreed. “The day Bright Mac decided to marry you, I made it clear that it weren’t gonna work. That a Pear and an Apple can never make for a perfect pair. But then I saw how much Bright Mac loved you, and y’all needed a home when it was takin’ from you… only then I realized how much mah sonny boy would take the greatest care of you… as would I.”

A sad sigh escapes Pear Butter’s lips, even after the nice things Granny Smith mentions. She knows what Granny Smith is talking about, but it’s a frightfully painful subject.

“Wut does it have tah to do about the dog?” Buttercup asked, changing the subject.

“Exactly the same thing,” Granny Smith replied. “Applejack’s not gonna be a filly fer long, sooner or later she’ll be runnin’ this old farm just as we did. And if she’s gonna prove herself as an Apple, before she one day has little young’ins of her own, caring for a dog may be wut she needs to prove herself. And who knows? In time, we might learn to love Winona just as I’ve come to learn to appreciate yer company… loving you like the daughter I never had.”

It soon becomes clear where Granny Smith is going with her words. As kooky of an old mare she may be, she has her words of wisdom. And in which case, she is right about Applejack. If she does not get the chance to prove herself, she will always feel there is nothing for her to prove… and there is the chance she will grow up to never amount to anything in years to come. One look towards Bright Mac, seeing the same look in his eyes, and the answer is clear.

“Maybe yer right Granny,” Buttercup sighed. “Thanks, hmm… ya know we’re gonna have to tell the kids about… well…”

“I’m not quite ready to talk about it just yet,” Granny Smith lowered her head. “It’s a painful, cruel subject fer us both. Let’s just deal with this one matter first. It’ll be easier.”

“I do believe so,” Bright Mac agreed. “But sooner or later, we’ll have to talk to the kids.”

With the matter of the subject complete, the two parents make their way out of the kitchen just as Big MacIntosh climbs down the stairs.

“Big Mac, have y’all seen yer sister anywhere?” Buttercup asked curiously.

“Eenope,” Big Mac shook his head.

“Well, if ya see her, y’all mind tellin’ her to meet with us,” Bright Mac requested. “There’s somethin’ we need to discuss. Can ya do that, son?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac nodded, proceeding.

The two parents watch as their son makes his way out to the front yard to find Applejack. They wait until he is outside, and the door closes behind him before they face each other.

“Y’all notice our son’s less talkative than usual?” Buttercup asked curiously.

“It’s jus’ a phase Buttercup,” Bright Mac smiled. “I’m sure it’ll pass eventually.”

Storming down the road, tears down her face, Applejack forms a plan on how to keep Winona, who trots alongside her eyeing her curiously. But her eyes just remain forward, a hurt expression cast upon her face.

I’m never gonna get rid of her,” Applejack thought. “They’ll learn to love her, they’ll see…

But in all the time trying to brainstorm ideas, the anger proves overwhelming. It gets so bad that Applejack finds herself unable to think. As she trots down the road, other ponies pass her by. They can see the frown upon her face and no doubt questioning why she is upset. Though it is tough to determine if they know why she is crying or whether they are trying to ignore her altogether. As if it is none of their business whatsoever.

Though if Applejack needs to make a guess, they must be wondering why a little filly is walking through the snow-crunched road in the midst of winter. Occasionally, she slips on some glossy ice on the path but Applejack cares not. She stops for a moment to catch up on her thoughts, as she looks down toward Winona. The poor dear must be feeling cold, yet here she is staying close to her side. As if she can read Applejack’s mind of her desire for the two to be together forever.

Just then, Applejack looks ahead and realizes something is off. In her anger, she accidentally trots right into the Everfree Forest, where the ponies are forbidden to trek. Winona starts barking, as if trying to tell her they should go back. But before Applejack can step back, she feels her legs moving forward. She looks down and sees that her legs are sliding along the wet Earth and droplets of rain splash along the ground. A roll of thumber rumbles and Applejack quickly looks up.

The rain starts pouring down from the sky, the Pegasi ponies scheduling a rainstorm which Applejack fails to notice till now. Soon the little filly starts to slide all over the place. Digging her hooves as deep in the Earth as she can, she tries to hurry back to the safety of home. Or if she can’t return to Sweet Apple Acres, hopefully she can find shelter in a nearby town.


Unfortunately, Applejack accidentally slips through a tiny hole hidden in the grass. She lands hard upon the hole, barely picking herself up when she realizes the rain is falling into the hole. Frantic dog barking draws Applejack to look up, as Winona looks down toward the fallen filly, whimpering heavily.

“I’m awright Winona!” Applejack called. “Just don’t come any closer.”

Applejack looks around for something to help her get up, only to realize she does not have a lasso on her.

“Ah shoot! Guess I’m gonna have to climb out the hard way!”

With time not on her side, Applejack tries to climb her way out from the hole. But the walls are too slick to climb and the roots sticking out break off sending her back down. And what’s worse, the pit she is in is rapidly filling with water. With her tiny legs, she will not be able to stay afloat for long. This is a dire situation for the young Apple, hopeless even.

“Applejack?! Where are you?!”

Faint voices of Applejack’s parents echo in the distance. Winona turns with a whimper and rapid barks drawing for their attention. Applejack watches as the dog takes off, praying that she can lead her folks to her location. Meanwhile, all Applejack can do is stay afloat till either her parents find her or until the water rises high enough so she can still climb out. But she can feel her body sink into the water like Jello. She can hear their footsteps drawing closer, as she tries to spit out the water filling into her lungs.

Please see me!” Applejack begged, mentally. “Please, help me!


Applejack pulls herself along the surface of the water and she can just see her parents standing outside the hole. And right beside them is Winona, barking frantically.

“Hang on, Applejack!” Bright Mac called out. “We’ll get you out!”

But their voices are muffled by the water, poor Applejack can barely hear them. She can feel her body starts to give up, her brain seizing, and all she wants to do is surrender to the icy cold depths. Drift away into the abyss where no pony returns from.


From the corner of her eye, Applejack sees Winona jump into the water. She can feel a tug upon her fur, as Winona struggles to carry the filly out from the water. Next thing Applejack knows, while she is still barely conscious, is her body along a rock shore. Her parents stand over him, trying to get a response out of their daughter. Applejack can barely understand what they are saying other than ‘I’m sorry’ in her mother’s faint voice.

Applejack can feel the loving arms of her father lift her up, setting her onto the back of a cart. She can scarcely feel Winona jump onto her, her tail hitting her still frozen face. As the little filly drifts in and out of consciousness, she can hear her mom speaking to her father.

Maybe we should keep the dog…” Buttercup suggested. “She saved our daughter’s life…

That is all Applejack hears before her body starts to relax and she drifts into unconsciousness.


Applejack wakes up to the front door closing and she has a feeling she is home. Next thing she knows, she feels Winona lying beside her, resting along her frozen skin. She can feel her heart melt as if this is a sign that the Heavens above permit Winona to belong to Applejack. As she tries to pick herself up from the bed, her legs wobble and they feel weak. Unable to stand straight, she falls back onto her bed and the only thought in her mind is the desire to sleep.

As her head leans down along the side, Applejack can see the perfectly white carpet has brown stains resembling paw prints. A slight smile spreads across the filly’s face. And crawling alongside her is Winona, who pants heavily with a big smile on her face. She covers themselves with the blanket and she weaves one paw across Winona’s fur as she drifts to sleep. As Applejack drifts into dreamland, she does not notice her parents watching from the crack of light of the scarcely open door.

Smiles spread across their faces as they silently nod to each other and shut the door behind them. Come what may, after the events that have just occurred, this is going to be the start of something new… perhaps even beautiful.

Comments ( 7 )

For all the dog lovers out there looking for something cute, this simplistic story will definitely make your day.

So whats wrong with AJ's Parents?

Cute! Nice little story to give a possibly answer to how Applejack got Winona

The dog seemed entirely along and naturally Applejack felt mighty sorry for the little darling.

Think that's supposed to be "alone".

10941100 Thanks for catching that. Sometimes, I miss stuff:facehoof:

This was a very good one-shot.

Great story. Can't believe this all happened just because AJ's parent's wouldn't let her keep Winona

You know how the universe is a hologram and reality an illusion? Good cause you got reviewed!

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