• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,899 Views, 181 Comments

Age Of Devil Fruits - Madforce Entertainment

Isaac. Just a normal guy dealing with normal problems. But one day, he received a mysterious package in the mail, containing a weird Fruit covered with a swirl pattern which will send him into a strange yet magical world of anthropomorphic… Ponies!

  • ...

Chapter 6: Snow Hollow

Author's Note:

Hey guy’s, happy Easter! Here’s the new Chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Also if you see any mistakes, please don’t hesitate to tell me.

OC’s from Cyrus and Starkiler, hopefully I’ll add more in the later chapters.

Thank you for your support and patience.

I try do another update before the end of the year.

The Next morning Isaac’s group were getting ready to resume their journey to the Crystal Empire. When Zecora placed a map on the table.

“Everyone, may I have your attention.” Everyone stops what they were doing and looks at Zecora. “I’ve done some research, and I have discovered a small town called Snow Hollow.” She points to the town on her map. “I suggest we head there first.”

Caitlyn looks at the map. “Why? I thought we were supposed to head to this Crystal Empire place.” She asked the Zebra.

“Isaac needs help.” Scootaloo answered, ” And there’s probably a Doctor who can help him!”

“Even so there’s probably a Doctor in the Empire,” Caitlyn argued.

“Your right there’s probably a doctor within the Empire, but Scootaloo is right,” Sunset said, agreeing with Scootaloo. “Isaac’s condition comes first.”

Caitlyn looks at Sunset and Scootaloo, she turns to Isaac. Who was sitting at the table, also looking at the map? “What about you?” She asked him. “What do you think we should do?”

Isaac takes a moment to think, they need to get to the Crystal Empire. But if the sickle user wasn't alone Isaac knew he’ll be a liability, even with his Logia powers. “Let’s head to Snow Hollow.” He declares. Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think we’re ready yet. Plus I’m deadweight at the moment.” He explains. “I don’t want to be a burden to you guys, definitely in battle.”

“Alright, I’m outvoted here,” Caitlyn said, with an eye roll, before sitting down. “So how long will it take us to reach Snow Hollow?” She asked.

“A couple of hours,” Zecora replied, rolling up the map. “If we start flying now we’ll reach there before midday.” She gave the map to Scootaloo.

“Right Zecora.” Scootaloo takes the map. “I’ll start flying now.” She uses her float power and flew out of the Haven Bag.

Scootaloo flew out of the bag and picked it off the ground. She looks at the map.
“Okay,” She checked her compress. “That way.” She flew towards Snow Hollow at full speed. “Don’t worry Isaac, I’ll get you the help you’ll need.”

[centre]~ One Hour later.~[/centre]

Zecora made some medicine for Isaac. “Here Isaac, take this.” She said giving Isaac his medicine.

“Thank you Zecora.” Isaac takes the medicine, and shivers from the bitter taste. "Aww no Peppermint." He said with a frown.

“Forgive me, Isaac.” Zecora sits down. “I’m afraid, I ran out of your precious Peppermint.”

“It’s fine Zecora.” Isaac nods in understanding. “But this bitter taste won’t go away for a while.”

Caitlyn stretches her arms. “How much longer?” She asked.

“Not a clue,” Sunset answered. “You’ll need to ask Scootaloo.” She stretched her arms too.

“Men, I’m getting restless waiting to reach Snow Hollow.” Caitlyn sighed.

Something came to Isaac’s mind. He looks at Zecora. “Say Zecora, what can you tell us about Snow Hollow?”

Zecora hums to herself and thinks. “Well, to be honest. I’ve never been there myself, so my knowledge is limited. What I do know it was a thriving mining town, but the mine is now dry and closed down. Ponies still live there, but to be honest it may be a ghost town.” Zecora explains what Snow Hollow is.

Sunset looks at Zecora. “An old mining town, that might be a ghost town?” She asked the Zebra. “Are you sure Ponies are still living there?”

“She's right, we might be heading to a ghost town.” Caitlyn said, “Isn’t there somewhere else we can go?”

“No, just Snow Hollow, and the Crystal Empire.” Zecora replied, “If there was another place I could think of, I would have told you.”

“But it could be “

“Enough guys.” Isaac spoke up, “This decision was mine to make, and if it is a ghost town, I’ll be the one who suffers here.” Isaac takes a sharp breath from discomfort. “We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it, okay?” He looks at the girls.

Sunset ran her figures through her hair, she couldn’t argue with Isaac. “Isaac’s right.” She said to Caitlyn, she looks at Isaac. “I’ll follow your lead.”

“It’s your choice, so do whatever,” Caitlyn said, with a huff.

“Wow, you're a ray of Sunshine,” Sunset said, to the Cat-girl.

“I’m better than a rainy day,” Caitlyn replied, looking leaning back on her chair.

“Okay, how about some tea to pass the time?” Zecora offers Sunset and Isaac a beverage.

“I’d like some,” Sunset said, taking the offer.

“Same,” Isaac said, also taking the offer.

Caitlyn didn’t reply. “Would you like some tea?” Zecora asked the cat-girl.

“Huh?” Caitlyn looks at Zecora. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” She replied with a dismissive tone.

“Okay, I shall make the brew,” Zecora said, leaving the table.

Sunset looks at Caitlyn. “You know, you could say thank you.” She told the cat-girl.

“Huh?” Caitlyn looks at Sunset. “Thank who?” She asked in confusion.

“Zecora,” Isaac answered. “She’s making you some tea.”

“She asked if I wanted one, and I said yes.” Caitlyn argued, “I don’t see a problem here.”

“The problem is you're being ungrateful, by not thanking Zecora,” Sunset argued back.

“Also she is a Doctor,” Isaac added. “You should always be nice to your Doctors.

Caitlyn rolled her eyes at Isaac and Sunset, who just looked at each other and shook their heads.

Caitlyn sat back in her chair thinking about what Sunset and Isaac said to her.
After a few silent moments, Zecora returned with the beverages on a tray.

She passed the first cup to Sunset. “Here Sunset.”

“Thank you Zecora.” Sunset thanks Zecora.

Zecora passed the next cup to Isaac. “Here Isaac.”

Isaac takes his cup. “Thank you Zecora.”

Zecora passed the last cup to Caitlyn. “Here Caitlyn.”

Caitlyn takes the cup from Zecora. “Thanks, Zecora.”

Zecora smiled, “You're welcome Caitlyn.”

Zecora sits on her chair, she sips her tea. “Good tea and good company. Who could ask more?”

Isaac sips his tea. “It could use some peppermint.” He said with a frown.

Sunset sips her tea. “I don’t need anything else.” She said with a relaxed tone.

Caitlyn sipped her tea and didn’t like the taste. “Maybe something else.” She mumbled to herself.

Zecora, Isaac, sunset, and Caitlyn sat at the table drinking their tea.

Scootaloo flows towards Snow Hollow, she looks at her map.

“We should be getting close.” She looks at the horizon. “Where is it?” Scootaloo saw a tower of smoke. “There!” She flew towards the smoke tower.
Scootaloo lands close to Snow Hollow, she looks at the old mining town.
The town looked abandoned, from the damaged homes and ruined buildings.
“I don’t think anyone lives here anymore.” She said, placing the haven bag on the ground and opening it, to enter the bag.

Scootaloo entered the bag where Isaac and the others were waiting for her.

Scootaloo lands inside and Bushes the snow off, Isaac and the others see her.

“Hey, Scootaloo.” Sunset greeted the tomboy. “Have you found Snow Snow Hollow?”

“Well, I think I have.” Scootaloo replied, “I’ve found an old town but it looks to be abandoned.” Scootaloo looks at Zecora. “I think we’ve hit a dead end here Zecora.”

“Are you sure Scootaloo?” Isaac asked, in discomfort.

“Yeah, the whole town trashed,” Scootaloo replied, not looking at Isaac, even though no one held her Responsible for what happened to Isaac, Scootaloo still felt guilty.

“Looks like I was right,” Caitlyn announced.

“You're not helping Caitlyn!” Sunset scales at the cat-girl.

Zecora stands and grabs her coat. “Scootaloo,” the tomboy looks at Zecora. “You, me and Caitlyn are going to search the town.” She threw a coat at Caitlyn.

Caitlyn catches the coat. “Hey! Why should I come along?” She questioned Zecora.

“Simple.” Zecora puts on her coat. “It’s because you're not human,” Zecora explains to the cat-girl. “We could use your cat-like instinct.”

“Yeah, I might attract the wrong attention,” Sunset added.

“I’m dead weight.” Isaac also stated.

Caitlyn could argue with the group and rolled her eyes. “Ugh fine! I’ll go!” She said, acting like a stubborn teen. Putting her coat on.

“I, Scootaloo and Caitlyn shall search the town.” Zecora looks at Sunset and Isaac. “We shall inform you if we find a doctor's office.”

“We’ll wait here,” Sunset said, understanding Zecora's plan.

Isaac looks at the zebra. “Do you think there is still a doctor in Snow Hollow?” He asked.

Zecora looks at Isaac. “I do not know Isaac, but we’ll search for one.” Zecora looks at Scootaloo and Caitlyn. “Ready?” She asked them.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Caitlyn replied, putting on her coat.

Scootaloo remains silent, still not looking at Isaac. Zecora noticed this and walked to the young tomboy. “Scootaloo.” Zecora placed her hand on Scootaloo’s shoulder.

Zecora’s hand snapped Scootaloo back to reality. “Huh?” She looks at Zecora.

“Scootaloo, do you want to stay here?” Zecora asked in a gentle tone. “You have been flying all day.”

Scootaloo has indeed been flying all day, and it would be nice if she could relax inside the haven bag, but Isaac was there, and she can’t bear to be in the same place as him.

“No, I can still help.” Scootaloo stutters her reply.

Zecora looks at Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow. “Only if you are sure Scootaloo, please don’t overwork yourself.”

“Don’t worry Zecora I won’t,” Scootaloo replied, with an innocent smile. “Well, shall we get going?” She asked eager to leave the bag.

“Yeah, let’s get going,” Caitlyn said, ready to leave the haven beg.

“Very well.” Zecora stands in the centre of the bag, she knelt and opened the trap door. She pulled out the ladder that reached the bag's opening.

Scootaloo flew towards the opening. “See you guys outside.” She said leaving the bag.

Zecora watched Scootaloo rush out of the haven bag. “Scootaloo, you're still blaming yourself.”

Caitlyn was climbing the ladder. “Coming?” She asked Zecora.

Zecora looks at the cat-girl. “Of course.” She looks at Isaac and Sunset. “We’ll be as quick as we can.”

“We’ll be fine Zecora,” Sunset replied, reassuring Zecora they’ll be fine.

“Just be careful Zecora,” Isaac said, watching Zecora start climbing.

Once Caitlyn and Zecora left the bag Sunset looked at Isaac. “How are you?”

“I’ve felt better,” Isaac replied, trying to relax.

Sunset gently placed her hand on Isaac’s shoulder. “I hope we, find a doctor in this town.”

Isaac looked at Sunset. “Me too.” He sighed, “Me too.” He nods.

Scootaloo waited for Zecora and Caitlyn, she sat down on a rock. Scootaloo sighed and placed her face in her hands.

“Ohh, man!” She sighed, “Why can’t I get rid of this guilt?” She takes a breath and looks to the sky. “I have my wish, but it doesn’t feel right.” She sighed again, Scootaloo looked to the Snow Hollow. “I hope there’s…” She saw movement in the town. “Huh?”

Zecora and Caitlyn climbed out of the haven bag. Caitlyn was the first one out, soon followed by Zecora, she noticed Scootaloo looking towards the town.

Zecora stood next to Scootaloo who didn’t notice her. “See something?”

“Whoa!” Scootaloo jumps floating in the for a moment. “The hell! Zecora!” Scootaloo yells at the zebra, as she lands “Don’t scare me like that!” Scootaloo pats her chest to calm her heart.

Zecora giggles at the young tomboy. “I think you're overreacting a little Scootaloo.”

“It’s not funny Zecora!”

Caitlyn was standing by the haven bag watching Scootaloo and Zecora. “Hmmmmm,”

“I am not overreacting!” Scootaloo yells again.

“I say you are overreacting.” Zecora stated, “Overreacting like this isn’t good for your health.”

“I am acting normally!” Scootaloo declares to Zecora.

A small argument started between Zecora and Scootaloo. Caitlyn watched this with a deadpan stare, she picked up the haven-bag and walked towards

“HEY!” Caitlyn called, to get the two Equestrian’s attention who looked at the cat-girl. “I’m getting cold, can we go to Snow Hollow already?” Caitlyn asked with an annoyed tone.

“Oh yes.” Zecora looks sheepishly. “Forgive us, Caitlyn.”

“Yeah sorry,” Scootaloo said, rubbing the back of her head.

“Okay, did you see anything?” Zecora asked Scootaloo.

“Well, I thought I did.” Scootaloo replied, “I caught a glimpse of something, but it might have been my imagination.”

Caitlyn looks at the town. “Or someone is hiding.”

“Maybe,” Zecora agreed. “But why would they need to hide?”

“I don’t know, but there’s one way to find out,” Caitlyn said, to her Companions. “We’re going in.”

Scootaloo looks at the cat-girl. “Just like that? We’re just gonna waltz in?” She asked, in confusion.

“It does sound a little reckless.” Zecora agreed. “Are you sure that’s the wisest choice?” She asked.

Caitlyn looks at Zecora and Scootaloo. “To be honest, walking from the front isn’t the smartest decision. But sneaking in would send the wrong message.” She explains to the Equestrians.

“Hmmmm.” Zecora thinks about what Caitlyn told them.

“She does have a point,” Scootaloo said, to Zecora.

“True she does.” Agreed Zecora. “But I still think it’s reckless.”

“Relax Zecora, if anything happens, Scootaloo here can fly us out,” Caitlyn said, putting her arm around Scootaloo's shoulders.

“She’s right Zecora,” Scootaloo said, agreeing again with Caitlyn.

Zecora thinks again. “True, okay, let’s play it safe, we do not know who in that town.”

“Okay, let’s get going, my feet are cold,” Caitlyn said, starting to walk towards the town.

Zecora and Scootaloo followed Caitlyn into Snow Hollow.

After a few minutes Caitlyn, Scootaloo, and Zecora stood at the entrance of Snow Hollow. The welcome sign was filled with holes.

“This is ominous,” Zecora stated.

“Yep, very ominous,” Scootaloo said, looking at the sign.

Caitlyn stepped into the town and saw what looked like a snow-covered battlefield. “Looks like some shit went down here.”

Scootaloo steps next to Caitlyn. “What do you think happened here?” She asked.

“An attack.” Caitlyn simply answered, “And from all this damage, it was a big assault.” Caitlyn remembers the attack on Famore, she remembers Adora turning her back on her and the Horde, she sighed, looking depressed.

Scootaloo noticed Caitlyn sighing. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“I’m good let’s move,” Caitlyn replied, walking into the town.

Zecora looks at the ruined town.“Who lead this assault? What could Snow Hollow have, to warrant this much devastation?“ she asked.

“Who knows.” Caitlyn steps towards the buildings. “Whoever did this was looking for something, and they tore their way through this town.” She studies the buildings. “Hmmm, what made the small holes?”

“Probably made by guns,” Scootaloo answered.

Caitlyn was confused, she never heard of guns before. “Guns?”

“You never heard of them?” Zecora asked.

“No, we don’t have them where I’m from,” Caitlyn replied.

“I see, it’s a type of weapon that shoots small projectiles.” Zecora tried to explain.

“Like a bow?” Caitlyn asked, think of that archer who fights with Adora.

“Not exactly, but it's the same basic principle,” Zecora answered.

“I see, I think I get it,” Caitlyn said, looking at the holes. “Come on, let's see if anyone is still here.” Caitlyn walks into the town with Scootaloo and Zecora.

As they walked they saw more damage and destruction.

“Do you think anyone is still here?” Scootaloo asked.

“I do not know,” Zecora replied, looking at the town. “I don’t believe anyone would still be here after this.”

Caitlyn started to notice chains laying everywhere. “Hmmmm, there’s a lot of chains laying around.” She scaled at the chains.

“You okay Caitlyn?” Scootaloo asked, walking towards the cat.

“Hmmm,” Caitlyn looked closer and saw a chain move. “Stop!” She told Zecora and Scootaloo, and they both looked at her. “Walk towards me, right now.”

Zecora looks at the cat-girl in confusion. “Why?”

“Just do it!” Caitlyn orders.

Scootaloo and Zecora looked at Caitlyn who was looking at the chains. Scootaloo looked at the chains, they look at the chains and saw them move, Scootaloo quickly opened her bag.

Zecora looks at the tomboy and slowly walks towards Scootaloo’s haven bag.
“Get ready to jump into the bag,” Scootaloo whispered, to the zebra, who nodded.

Caitlyn also walks towards them. “Just stay calm, don’t…..” The chains leapt towards them. “GET IN THE BAG!”

Zecora and Caitlyn ran to the bag that Scootaloo held, but the chains lassoed them, Caitlyn, Zecora, and Scootaloo hung in the air by the chains.

“Damn it!” Caitlyn yells, trying to escape the chains.

“How are these chains moving!?” Scootaloo yelled, also trying to break free.

Zecora’s ears twitch. “Something coming.” She said looking ahead.

Caitlyn and Scootaloo also looked in the same direction. They can see a creature made of chains walking towards them.

Caitlyn has never seen a creature like this before. “What is that thing?”

“Some Kind of chain monster,” Zecora stated, looking at the chain creature.

“Is this thing responsible for all this damage?” Scootaloo asked, looking at the chain monster. “What do you want?”

The creature didn’t answer but it grabbed the three and imprisoned them in its body. The creature begins to walk.

“Where are you taking us!?” Caitlyn demanded to know where the creature was taking them.

But the creature didn’t answer. “I think it’s not a real creature,” Scootaloo said, looking at the creature.

Zecora looks at the creature. “I believe it’s a golem.” She said, to the others.

“A golem?” Caitlyn never heard of such a creature. “What’s a golem?” She asked Zecora.

“It is a manmade creature.” Zecora answered, “They are created by an individual to serve them. This golem is following an order.”

“So we can’t convince him to let us go?” Scootaloo asked.

“No, it has no will of its own,” Zecora replied,

“So we’re stuck here?” Caitlyn asked.

“Looks like we’re going for a ride.” Scootaloo said, looking where the golem was taking them, she saw the mine was getting closer “Is it taking us to the mine?”

“Looks like it,” Caitlyn said, looking at the mine.

“Once this creature releases us, we might have to fight its master,” Zecora told Caitlyn and Scootaloo.

After some time they reached the mine entrance, which was sealed with a white substance. “What is that?” Scootaloo asked.

“It looks like wax,” Zecora stated.

“That’s a lot of wax.” Caitlyn declared, looking at the wall of wax.

The golem knocked on the wall and a door opened. The golem walks into the mine, and the three saw the townsfolk inside.

“Wait, are they hiding here?” Scootaloo asked.

Caitlyn looks at the townsfolk. “They look scared, and some of them are injured, and they have homemade weapons. Yep, they're hiding.” She declared.

The chain golem stops walking. “Hey, what did you bring me?” Asked a male voice, the girls looked and saw the golem’s master.

A man standing at 6 feet 1 inch tall, with black hair with orange highlights, brownish-gold Goatee stubble, black overcoat, gloves, shoes w/grey sock wraps, dark-coloured camo pants, with Amber eyes.

Chains fell from his body and formed into a chair, he sat down. “So who are you three?” The Chain man asked them.

“We nobodies,” Caitlyn answered. “We are just looking for a doctor.”

“A doctor? For whom?” The chairman asked.

“A friend,” Scootaloo answered.


“Look, we’re not answering any more questions, until this creature lets us go!” Caitlyn yelled.

“Hmm, let them go.” The golem broke apart and released Caitlyn, Scootaloo and Zecora.

“Thank you,” Zecora said to the chairman.

The chained man looks at them. “Alright, from the way you're all dressed. You're not with the snow pirates.”

“Snow pirates?” Zecora asked, in confusion. “I’ve never heard of them.”

“They sound like their snow-themed pirates,” Scootaloo said, picturing how they would look in her mind's eye.

Caitlyn looks at the chairman. “So these snow pirates attacked this town? Why?” She asked.

“Not sure, we and the others just got here before the first attack.” The chairman replied, “They attacked about four times, and they keep coming back.”

“Why?” Scootaloo asked. “What do they want here?”

“There’s gold here.” Answered a female voice.

The three looked and saw a mare unicorn in a lab coat, entering the room with a box full of moss, her coat was pale and her mane was a pastel of purple, pink and blue. Her mane and tail are curly. Her eyes are blue.

“Potion Nova?” Zecora identified the unicorn.

“Zecora?” The mare known as Potion Nova said. “What are you doing here?” She asked, putting the box and walking to the zebra.

“You know her Nova?” The chained man asked.

“I have known Zecora since I was a Filly.” Potion Nova replied to the human.

“Oh cool.” The chain-man said, letting down his prisoners.

“Potion Nova, why are you here?” Zecora asked, “I thought you lived within the Crystal Empire.”

“I do,” Potion Nova grabs the box, and shows its contents. “I came here for this moss.”

Zecora looks at the moss growing on the cave walls. “Oh, I see.”

“So why are you here?” Potion Nova asked again.

“We came here to see a doctor, for a friend of ours,” Zecora explains.

“Zecora?” Caitlyn said, grabbing the zebra to one side. “Are you sure we can trust her?” She whispered.

Zecora raised an eyebrow. “I can somewhat understand why you asked, but I’ve known Potion Nova since I was a filly.” She stated. “Also Potion Nove is a doctor.”

Caitlyn’s eyes widened. “She is?”

“Yes, trust me she’s a skilled doctor,” Zecora replied. “She can help Isaac.”

“Hmmm, I see,” Caitlyn thanks for a second. “Okay, we’ll follow your lead here.”

Zecora returned to Potion Nova. “I need your help.”

“Right, come with me.” Potion Nova leaves the room with Zecora.

“Well since your friend knows Nova, I’m sure you two are okay.” The chained man said. “I’m Cyrus.” He offered a handshake.

“Caitlyn.” Caitlyn introduced herself.

“You a Zoan?” Cyrus asked.

“No, just a cat girl,” Caitlyn replied.

“Really? You're an actual cat girl?” Cyrus asked,


“Huh, now I've seen everything. Cyrus said to himself, he, looks at Scootaloo. “And you are?”

“Scootaloo.” The tomboy answered.

“Nice to meet you.” Cyrus opened a door. “I’ll give you the tour.” Scootaloo and Caitlyn followed Cyrus.

Zecora was in the makeshift doctor's office.

“So what happened Zecora?” Potion Nova asked.

Zecora took a moment to choose her words. “A friend of mine called Isaac was seriously hurt.”

“Really!?” Potion Nova grabs her medical bag. “Where is he?”

“I’m this haven-bag,” Zecora said, holding the bag.

“Oh okay.” Potion Nova said, looking at the bag. “Are you going to let me in?”

“Potion Nova, he’s the Lord of Cinder,” Zecora told Potion Nova, who looked back at her in confusion.

“Who’s the Lord of Cinder?” Potion Nova asked.

Zecora was surprised after hearing Potion Nova’s question. “You haven’t heard of him?” She asked.

“No, we’ve been stuck here for a while, so we didn’t get any news here.” Potions Nova replied, looking at her potions. “I’m having trouble looking for ingredients for my potions.”

Zecora sees the Shortage of potions. “I can see.” She said, with a grim tone. “Thankfully you found that moss.”

“Yep thankfully.” Potion Nova looks at her potions, and she turns back to Zecora. “So tell me more about this Lord of Cinder.”

“I shall introduce you to him.” Zecora opens Isaac’s heaven bag. “Follow me.” They entered the bag.

Isaac was trying to rest on his bed. “Ahhhhh, Damn it.”

Sunset can hear him, and she enters his room to see if she can help him. “Hey Isaac, need anything?” She asked.

Isaac looks at Sunset. “Thanks, Sunset, but I don’t think you can help me.”

Sunset sighed, “Yeah, sorry Isaac.”

“It’s fine Sunset, it’s not your fault,” Isaac said, trying to relax.

They heard the bag open and Zecora and Potion Nova entered.

“I think your doctor is here,” Sunset said smiling.

“Oh?” Isaac struggles to sit up. “Help me up.” He asked Sunset.

Sunset offers her hand to Isaac. “Here.” Isaac took her hand and was helped off his bed.

Sunset supports Isaac over her shoulder. “Thanks, Sunset.” Isaac thanks his friend.

“Anytime my lord,” Sunset replied, with a joke, she helped Isaac into the mine room. To meet Zecora and the doctor.

Zecora and Potion Nova stood in the main room. They saw Sunset and Isaac. “Is this him?” Potion Nova asked, opening her bag.

“Yes, this is Isaac,” Zecora said, grabbing a chair. “Place him here, Sunset.”

Sunset placed Isaac on the chair as gently as possible. Potion Nova placed her bag on the table.

“Okay, tell me what happened?”

Isaac looked at Zecora. “Tell her what happened.” She said to him,

Isaac looked at Potion Nova. “A Pegasus called Rainbow Dash uses me as a battering ram through the Everfree Forest, and beats seven tones out of me.”

Potion Nova looked confused. “Rainbow Dash? Why would she do that?”

“It’s complicated,” Zecora answered,

“I see, I’m going to need to use some magic to give you a full check-up.” Potion Nova told Isaac, she looks at Sunset and Zecora. “This will take a while.”

“Then me and Sunset. Shall leave you to your work.” Zecora said, to Potion Nova.

“Yeah, we’ll just get in the way.” Sunset looked at Isaac. “See ya, Isaac.”

“See ya.” Isaac waved goodbye to Sunset and Zecora, who left the bag.

Cyrus was showing Caitlyn and Scootaloo the mine. It was filled with makeshift tents and shelters made from wax.

Sunset looked at the wax building. “Who made the wax houses?” She asked.

“A guy called Pedro Calixto, he eaten the Wax-Wax fruit.” Cyrus replied, “In fact, he was here first before we arrived.”

“We?” Scootaloo asked, “We who?”

“Me, Fiona and Brook,” Cyrus replied. They walked passed the food tent. “Hungry?”

They take a second to check their tummies. “I could have a bite,” Caitlyn said.

“Me too.” Scootaloo agreed.

Cyrus opened the tent door. “Hey Fiona, what's on the menu?”

“Cave stew!” Called a female voice.

Caitlyn and Scootaloo entered the tent inside was a makeshift cafe with wax tables, chairs, and a counter for bowls and plates.

A woman about 1.5 meters tall, with black hair with slightly silver tips, wearing a black muscle shirt, dark grey sweats, blackish blue fingerless gloves with metal plating on the back of each, blue-ish black open-toe and open heel slipper shoes, showing those respective parts of her socks.

The woman was standing next to a stove stirring something in a pot.

Cyrus smells the soup. “Smells good Fiona.”

“Hopefully it will taste good,” Fiona said, continuing to stir the pot, she saw Scootaloo and Caitlyn. “Huh, new faces?”

“Yep,” Cyrus answered,

“Caitlyn,” Caitlyn introduced herself.

“Scootaloo.” Scootaloo introduced herself with a wave.

“Nice to meet you,” Fiona said, pouring some soup into two bowls. “Here it will warm you up.” She told them while pressing the bowls to the cat and Pegas.

“Thanks,” Caitlyn said, taking her bowl.

Scootaloo took the other bowl. “Thank you.”

“Let me know what you think,” Fiona said, stirring more.

“Hey, what about me?” Cyrus asked, Reaching for some soup.

Fiona hits Cyrus’s hand with the lid. “You get your share later!” She told him, “Now go finish your Patrol!”

“Fine Fiona,” Cyrus grumbles, with an empty tummy. “See ya.” Cyrus lifted the tent.

Scootaloo eats the soup. “It’s okay, but I think Isaac could make something better.”

Caitlyn looked at the soup and stirred the soup with her spoon. How can this liquid be a food? She only had eaten ration bars, she remembers how bland and tasteless they were. She sighed, “What should I do? Should I try it?”

“Your soup’s going cold Caitlyn,” Scootaloo said to the cat-girl.


“Your soup,” Scootaloo pointed to Caitlyn’s bowl. “It’s getting cold.”

Caitlyn looks at her soup. “Oh!? Right.” She said, “Sorry I was thinking too much.” She started to eat the soup by copying Scootaloo. She brings it to her lip and puts the spoon in her mouth. The moment the warm liquid touched her tongue, she was ecstatic by the flavour! The vegetables, the herbs, it took her to heaven! She finished much faster than Scootaloo. “Ahhhhhh!” Caitlyn said, releasing some steam from her mouth.

“Wow, you must have been hungry,” Scootaloo stated, continuing to eat her soup.

Caitlyn looks at her empty bowl. “Wow, I’ve never eaten anything that fast before.” This was a first for her, when it was meantime, she would eat slowly to make it last longer. “Hmmmm.” She remembers how bland the food bars tasted, and yet that liquid held so much flavour. Caitlyn sighs. ” I guess, it was the flavour that made me eat that soup fast.

“Hey, don't forget to return the bowls,” Fiona told the girls.

“Better do that,” Caitlyn said, taking her bowl back to Fiona. “Here’s back the bowl.”

Fiona takes the bowl from Caitlyn. “Was it good?” She asked.

“It was,” Caitlyn replied. “It was the first time I had soup.”

“Ohh, well I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Fiona said, putting the bowl to be washed. “So you're a Zoan Type?”

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “No, just a cat girl.” She replied.

“Wait an actual cat-girl?”

“Yep, I haven’t eaten one of those fruits yet,” Caitlyn explains to Fiona.

“Oh, I did think I’d see an actual cat girl.” Fiona looks at Caitlyn. “Can I play with your ears?”

“What!?” Caitlyn blushes and covers her ears. “Hell no!”

“Not even for Cyrus’s share?” Fiona bribes, with her cooking.

“No!” Caitlyn yelled, still covering her ears. “Why do you want to play with them?” She asked, blushing more.

“You reminded me of my pet cat,” Fiona said,

“Oh.” Caitlyn removed her hands. “Really?”

“Yep, you have the same eyes as her,” Fiona said,

“Really?” Caitlyn asked again.

“She died.”

“What!? I reminded you of your pet!” Caitlyn yelled.


“Humans are bizarre creatures,” Caitlyn said to herself, In disbelief at how bizarre humans are.

“Yep, humans are weird creatures.” Fiona shrugged, with a smile.

Then the tent door opened and Cyrus entered with Sunset and Zecora.

“And here they are,” Cyrus said, letting Sunset and Zecora enter.

“Thanks, Cyrus,” Sunset said, with a smile.

“Indeed, thank you,” Zecora said to Cyrus.

“Any time you two,” Cyrus said with his smile.

“Hey, you're meant to be on patrol!” Fiona yells at Cyrus.

“I was on my way!” Cyrus yelled back, about to leave.

“Hey, can I join you?” Caitlyn asked Cyrus, wanting to get away from Fiona and her dead cat story.

“Sure, it’s nice to have company,” Cyrus said, accepting the cat-girl request.

Caitlyn power walks towards Cyrus. “See ya guys.” She said, leaving with Cyrus on his patrol.

Fiona saw Sunset. “Hey, another human.” She said with a smile. “I’m Fiona.”

Sunset gave a greeting wave. “Sunset.”

“And I am Zecora.” The zebra introduced herself to Fiona.

“Nice to meet you,” Fiona said to Sunset and Zecora.

“Nice to see another human,” Sunset said, with a smile.

“Indeed it is nice seeing more humans,” Zecora said, looking at Fiona.

“See something you like?” Fiona asked.

Zecora stopped looking. “My apologies, I’m still new to humankind.” She explains.

“I’m still getting used to pony kind,” Fiona said, pouring two bowls. “Hungry?”

“Yep!” Sunset said, taking a bowl.

“While yes, I am,” Zecora said, also taking a bowl.

They sat with Scootaloo. “Hey, how’s Isaac?” She asked, worried about Isaac.

“Potion Nova is with him now.” Zecora answered, “Trust me, she’ll heal him.”

“Yeah, don’t worry.” Sunset said, “Zecora knows her, so I have complete faith in her.”

Scootaloo looked at her half-eaten bowl of soup, Sunset took her hand. “He’ll be fine.”

Zecora took her other hand. “You have nothing to fear, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo smiled. “Hopefully she’ll help him.” She smiled at the two women.

“Now let us eat our soups before it goes cold,” Zecora said smiling, the three of them ate their soup.

Within Isaac’s haven-bag Potion Nova was mixing a potion.

“So how bad am I?” Isaac asked.

“Would you prefer the truth or lie?” Potion Nova asked.


“It’s bad,” Potion Nova begins to explain. “Rainbow Dash did some serious damage to your body. I’ll be bold enough to say, it was like she was going to kill you.”

“I see,” Isaac said. “So do you have something that can help?”

“This potion is strong, it will fix you up, but….”


“You’ll be in for a rough night.” Potion Nova said. “Bone regeneration isn’t pleasant.”

Isaac nodded after hearing what Potion Nova told him. “Okay, no pain, no gain, or in this case regain.”

Potion Nova goggles. “True, it’s nice to see another brave face.” She said, finishing the potion. “It’s ready, here.” She gave the potion to Isaac. “I added some sleeping ingredients to this potion, so hopefully you’ll sheep through the regeneration.”

“Thank you, Potion Nova.” Isaac looks at the potion. “Will this help?”

“It will.” Potion Nova replied. “But wait for my return before you drink it.” She said pulling out the ladder. “I’ll be back soon.” Potion Nova climbed out.

Isaac looked at the potion in his hand. “You're going to be a roller coaster.”

Caitlyn was with Cyrus on his patrol, she kept as close as needed.

“So, what do we do on your patrol?” Caitlyn asked.

“Nothing much,” Cyrus said. “First I’ll walk along the wax wall, to check for cracks, then after I’ll check on my golems.”

“Then what?” Caitlyn asked.

“Then if I find any cracks I’ll tell Pedro, and I’ll show him where they are,” Cyrus explains.

“I see, so what’s the plan?” Caitlyn asked again.

“Hmmmm.” Cyrus stops walking. “Plan?”

“For the Snow Pirates,” Caitlyn said, also stopping walking.

“Not sure,” Cyrus replied. “We just never thought of one, but we need to at some point.” He sighed.

“Why haven’t you thought of one yet?” Cait asked.

“Hmmmmm, I don’t know.” Cyrus admitted, “Ever since we got here, we’ve been keeping these ponies safe from the pirates.” He sighed. “But we need to do something about those pirates.”

“Do they have a leader?” Caitlyn asked.

“Guessing so.” Cyrus said, “But we’ve only seen the grunts though.”

“I see, so we need to find the boss, do we know where they camp?” Caitlyn asked.

“Nope, we got no idea where they are.” Cyrus said, “We tried to follow their tracks, but every time they attacked they never left a trail.”

“Really?” Caitlyn was surprised by this. “How is that possible?” She asked.

“Not sure, Fiona thinks there’s a power holder with them,” Cyrus explains.

“Power holder?”

“That’s what we call anyone with a devil fruit power,” Cyrus explains.

“I see, so there might be someone with a devil fruit power?” Caitlyn asked.

“That’s what Fiona thinks, Brook trying to find them now, but odds are he’ll come back empty-handed again,” Cyrus replied, looking up. “There’s one.” He pointed to a crack. “That’s three.” He writes it down. “Come on, we need to finish checking for cracks.” He said resuming his patrol.

“Yeah, we can talk later,” Caitlyn said, following Cyrus. as they walk she saw another crack. “There’s another one there.” She pointed.

“Alright, I’ll add it to the list.” Cyrus wrote it down. “Hey, if you can think of a plan that would be helpful.”

Caitlyn smiled a little, hearing they needed her help. “Sure.”

Sunset and Scootaloo were walking through the camp when they saw Caitlyn with Cyrus.

“Hey!” Sunset called.

“Hey!” Caitlyn called back.

Sunset saw another human with white skin, with medium body, smooth black hair, and dark brown eyes, wearing a green fedora international hat with a yellow stripe wrapped from the base, a little like Isaac’s, wearing sunglasses with an orange frame, and wore a black shirt Short sleeve, with dark blue shorts, and a white stripe on the sides and finally a black slipper with a green stripe. She saw Cyrus talking to him.

Scootaloo jogged ahead. “Hey, how did the patrol go?” She asked,

“Okay, we found some damage to the wall, Cyrus is talking to the wax man to fix it.” Caitlyn looks at Scootaloo and saw Sunset approaching. “Huh?” She noted someone missing. “Where’s Zecora?”

“She’s with Potion Nova and Isaac in the haven-beg,” Sunset answered, causing up with Scootaloo.

“I see.” Caitlyn nods. “So what has Potion Nova said about Isaac?”

Scootaloo looked at the ground still feeling guilty.

Sunset and Caitlyn noticed Scootaloo's expression. “Potion Nova said she made a potion that can help him, she also said he’ll be asleep for a while,” Sunset explains.

“Ahhh, well hopefully he’ll be fine soon.” Caitlyn nodded.

Cyrus walks to Caitlyn with the new human.

“Hey, I just told Pedro about the damage to the wall,” Cyrus said, pointing to the man he was talking to.

“Hi I’m Pedro Calixto, I’m the wax man.” He introduced himself.

“Sunset Shimmer, I’m the flame girl.” Sunset introduced herself.

“Scootaloo, I’m the float pony.” Scootaloo introduced herself.

“Wow, flame and float. I’m impressed.” Pedro said with a smile. “Say what cat fruit did you eat?” He asked Caitlyn. “I never asked.

“None, I’m an actual Cat-girl,” Caitlyn replied, leaning against a wall.

“An actual Cat-girl nice.” Pedro Smiled, again.

“Say you guys are going to fix the Wax wall. can I help you guys?” Sunset asked. “I’m a flame girl.”

“Well, your flame can be helpful for the wax wall,” Pedro said to Sunset. “Sure, the more the merrier.”

“Always love to lend a helping flame,” Sunset said, lighting some flame on her figure tip.

“I’ll tag along if you need me to,” Cyrus said stretching his arms.

“Sure.” Pedro accepts Cyrus’s offer.

“What about us?” Caitlyn asked the group.

“Fiona asked me to get some fruit from the underground tree,” Cyrus said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Could you too, get some for me?” He asked.

“Sure we have nothing else to do.” Caitlyn declared. “Want to join me?” She asked Scootaloo.
Scootaloo didn’t answer. “Hey,” Caitlyn pat notched her elbow.

“Huh?” Scootaloo snapped out of her thoughts. “What?”

“I asked if you would join me,” Caitlyn remembers Scootaloo.

“Oh, Sure. I’ll help.” Scootaloo said, twiddling her thumbs.

“So where’s the tree?” Caitlyn asked.

“Here’s a map.” Cyrus gave Caitlyn a map. “Just follow it and you’ll find it.”

Caitlyn looks at it. “Okay, it’s straightforward.” She put the map away. “Okay, we’ll gather up your fruit.” She turned to Scootaloo. “Ready?”

“Yep.” She quickly replied.

They left for the tree, and Sunset, with the boys, left to help fix the wall.

Caitlyn and Scootaloo made their way towards the underground ground trees.

“We’re almost there,” Caitlyn said, looking at the map. Scootaloo was silent. “Hey.” Caitlyn tapped the tomboy.


“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Caitlyn asked.

“Yeah, I did sorry,” Scootaloo replied quickly.

Caitlyn has seen that face before enough times. “What’s up?”


“I've seen that face before, so what’s going on?” Caitlyn asked again, putting the map away.
Scootaloo was silent. “It’s about that guy Isaac, right?”

“Yeah, it is,” Scootaloo admitted, nodding.

“So what’s going on?” Caitlyn asked, once more.

Scootaloo sighed. “It’s my fault.”


“Rainbow Dash attacked Isaac because of me,” Scootaloo explained.

“Really?” Caitlyn raised an eyebrow, they reached the trees. “Okay, let’s resume this after we get the fruit.”


Scootaloo and Caitlyn gathered the ripe Tangerines from the trees, and after they filled the basket, Caitlyn sat on the ground.

“Sit with me for a second.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “On the ground?”

“Yeah, unless you see any chairs around here,” Caitlyn asked reticle. “Now, sit with me for a moment.”
Scootaloo sat on the ground In front of Caitlyn. “Okay, now let’s talk.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Okay, let’s talk.”

“So how do you blame yourself for Isaac’s condition?”

Scootaloo sighed, “Rainbow Dash attacked Isaac because she was convinced he manipulated me, to eat my devil fruit and join him.” Scootaloo sat into the foetal position. “I told her, I choose to eat my devil fruit, but she didn’t believe me, we fought and I hurt her.” A tear formed. “I hurt her so badly.”

“It’s not just Isaac you're feeling guilty for, it's both him and Rainbow Dash,” Caitlyn said seeing Scootaloo’s true guilt.

“I think you’re right,” Scootaloo said placing her forehead on her knees.

“You're feeling guilty for Isaac getting hurt and for hurting Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, I do,” Scootaloo admitted.

“Okay, start from the beginning,” Caitlyn told Scootaloo.

Scootaloo looked at Caitlyn. “Huh?”

“I need to know everything about you and this Rainbow Dash.”

“You want to know?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, I need a good understanding of the situation,” Caitlyn replied.

“Ohh, but what about the Tangerines?” Scootaloo asked. “We need to get it back.”

Caitlyn stood up. “Then walk and talk.” Caitlyn picked up the basket.

Scootaloo also stood up. “Okay, it’s-” a Tangerine fell and hit Scootaloo’s head. “Ouch.” Scootaloo rubs her head.

“You okay?” Caitlyn asked.

“Yeah I’m okay, it’s more surprised me, then-” another Tangerine and they all fell from the tree.

Scootaloo and Caitlyn stepped away from the tree as the leaves began to die.

“What’s going on?” Caitlyn asked.

“I-I don’t know,” Scootaloo replied.

They watched the tree grow a new fruit, and as the fruit grew the tree was withering away, the fruit took a shape like a lowercase N, and swirling patterns began to cover the fruit.

“Wait,” Scootaloo said, remembering when she found her float fruit.

“Have you seen this before?” Caitlyn asked Scootaloo.

“I found my fruit on a dead tree,” Scootaloo replied.

The fruit finished forming, taking the life force from the tree.

“You found your fruit on a dead tree?” Caitlyn asked, turning a little pale.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo replied, floating to take the fruit from the now-dead tree. “I found mine in the evergreen forest, and I thought it was a new kind of fruit. Isaac told my devil fruits only grow off dead trees.”

“That’s insane,” Caitlyn said in a mix of shock and surprise.

“Let’s take this fruit back to Isaac and the others,” Scootaloo suggested, holding the fruit in her hands.

“Yeah let’s.” Caitlyn agreed, holding out the basket. “Put it in here.”

Scootaloo nodded and placed the fruit inside her basket, she looked at the dead tree. “Still can’t believe what we saw.”

“Yeah, that was quite the show,” Caitlyn said as she swung the basket on her back. “Let's get going.”

“Yeah let’s.”

Scootaloo and Caitlyn made their way back to the mining camp.

Sunset was with Cyrus and Pedro, she watching Pedro repair his wall.


Cyrus looked at the flame girl. “Something up Sunset?” He asked.

Sunset looked at Cyrus. “I’m just thinking.” She replied. “How long has this wall been up?”

“Almost a week,” Pedro answered,

“I see, and how much punishment can it take?” Sunset asked again.

“Quite a bit,” Pedro answered, finishing his repairs. “But I’m not sure about the mine though.”

“Yeah this entrance is huge but the surrounding walls can’t be repaired, unlike Pedro’s wax wall,” Cyrus stated.

“Yeah.” Pedro sighed. “My wax can only do so much to absorb the shockwaves, but the mine is old and the supports, can hold for much longer.”

Sunset looked at the wall and thought. “May-” There was a knock on the wall, and Sunset ignited her arm.

“Hold on,” Cyrus said, holding out his hand. He looks at Pedro and nods.

Pedro nodded back and opened a small opening, and looked outside. “It’s Brook.” He identified who it was knocking on. Pedro made the hold into a door and a skeleton stepped in.

“Yohohohohoho. It’s cold outside, so cold it chills you to the bone! Yohohohohohohoho!”

An extremely tall skeleton dressed in formal attire complete with a top hat and cane. Standing at 266 cm (8'8½") in height, he is the second tallest member of the Straw Hat crew, having been edged out by Jinbe. Despite having no skin, he still has an afro which he says is because his hair has very strong roots. His style was that of a gentleman consisting of a coat, top hat, trousers and afro, which were black, while the inner linings of his coat were yellow-orange. The cravat that was tied in between his coat and around his neck was blue. The outer covering of He had a cane which he carries was purple. Also, due to his many years of seclusion, his clothes were somewhat tattered.

Sunset couldn’t believe her eyes, the Musician of the Strawhats pirates was standing in front of her.

“Oh?” Brook tidied himself up. “Hello, young miss, I am Brook.” Introducing himself by lifting his hat like a gentleman.

“Nice to meet you, I'm Sunset.” Sunset introduced herself to the skeleton.


“Here it comes,” Cyrus mumbled.

“Would you mind showing me your panties?” Brook asked, wanting to see Sunset’s underwear.

Sunset gave Brook a high kick. “NO WAY CREEP!”

“A simple no would have serviced!” Brook cried hitting as a swell grew where Sunset kicked him.

Pedro walked to Brook. “You never learn Brook.” He said, offering his hand to help the skeleton up.

Brook takes the helping hand. "Thank you." Pedro helped Brook off the ground.

"How did it go, this time?" Cyrus asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.

Brook looks at Cyrus. "Unfortunately I haven't found them." He answered with a sigh. "This is quite troublesome, I can't understand how they're staying hidden so well."

Pedro and Cyrus sighed.

"Could it be the Clear-Clear fruit?" Sunset said to herself.

Brook looks at Sunset with a confused look. "The Clear-Clear fruit?"

“It’s a fruit that makes you and everything around you invisible,” Sunset explains to Brook.

“Ohhhhh.” Brook placed his hand on his chin. “Perhaps that’s the reason I can’t find them.”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.” Cyrus declared.

“Yeah,” Pedro agreed. “But if that is the case there could be a lot of Pirates out there.” He stated.

Cyrus smiled, “Sounds like a good time to me.” He said, clicking his knuckles. “I can have my golems take care of them.”

“Even so, we should tell Fiona about Sunset’s thoughts about the clear fruit,” Pedro suggested, to the group.

“I agree.” Brook nodded, “Also I can see what panties she’s wearing-”

Sunset kicks Brook again in his head. “KNOCK IT OFF, PERVERT!”

“Soooooooo mean!” Brook cried hitting the wall and then sliding it to the ground.

“Nice kick,” Cyrus said, clapping at Sunset’s kick.

“Thanks,” Sunset replied, straightening herself up. “To be honest I might be overreacting a little. I mean I know how much Brook likes panties.”

Pedro used his Wax to pick Brook off the ground. “Okay, before Brook says anything else about women's underwear, let's head back to camp." He suggested,

"Yeah," Cyrus agreed. "Fiona is probably wondering what's taking us so long."

Sunset nods, “Yeah, let’s go guys.” She followed Cyrus and Pedro back to camp.

Fiona was in her tent sitting on a chair, relaxing from soup making. She was rubbing her shoulder “Man, who knew working a soup kitchen would be this demanding.” The tent door opened, Fiona looked and saw Scootaloo and Caitlyn. “Hey girls, how did the heaviest go?”

"It was interesting, to say the least," Scootaloo answered first, by putting down her basket.

“Yeah, you won’t believe what we witnessed,” Caitlyn added, putting her basket down.

Fiona was curious and stood from her chair. “What happened?” She asked.

Scootaloo showed the new devil fruit. “We saw a tree bearing this fruit.” She replied.

Fiona was both shocked and surprised. “You saw this fruit come off a tree?” She asked again.

“Yeah,” Caitlyn answered. “It was like the fruit was sucking the life from the tree.”

“So it’s true,” Fiona mumbled to herself.

Caitlyn heard Fiona. “What's true?” She asked, looking at Fiona.

“When a devil fruit is born, there are two methods.” Fiona replied, “The first is the power goes to the nearest same fruit after the power holder dies.”

Caitlyn and Scootaloo already have an idea of what the second method is.

“We have already seen the second method,” Caitlyn said, looking at the fruit.

“You have,” Fiona stated. “But to be honest the second method was mostly a rumor.” Fiona pulled out her little booklet. “Let's find out which one this fruit is.”

Before Fiona could get started to look up the fruit. Cyrus returns with Sunset, and Brook, who was being carried by Pedro.

“Hey, Fiona! We’re back!” Cyrus announced.

“I can see that,” Fiona said, putting her booklet. “And Brook’s back, why is Pedro carrying him?”

Sunset blushed and rub’s the back of her head. “I kicked him twice.” She admitted, smiling.

“I can guess why.” Fiona laughed, Scootaloo and Caitlyn just looked at each other, with raised eyebrows. “Alright put him down.”

Pedro puts down Brook. “Thank you, Pedro”

Caitlyn and Scootaloo stepped towards Brook.

“Wow, never seen a moving skeleton before,” Caitlyn said, looking closely at Brook.

Scootaloo looks at Brook. “This is kinda creepy, seeing what’s under human skin.”

“Oh my.” Brook straightened himself up. “Would you two ladies show me your panties?”

Scootaloo and Caitlyn just stared at the skeleton. “NO WAY CREEP!” They yelled high kicking Brook's head on both sides making his skull pop open.

“Both sides…..” Brook fell to his knees. “Talk about cracking my skull.” He fell flat on his face, and a shell rolled out.

Everyone saw the shell and everyone who saw One Piece already knows what that shell is.

Brook grabs the shell. “Better put you back where you belong.” He placed the shell back in his open skull and closed it. “There we go.”

Caitlyn's eyes widened. “Wait, where's your brain?”

Brook stood from the ground. “It’s gone, like the rest of my organs.” He answered.

“So what was that shell?” Scootaloo asked.

Brook sat down. “Just an old treasure of mine.” He replied.

“Treasure? How can a shell be considered a Treasure?” Caitlyn asked.

Sunset placed her hand on Caitlyn's shoulder. “Anything can be Treasure, from Shells to books to anything else, it’s in the eye of the beholder.” She explains to the cat-girl.

“If you say so.” Caitlyn shrugged.

“Okay, let’s get to business,” Fiona said to the group. “Brook, How did the search go?”

“Same as always I’m afraid,” Brook replied,

“Hmm, this is getting tiresome now,” Fiona said, rubbing her forehead.

“Sunset believes someone is using the clear-clear fruit,” Pedro adds.

Fiona looks at Pedro. “The clear fruit?” She asked,

“Yep,” Cyrus nodded.

“What’s the clear fruit?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s a fruit that grants invisibility,” Sunset answered.

“Ohhhh.” Caitlyn’s eyes sparkled, she liked the idea of turning invisible. “There’s a fruit that can do that?” She asked.

“There is,” Sunset replied, with a smile.

“So someone is using this fruit to keep the pirates invisible?” Scootaloo asked.

“It seems so.” Brook replied, “It's the only reason why I can’t find them.”

“So what now?” Fiona asked.

There was silence for a moment, “I have an idea.” Sunset broke the silence.
All eyes were on her. “I and Isaac have heat powers, my flame, his Cinder’s. We can melt the snow and find where they are hiding.” She explains to the group.

“So you and Isaac will melt the snow?” Fiona asked.

“Not a bad idea.” Brook hummed.

“I’m for it.” Cyrus smiled, clicking his knocks. “I’m itching to fight those pirates.”

“I agree with this plan.” Pedro nods. “Plus, I want to leave this mine.”

Fiona nodded. “I feel the same way.” She said she looks at Sunset. “Talk to your friend about your plan.”

“I will.” Sunset nodded.

Fiona looks at the clock. “Okay, it’s late.” She said to the group. “Let's call it a night.”

“I make some golems to petrol the town,” Cyrus said, before leaving.

“We better head back to our heaven bags,” Sunset said, rubbing her eyes.

Scootaloo felt stiff. “Yeah, I’m ready to call it a day.”

Fiona looks at the new devil fruit. “Here Caitlyn, take this for safekeeping.” She gave the cat-girl the U-shape fruit. “You two found it after all.”

Caitlyn took the fruit from Fiona. “Thanks, Fiona.”

Scootaloo opened her haven bag. “You guys can go in first.” She told her friends. “I’ll look for a place to put this bag.”

“You can leave your bag in my tent.” Fiona offered.

“Really?” Scootaloo asked.

“You don’t mind?” Sunset asked.

“Nah, I don’t mind,” Fiona said, taking the haven bag from Scootaloo. “You guys get some rest and I’ll look for a place put to this.” Fiona opens the bag and Sunset, Scootaloo and Caitlyn jump inside, and Fiona takes the haven bag back to her tent.

Sunset and the others land inside Zecora’s bag.

“I’m going to talk to Isaac about my plan,” Sunset said, grabbing Isaac's bag, and entering it.

Caitlyn looked at the devil fruit she and Scootaloo found. “I’m going to put this with my fruit.” She said, entering Isaac’s bag.

“Hey, I’m coming too,” Scootaloo said, also entering Isaac’s bag.

Inside Isaac’s bag Zecora and Potion Nova, we’re having a conversation, while Isaac sleeps. They Sunset and the others land.

“Looks like we have company.” Potion Nova declared.

“I shall boil the pot,” Zecora said, getting off her chair, and walking to the stove.

“Is everyone ok?” Potion Nova asked.

“Yep, everyone’s fine,” Sunset replied.

“How’s Isaac?” Scootaloo asked.

“He's fine, just sleeping.” Potion Nova replied, Scootaloo sighed in relief. “Well, I better get back to my patience.” Potion Nova said getting off her chair. “Zecora, remember what I told you about Isaac’s care.”

“I will Potion Nova,” Zecora replied, starting to make some tea.

Potion Nova expected the ladder and left the haven bag. “I’ll check on Isaac tomorrow.” She said, before leaving.

“See ya Potion Nova!” Sunset called.

“Thanks for everything!” Scootaloo called.

“Take care!” Caitlyn called. She takes the new devil fruit and puts it with hers. “I’ll find out which one you are later.”

“So tell me, what happened?” Zecora asked.

Scootaloo told Zecora about the new devil fruit that she and Caitlyn found, and Sunset told her about the repairs, Brook, and her plan to find and fight the snow pirates.

"I see," Zecora poured the tea into the cups. "We have a new devil fruit, we have pirates to fight?" She asked, giving the cups to her friends.

“So what do you think of my plan Zecora?” Sunset asked.

“Hmmm,” Zecora takes a sip of her tea. “I don’t believe we should rush Isaac back into combat, not that soon at least.”

Sunset nodded. “You have a point Zecora,” Sunset admitted not fully thinking about Isaac’s condition.

Zecora saw the time. “Oh my, is it that late?” She said, surprised by the time. “After our tea, we all should call a night and get some rest.” She suggested to the girls.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Caitlyn said with a yawn.

“Yeah, I’m tired myself.” Scootaloo agreed, also yawning.

“Oh no,” Sunset said, yawning. “Caitlyn started a yawning chain.” She yawned again.

Zecora raised an eyebrow. “A chain-” she yawns as well. “I understand what you mean.”

“Okay, I’m heading to bed.” Caitlyn declared before yawning again.

“I’m off too,” Sunset said, yawning again, making her sleepy.

“I better get going myself,” Scootaloo said, heading to bed.

Zecora grabs the cups and places them into the sink, she went to Isaac’s room to check on him. “Hopefully you will recover by morning.” She whispered before heading to bed, Everyone slept until the next day.

To be continued….