• Published 29th May 2021
  • 580 Views, 6 Comments

The Queen of My Life - HAKDurbin

Sonata and her sister come across her favorite pop star Feather Bangs after the Starswirled Music Festival, and he has instantly developed feelings for the adorable, ditzy Dazzling.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was the first night of the Starswirled Music Festival. For what was virtually three weeks for Sunset Shimmer, this day was repeated by her and Pinkie Pie's favorite band, PostCrush, using an Equestrian artifact called the Time Twirler. After confronting the band and destroying the Time Twirler, time was allowed to flow normally, and Sunset Shimmer was able to move on and further value her friendship with Pinkie Pie.

But while Sunset and Pinkie Pie performed on stage with PostCrush, Sonata Dusk finished performing with her sisters, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. Dozens of fans cheered, and after Adagio said a few words, the Dazzlings went backstage to prepare to leave on their tour van. The former sirens loved hearing the sound of fans cheering for them. It wasn't the same as having the whole world adoring them through magic, but it was proof that auto-tuning their voices were more than enough to make the humans love them again.

After getting paid for their performance, Sonata and her sisters got in their tour van and drove away. There was another music festival out in Baltimare, and the Dazzlings were going to audition to partake in it. Aria drove while Adagio sat reclined in the front passenger seat and Sonata sat in the back. Sonata and Aria each ate a slice of toast as the former talked, irritating the latter.

"Who wants a taco that isn't warmed up? I mean, the shell is crunchier, you see steam coming from the meat, and the cheese is nice and melted. I'm just saying, with a toaster capable of heating up food, how was I to know you can't put tacos in the toaster."

With a groan, Aria replied, "Because it's stupid. Because it will obviously set the toaster on fire. Because there are settings for only toast, bagels, and frozen waffles. Not tacos."

"Okay, fine. Excuse me for improvising," Sonata said, rolling her eyes and waving her hands in the air. "It's not like I used the stove."

"Will you two keep quiet and just eat your dinner?" Adagio snarled. "I'm trying to nap here."

"Yes, Mom," Aria remarked. "Not like toast really counts as dinner."

"I told you we have to save up," Adagio said. "We could only perform for one measly night at that festival, and we have to show we're worth more than that at Baltimare."

"Heh. That shouldn't be too hard after giving such a great show tonight," Aria said.

"I'll say," Sonata said with a cheerful grin. "Did you see those two boys asking security to let them come talk to us, and they ran away crying when he shook his head?"

Aria snickered and said, "Yeah, they wanted us to sign a poster of us too. I think they are from Canterlot High School too."

"For realsies? Wow. They booed us off stage, throwing food at us at the Battle of the Bands, and after one performance, they love us again just like that," Sonata said. "Thank God for vocal processing."

"More like thank God for humans being so dumb," Adagio said.

The three girls cackled for a few seconds, and then the van fell silent. They smirked as they stared at the road until Sonata frowned and lowered her head.

"But then again, we're humans without powers now," she said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Aria said with a deadpan voice.

"Well, I mean, should we think about the future and stuff now that we're mortal?" Sonata asked.

Adagio let out an irritated groan and said, "We've been over this, Sonata. We're going to face being stuck here with no magic one day at a time."

"But shouldn't we have a goal for how to spend the rest of our lives or something?" Sonata questioned.

"Like what?" Aria asked.

"I don't know," Sonata said with a shrug. "Improve our singing, so we don't need vocal processing? Aim to get so popular that we get enough money to buy a house? Maybe marry some guys that can support us?"

"Ugh, quit living in La La Land, Sonata," Aria rebuked. "We couldn't do that even when we had what little power we could get in this world."

"And besides, no boy would want to marry you compared to me," Adagio said.

"How would you know?" Sonata asked. "There could be someone."

"Because I'm the most beautiful girl anyone will ever meet," Adagio claimed. She waved her hands around her body to show off her slim figure. "Magic or no magic, any boy with half a mind would beg me to let him kiss my hand, much less marry him."

"Well, I guess that's true," Sonata said, her confidence faltering. "But maybe the next one would want to marry me."

"Don't be stupid. I would get married next," Aria claimed. "For that matter, why would anyone marry you when you're the worst out of all of us? You're so obsessed with tacos that you're wearing a taco outfit. Who would take you seriously in a childish getup like that when Adagio and I at least dress like normal people."

Sonata flinched and turned to Adagio with a pleading look.

"Do you really think that?"

Adagio let out a chuckle and said, "The way I see it, you'd be lucky if either of our husbands would want you to live with us."

With the final blow struck, the bluish-white Dazzling's mouth quivered. She sniffled and hung her head, trying not to cry as she ate the last of her toast. Adagio took her silence to go back to her nap, and Aria smirked as she drove, pleased that her youngest sister was put in her place. And yet, despite her spirit crushed, Sonata hoped that she might find someone special by some miracle.

Suddenly, while Aria was turning on a curve, a two-story tour bus drove in the opposite direction. The bus turned so hard that half of it was on Aria's side of the road. The driver honked its horn, waking up Adagio, and Aria took a sharp turn to avoid getting hit. But the middle Dazzling took such a sharp turn that she drove off the road and went into the forest. The three girls screamed until Aria hit a tree, instantly setting off the airbags in front of her and Adagio.

For several seconds, the van was silent. Sonata was shaking over the fact that she and her sisters could have died. Adagio and Aria pushed the airbags back, and the three girls got out of the van to find the front window in pieces, and the front of the van practically merged into the tree. Adagio growled with her teeth clenched and turned to Aria.

"Nice going, imbecile," she snarled.

"It's not my fault. That idiot driver was on my side of the road," Aria argued.

"And now we have no transportation and are stuck in the middle of the woods!" Adagio shouted. "How are we supposed to get to Baltimare now?!"

"What do I look like? A genie?!" Aria yelled

Adagio groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. Sonata stood in silence, worried until she turned her head and saw that the bus had stopped. A tall woman with light rose skin and brilliant gold hair came out from the driver's seat and ran towards the Dazzlings. Her footsteps caught Adagio and Aria's attention, and they turned around to see the driver stop a few feet away from them, panic-struck.

"Are you girls alright?" She asked.

"No thanks to you," Aria answered with her arms crossed.

"I'm so, so sorry," The driver said.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, sister," Adagio growled. "We've got places to go and not much time to get there."

"Please, let me call a tow truck," The driver said.

"And what? You expect to have our van fixed?" Adagio rebuked. "We live in this van. How do you expect us to wait until -"

"Cherry Berry!"

Everyone turned to see another person get out of the bus. He was a boy just short of eighteen with light gold skin and moderate orange hair with light amberish gray tips. His t-shirt, sunglasses, shorts, and sneakers made him look like he was on his way to the beach. Adagio furrowed her brow, and Aria scoffed that another person was coming. Sonata, however, stared at the boy with her mouth hung open as though she were looking at an angel.

"I don't believe it," she said before turning to her sisters. "Guys, don't you know who that is?"

"A big schmuck, who wears sunglasses at night," Aria answered.

"No, no, it's Feather Bangs," Sonata said.

The older Dazzlings turned to Sonata, and she looked at the two of them before she scoffed in disbelief.

"Hello? Feather Bangs? The biggest teenage pop star on the planet? I only listen to his music, like, every day. Did either of you read last month's issue of Canterlot Beat magazine?"

"No, because those magazines are a waste of time," Aria answered.

"Sorry, Mr. Bangs," Cherry said as Feather Bangs stopped next to her. "I turned too hard and nearly hit these poor girls. I was offering to call a tow truck for their van."

"That so?" Feather Bangs said. "Well, then, please allow my driver to help you, dear ladies. It will be my pleasure to pay for the damages."

"You better. We have somewhere to go, pronto," Adagio said.

"I feel ya, missy," Feather Bangs said. "I will personally make sure that -"

Feather Bangs's voice suddenly died in his throat. The boy took off his sunglasses to reveal his harlequin eyes, gazing at something. Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Cherry Berry stared at him, befuddled as he stood still like a statue.

"Mr. Bangs, are you alright?" Cherry Berry asked.

"How beautiful," Feather Bangs muttered.

It took a second before Adagio realized that the pop star was looking in her direction. Her confusion turned into a mischievous grin, and she posed with one hand on her head and the other hand on her hip.

"How kind of you to finally notice," she said, batting her eyelashes. "Perhaps you might want to lose those shades so that you can truly see the beauty in -"

But while Adagio was talking, Feather Bangs walked past her, not acknowledging that she was speaking to him. Adagio stayed in pose for a moment, stunned before she turned her head to find the boy walking toward Sonata. When he was only a foot away from her, Feather Bangs gently took Sonata's hand and held it up. His eyes looked at her in wonder as he smiled.

"Girl, I have seen so many amazing sights, but none of them compare to you," he said.

Adagio and Aria stared at Feather Bangs with their mouths hanging open while Cherry Berry tilted her head. Sonata's cheeks turned amaranth pink, unable to believe what she just heard.

"Wha...what are you talking about?" She asked.

"I'm talking about how you have stolen my heart from the way your eyes sparkle like raspberry-colored gems," Feather Bangs answered. "I don't know if there are such gems out there, but if there were, I'd find every single one just to show them how pretty you are."

He lifted Sonata's hand closer to him and lightly pressed his lips against it. The bluish-white girl felt goosebumps all over her body and her cheeks turning red. Aria was wide-eyed from the words coming out of the boy's mouth, and Cherry Berry felt uneasy, not knowing what to think of his sporadic actions. Adagio glowered at Feather Bangs with her hands turned into fists, her pride damaged. Feather Bangs held his kiss for a few seconds before he looked up to gaze at Sonata again.

"Are you being serious?" Sonata asked.

"I've never been more serious in my life," Feather Bangs declared without missing a beat. "Please, allow your humble servant to know your name."

Sonata hesitated and shyly answered, "Sonata. Sonata Dusk."

Feather Bangs let out a blissful sigh and looked up at the sky with a dreamy look.

"Sonata Dusk," he said. "What a beautiful name. Does that mean you have an interest in music?"

"Well, yeah. The three of us are in a band together," Sonata answered. "We're actually on our way to Baltimare to audition for a music festival."

"Baltimare? I'm heading in that direction for a concert in Fillydelphia," Feather Bangs said.

"Really?" Sonata asked.

"Really, really," Feather Bangs said, giving Sonata a wink.

Cherry Berry looked at Sonata, puzzled, and asked, "Wait a minute. If you're going to Baltimare, then why were you going in the opposite direction?"

"What do you mean?" Adagio asked.

"Baltimare is east from here. You were going west," Cherry Berry said.

Everyone stared at Cherry Berry for a moment before all eyes turned to Aria. The grayish fuchsia girl looked at everyone before she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Well, how was I supposed to know for sure if I'm going the right way when there's no service in the mountains?" She asked.

Adagio facepalmed and muttered words of contempt against her sister. Cherry Berry shook her head, and Sonata covered her mouth to hide a snicker until Feather Bangs turned his head back to her.

"Well, no matter the reason, I believe fate brought us together," he said. "Why don't you girls come join me on my tour bus, and we can go to Baltimare together."

"Y-y-you want us to join you on your bus?" Sonata stuttered.

"If it pleases you," Feather Bangs answered.

"And what about our van?" Aria challenged.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I have it fixed and delivered to you at Baltimare. Better yet, I'll buy you a new one," Feather Bangs answered.

Adagio and Aria looked at each other, unsure whether they heard the pop star correctly. The leader of the Dazzlings gave Feather Bangs a skeptical look.

"Do you promise to buy us a new van?" She asked.

"Girl, I'm a man of my word," Feather Bangs answered without skipping a beat. He turned back to Sonata with another look that made her cheeks heat up. "I would never break my promises, leastways, not to a lovely lady and her companions."

Sonata couldn't stop herself from bashfully looking away, giggling. Adagio and Aria mischievously smirked at each other, disregarding that the rich boy was attracted to Sonata and not them. Cherry Berry, on the other hand, furrowed her brow and asked, "Are you sure that's a good idea, sir?"

"Why not? They're going in the same direction we are," Feather Bangs said. "Besides, we still owe them for this little accident, and I just couldn't live with myself not helping them the best way that I can."

Cherry Berry muttered out incoherent words for a few seconds before she sighed in defeat. When her boss's mind was made up, scrupling did little good.

"Very well, sir," she said. "Ladies, please follow me."

Adagio and Aria's smirks grew as they grabbed their suitcases from the van and followed Cherry Berry to the bus. Sonata grabbed her suitcase and turned to follow them, but Feather Bangs stood in front of her, holding his hand. It took a moment before Sonata realized what he was doing and handed him her suitcase. He then held out his arm and gave her a wink. Sonata covered a high-pitched giggle before she wrapped her arm around his. Sonata struggled to look at the pop star as he continued to give her a kittenish while they walked.

"I can't believe this is happening," Sonata squealed in her mind. "Feather Bangs is here in person carrying my stuff while we go into his tour bus! I'm holding his arm right now! I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but I don't want it to end!"