• Published 31st May 2021
  • 2,172 Views, 37 Comments

The Mechanical Angel of Equestria - Sacred Sky Heart

When getting struck by lightning while admiring my handiwork of a model kit I recently finish, I am suddenly sent to another world AS my recently built model. Well, I will admit the weirdest experience I've had now is this and the talking ponies

  • ...

An Oncoming Storm

From a secluded area in shadows, a pair of green eyes with a strange purple mist billowing out of them stares at a castle at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

"Soon, my love. Soon you will rue the day you cast away my love after all I've done for you..."

"Oh, don't ruin my moment of fun with your petty revenge, buddy!" Groans a more mischievous toned voice. The eyes turn to a serpentine bodied individual with a lion and eagle claw for hands, a goat and alligator leg, and mismatched antlers. The eyes belonging to this individual were yellow with red sclera's, carrying a hint of chaotic planning and mischief in their glow.

"Hmph. Go ahead, Discord. Just know that the Princess of the Night is not to be eliminated except by ME! Am I crystal?"

"Yes, yes. Crystal clear unlike your shadow crystals....Sombra."

(Intro Song)

(As the instrumental intro to the song begins, a lone figure stands at a cliffs edge. Their back visible reveals their wings, shadowed in the darkness of early morning until the sun begins to peak over the edge of the horizon.)

I feel your love reflection
Shining from your heart and back onto me
Let’s see if we, can write our own
Never ending story

(Scene fades to a forward glance of the figure, revealing Zero with his eyes closed. His hand rises to his chest, gently tapping the green gem where his heart would be if he was still his human self. As he does this, he opens his eyes slowly as the scene rushes to the sight of the horizon with the sun and moon on the edge as they swap places in the sky)

This heavy heart will not hold me down
I cast it away as I lift off the ground
Wings of an angel soaring beyond these sights
And it’s taking me to greater heights

(Celestia looks out from a balcony, an expression of sadness on her face. She shakes her head, taking off and flying into the air to escape the despair she feels. Unnoticed by her, Zero flies high above as he does recon to ensure she is safe. Doing a small barrel roll, he accelerates forward, avoiding any Pegasi in his flight path)

Ah, now and again the weight of world may leave you small
Don’t say goodbye, this passion will rise
I’ll never let it fall

(It is now afternoon and we see Luna waking up. Her expression seems similar to Celestia's that morning, but she soon expresses a smile as Zero walks in and opens the balcony curtains. His eyes show compassion as her night sky reveals it's beauty.)

I feel your love reflection
As one we’ll strengthen the dreams that we made
Heading towards the same destiny
When I’m with you I’m not afraid

(In the throne room of the castle, the two alicorn sisters stand before their thrones, a darkness of figures before them as eyes of many dark emotions stared at them.)

I feel your love reflection
Shining from your heart and back onto me
Let’s see if we, can write our own
Never ending story

(As the shadows would prepare to charge, the glass roof above suddenly shatters from a beam of light that strikes them. Once the light fades, the shadows are dispersed as Zero lands wielding his Twin Buster Rifle. He looks to the princesses, giving them a smile in his eyes as they return the smile.)

(End Song)

It has been almost five years after Celestia gained her connection to the sun and her cutie mark. Though many of the ponies still didn't like the idea of young rulers (as Celestia and Luna still looked like adolescent foals in appearance), they respected the two due to their connection to the sun and moon.

It was now a day of training regimens that the new recruits of the Royal Guard were feeling was a waste of time, sparring against me as I would test their mettle and will to protect. Honestly, I was disappointed. Whenever I'd order them to come at me with all their might, they would suddenly hold back their strength once about to strike. This caused many to end up bruised.

Sighing, I place the sword I used for training in it's sheath on my hip.

"If none of you put more effort into your training, how can you ensure the safety of the crown or the future of all Equestria? Yes, you have your lives ahead of you and I'm sure you're all thinking it's a waste of time here now. But think of this: What if you slacked off in a battle in the future, only to lose your own life because you didn't focus? What if you allowed petty distractions to take your eyes off duty, allowing a possible threat into the kingdom and letting Equestria be destroyed from within? What IF..." I'd pause, taking in the stares of my recruits to see if this was sinking in. For some, I seemed to have their undivided attention. But a few seemed to not really care. More here to attract the mares, apparently. With an evil idea for the last part, I continue.

"All the mares were suddenly to worship a new ruler who overcame such soldiers only desiring to be part of the Royal Guard so they could have a chance with one?" I finish as I close my eyes. Hearing a scrambling of hooves, I couldn't help but smile. But I didn't expect one soldier to suddenly put true effort into the training that fast after the bruising session previously, as I am suddenly thrown onto the ground by a swift swing by him.

Getting over the surprise, I stand and look to see the colt was a unicorn with an ivory colored flank with navy blue mane and tail. Though he appeared to have no cutie mark yet, that suddenly changes as a soft glow appears on his flank. I stand, causing the colt to stand at the ready. However, he is surprised and confused as I would slowly start to clap.

"Well done, young one. You clearly have the heart of one to defend what they cherish. Also, congrats on your talent being revealed." I say, and the young unicorn would look and find his cutie mark. A cerulean shield with a heart of gold in its center, bordered by twin swords similar to what he hit me with.

All of this apparently was a lot to process for the young colt. But he was soon smiling and looked to me before bowing.

"Thank you captain! My name is Private Bright Heart, sir! I hope to make you proud in the future!" He'd salute, showing his happiness but also following protocol of a soldier. I return the salute, nodding.

"I look forward to it, Private Heart." I then turn to everypony else who were surprised and seemed a bit jealous. "I hope Private Heart's determination shows you a good detail on what a soldier must put before themselves. The goal of a guard is not putting their own safety first in the situation of a threat. It's to protect the kingdom. Those who are here more to get the ladies... unfortunately you need to find something new to work to protect. I can tell Private Bright has some pony special he wishes to protect, which resonated with his strike. Reflect on this and ask yourselves: "Is there something else I am here to protect besides my desires?" Now go ahead and get showered up now, as your training has only now TRULY begun!"

While the ponies that shared a squad with Bright Heart approached and congratulated him, I noticed several of the other teams seem to give resentful or glares of jealousy. Even though I knew trouble would come to Bright Heart and his squad now, I could tell by looking that they'd handle anything.

(Bright Heart's POV)

"That was cool, Bright!" Shouted my Pegasus friend Blitz Cloud. He brushes his multi-colored orange and red mane suddenly before saying in his usual bragging way, "I'd say at least 5 bits closer to being as cool as me."

"Alright, Blitz. That's enough of yer gloating today. Bright did the one thing none of us have been able to yet: Land a hit on th' commander." The southern accent of Sweet Apple and the only mare to volunteer for the guard retorts. Everyone in the guard knew her dream was to someday start a farm, but she needed to get some money to help for that. As the Royal Guard was a high paying position, she felt it would be a good idea for also building strength and discipline (even if her parents were against the idea). Her flank had an orange tint to it while her mane had red and tangerine orange highlights to it.

"I agree unfortunately, my friend. If you brag too much, it could pass onto a generation and your descendant could end up getting into situations between a rock and a hard place." Says another earth pony of the group. Though he had a mostly grey coloration, hints of pink showed in Stonewall Pie's flank, even in the slightest. Coming from a rock farm and being one of the few cadets who arrived with their cutie mark already, Stonewall showed much promise in defense planning. An example of such was when Commander Zero asked how to better defend one of the castle walls to ensure it was unreachable from breaking down. Ironically, Stonewall suggested adding additional layers to the wall with several thick layers of metal in between. The plan was a wall of first three hooves of stone, followed by metal hardened with charms to increase its durability. The following layers of stone and metal would have increased durability until the inner walls were set up. To put it simply, everyone except our squad and the commander couldn't believe he works in the country yet has great ideas for such defenses!

I couldn't help but chuckle as I nodded at this. Our medical cadet member, a Pegasus by the name of Sweet Patch, spoke quietly as she agreed. Though we couldn't hear her, we understood each other in our own ways.

"Well, I'm going to see the one I wish to defend after showering up." I say, reminding the crew tonight we all had temporary leave from the cadet housing.

With a nod, we separated and went to the showers. It was hard to believe I was going to be meeting my secret admirer finally. I was confused as to how she knew I'm a cadet now, or how she knew leave for me would be tonight. I shake my head, feeling off from the sudden tidbits of info that did hold reason.

"Come on, Bright. No psyching yourself out before the greatest moment." I'd berate myself. Unfortunately, I hear some snickers behind me as I was showering.

"Oh? Does Brighty have a big date tonight?" The gruff voice of one cadet I knew went by Power Pound laughed. While he is also the strongest in the recruits, he was unfortunately the first to get knocked down in training so swiftly by Commander Zero.

"What is it to you, Pow? Why are you here, also? The door was locked." I replied, annoyed more than anything as I expected a remark that made no sense.

"Oh, we simply used a key under the mat." The bigger colt would reply, tossing said key from his wing at my horn. It stung and I was hit by a wave of confusion and nausea. Before I could even react or recover, I was suddenly pinned down with a ring put on my horn.

"There we go! Now you can't magic your way out. You think you're so hot now just because you are the first to land a real hit on the CO? I beg to differ..."

(Zero's POV)
I was seeing the cadets off at the gates to the training camp as they went on their leave for the night, wishing them all a good time. Unfortunately, one group remained. Bright Heart's team. With no Bright Heart.
Though this made me concerned, I noticed Power Pound and his team approach. The smug looks said enough, but without proof I couldn't do much. However....

"So Cadet Pound. Have you been working up a sweat today?"

The pegasus froze, not expecting me to make small talk apparently. But this doesn't stop his boasting.

"Yeah! I just, uh, was doing a quick lap before tonight."

His reply was clearly not the truth, but I played along and smirked.

"Well, you'll have to shower up once again. No cadets leave until they are clean and fresh. With the window for leaving the camp closing, I guess your stuck here."

Pound grumbled as his friends laughed at his misfortune, leaving right as the gate shut. Before he could leave back to the barracks, I grab his tail in a hand. Yelping, he turns to stare at me in annoyance.

"Why did you grab my tail!?" He yelled, clearly not happy to be grabbed he forgot to address the situation on how he spoke to a superior officer.

"How about you share in detail on what you did to Bright Heart first? Don't try fibbing out of it as I could tell you were lying instantly."

The cadet began to sweat, realizing he was caught. However, he never replied as alarms rang and alert pits were lit around the castle. An attack is in progress...

Author's Note:

For this chapter, I felt it would be interesting to add a theme song, and I chose an English cover of White Reflection from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Hope you all enjoy this new approach and how it goes.
Also, if anyone can figure out key factors of Bright Heart's group, please let me know if you can point them out. It might be easy, it might not. Anyway, hope this chapter was interesting and made you excited for the next! Finally getting more ideas at least flowing.