• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 3,694 Views, 177 Comments

Dawn of a New Age - GTthe4th

Spyro’s world wasn’t fixed after he and Cynder defeated Malefor; instead, it collided with another. Destinies are now forever intertwined, and the Spiral of Fate spins ever downward… (Spiral of Fate Book 3)

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Chapter 1: There Goes the Neighborhood

(Whitetail Woods)

Violet eyes opened to a sight of trees as far as they could see. Tall trees, short trees, green trees, white trees, all vibrant and luscious in both color and density. Leaves fluttered past his snout, and the air smelled of fresh rain and pine. His eyes wandered some more, looking up into the gentle, blue sky above. Large, puffy clouds floated by in a lazy, serene manner, almost blocking out the morning rays of the sun.

Something wasn’t right. Where was the fire? The stone? The lava, the heat, the burning skies, the...the...

Where was Cynder?

Urgency filled Spyro’s mind as he gingerly lifted his head up, feeling mild pain shoot up his neck and spine. He wasn’t wounded, at least not mortally, but lying in this position for a while must’ve made his body sore. Blinking and squinting against the intense light that almost blinded him, he gazed once more at his surroundings. He was on a path of some sort in a forest that shouldn’t be standing, and he was alone.

“Cynder?” he said aloud, planting his claws on the ground and forcing himself up. He wobbled slightly but righted himself with his wings and tail, regaining his balance without falling. “Cynder!” he called again, this time craning his neck from side-to-side. “Where are you?”

“Spy...ro...?” came Cynder’s groggy voice from somewhere.

Relieved, Spyro took a few steps forward and started looking for her, eventually finding her behind a fallen mossy log that had been blocking his view. To say that she stood out from her surroundings was an understatement --- her black scales and magenta underbelly and wings made it impossible for her to camouflage almost anywhere. She lay there on her back, legs and wings splayed out to either side of her, looking confused up at the sky.

“Spyro...” she murmured, blinking. “Why is the sky blue?”

Spyro laughed and nudged her shoulder with his snout. “Do you want the short version or the scientific one?”

“The short version, my head is killing me...”

“I think...I think we did it, Cynder. We beat him. We saved the world!”

Cynder’s eyes widened and she turned to face him. “...We did it?”

He nodded vigorously, smiling at her.

There was a moment of silence as this revelation passed in Cynder’s mind, and then, without warning, she let out a cry of joy, jumped up from the ground, and tackled the poor drake in her arms and wings, embracing him with all her might. “We did it, we did it, Spyro! It’s finally over!”

Spyro couldn’t help but laugh and hug her back. “I know, isn’t it great?”

“Great? Great?! Spyro, do you know what this means? This means we’re going to live! All of Warfang’s going to live! The world--!”

“Is going to live, I know,” Spyro finished, grinning.

She gave him a light punch in the shoulder. “Looks like Sparx has rubbed off on you a bit too much.”

“Yeah, he...has...” Spyro said before his voice trailed off. “Cynder, we need to find Warfang. They’re probably worried sick about us.”

Cynder gave him a deflated look. “Spyro, we just saved the entire world. Look around us! The forests are back, and the skies are blue again. For once in our life we’re not fighting for our lives. We can finally just...look around. Relax. Can’t Warfang wait a little longer? We’ve never seen the world for what it truly is.”

“But I was born in--” Spyro began to argue only to stop himself upon seeing her pleading gaze. For a moment he regretted trying to argue with her. Of course, the “we” wasn’t really referring to both of them. Spyro had seen much more of the world than her, while she had been stolen as an egg and forced into service of Malefor. She had never once truly seen the forests for the trees, or flown simply for the sake of flying. She had never even once sat upon a hill and let the wind rush past her in calm serenity. Oh sure, she knew her way around, and she knew what everything was, but she had never appreciated its beauty.

And now, with Malefor finally gone, with her finally free, this was her chance to see all that she missed.

“You know Cynder, I think we’re lost. I think we need a few days to get our bearings before we go back to Warfang. A simplistic directional miscalculation, as Volteer would say. I’m sure they’ll understand the delay once we tell them.”

The look of utter joy, relief, and gratitude that flooded into Cynder’s eyes was magical, and Spyro was happy.

(Halflinger Grove, Warfang)

Sparx was not having a good day.

In fact, it could even be argued quite well by the prosecution to the Court of the Universe’s Divine Karma Gods that he had been having a very bad week in general. First, he, Spyro, and the she-witch had gotten a rude wake-up call from their crystal prison down in the old Avalar catacombs by Grublins and Trolls, and had promptly been attacked and nearly killed.

Then, they met a Cheetah named Hunter, who saved them, and he was okay in Sparx’s books, he supposed. Then they got told that they had actually been trapped in that crystal for three years, which...sucked. Then a giant golem attacked them, and they nearly died again. They kicked butt and ditched the place, only to be captured by the other Cheetahs from Hunter’s village. The Cheetah chief, Prowlus, was a jerk. Then more Grublins attacked, and they nearly died. Again.

Then they fled to Warfang, only to find it under siege by a whole freaking ARMY of Grublins, Orcs, Trolls, and a whole hodge-podge of other freaks and weirdos Sparx couldn’t even pronounce the names of. Oh, and there was another golem, and they nearly died again. Several times, in fact. Sparx was getting quite tired of it.

And then Malefor showed his ugly mug, and ruined Sparx’s day even further by unleashing the Destroyer, the mother of all golems that burned whatever it touched. Spyro and Cynder stopped it, but they nearly died. Then Ignitus, the old bugger, decided it was time to take the fight to the top cheese of evil himself, but they had to leave him behind in the city.

And so it was that Sparx found himself hiding under the biggest bed in the closest intact building he could find, which just so happened to be a guardhouse. He had been huddled under there for ages and refused to come out. Every time he showed his face more danger always stared back, and he was getting tired of it. He just wanted all the danger to stop, the rumblings to stop, the world to live, and his brother to come back.

And Cynder too, he supposed. Who else was he going to torment for years to come if not her? Besides, she promised she would look after Spyro. She wouldn’t break that promise.

And then there was silence. Pure, blissful, actual silence. The earthquakes stopped. He no longer smelled any fire. The sounds of weeping and wailing in the streets of Warfang had all stopped.

He gingerly poked his tiny golden head out from underneath the bed and looked around. Nothing jumped out at him to kill him, so that was good. The place was no longer shaking, and that was better. Then he looked up at the window and saw a blue sky.

That was suspicious.

“Welp, either I’m dead and this is one messed up version of the afterlife that I dreamed up, or I am, in fact, the last surviving intelligent being on the planet, in which case it’s now up to me to form a resistance movement against Malefor made up of grasshoppers and butterflies. Allllllrighty then.”

He was about to duck back under the bed when he paused and looked back up at the window, humming to himself. Dream or not, taking a closer look outside might be prudent for his own sanity, as well as curiosity. Besides, a little sun never hurt anyone.

So, buzzing his wings, the little Dragonfly fluttered up to the windowsill and peeked out, shading his eyes with a hand as the sun’s rays beamed down upon him. It was quite a sight, actually. The city itself was largely intact, and some of the houses seemed to be a little less damaged than they were before. There were no flames, all the bodies seemed to be gone (although, to his disgust, some of the blood remained), and there were Moles, Cheetahs, and Dragons standing starstruck in the streets. All good signs.

And then he saw the forest.

Trees, as far as the eye could see. It surrounded them on all sides, which wasn’t possible, because when he, Spyro, and Cynder had come to Warfang he was certain that there weren’t many trees around, if any. The landscape around the city was also vastly different compared to what it used to be. Rivers that used to be there were now gone, replaced by two lakes. The Avalar Valley was missing, as was the ocean. A mountain range had also appeared to the north.

Nobody in the streets said a word, and neither did Sparx. The neighborhood had changed drastically, but the city remained. Then, at last, reality dawned on everyone’s minds. They were safe, alive, and well. The world had been saved!

The city cheered, and Sparx let himself believe just enough to join them.

Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all.

(Castle of Friendship, Ponyville)

Twilight sipped at her coffee as she sat on her throne in the Cutie Map room in her castle, studying the Map’s contents. Multiple Dusk Watch emblems could be seen moving about in various locations throughout Equestria, all on some sort of mission or another. She was especially interested in one emblem, which was hovering over the Zebra nation of Farasi. “So, how are the new recruits doing?”

Silver sat on Fluttershy’s throne and took a sip from his own mug, smiling at the taste. The fact that Spike could make such a delectable nectar fit for a king or queen was still an amazement to the captain of the Dusk Watch. “They are...managing. Barely, but managing.”

Twilight nodded. “I heard about their first few days. I knew it was going to be tough for them, trying to fit in, but I didn’t think it would be that bad.”

“Oh, they’re fitting in fine, the other guards like them well enough after they got used to them being around, it’s just that...” He hesitated, trying to find the words. “Why did you choose them, anyway? Out of all the guards Celestia was offering you to choose for the next batch of recruits, why them?”

Twilight shrugged and giggled. “What can I say, I liked them. They had a sense of friendship that I liked, and as Princess of Friendship, how could I just ignore it? They were the right choice, Silver, trust me.”

Silver nodded and took another sip. “I do trust you, Twilight, I just wish I could see in them what you see.”

She tipped her head to him. “Someday you will.”

“Yeah, someday...”

“Cookies, anypony?” Starlight asked as she walked in, carrying a tray of treats in her magic. “Spike just finished baking them. He’ll be around in a second, he’s just cleaning up.”

“Thank you, Starlight!” Twilight chirped happily, cutting off the Map’s supply of magic with a flicker of her horn to allow Starlight to place down the tray.

Starlight settled herself down in Rainbow Dash’s throne and gave her mentor a smile in return. “Always happy to help.”

Twilight grasped a cookie in her magic and pulled it towards her. “You know, I never properly thanked you for saving all of us from the Changelings. You not only saved all of us, you also saved a lot of lives, and not just in Equestria. I always knew you had it in you!”

Starlight blushed slightly at the praise and grabbed a cookie of her own. “Um, thank you, Twilight. It was a team effort. Had it not been for Thorax, Trixie, or Discord, I wouldn’t have made it. Speaking of which, Trixie’s still in town for today, you should thank her as well.”

Twilight’s smile fell just slightly, but not enough to be noticed by either Pony opposite of her at the table. “Y-yes, of course.”

Starlight had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Seriously Twilight, I’ve been friends with Trixie for almost a year now. She’s not as bad as you think she is.”

Twilight sighed and gave a reluctant nod in agreement. “I know, and I really do appreciate her aid in our rescue. I’ll thank her later on today. I even heard that Celestia plans on giving you all medals, the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage, I think.”

Silver promptly performed a miniature spit-take within his own coffee mug. Coughing politely, he looked back up at the Princess. “The Pink Heart of Courage? That’s incredible. I’ve only ever seen those given out once in my lifetime, and that was when I was very young. We live in strange times, indeed.”

“Eh, ‘strange’ is just Ponyville on a Tuesday,” Starlight remarked with a shrug, taking a bite of her cookie and swallowing. “Took a while, but I got used to it.”

Silver chuckled and raised his mug. “I’ll drink to that.”

A loud belch echoed throughout the castle and shook the Map room, causing Twilight to giggle. “Speaking of strange, I think it actually is Tuesday, and that’s probably Princess Celestia’s weekly message. There’s usually some sort of urgent problem or another in there. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve a wayward drake to find; hopefully he didn’t torch the fridge again.”

As Twilight left, Silver’s face grew more serious and he turned to face Starlight. “I have a question, miss.”

“Starlight, please,” Starlight implored, motioning to him with a hoof. “We’re all friends here.”

Silver hummed and set his mug down. “I want your honest opinion, Starlight. What do you think of this...Thorax?”

Starlight tilted her head slightly. “Thorax? He’s very nice, I’d say. Almost too nice, but in a good way. He’s eager to please--”

“I didn’t ask to know about his social qualities, I’m asking for your opinion on him as a person.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “What brought this on?”

“I just want to know who we’re going to be dealing with here,” Silver sighed. “Queen Chrysalis was a monster, but she was predictable on a good day. But this new king, Thorax...I’m not sure about him. Can he be trusted?”

Starlight narrowed her gaze at him. “Yes. I can’t say many things with the utmost confidence, Silver, but this is one of the ones that I can. Thorax isn’t just a friend, he’s a hero. He risked everything to help us, risked everything for Twilight and her friends, and did it all without asking for anything in return and without complaint. If his worthiness as an ally and friend is under question, than by that logic, so is mine.”

Silver sighed again. “I didn’t mean any offense, Starlight. I’m very grateful for you, Thorax, and the others for saving Twilight. I’m not questioning his loyalty or yours, I just want to do my job the best I can, and to do that, I need information.”

Starlight nodded. “I understand, and I’m sorry for snapping.”

“Oh please, I’ve heard much worse from my own troops,” Silver chuckled, waving a hoof. “You’re nothing but a little gust in the air.”

Starlight smiled and opened her mouth to retort, only for Twilight to trot into the room with a scroll hovering next to her. Spike waddled in after her, already writing down a reply. “Starlight, get the girls again, we’re off to Canterlot,” she announced as she stopped in front of the Map.

“What’s up?” Starlight asked, hopping off her seat.

“Apparently some of the nobles are throwing a fit over the fact that all the Equestrian Princesses and Element Bearers were captured by Changelings in a single night. They need reassurance that we aren’t, in fact, spies, and that Chrysalis is indeed removed from power. The Yak, Saddle Arabian, Zebra, and Griffon ambassadors also want to be made aware of the Changelings’ new situation, and they want all of us present for it,” Twilight answered, turning to face Spike. “Spike, did you send off my response yet?”

“’...and we’ll be there faster than Rainbow Dash can clear the Ponyville sky. With love, Twilight Sparkle,’” Spike murmured, finishing his writing and rolling up the scroll. “Done!” He sucked in a breath and blew a gentle stream of green fire over the scroll, turning it to ash. The ash then flew over everypony’s heads and flew out the window towards Canterlot.

“Thank you!”

Starlight made a face. “Of course...politics.”

“Considering what you’ve just been through, it’s perfectly understandable for once,” Silver said, getting off of Fluttershy’s throne. “Will you need an escort, Twilight?”

Twilight shook her head. “We should be fine. We’re just taking the train to Canterlot, and now that the Changeling threat is over, our list of potential threats is low.”

“At least you didn’t say the cursed phrase...” Spike muttered off to the side as he opened a closet and pulled out Twilight’s saddlebags.

Silver nodded. “Understood. The Dusk Watch will hold down the fort here until you return.”

“Thank you, Silver. Go let the others know, we’ll be leaving soon,” Twilight said.

The Dusk Watch captain saluted and left the room, leaving Twilight, Starlight, and Spike to prepare for their trip.

“Uuuuuuugghhhhhh...why do we need to do this?”

“An’ there it is,” Applejack snickered, tipping her hat in Rainbow’s direction from her seat on the train. “Surprised it took this long, though. Ah’m impressed.”

Rarity handed her five bits, rolling her eyes at Rainbow’s reaction to their situation. “Honestly darling, a trip to Canterlot is just what we need right now. Yes, I know we have to appease the nobility, but it would do us all a world of good to get out of Ponyville for once and relax.”

Fluttershy nodded with a demure smile. “I want to try to visit the castle gardens again. Maybe this time all the little critters won’t be afraid of me.”

“But I’ve got a Wonderbolt show in a week!” Rainbow protested, flapping up into the air and pulling at her eyelids. “I need to rest, and I need to practice, and I still have my weather management duties. I don’t have time for this!”

Twilight sighed and looked up at her. “Sorry Rainbow, but you’ll have to make the time. Until the political ramifications of this whole Changeling thing blow over, we’ll have to put a lot of our plans on hold,” she said, drooping her ears. “I was hoping to take a couple weeks’ vacation, myself.”

“And I had to have several prestigious orders from my upcoming winter lineup put on hold for the week,” Rarity added. “Sapphire Shores and Songbird Serenade were crushed, but they understood.”

THE Songbird Serenade?! You’re doing an order for her?!” Pinkie cried, jumping from her seat and pressing her face against Rarity’s, causing the Unicorn mare to shrink back slightly in surprise. “I’ve been trying to get her to come to Ponyville for months for her tour, but her manager says she’s always too busy! What are your connections to her? How did you get them? When did you get them? YOU MUST TELL ME!

Rarity grabbed Pinkie by the tail with her magic and lightly pulled the party Pony away from her face. “I’ll introduce the two of you whenever the chance arises, darling. For now, let’s focus on the task at hoof, shall we?”

Pinkie sat back in her chair with a sharp nod, still elated.

“So, what will we be doing, Twilight?” Starlight asked, walking over from her seat and squeezing in beside them.

Spike pulled out a scroll from his backpack and handed it to Twilight, who opened it with her magic. “Princess Celestia sent me an itinerary for our visit. Today we’ll just be getting settled in, so we’ll have a little time to rest and prepare for tomorrow, when the real work begins. We’ll be first getting a debrief from Captain Shield Wall of the Solar Guard, and then we’ll be meeting with Baron Jet Set, Count Fancy Pants, and...” She paused, looked up at Rarity, coughed, and then continued, “...the Duke of Canterlot, Prince Blueblood.”

Rarity’s gaze hardened. “That ghastly brute? Why do we have to meet with him of all Ponies?”

“Why do we have to meet with any of these bozos?” Rainbow added irritably.

“Hey, Fancy Pants wasn’t too bad,” Applejack reminded her. “At least he had some manners, an’ was pretty friendly.”

“The reason being is that those three are the highest-ranking nobles within the various levels of nobility in Canterlot,” Twilight replied with a raised hoof, launching into her lecture mode. “Jet Set represents the baronies surrounding Canterlot as well as the merchants; Fancy Pants represents the inner circle of counts, countesses, earls, and the wizards; and Prince Blueblood is the spokestallion of the nobility as a whole. Their ‘leader’, in a way.”

“What comes next?” Fluttershy asked with a tilt of her head.

“Well, after we’ve satisfied the nobility’s interest, we’ll be meeting with the ambassadors for Farasi, Yakyakistan, Saddle Arabia, and the Griffon Empire. All four of them are very interested in our explanation for what happened with the Changelings,” Twilight answered.

“Joy, even more politics...” Rainbow muttered.

“Awww, don’t worry, Dashie!” Pinkie said, hugging the rainbow-maned Pegasus from behind, who let out a surprised snort. “I’m sure there’ll be lots of fun stuff to do in Canterlot too!”

“Quite right, Pinkie,” Rairty agreed, raising her chin up. “I, for one, will be taking this opportunity to visit some colleagues and friends of mine, as well as hopefully visiting the Canterlot Museum of Music and the Arts. I hear they’re opening a few new exhibits there and I’ve been just dying to get a chance to see them!”

“Eh, sure, why not? I’ll join you,” Starlight said with a shrug. “Always wanted to see the Mare Lisa anyway.”

“I’ll bring the snacks!” Pinkie offered, bouncing in her seat.

Rarity clapped her hooves with a cheer. “Splendid!”

Twilight chuckled and set the scroll aside. “Just be sure to get some rest too, girls. I know Canterlot’s fun, but we’re gonna need all the prep time we can get for tomorrow.”

The train whistled twice, and the seven mares and Dragon looked out the window to see Canterlot fast approaching. One of the conductors poked his head into their cabin and called out, “To all disembarking passengers, we’ll be arriving shortly at Canterlot. Make sure all your bags are accounted for.”

“That’s us,” Applejack said, hopping off her seat and standing up on her forelegs to reach the overhead baggage compartment. She let out a whistle when she opened it. “Darn it Rares, did ya pack the whole dang boutique again?”

Rarity huffed and crossed her hooves. “Five suitcases and three carry-on bags are nowhere near the entire boutique, Applejack. It is my utmost essentials for what I have planned over the next few days. Spike, would you be a dear and help me with them?”

Spike sighed, looking up at the baggage compartment. “Bulk Bicep’s gonna owe me a deep tissue massage in a few days, I know it...” he muttered under his breath before nodding and joining Applejack.

Once the baggage was all secured, the train pulled to a stop at the Canterlot station with a disapproving screech from the aging brakes, and the group disembarked from the train to see a rather uncommon sight. The station wasn’t deserted, but it was clear that the other passengers were being led away from them. A line of Solar Guards were keeping watch on the station, their golden armor gleaming bright in the sun and their faces stern.

Three more heavily-armored guards stood out from the rest, however. All three were armored head-to-hoof in gold and steel plate, two being Unicorns with their helmet visors down while the third, a Pegasus, held his helm under one of his wings. The armor covering their flanks had their Cutie Mark designs emblazoned on them, with the Pegasus’s being a Pony silhouette rearing on their hind legs and holding a shield in front of them.

These three weren’t mere Solar Guards. These were the cream of the crop, the best-trained and strongest soldiers in the land of Equestria --- the Paladins, Celestia’s personal guard. Only one, their captain, was allowed to show his face.

Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane and shrunk back slightly at the sight, and Applejack and Rainbow narrowed their eyes. Pinkie seemed to be happy to see so many new faces, while Rarity and Spike looked at each other in concern. Twilight, meanwhile, simply raised an eyebrow.

“Really, Shield Wall?” she asked at length, once the train was empty.

“We’ve got to be sure, Princess,” the burly Pegasus without a helm replied, a frown adorning his youthful, light blue face. His snow white mane was neatly combed to the side, so that one of his violet eyes was covered. “Stand still please, and do not resist the scans.” With his unoccupied wing he motioned for the two Unicorns next to him to advance.

The Paladins nodded and stepped forward, their horns glowing. Each mare felt a slight tingling at the base of their hooves before rising up their bodies. For Pinkie, her mane spiked up wildly once it reached her head, and she seemed to enjoy the sensation, while Twilight, Starlight, and Rarity winced slightly as the scan reached their horns. After a few seconds, the two Unicorns nodded to each other, cut off their magic, and stepped back with a respectful and apologetic bow to the mares.

Shield Wall nodded and visibly relaxed, his frown turning into a small smile. “Sorry about that, m’ladies, but Prince Blueblood ordered the scan when he learned what happened to all of you. Even Princesses Celestia and Luna had to undergo the same procedure. It’s annoying, I know, but it’s a surefire way to catch a Changeling.”

“The Changelings are good now, though,” Starlight protested.

Shield Wall shrugged. “Sorry, but the world doesn’t work that way. Until we get confirmation, we’re under orders to scan all Ponies going to and from Canterlot for any infiltrators. Nothing personal.”

Starlight rolled her eyes but she had to admit he had a point. She and the others knew that the Changelings had rebelled against Chrysalis and turned towards Harmony and friendship, but the rest of the world would be more skeptical. Friendship was nice, but the fact that the Changelings were able to capture all the most powerful Ponies in the world proved that some changes needed to be made regarding security policies.

Shield Wall coughed and motioned with a hoof for the mares to follow him. “Please, this way. We’ve been ordered to escort you to the castle, post-haste.”

The line of Solar Guards broke apart and then reformed into two squads on either side of the Element Bearers, with the two Unicorn Paladins taking point. Shield Wall placed his helmet upon his head and lowered the visor, which sealed itself shut with an enchantment. He then silently motioned forward with a hoof, and the procession of Ponies began making their way from the station to Canterlot Castle high above them on the mountain, its pristine battlements of white and gold shining out over all of Equestria.

(Crystal Empire, Palace)

The Palace was quiet today, and for once Shining was happy that it was. For one thing, it meant Sunburst was taking good care of Flurry Heart, and for another thing, it meant that Shining could have a chat with his wife without interruption. He’d have to thank Flash later for keeping the place running during his absence, and for ensuring that the two of them wouldn’t be disturbed.

Shining entered the royal suite with barely any sound, closing the door behind him in one slow motion. The room was dark, with the only light being let in from the window. The curtains rustled lightly in the wind, and the air around them was chilly but not uncomfortable. They both liked it this way, and even Flurry was growing used to it.

Cadance was sitting at the edge of the bed, her head hung low as she faced the window. Her mane was a mess, and her wings looked like they needed some serious preening. Even as he watched her, she shivered where she sat. It wasn’t from the air, but from something else, although he didn’t know what. As he sat down next to her, he wrapped a hoof around her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek, whispering, “Whatever it is, please don’t hide it from me.”

Cadance turned to face him and pressed her forehead against his, their horns crossing. Neither of them made a sound for a moment as she gathered her thoughts and prepared herself to speak. Shining was patient, knowing immediately that whatever was troubling her was affecting her more than he had first realized.

Finally, she spoke: “Shining, do you remember what happened the other night? When the Crystal Heart began to fail?”

Recent, harsh memories flooded into Shining’s mind. Dark crystals, his troops being infected, him being captured and replaced by Changelings, and the Voice.

He steeled his gaze and nodded. “Vividly.”

“That night...that night was the worst of my entire life,” she confessed looking down.

“The Changelings won’t harm us anymore, Cadance,” Shining said, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. “My sister and her friends made sure of that.”

“I’m not talking about the Changelings.”

Shining raised an eyebrow. “Then what is it?”

Cadance sighed and looked back up at him. “Something happened that night, Shining. I don’t know if it was a simple nightmare, or if it was a vision, but I...I saw something. Something horrible.”

She stood up from the bed and began to pace in front of him. “It started off normal, like almost any dream does, but then devolved into pain and suffering. I...” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I...I can’t. It’s too much...”

Shining stood up and embraced her. “Tell me, please. Don’t bottle this up.”

She sniffed and nodded. “...I saw the future, Shining. It was a future that was never meant to be. Monsters, death, and an ending of all things. I saw the world die that night, Shining. I saw the world shattered to millions of pieces like glass. I saw our family’s graves, and our final defeat. But despite all of that...the strangest thing of all, before the end, I saw Dragons.”


“Dragons in Praetorian armor. For some reason, my mind focused on that, and though the entire vision is clear in my head, the Dragons are the clearest, almost as if the vision wanted me to see them most of all. Whatever future it was that I saw, the Dragons came to our aid, since they had been affected too. The Griffons, the Diamond Dogs, the Yaks, and creatures I’ve never even seen before, they all rallied under one banner, but the Dragons were always at the forefront.” She allowed herself to chuckle briefly before adding bitterly, “And then that banner was burnt to cinders.”

“Have you talked to Luna about this?”

“She came to me first. When the fires reached me, she ended the vision and banished the nightmare from my mind. She comforted me, but...but I can still hear the voices, Shining. I can still feel the terror I felt that night. I still see those horrible things in my head. They...in the dream, they called it the Rupture.”

’I sense an upheaval will happen in the future. Soon. Maybe even tomorrow. Lives will be lost. Dreams will shatter. The planet will quake with a great noise and the skies shall burn. A great rupturing of all things...’

Shining blinked, remembering the words spoken to him by the Voice from the crystal. And then he remembered something more. “’I have even revealed this future to one of your rulers as an act of mercy’...” he whispered.


“Cadance, I want you to answer me honestly,” Shining said, his tone urgent. “Did you hear any strange voices last night? Specifically one that sounded, I don’t know, evil? Deep, bass, malicious, kinda growl-y?”

Cadance tilted her head inquisitively. “No, not that I recall. Why?”

Shining breathed a sigh of relief. “Nothing...I’ll tell you later. Just remind me to prepare a memorial for the fallen before tonight.”

“Memorial?” Cadance narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Shining, what happened that night while you were away?”

“The Crystal Heart was being drained remotely, Cadance,” Shining explained. “Sunburst, Flash, Thorax, and I, along with a platoon of guards, tracked down the source. It was an infestation of dark crystals, not Sombra’s, and the central crystal had a Voice. He...killed all the guards, only the four of us survived. But before we banished him from the Empire, he told us things. He said he was from another world, and that he had seen this world’s future, and had sent a vision of that future to one of the Princesses as an ‘act of mercy’. He obviously meant you.”

“What was his name?”

Shining paused and thought about it. “You know, he never said.”

“But he’s gone though, right? We won’t have to worry about more of these visions, or...crystal infestations?”

Shining sighed. “I don’t know, honey. I just don’t know anymore. The world has gone nuts these past few years --- magic-stealing Centaurs, Empires returning from ages past alongside tyrannical kings, monsters reawakening in the old forests, and the Changelings invading twice. And now this vision of yours and this mysterious crystal with a Voice...”

Cadance ran a hoof down his cheek and sent him a small smile. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Be it visions of a doomed future, tyrannical kings, or otherworldly crystals, as long as you’re by my side and I’m by yours, we’ll make it together.”

Shining chuckled and kissed her hoof. “I thought I was supposed to be the one comforting you?”

“Love heals many wounds, Shining.”

Shining couldn’t resist the opening. “And you, m’lady, are full of it.”

Cadance let out a snorting giggle. “Oh, that was horrible!”

“I learned from the best.”

“Your mother?”

Shining winked. “There was a reason why dad married her, you know.”

“And there was a reason I married you,” Cadance replied, kissing him on the forehead and motioning towards the door. “Now, if we’re both done moping, lets go see our daughter and start smiling again. The world could use more smiles today.”

“No argument from me,” Shining said, following her.

Whatever the future held, he would make sure she never lost her smile.

(Halflinger Grove, Warfang)

Word came down from the Temple to the guardhouses near the western gate: permission to explore the forest surrounding the city had been granted by the three Guardians, and the Moles were already preparing a scouting party. Three Dragons, four Cheetahs, and five Moles were chosen, and each one given specific orders to not venture too far or engage in any hostile activity with anyone or anything they saw, even if it was a confirmed enemy, until reinforcements could arrive.

It was sensible and reasonable instructions, and the scouts agreed. As the city inhabitants, military and civilian alike, watched from the walls, the scouts quickly slipped out through the gate and vanished into the dense forest, with the Dragons taking to the skies and jumping from tree to tree, their size too great to move within the forest itself.

Those who watched did so with bated breath. What would they find in that forest, they wondered. Would there be any clues as to how they got here or what that strange portal was? Were they even on the same world?

And what happened to the small Purple Dragon and his Dragoness companion? The last time anyone had seen them, they had flown off to the Burned Lands to do battle with Malefor, and had not been seen since.

All of the city wondered, but only one wept. In the little guardhouse half-buried in rubble underneath the Warfang Temple, Sparx sat on the windowsill with actual tears falling from his eyes. He couldn’t tell if they were from joy at his Dragon brother saving them all like he had always meant to, or sadness at the possibility that he would never see him again. Perhaps it was both. Either way, he cried as he watched he scouts leave from his perch, and never saw the massive Guardian of Earth enter the room behind him.

The large green Dragon, having been looking for Sparx for many hours already, sat down at the window next to Sparx, looking out over the city alongside the little golden Dragonfly. Sparx looked up at him, and their eyes met. An understanding passed between them, and Terrador nodded.

Both of them were worried, and neither of them would rest until Spyro was found.

(Eastern Dragon Lair)

Ember was still watching the mysterious city with a cautious eye, but this time she wasn’t alone. Many hundreds of Dragons of all shapes and sizes were now poking their heads out of caves or cracks in the mountain range at the city below them, all of them with wary gazes. They had never seen a city of Dragons before, and as proud and mighty as they were, even they couldn’t say how they felt about this.

It was then that a tall, spindly blue Dragon landed next to Ember, his arms crossed. Ember smirked as she cast a sidelong glance his way; this was the messenger she was waiting for. “Took you long enough to get here,” she quipped.

“Sorry, Your Highness, I was--”

“I don’t want excuses, Zephyr, I want results,” Ember interrupted her. She reached over to a rock in front of her and picked up a rolled-up scroll, handing it to the Dragon. “Take this to Princess Celestia in Canterlot, and don’t stop flying until you reach her. Don’t open that scroll, and don’t lose it, or I’ll have you for breakfast. Ya get me?”

“I get you,” Zephyr replied, grabbing the scroll and flapping his wings until he was airborne. “What do you intend to do now?”

Ember glanced at the city. “There’s nothing else we can do right now. They’ve started to send out scouts, and we’re not prepared to deal with first contact, that’s not our schtick. Just get the Ponies here, they’ll know how to handle this better than I can.”

He saluted, sticking the scroll in a pouch on his side. “On a scale of one to ten, how screwed are we?”

“Hopefully zero, but right now it all depends on how fast you can fly. Go!”

Zephyr laughed. “You want speed? I’ll show you speed.”

Without another word, he zoomed off across the sky, flying west across the enormous ocean beyond. Even at his top speed, Ember knew it would take him at least a day to cross the ocean entirely. Dragons were built for stamina flying, not speed and mobility like the Ponies were. And even once the message was delivered, it would still take at least one more day for the Ponies to show up, or even two.

She just hoped they wouldn’t be too late.

Author's Note: