• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 3,837 Views, 50 Comments

The Samus Entity - Jest

Equestria has been saved, and the space pirate menace is no more. Now all that is left for Samus is to wait for the federation diplomats, and enjoy her impromptu vacation. Provided no one touches her helmet.

  • ...

Tea Time

Author's Note:

Written on a whim during my day off after seeing the metroid Dread trailer, I polished this up enough so that its presentable. I hope you enjoy.

Twilight hummed to herself as she trotted across her bedroom, a book held aloft in her magic. Her room was immaculate as always, the tree library in perfect order, with the only exception being a small pile of books on her desk. That was to be expected however given how much research the young unicorn had undertaken since her most recent adventure had concluded.

This small mound of paper and print called to the mare, urging her to return to her studies, but she resisted that temptation. Twilight had a guest, after all, one that looked rather funny as she sat on the ground, her long legs draped over the side of the balcony. Taller than even an alicorn, the human rested her elbows on the railing and stared up at Canterlot, her features unreadable.

As always, she wore her helmet, the green v-shaped visor reflecting the light back and making it impossible to peer within. Even with no enemies in sight, and no danger present, the bounty hunter continued to wear her suit, though her gun arm had been disabled. Twilight couldn't help but pause and silently marvel at the strange creature before her, the alien nature of her appearance striking the mare.

Her crimson helmet was rounded, and fit onto a gorget that shared the same color, with the addition of two strange tubes. These, Twilight had been told, were to allow the bounty hunter to breathe in atmospheres that could be hostile, like the vacuum space. Her pressure-locked suit secured her against similar dangers, giving the hunter protection against extreme temperatures as well as weapon’s fire.

The sleek, orange, and yellow suit obscured most of the human’s features, though it seemed oddly organic in nature. Sporting three spikes that extended from the upper half of the hunter’s free arm, there were also small bulbs of yellow that were visible. In Twilight’s eyes, it looked like someone had stretched a second layer of orange across the underlying yellow of the armor.

Twilight knew from experience that it offered amazing protection, and gave the bounty hunter many abilities. Samus could leap higher than any pegasus, sprint for longer than an earth pony, and utilize skills that not even a unicorn could replicate. She could freeze her enemies and run faster than Pinkie Pie during a caffeine rush, among many, more violent talents.

Choosing not to think about her visitor's surprising capacity for murder, the unicorn trotted up to her and took a seat to the hunter’s left.

“Here's the book you wanted, Samus Aran” Twilight offered.

The hunter’s head turned, and Twilight immediately felt a white-hot spike of fear run up her spine. The instinct was old, and it told her that the creature before her was an apex predator of unimaginable power. It told Twilight to run, run until her hooves bled and she had crossed over the horizon, but the unicorn pushed that urge down into the pit of her stomach.

“You know you don't have to say my entire name,” Samus remarked in her slightly mechanical-sounding voice. “It's not like with you ponies, they aren't two parts of a greater whole.”

“I know,” Twilight hastily replied, placing the book into Samus’s free hand. “Old habits die hard.”

“Yes. Old habits,” Samus muttered, her gaze lingering on Twilight’s horn until the unicorn cut her magic.

Snapping the book up, Samus flipped it open and hastily looked away from her host, scanning the tome’s contents at a rapid pace. For a moment Twilight felt jealous of the hunter, and her ability to flip through a book recording all the information contained in mere moments. Then she reminded herself that such a skill was granted by the human’s visor, and thus a new idea popped into the mare’s mind.

“Say. You wouldn't happen to have another helmet like that lying around would you?” Twilight inquired. “Being able to record and review any book I’ve read at any time would be very useful.”

Samus chuckled, and snapped closed the book. “This one is rather… unique. Don't worry Twilight. I’m sure your scientists will be creating marvels like this in no time.”

“I must thank you again for that,” Twilight exclaimed. “Suddenly getting thrust into the galaxy’s attention because of that mean old space pirate really made me worry at first.”

“It still won't be easy. Even with the technological boost, I’ve given your people,” Samus remarked. “The federation is largely good, but that doesn't mean all humans are as well.”

“If they are even half as good as you then I’m sure we will have nothing to worry about,” Twilight proclaimed.

Samus shifted uncomfortably. “Yes, well. Not everyone is like me.”

“So you’re saying not every human could blow up a space pirate base, save Equestria. Then also manage to rescue the hundreds of ponies as well as the other creatures that had been kidnapped?” Twilight teased.

Samus chuckled. “I doubt there is a single human in existence that could manage such a feat alone.”

“Which is why it's good that you had our help right?” Twilight prompted.

Samus nodded, but Twilight got the feeling that she didn't totally agree. “You got lucky, you know. Most space pirates blow up the planet they are based on when they lose.”

“That's… barbaric,” Twilight murmured. “I mean I expected as much from a race that was willing to experiment on living, thinking creatures but that just seems a bit much.”

“That's space pirates for you,” Samus casually remarked. “They are nothing if not spiteful and cruel.”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “Do you think we’ll ever have to deal with them again?”

The hunter immediately shook her head. “I doubt it. Your far outside the galactic sphere of influence, and it was only by chance that sorry lot even landed here in the first place.”

“Still. It's too bad that they managed to send that message to this mother-brain lady. I would have preferred if we remained hidden from the galaxy at large,” Twilight murmured.

“Nothing to do about that now except prepare,” Samus exclaimed.

“I suppose. At least we’ll have you on our side when the federation diplomat arrives. You will stick around till then, right?” Twilight timidly inquired.

The hunter nodded slowly. “My word carries a lot of weight in the federation, and with no other calamities that need my attention, I have no excuse to leave. Besides, Equestria is rather nice, and it's been a long time since I’ve taken a vacation.”

Twilight watched as her guest ran an armored finger down a leaf as if silently marveling at something so simple. It made Twilight remember that her guest was a warrior, one that had spent almost her entire life fighting monsters. Twilight just wished more ponies appreciated the hunter’s company because she certainly deserved more friends. Rainbow Dash, herself, and a few of the others were a good start, but even Pinkie Pie avoided the hunter.

“Say, why were you interested in the rare creatures of Equestria anyway?” Twilight asked.

The bounty hunter shrugged. “Call it a tick of mine, but I have a need to catalog the strange flora and fauna of each world I visit.”

“You must have seen quite a few strange creatures in your journeys then. Could you tell me about a few of them?” Twilight inquired, pulling forth a pen and paper from seemingly nowhere.

“Sure. Just cut the magic please,” Samus replied.

“Oh uh sure,” Twilight muttered, placing the paper down on the ground. “Sorry about that. I keep forgetting that you’re not a fan of it.”

“It's quite alright, now where to start,” Samus hummed to herself. “The mellow, or mero as the locals refer to them, are interesting but you might like the sovas. Strange heat-loving creatures that have flame retardant hair on their backs, they-”

Rainbow Dash quietly slipped through the library until she reached the kitchen, where she spied a certain dragon. Who was humming to himself as he assembled a platter of sandwiches and an array of drinks. Though tempted to steal a few of the tasty snacks for herself, Rainbow Dash chose not to for once.

“Hey, Spike. Watcha doing?” she greeted, startling the dragon.

Spike let out a yelp and tossed the butter knife he had been using into the air, though thankfully it landed into the sink nearby.

“Rainbow Dash? Holy crud, you scared me! Your lucky I didn't faint,” Spike proclaimed, a hand pressed firmly over his heart.

“Sorry, just practicing for a plan of mine. Speaking of which… I need your help,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, trotting up to Spike and grabbing him around the shoulders.

“Oh uh sure. With what though?” Spike murmured.

“Well, you know how Sammy never takes off her suit or even her helmet right?” Rainbow Dash began.

“Yeah, so?” Spike replied.

“Well, aren't you curious what's behind that weird green vee?” Rainbow Dash asked, squeezing the male around the shoulders. “I mean she's been here for weeks at this point. What's the deal with that?”

“You heard her. The air isn't good for her,” Spike replied, extracting himself from the mare’s grip.

“Pisha. Her and Twilight already figured that out ages ago. Equestria is the same as this kay two place that she comes from,” Rainbow Dash retorted, waving her hoof dismissively.

“I mean I guess. But if she wants to keep it on then that's her business,” Spike retorted.

“Aww come on Spike. I have the perfect plan to see what's under that thing, and I just need a little bit of help,” Rainbow Dash pleaded.

“Nuh-uh, no way. That sounds really rude,” Spike exclaimed, arms crossed over his chest.

“You can't seriously say you aren't curious to find out. I mean what if she's a horrible space monster that's just pretending to be a human,” Rainbow Dash declared, throwing her hooves in the air. “You could be saving Equestria!”

“Now that seems silly. Why would she save Equestria from space pirates then?” Spike pointed out.

“They could both be bad. You ever thought of that?” Rainbow Dash retorted, jabbing a hoof into the dragon’s chest. “Or maybe it was all a ruse to get on our good side.”

“I don't know,” Spike murmured. “That doesn't sound right.”

“Aww come on,” Rainbow Dash whined. “All you gotta do is distract her for a bit while I hit this little latch thing I saw on the back of her helmet the other day. Think of it like a prank.”

“A prank?” Spike questioned.

“Yeah. Or like, unmasking a mysterious hero,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“It is kind of spooky that she always keeps it on,” Spike whispered to himself.

“See? Exactly!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed. “If anything, we're helping her. I’m sure that once everyone sees how not scary she is then they’ll be her friend like we are.”

Spike nodded. “Alright then. So what do I do exactly?”

Rainbow Dash grinned “I’ll fly up behind her, while you just go in there and-”

“I can't believe some of these creatures don't have magic. I mean one of them was able to float even while frozen solid!” Twilight exclaimed.

Samus raised a finger as if to respond, but stopped herself. “You know I never thought about it but that doesn't make a lot of sense. They could even support my weight too.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “Let's… change the subject. I feel like if we dwell too much on this that I’ll get a headache.”

“Yes. Let's,” encouraged the hunter.

“So… what do you think will happen to Equiss when the diplomats get here?” Twilight asked. “I know you touched on it before already.”

“A wildlife preserve, probably,” Samus exclaimed with a shrug. “Geologically speaking your planet doesn't really have any resources of note, nor do any of the other worlds or moons in the area. Other than a few curious scientists, you’re just too far out to make any attempt at colonization or mining worthwhile. Even then it will be years before they show up”

“Huh. That's… good to hear. I guess we really do have time to build up,” Twilight murmured.

The door to Twilight’s room opened, suddenly and Spike strode in with a platter in each hand.

“I believe your refreshments are here,” Samus pointed out.

Twilight blinked and turned around. “Ahh thank you, Spike.”

“It's no trouble at all,” Spike replied, setting the sandwiches and tea on a table Twilight had retrieved for them. “Are you sure you don't want anything special Samus? I could make you whatever you want.”

“No really, it's fine,” Samus hastily replied. “I’ve already eaten.”

“Hasn't it been like nine hours since you were on your ship though? You must be getting peckish by now,” Spike offered.

“It has been a while,” Twilight pointed out. “Are you sure you don't want something? I could send Spike to the grocery store if you’d like.”

“No really. It's fine,” Samus stressed, her mechanical tone carrying a strange clicking to it. “Human food is… different and I-”

“Wait didn't you say you had omelets and other egg-based items back on your homeworld? Spike makes a great breakfast burrito you could probably eat,” Twilight questioned.

“Well yes, but our chickens are different obviously,” Samus replied.

“Oh come on Samus. Relax just this once, and have a cucumber sandwich,” Spike offered, picking up one of the bite-sized snacks and wiggling it in front of the hunter’s visor. “It's good. I promise.”

“Please, I don't want to-” Samus’ words were cut off by a click followed by a sudden hiss of steam coming from her neck.

“Aha, I got you!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed, flying up and over the railing with Samus’ helmet tucked under a leg. “Now let's see what you… really… look like?”

The helmet bounced off the ground, joining a sandwich that had fallen from Spike’s grasp the second Samus’ face was revealed. A face that shared only the smallest passing resemblance with that of the humans that Samus had shown them in the past. Her head was slightly misshapen, and her golden hair gave way to reveal several masses of red, angry flesh that replaced chunks of her pale white skin.

It was her eyes that commanded the majority of the attention, however, as they lacked any visible lids or really any defining human characteristic. There was only a single mass of angry crimson in the middle of a field of black that glowed faintly in the afternoon light. The only thing close to a pupil was a twisted red spheroid from which extended dozens of tentacle-like appendages across her eyes.

The trio’s horrified focus quickly shifted when the hunter released an angry clicking noise from where her mouth should be. Lacking any visible bottom jaw, the creature sported a row of sharp pointed teeth between two three-inch long downward facing fangs. These large protrusions resembled the kind that the metroid’s sported in the images Samus had shown Twilight.

From along the creature’s jaw was a line of purplish-red flesh that extended back to where her ears should be, though where only flat skin was. Jagged lines extended up her face from this point, as if her human facade had begun to crumble, and was slowly falling away. Replaced instead by the horrifying mask of something truly alien.

Clicking rapidly, the hunter pounced on her helmet, and quickly slammed it back over her head, sealing it back into place. With the calm broken, Spike ran, Twilight froze, and Rainbow Dash leaped at the hunter with a battle cry on her lips. Samus was faster still, grabbing the dragon by the tail, tucking him under her arm, and then wrapping an armored hand around the pegasus’s face.

“Relax,” she whispered in a soft, metallic tone.

“Let me go you monster! I need to find my friend Samus and save her from whatever horrible scheme you’ve concocted you basement tier changeling!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, thrashing wildly in Samus’s iron grip.

“I’m not a changeling,” Samus stressed. “I’m… Spike, are you okay?”

The dragon went limp, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Twilight blinked rapidly, only now overcoming the sudden shock after seeing her assistant pass out. “Give him to me,” Twilight commanded, extending her forehooves.

Samus eagerly obeyed, releasing Rainbow Dash before depositing the comatose dragon into the unicorn’s grasp. “Is he going to be okay?” asked the hunter.

“Why would you care, ya damn dirty changeling,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, jabbing a hoof into Samus’s chest. “No wonder you never took off that helmet. You can't imitate a human at all.”

“I’m not…” Samus sighed and turned to Twilight. “What happened?”

“He… gets overwhelmed,” Twilight murmured, the unicorn casting a quick diagnostic spell. “That's why he doesn't come on more adventures with us.”

“Is there anything I can do?” Samus softly inquired.

“Not unless you can help his heart grow faster,” Twilight remarked with a chuckle, laying the dragon down into her bed.

“What do you mean?” Samus questioned.

Twilight sat back down across from the hunter. “His egg was dormant for too long, and this damaged him in a way that we can't quite explain. Heck, he wasn't supposed to live as long as he did, but I’ve made sure his growth is as slow as possible.”

“So that's why he's still small,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

Twilight nodded. “He needs to grow slowly, or else his heart will be too small and won't be able to support his longer legs, or stars forbid his wings.”

“He's alright now though right?” Samus pressed.

“He's fine. He just faints really easily,” Twilight answered.

Samus sighed. “That's a relief.”

“So are you going to tell us where the real Samus is now?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“I am the real Samus,” the hunter replied.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Bull-”

“Dash!” Twilight shouted. “She's telling the truth.”

“Bwuh?” Rainbow Dash muttered. “But you saw that face. She's not human.”

“And neither are we,” Twilight pointed out. “Now why don't we let Samus explain?”

Rainbow Dash worked her jaw angrily for a few seconds before sitting down and crossing her forehooves over her chest. “Fine, but I don't like it.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Samus offered.

Twilight nodded. “Whenever you are ready.”

“Where do I even begin,” Samus muttered, drumming her fingers on the ground. “There is just so much.”

“What about that fake voice your using?” Rainbow Dash offered.

“It's actually my real one. Well, before I lost the ability to speak normally that is,” Samus touched her throat softly before letting her hand fall away. “I hacked together a replacement from all the recordings I’d made during my travels. It's not perfect, but it's at least my voice.”

“So you haven't always been quite so….” Twilight trailed off with a shrug.

“Monstrous?” Rainbow Dash added.

“Dash!” Twilight hissed angrily.

“It's fine,” Samus quickly interrupted. “I am a monster.”

“You are no such thing,” Twilight began. “You are a brave, gentle, and loving person who I am proud to count as my friend.”

“That's… very kind of you,” Samus muttered.

“So what happened then?” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “You said you weren't always like this right? Well, what happened.”

“To answer that I have to explain a few things,” Samus remarked. “For example, you know how I said I was trained from a young age by the Chozo right?”

Twilight nodded. “After your parents passed.”

“I was three when the training began,” Samus exclaimed. “I was taught how to fight, how to kill, and how to survive starting at an age where most humans are in kindergarten.”

“Woah, that's hardcore,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“That wasn't all though. This training also involved having my genes altered with Chozo DNA. This allowed me to use their technology, but also changed me,” Samus stood up slowly, revealing her towering height to the diminutive ponies. “I am nine feet tall. The majority of my species only grow a full three or four feet shorter than me.”

“So an average human would be about as tall as… Big Macintosh?” Twilight asked.

Samus hummed to herself. “About there, yeah. There are of course variants but by and large, they would be about that height.”

“So wait, these guys were bird people, right? Then why didn't you get a beak instead of those big fangs?” Rainbow Dash asked, waggling her hooves on either side of her muzzle.

“Rainbow Dash. Have some tact,” Twilight whispered.

“That came later. For now, all you need to know is that I initially found human speech difficult, as beaks can't make the correct sounds. I learned the Chozo language, which is what I’m speaking right now, as it doesn't require the speaker to have lips. It was only many years later that I even learned galactic standard with any degree of efficiency. Which is probably why my recording doesn't sound the most fluid,” Samus explained.

“So all humans don't sound like robots with low self-esteem?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

Samus shook her head slowly. “No, and the point I am trying to make is that I haven't been human since I was probably five years old. With the addition of Chozo DNA, I became something different, something stronger.”

“That's good,” Twilight offered somewhat awkwardly.

“They also gifted me with this suit, which has since become a part of me, but that wouldn't come until later,” Samus sighed and shook her head. “Sorry. It's been a long time since I’ve had to tell this story, and I haven't ever told anyone how it ends.”

“Go on. We’ll be patient,” Twilight offered.

“Thank you Twilight,” Samus muttered, running an armored hand over her head. “Now where was I? Oh right. So after I went through early puberty the changes became worse, but were still manageable. The odd feather here or there, my nails became very sharp, but nothing I couldn't handle.”

The hunter’s shoulders slumped. “During my travels, I was exposed to many mutagenic compounds and unpleasant chemicals but I was always protected. My suit and my enhanced DNA were able to filter them without lasting trouble, that was until I ran into the X parasite and everything changed.”

“Eww a parasite,” Rainbow Dash shuddered. “I don't care what Fluttershy says. Not every living thing is cute.”

“From the way you talk about it this X parasite seemed dangerous but I thought your suit was sealed against the vacuum of space. How could it have gotten in?” Twilight questioned.

“I was careless and hadn't properly maintained the seals in days,” Samus admitted. “I had been assigned to aid a simple biological research team operating on a small dead-end world that hadn't seen conflict in centuries. The wildlife was weak, and unused to human contact, but after I slew a seemingly normal hornoad, something emerged from its corpse.”

“Like a big writhing worm parasite?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

Samus shook her head. “It looked like a cloud of spores, or perhaps some sort of delayed eruption of gas and mucus. After it hit me I just assumed it was nothing and went about the rest of my mission. Little did I know that it had already infested me, and was attacking my body.”

“What happened?” Twilight murmured. “Were you okay?”

“I mean obviously not,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, only to receive a hoof to the shoulder. “Hey come on. We were all thinking about it.”

“You’re not wrong,” Samus admitted. “My Chozo DNA, and hardened suit helped protect me for a while, but after leaving the planet I slipped into unconsciousness and nearly hit an asteroid. My ship automatically ejected me, and thankfully the team I was escorting caught the automated distress signal shortly thereafter.”

The hunter released a raggedy sigh. “It was a truly horrific experience. I’ve been thrown into lava and acid but even they paled in comparison to what the X had in store for me. Heck, I’ve been fired into the depths of space without a suit and received poisonous bites that should have been lethal. None of that could have prepared me for what was coming though.”

“You don't have to keep going if you don't want to,” Twilight cautioned.

“No, it's fine,” Samus quickly exclaimed. “I just… don't have words for the pain I experienced. The closest thing I can think of is the Chozo word for mourning a loved one that has yet to pass.”

“But you weren't dead yet,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“There were points that I wished I was,” Samus admitted. “I could feel my organs shutting down one by one, and both my body and DNA were being twisted by the parasite, but I couldn't do anything to fight it.”

“I’m so sorry,” Twilight whispered.

“The federation saved me, and was able to operate before it was too late, but they had to surgically remove most of my suit,” Samus continued, running a hand down her chest. “Some parts they couldn't remove, as they had long since fused with my body. Even still this wasn't enough to get rid of the X, as it was already in my brain.”

“Then what happened?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“They used DNA from a Metroid that I had saved years earlier in order to return the favor,” Samus answered. “Having yet another foreign entity’s genetic code added to my own seemed to do the trick, and without further mutation either. Those more drastic changes didn't occur for almost a week after I dealt with the X outbreak.”

Samus sighed, sitting back down and leaning back. “I realize now that I owed that Metroid my life twice over and yet although I had survived, I had been reborn as something different.”

“As… this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Samus shook her head. “I’m sorry, my storytelling skills have always been poor. What I meant to say was that after being saved initially I left the station, but returned there shortly after when it was discovered to have been infested with the X.”

“But you saved them all right?” Twilight questioned.

Again, Samus shook her head. “There was no one left to save. The only thing I could do was detonate the station and eliminate the X before it could escape. Though I could not do so before I encountered what had become of my suit.”

“The parts that had been removed you mean, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes,” Samus answered. “I had just assumed that they had been incinerated, but evidently someone thought they were worth researching. That was until the suit got up and started walking again.”

“Spooky,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Was it the X?” Twilight questioned.

“It was, and it was somehow able to move like me, and use all my old suit’s upgrades,” Samus replied. “SA-X was a powerful and elusive foe who hounded me during almost the entire mission. Yet when the omega Metroid was about to strike me down, it returned in order to save my life and even the playing field.”

“Do you think it had developed some sort of rudimentary intelligence by then?” Twilight questioned.

“It had something, but defining it clearly is difficult. It's possible that whatever small part of me that was left inside of it activated upon seeing someone in need,” Samus shook her head. “Either way it doesn't matter. This organism had grown considerably at that point and when it died defending me I was able to absorb its essence, regaining what I had lost.”

“What like you ate it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Samus chuckled darkly, the sound coming out as more of a series of raspy clicks. “No, I did not eat it. Rather I was able to take it into my body and integrate its skills much in the same way that the X parasite itself does.”

“Sounds like you are a lot like the X,” Twilight offered, only to wince. “I’m sorry that wasn't the nicest thing to say.”

“It's true,” Samus admitted. “I’m part Chozo, part X parasite, part Metroid, and one tiny shred of my DNA is probably still human.”

The hunter shook her head. “What I was trying to say was that when I took in this creature I gained its powers, but also its memories. It was then that I realized it wasn't just a small mindless X parasite that I had absorbed. This thing had been on its way to becoming a full person.”

She held out a hand, twisting the appendage slowly as she inspected it. “So much genetic material was bound to have an effect on my biology, though in my arrogance I had assumed it would be negligible.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “That's not that crazy of an assumption. I mean you dealt with all that other stuff without issue right?”

Samus nodded slowly. “I suppose so. Either way, it took a while for all of this material to be fully integrated into my body, but when that finally happened I changed once again.”

“Has anything good come of it?” Twilight questioned.

“I’m stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever, but it's mostly downsides,” Samus answered. “I can't even eat normal food anymore. I need to consume energy to stay alive, energy like the magic you throw around so often.”

“That's why you don't like me casting spells around you,” Twilight realized.

“Wait, so is that why you need to keep your energy levels high?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I remember you saying something about your E tanks running low.”

Samus nodded. “It does.”

“Wow… that was certainly quite the story,” Twilight murmured.

“It's all true,” Samus stated sternly.

Twilight raised her hooves defensively. “I didn't mean to insinuate that it wasn't. It was merely… taxing just to hear about.”

“Yeah, no wonder you seem to freak everyone out... You’re a total bad flank!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed. “Not as cool as me obviously, but you’re close.”

Samus chuckled. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, Rainbow Dash.”

“Heh no problem,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“You don't need to keep the helmet on to survive do you?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash lurched into a stand. “Oh dang. I didn't even think of that.”

“No,” Samus quickly interjected. “I just haven't shown my face since… the change, and I’d appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone.”

“Well I for one think you should leave it off,” Twilight proclaimed. “You aren't that scary.”

“Pfft we’ve seen things a million times freakier than you,” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight sighed. “Rainbow, you are not helping.”

“Are… you sure?” Samus whispered.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Hey Twi, you remember fighting those fish monsters a few months ago?”

“Uh yeah,” Twilight agreed. “The ones with all the tentacles on their faces?”

“Yeah them. They were like way worse than Samus right?” Rainbow Dash added.

“I still don't think this is a helpful line of discussion, but yes,” Twilight replied.

Samus sat there quietly for several seconds before sighing. “I suppose it would be nice to see the stars again with my own two eyes.”

“I promise no one will freak out,” Rainbow Dash declared.

Samus looked from unicorn to pegasus and back again before sighing. “Alright, but just remember I can't talk without the helmet on.”

“I’ll use a translation spell. Don't worry,” Twilight quickly added.

The hunter nodded before reaching back and releasing the seal on her helmet, which she carefully pulled aside. This time the ponies saw not the terrifying visage of some alien monster, but a scared and scarred woman that had been through a lot. Setting aside the mask she had worn for so long, Samus awkwardly watched as her companions continued to smile back at her.

She had been sure that their expressions would have morphed into ones of horror and fear, yet they continued to grin at her. Even as the seconds ticked by, and their bravery was tested, the ponies continued to meet her horrifying gaze. Samus felt her hearts swell, and for a moment she felt accepted for the first time in a long time.

Then Spike walked in.

“Oh my gosh, it's true! It wasn't a nightmare!” Spike exclaimed before promptly falling flat on his face.

Twilight sighed and ran a hoof down her face. “Gosh darn it, Spike.”

“I’m sure after you explain what happened he’ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Samus smiled as best as her altered features could allow and for some reason, she believed the pegasus.

Comments ( 50 )

Where the heck did you find that cool, yet terrifying, cover art?

There's a source link.

This guy.

Yeah, all those gene mods are going to have an impact eventually. At least E.M.M.I. won't introduce any novel biology into Samus's system.

... Well, it probably won't. :unsuresweetie:

Unless its big metal fist counts.

There's a boss fight or two in Fusion that implies robots have DNA in this universe. No, it doesn't make sense, but it's canon. (And then I remember the Power Suit itself after I'd already written that. :derpytongue2:)

Jest #7 · Jun 23rd, 2021 · · 1 ·

Do you mean Security Robot B.O.X? Because that fought Samus because she was in a restricted area, not because it was infected by the X. Also Nightmare is biomechanical in nature meaning its at least partially organic.

The BOX bot had a brain inside which served as its wetware, only for Samus to crack its covering during the first encounter with it before it evacuated--which was ironically due to its programming.

The second time they battled though? It was infested with the X-parasite.

This out of the way I must admit two things:
a)Rainbow Dash is a b**ch. That is all.
b)Poor Spike, a good explanation for being pushed out of the spotlight while being in a totally sucky situation out of health concerns.

Thanks for the story, and it is quite a tragedy that Samus ended up like that at the end.

Damn, I forgot about the second fight. It's been.... a decade since I've played that game. I really should replay it before dread comes out.

Nah man... well maybe.
Like That crab tank thing in Fusion looked like it had a Brain like structure in its chassis, and the 'nightmare' had some weird green slime under its face plate.
The learning machines in the Metroid universe might operate under Biomimetic substances that help them have a functioning AI or VI.

Yeah, RD had no good reason for tak im ng the helmet. She just wanted to screw someone over and look good for doing so.

I was almost certain after Twilight mentioned that Spike had a bad heart Samus would have dove right in and gave him some energy or something to help with his heart.

I considered it, because the metroid could do the same, but his problem is *spoilers* connected to his DNA, as its been damaged due to his eggs long stay in stasis.

Just didn't quite seem to fit. Like if he was having a heart attack, or there was something attacking his heart then I suppose it would make sense but I couldn't figure out a way to make it work without it feeling ham-fisted.

Yeah this suddenly became more relevant with Metroid Dread coming out later this year.

I've always been tempted to right a story like this, but that trailer and the cover art, really got the creative juices flowing.

A comedic story with a dark twist, or a dark story with a comedic twist? Who can tell? Either way, this was an enjoyable read. :raritywink:

Metroid on MY fimfiction? Excellent! I shall read this later tonight!!

I looked up the trailer on YouTube, but while it looked cool, I didn’t see the scary face in the trailer! So...what’s the deal with the scary face? Is Samus actually a Metroid/human hybrid? Is the scary face just to get people to read this story? Is this not actually Samus? What’s the deal with the scary face?

This is all head cannon stuff. If you read the story it's all explained.

This is a great Slice of Life story. thank you for this.

Very good story, I've always liked the idea of Samus undergoing mutations post Fusion (and hopefully in Dread we'll see that) and having the ponies be the ones to help her accept it was very heart warming, excellent job :twilightsmile:

Speaking of, while my Metroid lore knowledge is relatively small, IRC, wasn't she fused with her armor, or parts of it, in Fusion?

Yes part of her suit was melded to her body as the X parasite deconstructed it, thus creating the fusion suit. Some theorized that her fusing with the SA-X in the end repaired the damage, but it's unknown for sure

Misconception but no--she’s fully able to remove the suit at will, and the post-game photos confirm this.

Ah, thanks for clarifying :twilightsmile:

Definitely an interesting take on the whole DNA infusions concept in-universe! Well-done! Really enjoyed the read :pinkiehappy:

Sure thing! :pinkiehappy: I think this stemmed from the whole “one life ended and I was reborn something new” line from the Fusion introduction, and early reviewers/speculators took ‘fusion’ as literal, and it just stuck

Good point, I recall some people debating this in regards to Dread. One noted they only cut away the outer layer of the suit, etc. Also, some people still be bitching about the Zero Suit.

Are they? Damn... well I guess they never got the good endings for Fusion :raritywink:. And as for how much was cut off, it’s difficult to say... as well as how much of her appearance is based on surgery as opposed to the genetic modifications by the metroid vaccine. Considering some of Samus’ Fusion Suit doesn’t make sense due to surgery (the more angular visor, the color, etc), I’m inclined to say that things were more as a result of vaccine as opposed to outright surgery.

Wiki says it did.

Yeah. But yeah, some people are like, "REEE, the Zero Suit is too sexual. Why did they put her in a skin tight bodysuit?" And I'm like, "You know she was basically in a bra and a pair of panties/booty shorts originally right? And arguably a full body suit makes a bit more sense under power armor.

IRC, isn't Samus technically partially Metroid now?

Canon answer to that? Likely because of what you said. Aerodynamics and baggy clothes under a tight suit of armor probably doesn’t make sense, though I can be totally wrong on this.

Real answer? People like skin-tight suits on fit and lithe individuals lel


Vaccine altered her genetic makeup to be resistant to the x parasite, but she got the cold weakness as well, as we saw in Fusion, so yee. How much she is, isn’t certain. Maybe it altered just a few specific DNA sequences that make her have essential (and some non favorable) mutations without completely obliterating her human and chozo DNA beyond recognition. Or maybe she likes giving hickies now. No idea, but based on the canon post-mission photos, she seems relatively normal, so my guess is the former

Yeah, likely it was very lite mutation. I'm just her imagining doing a Metroid kiss on a potential lover. Adorable, and funny.

Also yeah, its kinda common for most people in power armor to have some kind of skintight thing under the suit....or just be naked

This was a very nicely written story. Really scratched an itch that a long time metroid fan would have and still brushes the idea of something looking unusual in truth being quite kind that MLP would adhere to.


Is Samus actually a Metroid/human hybrid?

While canon doesn't distort her human features like this, the whole point of that artwork is that she's had some Chozo mixed in there since before we knew she was female and then Fusion added Metroid on top of that mess.

My reading is that the suit was always a symbiotic organism of sorts, and this had just never come up until it got infected with a pan-species parasite.

Not necessarily "at will"; if I remember the scene correctly, surgery was necessary because it couldn't be removed the normal way without her consent and being unconscious doesn't count as consent no matter what that one guy tried to claim to get out of a rape charge (blanking on the name at the moment).

Yes of course at HER will.

Damn it. How is she still attractive?

Is this actually part of a series? I'd like to know before I go reading so I don't accidentally jump into the middle of the "book". I'd look myself but you have 126 stories, so...

I had a 150+ at one point :P.

No this is not part of a series. I would have marked this as a prequel/sequel otherwise.

Cool. Thanks. I figured as much but the description kind of made it sound like there was more.

I love that Idea

A nice little distraction, I like the idea of Samus mutating into something more alien looking. I’m also gonna guess that the 9’ height is a result of the mutation, not mistake about her previous height.

yup. Mutation and being part bird creature.

IIRC her suit was originally semi-organic in nature, which was why the X were able to infect it, and the metroid DNA got incorporated into the suit during treatment as she was still wearing it at the time. Similar to how it's able to take on the traits of defeated enemies. That's why he suit looks different.

Don't read if you have not finish metroid dread.
Just finish metroid dread and this story is even more possible now that the canon say that samus has turned into a metroid.

The comment, not the story. I havent played dread but I heard it was good. What exactly happens anyway?

Well i make 2 responses one where i am vague with details and one that is full blown spoiler.
Vague one So things happen that activates the metroid vaccine that essentially turns samus into a metroid with energy draining abilities. Computer Adam literally says that she has turned into a metroid.
Full spoiler endgame and story explained.
So the big bad of this game is a choso named raven beak that wants to use the metroids as a bioweapon. This is why he kills the other choso in the secret image in samus returns.(one detail, there are 2 tribes of choso that are relevant here the thoha tribe, the ones that raised samus and made metroids and the mawkin tribe, a warrior tribe that raven beak is the chief of.)The thoha tribe wanted to stop the metroids as they had grown out of control but raven beak wanted to use them to take over the galaxy so he killed all of them except one. Raven beak intended to collect the metroids later but when he came back the metroids has already been exterminated by samus.
But then he learned that samus had the last metroid dna inside her so he lured her to ZDR and use the hacked emmis to get the dna. Now to the, samus is a metroid thing. When samus faces raiven beak at the start of the game the red light is the metroid instincts activating because the metroids apparently sees the mawkin tribe as a threat. This makes raiven beak spare samus as he sees an opportunity to get something greater than just the metroid dna. So he sets up the entire game as a trial to fully awaken the metroid dna in samus.
And in the last fight when samus is about to lose to raiven beak samus transforms to a metroid. Not with a face like in this story but her suit and manners becomes much more aggressive and the suit has a very much metroid look to it. And thats it, this is how the games story goes. There is a scene at samus ship that makes it seems like the metroid part of her is reversed, but the reason for this does not make sense to me. So to me she is still full metroid just calmed down.

I’m familiar enough with the Metroid series to know that our dear girl Samus never seams to catch a break. It seems whatever happened in Metroid Dread to turn her into whatever she is now seems to solidify that notion. Poor samus, she never can truly relax.

Would love to see more from this, I see potential


Metroid Dread ending spoilers below.

Thoha are able to control Metroids to some degree, and logically this would extend to the X that absorbed the dead Quiet Robe too, and moreso, the game kinda implies that it is possible for those absorbed by X to not lose themselves to it, albeit it's rather vague on that save for Raven Beak's soldiers all being X.

Basically, somehow Quiet Robe became a dominant force of the X entity that absorbed him, probably not permanently but long enough to aid Samus towards the end of the game by sneaking aboard her ship and willingly being absorbed by her, using Quiet Robe's Metroid Manipulation capabilities to render Samus' awakened Metroid powers dormant or just calmed sufficiently so as to allow her to revert to normal and escape the planet without immediately draining her ship dry the moment she touched the controls.

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