• Published 28th Jul 2021
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The Equestrian Incident - StrawberryGamer

The Hakurei Shrine Maiden has found herself in Equestria. It's up to her friend Marisa to bring her back and save their home.

  • ...

The Ordinary Magician and the Aspiring Musician

All was quiet in the land of Gensokyo. This mystical land, cut off from the rest of the world, was a haven for the forgotten and the fantastical. It was serene, though not peaceful, as the youkai and humans living here would constantly come into conflict. Nowadays most disputes and incidents were resolved without lasting harm, thanks in part to Gensokyo's guardian, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden.

One night however, something changed. A shift in the air, an unknown variable, a magical anomaly. It would've gone unnoticed by most. But for one, it was a challenge. And she was certainly not one to back down from a challenge.

She allowed herself a giggle of childlike glee. "This is certainly a new experience for us both. I can only wonder how you'll get yourself out of this one... Reimu~."


That is what the young witch felt every time she had to actually run her magic shop. Why she even opened such a place in the middle of nowhere eluded her sometimes, especially when she made most of her money elsewhere. Sure, sometimes an actual customer came in once in a while, but it was usually just a pity buy, some useless trinket or busted artifact she "found" while out hunting youkai. She swept her blonde hair out of her eyes and sighed. "And Reimu wonders why I take her jobs..."

Thinking about it, that sounded like a great idea. She needed a little excitement. The witch grabbed her broom and double-checked that her Mini-Hakkero was in her pocket before she ran out the door-


-and fell flat on her back as she ran right into someone else who was on their way in. "Owowow... Felt like I hit a wall..." As she picked herself up, she got a good look at the horned girl in the doorway. "Suika? What are you doing here? Looking for something? I was... just about to close up shop. Heh."

Suika Ibuki, a normally cheerful oni, appeared distressed and judging by her cheeks, had been crying recently. Her usual bottle of sake was strangely absent. Seeing her like this sent a chill down the magician's spine. If she was looking for a fight, the shop would probably not survive. Luckily that didn't appear to be the case. "M-marisa," she sobbed, "have you seen R-reimu today?"

"Hmm? No, I was just about to visit her. Why, is she not home?" Marisa asked. The sullen look Suika gave her was enough of an answer.

"No. She's not in the mansion, she's not in the village, she's not anywhere! She's just vanished!" The oni screamed.

"What? Well, c'mon then! Hop on!" The young magician mounted her broom and motioned for Suika to join her. She then took off, heading straight for the Hakurei Shrine. There had to be some sort of clue as to where Reimu had gone there. No one challenged them as they flew over the forests of Gensokyo. Nearing the eastern border, Marisa felt something was off. She could usually spot the shrine's roof from the air. The only thing she could see however was a large patch of dark green where the shrine should be. "Are those... trees?"

Marisa landed just outside the edge of the patch of trees. They were much darker and thicker than anything else in Gensokyo, with canopies that completely blocked out the sun. The ground around them was filled with strange and unnatural plant life, so dense she didn't see any way through without severely scratching her legs. The thought made the witch wish for a pair of pants.

"Certainly a strange sight, isn't it Miss Kirisame?" Came a voice from nearby. Turning to face the source, Marisa was greeted by a nine-tailed fox youkai wearing a white dress. She gave the pair a polite bow.

Marisa returned the gesture with a tip of her hat. "Well if it isn't the gap hag's pet. It certainly is strange. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you Ran?" She asked as if she already knew the answer.

To her surprise however, the shikigami shook her head. "Lady Yukari is not responsible for this incident. She has tasked me with investigating the cause of the shrine's disappearance," she explained. "You are welcome to assist me in this, as I understand you have a personal attachment to Miss Hakurei."

Marisa scowled. "Like I'd help a youkai. No, I'll find Reimu myself! Then we'll find out who did this and give them a little taste of my Master Spark!" She turned on her heel and gave Suika a nudge. "C'mon, let's find a way inside. There's gotta be some kind of clue in there."

"Best of luck to you," Ran said as she too turned to depart.

When she left Marisa made a mouth with her hand. "I uNdErStAnD yOu HaVe A pErSoNaL aTtAcHmEnT tO mIsS hAkUrEi," she mocked in a poor imitation of Ran's voice. "Of course I do! We've been friends for years! Ugh, I swear she said that just to get under my skin." After a few minutes of skirting around the edge of the dark thicket, Marisa finally found an opening wide enough for her to fit through. "Okay Suika, you stay here. I'll yell if I need some muscle, kay?"

The oni nodded excitedly, her cheerful attitude returning, along with her bottle of sake. Somehow. "Okay! You find Reimu now, ya got that?"

"Yeah yeah, I know. We will find her," Marisa reassured her. She took a deep breath and stepped into the thicket. Immediately all her senses began screaming at her to stop, and she had to jump back out. These trees weren't just unnatural, they were wrong on a magical level. She tried to push through again, only for her body to protest every movement. It was like an assault of hundreds of needles all over, and it only got worse as she pushed deeper through the foliage. Soon it became so unbearable that she had to turn back or else she'd pass out. She made sure to give one of the trees a good punch on the way out. "Argh! What is wrong with this place? Stupid trees..."

"You okay?" Suika asked.

"Yeah, but we're not gonna be able to get in there right now. Gonna have to find a way to resist the... wrongness of this place." Marisa paced for a moment, trying to think of a plan. She almost failed to notice a low growling coming from the trees. "Hmm? You say something?"

"Nope!" The oni was sitting against a tree now, drinking out of her bottle. Marisa sighed. Sure the girl was among the strongest around, but realiability was not an oni's specialty. "The wood did though."

"The wood?" Before Marisa could inquire further, she noticed a pair of glowing green eyes peering through the underbrush. She couldn't get a good look at what those eyes belonged to, but she could clearly hear the growling now. "The heck are you?"

It howled, and the trees pounced.

The town of Ponyville had endured alot of disasters since Twilight Sparkle moved in. Being the princess' protoge and a good friend of much of the town, the townsponies couldn't exactly ask her to leave, even when she was the direct cause of that week's disaster. That didn't mean they weren't grateful when she fixed the problem and saved the world, but often they'd be the ones who had to clean up whatever mess was left behind.

This latest crisis left quite a mess behind, and while Twilight and her friends were off celebrating in Canterlot, Ponyville was once again left to clean up the mess. Discord was supposed to have helped, and he did for a while, but he got bored as soon as his friends left and quickly vanished. Even for the places he did help out with, he skipped the windows.

Lyra Heartstrings sighed as she cleared away the rotting plant matter around her friend's house. The two were also away in Canterlot on business, so they missed the whole thing. Lyra had volunteered to clean up their house, which thankfully wasn't hit too hard. "Hey Bonnie, you think Sugarcube Corner is open yet?"

Bon-Bon, her best friend and roommate, paused from sweeping up broken glass. "Considering how hard it was hit? No. Give it a couple days. Don't worry, I should still have some chocolate left from the last batch. That should keep you satiated until then."

"You're the best, Bons. You know that, right?" The mint green unicorn flashed her friend a grateful smile.

"Yeah yeah, just take this trash out already before I stuff you in it and do it myself," she threatened with a smile of her own.

With a flourish of her horn, Lyra picked up the cans of trash and debris and took them down to the usual drop-off point. On the way back, some movement by the edge of the Everfree caught her eye. Given the possibility of the forest coming back for another round, Lyra opted to check it out just to make sure it was nothing. What she wasn't expecting to see was an off-white earth pony mare come walking out of the forest as if it were the most normal thing in the world. She held a stick or staff of some kind in her mouth and wore a red and white outfit that obscured her cutie mark. She even had a cute red bow in her black mane.

The mare noticed Lyra and her brown eyes narrowed threateningly. She looked about ready to yell at Lyra about something, but her gaze suddenly softened and she sighed. She looked... sad. Lyra was about to approach her to ask what was wrong, but Bon-Bon's voice calling for her caught her attention. She turned to leave, sparing one last look at the mare, but she only saw her tail disappear back into the forest.

She wondered about the mare as she returned to Bon-Bon. Doesn't she know that forest is dangerous? Where'd she come from anyway? Maybe I should see if she's okay... She must have had that look on her face again, because the beige mare gave her a deadpan stare. "What are you planning now, Lyra?" She asked.

Lyra snapped out of her thoughts and fidgeted nervously. She'd been caught. "I, um, saw somepony go into the Everfree. Somepony I've never seen before."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "You weren't thinking of going in after them, were you? It's not safe, especially so soon after-"

"I know!" Lyra snapped, interrupting Bon. "That's exactly why we need to go after her. What if she gets hurt?"

"What if you get hurt?" Bon countered.

Lyra's voice softened. "I have you," she nuzzled her friend, "you can pull me out of there."

Bon-Bon looked like she wanted to argue, but they were interrupted by the distant sound of an explosion coming from the Everfree. They both turned to the forest, then back to each other. "Maybe we should go after all."

Author's Note:

A crossover with Touhou? Am I mad? Mayhaps... I'll admit, my knowledge of the series extends only to fan content I can find with English translations. Bullet hell games aren't usually my cup of tea, but everything else about the series fascinated me. Maybe when I get a new computer I'll gave the games a shot. So for any Touhou fans out there who read this, there will probably be plenty of mistakes. But this is my fic, I'll write it however I want.